` Plaintiff,
` vs. CASE NO. 3:10-cv-03365-SI
` Defendant.
` San Francisco, California
` Wednesday, May 30, 2012
` Volume I
`Reported by:
`CSR No. 12732
`Job No. 146782
`PAGES 1 - 273
`4 5
`Page 1
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`Implicit Exhibit 2092
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


` Plaintiff,
` vs. CASE NO. 3:10-cv-03365-SI
` Defendant.
` Plaintiff,
` vs. CASE NO. 3:10-cv-03746-SI
` Defendant.
` Plaintiff,
` vs. CASE NO. 3:10-cv-04234
` Defendant.
` 30(b)(6) Videotaped Deposition of Implicit
`Networks, Inc., through Edward Balassanian, Volume
`I, taken on behalf of Defendants, at 4 Embarcadero
`Page 2
`4 5
`Page 2 of 20
`Implicit Exhibit 2092
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`Center, Suite 1200, San Francisco, California,
`beginning at 9:44 a.m. and ending at 5:10 p.m. on
`May 30, 2012, before LORI STOKES, Certified
`Shorthand Reporter No. 12732.
`5 6 7 8 9
`Page 3
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`Implicit Exhibit 2092
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`A P P E A R A N C E S :
`F o r t h e P l a i n t i f f
` H O S I E R I C E L L P
` B Y : S P E N C E R H O S I E
` A t t o r n e y a t L a w
` 6 0 0 M o n t g o m e r y S t r e e t
` 3 4 t h F l o o r
` S a n F r a n c i s c o , C a l i f o r n i a 9 4 1 1 1
` E - m a i l : s h o s i e @ h o s i e l a w . c o m
` P h o n e : 4 1 5 - 2 4 7 - 6 0 0 0
`F o r t h e D e f e n d a n t F 5 N e t w o r k s , I n c .
` K & L G A T E S L L P
` B Y : S H A N E B R U N
` A t t o r n e y a t L a w
` F o u r E m b a r c a d e r o C e n t e r
` S u i t e 1 2 0 0
` S a n F r a n c i s c o , C a l i f o r n i a 9 4 1 1 1 - 5 9 9 4
` E - m a i l : s h a n e . b r u n @ k l g a t e s . c o m
` P h o n e : 4 1 5 - 8 8 2 - 8 2 0 0
`2 3
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
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`F o r t h e D e f e n d a n t J u n i p e r N e t w o r k s
` I R E L L & M A N E L L A L L P
` B Y : D A V I D C . M c P H I E
` A t t o r n e y a t L a w
` 8 4 0 N e w p o r t C e n t e r D r i v e
` S u i t e 4 0 0
` N e w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a 9 2 6 6 0 - 6 3 2 4
` E - m a i l : d m c p h i e @ i r e l l . c o m
` P h o n e : 9 4 9 - 7 6 0 - 0 9 9 1
`F o r t h e D e f e n d a n t H e w l e t t - P a c k a r d
` F I S H & R I C H A R D S O N P . C .
` B Y : C H R I S T O P H E R O . G R E E N
` A t t o r n e y a t L a w
` 1 1 8 0 P e a c h t r e e S t r e e t , N . E .
` 2 1 s t F l o o r
` A t l a n t a , G e o r g i a 3 0 3 0 9
` E - m a i l : c g r e e n @ f r . c o m
` P h o n e : 4 0 4 - 8 9 2 - 5 0 0 5
`A L S O P R E S E N T : R a c h e l M a i r e
`V i d e o g r a p h e r :
` B a r t R e i s
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
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`Volume I
` By Mr. McPhie 11
`EXHIBIT 100 Implicit Networks, Inc.'s 18
` Response to Juniper Networks,
` Inc.'s Second Set of
` Interrogatories (Nos. 11-19)
`EXHIBIT 101 Juniper Networks, Inc.'s Second 66
` Amended Notice of Deposition of
` Implicit Networks, Inc.
`EXHIBIT 102 United States Patent 107
` 6,629,163 B1
`EXHIBIT 103 United States Patent 107
` 7,711,857 B2
`4 5
`6 7
`8 9
`Page 6
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`Implicit Exhibit 2092
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


` EXHIBITS (continued)
`EXHIBIT 104 United States Patent 128
` 7,730,211 B2
`EXHIBIT 105 First Amended Complaint and 143
` Demand for Jury Trial
`EXHIBIT 106 Document titled, Technology 173
` Patents Bates stamped IMP080560
` through IMP080595
`EXHIBIT 107 Portal Operating System, A White 212
` Paper, Bates stamped IMP080788
` through IMP080809
`EXHIBIT 108 Printout from the website for 230
` BeComm Corporation, Bates stamped
` IMP080596 through IMP080607
`EXHIBIT 109 Presentation titled BeComm, 236
` Interface to Information, Bates
` Stamped IMP076167 through
` IMP076187
`Page 7
`2 3
`6 7
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`Implicit Exhibit 2092
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


` EXHIBITS (continued)
`EXHIBIT 110 Plaintiff's 4/9/2012 Amended 247
` Disclosure of Asserted Claims
` and Infringement Contentions
`EXHIBIT 111 Press Release dated 254
` January 3, 1997
`2 3
`7 8
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`Implicit Exhibit 2092
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


` San Francisco, California, Wednesday, May 30, 2012
` 9:44 a.m.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We're 09:43:58
`on the record at 9:44 a.m. on May 30th, 2012. This
`is the video-recorded deposition of the 30(b)(6)
`for Implicit Networks. My name is Bart Reis, here
`with our court reporter, Lori Stokes. We're here
`from Veritext National Deposition and Litigation 09:44:18
`Services at the request of the defendant.
` This deposition is being held at
`4 Embarcadero Center, Suite 1200, in San Francisco,
`California. And the caption of the cases are
`Implicit Networks, Inc. versus F5 Networks, Inc., 09:44:35
`case number 3:10-cv-03365-SI.
` And Implicit Networks, Inc. versus
`Hewlett-Packard Company, case number
` And Implicit Networks, Inc. versus 09:45:01
`Juniper Networks, Inc., case number 3:10-cv-04234.
` Please note that audio and video
`recording will take place unless all parties agree
`to go off the record. Microphones are sensitive
`and may pick up whispers, private conversations and 09:45:23
`Page 9
`3 4 5
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`Implicit Exhibit 2092
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`cellular interference. 09:45:25
` At this time, will Counsel and all
`present please identify themselves for the record.
` MR. HOSIE: Good morning. Spencer Hosie
`of Hosie Rice representing the witness and Implicit 09:45:34
`Networks, the plaintiff.
` MR. McPHIE: David McPhie of Irell &
`Manella representing Defendant Juniper Networks,
` MR. BRUN: Shane Brun with K&L Gates 09:45:45
`representing Defendant F5 Networks. And with me is
`our summer associate, Rachel Maire.
` MR. HOSIE: Good morning, Rachel.
` MS. MAIRE: Good morning.
` MR. HOSIE: We have not met before. 09:45:55
` MS. MAIRE: Nice to meet you.
` MR. HOSIE: Likewise.
` MR. GREEN: Christopher Green, Fish &
`Richardson, appearing on behalf of Defendant
`Hewlett-Packard. 09:46:05
` The witness will be sworn in, and we can
`having been administered an oath, was examined and 09:46:08
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`Implicit Exhibit 2092
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`testified as follows: 09:46:08
` Q Good morning. Would you please state 09:46:20
`your full name and residential address for the
`record, please.
` A Edward Balassanian, 8907 NE 36th Street,
`Yarrow Point, Washington 98004.
` Q Mr. Balassanian, have you ever been 09:46:33
`deposed before?
` A Yes, I have.
` Q Are you the inventor of flow-based
` MR. HOSIE: Objection. Vague and 09:46:43
` THE WITNESS: If by flow-based processing
`you mean the '163 patent, yes, I am.
` Q What is your understanding of what 09:46:52
`flow-based processing means?
` MR. HOSIE: Objection. Vague and
` THE WITNESS: Flow-based processing is a
`very general term. I think you need to be a little 09:47:02
`Page 11
`2 3
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`Implicit Exhibit 2092
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`BY MR. McPHIE: 03:14:13
` Q In this time frame.
` A I don't believe I've ever visited that
`BY MR. McPHIE: 03:14:18
` Q Any contacts with individuals at that
` A I don't recall.
` Q How about the University of Arizona?
` A I definitely visited the University of 03:14:26
`Arizona. I don't think it was in the 1996 time
`frame. I'm guessing it wasn't until '98, or
`'99 even, that I would have visited it physically.
` Q And who were the individuals that you
`contacted at the University of Arizona? 03:14:50
` A I don't think I contacted any individuals
`at University of Arizona in 1996. Actually, that's
`not true.
` I didn't physically visit University of
`Arizona, so if I contacted anyone, it would have 03:15:09
`been over email.
` And I invited David Mosberger, who was a
`student at University of Arizona to attend a
`recruiting fair that I hosted in Seattle in early
`1997. 03:15:26
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`Implicit Exhibit 2092
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


` I might have invited a couple other 03:15:29
`students from University of Arizona. I can't
` Q Was email your primary or preferred mode
`of communication during this time period? 03:15:45
` A I was a computer nerd, so yes, I hid
`behind email.
` Q And you no longer have the email archives
`from that time period, correct?
` A I don't believe I have archived that time 03:16:05
`period. I don't even know if I had a server set up
`to do anything like that at that time. So, no, I
`do not have archives going back that far.
` Q Did you have your own mail server?
` MR. HOSIE: Objection. Vague as to time. 03:16:24
` THE WITNESS: Did we have our own mail
`server? During 1996?
` Q At BeComm.
` MR. HOSIE: Objection. Vague as to time. 03:16:36
` THE WITNESS: BeComm still exists, and
`there are mail servers at BeComm.
` Q Did you have your own mail server at
`BeComm during the 1996 through 1999 time frame? 03:16:46
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` A I don't know if we had one in 1996. I 03:16:57
`think the first mail server we set up was probably
`in the latter half of that time period. We would
`have installed an exchange server if we had one set
`up. 03:17:11
` And that would have been later, probably
`'98 or '99.
` Q Do you have any of your email records
`from 1999 or earlier?
` A I have produced all the email records 03:17:30
`that I have. And I -- yeah, I've produced all the
`email records that I have. I don't recall how far
`back they go.
` Q You didn't maintain them in any sort of
`systematic way? 03:17:48
` MR. HOSIE: Objection. Vague as to time.
` Q In all these questions, by the way, we're
`talking about from the inception of BeComm to,
`let's say, the filing of the patents-in-suit, okay? 03:17:59
` A So December 29th, 1999?
` Q Yes.
` A Okay. Systematically? I mean, I didn't
`do anything. If the exchange server stored emails
`and preserved in-boxes, then they were saved. 03:18:19
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`Implicit Exhibit 2092
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


` But we routinely migrated our 03:18:24
`infrastructure from old hardware to new hardware,
`updated to new versions of Exchange. And more
`often than not, email archives were the victim of
`that. 03:18:43
` Q Was that intentional? Or was it just an
`accidental artifact of going from one system to
` A Was what intentional?
` Q The loss of email. 03:18:56
` A I wouldn't characterize us as losing
`email. I would just say that we -- during certain
`time periods, we didn't keep the archives.
` Losing it implies that we meant to
`otherwise keep it. And there was no reason to keep 03:19:13
`piles of email.
` Q Well, I don't mean to dance around
`semantic terms here.
` You had email that you used heavily from
`1996 to 1999, correct? 03:19:26
` A Correct.
` Q And now you do not have the bulk of those
`email records, correct?
` A I don't think I have very many emails
`from 1996 to 2000 -- or to 1999ish. 03:19:43
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`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


` Q How about 2000? 03:19:47
` A Well, we made a change to a new -- well,
`actually, what happened was I hired somebody to
`manage that stuff, so I wasn't doing it anymore.
` Q When did that happen? 03:20:01
` A Well, one of my goals when I started the
`company is that I did every aspect of what the
`company would do, write the code, sell the
`software, do the books, clean the office, clean the
`toilets, run the cables, set up the infrastructure, 03:20:13
`install the Exchange servers.
` At some point, it became too much for me
`to do. But when I had enough staff, and I needed a
`bigger infrastructure for information for our IT
`side of things, I hired somebody who did that, in 03:20:29
`addition to other things.
` That person was at the company for a
`while, but they took on that responsibility as my
`workload became too much. And I know that in 2000,
`we switched over to -- I can't remember the name of 03:20:43
`the product.
` But it was an Exchange server -- a
`Microsoft Exchange server that allowed us to more
`easily archive email -- I shouldn't say it that
`way. 03:21:07
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`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


` It made it possible to have in-boxes that 03:21:08
`had way more messages in them. So you didn't have
`to delete email to keep your in-box manageable.
`You could actually create folders and stick emails
`in there. So most of the emails that I have are 03:21:22
`from that time period and forward.
` Q When you say from that time period and
`forward, what time period are you referring to?
` A There's a -- there's a -- I think it's
`2000 roughly, where my in-boxes were starting to be 03:21:37
`archived. There might be some before then.
` But again, when we transitioned between
`servers -- especially when I was doing it because I
`wasn't as careful -- it's easy to obliterate the
`archives. 03:21:57
` Q Was that obliteration accidental?
` A That obliteration was never intentional
`in trying to delete records of emails. But
`sometimes it was intentional in just taking the
`fastest path to getting a new server set up. 03:22:12
` Q So it was at least a conscious decision?
` MR. HOSIE: Objection. Vague and
`ambiguous. Mischaracterizes the witness'
` THE WITNESS: I would characterize it 03:22:26
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`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`more as not caring whether it was lost or not. 03:22:27
` Q And that includes Implicit's email
`records all the way through whenever it was in the
`year 2000 when you hired an individual to manage 03:22:40
`your email, correct?
` MR. HOSIE: Objection. Mischaracterizes
`the testimony.
` THE WITNESS: As I mentioned, that
`individual was at the company before. He just took 03:22:50
`on more of the IT responsibilities.
` And Implicit has produced a lot of
`emails, some of which are in that '96 to '99 time
`frame. It's just my emails, that I wasn't as
`diligent about saving as other people might have. 03:23:06
` Because the servers that we had initially
`required each individual to personally archive
`their in-boxes. So they -- some people did; some
`people didn't. I didn't.
` I actually had a policy of not having an 03:23:22
`in-box with any messages in it by the end of the
`day. It was just a way of knowing I got through
`what I got through and usually deleted them.
` Q And is that policy still in place today? 03:23:35
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`MR. HOSIE: Vague and ambiguous. That
`Q When did you -- well, withdrawn.
`When was it that your emails started to
`be archived on a regular basis?
`A We never had an archive policy, so there
`was no archiving on a regular basis. It was more
`that the server made it easy to do. So if you were 03:24:12
`so inclined, it was easier to do.
`Q And when did that happen with respect to
`your email?
`MR. HOSIE: Objection. Asked and
`THE WITNESS: As I said, in the 2000 time
`frame, that became easier for me to do, and I
`became more diligent about saving my emails.
`The reason that I did that had less to do
`with trying to create a history and more to do with 03:24:33
`the fact that I was now much more conversant with
`the outside world.
`And as I started to get into sales in the
`2000 time frame, keeping a history of the
`conversations I had with all the different people
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`that I was talking to became more and more
`Q One of the things you did as you were
`talking to faculty members at various universities 03:25:04
`was you would read up on their research before
`reaching out to them, correct?
`MR. HOSIE: Objection. Vague as to time.
`THE WITNESS: I would usually make it
`a -- I would usually make an effort to understand
`what the faculty member did before reaching out to
`them, so I would know whether it was useful to
`reach out to them.
`I certainly didn't want to reach out to
`faculty in neuroscience when I was working on
`computer operating systems.
`Q You read their papers, and you speak
`their parlance, correct?
`MR. HOSIE: Objection. Vague and
`THE WITNESS: I think I already spoke
`their parlance because I was in their field.
`My goal in reading papers online was to
`understand whether those professors had any
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`Implicit Exhibit 2092
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767

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