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`$Id: udp.c,v 1.16 2001/09/02 04:49:03 davidc Exp $¬
`Copyright (c) 2001 BeComm Corporation¬
` udp.c¬
` The implementation of the UDP portion of the SocketLib API. This is
` Win32 (NT/95/CE) version using the standard sockets interface exported¬
` by WinSock.¬
` David Costanzo (davidc)¬
`#include <windows.h>¬
`#include <winsock2.h>¬
`#include <process.h>¬
`#include <assert.h>¬
`#define SOS_DEBUG_ZONE "/classes/socket/udp"¬
`#include <sosstrings.h>¬
`#include <sosisocket.h>¬
`#include "socket.h"¬
`#include "udp.h"¬
`SOS_SOURCE_VERSION("$Id: udp.c,v 1.16 2001/09/02 04:49:03 davidc Exp $");¬
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` SOS_ISOCKET_UDP * Socket;¬
` const SOS_ISOCKET_ADDRESS* SocketAddress;¬
` void* Buffer;¬
` size_t BufferLength;¬
` SOS_FREEPROC BufferFree;¬
` } OnReceive;¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_UDP * Socket;¬
` } OnClose;¬
` } Params;¬
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`/* REVISIT: it would be nice if we could check the size¬
` of the message and allocate the right amount for each¬
` message instead of having to keep a big buffer around¬
` and copy to a buffer of the right size each time... */¬
`static const size_t g_UdpRecvSize = 65535;¬
`Data Types¬
`/* UDP socket context to be passed back and forth with caller of this
`library */¬
`struct _SOS_ISOCKET_UDP {¬
` SOCKET NativeSocket;¬
` int RefCount;¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_CLOSED ClosedCallback;¬
` struct sockaddr_in RemoteSockAddr;¬
` void* UserContext;¬

` unsigned long NativeRecvThread;¬




`Internal Routines¬

`Routine Name:¬

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` UdpSocketCreate¬

`Routine Description:¬

` This routine allocates and initializes an SOS_ISOCKET_UDP struct.¬
` It does not call any sockets routines.¬
` The structure is returned with a reference count of 1.¬


` SOCKET NativeSocket - [in]¬
` The native socket handle.¬

` SOS_ISOCKET_UDP_RECEIVE RecvCallback - [in]¬
` The user-defined RecvCallback.¬

` SOS_ISOCKET_CLOSED ClosedCallback - [in]¬
` The user-defined ClosedCallback.¬

` const struct sockaddr_in* RemoteSockAddr - [in]¬
` The remote socket address.¬
` This parameter is optional.¬

` const SOS_ISOCKET_ADDRESS* SocketAddr - [in]¬
` The socket address.¬

` void* UserContext - [in]¬
` The user context to pass into RecvCallback and ClosedCallback.¬

`Return Value:¬

` A pointer to a newly allocated SOS_ISOCKET_UDP structure with¬
` a reference count of 1.¬
` NULL, if the structure could not be created.¬

` SOCKET NativeSocket,¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_CLOSED ClosedCallback,¬
` const struct sockaddr_in * RemoteSockAddr,¬
` const SOS_ISOCKET_ADDRESS * SocketAddr,¬
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` void* UserContext¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_UDP* udpSocket;¬

` /* allocate enough size for the larger SOS_ISOCKET_UDP_LISTEN */¬
` udpSocket = malloc(sizeof(SOS_ISOCKET_UDP_LISTEN));¬
` if (udpSocket != NULL) {¬

` udpSocket->NativeSocket = NativeSocket;¬
` udpSocket->ClosedCallback = ClosedCallback;¬
` udpSocket->RecvCallback = RecvCallback;¬
` if (RemoteSockAddr) {¬
` udpSocket->RemoteSockAddr = *RemoteSockAddr;¬
` }¬
` udpSocket->SocketAddr = *SocketAddr;¬
` udpSocket->UserContext = UserContext;¬
` udpSocket->IsCopy = SOS_False;¬

` udpSocket->RefCount = 1;¬
` }¬

` return udpSocket;¬

`Routine Name:¬

` UdpSocketDestroy¬

`Routine Description:¬

` This is the SOS_FREEPROC for udp sockets. It simply unallocated¬
` the structure. It does not make any socket-specific calls, such¬
` as closing the socket handle.¬


` SOS_ISOCKET_UDP* UdpSocket - [consumed]¬
` The UdpSocket structure to destroy.¬

`Return Value:¬

` None¬

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` if (UdpSocket) {¬
` assert(UdpSocket->RefCount == 0);¬
` free(UdpSocket);¬
` }¬

`Routine Name:¬

` UdpSocketReference¬

`Routine Description:¬

` This routine adds a reference to a UDP socket struct.¬


` SOS_ISOCKET_UDP* UdpSocket - [in]¬
` The UDP socket whose reference count should be incremented.¬

`Return Value:¬

` The argument UdpSocket.¬

` if (UdpSocket) {¬
` assert(0 < UdpSocket->RefCount);¬
` InterlockedIncrement(&UdpSocket->RefCount);¬
` }¬

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` return UdpSocket;¬

`Routine Name:¬

` UdpSocketRelease¬

`Routine Description:¬

` This routine removes a reference from a UDP socket struct.¬
` If the reference count becomes zero, the structure is destroyed.¬


` SOS_ISOCKET_UDP* UdpSocket - [in]¬
` The UdpSocket structure whose reference count is to be

`Return Value:¬

` None¬

` if (UdpSocket) {¬

` int oldValue;¬

` assert(0 < UdpSocket->RefCount);¬

` oldValue = InterlockedDecrement(&UdpSocket->RefCount);¬
` if (oldValue == 0) {¬
` UdpSocketDestroy(UdpSocket);¬
` }¬
` }¬

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`Routine Name:¬

` UdpRecvCloseWorkerThread¬

`Thread Context:¬

` Internal¬

`Routine Description:¬

` This is a worker proc that calls into Strings. It calls¬
` both the OnReceive callback and the OnClose callback.¬


` void* InternalThreadParams - [in]¬
` The marshalled up parameters to call the callback with.¬

`Return Value:¬

` None¬

` void * InternalThreadParams¬
` UDP_CONNECTION_PARAM* const params = InternalThreadParams;¬

` switch (params->FunctionId) {¬

` params->Params.OnReceive.Socket->RecvCallback(¬
` &g_ISocket,¬
` params->Params.OnReceive.Socket,¬
` params->Params.OnReceive.SocketAddress,¬
` params->Params.OnReceive.Socket->UserContext,¬
` params->Params.OnReceive.Buffer,¬
` params->Params.OnReceive.BufferLength,¬
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` params->Params.OnReceive.BufferFree¬
` );¬

` break;¬


` params->Params.OnClose.Socket->ClosedCallback(¬
` &g_ISocket,¬
` params->Params.OnClose.Socket->UserContext¬
` );¬

` break;¬

` default:¬
` SOS_ASSERT_ASSUMPTION(0, "Can't Happen");¬
` }¬


`Routine Name:¬

` UdpRecvThread¬

`Thread Context:¬

` External¬

`Routine Description:¬

` This thread loops receiving UDP datagrams on a socket. Since UDP listen¬
` sockets are are bound only to local port number, messages for a number
` different address 4-tuples can come into the same thread here. When a¬
` datagram is received, we call the user's RecvCallback with the data and¬
` an address struct with the address data for that particular message.
` recvfrom() call blocks until data is ready of the socket is closed.
` this call the the RecvCallback must be an entire UDP message, which
` be as large as 64K. The recvfrom() call will not return more than one¬
` datagram.¬
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` void* Context - [in]¬
` This is the UDP socket handle that is receiving data.¬

`Return Value:¬

` unsigned -¬
` 0, always¬

` void * Context¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_UDP* const socketContext = Context;¬

` SOS_INT32 ret;¬
` SOS_INT32 remotesize;¬
` struct sockaddr_in saddr_remote;¬
` void* bigBuffer;¬
` void* littleBuffer;¬

` /* REVISIT: We allocate a 64K buffer (since that is the largest¬
` possible UDP packet) and receive an entire UDP message into it.¬
` Then, we see how big the message is, allocate an appropriately¬
` sized buffer and copy the message into it. The big 64K buffer¬
` is then reused for the next message.¬

` It would be nicer if we could figure out a way to determine how¬
` big each UDP message is and allocate the correct size buffer for¬
` it and read directly into it instead of having to do the copy. */¬

` bigBuffer = malloc(g_UdpRecvSize);¬

` socketAddr = socketContext->SocketAddr;¬

` while (1) {¬

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` remotesize = sizeof(saddr_remote);¬
` ret = recvfrom(¬
` socketContext->NativeSocket,¬
` bigBuffer,¬
` g_UdpRecvSize,¬
` 0,¬
` (struct sockaddr*)&(saddr_remote),¬
` &remotesize);¬

` /* if the connection was closed or there was an error... */¬
` if (ret <= 0 || ret == SOCKET_ERROR) {¬
` break;¬
` }¬

` littleBuffer = malloc(ret);¬
` if (littleBuffer) {¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_UDP* socketContextCopy;¬

` memcpy(littleBuffer, bigBuffer, ret);¬

` /* fill in the address that the message was received on */¬
` socketAddr.RemoteAddr = ntohl(saddr_remote.sin_addr.s_addr);¬
` socketAddr.RemotePort = ntohs(saddr_remote.sin_port);¬

` socketContext->RemoteSockAddr = saddr_remote;¬

` /* copy the socket context for the user */¬

` /* CONSIDER for speed: a memcpy would be much faster */¬
` socketContextCopy = UdpSocketCreate(¬
` socketContext->NativeSocket,¬
` socketContext->RecvCallback,¬
` socketContext->ClosedCallback,¬
` &socketContext->RemoteSockAddr,¬
` &socketContext->SocketAddr,¬
` socketContext->UserContext);¬
` if (socketContextCopy != NULL) {¬

` socketContextCopy->IsCopy = SOS_True;¬

` params.FunctionId = UDP_CONNECTION_FUNCTION_ID_OnReceive;¬

` params.Params.OnReceive.Socket =
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` params.Params.OnReceive.SocketAddress = &socketAddr;¬
` params.Params.OnReceive.Buffer = littleBuffer;¬
` params.Params.OnReceive.BufferLength = ret;¬
` params.Params.OnReceive.BufferFree = free;¬

` SOS_Internal_Call(UdpRecvCloseWorkerThread, &params); ¬
` }¬
` }¬
` }¬

` if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) {¬
` HRESULT result;¬
` result = WSAGetLastError();¬

` /* BUG: (davidc)¬
` There is currently no way for PortalSock to distinguish¬
` between a half-close and a reset socket. If the socket is¬
` reset (WSA error 10054), PsUdp will think it's just a
` and still try to send on this socket, which crashes.¬
` */¬
` }¬

` if (socketContext->ClosedCallback) {¬
` /* only call this for non-listen sockets */¬


` params.FunctionId = UDP_CONNECTION_FUNCTION_ID_OnClose;¬
` params.Params.OnClose.Socket = socketContext;¬

` SOS_Internal_Call(UdpRecvCloseWorkerThread, &params);¬
` }¬

` UdpSocketRelease(socketContext);¬
` free(bigBuffer);¬

` return 0;¬

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`SocketLib API -- UDP¬
`/* create a UDP socket to send on and start a recv thread¬
` to get any incoming data on that socket */¬

` SOS_ISOCKET* Interface,¬
` void* UserContext,¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_CLOSED ClosedCallback,¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_ErrorParameter;¬

` if (Socket != NULL) {¬

` SOCKET nativeSocket;¬
` struct sockaddr_in saddr_local;¬
` struct sockaddr_in saddr_remote;¬
` int ret, size;¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_UDP* context;¬
` int optionValue;¬

` unsigned threadAddr;¬

` *Socket = NULL;¬

` saddr_local.sin_family = PF_INET;¬
` saddr_local.sin_port = htons(SocketAddr->LocalPort);¬
` saddr_local.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);¬

` memset(&saddr_remote, 0, sizeof(saddr_remote));¬
` saddr_remote.sin_family = PF_INET;¬
` saddr_remote.sin_port = htons(SocketAddr->RemotePort);¬
` saddr_remote.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(SocketAddr->RemoteAddr);¬

` /* Create a UDP socket. */¬
` nativeSocket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);¬
` if (nativeSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) {¬
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` }¬

` /* Enable broadcast on this socket */¬
` if (SocketAddr->RemoteAddr == INADDR_BROADCAST) {¬
` optionValue = SOS_True;¬
` ret = setsockopt(¬
` nativeSocket,¬
` (char *)&optionValue,¬
` sizeof(optionValue));¬
` if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) {¬
` closesocket(nativeSocket);¬
` }¬
` }¬

` /* Bind the socket to the local address */¬
` ret = bind(nativeSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&saddr_local,
` if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) {¬
` closesocket(nativeSocket);¬
` }¬

` /* Find out the local IP used */¬
` size = sizeof(saddr_local);¬
` ret = getsockname(nativeSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&saddr_local,
` if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) {¬
` closesocket(nativeSocket);¬
` }¬
` SocketAddr->LocalAddr = ntohl(saddr_local.sin_addr.s_addr);¬
` SocketAddr->LocalPort = ntohs(saddr_local.sin_port);¬

` /* fill my context */¬
` context = UdpSocketCreate(¬
` nativeSocket,¬
` RecvCallback,¬
` ClosedCallback,¬
` &saddr_remote,¬
` SocketAddr,¬
` UserContext);¬
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` if (context != NULL) {¬

` /* Spawn a thread to listen for incoming messages */¬
` UdpSocketReference(context);¬
` context->NativeRecvThread = _beginthreadex(¬
` NULL, /* no security descriptor */¬
` 0, /* default stack size */¬
` UdpRecvThread,¬
` context,¬
` 0, /* no creation flags */¬
` &threadAddr /* thread ID out param */¬
` );¬
` if (context->NativeRecvThread != -1) {¬
` status = SOS_Success;¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` /* release the reference that the thread didn't take */¬
` UdpSocketRelease(context);¬
` status = SOS_ErrorResourceAllocation;¬
` }¬

` /* clean up side effects on error */¬
` if (SOS_FAILED(status)) {¬
` UdpSocketRelease(context);¬
` context = NULL;¬
` }¬
` }¬

` if (SOS_FAILED(status)) {¬
` closesocket(nativeSocket);¬
` }¬

` /* "return" my context */¬
` *Socket = context;¬
` }¬

` return status;¬

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` void * Parameter¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_UDP_LISTEN* const listenHandle = Parameter;¬

` BOOL val = SOS_True;¬

` /* the socket context will be freed in UdpRecvThread just after this
`call is made */¬
` setsockopt(¬
` listenHandle->Socket.NativeSocket,¬
` (const char FAR *)&val,¬
` sizeof(BOOL));¬

` closesocket(listenHandle->Socket.NativeSocket);¬

` /* make sure that UdpRecvThread exits */¬
` WaitForSingleObject(¬
` (HANDLE)listenHandle->Socket.NativeRecvThread,¬
` 10000);¬

` CloseHandle((HANDLE)listenHandle->Socket.NativeRecvThread);¬

` UdpSocketRelease((SOS_ISOCKET_UDP*) listenHandle);¬

`/* cancels a listen socket, causing the recv thread to exit */¬
` SOS_ISOCKET* Interface,¬
` SOS_External_Call(Socket_UdpListenCancelExternal, ListenHandle);¬
` return SOS_Success;¬

`/* create a socket bound just to the local port and¬
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` start a thread to receive those packets. No¬
` callbacks other than the RecvCallback are registered¬
` here because this socket not going to be closed by¬
` the user except through a call to Socket_UdpListenCancel */¬

` SOS_ISOCKET* Interface,¬
` const SOS_ISOCKET_ADDRESS * SocketAddr,¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_Error;¬

` SOCKET nativeSocket;¬
` struct sockaddr_in saddr_local;¬
` DWORD externalWorkerThreadId;¬

` if (ListenHandle) {¬

` /* set addresses in winsock addr struct */¬
` saddr_local.sin_family = PF_INET;¬
` saddr_local.sin_port = htons(SocketAddr->LocalPort);¬
` saddr_local.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);¬

` /* Create a UDP socket */¬
` nativeSocket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);¬
` if (nativeSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) {¬

` int ret;¬

` /* Bind the socket to the local address */¬
` ret = bind(¬
` nativeSocket,¬
` (struct sockaddr*)&saddr_local,¬
` sizeof(saddr_local));¬
` if (ret != SOCKET_ERROR) {¬

` /* fill my context */¬
` context = (SOS_ISOCKET_UDP_LISTEN *) UdpSocketCreate(¬
` nativeSocket,¬
` RecvCallback,¬
` NULL,¬
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` NULL,¬
` SocketAddr,¬
` NULL);¬

` if (context != NULL) {¬

` /* Spawn a thread to accept packets */¬
` UdpSocketReference((SOS_ISOCKET_UDP*) context);¬
` context->Socket.NativeRecvThread = _beginthreadex(¬
` NULL, /* no security
`descriptor */¬
` 0, /* default stack size
` UdpRecvThread,¬
` context,¬
` 0, /* no creation flags
` &externalWorkerThreadId /* thread ID out param
` );¬
` if (context->Socket.NativeRecvThread != -1) {¬
` status = SOS_Success;¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` /* release the reference that the thread didn't
`take */¬
` UdpSocketRelease((SOS_ISOCKET_UDP*) context);¬
` status = SOS_ErrorResourceAllocation;¬
` }¬

` if (SOS_FAILED(status)) {¬
` /* release the reference that the caller won't get
` UdpSocketRelease((SOS_ISOCKET_UDP*) context);¬
` context = NULL;¬
` }¬
` }¬

` }¬
` else {¬
` status = ERROR_BIND_FAILED;¬
` }¬

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` /* undo side effects on error */¬
` if (SOS_FAILED(status)) {¬
` closesocket(nativeSocket);¬
` }¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` }¬

` *ListenHandle = context;¬
` }¬

` return status;¬

` void * Parameter¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_UDP* const socket = Parameter;¬

` WaitForSingleObject(¬
` (HANDLE)socket->NativeRecvThread,¬
` 10000);¬
` CloseHandle((HANDLE)socket->NativeRecvThread);¬

`/* closes a socket that was created for sending, and causes¬
` the recv thread to exit */¬
` SOS_ISOCKET* Interface,¬
` if (Socket->UserContext) {¬

` /* this is not a listen socket */¬
` int ret;¬

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` /* the socket context will be freed in UdpRecvThread just after
`this call is made */¬
` ret = closesocket(Socket->NativeSocket);¬

` if (!Socket->IsCopy) {¬
` /* switch to an external thread to shut down the recv thread
` SOS_External_Call(WaitForAndCloseRecvThreadProc, Socket);¬
` }¬
` }¬

` return SOS_Success;¬

`/* releases a reference on an SOS_ISOCKET_UDP. */¬
` SOS_ISOCKET* Interface,¬
` UdpSocketRelease(Socket);¬

` return SOS_Success;¬

`/* send an entire datagram on the given socket */¬
` SOS_ISOCKET* Interface,¬
` void* Buffer,¬
` size_t BufferLen,¬
` SOS_FREEPROC BufferFree¬
` if (BufferLen) {¬

` int remotesize;¬
` int ret;¬

` remotesize = sizeof(Socket->RemoteSockAddr);¬

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` ret = sendto(¬
` Socket->NativeSocket,¬
` Buffer,¬
` BufferLen,¬
` 0,¬
` (struct sockaddr*)(&Socket->RemoteSockAddr),¬
` remotesize);¬

` if (ret == -1) {¬
` HRESULT result;¬
` result = WSAGetLastError();¬
` /* SOS_ASSERT_ASSUMPTION(0,"sendto() failed"); */¬
` }¬

` BufferFree(Buffer);¬
` }¬

` return SOS_Success;¬

`Page 21 of 21
`Implicit Exhibit 2055
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767

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