/Users/implicit/Desktop/Source Code/2001.11.01/beads/s…/…/posix/tcp.c
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`$Id: tcp.c,v 1.10 2001/08/10 01:59:33 davidc Exp $¬
`Copyright (c) 2001 BeComm Corporation¬
` tcp.c¬
` The posix implementation of the TCP portion of the SocketLib API.¬
` David Costanzo (davidc)¬
`#include <stdlib.h>¬
`#include <stdio.h>¬
`#include <pthread.h>¬
`#include <assert.h>¬
`#include <errno.h>¬
`#include <sys/time.h>¬
`#include <unistd.h>¬
`#include <netdb.h>¬
`#include <sys/socket.h>¬
`#include <sys/types.h>¬
`#include <netinet/in.h>¬
`#define SOS_DEBUG_ZONE "/classes/socket/tcp"¬
`#include <sosstrings.h>¬
`#include <sosisocket.h>¬
`#include "socket.h"¬
`#include "tcp.h"¬
`SOS_SOURCE_VERSION("$Id: tcp.c,v 1.10 2001/08/10 01:59:33 davidc Exp $");¬
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`/* size of buffer to allocate for each read */¬
`static const size_t g_TcpRecvSize = 1500;¬
`/* largest amount to call send() with */¬
`static const size_t g_MaxSendSize = 2048;¬
`Data Types¬
`/* TCP socket context to be passed back and¬
` forth with caller of this library */¬
`struct _SOS_ISOCKET_TCP {¬
` int NativeSocket;¬
` pthread_mutex_t Mutex; /* non-recursive */¬
` int RefCount;¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP_CONNECT ConnectedCallback;¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_CLOSED ClosedCallback;¬
` void* UserContext;¬
` SOS_BOOLEAN PeerHasClosed;¬
` SOS_BOOLEAN WeHaveClosed;¬
` pthread_t NativeConnectionThread;¬
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` pthread_t NativeListenThread;¬
`/* TcpConnectionWorkerProc types */¬
`typedef enum _TCP_CONNECT_FUNCTION_ID {¬




` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP * Socket;¬
` void * OutUserContext;¬
` } OnConnect;¬


` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP * Socket;¬
` void* Buffer;¬
` size_t BufferLength;¬
` SOS_FREEPROC BufferFree;¬
` } OnReceive;¬


` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP * Socket;¬
` } OnClose;¬

` } Params;¬


`/* TcpSendWorkerProc types */¬
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` int NativeSocket;¬
` void * Buffer;¬
` size_t BufferLength;¬
` SOS_STATUS OutStatus;¬

`Internal Routines¬

`Routine Name:¬

` TcpSocketCreate¬

`Routine Description:¬

` This routine allocates and initializes an SOS_ISOCKET_TCP struct.¬
` It does not call any sockets routines.¬
` The structure is returned with a reference count of 1.¬


` SOCKET NativeSocket - [in]¬
` The native socket handle.¬

` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP_CONNECT ConnectedCallback - [in]¬
` The user-defined function to call when a socket connection¬
` has been established.¬

` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP_RECEIVE RecvCallback - [in]¬
` The user-defined RecvCallback.¬

` SOS_ISOCKET_CLOSED ClosedCallback - [in]¬
` The user-defined ClosedCallback.¬

` const struct sockaddr_in* RemoteSockAddr - [in]¬
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` The remote socket address.¬
` This parameter is optional.¬

` const SOS_ISOCKET_ADDRESS* SocketAddr - [in]¬
` The socket address.¬

` void* UserContext - [in]¬
` The user context to pass into RecvCallback and ClosedCallback.¬

`Return Value:¬

` A pointer to a newly allocated SOS_ISOCKET_TCP structure with¬
` a reference count of 1.¬
` NULL, if the structure could not be created.¬

` int NativeSocket,¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP_CONNECT ConnectedCallback,¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_CLOSED ClosedCallback,¬
` const SOS_ISOCKET_ADDRESS * SocketAddr,¬
` void* UserContext¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP* tcpSocket;¬

` /* allocate enough size for the larger SOS_ISOCKET_TCP_LISTEN */¬
` tcpSocket = malloc(sizeof(SOS_ISOCKET_TCP_LISTEN));¬
` if (tcpSocket != NULL) {¬

` int initStatus;¬

` initStatus = pthread_mutex_init(&tcpSocket->Mutex, NULL);¬
` if (initStatus == 0) {¬

` tcpSocket->NativeSocket = NativeSocket;¬
` tcpSocket->ConnectedCallback = ConnectedCallback;¬
` tcpSocket->ClosedCallback = ClosedCallback;¬
` tcpSocket->RecvCallback = RecvCallback;¬
` tcpSocket->SocketAddr = *SocketAddr;¬
` tcpSocket->UserContext = UserContext;¬
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` tcpSocket->PeerHasClosed = SOS_False;¬
` tcpSocket->WeHaveClosed = SOS_False;¬

` tcpSocket->RefCount = 1;¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` free(tcpSocket);¬
` tcpSocket = NULL;¬
` }¬
` }¬

` return tcpSocket;¬

`Routine Name:¬

` TcpSocketDestroy¬

`Routine Description:¬

` This is the SOS_FREEPROC for udp sockets. It simply unallocated¬
` the structure. It does not make any socket-specific calls, such¬
` as closing the socket handle.¬


` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP* TcpSocket - [consumed]¬
` The TcpSocket structure to destroy.¬

`Return Value:¬

` None¬

` if (TcpSocket) {¬
` assert(TcpSocket->RefCount == 0);¬
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` assert(TcpSocket->PeerHasClosed);¬
` assert(TcpSocket->WeHaveClosed);¬
` pthread_mutex_destroy(&TcpSocket->Mutex);¬
` free(TcpSocket);¬
` }¬

`Routine Name:¬

` TcpSocketReference¬

`Routine Description:¬

` This routine adds a reference to a UDP socket struct.¬


` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP* TcpSocket - [in]¬
` The UDP socket whose reference count should be incremented.¬

`Return Value:¬

` The argument TcpSocket.¬

` if (TcpSocket) {¬
` assert(0 < TcpSocket->RefCount);¬

` pthread_mutex_lock(&TcpSocket->Mutex);¬
` TcpSocket->RefCount++;¬
` pthread_mutex_unlock(&TcpSocket->Mutex);¬
` }¬

` return TcpSocket;¬

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`Routine Name:¬

` TcpSocketRelease¬

`Routine Description:¬

` This routine removes a reference from a UDP socket struct.¬
` If the reference count becomes zero, the structure is destroyed.¬


` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP* TcpSocket - [in]¬
` The TcpSocket structure whose reference count is to be

`Return Value:¬

` None¬

` if (TcpSocket) {¬

` int newValue;¬

` assert(0 < TcpSocket->RefCount);¬

` pthread_mutex_lock(&TcpSocket->Mutex);¬
` newValue = --TcpSocket->RefCount;¬
` pthread_mutex_unlock(&TcpSocket->Mutex);¬

` if (newValue == 0) {¬
` TcpSocketDestroy(TcpSocket);¬
` }¬
` }¬

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` must be called from an internal thread context.¬
` void * InternalThreadParams¬
` CONNECTION_PARAM* const params = InternalThreadParams;¬

` switch (params->FunctionId) {¬

` params->Params.OnConnect.OutUserContext =¬
` params->Params.OnConnect.Socket->ConnectedCallback(¬
` &g_ISocket,¬
` params->Params.OnReceive.Socket,¬
` &params->Params.OnReceive.Socket->SocketAddr¬
` );¬

` break;¬


` params->Params.OnReceive.Socket->RecvCallback(¬
` &g_ISocket,¬
` params->Params.OnReceive.Socket->UserContext,¬
` params->Params.OnReceive.Buffer,¬
` params->Params.OnReceive.BufferLength,¬
` params->Params.OnReceive.BufferFree¬
` );¬

` break;¬


` params->Params.OnClose.Socket->ClosedCallback(¬
` &g_ISocket,¬
` params->Params.OnClose.Socket->UserContext¬
` );¬

` break;¬

` default:¬
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` SOS_ASSERT_ASSUMPTION(0, "Can't Happen");¬
` }¬


`Routine Name:¬

` TcpRecvThread¬

`Routine Description:¬

` This thread loops and reads data g_TcpRecvSize bytes at a time from a¬
` socket. The call to recv() blocks until there is data to fill into
` buffer or the socket is closed. When the socket is closed, it calls¬
` the ClosedCallback that was registered for the socket, and when data¬
` is filled into the buffer, it calls the RecvCallback.¬

` This is an external thread.¬

` void* Parameter - [in]¬
` This is the SOS_ISOCKET_TCP that represents the connection.¬
` A reference is released when this routine exists, so it must¬
` have been referenced before the thread was created.¬

`Return Value:¬

` None¬

` void * Parameter¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP* const tcpSocket = Parameter;¬


` while (1) {¬

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` char * buffer;¬
` int bytesReceived;¬

` buffer = malloc(g_TcpRecvSize);¬

` bytesReceived = read(¬
` tcpSocket->NativeSocket,¬
` buffer,¬
` g_TcpRecvSize);¬

` /* if the connection was closed or there was an error... */¬
` if (bytesReceived <= 0 && errno != -EINTR) {¬
` free(buffer);¬
` break;¬
` }¬

` if (0 < bytesReceived) {¬
` params.FunctionId = TCP_CONNECT_FUNCTION_ID_TcpOnReceive;¬
` params.Params.OnReceive.Socket = tcpSocket;¬
` params.Params.OnReceive.Buffer = buffer;¬
` params.Params.OnReceive.BufferLength = bytesReceived;¬
` params.Params.OnReceive.BufferFree = free;¬

` SOS_Internal_Call(TcpConnectionWorkerProc, &params);¬
` }¬
` }¬

` /* notify the caller that the connection is closed */¬
` params.FunctionId = TCP_CONNECT_FUNCTION_ID_TcpOnClose;¬
` params.Params.OnClose.Socket = tcpSocket;¬

` SOS_Internal_Call(TcpConnectionWorkerProc, &params);¬

` /* REVISIT: Race Condition */¬
` if (tcpSocket->WeHaveClosed) {¬
` close(tcpSocket->NativeSocket);¬
` }¬
` tcpSocket->PeerHasClosed = SOS_True;¬

` TcpSocketRelease(tcpSocket);¬

` return NULL;¬

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`Routine Name:¬

` TcpListenThread¬

`Routine Description:¬

` This thread sets up a socket for a passive listen, and loops,¬
` blocking, waiting to accept a new incoming connection. When¬
` a new connection is accepted, it creates a new context for¬
` the new socket that is created, and then spawns a new receive¬
` thread for it. The call to accept() blocks until a new¬
` connection is accepted or the listen socket is shutdown.¬

` This must be called from an external thread context.¬


` void* Parameter - [in]¬
` This in an SOS_ISOCKET_TCP_LISTEN that is listening.¬
` This routine releases a reference to this structure, so¬
` it must be referenced beforehand.¬

`Return Value:¬

` unsigned -¬
` 0, always¬

`void *¬
` void * Parameter¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP_LISTEN* const listenHandle = Parameter;¬

` struct sockaddr_in saddr_local;¬
` struct sockaddr_in saddr_remote;¬
` int size, ret;¬

` ret = listen(listenHandle->Socket.NativeSocket, 5);¬
` /* SOS_ASSERT_ASSUMPTION(ret != SOCKET_ERROR, "listen failed\n"); */¬
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` while (1) {¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP* newContext;¬

` CONNECTION_PARAM onConnectParam;¬

` /* create new socket context for newly accepted socket */¬
` /* CONSIDER for SPEED: a memcpy would be faster */¬
` newContext = TcpSocketCreate(¬
` listenHandle->Socket.NativeSocket,¬
` listenHandle->Socket.ConnectedCallback,¬
` listenHandle->Socket.RecvCallback,¬
` listenHandle->Socket.ClosedCallback,¬
` &listenHandle->Socket.SocketAddr,¬
` listenHandle->Socket.UserContext);¬

` /* Wait for a connection */¬
` size = sizeof(saddr_remote);¬
` newContext->NativeSocket = accept(¬
` listenHandle->Socket.NativeSocket,¬
` (struct sockaddr*)&saddr_remote,¬
` &size);¬
` if (newContext->NativeSocket < 0) {¬
` newContext->PeerHasClosed = SOS_True;¬
` newContext->WeHaveClosed = SOS_True;¬
` TcpSocketRelease(newContext);¬
` break;¬
` }¬

` /* Get the local address */¬
` size = sizeof(saddr_local);¬
` ret = getsockname(¬
` newContext->NativeSocket,¬
` (struct sockaddr*)&saddr_local,¬
` &size);¬
` /* SOS_ASSERT_ASSUMPTION(ret != SOCKET_ERROR, "getsockname
`failed\n"); */¬

` /* fill in the new socket address */¬
` newContext->SocketAddr.LocalAddr =
` newContext->SocketAddr.LocalPort = htons(saddr_local.sin_port);¬
` newContext->SocketAddr.RemoteAddr =
` newContext->SocketAddr.RemotePort = htons(saddr_remote.sin_port);¬
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` /* add a second reference for a half-close */¬
` TcpSocketReference(newContext);¬

` re-spec the interface so that client connections¬
` also receive an OnConnect callback. This would move¬
` the OnConnect call to the native thread, which is a¬
` more logical place for it.¬
` */¬
` /* Call the user-defined OnConnect callback*/¬
` onConnectParam.FunctionId = TCP_CONNECT_FUNCTION_ID_TcpOnConnect;¬
` onConnectParam.Params.OnConnect.Socket = newContext;¬

` SOS_Internal_Call(TcpConnectionWorkerProc, &onConnectParam);¬

` newContext->UserContext =

` /* Inform the client of the new connection. */¬

` /* Spawn a thread to recv for incoming messages */¬
` /* surrender our reference to the new thread */¬
` pthread_create(¬
` &newContext->NativeConnectionThread,¬
` NULL,¬
` TcpRecvThread,¬
` newContext);¬
` pthread_detach(newContext->NativeConnectionThread);¬
` }¬

` TcpSocketRelease((SOS_ISOCKET_TCP*)listenHandle);¬

` /* wait until the recv threads die */¬
` /* HACK: sleep instead of doing a real wait */¬
` {¬
` struct timespec sleepTime;¬

` sleepTime.tv_sec = 0;¬
` sleepTime.tv_nsec = 100000; /* 100 ms */¬
` nanosleep(&sleepTime, NULL);¬
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` }¬

` return NULL;¬

`SocketLib API -- TCP¬
` struct sockaddr_in * SocketAddress,¬
` unsigned short SocketInPort,¬
` u_long IpAddress¬
` SocketAddress->sin_family = PF_INET;¬
` SocketAddress->sin_port = htons(SocketInPort);¬
` SocketAddress->sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(IpAddress);¬

`/* create a new "client" socket, and start a recieve thread¬
` for any incoming data on this socket */¬
` SOS_ISOCKET* Interface,¬
` void* UserContext,¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_CLOSED ClosedCallback,¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_Error;¬

` int nativeSocket;¬
` struct sockaddr_in saddr_local;¬
` struct sockaddr_in saddr_remote;¬
` int ret, size;¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP* context;¬
` struct protoent *protocol;¬
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` /* fill in winsock address structs */¬

` NativeSocketAddrInit(¬
` &saddr_local,¬
` SocketAddr->LocalPort,¬

` NativeSocketAddrInit(¬
` &saddr_remote,¬
` SocketAddr->RemotePort,¬
` SocketAddr->RemoteAddr);¬

` protocol = getprotobyname("tcp");¬

` /* Create a TCP socket. For UDP use SOCK_DGRAM. */¬
` nativeSocket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, protocol->p_proto);¬
` if (nativeSocket < 0) {¬
` }¬

` /* Bind the socket to the local address */¬
` ret = bind(nativeSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&saddr_local,
` if (ret < 0) {¬
` }¬

` /* Connect the socket to the remote address */¬
` ret = connect(nativeSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&saddr_remote,
` if (ret < 0) {¬
` }¬

` /* Find out the local IP used */¬
` size = sizeof(saddr_local);¬
` ret = getsockname(nativeSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&saddr_local,
` if (ret < 0) {¬
` }¬
` SocketAddr->LocalAddr = ntohl(saddr_local.sin_addr.s_addr);¬
` SocketAddr->LocalPort = ntohs(saddr_local.sin_port);¬

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` /* fill my context */¬
` context = TcpSocketCreate(¬
` nativeSocket,¬
` NULL,¬
` RecvCallback,¬
` ClosedCallback,¬
` SocketAddr,¬
` UserContext);¬
` if (context != NULL) {¬

` /* Spawn a thread to recv for incoming messages */¬
` TcpSocketReference(context);¬
` pthread_create(¬
` &context->NativeConnectionThread,¬
` NULL,¬
` TcpRecvThread,¬
` context);¬

` if (context->NativeConnectionThread != -1) {¬
` pthread_detach(context->NativeConnectionThread);¬
` status = SOS_Success;¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` Socket_TcpReset(&g_ISocket, context);¬
` }¬
` }¬

` /* "return" my context */¬
` *Socket = context;¬

` return status;¬

`Routine Name:¬

` Socket_TcpListenCancelExternal¬

`Routine Description:¬

` This external worker proceedure closes the listen socket,¬
` which should cause any pending call to accept() in the¬
` TcpListenThread to return with an error code, and cause¬
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` that thread to exit. This routine waits for that thread¬
` to exit.¬

` This must be called from an external thread context.¬


` void* Parameter - [in]¬
` The SOS_ISOCKET_TCP_LISTEN* to cancel.¬

`Return Value:¬

` None¬

` void * Parameter¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP_LISTEN* const listenHandle = Parameter;¬

` int ret;¬
` struct linger olinger;¬

` olinger.l_onoff = 1;¬
` olinger.l_linger = 0;¬

` setsockopt(¬
` listenHandle->Socket.NativeSocket,¬
` (char *)&olinger,¬
` sizeof(olinger));¬

` ret = shutdown(listenHandle->Socket.NativeSocket, 2);¬

` listenHandle->Socket.PeerHasClosed = SOS_True;¬
` listenHandle->Socket.WeHaveClosed = SOS_True;¬

` /* make sure that TcpListenThread exits */¬
` pthread_join(¬
` listenHandle->NativeListenThread,¬
` NULL);¬
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` TcpSocketRelease((SOS_ISOCKET_TCP*) listenHandle);¬

`/* internal thread context */¬
` SOS_ISOCKET* Interface,¬
` "Destroying TCP listen on ports <%u,%u>\n",¬
` ListenHandle->Socket.SocketAddr.LocalPort,¬
` ListenHandle->Socket.SocketAddr.RemotePort);¬

` SOS_External_Call(Socket_TcpListenCancelExternal, ListenHandle);¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("Done destroying TCP listen on ports\n");¬

` return SOS_Success;¬

`Routine Name:¬

` Socket_TcpListen¬

`Routine Description:¬

` Sets up a listen socket on the given address. This routine¬
` returns a "listen handle" to the caller that the caller can¬
` later use to cancel or shutdown the listen with a call to¬
` Socket_TcpListenCancel().¬

` This must be called from an internal thread context.¬


` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP_LISTEN** ListenHandle - [out]¬
` This is an opaque pointer to a "listen handle" that can be¬
` passed into a SOS_ISOCKET_TCP_LISTEN_DESTROY to cancel this call.¬
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` This value is set to NULL if the routine fails.¬

` const SOS_ISOCKET_ADDRESS * SocketAddr - [in]¬
` The address info to listen.¬
` Some implementations may not correctly handle non-zero LocalAddr,¬
` RemoteAddr, and RemotePort values.¬

` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP_CONNECT ConnectedCallback - [in]¬
` This will be called when a new connection is accepted, before any¬
` data is received on the socket.¬

` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP_RECEIVE RecvCallback - [in]¬
` This will be called whenever new data is received on the socket¬

` SOS_ISOCKET_CLOSED ClosedCallback - [in]¬
` This will be called for each connected socket when the other side
` done their half-close.¬

`Return Value:¬

` SOS_Success, on success.¬

` an error code, on failure.¬

` SOS_ISOCKET* Interface,¬
` const SOS_ISOCKET_ADDRESS * SocketAddr,¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_TCP_CONNECT ConnectedCallback,¬
` SOS_ISOCKET_CLOSED ClosedCallback,¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_ErrorParameter;¬

` if (ListenHandle != NULL) {¬


` int nativeSocket;¬
` struct sockaddr_in saddr_local;¬
`Page 20 of 25
`Implicit Exhibit 2052
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`/Users/implicit/Desktop/Source Code/2001.11.01/bea…/…/…/posix/tcp.c
`Page 21/25
`Saved: 8/9/01, 8:59:33 PM
`Printed for: Implicit
` int ret;¬
` struct protoent *protocol;¬

` "Creating a TCP listen on local port %u\n",¬
` SocketAddr->LocalPort);¬

` /* set addresses in winsock addr struct */¬
` NativeSocketAddrInit(¬
` &saddr_local,¬
` SocketAddr->LocalPort,¬

` protocol = getprotobyname("tcp");¬

` /* Create a TCP socket. For UDP use SOCK_DGRAM. */¬
` nativeSocket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, protocol->p_proto);¬
` if (0 <= nativeSocket) {¬

` /* Bind the socket to the local address */¬
` ret = bind(¬
` nativeSocket,¬
` (struct sockaddr*)&saddr_local,¬
` sizeof(saddr_local));¬
` if (0 <= ret) {¬

` /* fill my context */¬
` listenHandle = (SOS_ISOCKET_TCP_LISTEN*) TcpSocketCreate(¬
` nativeSocket,¬
` ConnectedCallback,¬
` RecvCallback,¬
` ClosedCallback,¬
` SocketAddr,¬
` NULL);¬

` if (listenHandle != NULL) {¬

` TcpSocketReference((SOS_ISOCKET_TCP*) listenHandle);¬

` /* Spawn a thread to accept connections */¬
` pthread_create(¬
` &listenHandle->NativeListenThread,¬

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