/Users/implicit/Desktop/Source Code/2001.11.01/bea…/…/main/rgbvideo.c
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`$Id: rgbvideo.c,v 1.9 2001/10/02 21:12:54 guyc Exp $¬
`Copyright (c) 2001 BeComm Corporation¬
` rgbvideo.c¬
` Displays rgb video to the default rgbdisplay device.¬
` Guy Carpenter (guyc)¬
`#define SOS_DEBUG_ZONE "/beads/rgbvideo"¬
`#include <sosstrings.h>¬
`#include <sosmultimedia.h>¬
`SOS_SOURCE_VERSION("$Id: rgbvideo.c,v 1.9 2001/10/02 21:12:54 guyc Exp
`Named Constants¬
`* Name of bead¬
`static const char BEAD_NAME[] = "rgbvideo";¬
`// REVISIT - device name should not be hard coded.¬
`* Name of the device we use for output.¬
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`#define DEVICE_CLASS "rgbdisplay"¬
`#define DEVICE_NAME "default"¬
`typedef struct {¬
` char * DeviceName;¬
` void * FrameBuffer;¬
` size_t FrameBufferSize;¬
` SOS_VIDEO_FORMAT VideoFormat;¬
` SOS_BOOLEAN DisplayReady;¬
` SOS_BOOLEAN ClocksReady;¬
`Context Stuff¬
` if (Context) {¬
` ¬
` if (Context->FrameBuffer) {¬
` SOS_Mem_Free(Context->FrameBuffer);¬
` }¬
` if (Context->IRgbDisplay) {¬
` SOS_RegObject_InterfaceRelease(Context->IRgbDisplay);¬
` }¬
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` if (Context->DeviceName) {¬
` SOS_Mem_Free(Context->DeviceName);¬
` }¬
` if (Context->IMasterClock) {¬
` SOS_Interface_Release(Context->IMasterClock);¬
` }¬
` if (Context->IRenderClock) {¬
` SOS_Interface_Release(Context->IRenderClock);¬
` }¬
` if (Context->IVideoContext) {¬
` SOS_Interface_Release(Context->IVideoContext);¬
` }¬
` SOS_Mem_Free(Context);¬
` }¬

` * Find the device and get the necessary interface¬
` */¬
` SOS_STATUS status;¬

` SOS_REGOBJECT *device;¬

` * NOTE : if InterfaceGet fails it will set IRgbDisplay¬
` * to NULL for us.¬
` */¬
` status = SOS_Registry_DeviceGet(¬
` Context->DeviceName,¬
` &device);¬

` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` status = SOS_RegObject_InterfaceGet(¬
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` device,¬
` (void**)&Context->IRgbDisplay¬
` );¬

` }¬
` SOS_RegObject_Release(device);¬

` return status;¬

` void¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_Success;¬

` context = SOS_Mem_Alloc(sizeof(*context));¬
` if (context) {¬
` SOS_memset(context, 0, sizeof(*context));¬

` /*¬
` * Revisit - this should not be hard coded¬
` */¬
` context->DeviceName = SOS_strdup(DEVICE_NAME);¬

` status = RgbVideo_DeviceInit(context);¬

` } else {¬
` /* failed mallocing context */¬
` status = SOS_ErrorResourceAllocation;¬
` }¬

` /*¬
` * If anything went wrong we should cleanup ¬
` */¬
` if (SOS_FAILED(status)) {¬
` RgbVideo_ContextDestroy(context);¬
` context = NULL;¬
` }¬

` return context;¬
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` SOS_MESSAGE * Message¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_Success;¬

` status = Context->IVideoContext->FormatGet(¬
` Context->IVideoContext,¬
` Message,¬
` &Context->VideoFormat,¬
` NULL /* don't care about timestamp */¬
` );¬

` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` status = Context->IRgbDisplay->Open(¬
` Context->IRgbDisplay,¬
` Context->VideoFormat.Width,¬
` Context->VideoFormat.Height,¬
` );¬
` }¬

` return status;¬

` SOS_PATH * Path,¬
` const char * Name,¬
` SOS_STATUS status;¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT *object;¬
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` ¬
` status = SOS_Path_AttributeGet(¬
` Path,¬
` Name,¬
` &object¬
` );¬

` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` status = SOS_RegObject_InterfaceGet(¬
` object,¬
` (void**)&iSampleClock¬
` );¬
` SOS_RegObject_Release(object);¬
` }¬

` if (ISampleClock) {¬
` *ISampleClock = iSampleClock;¬
` } else {¬
` SOS_Interface_Release(iSampleClock);¬
` status = SOS_ErrorParameter;¬
` }¬

` return status;¬

` SOS_PATH * Path¬
` SOS_STATUS status;¬

` if (!Context->IRenderClock) {¬
` status = ContextClockGet(¬
` Path,¬
` &Context->IRenderClock¬
` );¬

` /*¬
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`Printed for: Implicit
` * NOTE:¬
` * This assumes that the video format is¬
` * already known.¬
` */¬

` Context->IRenderClock->FrequencySet(¬
` Context->IRenderClock,¬
` Context->VideoFormat.FrameRate,¬
` Context->VideoFormat.FrameRateDivisor¬
` );¬
` }¬
` if (!Context->IMasterClock) {¬
` status = ContextClockGet(¬
` Path,¬
` &Context->IMasterClock¬
` );¬
` }¬

` ¬
` return (Context->IRenderClock && Context->IMasterClock) ?¬
` SOS_Success : SOS_Error;¬

` SOS_CLOCK_TICK renderEpoch, masterEpoch;¬
` SOS_CLOCK_TICK now = SOS_Clock_TickGet();¬
` SOS_INT32 delay = 0;¬

` if (Context->IRenderClock && Context->IMasterClock) {¬
` ¬
` Context->IRenderClock->Update(¬
` Context->IRenderClock,¬
` now,¬
` Context->FrameNumber¬
` );¬

` Context->IRenderClock->EpochGet(¬
` Context->IRenderClock,¬
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` &renderEpoch)) ¬
` &&¬
` Context->IMasterClock->EpochGet(¬
` Context->IMasterClock,¬
` &masterEpoch))) {¬
` ¬
` delay = (SOS_INT32)(masterEpoch - renderEpoch);¬

` "frame %lu master %lu render %lu delay %ld\n",¬
` Context->FrameNumber,¬
` masterEpoch,¬
` renderEpoch,¬
` delay¬
` );¬
` }¬
` } else {¬
` "rgbvideo could not find master or render clock in path
` );¬
` }¬

` /*¬
` * If anything is not available or fails, delay will be¬
` * 0 which means we will play out immediately¬
` */¬

` SOS_Debug_StringPrint(¬
` "Frame %d due at %lu (in %ld)\n",¬
` Context->FrameNumber,¬
` now+delay,¬
` delay¬
` );¬
` );¬

` return (delay<0) ? 0 : (SOS_UINT32)delay;¬

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`Printed for: Implicit
` SOS_MESSAGE * Message¬

` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_Success;¬
` SOS_UINT32 frameSize;¬
` void *frame;¬

` // REVISIT - could reuse the same buffer each time!¬

` frameSize = SOS_Message_LengthGet(Message);¬
` frame = SOS_Mem_Alloc(frameSize);¬

` if (frame) {¬
` SOS_CLOCK_TICK delay = 0; ¬
` SOS_Message_HeadDataPop(¬
` Message,¬
` frameSize,¬
` frame,¬
` );¬

` delay = ComputeDelay(Context);¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_DATA_TRACE("Video delay %d\n",delay);¬
` ¬
` status = Context->IRgbDisplay->Write(¬
` Context->IRgbDisplay,¬
` delay,¬
` frame,¬
` frameSize¬
` );¬

`// SOS_Sleep(1);¬
` ¬
` // REVISIT - we could reuse this buffer¬
` ¬
` SOS_Mem_Free(frame);¬
` ¬
` } else {¬
` status = SOS_ErrorResourceAllocation;¬
` }¬
` ¬
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` return status;¬


` ¬
` SOS_PATH * Path¬
` SOS_STATUS status;¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT *contextObject;¬
` SOS_IVIDEOCONTEXT *iVideoContext;¬

` status = SOS_Path_AttributeGet(¬
` Path,¬
` &contextObject¬
` );¬

` SOS_SUCCEEDED(status),¬
` "Path context does not contain a video context"¬
` );¬

` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` status = SOS_RegObject_InterfaceGet(¬
` contextObject,¬
` (void**)&iVideoContext¬
` );¬

` SOS_SUCCEEDED(status),¬
` "Video context does not support required interface"¬
` );¬

` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` Context->IVideoContext = iVideoContext;¬
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` }¬
` SOS_RegObject_Release(contextObject);¬
` }¬
` return status;¬

`Bead Definition¬
` SOS_PATH *Path,¬
` SOS_MESSAGE *Message¬
` static SOS_UINT32 s_UniqueId = 0;¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT* uniqueSessionKey;¬
` ¬
` uniqueSessionKey = SOS_UInt32_Create(s_UniqueId++);¬
` SOS_Path_SessionKeySet(Path, uniqueSessionKey);¬
` SOS_RegObject_Release(uniqueSessionKey);¬

` return SOS_PathBuild_Stop;¬

` SOS_PATH *Path,¬
` SOS_MESSAGE *Message¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_Success;¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("RgbVideo_MessageHandler\n");¬

` SOS_Path_SessionContextPeek(Path, (void**)&context);¬

` /*¬
` * Extract the clocks, video context from the path/message¬
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` */¬
` if (!context->IVideoContext) {¬
` status = RgbVideo_VideoContextGet(¬
` context,¬
` Path¬
` );¬
` }¬

` if (!context->DisplayReady && SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` status = DisplayPrepare(context, Message);¬
` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` context->DisplayReady = SOS_True;¬
` }¬
` }¬

` if (!context->ClocksReady) {¬
` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` status = ClocksPrepare(context, Path);¬
` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` context->ClocksReady = SOS_True;¬
` }¬
` }¬
` }¬

` /*¬
` * If all of those steps are complete then¬
` * we can unpack and display the next frame¬
` */¬
` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬

` context->IVideoContext->Unpack(¬
` context->IVideoContext,¬
` Message,¬
` NULL, /* don't want format */¬
` &context->FrameNumber¬
` );¬

` ¬
` DisplayFrame(context, Message);¬
` }¬

` SOS_Message_Destroy(Message);¬

` return status;¬
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`Session Setup¬

` SOS_PATH *Path¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_Success;¬
` RGBVIDEO_CONTEXT *context = RgbVideo_ContextCreate();¬

` if (context) {¬
` SOS_Path_SessionContextPut(Path, context);¬
` } else {¬
` status = SOS_Error;¬
` }¬
` ¬
` return status;¬

` SOS_PATH *Path¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_Success;¬

` SOS_Path_SessionContextPeek(Path, (void**)&context);¬

` if (context) {¬
` if (context->IRgbDisplay) {¬
` context->IRgbDisplay->Close(¬
` context->IRgbDisplay¬
` );¬
` }¬
` RgbVideo_ContextDestroy(context);¬
` }¬

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` return status;¬

`Bead Setup¬

` SOS_BEAD *Bead,¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT *InitContext¬
` SOS_STATUS status;¬
` ¬
` /* register Encode Edge */¬
` status = SOS_Edge_Register(¬
` Bead,¬
` "encode",¬
` NULL,¬
` NULL,¬
` NULL,¬
` RgbVideo_KeyCreate,¬
` RgbVideo_MessageHandler,¬
` NULL,¬
` NULL,¬
` NULL,¬
` NULL);¬

` if (SOS_FAILED(status)) {¬
` SOS_DEBUGOUT_MAJOR_EVENT( "Could not register encode edge");¬
` }¬
` return status;¬

` void *BeadContext¬
` return SOS_Success;¬
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`Module Setup¬

`SOS_ModuleInit (¬
` SOS_OBJECTFILE *ObjectFile,¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT *InitContext¬
` SOS_STATUS status;¬
` ¬
` /* register the Bead */¬
` status = SOS_Bead_Register(¬
` ObjectFile,¬
` NULL, /* Bead context */¬
` RgbVideo_BeadInit,¬
` RgbVideo_BeadUninit,¬
` RgbVideo_SessionInit,¬
` RgbVideo_SessionUninit¬
` );¬

` return status;¬

`SOS_ModuleUninit (¬

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`Implicit Exhibit 2050
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767

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