/Users/implicit/Desktop/Source Code/2001.11.01/beads/ipv4/main/ipv4.c
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`Printed for: Implicit
`$Id: ipv4.c,v 1.1 2001/08/31 00:46:55 davidc Exp $¬
`Copyright (c) 2001 BeComm Corporation¬
` ipv4.c¬
` This file contains an implementation of IP v.4 network address¬
` class.¬
` David Costanzo (davidc)¬
`#define SOS_DEBUG_ZONE "/classes/ipv4"¬
`#include <sosstrings.h>¬
`#include <sosinamespace.h>¬
`#include <sosicompare.h>¬
`SOS_SOURCE_VERSION("$Id: ipv4.c,v 1.1 2001/08/31 00:46:55 davidc Exp $");¬
`#define IPV4_CLASS_NAME "ipv4"¬
`#define IP_SCHEME_NAME "ip"¬
`#define IPV4_SCHEME_NAME "ipv4"¬
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`Printed for: Implicit
` IpV4_ContextInvariant(CONTEXT), \¬
` "IPv4 context invariant failed\n")¬
`static SOS_REGOBJECTCLASS * g_IpV4Class = NULL;¬
`typedef struct _IPV4_CONTEXT IPV4_CONTEXT;¬
`struct _IPV4_CONTEXT {¬
` SOS_UINT32 Address;¬
` SOS_UINT32 SubnetMask;¬
`#ifdef DEBUG¬
` const IPV4_CONTEXT* IpV4Context¬
` SOS_BOOLEAN isValid;¬
` if (IpV4Context != NULL) {¬
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`Printed for: Implicit
` if ((IpV4Context->Address & ~IpV4Context->SubnetMask) == 0) { ¬
` isValid = SOS_True;¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` isValid = SOS_False;¬
` }¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` isValid = SOS_False;¬
` }¬
` return isValid;¬
` IPV4_CONTEXT* IpV4Context¬
` IpV4Context == NULL || IpV4_ContextInvariant(IpV4Context),¬
` "Destroying invalid IpV4Context");¬

` SOS_Mem_Free(IpV4Context);¬


` IPV4_CONTEXT* IpV4Context,¬
` SOS_UINT32 Address,¬
` SOS_UINT32 MaskExponent¬
` SOS_STATUS status;¬

` if (MaskExponent <= 32) {¬

` IpV4Context->SubnetMask = (SOS_UINT32) 0xFFFFFFFF << (32 -
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` IpV4Context->Address = IpV4Context->SubnetMask & Address;¬


` status = SOS_Success; ¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` status = SOS_ErrorParameter;¬
` }¬

` return status;¬

` SOS_UINT32 Address,¬
` SOS_UINT32 MaskExponent¬
` IPV4_CONTEXT* ipV4Context;¬

` MaskExponent != 0 && MaskExponent <= 32,¬
` "IpV4_ContextCreate: Invalid Parameter");¬

` ipV4Context = SOS_Mem_Alloc(sizeof(*ipV4Context));¬
` if (ipV4Context != NULL) {¬

` SOS_STATUS status;¬

` status = IpV4_ContextInitialize(ipV4Context, Address,

` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` IpV4_ContextDestroy(ipV4Context);¬
` ipV4Context = NULL;¬
` }¬
` }¬

` return ipV4Context;¬
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`Printed for: Implicit

`NameSpace Interface¬

` SOS_INAMESPACE * Interface,¬
` const char * Name,¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT ** ChildObject¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_ErrorParameter; ¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT* childObject = NULL;¬

` if (IISVALID(Interface)) {¬

` if (0 == SOS_strcmp(Name, "class")) {¬
` status = SOS_RegObject_CreateFromScheme(¬
` &childObject);¬
` }¬
` else if (0 == SOS_strcmp(Name, "address")) {¬

` char addressString[SOS_UINT32_MAX_STRING_LENGTH];¬

` IPV4_CONTEXT* context = IRESOLVE(Interface);¬
` ¬

` SOS_sprintf(addressString, "%ld", context->Address);¬

` status = SOS_RegObject_CreateFromScheme(¬
` addressString,¬
` &childObject);¬
` }¬
` else if (0 == SOS_strcmp(Name, "mask")) {¬

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`Printed for: Implicit
` char maskString[SOS_UINT32_MAX_STRING_LENGTH];¬

` IPV4_CONTEXT* context = IRESOLVE(Interface);¬
` ¬
` SOS_sprintf(maskString, "%ld", context->SubnetMask);¬

` status = SOS_RegObject_CreateFromScheme(¬
` maskString,¬
` &childObject);¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` status = SOS_ErrorNotFound;¬
` }¬
` }¬

` if (ChildObject) {¬
` *ChildObject = childObject;¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` SOS_RegObject_Release(childObject);¬
` }¬

` return status;¬

` SOS_INAMESPACE * Interface,¬
` const char * Name,¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT * ChildObject¬
` return SOS_ErrorNotSupported;¬

` SOS_INAMESPACE * Interface,¬
` const char * Name,¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT ** RemovedObject¬
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`Printed for: Implicit
` return SOS_ErrorNotSupported;¬

`Compare Interface¬
`IpV4_IsEqual (¬
` SOS_ICOMPARE * Interface,¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT * Object2¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_ErrorParameter;¬
` ¬
` if (IISVALID(Interface)) {¬

` SOS_REGOBJECT* object1; ¬
` const SOS_REGOBJECTCLASS* class1;¬
` const SOS_REGOBJECTCLASS* class2;¬

` object1 = SOS_Interface_ObjectPeek(Interface);¬
` class1 = SOS_RegObject_ClassPeek(object1);¬
` class2 = SOS_RegObject_ClassPeek(Object2);¬

` if (class1 == class2) {¬

` IPV4_CONTEXT* context1 = RESOLVE(object1); ¬
` IPV4_CONTEXT* context2 = RESOLVE(Object2);¬


` if (context1->Address == context2->Address &&¬
` context1->SubnetMask == context2->SubnetMask) {¬
` status = SOS_True;¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` status = SOS_False;¬
` }¬
` }¬
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`Printed for: Implicit
` else {¬
` status = SOS_False;¬
` } ¬
` }¬

` return status;¬
` ¬

`/* This is not transitive */ ¬
`IpV4_Compare (¬
` SOS_ICOMPARE * Interface,¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT * Object2¬
` int compare;¬
` ¬
` if (IISVALID(Interface)) {¬

` SOS_REGOBJECT* object1; ¬
` const SOS_REGOBJECTCLASS* class1;¬
` const SOS_REGOBJECTCLASS* class2;¬

` object1 = SOS_Interface_ObjectPeek(Interface);¬
` class1 = SOS_RegObject_ClassPeek(object1);¬
` class2 = SOS_RegObject_ClassPeek(Object2);¬

` if (class1 == class2) {¬

` IPV4_CONTEXT* context1 = IRESOLVE(Interface);¬
` IPV4_CONTEXT* context2 = RESOLVE(Object2);¬


` if ((context1->Address & context2->SubnetMask) <
`(context2->Address & context1->SubnetMask)) {¬
` compare = -1;¬
` }¬
` else if ((context2->Address & context1->SubnetMask) <
`(context1->Address & context2->SubnetMask)) {¬
` compare = 1;¬
` }¬
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` else {¬
` compare = 0;¬
` }¬

` }¬
` else if (class1 < class2) {¬
` compare = -1;¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` compare = 1;¬
` }¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` compare = -1;¬
` }¬

` return compare;¬

` SOS_ICOMPARE * Interface¬
` SOS_UINT32 hash;¬
` ¬
` if (IISVALID(Interface)) {¬

` IPV4_CONTEXT* ipV4Context = IRESOLVE(Interface);¬

` hash = ipV4Context->Address;¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` hash = 0;¬
` }¬

` return hash;¬

` SOS_ICOMPARE * Interface,¬
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`Printed for: Implicit
` SOS_REGOBJECT * Object2¬
` SOS_UINT32 strength = 0;¬

` if (IISVALID(Interface)) {¬

` SOS_REGOBJECT* object1; ¬
` const SOS_REGOBJECTCLASS* class1;¬
` const SOS_REGOBJECTCLASS* class2;¬

` object1 = SOS_Interface_ObjectPeek(Interface);¬
` class1 = SOS_RegObject_ClassPeek(object1);¬
` class2 = SOS_RegObject_ClassPeek(Object2);¬

` if (class1 == class2) {¬

` IPV4_CONTEXT* context1 = IRESOLVE(Interface);¬
` IPV4_CONTEXT* context2 = RESOLVE(Object2);¬


` if ((context2->Address & context1->SubnetMask) ==
`context1->Address) {¬

` The exponent of the subnet mask would give a better¬
` feel for the strength of the match.¬
` */¬
` strength = 1;¬
` }¬
` }¬
` }¬

` return strength;¬

`Int Value interface¬

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`Printed for: Implicit
` SOS_IINTVALUE * Interface,¬
` SOS_INT32 * Value¬
` return SOS_ErrorNotSupported;¬

` SOS_IINTVALUE * Interface,¬
` SOS_INT32 Value¬
` return SOS_ErrorNotSupported;¬

` SOS_IINTVALUE * Interface,¬
` SOS_UINT32 * Value¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_ErrorParameter;¬
` SOS_UINT32 value = 0;¬
` ¬
` if (IISVALID(Interface)) {¬

` IPV4_CONTEXT* ipV4Context = IRESOLVE(Interface);¬


` value = ipV4Context->Address;¬
` status = SOS_Success;¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` status = SOS_ErrorParameter;¬
` value = 0;¬
` }¬

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`Printed for: Implicit
` if (Value) {¬
` *Value = value;¬
` }¬
` return status;¬

` SOS_IINTVALUE * Interface,¬
` SOS_UINT32 Value¬
` return SOS_ErrorNotSupported;¬

`Create From String Interface¬

`Routine Name:¬

` IpV4_CreateFromString¬

`Routine Description:¬

` This routine ceates an IPv4 object from a string.¬

` It accepts strings of of two forms:¬
` ¬
` ###.###.###.###¬

` ###.###.###.###/<subnet_mask>¬

` This routine some some minimal error recovery on malformed strings.¬


` SOS_ICREATEFROMSTRING* ICreateFromString - [in]¬
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` The registry class interface.¬

` const char* String - [in]¬
` The string from which to create the IP object.¬

` SOS_REGOBJECT** Object - [out]¬
` The newly created object.¬

`Return Value:¬

` SOS_Success, on success.¬

` an error code on error.¬

`IpV4_CreateFromString (¬
` const char * String,¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT ** Object¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_ErrorParameter;¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT* newObject = NULL;¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("CreateFromString '%s'\n", String);¬

` if (String != NULL) {¬

` newObject = SOS_RegObject_Create(g_IpV4Class);¬
` if (newObject != NULL) {¬

` IPV4_CONTEXT* ipV4Context = RESOLVE(newObject);¬
` const char * firstSlash;¬
` SOS_UINT32 address;¬
` SOS_UINT32 subnetMaskExponent;¬

` status = SOS_Success;¬

` /* get the subnet mask, if any exists */¬
` firstSlash = SOS_strchr(String, '/');¬
` if (firstSlash != NULL) {¬
` subnetMaskExponent = SOS_strtoul(firstSlash + 1, NULL,
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`Printed for: Implicit
` }¬
` else {¬
` subnetMaskExponent = 32;¬
` }¬
` ¬

` /* get the IP address, which should be in dotted notation */¬
` status = SOS_inet_aton(String, &address);¬
` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬

` status = IpV4_ContextInitialize(¬
` ipV4Context, ¬
` SOS_ntohl(address), ¬
` subnetMaskExponent);¬
` }¬

` if (SOS_FAILED(status)) {¬
` SOS_RegObject_Release(newObject);¬
` newObject = NULL;¬
` }¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` status = SOS_ErrorResourceAllocation;¬
` }¬
` }¬

` if (Object) {¬
` *Object = newObject;¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` SOS_RegObject_Release(newObject);¬
` }¬

` return status;¬

`Basic Object Methods¬

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`Printed for: Implicit
` SOS_STATUS status;¬
` IPV4_CONTEXT * uriContext;¬
` ¬
` uriContext = IpV4_ContextCreate(0x00000000,32);¬
` if (uriContext) {¬
` SOS_RegObject_DataPut(Object, uriContext);¬
` status = SOS_Success;¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` status = SOS_ErrorResourceAllocation;¬
` }¬
` ¬
` return status;¬

` IPV4_CONTEXT * ipV4Context;¬
` ¬
` ipV4Context = RESOLVE(Object);¬
` IpV4_ContextDestroy(ipV4Context);¬

`Global initialization¬

`IpV4_ClassInit (¬
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`Printed for: Implicit
` SOS_REGOBJECT *InitContext¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_Success;¬

` static const SOS_INAMESPACE iNamespace = {¬
` IpV4_NameSpaceSet,¬
` IpV4_NameSpaceGet,¬
` IpV4_NameSpaceRemove,¬
` };¬

` static const SOS_ICOMPARE iCompare = {¬
` IpV4_IsEqual,¬
` IpV4_Compare,¬
` IpV4_Matches,¬
` IpV4_Hash,¬
` };¬

` static const SOS_IINTVALUE iIntValue = {¬
` IpV4_Int32ValueGet,¬
` IpV4_UInt32ValueGet,¬
` IpV4_Int32ValueSet,¬
` IpV4_UInt32ValueSet,¬
` };¬
` ¬
` static const SOS_ICREATEFROMSTRING iCreateFromString = {¬
` IpV4_CreateFromString¬
` };¬

` status = SOS_RegObjectClass_InterfaceAdd(¬
` RegObjectClass,¬
` &iNamespace,¬
` sizeof(iNamespace)¬
` );¬

` status = SOS_RegObjectClass_InterfaceAdd(¬
` RegObjectClass,¬
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`Printed for: Implicit
` &iCompare,¬
` sizeof(iCompare)¬
` );¬

` status = SOS_RegObjectClass_InterfaceAdd(¬
` RegObjectClass,¬
` &iIntValue,¬
` sizeof(iIntValue)¬
` );¬

` SOS_RegObjectClass_ClassInterfaceAdd (¬
` RegObjectClass,¬
` &iCreateFromString,¬
` sizeof(iCreateFromString)¬
` );¬

` SOS_Registry_SchemeRegister(RegObjectClass, IPV4_SCHEME_NAME);¬
` SOS_Registry_SchemeRegister(RegObjectClass, IP_SCHEME_NAME);¬

` g_IpV4Class = SOS_RegObjectClass_Reference(RegObjectClass);¬

` return status;¬

` SOS_Registry_SchemeUnregister(g_IpV4Class, IPV4_SCHEME_NAME);¬
` SOS_Registry_SchemeUnregister(g_IpV4Class, IP_SCHEME_NAME);¬

` SOS_RegObjectClass_Release(g_IpV4Class);¬

` return SOS_Success;¬

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`Printed for: Implicit
` SOS_OBJECTFILE* ObjectFile,¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT* RegistryHandle¬
` ¬
` uriClass = SOS_RegObjectClass_Register(¬
` ObjectFile,¬
` NULL, /* class context */¬
` IpV4_ClassInit,¬
` IpV4_ClassUninit,¬
` IpV4_Init,¬
` IpV4_Uninit¬
` );¬

` /*¬
` * Immediately release this class.¬
` * It may not be returned in future versions.¬
` */¬
` SOS_RegObjectClass_Release(uriClass);¬

` return SOS_Success;¬

`Page 18 of 18
`Implicit Exhibit 2048
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767

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