BeComm corporation
`Content Management Software
`Project Proposal
`July 31, 2002
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`Implicit Exhibit 2041
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`I n t r o d u c t i o n
`The following proposal is in response to an RFQ (M3P: RFQ Content Management SW 02-07-23) from Philips Components for the
`development of a Content Management Software application. The goal of the software is to provide a PC-based application that
`allows users to organize content, interact with content, and access content from a portable device.
`This proposal includes the following sections:
`· BeComm Overview – Background information on BeComm, BeComm products, and BeComm services.
`· Relevant Technology and Experience – Overview of technology and experience relevant to this project.
`· Project Overview – Overview of the project including technology overview and suggested directions.
`· Schedule – Phase breakdown of project with time and cost estimates.
`· BeComm fundamentals – company structure, people, and fundamentals.
`BeComm has been involved in the research and development of multimedia solutions for over six years. In addition to our flagship
`product, Strings, we have explored, developed, and commercially deployed solutions spanning processing of audio and video content
`to the development of distributed content management systems and user-interfaces for accessing content.
`Our mission is to deliver solutions to our customers by focusing our wealth of experience and technology capabilities on customer
`requirements. We are pleased to have the opportunity to demonstrate our capabilities and expertise in the context of the Philips
`Content Management Software.
`The BeComm Team.
`BeComm corporation - Confidential
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`T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s
`Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
`Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
`BeComm Overview........................................................................................................................................................ 4
`BeComm Consulting Services ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
`Experience ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
`Partnerships ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
`Relevant Technology and Experience .......................................................................................................................... 7
`Strings .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
`Strings Namespace ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
`Strings Media Manager ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
`Strings Video Adapter ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
`Strings Audio Adapter ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11
`Convergent UI.................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
`Intel Web Tablet .............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
`Project Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
`Content Management ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13
`Media Playback ................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
`User Interface ................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
`Future Directions ............................................................................................................................................................................ 14
`Schedule .................................................................................................................................................................... 15
`Rapid Prototyping ........................................................................................................................................................................... 15
`Managed Engineering ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
`Phase System Overview ................................................................................................................................................................... 15
`Phase 0 – Setup* ............................................................................................................................................................................ 16
`Phase 1- Architecture & Design* ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
`Phase 2 – Implementation & Test*................................................................................................................................................... 18
`Phase 3 –QA & Release* .................................................................................................................................................................. 19
`Appendix A – References .......................................................................................................................................... 20
`BeComm corporation - Confidential
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`B e C o m m O v e r v i e w
`BeComm Corporation was founded in 1996 with the mission of
`systems for distributed networking. Edward Balassanian, the
`company’s founder, provided seed funding, and the company
`has grown from cash flow generated by its customers. This
`represents a combined investment of over $10 million.
`In the course of these efforts the company developed a novel
`architecture called Strings, which is a platform for enabling
` Strings was
`followed with
`the Strings
`Multimedia Kit which
`focused on enabling media-rich
`applications in distributed network environments. BeComm
`continues to do product development work on Strings and will
`introduce other Strings kits targeted at enabling distributed
`applications in other markets such as enterprise, networking,
`gaming and telephony.
`In the process of developing Strings, BeComm has had the
`to work
`closely with
`companies such as Intel, Gateway, Wind River, Stratos, Frog
`Design, bSquare and one of the nation’s leading defense
`contractors. The discipline of building systems software and
`the exacting requirements of delivering commercial solutions
`for customers has provided
`the backdrop
`for BeComm
`Consulting Services
`BeComm Consulting Services
`BeComm Consulting Services marries our tradition of building
`world-class software with our proven ability to deliver for
`world-class customers.
`BeComm Consulting Services’ 15 engineers set the standard
`for R&D at BeComm and bring a wealth of architecture, design
`implementation expertise to bear for clients.
` Our
`engineers also enjoy the support of our strong relationships
`and partnerships with the world’s best design and engineering
`firms, including bSquare, Frog, Stratos and WindRiver. These
`companies are eager to work with us and stand ready to be
`our references.
`leverage our core R&D by
`Whether customers directly
`licensing Strings or instead leverage our years of experience,
`BCS engineers can develop virtually any complex network
`is to provide our
`BeComm Consulting Services’ mission
`the same exacting
`to product
`excellence employed internally at BeComm. To this end our
`goal is to ensure clients business objectives are consistently
`met and exceeded.
`Our internal process for engineering stipulates the strictness
`standards for all aspects of software development including
`documentation, commenting of code, and development of test
`code in tandem with feature implementation, frequent and
`incremental releases, and a commitment to excellence. These
`processes and traits are rigorously enforced at BeComm and
`are the backbone of BeComm Consulting Service’s ability to
`deliver projects on time, on budget, and on spec.
`BeComm Consulting Services has complete engineering and
`testing resources at
`its disposal. This includes 24 hour,
`automated build and test servers, over 40 lab machines with
`ghosting capability (Linux, Windows 98/ME/NT/XP) for usability
`testing, T1 connectivity for client web sites, production
`capability with professional quality color printing, and the
`latest development, testing and, QA tools.
`in an environment focusing on
`is provided
`All of this
`engineering and minimizing overhead and hence overall client
`BeComm corporation - Confidential
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`Processes and facilities alone are not adequate to guarantee
`quality. As long as the human factor is involved in the
`development of software, a culture
`that promotes
`appropriate disciplines and ethics is equally important.
`To this end BCS hires only those with the right aptitude and
`the right attitude. All new hires are put through rigorous
`interviewing and screening regardless of prior experience. All
`new engineers go through our 8-week boot-camp program. In
`addition to ensuring engineers start with the right mindset,
`all employees participate in a mentoring program where they
`not only learn new skills but also grow, mature, and teach
`those skills to new hires.
`it is our obsession with cleanliness of code or
`architecture, our
`encourages, demands, and teaches excellence. We hand off
`software with the pride that comes from knowing that
`customers will receive solutions that are a maintainable,
`extensible and most importantly valuable.
`With over 6 years of systems research, product development
`expertise and a proven track record of delivering
`customers, BeComm Consulting Services is an ideal choice for
`software engineering outsourcing needs.
`in R&D as well as our ongoing
`Our deep experience
`development of systems software has required us to develop
`exacting standards, rigorous processes and the highest
`commitment level to quality and predictability.
`In addition to bringing on a team well-seasoned in the art and
`science of developing world-class, commercial grade software,
`clients have at their disposal a wealth of development
`that can deliver everything
`from high
`architectural designs to complete products.
`Engineers at BeComm have a diverse background and provide
`expertise in many areas including:
`• Systems
`implementation of next-generation operating systems.
`• Web Technologies – including legacy technologies such as
`HTTP and emerging technologies such as XML-RPC, SOAP,
`• Database systems – including the design of scalable
`database solutions, distributed database systems, schema
`design, and experience with a wide variety of database
` Extensive experience
`the areas of
`medical/bio informatics and application servers.
`• Distributed Systems – including peer-to-peer solutions,
`scalable network files systems and network discovery
` Extensive experience with UPnP, GENA,
`SSDP, and other distributed network architectures.
`Client/Server – including deployment of server side and
`client side technologies, architecture and design of
`scalable fault-tolerant solutions.
`• Gaming/Multi-user Systems – including development of
`gaming and multi-user online systems as well as client
`side applications and games.
`• Multimedia And Graphics –
`including development of
`multimedia codecs such as MPEG4, MP3, RTP, SIP, H.323,
`H.264, and OpenGL. Extensive experience with Windows
`Media Format SDK, Real Networks SDK, and related
`Communications Technologies – including deep expertise
`internet protocols, routing
`technologies, sockets,
`multicast technologies such as MBONE, and emerging
`protocols such as IPv6 and UPnP.
`Embedded Systems – extensive experience with embedded
`including: web tablets, set-top-boxes, media
`gateways, networked stereos, handhelds,
`gateways, routers, and network equipment.
`BeComm corporation - Confidential
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`Telephony/Unified messaging – BCS engineers have
`implemented complete VoIP telephony systems. Extensive
`experience with H.323, SIP/RTP, and a wide variety of PC-
`based telephony solutions and media codecs for voice
`• UI and Industrial Design – Experience with all aspects of
`next-generation UI
`production of consumer designs.
`• Operating Systems – Windows 98-XP, MacOS (including OS
`X), Linux, FreeBSD, Unix, Windows CE, PocketPC, Windows
`CE .NET, and VxWorks.
`• Microsoft Technologies – Extensive experience with each
`.NET, COM, DCOM, ActiveX, DirectShow, DirectPlay,
`DirectSound, Win32, MFC, Visual Studio
`.NET, Mira/RDP,
`Windows CE Platform Builder, NDiS, Telephony API, Speech
`API, SMB, UPnP, Windows Media, and Format SDK.
`In addition to our software engineering services, BCS has
`partnerships with leading design firms such as Wind River,
`Frog Design, and Stratos. These partnerships allow us to
`deliver complete solutions for
`industrial, mechanical, and
`electrical engineering.
`BeComm corporation - Confidential
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`R e l e v a n t T e c h n o l o g y a n d E x p e r i e n c e
`size, creation date, and content-type.
`Strings is a platform for distributed
`read/write access to object-specific
`networking. It provides a framework
`attributes such as the artist, genre,
`upon which connected applications can
`and album attributes found in the ID3
`quickly be developed and deployed.
`tag of an MP3 file. Furthermore, the
`is composed of a
`namespace extends the attribute space
`runtime environment and a series of
`Rapid Application Development Kits
`allowing the user to tag a file with any
`(RADkits) that provide developers with
`type of attribute such as “this is my
`favorite song” or “this
`is workout
`Strings Namespace
`The Strings Namespace is an attribute-
`managing, and providing easy access
`to objects. Unlike a traditional file
`Namespace are not limited to being
`files on disk. A variety of objects can
`be stored in a namespace, such as files
`on a disk-based file system, records
`cameras and microphones, and “live”
`objects such as COM/OLE objects
`Strings Namespace
`provides a unified means to organize,
`view, and access this wide range of
`different objects.
`Flexible Storage
`map directly onto an
`structure. Doing so
`would provide direct
`organized directory
`tree of content files.
`mechanism, the underlying structure
`of files and objects is irrelevant to the
`user. Instead, users interact with only
`the content they are interested in, in a
`structure that is relevant to their task
`at hand.
`files could be
`For example, music
`stored in any directory structure on
`disk, including a single flat directory,
`but the user would access them in an
`organized fashion in the way that is
`most conducive to their activity at any
`given time.
`A powerful aspect of
`the Strings
`is the
`Strings provides to the Namespace.
`Filters allow the user of a namespace
`to see a customized view of
`Namespace. A filter is made up of an
`attribute-based query and attribute-
`based organization requirements. This
`allows the user to express a concept
`such as “Show me all of my pictures
`from our Florida vacation, organized
`by who’s
`in the picture.” With this
`Rich Attributes
`The Strings Namespace supports rich
`attribution of objects. Through this
`mechanism, users of the namespace
`have access to attributes such as file
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`The namespace
`applying a filter to the repository
`is a
`virtual directory
`structuring of the objects. As such, it
`is conceivable that a given object may
`directory paths in the namespace. The
`following diagram illustrates how this
`might look, with an example of what
`object attributes might look like:
`By using the filter interface to the
`Strings Namespace, an application can
`create customized subset views that
`can be cached on a portable device.
`The result of a filter operation yields a
`namespace that can be cached by
`copying the objects into a matching
`directory structure in the persistent
`storage of such a device.
`For example, a portable device can
`filter the main namespace to obtain a
`set of relevant content, in a relevant
`structure and cache it locally. Then,
`when content
`is added, deleted or
`modified in either the main namespace
`or the cached namespace, the two can
`later be synchronized by comparing
`namespace generated by re-applying
`the filter to the main namespace. In
`this way,
`the portable device can
`download content based on a specific
`query, and remain synchronized with
`the objects in the main repository that
`match that query, and vice versa.
`Distributing The Namespace
`The Strings Namespace can also be
`multiple devices. This allows a library
`of files spread across multiple PCs to
`appear as a single virtual namespace
`of objects.
`For example, an application
`Namespace for all music files by The
`Beatles would see applicable files as a
`single namespace even if the actual
`files reside across multiple PCs or
`portable devices. This is a powerful
`management system
`to seamlessly
`provide access to
`files distributed
`across a network. It also allows any
`the network
`to access
`devices such as a portable MP3 player
`that may come and go
`Paul Simon
`People: Ben, Scott
`Location: Florida
`People: Ben
`Location: Mexico
`BeComm corporation - Confidential
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`Strings Media Manager
`In addition to providing a framework
`for distributed networking through the
`Strings Namespace, Strings also can be
`configured to provide advanced media
`management services. These services
`enable the efficient and predictable
`decoding of an extensible variety of
`content formats. The Strings Media
`Manager is built upon a path-based
`architecture that greatly streamlines
`the processing of media on a given
`for more
`predictable processing of media while
`using fewer CPU and memory resources
`than traditional media managers.
`Strings has support for most popular
`audio and video
`formats and new
`formats can be readily supported.
`Since the Stings media management
`facilities are built with
`the same
`distributed networking model as the
`namespace, any device using Strings
`can extend media playback to other
`devices in the network. This would, for
`example, allow a PC-based media
`to direct audio or
`playback to happen on the speakers or
`screen of another PC in the network.
`Strings Multimedia RADkit™
`The Strings Multimedia RADkit provides
`an SDK
`for developers to directly
`leverage the media capabilities within
`Strings. This RADkit allows for rapid
`development of applications that can
`browse for sources and destinations or
`“sinks” of content, connect sources
`and sinks of content, control sources
`and sinks, and create new source and
`In addition,
`the Strings
`advanced capabilities:
`synchronization of media
`playback across network
`• automatic
`sources and sinks
`multicast and broadcast
`rules-based processing of
`BeComm corporation - Confidential
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`Strings Video Adapter:
`• View home movies on a
`standard televisions
`Turn ordinary monitors
`into second televisions
`Control Movie playback
`• Send
`video to televisions
`Strings Video Adapter
` The Strings Video Adapter is a plug-n-
`play reference design that allows any
`video capable device such as a home
`TV to be transformed into a network
`video terminal.
`The reference design is equipped with
`RCA outputs (video only)* and an AC
`adapter. No configuration is required
`to enable the adapter. Simply plug the
`video output into the inputs of video
`capable consumer device.
`• Route television content
`from any PC with a TV-
`tuner card
`to standard
`televisions or PC monitors
`• Route mpeg movies from a
`home PC or the internet to
`a standard television or
`PC monitor
`• Use the Tatung Webpad to
`movies on the PC or TV
`Time to Assemble: 2 weeks
`Cost: $10,000
` *
` We can also assemble a combined
`video and audio adapter capable of
`simultaneous video and audio output.
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`Strings Audio Adapter
`The Strings Audio Adapter is a plug-n-
`play reference design that allows any
`audio-capable device such as a home
`to be
`into a
`network audio player.
`The reference design is equipped with
`two stereo outputs and an AC adapter.
`No configuration is required to enable
`the adapter. Simply plug the audio
`inputs of
`consumer device.
`• Route MP3 content from
`your PC and the internet
`to any device attached to
`the Strings Audio Adapter
`• Discover and control the
`Audio Adapter
`from a
`• Play synchronized music
`to multiple adapters
`• Use your favorite music
`player to play back MP3s
`on your stereo
`Strings Audio Adapter
`Listen to MP3s and Internet
`audio on home stereos
`Control music
`from tablets & handhelds
`• Synchronize
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`Convergent UI
`In early 2001, BeComm set out to develop a definitive user
`interface for media services within the home. The UI was
`designed to allow users unlimited access to content across a
`myriad of devices including televisions, PCs and handhelds.
`Based on the UI, users can create media-related activities
`such as viewing movies, browsing the web, listening to music
`and viewing photos.
`interface to all media-related
`The UI presents a single
`activities through the content of a Universal Media Bar.
`The work we did on this user interface was recently awarded a
`bronze medal for industrial design by I.D. Magazine.
`Intel Web Tablet
`The Intel® Web Tablet was built with Strings to manage and
`deliver rich digital audio content.
`With Strings, users can enjoy digital audio on the tablet by
`playing files stored on their PC, on the Internet, or by
`listening to Internet radio from anywhere in the home.
`Strings makes this possible by acting as a gateway for
`streaming audio from the Internet to the Web Tablet. With
`Strings, the Web Tablet is able to leverage the PC's processing
`power and memory, so that it can play rich audio content
`without requiring additional processing on the Tablet. Not
`only does this reduce the cost of the Web Tablet, but because
`Strings manages the audio streams in real-time, users can
`experience "live" digital audio, away from the PC, without
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`P r o j e c t O v e r v i e w
`There are several elements that make up the Philips Content Management Software. These include:
`Content Management – providing the user with a way to find, store, synchronize, tag, and organize content.
`• Media Playback – providing a mechanism for the user to interact with content on the PC.
`• User Interface – the overall user interface of the software incorporated both content management and playback.
`These components are discussed in further detail below:
`Content Management
`The user will require the following capabilities:
`• Quickly find content on the PC or across multiple
`Create personalized views of content on PCs and
`portable devices
`• Store new content with meta-data for quick
`• Synchronize content between the portable device
`and the PC
`The Strings Namespace is ideally suited to these tasks. The
`Strings Namespace provides the following enabling features:
`• Attribute-based file system
`o A simple query
`it easy to
`language makes
`locate content anywhere in the network
`o Read/write existing attributes such as ID3 tag
`o Attribute based filtering
`• Mapping of the attribute-based file system
`into a
`directory structure such
`that all
`namespace are accessible from external applications.
`• Distributed access
`o Content across multiple PCs is available to any
`o Portable devices can synchronize to content
`regardless of where it lives in the network.
`• Attribute based synchronization
`o Users can select attributes for the type of
`content they wish to have synchronized to any
`device in the network (e.g. sync up all music of
`a certain genre to the portable device)
`Create new attributes
`o The Strings Namespace allows new meta-data
`to be added to any type of content. This allows
`a user to add new attributes to data that can
`later be used to quickly locate relevant content
`(e.g. add “favorite” to any photo of music file)
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`Media Playback
`Media playback can be handled either with integrated playback
`support or by leveraging existing media players.
`Integrated Playback Support
`Integrated playback support would allow for direct integration
`of the playback UI with the content management UI. This
`would provide a highly consistent paradigm for total content
`management and would not require launching of external
`complete media
`Since Strings provides a
`integrated playback support could be rapidly enabled on top
`of the Strings framework. This has the added benefit of
`allowing for local playback as well as playback on any network
`speaker, such a speaker on other PCs or on a smart stereo
`By integrating the playback system directly into the main
`application, UI skins could be provided that provide branding
`opportunities for OEMs.
`Legacy Applications
`In addition to enabling integrated playback support, legacy
`media players could be launched when the user wishes to
`interact with content.
`Since the user would be using his or her favorite media player,
`this approach would have the benefit of providing the user
`with a familiar interface based on his or her favorite player.
`The drawback of this approach is primarily that the UI will not
`be consistent across all media related activities, and
`providing a way to skin applications would not extend to the
`legacy applications.
`User Interface
`To build the user interface for the Philips Content Management
`Software, we will
`leverage our years of experience
`architecting interfaces for convergent media. We will work
`directly with Stratos product design to develop graphics,
`skins and other design elements for the UI.
`If Philips should decide to manage media playback through
`existing applications such as WinAMP or Windows Media
`Player, we can build extensions to these players that will
`allow the user to interact with the Strings namespace through
`any application.
`Whatever the direction Philips chooses, our expertise
`building convergent media systems, coupled with Stratos’
`design expertise, will provide the basis for a complete
`Future Directions
`By leveraging Strings for namespace management and media
`playback, the Philips Content Management Software will have
`several opportunities for future extensibility.
` These are
`outlined below:
`• Support playback of content on network devices
`o Strings Audio Adapter would enable playback
`on traditional stereo systems.
`o Strings Video Relay would allow for playback on
`standard monitors, TV sets or other video
`If enabled with wireless capabilities, the Portable
`Media Player could become the controller for all media
`playback in the home.
`The Strings Namespace could be used to provide
`content to the user from
`internet-based services.
`BeComm corporation - Confidential
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`S c h e d u l e
`BeComm has been developing systems software for over 6
`years. This work has required us to perfect a process that can
`at once yield highly innovative designs, while still ensuring on
`time delivery of commercial grade projects.
`The result

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