`SONOS, INC., Petitioner v. IMPLICIT, LLC, Patent Owner
`JUNE 17, 2019 Oral Hearing
`IRP2018-00766 (Patent 7,391,791 B2)
`IRP2018-00767 (Patent 8,942,252 B2)
`June 17, 2019
`Page 1 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


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`.-. United Sratos Patent
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`PAGE ] DJ" 17
`5105108 EXHIBIT Ifllfll
`1'F’R uf 115. PM. .Vn.
`"791 Patent
`’252 Patent
`Page 2 0f 96
`Sonos V. Implicit, IPR2018—0766, —0767
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Page 2 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`BeComm Corporation
`Technical Presentation
`A Traditional Video Player
`80* App +. [(10)
`. Application has built in knowledge of devices
`. Application features are tied together
`. Application components are not reusable in other
`contexts at runtime
`. Application cannot be decomposed and distributed
`Page 5 of 31
`Implicit Exhibit 2002
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767
`Page 3 of 96
`Exh. 2002 at 5
`EXh. 2002 at 5
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767
`Page 3 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`BeComm Corporation
`Technical Presentation
`s nI>~\
`lmpllul. ll'Kllilxu‘M, HT
`A Distributed Video Player
`Video Card
`Video Card
`Page 9 0f 31
`Beta M M
`Bit Pipe
`Implicit Exhibit 2002
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767
`Page 4 of 96
`Exh. 2002 at 9
`EXh. 2002 at 9
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767
`Page 4 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`fl // /
`EXh - 2004 at 10
`" know, the one from the previous millenium that uses VHS tapes."
`Implicit Exhibit 2004
`801105 Y. Implicit. IPRJOlS—O'66. -l'I"6'
`Exh. 2004 at 10
`Page 5 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`Page 6 of 96
`Exh. 2005
`Exh. 2005
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767
`Page 6 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`EieiL'm-m corporation"
`. wanna“.
`[a] 7. "’ .—«. -.
`:4.- 1:“. L. ii iii cnrpnratmn
`3 1']! i n qsm
`:- Overview
`:- Inside
`b I
`:- P t
`' ‘t
`or a I
`I y
`:- Integration
`Home > Prggluct > Case Study: Intel
`to manage and deliver rich digital audio content.
`By riding on top of the PC, Strings
`piowdes a gateway to audio content
`fmm both the PC and the lntmnel.
`This allows the Web Tablet to leverage
`the power and Internet connection of
`the PC to access and play digital
`With Strings, users can enjoy digital
`audio on the tablet by playing MP3s
`stored on their PC or by listening to
`Internet radio from anywhere in the home.
`Intel Web Tablet
`Intel Corporation’s new wireless Internet device, the Intel® Web Tablet, uses Strings
`E Xh ' 2 0 0 6
`The Intel Web Tablet and BeComm have been making headlines:
`Page 1 of 1
`Implicit Exhibit 2006
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018—0766, —0767
`Exh. 2006
`Page 7 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`EieiL'or-m corporation"
`. Cmnm
`:9 Company
`. Product
`> Customers
`> Parlners
`> Developers
`E Xh ' 2 0 0 7
`:- Offer products that provide jitter-free,
`CD-quality audio
`:- Utilize our small, resource-efficient footprint to develop cost-effective,
`multi-fum:tiona| products
`:- Build products that distribute and manage audio content across all
`devices on a network
`:- Build products whose capabilities can be expanded cl\,/namica||y to support
`new forms of content, protocols and formats
`.- Auto-configure network addresses for each device, making installation
`quick and easy for the user
`:— Overview
`1' String" A‘lval‘tage
`.- Solutions
`:- Web
`:- Case studies
`Home > Products > Audio 8o|ution
`BeConnn Audio Solution
`BeComm provides a complete Audio Solution
`on which ()Elzls can build connected devices
`for the home. OEHs that take advantage of
`our Audio Solution can offer products that
`are capable of streaming and controlling
`multiple audio formats from a choice of
`sources to any device on the network.
`Features and Benefits
`With the BeComm Audio Solution, OEi~is
`Page 1 of 1
`Implicit Exhibit 2007
`501105 v. Implicit, IPR2018—0766, —0767
`Exh. 2007
`Page 8 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`I22 Project Juno
`Project Juno
`Our nii.
`ion is to create the
`world t1 st and best Strings-
`enabled digital audio relay.
`Juno will allow user" to continue
`JIail Ifx
`Finail Arclm ,
`Exh. 2008
`to leverage their investment in
`analoU audio components while
`adding new digital audio
`capabiltiesi From playin MP3s
`stored on your PC on your living
`room stereo to enjoying the
`services of a peronalized digitial
`DJ Tuno will transform the way
`c mners think about home
`Leveraging the p “er and
`flexibility of Strings. Juno will
`enable users to deliver audio
`from any source to any Junoi
`enabled analog components in the
`Page 1 of 1
`Implicit Exhibit 2003
`501105 v. Implicit, 1‘PR2018—0766, —0767
`Exh. 2008
`Page 9 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`1, Edward Balassanian. hereby testify as follows:
`33. Around the time of the Juno project (and after the project for Intel went
`on hold). I contemplated how to achieve the best-possible synchronization ofcontent
`across multiple devices as we continued our work. Mr. Bradley and I solved the
`synchronization problem and conceived the inventions set forth in the Claims of the
`EXh ' 2001 at {I 3 3
`inventions. as I describe below.
`__-____ _. ___‘.____ _.___‘,__, _ __.__ __ _ -_ _. ____ __ ___. __ __ - _.__...
`Patents. We then began working on the implementation of the inventions thereafter.
`as detailed below. We communicated those inventions to BeComm‘s internal
`engineering and development staffto reduce them to practice. We worked primarily
`with Guy Carpenter. an Engineering Master at BeComm.
`to implement
`Page 1 of53
`Implicit Exhibit 2001
`501105 v. Implicit, IPR2018—0T66, —0767
`Exh. 2001 at ¶33
`Page 10 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`- Multiple men listennig to the same content independmfly on multiple Adapters. Scalability
`aMultiplexing ‘3. Multiple Independent Suiting
`The Audiol’om'Pon limo imen'aoe may need to dudnglnsh between the follomng
`0 A single user listening to comem s'nmiltaneously on nniltiple Adapters.
`“hen multiplexing to malnple adapters. Juno Wfll nuke a best effort to keep the
`playhmk 31 the Adapters mnebmnized Boll: Jupiter and BeCannn recognize that {me
`synchronimnan is an unsolved computer aziezice problem. but a best efl'nn will be made
`in this regard
`When multiplexing to multiple adapters, Juno will make a best effort to keep the
`playback at the Adapters synchronized. Both Jupiter and BeConnn recognize that true
`synchronization is an unsolved computer science problem, but a best effort will be made
`in this regard.
`Audi'cPori has omlined flie following pm‘omnnee reqlnrenimis:
`For lrxal content only. less. ihm 0V5: latency from when a use! requem play
`until dieybegin hearing audio In order to meet this reqxnxemenn Jupiter has
`suggested the use of stream alzad teclmology for local mm In toms! to
`the traditional bufi‘eiing approach used by solutions like RnalAndio (and Juno
`for remote content) steam ahead involve: a trade ofl‘of reliability for latency
`during the beginning of: stream
`Les: dun 0.153 latency from when a user subnnti a requen on the Ramona
`Connol until they receive some feedback on Lba! request.
`BeComm Corps-'5»: w Juno Phlu O Documm— Decemwr J. 2050
`Page 15 of 23
`Implicit Exhibit 2009
`Exh. 2009 at 15
`EXh ' 2009 at 1 5
`Sonos v. Implicit. IPR2018—0766, —0':'67
`Page 11 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`Document Contributors
`Adam Cmnnn
`Dunn-m.— :nninnnnnn I‘nn’n’
`Document Contributors
`Adam Greene
`Neil Mintz
`Guy Carpenter
`Scott Bradley
`Producer; Engineering Mentor
`Producer, Engineering Mentor
`Engineering Master
`Development Manager
`Edward Balassanian
`President; CEO
`Juno Phase 1 Document - January 26, 2001
`Page 8
` Page 8 of 59 Implicit Exhibit 2011
`Exh. 2011 at 8
`EXh ' 20 1 1 at 8
`501105 v. Implicit, IPR2018—0766, —0767
`Page 12 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`revision 1.1
`date: 2001—08-28 14:56:45 -0500; author: guyc; state: Exp;
`New test checks audio and video synchronization code.
`RCS file: [UsersflmplicitjDesklop/Source Code/cvs_stringsflest/avsync/avsync.c,v
`Working file: bdk/test/avsync/avsync.c
`head: 1.1
`locks: strict
`access list:
`symbolic names:
`BUILD_20060123: 1.1
`BUILD_20050908: 1.1
`BUILD_20050817: 1.1
`BUILD_20050722: 1.1
`BUILD_20050718: 1.1
`BUILD_20050527: 1.1
`BUILD_20050605: 1.1
`mam: 1m3nn'n-i 1 (17:1
`EXh ' 20 1 3 at 2
`TEST_SlLVER_0006: 1.1
`Page 1 of 2
`Implicit Exhibit 2013
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018—0766, —0767
`Exh. 2013 at 2
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`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`revision 1.1
`date: 2001-08-31 16:26:38 -0500; author: guyc; state: Exp;
`New protocol for inter-host time synchronization (incomplete)
`RCS file: [UsersflmplicitjDesklop/Source Code/cvs_stn‘ngs/beads/timesync/main/timaync.c,v
`Working file: bdk/beads/timesync/main/timesyncc
`head: 1.23
`locks: strict
`access list:
`symbolic names:
`BUILD_20060123: 1.23
`BUILD_20050908: 1.23
`BUILD_20050817: 1.23
`BUILD_20050722: 1.23
`BUILD_20050718: 1.23
`BUILD_20050527: 1.23
`BUILD_20050605: 1.23
`TRAVIS 20050527: 1.23.022
`EXh ' 20 1 4 at 6
`“nun-u I Wu; unau- A-“MU
`BEADS_S|LVER_0052: 1.23
`BEADS_SILVER_0051: 1.17
`BEADS_S|LVER_0050: 1.17
`BEADS_S|LVER_0049: 1.17
`Page 1 of 6
`Implicit Exhibit 2014
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018—0766, —0767
`Exh. 2014 at 6
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`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`revision 1.1
`date: 2001-09-10 14:01:28 —0500; author: guyc; state: Exp;
`New package for testing remote synchronization of audio/video over the network.
`RCS file: [UsersflmplicitjDesklop/Source
`Working file: bdk/beads/audiosync/mainlaudiosynoc
`head: 1.26
`locks: strict
`access list:
`symbolic names:
`BUILD 20060123:1.26
`BUILD 20050908: 1.26
`BUILD 20050817: 1.26
`BUILD 20050722: 1.26
`BUILD 20050718: 1.26
`BUILD 20050627: 1.26
`BUILD_20050605: 1.26
`Am: MnmcrhamLhranrh- 1 as (1 an
`EXh ' 20 1 5 at 2
`BEADS_S|LVER_0054: 1.26
`BEADS_SILVER_0053: 1.26
`BEADS_SILVER 0052:1.26
`BEADS_SILVER 0051: 1.25
`BEADS_S|LVER 0050: 1.25
`BEADS_SILVER 0049: 1.25
`Page 1 of 7
`Implicit Exhibit 2016
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018—0766, —0767
`Exh. 2015 at 2
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`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`RCS file: [UsersflmplicitjDesklop/Source
`Working file: bdk/test/remotesync/package/package/video.rule
`head: 1.9
`access list:
`symbolic names:
`RADKiT_GOLD 0037:
`RADKiT GOLD 0036:
`RADKiT GOLD 0034:
`DAnVr‘r cnln MT)- 1 uncn
`revision 1.1
`date: 2001-09—28 18:04:40 -0500; author: guyc; state: Exp;
`Initial checkin of audiosync. Works using very simple silence/dropping
`logic. Requires finess to make it work with gradual time drift.
`RADKlT GOLD 0013:
`RADKlT GOLD 0012:
`RADKlT GOLD 0011:
`RADKiT GOLD 0006:
`RADKlT GOLD 0002:
`Page 1 of 3
`Implicit Exhibit 2015
`Exh. 2016 at 7
`EXh ' 20 1 6 at 7
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018—0766, —0767
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`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`[Users[implicit/Desktop/Source Code/2001.11.01/be../.../main[audiosvnc.( Paqe 1/23
`Saved: 10/23/01, 11:53:51 AH Printed for: Implicit
`#define SOS_DEBUG_ZONE "/beads/audiosync”
` );
`EXh ' 20 1 7 at ll 2
`#include <sosstrings.h>
`#include <sosmu1timedia.h>
`”$Id: audiosync.c,v 1.12 2001/10/23 16:53:51 guyc Exp $”
`43 HOE-ES:
`Page 1 of 23
`Implicit Exhibit 2017
`Sonos v. Implicit. IPR2018—0766, —0':'67
`Exh. 2017 at 1, 2
`Page 17 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`The clocksync Dead is a filter bead that uses the information gathered by the timesync bead to
`propogate a master clock and render clock pair across a network boundary.
`DEBUG_ZONE = "lb eadslclocksyn c"
`Context Variables
`The clocksync bead is a filter bead that uses the information gathered by the timesync bead to
`propogate a master clock and render clock pair across a network boundary.
`DEBUG_ZONE = "Ibeadslclocksync"
`Frequency from Render Clock
`;SOS_UINT32divisor Frequency divisor from Render Clock
` This protocol copies only the minimum information necessary to reconstruct the essential clock details
`on the remote side. Specifically it does not copy the sample rate of the master clock; it propagates
`only the epoch. Conversely it does not propagate the epoch of the render clock; it propagates only the
`sample rate.
` It the timesync bead cannot provide a time offset for the specified host. clocksync used the session
`creation time as the epoch.
` Relegse 1N otes
`0 -
`Implicit Exhibit 2018
`Exh. 2018 at 1
`EXh- 2018 at 1
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018—0766, —0767
`Page 18 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`[Users/implicit/Desktop/Source Code/2001.11.01/bea./-/main/tinesvnc.( Paqe 1/27
`Saved: 10/23/01, 11:40:49 AM
`Printed for- Implicit
`omw Corporation
`/M§®rm/melfimflt/WamKfl@m/S@MWM@ @@fi@/W@@flh11”@M/b@mw/W/mmflm/wfimmfiwmmum Page 1/27
`$mwmflu H@/25/@3
`IIHfl®Hfl® MM
`Printed for: Implicit
`@mNmUl-IMMI Group Name:
`an»:wMH Group Dverv; s:
`prototol to determine the
`5 br
`' all Iii ening peerm
`.10ck 0
`Alr'nr'Tfhm 1': harmr! Innfiehr rm HTP.
`Guy CarpentEr (guyc)
`__‘ i.
`#defihe SOS_DEBUG_ZONE "/beads/timesync"
`#include <sosstrings.h>
`#include <sosmu1timedia.h>
`#include "timesync.h"
`timesync.(,v 1.14 2001/10/23 16:40:49 guyc. Exp
`'roadtast sync packet: every TZHER_IHTERVAL milliseco
`#define MAX_AGE
`ire after a minute 5/
`Exh. 2019 at 1
`Page 19 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`[Users/implicit/Desktop/Source Code/2001.11.01/be-/-/main/c10(ksvnc.( Paqe 1/25
`Saved: 10/23/01, 12:11:25 PM
`Printed for- Implicit
`omw Corporation
`ck pair over
`{(1de (:\1//‘/).[%)(%)TI ... TI
`.3 ... (mill.//|bm...//..../Inm&a1‘ii .|m//(:(:'Ll.a>)r_c: k<f93_\,‘ylm(ii .. a: Pa ge 1 /2 5
`P rinted fo r:
`Implic it
`EXh ' 20 2 0 at 1
`//LUJ:${<§ rags/[ii mug)! .IH.(CZIHSUI/fIDCCDSKi_ii(.0)|p)//§3C<DLUI Irma:
`Shaw/(2m ::
`TI|.(%)//‘/2i233//(%)II .,,
`HIT/2 ::
`..'I .:: 2L6 IP‘MI
`This is enough to manage timEd deIiVEry of video.
`@mNmUl-IMMI Group Name:
`an»:wMH Group Dverv; a:
`: Tranipcr . oniy in re
`.:tion {Curren
`render clack are not propc Lied backwarda.
`Guy Carpenter (guyc) 16—Aug—2601
`____ .
`#define SOS_DEBUG_ZONE "/beads/clocksync"
`#include <sosstrings.h>
`#include <sosmu1timedia.h>
`#include "timesync.h"
`SOS_SOURCE_VERSION(”$Id: clocksync.c,v 1.11 2601/10/23 17:11:25 guyt Exp
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018—0766, —0767
`Exh. 2020 at 1
`Page 20 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`Rule Files
`A rule file specifies one or more rules used to configure the path-building system.
`Below is the DTD fOl' a rule file:
`RULE: (setup:-
`ncru: (rmxcL1.nou'n:i'-
`yuorun‘. m-
`ATTLIST “sou-:1): value can dawning:-
`sum-r mum (STEP)+)
`Blzm on? ((Bw.ZL‘OE.€E'ED?H
`(teemzmznhn nil
`2m! :2” m-
`ATTLIST um nam- cont manna)
`summ- noa): myr-
`urnxs-r toe): use can: monum-
`EL an 252:: m":-
`1' £522: ulna CDRIA +u-2uxum-
`-u-r LDOF'EIL'K amp
`“21:121- LDOFEIEK eiqe c317: «medium-
`loo-'namenpnce Ineed-atzinglfoo'li‘
`nmr'encad! 7:.
`E Xh ' 2 0 2 2
`A rule file specifies one or more rules used to configu e the path-building system.
`more“! v-lue-‘nuup-uu‘h
`EEO value-'nuupmamud-aerinqnioo'la-
`ame- 'encuda ' l:-
`Rules are the primary mechanism for configuring Strings. A rule is defined as a sequence of one or
`more steps to execute when a specific set of conditions are true. The set of conditions is know as the
`predicate. The steps are known as the route. A predicate is implemented as a registry object that
`implements the compare interface. The result of the comparison detemiines whether Strings will
`execute the route. A route is composed of steps. There are several types of steps described in more
`detail below.
`Page 1 of 3
`Implicit Exhibit 2022
`301105 v. Implicit, IPR2018—0766, —0767
`Exh. 2022
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`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`revision 1.3
`date: 2001-10-10 19:53:26 -0500; author: guyc; state: Exp;
`lines: +102 -0;
`Changes for demo configuration
`“num- Wu; w.....4.u~.._..
`RCS file: [Usersflmplicit/Daklop/Source
`Working file: bdk/test/audiosyncfpackage/package/audio.ruie
`head: 1.6
`locks: strict
`access list:
`symbolic names:
`EXh ' 20 3 1 at 2
`Page 1 of 2
`Implicit Exhibit 2031
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018—0766, —0767
`Exh. 2031 at 2
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`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`TEST_SILVER_0003: 1.7
`TEST_SILVER_0002: 1.6
`SILVER: 1.8
`keyword substitution: kv
`total revisions: 8;
`selected revisions: 8
`revision 1.8
`date:2003-07-19 15:54:28-0500; author: davidc; state: dead; lines:+O-O;
`Remove the "demo“ directory. This can no longer be built and is no longer our demo. The
`functionality has been duplicated in "packages/fulldemo".
`revision 1.8
`date: 2003-07-19 15:54:28 -0500; author: davidc; state: dead;
`lines: +0 -0,'
`Remove the "demo" directory. This can no longer be built and is no longer our demo. The
`lines: +1 0;
`E Xh ' 2 0 3 2 at 2
`functionality has been duplicated in "packages/fulldemo".
`revision 1.4
`date: 2001-1028 23:43:19 ~0600; author: guyc; state: Exp;
`Added xaudiomps
`revision 1.3
`date: 2001-1028 22:39:28 -0600; author: guyc; State: Exp;
`Now uses the ipaq as the third host.
`revision 1.2
`date: 2001-10-28 16:47:09 -0600; author: guyc; state: Exp;
`More makefile fixes, added empty directories
`revision 1.1
`date: 2001-1028 16:35:39 -0600; author: guyc; state: Exp;
`New files for building demo.
`lines: +3 —2;
`lines: +24 —8;
`Page 2 of 2
`Implicit Exhibit 2032
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018—0766, —0767
`Exh. 2032 at 2
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`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`Performance on the iPAQ
`What you should expect
`The purpose of this section is to document what the iPAQ can do. If you cannot get the. performance listed here,
`you're doing something wrong.
`We achieved peak video performance by transmitting successive frames of 100 X 55 RGB bitmaps over a raw
`UDP socket. The Video looked pretty good (~12 fps) and was definitely synchronized. If UDP is dropping lots of
`packets, you can insert the framedrop [drop] on the sending side. In theory, this gives more consistent
`performance by allowing us to systemically drop packets, rather than letting the network chaotically drop
`packets. This should be verified with benchmarks. You can scale the resulting BMP on the iPAQ to half-screen
`no penalty. Scaling it to full—screen is not noticeable on the CPU, but the frame rate becomes erratic.
`We achieved peak audio performance by mpeg encoding the audio on the sender's side to minimize bandwidth
`consumption. The iPAQ can decode MP3s easily using xaudiomp3. It cannot decode MP3s at all using
`mpegaudiodecoder. When sending to a single iPAQ, the audio breaks up a bit at first, but then plays fine after the
`first 10 seconds. When synchronizing between the iPAQ and another machine, the audio breaks up considerably
`in the first five seconds, has a few chops for the next minute, and plays fine after that.
`We had some audio quality problems when using the blade mp3 encoder. It seemed to introduce faint, squeaky
`echoes for some songs (most noticeable in songs with heavy distortion).
`:load—meterl. which is a graphical app that give—s real-time metrics on CPU—usage ldisk usage, andruemory
`Implicit Exhibit 2033
`Page 1 of 2
`Exh. 2033 at 2
`E Xh ' 2 0 3 3 at 2
`501105 v. Implicit, IPR2018—0766, —0767
`Page 24 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`1, Edward Balassanian. hereby testify as follows:
`These statements match my memory and describe how Strings worked
`to synchronize content on the iPAQ prior to December ll. 2001 and during the
`October. 2001 time period when the tests of the iPAQ began with the iPAQ—specific
`2060. Unlike the iPAQ. however. Strings did not have nearly as much difficulty
`streaming audio and Video content for synchronization on PCs because they had
`significantly more memory and processing power than the iPAQ had at that time.
`witnessed the operation of that synchronization functionality for PCs at or around
`rules created in the demo test package. such as the ipaqvideo . rule, Exhibit
`EXh ' 2001 at {I 5 2
`that time.
`Page 1 of 53
`Implicit Exhibit 2001
`501105 Y. Implicit, IPR2018—0T66, 41767
`Exh. 2001 at ¶52
`Page 25 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`1, Edward Balassanian. hereby testify as follows:
`I have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein.
`I am the founder, member, and manager Implicit, LLC (“Implicit").
`the Patent Owner in these proceedings. [PRIOR—00766 and IPR2018-00767.
`Implicit owns the two patents at issue in these proceedings, U.S.
`The BeConnn laptop included copies of the “fightclubrgb.aVi” file in a
`few locations.
`including the bdk/t.e::;t./dertu:) directory.
`the scratcl‘i/avi
`directory. and the scratcl‘i/ clemoavi directory. These directories were typically
`EXh ' 2001 at {I 54
`used to hold media on which we would test various Strings applications using that
`cumgcu IIS me u) mguce Ill AUDI). mgucc “1m umngm lI-S mm: m K]
`Implicit Nenvorks in 2007. Implicit Networks then assigned its assets, including
`the Patents, to Implicit in 2013.
`I am the lead inventor on both of the Patents. Scott Bradley. a former
`BeComm Development Manager. is listed as a cosim’entor on both of the Patents.
`Page 1 of53
`Implicit Exhibit 2001
`Series v. Implicit, IPR2018—0T66, —0767
`Exh. 2001 at ¶54
`Page 26 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`Page 1 ofl
`Implicit Exhibit 2024
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018—0766, —0767
`Page 27 of 96
`Exh. 2024
`EXh. 2024
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767
`Page 27 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`Exhibit 3034 (fightclubrgb.avi)
`a (inmr‘hihrnh :wi infn
`a fightclubrgb.avi Info
`182.8 MB
`Modified: Friday, September 7, 2001 at 11:51 AM
`EXh - 2077 at 2 1
`Where: Macintosh HD > Users > implicit» Desktop > Exhibits >
`Kind: AVI movie
`Size: 182,798,336 bytes (182.8 MB on disk)
`BeComm Thinkpad > bdk » test > demo
`Created: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at 2:03 PM
`Modified: Friday, September 7, 2001 at 11:51 AM
`Stationery pad
`Implicit Exhibit 20"
`Sonos x'. Implicit. IPRZOIS—O'66. 43'6"
`Exh. 2077 at 21
`Page 28 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`O O C
`Exhibit 3024'i)
`u ‘lgnICiUngDflVi Info
`K'CUSHL'J ML, bcplunuo'
`' ;..1;:’.“".:‘ M‘
`182.8 MB
`Kmd. AVI movie
`Size. 187,798,336 bytes (182.8 MB on dusk)
`Whore. Macintosn HD - Jsers > imp :cil - Desktop - Exhibits -
`8eComm Th nkpad - bck - test ~ demo
`Created. Tuesday, March 20.2018 312103 PM
`Modit'ed. Friday, September 7, 2001 at 11 51AM
`MacBook—Pro:demo implicit$ file fightclubrgb.avi
`fightclubrgb.avi: RIFF (little—endian) data, AVI, 186 x 86, 23.98 fps, video:, audio: uncompressed PCM (stereo, 44109 Hz)
`MacBook—Pro:demo implicit$
`EXh - 2077 at 22
`Implicit Exhibit 20"
`501105 Y. Implicit. IPRZOlS—O'66. —0'6"
`Exh. 2077 at 22
`Page 29 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`Page 1/2
`/Users/inplicit/Desktop/Source (ode/2601.11.01/test/demo/
`Saved: 10/29/01. 11:13:16 AH Printed for: Implicit
`2 use 10::Socket-
`15“°/ofiles =
`EXh ' 202 3
`e ne ports a.rg
`e s
`$port : $ports{$arg};
`} else {
`3o ‘
`Page 1 of 2
`Implicit Exhibit 2023
`501105 v. Implicit, IPR2018—0766, 41767
`Exh. 2023
`Page 30 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`Using Strings to Compose Applications from Reusable Components
`BeComm Comoration
`info/(fl becomnmom
`October 4. 2001
`misunduslocd concept, as iii: no! sinxplj,r using prefiunzlyeng'nrered a! acqln'redtcehnologv assetmore
`than once.
`It requires reuse engineering that pmpnres technology assets to be reusable. Second.
`Figure 9. Strings-based distributed media player application.
`Copyright Q 2001 Mama: Corpunu'on. All Right: R2331“.
`Page I of 10
`Page 1 of 10
`Implicit Exhibit 2021
`801105 Y. Implicit, IPR2018—0766, —0767
`Using Strings to Compose Applications from Reusable Components
`BeComnl Corporation
`infoé becoumcom
`Odober 4. 200]
`Tim cud Ant-min in twknnlnnv Inc m-irimrmi an mlnfliv'n mun-1h in Mm m.wl<'Fn-—,uvi,w nF nm- umfi and
`EXh- 202 1 ; F'g U re 9, at 9
`Exh. 2021 ; Figure 9, at 9
`Page 31 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`BeCommT“ Corporation
`File View Play Favorites G0 Upgrade Help
`Artist |:l
`Media Type
`. PC — A Speaker
`. PC , B Speaker
`. Home Stereo
`of? strings ;®® .
`Fig. 2 Example Distributed Media Player GUI
`http://www becomm.oom
`1. AC DC , Razor‘s Edge
`2. Guns-n-Roses , Welcome to the
`EXh- 2029; F '3 U re 2, at 5
`Page 1 of 9
`Implicit Exhibit 2029
`801105 Y. Implicit, IPR2018—0766, —0767
`Exh. 2029; Figure 2, at 5
`Page 32 of 96
`Implicit Exhibit 2095
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`Strings Audio Player
`- 2 PCs are required :0 make use of the full feature set of the Strings Audio Player, 1 with the
`RADkit installed and a second receiving ma
`- The PCs must be running Windows 2000
`- The PCs must have a sound card and speaker device.
`Set up
`H05! 1
`‘ directory and run make This pieces together the denial package based on the current BUILD
`cd into the
`environment vanable that was set by 52 z
`> Cd c:\bdk\test\dem02
`> gmake
`Configure the miss; by editing the (He and. p,
`are two lines that read:
`At the top, there
`Exh. 2025
`Make the following changes on the respective lines:
`" to contain the IP address ofthe local machine.
`1) Change the field that looks lflre P:
`to point to the location of the bull
`2) Change thefield that looks lflte
`MPS directory that you wish to include in this demo configuration. NOTE This directory must be on the same
`drive as the demo .nstaliation.
`3) Change the field that looks like )ar,1rp::ht::p: /
`1 :5: a It
`3 to contain the 1P address of the remote
`host that is part otthis demo. Also, change the field that looks like F
`' 1.1.25" to contain the IP
`address of the remote host that is part olthis demo.
`4) Change the field that looks like ;a'rl" -
`host Ihal us part otthis demo.
`Edit your ’est:
`«b:s:—uin= "
`URLs that assume the 3
`Edit these two lines to be the correct IP addresses of the local machine, and the other participant of
`the StringsAudioPlayer Demo.
`Setup a directory ol MPS files somewhere on the same drive. These files will have to have .
`5 files associates
`with them. The structure olthe directory does not matter, as long as for each MP3 file, there is a .properfles file. The
`properties files can be generated on a linux machine and then copied to the windows machine. For example, in my testing
`setup I have a directory named :
`scrat: :
`that mntains MP3 and .properties files. l'ii use this directory
`example in the tollowmg step“.
`Configure the global namespace by editing the file dam ‘
`Th re are 4 lines in this file, which
`are umd to configure:
`1) The local audio device class used to populate your namespace with speaker devices.
`2) The
`URL to a directory on your local machine Whose contents will be mounted into your
`nk to the remote machine's namespace‘s files.
`3) An xmlrp
`4) An xmlrpc: unit to the remote machine‘s namespace‘s speaker devices.
`In E an'"
`.1ng of)

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