DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 1
` ----------------------------
` ----------------------------
` Petitioner
` Patent Owner
` ----------------------------
` IPR2018-00766 and IPR2018-00767
` U.S. Patent Nos. 7,391,791 and 8,942,252
`Videotaped Deposition of Dr. Roman Chertov
` April 9, 2019
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`Implicit Exhibit 2094
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 2
` The videotaped deposition of DR. ROMAN
`CHERTOV, called by Patent Owner Implicit, LLC, for
`examination, taken before Stephanie A. Battaglia, CSR
`and Notary Public in and for the County of DuPage and
`State of Illinois, at 656 West Randolph Street, Floor
`5W, Chicago, Illinois on April 9, 2019, 9:31 a.m.
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`Implicit Exhibit 2094
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 3
` 656 West Randolph Street, Floor 5W
` Chicago, Illinois 60661
` (312) 754-9602
` e-mail:
` appeared on behalf of the Petitioner;
` 213 North Fredonia, Suite 230
` Longview, Texas 75601
` (903) 230-9090
` e-mail:
` appeared on behalf of the Patent Owner.
` Mr. James Porter, Videographer
` Ms. Stephanie A. Battaglia, CSR, RMR, CRR
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 4
` I N D E X
`Dr. Roman Chertov
`Mr. Hurt 6
`Mr. Sullivan 155
` E X H I B I T S
`Sonos Exhibits
`Exhibit 1022 Declaration of 9
` Roman Chertov
`Exhibit 1025 Filename: 70
` sosisampleclock.h
`Implicit Exhibits
`Exhibit 2017 Filename: 53
` audiosync.c
`Exhibit 2018 Overview 66
` clocksync
`Exhibit 2019 Filename: 44
` timesync.c
`Exhibit 2020 Filename: 47
` clocksync.c
`Exhibit 2021 Using Strings to Compose 31
` Applications from Reusable
` Components
`Exhibit 2028 Source Code 124
` audioplayerapp.rule
`Exhibit 2037 Strings Synchronization Model 42
`Exhibit 2046 Filename: 92
` fanout.c
`Exhibit 2050 Filename: 131
` rgbvideo.c
`Exhibit 2051 Filename: 21
` speaker.c
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`Implicit Exhibit 2094
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 5
`Exhibit 2056 Source Code 96
` audio.rule
`Exhibit 2063 Source Code 113
` mp3serveraudio.rule
`Exhibit 2065 Source Code 102
` pcmserveraudio.rule
`Exhibit 2066 Source Code 102
` syncaudiorule
`Exhibit 2067 Source Code 113
` syncmp3.rule
`Exhibit 2071 Source Code 127
` videoclient.rule
`Exhibit 2072 Source Code 52
` videomulti.rule
`Exhibit 2086 Source Code 45
` sampleclock.c
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 6
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Today is April 9,
` This is the deposition of Dr. Roman
`Chertov in the matter of Sonos, Inc., versus Implicit,
`LLC. We are on the record at 9:31 a.m.
` Will counsel please state their
`appearances, after which the court reporter will swear
`in the witness.
` MR. HURT: Christian Hurt from the Davis
`Firm here this morning on behalf of Implicit.
` MR. SULLIVAN: Sean Sullivan and Cole
`Richter from Lee, Sullivan, Shea & Smith, LLP, on
`behalf of Sonos and the witness.
`called as a witness herein, having been first duly
`sworn was examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Chertov.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Did I say your name right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have you ever been deposed before?
` A. Yes, I have.
` Q. How many times?
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 7
` A. Twice.
` Q. What types of cases?
` A. One was a civil matter because of a car
`accident and the second one was as a material witness
`in a lawsuit of Sysco versus Arista.
` Q. And in the car accident case, were you
`one of the parties in that case?
` A. Yes. It was a multi-car accident.
` Q. And then you said Ericsson versus Sysco
` A. Arista.
` Q. Oh, Arista.
` A. Arista versus Sysco.
` Q. So Sysco, and Arista is A-r-i-s-t-a?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what role did you have in that case?
` A. I was a material witness on the source
`code in regards to the workarounds that Arista
` MS. REPORTER: Regards to the
`workarounds of --
` THE WITNESS: That Arista performed.
` MR. SULLIVAN: Arista performed.
` Q. Were you hired as an expert in that case?
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
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` A. No, actually I was employed by Arista. I
`was just a regular full-time employee.
` Q. And are you still employed by Arista?
` A. Yes, I am.
` Q. Other than those two cases have you ever
`been deposed before?
` A. No, I have not.
` Q. You understand that you are under oath
`today as if you were in court in front of a judge or
`jury, right?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Is there any reason you can't give
`truthful testimony today, are you on any medication or
`anything that affects your memory?
` A. No.
` Q. This deposition will probably go like
`your last ones did, your lawyer has probably told you,
`but it is generally a question-and-answer format.
` Because the court reporter is taking
`everything down I just appreciate it if you let me
`finish my question, answer, and I will try not to
`interrupt your answer. Is that okay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I try to ask pretty clear questions, it
`doesn't always happen that way. If there is something
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
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`I am asking you that is just -- you don't know what I
`am asking, please, feel free to ask me to clarify, but
`if you answer the question I assume you know what I am
`asking. Is that fair?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And we are here today on your declaration
`from March 18 that I think you have it in front of
`you, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. It is Sonos Exhibit 1022.
` (Document identified as Sonos Exhibit 1022
` for identification.)
` Q. And Paragraph 5 -- actually, let me be
`more specific.
` Paragraph 8 under Materials Considered,
`it is on the second page there, are you there?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And it states, "In addition to the
`materials identified" -- in Paragraph 8 it states, "In
`addition to the materials identified in my Opening
`Declarations, I have now reviewed the source code and
`associated documentation produced by Implicit, as well
`as the expert declaration of Dr. Hashmi." Do you see
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 10
` A. Yes.
` Q. What source code did you review in
`connection with your declaration of Exhibit 1022?
` A. So I took a look at the CVS production
`source code --
` MS. REPORTER: I didn't hear the
`beginning of that.
` THE WITNESS: I took a look at the CVS
`source code that was produced, and specifically I
`looked at the November source code production.
` Q. Do you remember if it was the November 1
`production or the November 15 production or both?
` A. Both.
` Q. Did you look at any other production to
`the source code besides the November 1 and November 15
` A. Very cursory.
` Q. What code did you look at in a cursory
` A. I looked at directory structure.
` MR. SULLIVAN: Do you have an extra copy
`of the deck since he brought one?
` MR. HURT: I apologize.
` MR. SULLIVAN: That is fine. Since he
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
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`brought one I figured it will be helpful with some of
`the terminology.
` Q. And then Paragraph 8, sir, mentions
`associated documentation, do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What was the associated documentation
`that you considered as part of this declaration?
` A. I took a look at the beads of the
`communication, which explains the strings library.
` MS. REPORTER: The --
` THE WITNESS: Strings library.
` MR. SULLIVAN: Strings library.
` Q. Did you look at any other documentation?
` A. No.
` Q. About how much time did you spend in
`connection with your declaration as Exhibit 1022?
` A. I don't think I can give you an accurate
`answer. I mean, I can give you an estimate.
` Q. What is your estimate?
` A. It has probably been 60 to 100 hours.
` Q. How much time total have you spent in
`connection on this case?
` A. Well, I would have to take a look.
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
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` Q. You don't have any idea?
` A. I would have to consult my invoices.
` Q. Do you think it is more than 200 hours?
` A. Probably less.
` Q. More than 150?
` A. I couldn't tell you.
` Q. Flip to Paragraph 24, which is Page 7.
` It states, "The construction of rendering
`time I have applied and used in formulating my
`opinions is a time measure of the amount of content
`that has already been rendered by a given rendering
`device." Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. And that is the construction you also
`applied in your first declaration, Exhibit 1009,
` A. Correct.
` Q. And you applied it the same way I assume,
`is that true?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have you analyzed the Implicit source
`code under instruction of rendering time that is
`different than the one here in Paragraph 24?
` A. I have not.
` Q. In connection with your review of the
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 13
`source code did you export any source code from the
`CVS repository?
` A. Yes, I have.
` Q. How did you do that?
` A. I used the same CVS commands that I
`believe Dr. Hashmi used.
` Q. And what commands were those, if you
` A. I couldn't tell you the exact command,
`but I vaguely recall it is CVS checkout.
` Q. Was it based on a certain checkout date?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what was the date?
` A. So I checked out November 1 and
`November 15.
` Q. Any other versions besides those two?
` A. I think I did checkout something else,
`but I don't recall the exact date.
` Q. Did you in performing your analysis use
`the source code files that were checked out or -- let
`me ask it this way.
` You understand that there has been
`certain source code files that have been -- that have
`printouts that are exhibits in this proceeding, right?
` A. Correct.
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
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` Q. And when you conducted your analysis did
`you use those exhibits?
` A. I used both.
` Q. Was there any difference between the two
`of them?
` A. No.
` Q. I am going to make sure I have it right,
`two of them meaning source code you checked out with
`the November 1, 2001 checkout date was the same as the
`source code in the exhibits that had the November 1
`checkout date, is that right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And then the source code you checked out
`that had a November 15 checkout date, that was the
`same as the exhibits in this proceeding that have a
`November 15 checkout date, is that also right?
` A. I need to double check November 15 with
`the exhibits, I need to double check November 1 with
`exhibits and the Hashmi report.
` Q. At least for November 1 it is all
` A. It is all lined up.
` MS. REPORTER: What was that?
` THE WITNESS: It all lined up.
` MR. SULLIVAN: Just make sure you take
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 15
`your time and slow down.
` MS. REPORTER: Can I ask you to speak up
`a little louder?
` MR. SULLIVAN: Do you need a earphone
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Off the record 9:45.
` (Recess taken.)
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Back on the record at
`9:48 a.m.
` Q. Ready to continue, Dr. Chertov?
` A. Yes, I am.
` Q. And you understand you are still under
` A. Yes.
` Q. How did you get the CVS archive that you
`used to export the source code?
` A. It was provided to me by Cole Richter.
` Q. And do you -- how was it provided to you
`by Mr. Richter?
` A. He created a Dropbox folder.
` Q. Do you remember what the date modified
`was on the CVS archive?
` A. I don't remember.
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
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` Q. Do you know where -- what source
`Mr. Richter got it from?
` A. I don't know.
` Q. You assume it is from Implicit, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. But you don't know if it was from one
`version of the repository or another version, is that
` A. Well, I mean, it was the CVS repository
`which contained all the check-in dates. The
`November 1 version of the source code lined up with
`all Dr. Hashmi citations in his declarations.
` Q. So you believe you were looking at the
`right code then?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Paragraph 24 of your declaration here on
`Page 7 has the construction of rendering time that you
`applied, right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And your declaration doesn't have a
`construction of the term synchronized, does it?
` A. It does not explicitly state it.
` Q. Or a synchronization, right?
` A. As I recall it doesn't state.
` Q. To determine whether the rendering at the
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 17
`master would have been synchronized with the slave,
`what definition did you apply for synchronization?
` A. I used the common meaning of
` Q. And what is that?
` A. And the common meaning is playing content
`at the same position at the same time.
` Q. And when you say the same position at the
`same time, I mean, do you mean same exact time or is
`there some wiggle room in there for 10 milliseconds or
`50 milliseconds or something that would not be humanly
` A. In the basic common definition of it you
`try to play the same time, meaning both devices output
`sound at the same time instant.
` Q. So if someone is listening to the two
`speakers at the same time and they can't tell that
`they are out of sync, in your opinion -- let me ask --
`strike that.
` So do you have any tolerance on how in
`sync the playing of the content has to be?
` A. This is not information in my report and
`also sitting here right now I couldn't tell you --
` Q. Okay.
` A. -- the exact tolerance level. I would
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 18
`need to research.
` Q. But do you agree with me that there would
`be some amount of tolerance that would be allowed and
`the content would be synchronized?
` A. I don't know.
` Q. So under your report -- let me ask this
` So under your declaration if the content
`was off by 1 millisecond would the devices be
` A. Based on the construction that I used the
`devices need to play to the same time.
` Q. So if they are off by 1 millisecond they
`are not synchronized, right?
` A. Are you asking me if they always off by 1
`millisecond or at times might be off by 1 millisecond?
` Q. Let's say they are always off by exactly
`1 millisecond.
` A. Then I would say they are not
` Q. What about a tenth of a millisecond?
` A. As I said previously, I don't think I can
`give you an accurate threshold level.
` Q. I want to make sure I have this right.
` Your common meaning of synchronization
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 19
`that you applied in your analysis was that the master
`device and the slave device would have to play content
`at the same position at the same time, is that right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And in your opinion the Implicit -- the
`system described in the Implicit source code does not
`do that, is that right?
` A. Correct, that is in my declaration.
` Q. Do you have any opinion about how out of
`sync the two devices would be under the Implicit
`source code?
` A. I have no idea.
` Q. So it could be -- you just don't know?
` A. I don't know because it is a function of
`the device CPU and network capability, you know, many
` Q. But in your opinion the master device is
`always going to be ahead of the slave device such that
`they are out of sync, is that true?
` A. That is what I stated in my declaration.
` Q. Let's go to Paragraph 75, there is
`actually a figure there on Page 31. Let me know when
`you are there.
` And in this situation you have a master
`device up top, right?
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 20
` A. Correct.
` Q. And a slave device on the bottom, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And your opinion is that the master will
`play the audio first for two reasons, the first is
`that the fanout will pass the message to the speaker
`before fanout passes the same message to clocksync,
`framer, UDP, IP, et cetera, down this flow, correct?
` A. As I stated in my declaration the code
`for the fanout bead will send the message first to the
`FanoutIndex0, then in iterative fashion it will notify
`the FanoutIndex1. This implies that FanoutIndex1 --
`0 -- excuse me, will begin to execute first.
` Q. And the second reason is -- okay.
` In this scenario because the Fanout index
`executes first in your opinion the audio at the master
`will play before it is indexed at Index 1,
`transmitted, processed, and played on a slave device,
`is that right?
` A. Correct.
` In my report I state that the speaker
`bead will play the sound before the audio will arrive
`on the slave device.
` Q. And in this situation you have a local
`master and a remote slave, right?
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` A. I am not sure what you mean by local
` Q. Let me ask it this way.
` You have the master device is the device
`that plays the audio on FanoutIndex0, right?
` A. The master device is the diagram on the
` Q. Sure.
` A. It has a FanoutIndex0 and also has a
` Q. And the master device plays the audio
`through FanoutIndex0, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And in your opinion there is no delay or
`adjustment in the speaker bead, right?
` A. If we go to -- give me a moment.
` Q. Sure.
` Where are you looking?
` A. I am looking just before the diagram for
`the citation, give me a moment.
` (Document identified as Implicit Exhibit
` 2051 for identification.)
` THE WITNESS: Yes, if you look at
`Paragraph 73, Page 29, the last sentence, so if you
`look at Exhibit 2051, which is the speaker bead
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 22
`implementation of this code, actually the audio
`comments states there is no delay.
` Q. So there is -- back to this diagram,
`there is no delay in your opinion on the audio playing
`through the speaker bead at the master?
` A. This is correct.
` Q. Assume with me that the Fanout indexes
`are reversed and Fanout0 is the path that has
`clocksync, framer, UDP, IP, and that Fanout1 goes to
`the speaker bead, are you with me?
` A. So you are asking me to swap the indexes?
` Q. Yes.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Is your opinion still that the master and
`slave will not sync -- render content in sync?
` MR. SULLIVAN: Object to the form of the
`question, incomplete hypothetical, outside the scope
`of his direct testimony.
` THE WITNESS: As I outlined in my report,
`in all of the rule files that we have examined the
`speaker bead is always in the FanoutIndex0, so I
`believe the intent of the developers was that the
`speaker bead run first.
` MS. REPORTER: Speaker bead?
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 23
` THE WITNESS: The speaker bead was
`supposed to run first.
` MR. HURT: Round?
` MR. SULLIVAN: Run, run first, r-u-n.
` Q. What about in the situation where the
`device that has Fanout0 is the slave device, do you
`follow me on that?
` MR. SULLIVAN: Object to the form of the
` THE WITNESS: Are you asking me if --
` Q. Let me ask you this.
` Can you assume with me that the device
`that has Fanout0 on it is the slave device that will
`adjust the playback using the clocksync and audiosync
`beads prior to the speaker, can you assume that?
` MR. SULLIVAN: Object to the form of the
`question, incomplete hypothetical, beyond the scope.
` THE WITNESS: It would be easier if you
`had an example in one of the exhibits.
` Q. Okay.
` You can't --
` MR. SULLIVAN: What is the question?
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 24
` Q. Let me ask it this way.
` Without one of the exhibits, you can't
`engage with that hypothetical?
` MR. SULLIVAN: Object to the form of the
`question, the same as above.
` THE WITNESS: Your question is if the
`master device, which is labeled up top, and the
`FanoutIndex0 can mean many things, because it depends
`on what are other beads in the index, right?
` Q. Well, let me ask you this then.
` Assume that -- can you assume that
`FanoutIndex0, this box, includes the clocksync bead
`and the audiosync bead prior -- in the path prior to
`the speaker bead on the decode edge of those beads?
` A. So you are asking me to insert
`clocksync/audiosync in front of the speaker bead in
`the FanoutIndex0?
` Q. Yes.
` And then, conversely, on the slave device
`you have the clocksync on the encode edge and just the
`speaker bead, no audiosync bead, are you following
` A. Okay.
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 25
` Q. Such that the slave device is designating
`the master times under the clocksync bead, are you
`following me?
` A. Somewhat.
` Q. In that scenario in your opinion are the
`devices rendering content in sync?
` MR. SULLIVAN: Object to the form of the
`question, incomplete hypothetical, beyond the scope of
`his direct testimony.
` THE WITNESS: I would begin to take over
`the precise diagram to render an opinion if the
`devices under this construction play the same time,
`and also I would need to construct the source code to
`double check the beads will function correctly because
`it lays implicit dependency, as I outline in the
`report, the speaker bead and the clocksync bead.
` Q. And what is that dependent, sir?
` A. So as I outlined in my declaration
`speaker bead needs to update the clock using the
`update function.
` The Paragraph 63, Page 24, second to last
`sentence, the speaker bead calls Update function via
`the ISampleClock interface structure. This update
`then gets consumed by the clocksync.
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 26
` If you go to Paragraph 67, the very first
`sentence, "Second, as described above, the clocksync
`bead in the Fanout1 path functions to read the
`SAMPLECLOCK data structure that is updated by the
`speaker bead in the Fanout0 path, which is consistent
`with a design in which clocksync bead in the Fanout1
`path was not run until after the speaker bead in the
`Fanout0 path updated the SAMPLECLOCK data structure."
` Essentially this means that there is an
`implicit dependency in the ordering in my opinion with
`the speaker bead is to run first and the clocksync
`bead will need to run after to get the updated value.
` Q. Is it your opinion, sir, that no matter
`the configuration the master and slave devices will
`never play audio in sync?
` MR. SULLIVAN: Object to the form of the
`question, beyond the scope of his direct testimony.
` THE WITNESS: In all of the rule files I
`have examined provided in the CVS repository it was
`always the case the master will play first.
` Q. The master will play first?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Assume with me that it would be the case
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`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 27
`that the slave device would play first, can you make
`that assumption?
` A. In a hypothetical scenario where the
`slave plays first, okay.
` Q. In that scenario based on the code you
`reviewed would the master and slave devices play in
` MR. SULLIVAN: Object to the form of the
`question, incomplete hypothetical, beyond the scope of
` THE WITNESS: I think based on the code
`it is impossible.
` Q. Why is that?
` A. Because in all of the code and all of the
`rule files that I have examined the FanIndex0 needs to
`run first before the master can send the audio to the
`slave. If somehow the slave is playing audio first
`means that to receive this audio in some other means
`and therefore it is not -- wouldn't be a slave.
` Q. It sounds like if there is in the code
`somewhere a situation with -- let me ask it this way.
` So in your opinion all the code you
`looked at had the master device playing the audio
`first, is that right?
`Page 27 of 183
`Implicit Exhibit 2094
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`DR. ROMAN CHERTOV - 4/9/2019
`Page 28
` A. Correct.
` Q. And in all of those situations the master
`was playing the audio based on FanoutIndex0, is that
` A. Correct.
` Q. And you don't have an opinion if the
`master is playing under a Fanout index that is
`different than 0, right?
` MR. SULLIVAN: Object to the form of the
` THE WITNESS: I have not seen any cases
`in the rule files provided by Implicit where the
`master plays on some other index other than
` Q. If there is a situation in which the
`master is playing on a Fanout index that is different
`than 0, such as Fanout1 or Fanout2, you don't have an
`opinion as to whether that would have the audio play
`in sync between the master and the slave, right?
` R. SULLIVAN: Object to the form of the
` THE WITNESS: As I stated previously in
`my declaration I have not compiled or ran the Implicit
`source code. I have looked at the source code based
`Page 28 of 183
`Implicit Exhibit 2094

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