`US 20070027367A l
`(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication
`Oliver et al.
`{10) Pub. No.: US 2007/0027367 Al
`Feb. 1, 2007
`(43) Pub. Date:
`(22) Filed:
`Aug. 1, 2005
`Publication C lassification
`Inventors: Nuria Maria Oliver. Seattle. WA (US):
`Fernando Flores-Mangas, Mexico D.F.
`(MX); Dane Michael Howard.
`Sammamish, WA (US); Eric G. Lang.
`Yarrow Point, WA (US); Russell I.
`Sanchez. Medina, WA (US): Michael
`Jack Sinclair, Kirkland, WA (US);
`Alfred Yong-Bock Tan, Bellevue. WA
`(US); Ralph Donald Thompson m,
`Sammamish, WA (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`SUITE 2800
`SEATTLE, WA 98101-2347 (US)
`Assignee: Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA
`Appl. No.:
`11/ 195,338
`Int. C l.
`A61B 5100
`A61B 5102
`A61B 5/04
`A61B 10/00
`(52) U.S. C l. . ........................ 600/300; 128/903; 600/500;
`600/549; 600/544; 600/565;
`Au open architecture. wireless personal area network for
`receiving, storing, processing, displaying and communicat(cid:173)
`ing physiological data. The wireless personal area network
`may include a personal server, such as a cellular phone, and
`a plurality of sensors to monitor physiological signs, the
`user's motion. the user's orientation, and enviroumental
`factors. ·n1e sensors wirelessly provide data to the personal
`server. which may store. process. display, and communicate
`the data. An open archjtecture allows additional sensors to
`join the network without rendering the personal server
`r- -----,
`_.-~SENSOR :
`'-- --- --
`r- -----.,
`I ____ __ _
`r-- ----,
`r-- - -- - ,
`I _ ___ _ _ _
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`Apple Inc.
`U.S. Patent No. 9,289,135


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`Fig. I.


`Patent Application Publication Feb. 1, 2007 Sheet 2 of 6
`US 2007/0027367 Al
`200 ,/


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`326-l .... J RFIC
`324-l .... JBATTERY:
`322-L .... J SENSOR :
`, ___________ J
`\II RFIC ~342
`l \..:338
`"/11 BATTERY~336
`jRF!Cll /
`I MPU ~ //
`II 352
`VOLATILE l.r350
`----~ B~ERY IT'',,,
`332-l .... J RFIC
`330-L .... JBATTERY:


`Patent Application Publication Feb. 1, 2007 Sheet 4 of 6
`US 2007/0027367 AJ
`412 ..--. I'--
`414 --..


`Patent Application Publication Feb. 1, 2007 Sheet 5 of 6
`US 2007/0027367 A1
`/ .,


`Patent Application Publication Feb. 1, 2007 Sheet 6 of 6
`US 2007/0027367 Al
`0 1 LEVEL
`0 2 LEVEL


`US 2007/0027367 Al
`Feb. 1, 2007
`[0001] Open architecture. wireless personal area network
`for receiving physiologica l data.
`[0002] Currently, recording an individual's physiological
`signs that does not include fuU time care at a hospital,
`involves equipment that is both intrusive and usuaiJy only
`provides spot information. Generally. if an individual wishes
`to have physiological signs monitored, the individual must
`visit a physician or health care provider faci lity. Because the
`individual is taken out of his or her nom1al environment, the
`individual may be under stress, and the physiological infor(cid:173)
`mation that is collected may not be representative of the
`individual for the great majority of the tin1e that the indi(cid:173)
`vidual is away from the physician. Furthermore. any physi(cid:173)
`ological information that is gathered at a remote facility is
`generally only collected for a short. limited amount of time.
`Any physiological sign monitoring system that is currently
`in existence requires physiological sensors that are uniquely
`config11red to operate only within a closed. specific envi(cid:173)
`ronment, not within an open networked environment. The
`intrusive nature of physiological sensors prevents individu(cid:173)
`als from knowledge of their health. Lack of quan(cid:173)
`titative knowledge about the condition of one's body limits
`intelligent and informed decision-making about lifestyle
`choices and inhibits disease prevention and one's general
`[0003] This Summary is provided to introduce a selection
`of concepts in a simplified form that are ii.trther described
`below in the Detailed Description. This Summary is not
`intended to identify key feantres or essential feantres of the
`claimed subject matter, nor is the Summary to be used as an
`aid in determining the scope of the claimed subject matter.
`[0004] Emerging teclmologies have made it possible to
`create the personal area network (PAN) and the wireless
`personal area network (WPAN). A personal area network,
`wireless or uot, is a computer network composed of various
`devices within close proxinlity to one person. wherein the
`devices are able to communicate with one another. The
`personal area network may include a master device able to
`commmlicate with. a plurality of slave devices, which must
`first be autl1enticated, in order to enable lhrrher communi(cid:173)
`cation between the master device and the slave device. In the
`Detailed Description, a wireless personal area network hav(cid:173)
`ing an open architecture is described. An open architect11re
`is a system design strategy incorporating published specifi(cid:173)
`cations so that tllird parties may develop software and
`hardware to be added on to the system o r device. The
`wireless personal area network includes a plurality of sen(cid:173)
`sors that may monitor physiological signs in real time. Other
`sensors that may be part of the wireless personal area
`network include sensors that may not monitor physiological
`signs. Non-physiological sensors may monitor a person's
`motion, the environment, or the person's orientation. The
`"master" device in the wireless personal area network may
`be a mobile, personal computing device, such as a cell
`phone, personal digital assistant (PDA), laptop computer, or
`other computing device. Ail mobile, personal devices may
`be referred to simply as computing devices or computer. The
`computing device and the sensors in the wireless personal
`area network are equippt>d with devices having a common
`communications protocol to provide an open architecture.
`Thus, any sensor that includes the common communications
`protocol may join the wireless personal area network. The
`wireless personal area network allows data collection from
`multiple sensors. Wireless encryption protocol to protect
`wirelessly transmitted data may also be provided. A set of
`wireless sensors are attached, wom, or even embedded at
`different locations on the body. Since sensors share a com(cid:173)
`mon radio protocol, individual sensors can be added,
`replaced, or removed to suit the needs of the user. This
`feature enables the wireless personal area network to grow,
`without rendering the master device irrelevant, since other
`sensors may subsequently join in the wireless persoual area
`network. Accordingly, one master device may communicate
`with a plurality of sensors that are within the network,
`provided that the sensor is equipped with a communications
`protocol sinlilar to the master device.
`[0005] The wi.reless personal area network described
`below may provide an individual with the abil ity to observe
`real-time measurements of their body condition and their
`environment. and through storage and intelligent analysis of
`the data, the individual is provided with trend analysis and
`recommended behavioral changes. ll1e information
`instmmental in assisting the individual to achieve personal
`health goals such as weight loss, increased energy and
`stamina. increased life span, increased physical capability,
`as well as management and monitoring of chronic disease
`and the prevention of disease and other bodily damage.
`[0006) The foregoing aspects and many of the attendant
`advantages will become more readily appreciated as the
`same become beller understood by reference to the fo llow(cid:173)
`ing detailed description, when taken iu coujlmctiou witl1 the
`accompanying drawings, wherein:
`[0007) FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration of a wireless,
`personal area network fo r receiving physiological data:
`[0008] PIG. 2 is a flow diagram of a method for receiving
`data in a wireless personal area ne twork;
`[0009) FIG. 3 is a diagrat111llatical illustration of a wire(cid:173)
`less, personal area network for receiving physiological data;
`[0010) FIG. 4 is a schematic illustration of modules for a
`computing device in a wireless, personal area network;
`[0011) FIG. 5 is a diagrammatical illustration of a portion
`of a wireless, personal area network for receiving physi(cid:173)
`ological data: and
`[0012) FIG. 6 is a flow diagram of au algorithm for
`determining sleep apnea.
`[0013) FIG. 1 shows a schematic illustration of an open
`architecture, wireless, personal area network 110 for receiv(cid:173)
`ing, at least, physiological data. At the center of the network
`110 is computing device 100. which is capable of any one
`process of receiving, storing, processing, comnnUlicating,


`US 2007/0027367 Al
`Feb. 1, 2007
`and displaying a multitude of data and inforo1ation gathered
`from sensors in proximity to a person. Sensors in proximity
`to a person may be located on a person, close to a person, or
`on a device wearable by the person. The sensors may be
`categorized broadly as environmental sensors 102. physi(cid:173)
`ological sensors 104, motion sensors 106. and orientation
`sensors 108. At least one physiological sensor fonns a part
`of the system and network. Environmental sensors 102 may
`measure a ny one or more of environmental factors, includ(cid:173)
`ing, but not limited to, temperantre, humidity, barometric
`pressure. global position, and topography. Physiological
`sensors 104 may measure any one or more of physiological
`parameters. including, but not limitt.'CI to heart rate, blood
`oxygen level, respiration rate, body temperature. cholesterol
`level, blood glucose level. galvanic skin response, EEG. and
`blood pressure. Motion sensors 106 can be used for deter(cid:173)
`mining the person's activity, including wbether the person is
`walking, running, or climbing. Orientation sensors l 08
`determine the position of the person, including whether the
`person is sitting, standing, or sleeping. lt is to be appreciated
`that the naming of sensors for specific purposes is merely to
`illustrate representative embodiments of the invention. and
`should not be construed to limit the invention to anyone
`specific embodiment. Combining the information gathered
`from various sensors over a wireless. personal area network
`may lead to intelligent choices conceming all issues of a
`person's health.
`(0014) Specific features of the open architecntre, wireless
`personal area network may include operation within a low
`bandwidth. and being nou symmetric, meaning that data
`sensors may transmit to the master device based on com(cid:173)
`mands from the master device to the sensors. The open
`architecture, wireless personal area network may incorpo(cid:173)
`rate high precision, bigh accuracy. high reliability, and low
`power sensors. aud have noise compensation for motion,
`temperature, moisture, and audio. The open architecntre,
`wireless personal area network may include high security
`and privacy Jeatures, and deliver data on demand. Sensors
`may be stable at temperatures near to the body. The open
`architecture, wireless personal area network may include
`dynamic sensor selection depending on context or applica(cid:173)
`tion. Sensors may include a tl1ermal switch that can be
`activated by body temperature through body contact. Sen(cid:173)
`sors may synchronize transmission of data or other activity
`based on a physiological sign, such as hea.rt rate. Sensors
`may transmit data continuously, or data may be held in a
`buffer in cache memory or data may periodically be sent in
`[0015) Computing device 100 and the sensors in the
`wireless personal area network 110 operate in au open
`environment aud. as such. the computing device 100. as the
`master device, will be able to recognize and communicate
`with each sensor brought into the network 110 through the
`use of an common communications protocol, such as, but
`not limited to a BLVETOOTI-1, ZIGBEE, and 802. 11 com(cid:173)
`munications protocol. A wireless. personal area network for
`monitoring, at least, physiological signs provides the ability
`to me.:'lsure continuously, or at least for extended periods of
`time, physiological signs that will be representative of the
`person in his or her normal environment. Furthermore, as the
`sensors are conmnmicating in a personal area network.
`power requirements for sensors will be kept low.
`[0016) Referring to FIG. 2. a flow diagram of ru1 embodi(cid:173)
`ment of a method 200 for receiving data in an open archi(cid:173)
`tecture. wireless. personal area network is illustrated. Acqui(cid:173)
`sition of data in a wireless personal area network having
`physiological sensors may be used to record, store and
`analyze the data to detect unusual events, identity pattems of
`behavior, aud help users achieve specific targets of physical
`activity. In one embodiment, users of the system may select
`any one of a number of di lferent type of sensors, including
`sensors that may measure physiological signs, the type of
`motion. the person's orientation. and the person's environ(cid:173)
`mental factors. Each sensor is provided with the ability to
`communicate in the personal area network. The selected
`sensors may conununicate with the computing device 100,
`such as a cellular phone, PDA. or laptop, which may store
`and analyze tbe data in a number of different manners to
`detect panems of behavior and unusual events that would
`trigger a visit to the health care provider for further diagnosis
`and treatment. Method 200 starts with the start block 202.ln
`block 202, computing device 100 is awaiting to receive a
`signal from a sensor within proximity of it. From block 202,
`method 200 enters decision block 204. In block 204, a
`determination is made whether there is a sensor within
`proximity of the computing device 100. Jf the determination
`in decision block 204 is "no", meaning that there is no sensor
`in proximity, the method 200 continues to wait. lf the
`determination in decision block 204 is "yes", meaning that
`the computing device 100 has detected a sensor within the
`broadcast range, the method 200 enters block 206. In block
`206, the sensor transmits the sensor identification (ID) to,
`and the sensor JD is received by ibe computing device 100.
`lt is possible that more than one sensor may be in proximity
`at one time. The communications protocol may establish au
`orderly series of discovery n1les that may sequentially
`discover each sensor in the network. From block 206, the
`method 200 enters decision block 208. In block 208. a
`determination is made by tbe computing device 100 whether
`the sensor ID is authenticated, meaning whether the sensor
`is granted permission to join the network. A series of
`authentication mles specific to the communications protocol
`used may determine whether the sensor is permitted to join
`the network. If the determination in decision block 208 is
`"no", meaning that the sensor is not authenticated. the
`method 200 retums to wait for the next sensor to be in
`proximity to the computi11g device l 00, block 204. If tbe
`determination in decision block 208 is "yes", meaning that
`the sensor is authenticated, then the method 200 enters block
`210. In block 210, the sensor joins the network 110. From
`block 210, tl1e method 200 e nters decision block 212. In
`decision block 212, a determination is made whether the
`sensor is transmit1ing data. The communications protocol
`may establish an orderly series of transmission mles for the
`orderly transmitting of data from each sensor in the network
`to the computing device 100 in order to establish a procedure
`whereby transmitted data is not lost. According to the
`transmission rules, each sensor may be al lotted a time
`window for a specified period of time in which to transmit,
`and/or at an established time interval. Altematively. each
`sensor may transmit in a dilferent radio frequency, and the
`frequency may vary with each transmission. Alternatively,
`each sensor may transmit according to au internal clock
`residing with the computing device 100. lu this way, a
`master-slave procedure is established, wherein the master
`device. i.e., the computing device 100 will let the slave


`US 2007/0027367 Al
`Feb. 1, 2007
`device, i.e .. the sensor, know when it is time to transmil. If
`the determination in decision block 212 is "no", meaning
`that the sensor is not transmining data, then the sensor waits
`its tum. If the detennination in decision block 212 is "yes",
`meaning that the transmission mles have determined that the
`sensor should be transmitting, and the sensor is transmitting
`data, the method 200 enters block 214. In block 214. the
`computing device 100 may receive the sensor da ta. which
`may be stored, used
`in an algorithm, communicated
`remotely, displayed locally, and/or processed in any other
`manner. From block 214, the method 200 enters block 216.
`Block 216 is a tenninus block for one iteration of method
`200. Method 200 may be continuously implemented by
`computing device 100 for each sensor that is brought in
`proximity to the computing device 100. The open architec(cid:173)
`ture, wireless, personal area network may include one or
`more sensors, and may also include one or more computing
`devices 100. In one implementation of an open architecture
`networked system, the wireless, personal area network
`includes at least one computing device 100, and at least one
`sensor that may transmit physiological data.
`[0017) Referring now to FIG. 3. one embodiment of a
`wireless personal area network 300 is ilJustrated. In this
`embodiment, a mobile cellular phone 302 serves as a master
`device in the wireless personal area network 300. The
`cellular phone 302 may be connected to periphery devices
`304, including, but not limited to auxiliary displays, printers,
`and the like. The cellular phone 302 may include, a battery
`336 for power, non-volatile storage 338 for the storage of
`data collected from sensors 344 and for storage of software
`346, a microprocessor chip (MPU) 340, a display 396 for use
`as a user interface (U1), a radio frequency integrated circuit
`(RFIC) 342 with radio frequency anteru1a 314 for commu(cid:173)
`nication in the wireless personal area network 300, and a
`microwave frequency anren11a 312 for communication in a
`cellular telephone network. Master devices may also be
`implemented as any wearable device, such as, but not
`limited to a wrist device 306. Wrist device 306 may include.
`a battery 348 for power, non-volatile storage 350 for the
`storage of data collected from sensors 356 and for storage of
`software 358, a MPU 352, a VI 398, a RFIC 354, and a radio
`frequency antenna 316 for communication in the wireless
`personal area network 300.
`[001 8) FIG. 3 also illustrates a number of sensor devices,
`308 and 310. Sensor device 308 includes a sensor 322 to
`measure the variable of interest. a battery 324 to power the
`sensor device. and a RFIC 326 with radio frequency antenna
`318 to communicate in the wireless personal area network
`300. Sensor device 310 includes a sensor 328 to measure the
`variable of interest, a battery 330 to power the sensor device,
`and a RFJC 332 with radio frequency antenna 320 to
`communicate in the wireless personal area network 300.
`Because the sensor devices 308 and 310 employ a low power
`radio frequency comnmnication interface, the life of batter(cid:173)
`ies 324 and 330 may be extended. The RFICs 326 and 332
`provide the wireless communication interface. Representa(cid:173)
`tive examples, include, but are not limited, to 802.15.4
`(ZIGBEE). 802.15.1 (BLUETOOTI-1), 802.15.3 (UWB),
`802.1lx (Wimax). The batteries 324 and 330 supply power
`to the sensor devices 308 and 310, respectively.
`(0019) Both U1s 396 and 398 are for presenting informa(cid:173)
`tion to the user, in e il11er text, or graphics, fo r example. and
`also for responding to user commands and/or receiving user
`commands. The non-volatile storage media 338 and 350
`retain the data 344 and 356, respectively, from the sensor
`devices 302 and 306. and the software 346 and 358. The
`MPUs 340 and 352 execute the software 346 and 358 for
`collecting data, storing data, performing data analysis, man(cid:173)
`aging the U1s 396 and 398, and serve as the interface with
`the RFlCs 342 and 354. The software 346 and 358 may
`provide functions for presenting real-time data values to the
`user via a display. The software 346 and 358 may compile
`and present aggregated health indices providing the user a
`quautita(jve measure of trends related to physical health,
`such as life expectancy. The software 346 and 358 may
`ascertain and present recommendations for efficiently pro(cid:173)
`gressing towards health goals specified by the user. The
`RFICs 342 and 354 provide the wireless communication
`interface. Representative examples include, but are not
`limited to 802.15.4 (ZJGBEE). 802.15.1 (BLUETOOTI-I),
`802.15.3 (UWB), 802.1 lx (Wimax). Through the RFJCs 342
`and 354, master devices 302 and 306 may be able to
`communicate with sensor devices 308 and 310. In one
`embodiment, sensor device 308 may be physiological sensor
`and sensor device 310 may sense other than a physiological
`sign, such as a sensor device to monitor motion. orientation,
`or the environment. If sensor device 310 is a motion sensor,
`sensor device 310 may be an accelerometer or a magnetom(cid:173)
`eter. Cellular phone 302 may also communicate with the
`wrist-mounted device 306. Although one implementation of
`the open architecture wireless personal area network has
`been described with reference to a cellular phone as a master
`device. it is to be understood that the invention is not limited
`to any one specific implementation of a master device.
`In the open architecture design described, sensor
`devices may be allowed to join the wireless personal area
`network provided that the sensor device includes a commu(cid:173)
`nications protocol compatible with the master device's com(cid:173)
`munications protocol. Jn an open architectme wireless,
`personal area network. t11e master device may either be
`continuously or intermittently monitoring for new sensor
`devices to join the personal area network. Toward this end,
`t11e master device may i11clude a discovery module for
`determining when a new sensor device has joined the
`network. The master device will be listening for radio
`signals at a conunon frequency. Sin1ilarly, the sensor device
`that is new to the personal area network will broadcast in the
`san1e frequency as the master device. The sensor device new
`to the personal area network will be broadcasting its iden(cid:173)
`tification number. When the master device receives a signal
`that the master device recognizes, t11e master device will
`interpret the identification number. The master device is
`pre-programmed to recognize specific identification num(cid:173)
`bers.lfthe identification number is recognized by the master
`device, the master device will allow the sensor device new
`to the personal area network to establish a connection to the
`master device. and the sensor device may begin transmining
`data U1at the master device can receive.
`[0021) Referring now to FIG. 4, within the software
`components 346 and 358 of master devices 302 and 306,
`respectively. is a data acquisition module 402. a data storage
`module 404. a data analysis module 406, a data visualization
`module 408, a data communication module 410, a discovery
`module 412, and an authentication module 414. Data acqui(cid:173)
`sition module 402 is provided for wirelessly interfacing with
`the sensor devices 308 and 310 using a standard serial port
`profile (SPP). The data acq uisition module 402 can collect


`US 2007/0027367 Al
`Feb. 1, 2007
`data from as many sensors as needed, and send some
`information to the sensors when appropriate. The data
`acquisition module 402 may implement transmission ntles
`for the orderly transmission of data between master devices
`302 a nd 306 with sensor devices 308 and 310. 1l1e data
`storage module 404 stores the physiological data for later
`processing and analysis. The data may be viewed locally;
`alternatively. the data may be stored for later v iewing, sucb
`as at a remote location. The data analysis module 406
`includes pattern recognition and macbine learning algo(cid:173)
`rithms for identifYing patterns of behavior and anomalies in
`the sensor data. The data visualization module 408 is ior
`presenting the physiological data to the user or health-care
`provider in an intelligible format. The data conmmnication
`mod ule 410 is for wirelessly transmitting the data to other
`devices, either through a radio or microwave frequency. The
`discovery module 412 is for implementing the discovery
`rules when a new sensor device is brought in proximity to
`the master devices 302 or 306. The authentication module
`414 is for implementing the authentication rules after the
`sensor ID bas been received by the master devices 302 or
`[0022] FIG. 5 is a schematic representation of one
`embodiment, wherein a personal server 502 communicates
`via a BLUETOOTH radio device 504. to an oximeter sensor
`508 in contact with a body part 510. In this embodiment, a
`data refom1atter 506 is provided to convert d1e signal
`coming from oximeter sensor 508 into a signal that can be
`used by ibe BLUETOOTII radio device 504. In this imple(cid:173)
`mentation, tbe wireless oximeter sensor 508 is a PVLSEOX
`model no. 5500, which is a finger tmit blood saturation and
`heart rate spot-monitor from the SPO Medical company.
`PULSEOX model no. 5500 is modified to be powered
`continuously for an indefinite period, instead of spot check(cid:173)
`ing. PULSEOX model no. 5500 also is modified to extract
`data for recording and processing. PULSEOX model no.
`5500 provides an internal 9600 baud seria l digital signal
`containing the oximeter data plus other, probably diagnostic
`data. As this data may have other non-relevant characters ill
`the bit stream. the data reformatter 506 (PIC16F873 micro(cid:173)
`processor) is programmed to parse and refom1at tl1e data
`suitable for radio frequency transmission for subsequent
`processing. viewing and storage. TI1e reformatted data is
`then sent to the sma ll, low-powered BLUETOOTil radio
`chip 504 for transmission to the personal server 502. Per(cid:173)
`sonal server 502 has a display, wbich may be used to display
`the sensor reading ill real tinle. In tbis implementation, the
`personal server 502 is an AUDIOVOX SMT 5600 SMART
`PHONE . Wbile this implementation is described using a
`blood oximeter sensor, other non-skin contacting health
`monitoring devices could also be incorporated such as an
`accelerometer. gyroscope and/or magnetometer. This type of
`sensor may be used for detecting physical activity or angular
`position of the wearer wbich might also give the context of
`the activity, such as lying down, sitting up, standing, walk(cid:173)
`ing, or mnuing. In one altemative implementation, tl1ese
`sensors may be incorporated into or mounted to the personal
`server 502 rather than being radio frequency linked. A wrist
`motlllted device may also be incorporated. Besides indica(cid:173)
`tion of the tillle, the wrist mounted device may be linked to
`the personal server 502. This would give the user access to
`readily viewable data rat11er than recalling the data via the
`user interface.
`[0023) FIG. 6 is a How diagram of a method 600 for
`determining whether sleep apnea is occurring using the
`wireless personal area network that may monitor blood
`oxygen. Method 600 may be used to alert, and/or to record
`data pertaining to the sleeping patterns of an individual for
`later analysis. The method 600 starts at start block 602. From
`start block 602, the method 600 enters block 604. Block 604
`is for measuring and recording the oxygen level of an
`individual with a non-intrusive sensor capable ofwirelessly
`transmitting data. After sufficient amount of oxygen level
`data is obtained to establ ish a normal baseline level, the
`method 600 may enter decision block 606. Decision block
`606 determines whether the oxygen level is below the
`baseline minus a certain offset "A." If the detenuination in
`decision block 606 is "no". the method 600 returns to block
`604, wherein the method 600 continues to measure and
`record the oxygen level of the individual. If the determina(cid:173)
`tion in decision block 606 is "yes", the method 600 enters
`block 608. Block 608 is for signaling the start of au apnea
`event. From block 608, the method 600 enters block 610. ln
`block 610. tlle metbod 600 continuously measures and
`records the oxygeu level of the individual. From block 610,
`the method 600 enters decision block 612. In decision block
`612. the metl1od 600 determines whether the oxygen level is
`greater than the baseline level minus a percentage of the
`offset A. If the detennination in decision block 612 is "no",
`the method 600 returns to block 610. where the metl1od 600
`continuously measures and records the oxygen level of the
`individual. If the determination in decision block 612 is
`"yes", the method 600 enters block 614. In block 614, the
`method 600 has determined that the apnea event is at an end.
`AJthougb oue implementation of a use for the wireless
`personal area network having a n open architecture has been
`described, it is to be recognized that the invention is not
`limited to any one particular implementation.
`[0024) While illustrative embodiments of the invention
`have been illustrated and described. it will be appreciated
`that various changes can be made therein without departing
`from the spirit and scope of the invention.
`The embodiments of the invention in wbich an exclusive
`property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:
`1. A networked system, comprising:
`a master device;
`at least one sensor to monitor a physiological sign,
`wherein tl1e master device and the sensor a re in a
`wireless personal area network ha

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