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`Merriam Weh;ter's collegiate dictionary.- Eleventh ed.
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`1. Fnglish language-Dictionaries. I. Title: Collegiate dictionary. II. Merriam(cid:173)
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`\-,ke-p~r\ n (1607) 1 : a woman employed to keep
`1 : the management of a house and home af(cid:173)
`management of property and the provision of
`(as for an industrial organization) 3 : the rou-
`be done in order for a system to function or to
`[ME, fr. OE hiisel sacrifice, Eucharist; akin to qo~h
`12c) archaic :the Euchanst or the act of adrmms-
`: to administer communion to
`K~;::~~~~;i~~~~ n (14c) : a pink-flowered thick-leaved Europe(cid:173)
`tectorum) of the orpine family that tends to
`and is often grown in rock gardens; broadly
`n•au••-·" ,._ n p[ (1920) : the lights that illuminate the au(cid:173)
`\:u•aus-,maLu\ n (ca. 1694) : a girl or woman who is a ser(cid:173)
`n [fr. its occurrence among women who work a
`knees] (1831) : a swelllng over the knee due to an
`bursa in the front of the patella
`\'llau•s:•n~n, -,man\ n (1920) : a person who performs gen(cid:173)
`\-.m•,-ror\ n (1884) : a master in charge of a house in a
`~r,:~O,:a~~~~.~~''{f~41~: : one that promotes or administers housing
`n (1704) : the joint erection of a house
`of neighbors
`: space for accommodation in or
`all too eager to have a celebrity in
`housekeeper • hoy
`er 3 : something that covers or protects: as a : a cas~ or enclosure
`(as for a mechanical part or an instrument) b : a casmg (as an en(cid:173)
`closed bearing) in which a shaft revolves c : a support (as a frame) for
`mechanical parts
`2 houslng n [ME, fr. house housing (fr. AF lzuce, houce, of Gmc origm) +
`-ing· akin to MHG hulft covering] (15c) : CAPARISON 1
`housing development n (1951) : a group of individual dwellings or
`apartment houses typically of similar design that are usu. built and sold
`or leased by one management
`housing estate n (1920) Brit : HOUSING DEVELOPMENT
`housing project n (ca. 1937) : a publicly supported and administered
`housing development planned usu. for low-income families
`Hou.yhn·hnm \'hwi-n~m. hii-'i-nam\ n (1726): a member of a race of
`horses endowed with reason in Swift's Gulliver's Travels
`HOV abbr high-occupancy vehicle
`hove past and past part oiHEAVE
`hov-el \'h~-v~l. 'ha-\ n [ME] (15c) 1 : an open shed or shelter 2 :TAB(cid:173)
`ERNACLE 3 : a small, wretched, and often dirty house : HUT
`hov-er \'h~-v~r. 'ha-\ vi hov-ered; hov·er•lng \-v(~:)ri'l\ [ME ~overen,
`freq. of hoven to hover] (15c) 1 a : to hang fluttenng m the a1r or on
`the wing b : to remain suspended over a place or object 2 a : to
`move to and fro near a place : fluctuate around a given point (unemw
`ployment ~ed around 10 percent) b: to be in a state of uncertainty,
`irresolution, or suspense - hover n - hov-er•er \-v~r-~r\ n
`hov-er-craft \-v~r-,kraft\ n (1959) : a vehicle that is supported above
`the surface of land or water by a cushion of air produced by down-
`wardly directed fans
`hOV•er·fiY \'h~-v~r-,m, 'ha-\ n (1881) : an¥ of a fam1ly (Syrph1d~e) of
`dipteran flies that are noted for frequentmg flowers and hovenng. at
`one place in the air and include some whose larvae prey on plant hce
`called also syrphid fly
`1 how \'hali.\ adv [ME, fr. OE hii; akin to OHG hwuo how, OE hwii who
`-more at WHO] (bef. 12c) 1 a : in what manner or way b : for what
`reason : WHY c : with what meaning : to what effect d : by wh~t
`name or title 2 : to what degree or extent 3 : in what state or condi(cid:173)
`tion V"-- are you) 4 : at what price <~a score of ewes now -Shak.)
`- how about : what do you say to or think of (how about It, are you
`going?) - how come : how does it happen that : WHY
`2 how con} (bef. 12c) 1 a : the way or manner in which (remember~
`they fought); also : the state or condition in which b : THAT (told
`them ~ he had a situation -Charles Dickens) 2 : HOWEVER, AS (a
`reader can shift his attention~ he likes -William Empson)
`3 how n (1533) 1 : a question about manner or method 2 : MANNER,
`1 hOW•be•lt \hali.-'be-~t\ C01V (14c) :ALTHOUGH
`2 howbeJt adv (J5c) : NEVERTHELESS
`how-dah \'hali.-d~\ n [Hindi & Urdu hauda. fr. Ar
`hawdcq] (1774) : a seat or covered pavilion on the
`back of an elephant or camel
`how-dy \ 'hali.-de\ inteif [alter. of how do ye] (1712)
`used to express greeting - howdy vb
`howe \'hali., 'h6\ n [ME (northern) hoi/ hollow
`place, fr. OE hoi, fr. hoi, adj., hollow - more at
`HOLE] (bef. J2c) Scot : HOLLOW, VALLEY
`1 hOW•eV•er \hali.-'e-v~r\ cotif (14c) 1 : in whatever
`manner or way that (will help~ I can) 2 archaic
`2 however adv (14c) 1 a : in whatever manner or
`way (shall serve you, sir, truly, ~else -Shak.) b
`: to whatever degree or extent (has done t~is for~
`many thousands of years -Emma Hawkndge) 2
`: in spite of that : on the other hand (still seems
`possible ~. that conditions will improve) (would
`like tog;,;~. I think I'd better not) 3 : how in the
`world<~ did you manage to do it)
`howff or howf \'hali.f, 'hof\ n [D hoi enclosure; akin
`to OE hoi enclosure, and perh. to hufll hill] (1711)
`h~~{t.~~\•~a?-:t~~~\ n [D houwitser, ultim. fr. Czech hou/nice bal(cid:173)
`lista] (1695) : a short cannon used to fire projectiles at medium muzzle
`velocities and with relatively high trajectories
`howl \'hali.(-~)1\ vb [ME lzoulen; akin to MHG hiule.n to howl] vi (14c)
`1 : to emit a loud sustained doleful sound charactenstic of members of
`the dog family 2 : to cry out loudly and without restraint under
`strong impulse (as pain, grief, or amusement) 3 : to go on a spree or
`rampage- vt 1 : to utter with unrestrained outcry 2 : to drown out
`used esp. with down - howl n
`or cause to fail by adverse outcry -
`howl-er \'hau-l~r\ n (1800) 1 a : HOWLER MONKEY b : one that
`howls 2 : a humorous and ridiculous blunder
`howler monkey n (1932) : any of a genus (Alouatta) of So. and Central
`American monkeys that have a long prehensile tail and enlargement of
`the hyoid and laryngeal apparatus enabling them to make loud howling
`howl-ing \'hali.-liiJ\ ad} (1599) 1 :producing or marked by a.sound re(cid:173)
`sembling a howl (a~ storm) 2 : DESOLATE, WILD <a.~ w!lderness)
`how.l.mg.Jy adv
`3 : very great : PRONOUNCED (a~ success) -
`how-so·ev·er \,ha1i.-s~-•we-v~r, -so-'e-\ adv (l4c) 1 : m whatever man(cid:173)
`ner 2 : to whatever degree or extent
`'how-to \'hau-'til\ ad} (1926) : giving practical instruction and advice
`(as on a craft) < ~ books on all sorts of hobbies -Harry Milt)
`2 how-to n (1954) : a practical method or instruction (the ~s of balanc(cid:173)
`ing a checkbook); also : something (as a book) that provides such in-
`1 hoy \'hoi\ inteif [ME] (14c)- used in attracting attention or m drivmg
`2h~~~a~ME, fr. MD hoel] (l5c) 1 : a small usu. sloop-rigged coasting
`ship 2 : a heavy barge for bulky cargo
`\ kitten, F table \~r\ further \a\ ash \a\ ace \a\ mop, mar
`\~\abut \ 0
`\g\ go \i\ hit \i\ ice \j\job
`\ali.\ out \ch\ chin
`\e\ bet \e\ easy
`\IJ\ sing \6\ go \6\ law \oi\ boy \th\ thin \til\ the \ii\ loot \li.\ foot
`\zh\ vision, beige \k, ", oe, te, >'\see Guide to Pronunciation
`\y\ yet
`wind•proof \·
`wind rose\'"
`showing for
`1 strength of w
`wind·row \'w
`before being
`grain) for d11
`long low ridg1
`2windrow vt (l
`against the w
`wind shaken
`wind shearn
`occurs over a
`wind·shield \
`in front of th1
`wind sock n
`mounted in a
`Wind·sor ch;
`chair with sp
`also Windsor
`Windsor kno:
`metrical neck
`Windsor tie n
`wind sprint n
`velop breathi1
`wind•storm \
`with little or 1
`W!nd·swept \'
`wmd teen (IS
`Ton or near~
`wlnd•throw \'
`, of trees by the
`wind tunnel n
`at a known ve
`plane part or
`1 W!nd turbine,
`wmd•up \'win
`. concluding ac
`motions (as s,
`,: }~asing a pitct
`-w!ndup.adj (1'
`wmd up vt(1.:
`order for the 1
`.Brit : to effect
`1'sion b: to aJ
`of a em
`,•,com;mn~ wind1
`•ward \'v
`.~ coast) (2)
`.~day) b:'
`;: .EMPTY(~ p
`2cll;as\ n
`1 W!ndy \'win-de
`wme \'win\ n ,
`both ultim. r;,
`' of Gk oinos VI
`, fresh grapes w
`,, tian communi1
`1434 Winchester • wind-pollinated
`Win·ches•ter \'win-,ches·t~r\ adj [fr. the code name used by the origi(cid:173)
`nal developer] (1973) : relating to or being computer disk technology
`that permits high-density storage by sealing the rigid metal disks within
`the disk drive mechanism as protection against dust
`1wind \'wind, archaic or poetic 'wind\ n, often attrlb [ME, fr. OE; akin to
`OHG wint wind, L ventus, Gk aiJnai to blow, Skt witi it blows] (bef. 12c)
`1 a : a natural movement of air of any velocity; esp : the earth's air or
`the gas surrounding a planet in natural motion horizontaJiy b : an ar(cid:173)
`tificially produced movement of air C : SOLAR WIND, STELLAR WIND
`2 a : a destructive force or influence b : a force or agency that carries
`along or influences : TENDENCY, TREND (withstood the ~s of popular
`opinion -Felix Frankfurter) 3 a : BREATH 4a b :BREATH 2a. c
`:the pit of the stomach : SOLAR PLEXUS 4 ; gas generated in the stom(cid:173)
`ach or the intestines (pass~> 5 a : compressed air or gas b archaic
`: AIR 6 : something that is insubstantial: as a : mere talk : idle words
`b : NOTHING, NOTHINGNESS c : vain self-satisfaction 7 a ; air carry(cid:173)
`ing a scent (as of a hunter or game) b : slight information esp. about
`something secret : INTIMATION (got ~ of the plan) 8 a : musical
`wind instruments esp. as distinguished from strings and percussion b
`pl : players of wind instruments 9 a : a direction from which the wind
`may blow : a point of the compass; pp : one of the cardinal points b
`: the direction from which the wind is blowing- wind·less \-l~s\ adj
`- wind·less·IY adv- before the wind : in the same direction as the
`main force of the wind -
`close to the wind : as nearly as possible
`against the main force of the wind- have the wind of 1 : to be to
`windward of 2 : to be on the scent of 3 : to have a superior position
`to- in the wind : about to happen : ASTIR, AFOOT (change is in the
`wind)- near the wind 1 : close to the wind 2 : close to a point of
`danger: near the permissible limit- off the wind : away from the di(cid:173)
`rection from which the wind is blowing - on the wind : toward the
`direction from which the wind is blowing -
`to the wind or to the
`winds : ASIDE, AWAY (threw caution to the wind)- under the wind
`1 : to leeward 2 : in a place protected from the wind : under the lee
`2wlnd \'wind\ vt (15c) 1 : to detect or foiJow by scent 2 : to expose to
`the air or wind : dry by exposing to air 3 : to make short of breath 4
`:to regulate the wind supply of (an organ pipe) 5 : to rest (as a horse)
`in order to allow the breath to be recovered,....., vi 1 : to scent game 2
`dial : to pause for breath
`3wind \'wind, 'wind\ vb wind·ed \'win-dad, 'win-\ or wound \'waimd\;
`wind·ing ['wind] vt (1586) 1 : to cause (as a horn) to sound by blow(cid:173)
`ing : BLOW 2 : to sound (as a call or note) on a horn (wound a rousing
`caiJ -R. L. Stevenson) ,....., vi : to produce a sound on a horn
`4wind \'wind\ vb wound \'watmd\ also wind·ed; wind·ing [ME, fr. OE
`windan to twist, move with speed or force, brandish; akin to OHG win(cid:173)
`tan to wind, Umbrian ohavendu let him turn aside] vt (bef. 12c) 1 a
`obs: WEAVE b : ENTANGLE, INVOLVE C : to introduce sinuously or
`stealthily : INSINUATE 2 a : to encircle or cover with something pli(cid:173)
`able : bind with loops or layers b : to turn completely or repeatedly
`about an object : COIL, TWINE c (1) : to hoist or haul by means of a
`rope or chain and a windlass
`(2) : to move (a ship) by hauling on a
`capstan d (1) : to tighten the spring of<~ a clock) (2) obs :to make
`tighter: TIGHTEN, TUNE
`(3) : CRANK e :to raise to a high level (as of
`excitement or tension) -
`usu. used with up 3 a : to cause to move in
`a curving line or path b archaic : to turn the course of; esp : to lead (a
`person) as one wishes c (1) : to cause (as a ship) to change direction
`(2) : to turn (a ship) end for end d : to traverse on a curving
`course (the river ~s the valley) e :to effect by or as if by curving,.....,
`vi 1 : BEND, WARP 2 a : to have a curving course or shape: extend in
`curves b : to proceed as if by winding 3 : to move so as to encircle
`something 4 : to turn when lying at anchor
`5 wind \'wind\ n (14c) 1 : a mechanism (as a winch) for winding 2 : an
`act of winding: the state of being wound 3 : COIL, TURN 4 : a partic(cid:173)
`ular method of winding
`wind•al)e \'win-dij\ n ['wind] (ca. 1710) 1 a : the space between the
`projectile of a smoothbore gun and the surface of the bore b : the dif(cid:173)
`ference between the diameter of the bore of a muzzle-loading rifled
`cannon and that of the projectile cylinder · 2 a : the amount of sight
`deflection necessary to compensate for wind displacement in aiming a
`gun b (1) : the influence of the wind in deflecting the course of a pro(cid:173)
`jectile (2) : the amount of deflection due to the wind 3 : the surface
`exposed (as by a ship) to the wind
`wind•bag \'win( d)-, bag\ n (1827): an exhaustively talkative person
`wind-bell \-,bel\ n (1897) 1 : WIND CHIME- usu. used in pl. 2 : a
`bell that is light enough to be moved and sounded by the wind
`wind·blast \-,blast\ n (1582) .1 : a gust of wind 2 :the destructive ef(cid:173)
`fect of air friction on a pilot ejected from a high-speed airplane
`wind·blown \-,b!On\ adj (1599) : blown by the wind; esp : having a per(cid:173)
`manent set or character of growth determined by the prevailing winds
`wmd-borne \-,born\ adj (1823) : carried by the wind <~pollen) <~
`soil deposits)
`wind· break \-,briik\ n (1861) : a growth of trees or shrubs serving to
`break the force of wind; broadly : a shelter (as a fence) from the wind
`Wind·break•er \-,brii-k~r\ trademark -
`used for a jacket made of
`wind-resistant material
`wind-bro•ken \-,br6-k~n\ adj (1603) of a horse : affected with pulmo(cid:173)
`nary emphysema or heaves
`wind·burn \-,b~rn\ n (1925) : Irritation of the skin caused by wind -
`wlnd·burned \-,barnd\ adj
`wind·chill \'win(d)-,chil\ n (1939) : a still-air temperature that would
`have the same cooling effect on exposed human skin as a given combi(cid:173)
`nation of temperature and wind speed -
`called also chill factor, wl'nd(cid:173)
`chillfactor, windchill index
`wind chime n (1927) : a cluster of small often sculptured pieces (as of
`metal or glass) suspended so as to chime when blown by the wind -
`usu. used in pl.
`wind down vi (1952) 1 : to draw gradually toward an end (the party
`was winding down> 2 : RELAX, UNWIND (wind down with a good
`book),._, vt : to cause a gradual lessening of usu. with the intention of
`bringing to an end
`wind·er \'win-d~r\ n (13c) : one that winds: as a : a worker or ma(cid:173)
`chine that winds thread and yarn b : a key for winding a mechanism
`(as a clock) c : a step that is wider at one end than at the other (as In a
`spiral staircase)
`wind·fall \'win(d)-,fol\ n (15c) 1 : something (as a tree or fruit) blown
`down by the wind 2 : an unexpected, unearned, or sudden gain or ad·
`;i';;'Jafa~m n (1980) : an area of land with a cluster of wind turbines for
`driving electrical generators
`wind.flow•er \-,flau{-~)r\ n (1551): ANEMONE 1
`wind•IJall \-,go!\ n (ca. 1534) : a soft tumor or synovial swelling, on a
`horses leg in the region of the fetlock joint
`, ; ,:;
`wind gap n (1769) :. a notch in the crest of a mountain ridge: a pass.nol
`occupied by a stream -
`compare WATER GAP
`Wind harp n (1813) : AEOLIAN HARP
`. , ,
`wind·hOV•er \'wind-,h~-v~r. -,hii-\ n (1674) Brit: KESTREL
`1wind·ing \'win-dil]\ n (bef. 12c) 1 :material (as wire) wound orcolle4
`about an object (as an armature); also : a single turn of the wound ma(cid:173)
`terial 2 a : the act of one that winds b : the manner of winding
`something 3 : a curved or sinuous course, line, or progress
`2winding adj (1530) : marked by winding: as a : having a curved or Sp~
`raJ course or form (a,._, stairway) b : having a course that winds (a
`wind·in~-sheet \'win-dii]-,shet\ n (15c) : a sheet in which a corpse Is
`~~~f~g-up \,w'in-diiJ·'ap\ n (ca. 1858)Brit: the process of llquldatl~g
`the assets of a partnership or corporation in order to pay creditors and
`make distributions to partners or shareholders upon dissolution· : .·•
`wind instrument n (1582) : a musical instrument (as a trumpet, clarl:•
`net, or organ) sounded by wind; esp : one sounded by the player's
`· .
`wind·iam.mer \'win(d)-,l'a-mar\ n (1880) : a sailing ship; also : one of
`· ' · ,
`its crew- wind·iam•m ng \-mil)\ n
`1wind·lass \'win(d)-l:>s\ n [ME wyneles, wynd/as, alter. of wyndase, fr.
`OF gulndas, windas, fr. ON vindiiss, fr. vinda to wind (akin to OHGwin·
`tan to wind) + iiss pole; akin to Goth ans beam] (13c) : any of various
`machines for hoisting or hauling: as a : a horizontal barrel supported
`on vertical posts and turned by a crank so that the hoisting rope Is
`wound around the barrel b : a steam or electric winch with horizontal
`or vertical shaft and two drums used to raise a ship's anchor,
`' · · ·
`windlass vt (1834) : to hoist or haul with a windlass
`win·dle•straw \'win-d"l-,str6, 'wi-n"!-\ n [ME *windelstraw, fr. OE
`windelstreaw, fr. winde/- (akin to ME win de/ caulking material)+ streaw
`'·· t.i"·
`1 straw] (bef. 12c) Brit : a dry thin stalk of grass
`wind·mill \'win( d)-, mil\ n (14c) 1 a : a mlll or rna-
`' '
`chine operated by the wind usu. acting on oblique
`vanes or salls that radiate from a horizontal shaft;
`esp : a wind-driven water pump or electric genera(cid:173)
`tor b : the wind-driven wheel of a windmill
`· 2
`: something that resembles or suggests a windmill;
`esp : a calisthenic exercise that involves alternately
`lowering each outstretched hand to touch the toes
`of the opposite foot 3 [fr. the episode in Don Quix(cid:173)
`ote by Cervantes in which the hero attacks wind(cid:173)
`mills under the illusion that they are giants] : an
`imaginary wrong, evil, or opponent -
`usu. used in
`the phrase to tilt at windmills
`2windmill vt (1914) : to cause to move like a windmill
`,.._. vi : to move like a windmill; esp : to spin from
`the force of wind
`win·dow \'win-(,)d6\ n, often attrlb [ME windowe, fr.
`ON vindauga, fr. vindr wind (akin to OE wind) + auga eye; akin to OE
`eage eye- more at BYE] (13c) 1 a : an opening esp. in the wall of.a
`building for admission of light and air that is usu. closed by casements
`or sashes containing transparent material (as glass) and capable of be·
`ing opened and shut b : WINDOWPANE c : a space behind a window
`of a retail store containing displayed merchandise d: an opening ina,
`partition or wall through which business is conducted (a bank teller'S'
`~> 2 : a means of entrance or access; esp : a means of obtaining in·
`formation (a ~ on history) 3 : an opening (as a shutter, slot,.or
`valve) that resembles or suggests a window 4 : the transparent panel
`or opening of a window envelope 5 : the framework (as a shutter or
`sash with its fittings) that closes a window opening 6 : CHAFF 4 1 :a
`range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum to which a plan·
`et's atmosphere is transparent 8 a : an interval of time within which a
`rocket or spacecraft must be launched to accomplish a particular mis(cid:173)
`sion b : an interval of time during which certain conditions or an Oil'
`portunity exists (a ~ of vulnerability) 9 : an area at the limits of the
`earth's sensible atmosphere through which a spacecraft must pasS for
`successful reentry 10 : any of various rectangular boxes appearing on
`a computer screen that display files or program output, that.can usu.
`be moved and resized, and that facilitate multitasking - win•dOW·
`less \-do-l~s. -da-\ adj- out the window : out of existence, use, or
`window box n (ca. 1885) : a box designed to hold soil for growing
`plants at a windowsill
`window dressing n (1895) 1 : the display of mercrtanatslo,m
`store window 2 a : the act or an instance of
`deceptively attractive or favorable b :
`ceptively favorable or attractive impression- win·,cJow--clres's \'win·
`do-,dres\ vt - window dresser n
`wln•dowed \'win-(,)dod, -dad\ adj (15c) : having windows
`specified kind -
`often used in combination
`, t . ·
`wmdow envelope n (1914) : an envelope having an opening
`, . , ••
`which the address on the enclosure is visible
`win·dow•pane \'win-do-,piin, -d~-\ n (1819) 1 :a pane In a window, 2
`\':tn ,Jlj
`window seat n (ca. 1745) 1 :a seat built into a window recess 2:a
`seat next to a window (as in a bus or airplane)
`window shade n (1810) : a shade or curtain for a window
`win•dow-shop \'win-do-,shiip, -d~-\ vi' (1922) : to look at the displays
`in retail store windows without going inside the stores to make
`.. , ~<.,
`chases- win·dow-shop·per n
`win•dow•sill \-,sil\ n (1703) : the horizontal member at the bottom ofa
`window opening
`Wind•pipe \'win(d)-,pif.\ n (1530) ; TRACHEA I
`wind-pol·li•nat·ed \- pii-1~-,na-t~d\ adj (1884) : pollinated by
`borne pollen