
`Rohde & Schwartz GMBH & (30., KG, (Petitioner)
`Petitioner Demonstratives
`Tektronix, Inc. (Patent Owner)
`Case Nos. |PR2018-00643 and |PR2018-00647
`U.S. Patent No. 8,675,719
`Before Hon. Josiah C. Cocks, Patrick M. Boucher, and Scott E. Bain
`Administrative Patent Judges
`R&S 1045
`Rohde & Schwarz v. Tektronix


`Table of Contents
`The ’719 Patent
`Asserted Grounds
`Claim Construction
`Time Domain Channel
`Engelse-based Grounds
`Frequency Domain Channel
`Acquisition System / to acquire
`To Align
`To Sample
`Hansen-based Grounds


`’719 Patent


`The ’71 9 Overview
`\ppl Nu
`United States Patent
`Dobyns et al.
`\llll.l1-IK)\I\I\ IFS] \VD \ll-L\SURI'.\IE\T
`Inwnnm Kcnnrlh l'. "filly“. "alum-In. ( IR
`(UM \lun—m K. I): NI“.
`ll-Idronll. Inc. l’kmcnnnJlk [USI
`Suhim In an) diwlnilu -r. llic lcrm ul III“
`I i; c\luILlul ur :nlluuul under 15
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`Sop. Ill. Ifllfl
`l'rlur l’uhllcnllnll lhlu
`US I‘ll 2 0076“” .\l
`M1lr.2') 20l2
`llll. (1.
`"015 I 7/“)
`lLSJ I.
`Fleld n" llullkatlnn Search
`175224. 272. 370 208. .‘34
`Sa' :npplmlnm III-.- lu mmpluc van-h Il‘lx'lnry
`Helen-med lln‘l
`In“ I'kh'ul
`Ill): Dl-I'RU \I
`I0 IOU:
`(2006 0] )
`U500867S7 NB-
`(IUI Patent No.:
`(.151 Dale of Patent:
`US 8.675.719 32
`Mar. 18. 20M
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`A ILN :Inl nnmuruuunl imlnlmunl including :i Ilmc ill-mum
`I:| u-ulipun‘l in [mu-x
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`llmln-nq- Lhmmrl channel mnllgllml ln
`[Imu‘s :1 “mm inpul elgml rm analysis in :-
`dumnm: and
`munimn \yslt‘lll cutlplcd l0 lhn: Iimc
`dnmaln clunnrl 21ml Ihc I‘m-mg llnlnllin clnnml
`ilt‘qfl|\1lll‘ll\)“il ~
`lsu‘lllipumllnaqunruduu lnvllilhclln-L-
`LII-"mm channel llnd llw liwumry dunnn. channel
`dnmuln and liqumc} dumaln llulu am he Iinlcnllgncd
`I5 ( hllm. 5 Ibulnu Mun-h
`' U.S. Patent No. 8,675,719 (“the
`’719 Patent”) was filed on Sept.
`28, 2010
`The ’719 Patent includes 15
`claims including 2 independent
`Ex. 1001 (’719 Patent), 10:53-12:53
`Time Domain
` Frequency
`Domain Channel


`The ’719 Background
`and 2:63-64. As illustrated in FIG. 1 (reproduced below). the instrument 10 in-
`cludes a time domain channel 12 configured to receive a first input signal 18.. and a
`frequency domain channel 14 configured to receive a second input signal 20. Id. at 2:64-66, Ex. 1003 ”26-31.
`FIGURE 1 of the ’719 Patent
`(Engelse Pet., 7)


`Hansen-based lnstituted Grounds
`§103: Hansen
`‘719 Patent Claims
`Basis for Rejection
` 103: Hansen1n View of Pickerd
`§103z Hansen111 View of Nara 451
`Hansen Pet., 3


`Engelse-based Instituted Grounds
`‘719 Patent Claims
`Basis for Rejection
`Ground 1
`§102z Engelse
`§1032 Engelse in View of Wimmer
`Claims 1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,
`Ground 3
`Claims 3, 4, 5, 13, and
`§103: Engelse
`Engelse Pet., 3


`Claim Construction


`Claim Construction
`A claim subject to IPR is given its “broadest reasonable construction in light
`of the specification of the patent in which it appears.” 37 C .F.R. § 42.100(b). For
`(Engelse Pet., 3; Hansen Pet., 3)
`669 F.3d1362. 1365 (Fed. Cir. 2012). WWW' .mwzepam' '1 Ito-Ibis
`of claim sco MIX!Manama; requiring ‘words or expressions of manifest exclusion or restriction in the intrinsic record." Ums-‘ired Pianer, LLC, v.
`31133: I) iWhen a patentee sets out a definition and acts as his own
`when the patentee disavows the full scope of a claim term
`either in the specification or during prosecution-" Id. A ' "
`(Englese Pet. Resp., 1;
`Hansen Pet. Resp., 1)


`“channel” (claims 1-10 and 12-15)
`(Hansen Pet" 4)
`A set of paths A signal path
`A set of one or more paths from input to
`for signals
`acquisition, where different paths are
`part of a shared channel if (i) the
`achISItIon system selectlvely achIres
`from one or the other path as being
`in one channel or (ii) the two paths
`perform complementary processing for
`the acquisition system to receive and
`process together
`(Enge'se '"sjt- 930-
`(Paper 7), 9, Hansen
`Inst. Dec., (Paper 10),
`(Engelse PO Resp, 11; Hansen PO Resp., 10)


`Petitioner (R&S)’s Basis for “channel” Construction
`A set Of paths for Slgnals
`cies allocated fora paitICular purpose; a standard"
`broadcasting channel
`is i0 kilohertz wide. an
`FM channel Is 200 kHz wide. and a television
`icon? T'SCi A pet -
`an em; w
`ta res p- ace.
`digital or other
`information may flow in a
`com ‘ uler
`|carscrr< 1. A _JE]i,ii for a signal. as
`audio amplifier may have several input channels.
`2. The main current path between the source
`and drain electrodes in a field-effect transistor
`or other semiconduciur device
`Under broadest reasonable interpretation [BR] 1‘. the term “channel“ encom-
`passes “a set of pat11(s)" for signals. This is consistent with the ordinary and ctts
`-toma1y meaning given by those of ordinary skill in the art. MPEP 2111 (citing In re
`Corn'iglm 165 F.3d 1353. 1359. 49 USPQ2d 1464. 1468 (Fed. Cir. 1999)). For ex-
`ample. the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Electrical and Computer Engineen'ng defines
`the term “chamiel‘” as “[a] path for a signal." See Ex. 1018. Ex. 1003. Declaration
`(Hansen Pet., 4)
`,719 Pat.
`(Hansen Ex. 1018, 82; Hansen. Pet., 4)
`The above construction is consistent with the descriptions from the specifica-
`ious examples of channel. Ex. 1001 3:22-24 (discussing that “the rime domain
`tion of the ‘7 19 Patent. which does not specifically define the term but explains var-
`(Hansen Pet., 4)
`sensing discrete levels, or the like. The time domain channel
`12 can include other circuitry. such as amplifiers. input pro-
`tection. or other conditioning circuitry. The time domain
`chamicl 1 2 can include other digital processing circuitry, such
`as memories. decimators. or the like. Accordingly. the output
`(Ex. 1001, 3:8—13; 3:22-24; Hansen Pet. 4,


`Tektronix’s construction is unclear & creates confusion
`A set of one or more paths from input to acquisition, where different paths are part of a shared channel if (i) the
`acquisition system selectively acquires from one or the other path as being in one channel or (ii) the two paths
`perform complementary processing for the acquisition system to receive and process together
`Declaration describes. a POSITA considering Tek's first construction pat‘tm
`ave maiden as IBWhldl ' r-eia'tiomsfiumme is};
`"channel“ in the an. Kiss-1030. fi[06]—[07].
`'—a phrase that typically has no association with the wearing of
`Fluthermore.[Tektronix‘s construction is circular. by relying 011 the terms
`“shared channel“ and “one channel.“ Tektrouix provides no explanation as to what
`“as being in one channel“ means. and this phrase is not used or descn'bed in the
`specification. creating confusion. R&S-1030. 'E[08].
`Moreover. as Dr. Villasenor explains. a POSITA would also have no idea
`that the phrase "complimentarxprocessing‘,‘ in the second construction pan entails
`because it is not a term of an. The second constmction pan als .j'
`what-is being “received and processed together." R&S-1030. 1i1l[09]-[12].
`Te ktron ix’s
`Chan [19'


`Tektronix misunderstood ’719’s FIG. 4
`Te ktron iX’S
`A set of one or more paths from input to acquisition, where different paths are part of a shared channel if (i) the
`acquisition system selectively acquires from one or the other path as being in one Channel or (ii) the two paths “Chan nel”:
`perform complementary processing for the acquisition system to receive and process together
`In support of its construction including a “selectively acquires" feature, Tektronix relies on FIG. 4 and asserts:
`domain path 43" and a “frequency domain path 45" and a “selector 53" to choose
`Second FIG 4 ofthe 719 patentdepicts a sinOIe channe'having a “time
`between the two paths. Ex.2014. 1168. In FIG 4. the input signal on only one of the
`(Engelse PO Resp., 12-13; Hansen PO Resp., 11-12)
`Tektronix stands on the following passage for support:
`are available to the selector 53. Accordingly. on a single input
`44. circuitry that can be optimized for analysis in the fre-
`quency domain such as the downconverter 57 and."or other
`associated amplifiers filters or the like can be added to a
`cchanncl. However common circuitry. such as the d131-
`(Ex. 1001, 72-7; Engelse PO Resp., 13; Hansen PO Resp., 12)


`Tektronix misunderstood ’719’s FIG. 4 (cont’d)
`Te ktron iX’S
`“Chan nel”:
`A set of one or more paths from input to acquisition, where different paths are part of a shared channel if (i) the
`acquisition system selectively acquires from one or the other path as being in one channel or (ii) the two paths
`perform complementary processing for the acquisition system to receive and process together
`But FIGS. 3 and 4 show two channels
`FIG. 4 shows a single channel. POR. 13: Ex. 2014.131768-72. 011 the contraiy.
`FIG. 4 is “an example of the test and measm‘ement instnunent of FIG. 3." and
`FIG. 3 is “a block diagram of a test and measurement instnunent having a time
`dflmflifl channel and a frequenqr domain channel coupled to a single input."
`(Emphasis added]. R&S-lOOl.G:36-4l.6:59-7:91. TIIIIS.CCIIIII'F£I'}'IO Petitioner‘s
`assertionlelG. 1*-EIe121cts‘two chamlels. not a smgle channell R&S-1030. T112]-
`(Engelse Pet. Resp., 3; Hansen Pet. Resp., 3)
`[Referring back to Tektronix’s assertion noted in the last slide]
`flDomain Gianna
`E11100]. 713-6. In contrast with TektronL‘i‘S assenion.|tl11s statement does 1105
`single chamiel
`[i.e.. frequency domain channel).
`suggest t tat-
`. 41s a 3mg e c 1a1u1e17'R‘5t11731'. it refers to the frequency
` domain path 45. which is the frequency domain channel in FIG. 4. and the fact
` thal: cn‘cnmy pptnmzed for the frequency domain channel. can be added to that
`(Engelse Ex. 1030,111118; Hansen Ex. 1030,111118;
`(Ex. 1001, FIGS. 3 and 4)
`l“l(_i. 3 is a block diagram ul'a test and measurement instru-
`ment having a time domain channel and a frequency domain
`channel coupled to a single input according In an embodiment
`. FIG. 4 is a block diagram of an example of the test and
`measurement instrument an-‘l(i. 3.
`(EX- 1°01! 2:32é3n2e‘iéisél’ 2:367:33


`“time domain channel” (claims 1-10 and 12-15)
`No construction
`No construction
`A channel that does not
`Plain and ordinary
`meaning Of _ one Of
`more signal paths
`that processes a
`signal for analysis
`in the time domain
`(Engelse Pet. Resp., 4;
`Hansen Pet. Resp., 4)
`include circuitry for frequency
`(1%ngelse PO Resp., 11; Hansen PO Resp.,


`R&S’s Basis for “TDC” Construction
`Plain and ordinary meaning: one or more signal paths that processes construction:
`a signal for analysis in the time domain
`Petitioner Resgonse
`The pate11t-m1de1‘~1‘eview provides no clear definition of TDC & FDC that
`vould mandate departure from plain meaning. i.e.. a channel that processes a
`ignal for analysis in the time domain or frequency domain. respectively. Indeed.
`inputs0.?7111mmfor both time domain and irequucnm domaiifl
`This disclosure relates to test and measurement instru-
`ments in particular to test and measurement instruments v. ith
`(Ex. 1001, 1:5-9)
`(EX- 1001, 1:66-21)
`c mnge 1n :1 carner trequency. n an em 1
`ofsignals to analyze the two events can be optimized for time
`- 1ment aoqu151tion
`(Ex. 1001,2158-61)
`and/or tuned for the frequenC)r range of interest. Regardless of
`the form of the frequency domain channel 14 output signal
`28. the acquired data 22 including data from the time domain
`channel 12 and the frequency domain channel 14 can be
`axailahle for further .proccssing. display anal}sis in the
`res _ecti_\e_d1_wmainor the_-like.
`(Ex. 1001, 5:22-28)


`Tektronix’s Rationale for its construction contradicts the ’719 Spec
`A channel that does not include circuitry for frequency shifting
`Petitioner Response
`Teknonix urges the Board to th-e-_-t-- ~
`“must have an operating frequency range from 0 Hz
`to a maximum frequancy
`that can be feasibly supponed by the channel." POR. 15.5.1 2014. $40-43. 73.
`75. 79. 80.
`-ekt-1'oniox fails toprovide-credible- evidence to r__-'_01T its *asseltioll.
`(Engelse Pet. Resp., 5; Hansen Pet. Resp., 5)
`P0 Expert Dec. (Ex. 2014)
`To maintain the full bandwidth of the input signal I amdoma
`must in the ‘719pat611t--_ .- One such component is :1
`(Ex. 2014,1[43)


`Tektronix’s Rationale for its construction contradicts the ’719 Spec
`A channel that does not include circuitry for frequency shifting
`However, the "719 specification discloses the opposite:
`’71 9 Pat_
`(Ex. 1001’ 8:48-57;
`Engelse Pet. Resp., 5-6,
`Hansen Pet. Resp., 5-6)
`added). RtQS-IDOI. 8:44-51 A POSITA can readily appreciate from this passage
` that thé TDC‘ and FDC can-include co " 'onents (e.g.. filter bandwidths/center
`frequency domain channel 67 are different.
`In another
`example. the controller 62 can be configured to _
`[nonenls in the respective channels such as filterhandwidths.
`lfilter center freqttencics. attenuator settings. or the like. As a
`result tlfi acquisit1on paraméterserstorthetime domainc
`63 and lrequency domain channel 67 can each be controlled
`to optimize the channel for the acquisition of the associated
`input signal such that the associated input Signalmtgtimizedl
`for alwlysis in different domains.
`Hansen pet Resp. 5-6) Tektronix s tutsupported assenion that a TDC cannot removedistort frequency
`fi'equencies/atteuuator settingshvell-known in the art. to remove or- distort the
`ir 11E! '_-. IC'_ meats-e a 5 .1301 example. a filter bandwidth can be used to
`Petlt'oner Res onse filter out cenain fi'eqnencies of a signal. which is disclosure that contradicts
`(Engelse Pet. Resp” 5-6;


`Tektronix’s Construction does not satisfy the Thorner requirements
`A channel that does not include circuitry for frequency shifting
`“TDC” .
`respectively. Id.. This plain meaning is consistent with the patenteignder-review‘s
`cleanse which- contraiy to Tektronix‘s contention fails tofiefiefiiflfl? Elmira?
`. --- .. tea-y, R&S—1030. “'ll33l-[34l- [281-[29].
`Indeed. claim 1 is consistent with this plain meaning and with the requirement that
`that the TDC‘ operate on a “first input signal“ and the FDC operate on a “second
`input signal" of the recited “insmnnent.”
`lw-lticlna sienal will ultimately be analyze , (e.g.. by allowing signal data analysis in
`. are '[Iié teiiiiis “...:
`601116Ill 01' ,3.
`j‘ cine .
`' enlemain; i.e.. either time domain or frequency domainlml
`a time domain display or in a frequency domain display. respectively). R&S-100 1.


`Tektronix’s Construction does not satisfy the Thomer requirements
`A channel that does not include circuitry for frequency shifting
`Nothing in the cited examples indicate that a TDC‘ must process a signal in its full
`Indeed. the only supporting examples cited by Tektronix in the pateilt—tmde1'«
`bandwidth or that a TDC' must never peifonn frequency mixing. Nor is there any
`indication that these characteristics must be found in all embodiments of a TDC.
`R&S-1030. m7].


`Tektronix misrepresents the record
`A channel that does not include circuitry for frequency shifting
`Ex.1001. 3:- 6-38. That is because. as Dr. Villasenor recognizes. frequency
`shifting a signal optimizes it for analysis in the frequency domain. not in the time
`domain. Ex.1030. ([28: EX.2023. 44. :2 1-448: 10.
`P0 Sur-re I
`(P0 Sur—Reply, 5)
`A -- a channel that includes a down
`converter will not be optimized for analysis in the time
`domain, correct?
`Depends on —- depends on the context.
`The context of this patent, it would not be
`Dr. Villasenor
`optimized for the time domain analysis, right?
`Depends what kind of time domain analysis you
`to do,
`Can you turn to column three of the '719


`“frequency domain channel” (claims 1-10 and
`No construction
`No construction
`A channel that may include
`circuitry for frequency shifting
`gingelse PO Resp., 11; Hansen PO Resp.,
`Plain and ordinary
`meaning of - one or
`more signal paths
`that processes a
`signal for analysis
`in the frequency
`(Engelse Pet., 4; Hansen
`Pet. Resp., 4)


`R&S’s Basis for “FDC” Construction
`consflucfion: Plain and ordinary meaning: one or more signal paths that processes
`a signal for analysis in the frequency domain
`Petitioner Response
`The patent-1111de1‘-revieu-' provides no clear definition of TDC‘ & FDC that
`vouid mandate depamu'e from plain meaning. Le. a channel that processes a
`ignal for analysis in the time domain or frequency domain. respectively.
`’719 Pat.
`This disclosure relates to test and measurement instru-
`ments in narticularto test and measurement instruments with
`inputsL)p__tim zed tor both time domain and
`uenc domain
` .
`nai 28 can take a varietyo‘lcforms suitabletoallow analysisof
`- output .S'g'
`.The various
`(EX. 1001, 5:15-17)
`(Ex. 1001, 1:59)
`c tango m a carrier requency.
`of st
`tals to analyze the two events can be optimized for time
`ii an em
`Iment aoqumnmn
`anther tuned for the frequency range of interest. Reganllessof
`the form of the frequency domain channel 14 output signal
`28. the acquired data 22 including data from the time domain
`channel 12 and the frequency domain channel 14 can be
`res Kite-live domain. or the ma}.
`available for further processing. display, analysis in the
`(Ex. 1001, 2:58-61)
`(Ex. 1001, 5:22-28)


`Tektronix’s Construction does not satisfy the Thorner requirements
`A channel that may include circuitry for frequency shifting “FDC”:
`respectively. Id. This plain meaning is consistent with the patent-mider-review‘s
`.‘eiosmte‘ which. contrary to Tektronix's centennon fails-manger lanyamtent
`(Engelse Pet. Resp. 4_5.
`Hansen Pet. Resp., 4-5)
`cite-spec" rummage:
`eseumims R&S—lOSO."fi[23]-[Z4]. [281-[29].
`Indeed. claim 1 is consistent with this plain meaning and with the requirement that
`that the 'IDC operate on a “first input signal“ and the FDC' operate on a “second
`input signal“ of the recited “instrument.”
`a time domain display or in a frequency domain display. respectively). R&S-1001.
`Tektronix‘s constmction that a FDC' "may include circuitry for frequency shifting.“ is tulsupportecl by the exclusionary language required under Thomer.
`(Engelse Pet. Resp., 4;
`Hansen Pet. Resp., 4)
`iowhere are the teams 'Tlmemm‘ or ‘ifitetguencyldmfi‘ml' used'ft’JIxanyflfin -
`a. thedomanLLe.. either time domam or frequency domain-
`. Mllefimatelybeenal (e. g. by allowing signal data analysis in


`“Acquisition”l “to acquire” (claims 1-4, 8, 9, 12, 14)
`obtaining or receiving
`“acquiring a signal” in a test and
`measurement instrument means
`(Engelse Pet., 6;
`Hansen Pet.. 7)
`(Engelse Inst. Dec. (Paper 7), 11;
`Hansen Inst. Dec., Paper 10), 11)
`to capture It to generate a record’
`an “acquisition system” captures
`the conditioned input signal to
`generate a record
`(Engelse PO Resp., 22; Hansen PO Resp., 21)


`R&S’s Basis for “acquisition”! “to acquire” Construction
`obtaining construction:
`For purposes of this proceeding. the BRI‘ of the term “acquisition" is broad
`enough to encompass “obtaining" data for analysis. Ex. 1003 W394i Such a con- stmction is consistent with the ‘719 Patent specification:
`(Engelse Pet., 6; Hansen Pet., 7)
`’719 Pat.
`output sngna s 26 an
`in an acquisition
`memoryr ot‘the acquisition system 16. As will be described in
`further detail below. the acquisitions of the output signals 26
`and 28 can be performed in response to the same trigger.
`Accordingly. asbhgmitput signal 26 can be acuui ed with the
`time domain channel 12 optimized for time domain analysis
`and the outmLsignal 28.
`n be acquired with the frequency
`domain channel 12 optimized for frequency domain analysis.
`substantially time aligned time and frequency domain analy-
`ses can be performed without sacrificing the optimization of
`a u uisition for one anal 'sis domain over another.
`(EX. 1001, 5:31-41)


`R&S’s Basis for “acquisition”! “to acquire” Construction
`obtaining construction:
`Pet. Resp.
`The patent-under-review describes the acquisition system very broadly as
`“include[ing] a varfen' of circuitry" such as “digitizers. decimators. filters. rnenmries, or the like.“ (Emphasis added). R&S-1001. 4:20-22. Nothing in the
`(Engelse Pet Resp., 7;
`Hansen Pet. Resp., 6-7)
`719 Pat-
`The acquisition system 16 can include a variety ofcircuitry.
`For example. the acquisition system can include digitizers.
`decimators, filters, memoriesor the like The acquisition
`Pet. Resp.
`(Ex. 1001, 4:20—22)
`as meaning "obtaining.“ For example. in 1:40-43. the patent-under-review uses the
`tenns “to obtain" and "to acquire" interchangeably ("That is. to obtain a small
`(Engelse Pet Resp., 7;
`Hansen Pet. Resp., 6-7)
`719 Pat.
`i.e. a fine
`DFT. That is. 'to obtain a small frequency step,
`resolution in the frequency domain, a long time span is nec-
`essary in the time domain. SimilarlyJmefi data for a
`wide frequency 5 an. a high sample rate is needed. Thus. fine
`(EX. 1001, 1:40-43)


`Tektronix’s Construction has no support in the ’719 Patent
`to capture a signal and generate a record; “acquisition system”
`captures the conditioned input signal to generate a record
`signal to generate a record.“ In fact. the patent-Imder-review points to “acquiring"
`rrremories, or (he like." (Emphasis added). R&S-1001. 42042. Nothing in the
`patenbuuder-review limits “to acquire“ or the “acquisition system" to “capturing a
`(Engelse Pet Resp., 7; Hansen Pet. Resp., 7)


`Tektronix’s Construction lacks clarity
`to capture a signal and generate a record; “acquisition system” construction:
`captures the conditioned input signal to generate a record
`P0 Response
`captures the conditioned input signal to generate a record. Ex.2014. '38. There is
`no requirement that the acquired signal must be retained for any particular
`duration but an entire data record mist be captured. obtained. held. possessedl
`stored, etc. for at least some instant. Id. That acquired record is defined as the data
`(Engelse PO Resp., 22; Hansen PO Resp., 21)
`Pet. Response
`Tektl'onix‘s construction also lacks clarity because it is not clear what is
`encompassed by “generat[ing] a record.“ 1101‘ why an “entire data record must be
`captured. obtained. held. possessed. stored.“ (emphasis added) as Tektronix asserts without evidence or description of what an “entire data record" is. POR. 21.
`(Engelse Pet Resp., 7; Hansen Pet. Resp., 7)


`R&S’s Construction is consistent with the ’719 Spec.
`Tektronix argues that construing “acquiring" to mean “obtaining or receiving” is improper because then
`Rebuttal: “nearly every circuit component described in the patent—under-review (except for control circuitry) will ‘obtain
`or receive an input signal’” (Engelse PO Resp., 21; Hansen PO Resp., 20)
`But the ’719 does not mandate departure from such a construction
`construction. The patent—under-revieu-' is consistent with this constmction.
`Pet. Response
`(Engelse Pet Resp., 3;
`Hansen Pet. Resp., 7-8)
`explicitly describing. the TDC and FDC (in addition to the acquisition system) as
`being configured to “acquire." RLQZS'IOOL 3:16-18, 6:32-34. While many circuit
`components: systems described in the patent-tutder-teview may be refen'ed to
`properly as “acquiring“ signal data. the claims of the patent-tnmet-review clearly
`limit the recited “acquisition system" to only systems that are “coupled to“ the
`TDC and FDC‘ and are further "coufigtu'ecl to acquire data from" the TDC' and
`FDC. Pet.. 7; R&S—1030.1lT|[33]-[37].
`est. Moreover, the :lrcqucncy domain channel—1'4 can be con
`gur . to acqurrc Sigma ~ outside ofthe bandwidth ofthe time
`domain channel. Accordingly, the frequency domain channel
`In an embodiment, thetune I—0311'lc tame ‘1 can include
`circuitry that islgptmuzé ior acqmsmon of 2: Signal; foranaly-
`sis in the time domain. For example, a signal suited to time
`’719 Pat.


`“time align” (claim 3)
`synchronized in
`No construction
`(Engelse Pet., 6; Hansen
`Pet, 8)
`to associate a portion of a
`time-dependent signal/data
`with a portion of another
`time-dependent signal/data
`that corresponds to
`substantially the same time
`(Engelse PO Resp., 23; Hansen PO Resp.,


`R&S’s Basis for “time align” Construction
`substantially synchronized in time construction:
`For purposes of this proceeding. the BRI of the term “time align" is broad
`enough to encompass “.s-ubsrrmn'aih' synchronized in time.“ Ex. 1003 “$40-44. Such a construction is consistent with the ‘719 Patent specification:
`(Engelse Pet, 6;
`Hansen Pet., 8)
`’719 Pat.
`Dr. Villasenor Dec. dated Feb.I 2018
`Thus. a POSITA. reading the ‘TI 9 Patent. would have recognizer] that
` As the same event or combination of events can be used to
`trigger acquisitions in both the frequenc and time domains,
`t11 '--ac11;7ged_-51°ialSre-an be t—iine
`”edto a higher degree.
`For example, the acquired data can be as time aligned as two
`input chaimels ofan oscilloscope i.e. substantially aligned on
`domain channe is sufficient for the acquisitions to-be-subsmmial/r swiclu‘onized in
`a per sam 16 basis. Thus when examinin an event in one
`. ‘:u- the- ~ - 15'. "enema substanti
`-. geraniumeeu.
`|si0nals1n another domain can be.analyzed.
`include a time accuracy thatIS limited bya lowest sample rate
`of time alined channels.
` time. i.e.. time aligned. Further. claim 7. which also depends from claim 1. requires
`the term "time align" is broad enough to encompass "substantialb- synchronized in
`time.“ The POSITA would also have recognized that! using a master clock as al
`timing basis fJ—the acquismon of both the time domain channel and the frequency
`(Engelse Ex. 1003, 1144; Hansen Ex. 1003, 1147)
`(Ex. 1001 9:1-11' Engelse Pet. 6-7' Hansen Pet. 8)


`R&S’s Basis for “time align” Construction
`substantially synchronized in time
`Dr_ Vi||asenor Dec.
`dated Mar.I 2019
`toffset. where toffset is the offset between the two signals. When tome; can freely
`vary (i.e.. it is completely unconstrained). the relative timing of the signals can
`be any value When tome! is a fixed value (e.g,.. when using synchro ‘ ed cloc ,
`in circuits the value cannot take any value but rather is fixed to a duration equal
`to a particular number of clock cycles),lthe two signals are aligned in time,| with
`a relative shift of target. The smaller toffset, the higher the degree of alignment.
`PO Sur-Regly
`(Engelse Ex. 1030,1140; Hansen Ex. 1030,1140;
`Engelse Pet., 9-10; Hansen Pet., 9)
`The Patem Gum agrees that time 35W!!! teamesmamq (ag. . by
` calculating) the offset- That is why the Patent Ou-‘ner‘s Response states that if
`(PO Sur—Reply, 9)


`Tektronix’s Construction is too narrow
`to associate a portion of a time-dependent signal/data with a portion of another time- “time align”:
`dependent signal/data that corresponds to substantially the same tlme period
`The patent-1111cle1‘-1'e\-'iew. however. does not require time align to mean the
`time erio .wh'ch'
`ic tea '1' ct 1e
`' w t
`' ve t1‘.'.e-.
`1111 Lno 110111 no 1
`event. R&S-1001. 1:48-50. 5:28-41. 9:1«11. For example. the patent-under-
`Pet. R959
`(Engelse Pet. Resp., 9;
`Hansen Pet. Resp.,8—9)
`“contemporaneous." which the inventor did not use. Rather. the patent-under-
` 1‘eview indicates tha there are {degrees 1935‘time alignment. 11d that time alignment
`can be based on parameters such as a sample rate. acquisition time. or trigger
`’719 Pat.
`(Ex. 1001, 9:1-7)
`As the same event or combination of events can be used to
`trigger acquisitions in both the frequency and time domains,
`--1 .3" '11-
`“1;:1 1.1 1 9':11:
`2-.1-11-1"11'11'"r..-:-er”1'11 1 1111....
`For example, the acquired data can be as time aligned as two
`input channels ofan oscilloscope,1.e. substantially aligned on
`a per sample basis. Thus, when examining an event in one


`Tektronix’s Construction is too narrow
`dependent signal/data that corresponds to substantially the same time period
`to associate a portion of a time—dependent signal/data with a portion of another time-
`“time align”:
`Dr. Villasenor Dec. dated Feb. 2018
`time. i.e.. time aligned. Further. Claim 7. which also depends from claim 1. requires
`“the time domain channel and the frequency domain channel“ to “process the input
`signal contemporaneously." 11:32-34. '3? m-’afichhn dlfitenflnfiflnflmm of both the time domain channel and the frequency domain channel.
`(Engelse Ex. 1003,1144; Hansen Ex. 1003,1147;
`Engelse Pet., 6-7; Hansen Pet., 8)


`“to sample” (claims 5, 13)
`No construction
`No construction
`to turn a time-continuous
`signal into a signal that is
`time-discrete or time
`(Zingelse PO Resp., 25; Hansen PO Resp.,
`Plain and ordinary
`meaning of - a
`process Of
`obtaining a
`sequence of
`values of a wave
`(Engelse Pet. Resp., 11;
`Hansen Pet. Resp., 10)


`R&S’s Basis for “to sample” Construction
`Plain and ordinary meaning: a process of obtaining a sequence of construction:
`instantaneous values of a wave
`Petitioner Resgonse
`contrast. provides a dictionary definition more consistent with claim 513's
`recitation b canning sampling"--as '*‘ai?1‘QE$S$-=Of0m&fing ‘a sequence of
`instantaneous values of a wave'.‘ (Petitioner‘s constmction). R&S-1035. 503. This
`ill-made; definition is consistent m‘itila'iji the embodiments in the patent-under—
`review and the understanding ofa POSITA. where a channel can include various
`components. including a (lecimator. involved in sampling to produce a sampling rate. R&S-1001. 3545. 7:20—30. 7:55-8:56:R&S-1030.1]',[[41]-[53].
`(Engelse Pet. Resp., 11; Hansen Pet. Resp., 10)
`McGraw-Hill Dict.
`sampling IENGI Process of obtaining a sequence
`of instantaneous values of a wave
`{'sam-piin }


`Tektronix’s construction of “to sample” Is overly narrow
`discrete or time discontinuous
`to turn a time-continuous signal into a signal that is time-
`“to sample”:
`Petitioner Resp.
`discmltinuous.“ POR 25. Tektronix's definition is overly nan-ow because it
`EWfly limits the m‘msample“ tefidlgiuzte; i.e.. a circuit element that
`or time discontinuous).
`takes an analog (ie. time-continuous) signal and digitizes it (Le. makes it discrete
`(Engelse Pet. Resp., 10-11; Hansen Pet. Resp., 9-10)


`Tektronix’s construction of “to sample” Is overly narrow
`to turn a time-continuous signal into a signal that is time- “to sample”:
`discrete or time discontinuous
`Petitioner Resp.
`The inventor of the patent-tmder-review knew the tenn “digitizer" (see e.g..
`R&S-1001. FIGS. 2. 4. 7'. 3:7. 4:22-31. 4:61. 6:50) and yet failed to recite a
`“digitizer“ in claim 5:13 as being "configtu'ed to sample at a [firstfsecond] sample
`rate." Instead. a “channel" rather than a “digitizer“ is recited. Rats-1035. in
`(Engelse Pet. Resp., 10; Hansen Pet. Resp., 10)
`719 Claim 5
`5. The test and measur

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