=~Notto be taken fromthis room —
`For Reference >
`Coeee orya
`enCee4FDAoerrery°ova .
`se ooPYBY]atteahs
`Amneal v. Almirall, LLC


`CEO: Edward Fotsch; MD
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`withoutthe prior written permission of the publisher. Physicians’ Desk Reference® and PDR®are registered trademarks of PDR Network, LLC. PDR® for Ophthaimic Medicines;
`PDR® for Nonprescription Drugs, Dietary Supplements, and Herbs; PDR® Pharmacopoeia; and PDR® Electronic Library are trademarks of PDR Network, LLC.
`ISBN: 978-1-56363-780-3


`jimentary CMEforPDR-listed products at
`“ay stoP taking Soriatane, your psoriasis may return,
`ytreat this new psoriasis withleftoverSoriatane.It is
`ant to'see your prescriber again fortreatment recom:
`008 because your situation may have changed.©
`jould Favoid while taking Soriatane?:
`pregnancy. See “Whatis the most important infor:
`a I should know about Soriatane?”, ‘and “What‘are
`nportant vwarnings and instructions for femalestak-
`preast feeding. See“Whatare the important warn-
`d instructions for females taking Soriatane?”
`id: alcohol. Females-must avoid. drinks, foods, medi-
`0" and over-the-counter: products that contain alcohol.
`9 risk of birth defects. may continue for longer:than-3
`g if you. swallow any form of alcohol during Soriatane
`tment and for 2: months after stoppitig Soriatane (see
`pat are the importantwarnings and instructions for fe-
`es taking Soriatane?”). °
`id givingblood. Do- not donate blood while you‘ are
`3 g Soriatane and for at least3years.after stopping
`sane treatment. Soriatane in your blood canharm an
`“ibaby if yourblood is given to a pregnant woman,
`jatane doesnot affectyour ability to. receive. ablood
`1 fusion.
`progestin-only birthcontrol pills (“minipills). This.
`of birth control pill may not work while you take
`atane. Ask your prescriberif you are not. sure what
`eof pills you are using:
`|. --
`sid: night. driving if you develop any. sudden vision
`blems. Stop taking Soriatane'and call your prescriber
`occurs (see “Serious side-effects”).
`non-medical ultraviolet (UV) light. Soriatane can
`your skin more sensitive to-UV light. Do not use
`ips, and avdid sunlightas much as possible. If you
`aking light. treatment (phototherapy), your pre-
`er may. need to. change your light ‘dosages to avoid
`id © dietary supplements- containing vitamin A
`is related to vitamin A, Therefore; do not take
`ents. containing.vitaminA, becausethey may,add
`unwanted:effectsofSoriatane: Checkwithyour pre-
`eror:pharmacist ifyou have any.questions:about vi-
`in: supplements.
`NOT: SHARESoriatane with anyone else, even if they
`he'same symptoms: Your medicinemayharmthem
`ir unbornchild:
`are the possible side effects of Soriatane?:
`atane can causebirthdefects. See “Whatis the most
`information: I should:‘know about Soriatarie?”
`“Whatare the important. warnings and instructions
`ales taking. Soriatane?”
`asis ‘gets .worse. for some patients-when they first
`Soriatane treatment: Some-patients have mire red-
`itching. Ifthis happens;tell your:prescriber: Thesé
`ptoms‘usually get' treatment continues; but
`rescriber may need to change the amount:of your
`contain gelatin,iron oxide (yellow, black, and red), andtita-
`nium dioxide. Theymayalso contain benzyl alcohol, carboxy-
`methylcellulose sodium, edetate calcium disodium.
`General_information: about the safe and effective.use. of
`Soriatane _-
`Medicines are sometimes prescribed forpurposes other.than
`thoselisted in aMedication Guide..Do not use Soriatane for
`a condition for which it was not prescribed. -Do. not. give
`Soriatane to other people, even if they have the samesymp-
`toms that you have.
`This Medication.Guide summarizes themost:jmportentiin-
`formation about Soriatane. If you wouldlikemoreinforma-
`tion, talk with your prescriber. You can ask your pharmacist
`- or prescriberfor information about Soriatanethatiiswritten,
`for health professionals.
`This Medication Guide has.beenapprovedby:theUS.Food
`and Drug Administration.*
`Tegison® is aregistered trademark ofHoffimann-La Roche
`Do Your PA.R.. is a trademark, SORIATANE, STIEFEL,
`and STIEFEL & Design areregisteredtrade narksofStiefel
`Laboratories, Ine. .
`STIEFEL® 2...
`Manufactured for.
`Stiefel Laboratories, Tne:
`Coral Gables, FL33134USA |
`Faly 2009
`303795... ee oa
`Shown inProductentiation Guide,page319.
`do not happen often, but they ceanni Tead to permariént , VELTIN © STIEFEL/3145
`trin. (a mixture.of polysaccharides). Gelatin capsule ‘shells __
`or-rarely, to death. Stop taking Soriatane and call
`rescriber right away if you get the following signs or
`headaches, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision. These
`toms can be signs ofincreased, brain pressure that
`lead to blindness or even death.
`eased vision inthe dark (night blindness). Since this
`tart suddenly, you should be very careful when driv-
`at-night. This problem usually goes away when
`natane treatment-stops. Ifyou develop any vision prob-
`benor eye pain stop taking Soriatane and call your pre-
`pression. There have been some repérts ofpatientsde:
`ly ling mental problemsincluding a depressedmood,
`ssive feelings, or thoughtsofendingtheir own life
`de), These events, including suicidalbehavior, have
`reportediin patientstaking’ other’ drugs”‘similar‘to
`VELTIN™| arr OR
`aneas well ‘as patients taking Soriatane: Sinca.
`[vel-tin] ES seca
`er things may have contributed to these problems,itis
`(clindamycin phosphate and tretinoin)
`known if they are related‘to Soriatane. Itis very in-
`ant to.stop taking Soriatane and call your prescriber
`VELTIN™ (indamycin, hosphate.-‘and tretinoin), Gel,
`ht away if you develop such problems.
`Fer.topical,use only" wos
`1.2%/0.025%is indicatedfor thetopical treatment: of,acne
`‘Swing of your. skin or the whites of youreyes, nausea
`vulgaris ‘in patients.12.years:orolder. ..:
`vomiting, loss of appetite, or dark urine. These.can
`sf],"AySigns of serious liver damage.
`These highlights do not include all-the information’needed
`hes or pains in your. bones;joints,muécles; or‘back:
`to use VELTIN Gel safely and effectively. See full,Preserib-
`VELTIN Gel shouldbe applied’ once daily iin the evening,
`ing information for VELTIN Gel.)2*:
`le moving; loss of feeling in yourhands ‘or feet.
`VELTIN™ (clindamycin PhosphateandtretinoinGel 1
`gently rubbing the medicationto lightly cover the entire af.
`&secanbe signs‘ofab iormal’changesto your bonesor
`fected area. Approximately: pea’sized; amount’ will. bé ~
`needed.for eachapplication:‘Avoid the:eyes, tips, and mu-
`‘(uent urination; ‘great thirst or hunger. Soriatane can
`For topical useonly eG
`Loses OS
`Sct blood sugar control; even if‘youdo not alreadyhave
`VELTINGeliis notfororal;ophthalmic oriittavaginalase,
`initialU.S.‘Approval: 2006..
`tes. These are someofthe’signs of!high blood sugar.
`Ottnassof breath, dizziness,nausea, chest pain, weak:
`e.°.VELTIN Gel is‘alincosamide-antibiotic andretinoid con:
`trouble Speaking, or swelling of a leg. Thesemay
`VELTIN:Gel; containing clindamycin“phosphate.1.2%: and
`bination. product indicated for: the:topical treatment’of
`Signs of a heart attack, blood clots, or. stroke.
`acne vulgaris in patients 12-years'‘or‘older::(1):::
`tretinoin 0.025%, is a-yellow, opaque ‘opicalgel. Hach gram
`_oVisitPDRinat to register:forProductSafetyAlerts and to download:mobilePDR® .-free to.U.S.prescribers:
`Soriatane can cause serious changes in bloodfats (lipids)..
`It is possible for thesechanges to cause blood vessel block-
`ages that lead to‘heart attacks, strokes, or.blood clots,
`Commonside effects.
`Ifyou develop anyof these side effects or any unusual reac-
`tion, check with your prescriber to find out if you. need to.
`change the.amountof Soriatane you take. These sideeffects
`usually get better if the Soriatane dose is reduced or
`Soriatane is stopped.
`© Chappedlips; peeling fiingertips, palms, and ‘soles; iteh-
`ing; scaly skin all over; weak nails; sticky or fragile (weak).
`skin; runnyor dry nose,or nosebleeds. Your prescriber or
`~ pharmacist can. recommenda lotion or cream to help treat
`drying or fapping.
`* Dry mouth
`¢ Joint pain
`® Tight muscles~
`® Hair loss. Most patients have some hairloss, but this ¢con-
`dition varies among patients: No one can‘ tell if you will”|:
`lose hair, how much hairyou may lose or if and when it
`thay grow back.
`© Dry eyes: Soriatane may dry your eyes. Wearing contact
`lenses may be ‘uncomfortablé during and‘after treatment ‘|
`with. Soriatane-because of the dry feeling in your eyes. If--
`this happens, remove your contact lenses and call your
`prescriber. Also read the section aboutvision under “Seri:
`ous side effécts”.
`® Rise in blood fats (lipids). Soriatane can cause your blood
`fats (lipids) to-rise. Most of the time this is not serious,
`But sometimes the increase can beedmea serious problem
`(see information under “Serious side effects”). You should
`have blood tests as directed by your prescriber:
`These are not all thé possible side effects of Soriatané. For
`more information, ask your prescriber or pharmacist.
`Howshould I store Soriatane?
`Keep Soriatane away from sunlight, high temperature, and‘ |:
`humidity. Keep Soriatane awayfrom children.
`Whatare the ingredients in Soriatane?
`microcrystalline cellulose, sodium
`Inactive ingredients:
`ascorbate, gelatin, black monogramming ink and maltodex- a
`. Apply a pea size amount once dailyin the eveninglightly.
`covering the entire affected area. Avoid the eyes,lips, and
`_ Mucous membranes.(2)
`® Not fororal, ophthalmic, or intravaginaluse. (2)
`* Topical gel:
`clindamycin phosphate. 1.2%andtretinoin
`0.025% in 30 gram and 60 gram tubes.(8)
`* VELTIN Gelis contraindicated in patients. with.regional
`enteritis,. ulcerative -colitis,. or history. of antibiotic-
`associated colitis. (4)
`¢ Colitis:’.\Clindamycin can cause severecolitis, which may.
`result in death. Diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, andcolitis (in-
`cluding: pseudomembranouscolitis):have.been: reported
`~with the use-of clindamycin. VELTIN Gel should he dis-
`continued if significant diarrhea occurs: (5.1)
`* Ultraviolet Light and Environmental Exposure:
`exposure to sunlight, sunlamps, and weather extremes.
`' Wear stinscreen daily. (5.2)
`* Observed local: treatmént-rélated “adverse ‘reactiotis
`(2.1%) in-elinical studies with VELTIN Gel-were applica-
`tion site reactions, including dryness, irritation, exfolia-
`“tion; erythéma;’ pruritus,”and dermatitis. Sunburn’was
`-also reported. (6.1).
`~ Stiefel Laboratories, Inc, at 1-888-784-3335 or FDAat 1-800-
`FDA-1088 or
`‘® VELTIN Gel should not be used in combination with
`_ erythromycin-cotttaining “ products ~ becausé Of“its
`clindamycin component.(7.1)
`* Pediatric Use: The efficacy and safety have not been
`established in pediatric patients below the age of 12
`years. (8.4)
`Revised: 07/2010
`5.2 Ultraviolet Light andEnvironmentalExposure
`“@.1::.. Adverse Reactions:in Clinical:Studies =
`BLE: “Pregnancy.
`“Nursing Mothers *.
`84. Pediatric Use
`“8.5. GeriatricUse
`. 12:1. MechanismofAction
`"12.3" Pharmacokinetics
`2A. Microbiology
`13.1 Carcinogenesis,Mutagenesis,Impairment,ofFer-
`“17.1 “Instructionsfor:Use. a
`“17.2 SkinTeritation
`17.3),. Colitis...
`*Sections,or subsections.omitted from thefullprescribing
`: FULL PRESCRIBING INFORMATION.informationare not listed. = f
`Gel 1.2%/0.025%.... SteetsFa kests


`Table 1: Treatment-Related Adverse Reactions Reported by =1% of Subjects ~
`Clindamycin Gel
`1 (%)
`Patients with at least one adverse
`’ Tretinoin Gel
`n (%)
`Applicationsite dryness
`Application site irritation
`Application site exfoliation
`Application site erythema
`Application site pruritus
`Application site dermatitis
`Table 2: VELTIN GEL-Treated Patients with Local Skin Reactions
`“Vehicle Gel
`n (%)
`17 (8)
`3 (1)
`IMPORTANT NOTICE: ‘Updated-drug information is sent bi-monthly via the PDR®UpdateInsert: For:monthly email-updates, register at PDR?
` Tretinoin.
`ie :
`of VELTIN Gel contains, asdispensed, 10 mg (1%)
`| and were treated once daily in the evelting for 12 weeks.
`clindamycin as clindamycin phosphate, and 0:25 mg
`Adverse reactionsthat were reported in. =1% of patients
`(0.025%) tretinoin ‘solubilized in an aqueousbasedgel.
`treated with VELTIN Gel are presented iin Table 1 :
`[See table 1 above]
`Local'skin ‘reactions actively assessed at baseline and endof
`VELTIN Gel is contraindicated.inpatients withregional en-
`treatment with a score > 0 aré presentediin Table 2:
`[See ‘table 2 above] °
`teritis, ulcerative ‘colitis, or history of. antibiotic:associated
`During the twelve weeks of treatment, each local skin reac-
`tion’peaked at week 2 and gradually reduced thereafter.
`Systemic absorption of clindamycin has been demonstrated
`following topical use. Diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, andcolitis
`VELTIN Gel should not be used ia “combination:with |
`(including pseudomembranouscolitis)have been reported
`erythromycin--containing ‘products due to possible antago-
`with the use oftopical clindamycin. If significant diarrhea
`nism to the clindamycin component. Invitro studies have
`occurs, VELTIN Gel should be discontinued...

`shown antagonism: between these 2 antiniicrobials. The
`Severe colitis has occurred following oral or parenteral ad-
`clinical’ significance of this in vitro antagonism is* not
`ministration of clindamycin with anonset ofup'to several
`weeks. following cessation of therapy. Antiperistaltic agents
`7.2°-Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
`such as opiates and diphenoxylate with atropine may pro-
`Clindarnycin has been shownto have neuromuscular block:
`long and/or worsen severe colitis.Severe colitis mayresult
`ing properties that may enhancetheaction of other neurd-
`in death.
`muscular blocking agents. Therefore, VELTIN‘Gel should
`Studies indicate a toxin(s) prodticedby clostridia is one pri-
`be used with caution in patients receiving such agents: ©
`mary cause of antibiotic-associated colitis. The colitis is usu-
`ally. characterized by severe persistent diarrhea andsevere
`abdominal ramps and may beassociated with the passage
`Pregnancy Category.C. There are no well-controlled studies
`of blood aiid mucus. Stool cultures’for Clostridium difficile
`in pregnant womentreated with VELTIN Gel. VELTINGel
`and stool assay for C..difficiletoxin may be helpful diagnos-
`shouldbe used during pregnancy only if the potential ben-
`efit justifies thepotential risk to the fetus.A limit teratology
`5.2. Ultraviolet Light and Environmental Exposure |
`study performed in Sprague Dawley rats treated topically
`Exposure :to ‘sunlight;
`including sunlawips; should’ bé
`with VELTIN Gel or 0.025%. tretinoin. gel at a. dose of
`avoided during the use of VELTIN’Gél,: and patients with
`2 mL/kg during gestation days 6 to 15 did not result in ter-
`sunburn should be advised the product until fully
`atogenic effects. Although no systemic levels of tretinoin
`recovered because of heightened ‘susceptibility. to ‘sunlight
`were detected, craniofacial and heart abnormalities were
`as a result of the: use of tretinoin.Patients who may be re-
`described. in drug:treated ‘groups. These abnormalities’ are
`quired to have considerablesun exposure due to o¢cupation
`consistent with retinoid effects and occurred at 16 times the
`and those with inherent’ sensitivity to the sun should exer-
`recommendedclinical dose assuming100% absorptionand
`cise particular ‘caution:Dailyusé'of Sunscreen products and
`based on body. surface. area. comparison. For purposes of
`protective apparel (e.g:; a hat) ‘aré réecominéended! Weather
`comparison oftheanimal exposure to human exposure, the
`extremes, such as wind or.cold, also may be irritatingto pa-
`tients under treatment withVELTIN,Gel...
`récommendedclinical dose isdefined as i g:ofVELTIN Gel
`applieddaily to’a 50'kg person. . -‘
`. .1
`“:. Adverse ‘Studies
`Reproductive developmerital toxicity studies perforined iin
`Becauseclinical studies are conducted.underwidely varying
`rats and mice using oral doses of ‘clindamycin up to
`conditions, adverse reaction rates observed:in-clinical stud-"
`600 mg/kg/day (480 and 240 times the recommended clini-
`ies ofa.drug carinot bedirectly compared theclin-
`eal dose based on body surface area-: comparison,
`jeal studies. of another drug and maynotreflect the, rates
`respectively) or subcutanéous‘doses: of ‘clindamycinup to
`observed in clinical practice.
`180mg/kg/day (140-and’70.times the recommended ¢linical
`Thesafety data reflect exposure to VELTIN Gelin 1104 pa:
`dose ‘based ‘on body ‘surface: area comparison; respectively)
`tients with acne vulgaris: Patients were 12 years or older
`revealed no eéviderice of teratogenicity...
`' For-the latest PDR product information,visi; Pop
`Oral tretinoin has. been shown’ to. be terato,
`rats, hamsters, rabbits,.and primates. It was
`and fetotoxic in ,Wistar rats.when given oral
`greater than 1-mg/kg/day (32 timesthe: recommen,Ya
`cal dose. based'on body surfacearea comparison)" Ted:a
`variations in teratogenic doses aMONg varioys
`rats have been reported. In the cynomologoyg ° 2
`species in which tretinoin metabolism is close; ti 0
`than in other species examined, fetal malfor
`. h
`reported at oral dosesof 10 mg/kg/day or gre;ater,son,
`were observed at 5 mg/kg/day (324timesthevq,
`clinical ‘dose based on body surface: area: comps
`though increasedskeletal variations were obgg,ationaes
`doses..Dose-relatedteratogenic effects“and=<nedat
`tion'rates were reported in pigtail macaques,
`With widespread. use of any drug, a small num
`defect reports associated temporally with the©ade
`tion of the drug would be expected by chance‘alone.
`©. Thing
`cases of temporally associated. congenital malfy
`have beenreported during two decades ofclinical Maton
`other formulation of topical tretinoin. Although ng € ofan.
`patternof teratogenicity and no causal associato° defn
`beenestablished from these cases, 5 ofthe reports Ae
`the rare birth defect’ category, holoprosencephaly (4
`associated with incomplete midline development;
`brain). The significance ‘ofthese’spontaneous
`_ terms of risk to fetus is not’ known.
`--- Nursing Mothers
`It is not known whether clindamycin is excreted ;inh
`milk following-use ofVELTIN Gel. However, orallyani
`enterally administered clindamycin has been repior
`appear in breast milk. Because of thepotential -for
`adverse reactions in nursing infants, a decision. §
`made.whether to. discontinue ‘nursingor to diseonti;
`drug, taking into account the.importanceof the drug
`mother.It is not known whethertretinoin is excreé
`man milk.Because many drugs areexereted in hy
`milk, caution shouldbe éxercised when VELTIN |
`ministered to a nursing woman.
`8.4" Pediatric Use __
`, Safety ‘and: effectiveness. of VELTIN-Gel inpedi
`tients belowthe age’of 12 years have not been’e: ab
`Clinical trials of VELTIN Gel included 2,086 patients
`years of'age: with-acne vulgaris: [See Clinical ‘Studi
`Geriatric Use
`Clinical. studies. of VELTIN: Gel did: not includé
`numbers of subjects aged 65 and over to determine w
`they respond differently from younger subjects.
`VELTIN (clindamycin phosphate arid’ tretinoi
`0.025%, is‘a fixed: cdmbination ‘of two‘solubilized’
`gredients iin an aqueousbased gel. Clindamycinphos
`is a water soluble ester of the semi-synthetic antibiotic
`duced. by''a'7(S)-chloré-substitution: of the: TR) re
`group ofthe parent antibiotic: lincomycin:
`‘The -chemical-name for-clindamycin. phosphate is m
`noside 2-(dihydrogen phosphate). The structural formula
`clindamycin phosphate is represented below:,.
`Clindamycin phosphate: :
`- HO ie
`Molecular Formula: AeNORRS
`Molecular Weight: 504.97
`acid. It is a member of theretino family 0
`The structural formulafor tretinoinis representedbe
`Molecular Formula: CogHygOo,-
`Molecular Weight:. 300.44
`VELTIN- Gel contains the following inactive in
`butylated hydroxytoluene, carbomer 940, anby
`acid, edetate disodium, methylparaben; ‘Jaureth
`lene glycol, tromethamine, and purified water.-
`-Méchanism:of Action

`[See Microbiology (12.4).]
`"Endof Treatment
`N= 209
`- (BB%
`Local Reaction
`Scaling _
`Buining /
`Endof Treatment
`/ N= 409 |
`N (%)


`Mean percentage (%) reduction: (48.3%
`5 ranged from 1,19 to 1.23 ng/ml compared‘with the
`finnthe.exact mode ofaction oftretinoin iis unknown,
`Skin almostclear; rare non~inflammatory lesions: present; with rarenon-“inflamed
`eat evidence suggests that topical tretinoin. decreases
`siveness of follicular. epithelial célls‘with decreased mi-
`papules (papules must be resolving and may be hyperpigmented, though not...
`pmedone formation: Additionally; tretinoin ‘stimulates
`“| pink-red) requiring no further treatment in the Investigator’s opinion. :
`zc activity and increased turnover of. follicular epithe-
`Some non-inflammatory lesions are present, with few inflammatory Tesions
`sells causing extrusion of the comedones.
`(papules/pustules:‘only, no nodulo--cystic lesions).
`i “open-label study of17, patients with moderate-to-
`Non-inflammatorylesionspredominate, with multiple inflammatory lesions
`acne vulgaris, topical administration ‘of approxi-
`:|evident;‘several to many comedones and papules/pustules, andthere may or may_
`aly 3 grams-.ofVELTIN Gel once, daily for 5. days,
`| not be 1.‘small nodulo-cystic lesion.
`amycin. concentrations, were quantifiable in. all 17
` Severe
`ents starting from: 1,hour post..dose. All. plasma
`Inflammatory lesions‘are more apparent; many comedones and papules/pistules, :
`damycin concentrations were <5:56 ng/ml on day.5,
`-| theremay or may not be afew nodulo-cystic lesions.
`amthe exception of one subject, who had a:maximum
` Very: Severe
`Highly. inflammatory lesidns predominate; variable nurabers‘ofcomedones, many
`damycin:concentration of:8.73 ng/mL at:4 hours. post-
`.There was no appreciable increase insystéemic:expo-
`papules/pustules and nodulo-cystic lesions.
`jo tretinoin, as compared to the baseline valué. The av-
`@ tretinoin concentration’ across all sampling times on °
`Table 3: Efficacy Results at Week 12
`vresponding baseline:mean‘tretinoin’concentration range
`74.16 to.1.30 ng/mL.
`, Clindamycin Gel
`Tretinoin Gel
`Vehicle Gel
`_|).VEETIN Get
`“" Viicrobiology
`. N=467-
`Study I
`microbiology.studies were conducted in theclinical trials
`Investigator’s Global Assessment
`‘this product.”
`wg ee
`janism ofAction.
`damycin bindsto, the 50S,ribosomal‘subunit,of suscep-
`- 36.8%
`deo 26.6% a
`: 20.2%
`Percentage of subjects achieving Two Grade
`‘bacteria and prevents elongation ofpeptide chains by
`fering with peptidyl transfer, thereby suppressing pro-
`Percentageof subjects achieving an‘IGA of0
`syothesis. Clindamycin.has been shown to have in vitro
`or 1 with a Two Grade Improvement
`ity against Propionibacterium acnes (P. aches), an or-
`that has been associated with. acne vulgaris;. how-
`Inflammatory Lesions:
`the clinical significancéof this ‘activity against P. acnes
`not examined in clinical studies with VELTIN Gel. PB
`Mean absolute reduction
`3resistance to clindamycin has been doctimented.
`cible Clindamycin Resistance’
`‘reatment of acne with antimiérobials is associated
`Non-inflammatory Lesions:
`the development of antiniicrobial’resistancein P.acnes
`ell as otherbacteria (e.g. Staphylococcus:aureus, Strep-
` 17.0
`' Mean absolute reduction
`us pyogenes). The use of.clindamycin may resultiin de-
`ing inducible resistance in these organisms. Thisresis-
` 86.0%
` Mean percentage (%) reduction
`e is not detected by routine susceptibilitytesting.
`Total Lesions:
`tance to clindamycin iis oftenassociatedwith resis-
`Mean,absolute reduction::
`to erythromycin.: .
` “Mean percentage (%) reduction.
`Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis,Impairment.‘of Fer-
`term animel studieshave:‘notbeen performed|to eval-
`clindamycin tretinoin. combination: 3is ‘unknown, Atehouigh
`thecarcinogenic potential ofVELTIN Gel or the effect
`the significance ofthese studies-to’humansiis not clear,> Par
`How Supplied
`LTIN. Gel. on fertility.. VELTIN:Gel:was, negative for
`tients should: avoid exposureto'sun.
`VELTIN Gelis supplied as:follows;. -.:...-;
`genic potential. when evaluated:in an’in’ vitro Ames
`The genotoxi¢ potential of tretinoin wasevaluatedin ‘aii in
`30-g aluminum tubesNDC. 0145-0071-30.
`orella reversion assay. VELTIN, Gel was equivocal for
`vitro Ames Salmonella reversion ‘test- and ‘an in vitro chro-.
`60 g aluminum tubes NDC 0145-0071-60
`astogenic potential in the-absence’of-metabolic activation
`mosomal aberration assay'in Chitiese hamsterovary”cells.
`Storage and Handling
`-tested in an‘in:vitrochromosomal aberrationassay.
`« Store. at 25°C. (TTF); excursionsspeedto,15-30°C__
`Bothtests were négative::
`~ 69-86°F):..
`In oral fertility studies in rats tréated with‘tretinoin, the
`ce ‘daily dermal:administrationof 1% clindamycin‘as
`no-observed-effect-level-was'2 mg/kg/day (64 times theree-
`: . Protect from. heat::
`lamycin phosphate in.the’:VELTIN’ Gel. véliicle
`ommendedclinical dose based onbody surface areaa compar:
`© Protect fromlight.
`ig/kg/day; 13 times-the reeommended clinical dose
`© Protect from freezing...
`¢,Keep.out.ofreach ofchildren.
`sed on body. surface atea'comparison) to micefor up to 2
`ars did not produce evidence oftumorigenicity:-
`Thesafety-and efficacy. of VELTIN: Gel, applied «once daily
`« Keep tube:tightly closed.
`lity. treated ..orally. with up to
`for the treatment of acne vulgaris, was evaluated. in.-12-
`g/ke/day of clindamycin, (240times therecommended
`week. multicentér, randomized, blinded studies in, subjects
`cal dose. based:on body. surface:area comparison) Te-
`12 years and older.
`[See FDA-approved. Patient Labeling].
`Treatment:response:was definedas.s the percent of subjects .
`Instructions for, Use
`© At bedtime,the face should be.gently washed with amild
`etinoin e
`whohad a two.gradeimprovement from basélineto Week 12
`htwo independent mouse studies,wheretretinoin was ad-
`soap andwater, After patting the skin dry, apply.VELTIN
`based: on the Investigator’s: Global-Asséssment (IGA) and a
`Ninistered topically: (0.025%: or: 0.1%)three times per week
`Gel as athin.layerooverthe entire affected area(excluding
`meanabsolute charige from: basélizie’to. Week. 12 ‘in:two out
`the-eyes.and lips)...
`‘t'up to two years-no. carcinogenicity.-was observed, with
`of three (total, inflammatory and non-inflammatory)lesion
`*. Patients should be advised not to use mote:than. a-pea
`aximum effects of dermal amyloidosis. However, in a
`counts. The-IGA‘scoring scale used:in all:the: clinical trials
`feral carcinogenicity‘studyiin mice, tretincin-applied at a
`sized amountto cover the face and not to applymoreoften.
`for VELTIN. Gel:is as‘follows:
`° «.
`than.once daily (at.bedtime) as this: will not. make, for
`[See first table above]
`"Se of 5.1pg: (14timesthe ‘récommended’ clinical dosé
`InStudy.1,.1649 subjects, were randomizedto VELTIN Gel,
`faster results and may. increaseirritation:
`“sed. on, body surface, area comparison) three times per
`* ‘A sunscreen should be applied every morning: and. reap-
`Clindamycin. gel;, Tretinoin gel, and:vehicle gel. ‘The:median
`ee for20weeksacted asa‘weak prosioterof skin tumor
`pliedover.the course ofthe day as needed. Patientsshould
`nation following-a. single -applicationof!Senethyt.
`age.of subjects was 17 years.old.and-58% were females. At
`baseline, subjects had lesions. of
`be advised: to avoid exposure to sunlight, sunlamp; ultra-
`Tyvtlanthracene (DMBA).”
`“violet light;.and-other-medicines.that:may increasé sensi-
`which:the mean ‘numberof inflammatory lesions-was 25.5
`di“, female SENCAR mice,‘papillomas were in-
`tivity to sunlight:
`lesions and the mean numberof non--inflammatory. lesions
`Need by. DMBAfollowedby. promotion
`© Othertopicalproductsswitha‘strong.dryingeffect; such,as
`was. 45.1 lesions... The.majority:of‘siibjects enrolled with a
`12-0-tetradecanoyl-phorbol 18-acetate or mezerein for
`abrasivesoaps or cleansérs, may. cauise.anincrease in. skin
`baselineIGA.score of8.The efficacy resultsat weelks 12.are
`Dio 20.weeks. Topical,applicationoftretinoin prior to each
`irritation with: VELTIN Gel::
`presentedin Table 3.;
`qulication,ofpromoting agent

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