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`(21) Hilfififi‘
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`iifilBEFBHZOEI (2004.9.20)
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`LOWES EX. 1009 Page 0001
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`der) “C‘ifizitfcf’fi,
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`LOWES EX. 1009 Page 0003
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`LOWES EX. 1009 Page 0004
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`LOWES EX. 1009 Page 0005
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`LOWES EX. 1009 Page 0006
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`LOWES EX. 1009 Page 0007
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`#EEEJZOOEw-QBEJQT (P2006-93697A)
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`LOWES EX. 1009 Page 0009
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`#girfiEJZOOEw-QBEJQT (P2006-93697A)
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`Patent Application Disclosure No. 2006-93697 (P2006-93697 A)
`[Scope of Claims]
`What is claimed is:
`[Claim 1]
`A high luminance light-emitting diode installed with a protection function against electrostatic discharge impact, the light-emitting diode,
`comprising: a lead frame consisting of a pair of a cathode lead and an anode lead; a reflection cup having a reflector on the surface, which
`is provided on the upper side of the cathode lead and the anode lead and which functions to send the light being emitted from the
`light-emitting diode in one direction; an electrostatic discharge impact protection element being inserted inside the above reflection cup; a
`GaN/InGaN-based chip being adhered to a die pad cup of the cathode lead; a conducting wire to tum on electricity to the cathode lead and
`the anode lead as well as the light-emitting diode chip; and a light-transmitting epoxy resin provided inside the reflection cup;
`wherein the reflection cup is produced from a TiOrbased white thermosetting resin by the transfer mold method; electrostatic discharge
`impact protection elements of one or more locations is adhered using solder paste to where the wall surfaces of the reflection cup exist,
`being in the direction of the light being emitted from the light-emitting diode before molding; and subsequently the TiOrbased white
`thermosetting resin is transfer-molded thereon, and trimmed and formed to be individualized.
`[Claim 2]
`The high luminance light-emitting diode installed with a protection function against an electrostatic discharge impact according to Claim
`1, wherein the above light-emitting diode chip and the electrostatic discharge impact protection elements are arrayed in a plurality of rows,
`and the reflection cup having a reflector on the surface thereof is configured with many rows.
`[Claim 3]
`The high luminance light-emitting diode installed with a protection function against an electrostatic discharge impact according to Claim
`1, wherein a plurality of electrostatic discharge impact protection elements is installed inside the rear side part of the reflection cup having a
`reflector on the surface thereof, which consists of the Ti Or based white thermosetting resin.
`[Claim 4]
`The high luminance light-emitting diode installed with a protection function against an electrostatic discharge impact according to any of
`Claims 1through3, wherein a semiconductor resistance element is used as the electrostatic discharge impact protection element.
`[Claim 5]
`The high luminance light-emitting diode installed with a protection function against an electrostatic discharge impact according to any of
`Claims 1 through 3, wherein an electrostatic voltage diode may be used as the electrostatic discharge impact protection element.
`[Claim 6]
`The high luminance light-emitting diode installed with a protection function against an electrostatic discharge impact according to any of
`Claims 1through3, further comprising: a wavelength converting phosphor formed on the GaN/InGaN-based chip which is disposed inside
`the white TiOrbased white thermosetting resin; an air layer formed on the wavelength converting phosphor; and an Si02 glass adhered to
`the top part of the reflection cup, which consists of the TiOrbased white thermosetting resin 9.
`[Claim 7]
`The high luminance light-emitting diode installed with a protection function against an electrostatic discharge impact according to any of
`Claims 1 through 3, wherein the light-emitting diode chip and the electrostatic discharge impact protection element may be arrayed in a
`plurality of rows on a reflecting cup having a reflector configured on the plurality of rows.
`[Claim 8]
`The high luminance light-emitting diode installed with a protection function against an electrostatic discharge impact according to any of
`Claims 1 through 3, wherein the above reflection cup is formed with a plastic injection material, and a large number of light-emitting diode
`chips are arrayed on separate die pads respectively on one plastic reflector.
`[Detailed Description of the Invention]
`[Technical Field of Invention]
`The present invention relates to a protection method for protecting InGaN/GaN-based light-emitting diode chips in case of electrostatic
`discharge impact (ESD), and more particularly to a high luminance light-emitting diode installed with a protection function which is strong
`LOWES Ex. 1009 Page 0015


`Patent Application Disclosure No. 2006-93697 (P2006-93697 A)
`against electrostatic discharge impact and resistant to electrostatic discharge impact and configured by the following steps: first mounting
`an electrostatic discharge impact protection element {semiconductor resistance element (varistor)} or an electrostatic voltage diode
`(Zener-Diode) using solder paste on the bottom surface of the die pad for an electrostatic discharge impact protection element of silver
`plated lead frame having a plurality of rows; then forming a transfer mold type reflector with a white thermosetting resin (Ti02);
`subsequently die bonding and wire bonding an InGaN/GaN-based light-emitting diode chip to the light-emitting die pad part inside the
`reflector and filling the inside of the reflector with a light-transmitting epoxy resin; and finally perform a sawing or a trimming process as
`well as a forming process in order to singulate the same.
`[Related Art]
`Figures 8a and 8b illustrate the configuration of a conventional light-emitting diode for protection against electrostatic discharge impact.
`Figure 8a illustrates a conventional configuration consisting of a lead frame being formed with a reflection cup 9 having a reflector on
`the surface configured with a plastic injection material 92 (thermoplastics resin); an InGaN/GaN-based light-emitting diode chip 10 which
`emits light when voltage is applied; a cathode lead 4 and an anode lead 5 of a conductive metal material for applying voltage to the
`InGaN/GaN-based light-emitting diode chip 10; wherein the chip 10 is bonded on the die pad being formed at the edge of the cathode lead
`4 using a conductive silver (Ag) adhesive agent, while an electrostatic voltage diode chip Z is bonded on the pad part being disposed at the
`edge of the anode lead using a silver adhesive agent; and the chip 10 is wire-bonded with the edges of the cathode lead 4 and the anode lead
`5 using a wire 11, in order to electronically connect the cathode lead 4 and the anode lead 5 with each other.
`In addition, Figure 8b illustrates a configuration consisting of a lead frame formed with a reflection cup 91 having a reflector on the
`surface configured of a plastic injection material 92 (thermoplastics); an InGaN/GaN-based light-emitting diode chip 10 which emits light
`when voltage is applied; and a cathode lead 4 and an anode lead 5 of a conductive metal material for applying voltage to the
`InGaN/GaN-based light-emitting diode chip 1 O; wherein the electrostatic voltage diode chip Z is bonded on the die pad being formed at the
`edge of the cathode lead 4 using a conductive silver adhesive agent, while an InGaN/GaN-based light-emitting diode chip 10 is adhered on
`the top surface of the electrostatic voltage diode chip Z using gold bumps (Au bumps) or solder bumps; and then the electrostatic voltage
`diode chip Z is wire-bonded with the edges of the cathode lead 4 and the anode lead 5 using a wire 11 in order to electronically connect the
`cathode lead 4 and the anode lead 5 with each other.
`As illustrated in these two configuration technologies, subsequently in the process, the chip 10 and the diode chip Z are molded by a
`light-transmitting epoxy resin 15 being composed with an insulating material to protect the same from outside while keeping the other
`edges of the cathode lead 4 and the anode lead 5 exposed to the outside in order to ensure that voltage may be applied to the chip 10
`The optical semiconductor chip 10 illuminates to function as voltage is applied to the chip 10 via the cathode lead 4 and the anode lead 5
`when the cathode lead 4 and the anode lead 5 of the light-emitting diode being exposed to the outside are electronically connected with a
`circuit to be used, and the molding 15 is usually formed with a transparent epoxy resin and produced either in green, blue or white
`depending on the type of the light-emitting diode chip 10 being used.
`However, such configuration, wherein the electrostatic voltage diode chip Z is mounted inside the reflection cup 91 having a reflector on
`the surface of the plastic injection material 92, has a disadvantage of reducing illuminance by at least 15% or more as the electrostatic
`voltage diode either absorbs the light being emitted from the InGaN/GaN-based light-emitting diode 10 or scatters the same, thus inhibiting
`the light to be emitted in the radiation direction.
`LOWES Ex. 1009 Page 0016


`Patent Application Disclosure No. 2006-93697 (P2006-93697A)
`In addition, the plastic injection material 92 being a thermoplastic material, is used as a material for the refection cup 91 having a
`reflector on the surface; however, it has the property of being easily affected by heat, thus inducing the color to change and reliability to be
`reduced while in the high-temperature production process of the light-emitting diode, and has the disadvantage of limiting the
`light-emitting diode chip 10 or electrostatic diode chip Z to be produced only by a method of bonding with a silver adhesive agent which
`may be fused at a low temperature; therefore, it may result in issues of reduced production capacity and increased forward voltage
`(VF-Forward Voltage) in the production process.
`In addition, the step of filling the reflection cup 91 having a reflector being disposed on the surface of thermoplastic injection material
`with the light-transmitting epoxy resin 15 will lead to an issue of short-circuiting the electrodes of the light-emitting diode element gold
`[Disclosure of the Invention]
`[Problem to Be Solved by the Invention]
`Therefore the present invention is to resolve the various issues including being easily impacted by the electrostatic discharge impact of a
`conventional InGaN/GaN-based light-emitting diode element, and, in the event of electrostatic discharge impact having thousands of volts,
`it may drastically reduce the defect rate due to an electrostatic discharge impact without directly impacting the InGaN/GaN-based chip as
`well as enable the production process by the high-temperature eutectic bonding method without bonding the InGaN/GaN-based
`light-emitting chip using a silver resin (epoxy); as a result, it increases the production capacity and reduces the forward voltage while
`providing a high luminance light-emitting diode having a protection function against an electrostatic discharge impact without interfering
`with the light emitted from the light-emitting diode chip to increase the light-emitting diode luminance.
`An object of the present invention is to provide a high luminance light-emitting diode being provided with a protection function against
`electrostatic discharge impact, which enables production of a light-emitting diode element which does not cause any issue due to high
`temperature without negatively affecting the light-emitting diode chip with thermal stress.
`[Means for Solving the Problem]
`In order to solve the above issues, the LED optical semiconductor element according to the present invention is produced by the
`production method being constituted of the following steps: first mounting an electrostatic discharge impact protection element
`(semiconductor resistance element or electrostatic voltage diode) using solder paste on the bottom surface of the die pad for an electrostatic
`discharge impact protection element of silver plated lead frame having a plurality of rows; then forming a transfer mold type reflector with
`a white thermosetting resin; and subsequently die bonding and wire bonding an InGaN/GaN-based light-emitting diode chip to the
`light-emitting die pad part inside the reflector and filling the reflector with a light-transmitting epoxy resin; and finally performing a sawing
`process or a trimming process as well as a forming process in order to individualize the same.
`That is, the high luminance light-emitting diode being provided with a protection function against electrostatic discharge impact
`according to the present invention is a light-emitting diode consisting of a lead frame 1 consisting of a pair of a cathode lead 4 and an anode
`lead 5; a reflection cup 91 having a reflector on the surface, which is provided on the top part of the cathode lead 4 and anode lead 5
`mentioned above and functions to send the light from a light-emitting diode in one direction; an electrostatic discharge impact (ESD)
`protection element being inserted inside the above reflection cup 91 having a reflector on the surface (on the same plane as the cathode lead
`4 and the anode lead 5); a GaN/InGaN-based chip 10 being adhered to a die pad cup 3 of the cathode lead 4; a conducting wire 11 to tum
`on electricity to the cathode lead 4 and the anode lead 5 as well as the light-emitting diode chip 10; and a light-transmitting epoxy resin 15
`provided inside the reflection cup 91 having a reflector on the surface,
`wherein the reflection cup 91 having a reflector on the surface is produced from a TiOrbased white thermosetting resin 9 by the transfer
`mold method; a plurality of electrostatic discharge impact protection elements are adhered using solder paste 8 to where the wall surfaces
`of the reflection cup 91 having a reflector on the surface exist, being in the direction of the light emitted from the light-emitting diode
`LOWES Ex. 1009 Page 0017


`Patent Application Disclosure No. 2006-93697 (P2006-93697 A)
`before molding; then the TiOrbased white thermosetting resin 9 is transfer-molded thereon, and trimmed and formed to be individualized
`(Claim 1).
`The light-emitting diode chip 10 and the electrostatic discha

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