` ____________
`Patent Owner
`Case No. IPR2018-00564
`Patent No. 6,059,576


`I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 1
`II. ARGUMENT ..................................................................................................... 1
`A. CLAIM CONSTRUCTION ................................................................................. 1
`110, 113-116, 118, 121, 126-128, 134-135 AND 175 OBVIOUS ..................... 3
`1. Stewart teaches “measuring unrestrained movement in any direction” 3
`2. Stewart teaches “interpreting, using a microprocessor included in the
`portable, self-contained movement measuring device, said physical
`movement data based on user-defined operational parameters and a
`real-time clock” as required by Claim 20 ............................................. 8
`3. Stewart teaches “storing said data in memory” .................................. 14
`4. Stewart and Rush teach “detecting, using the microprocessor, a first
`user-defined event based on the movement data and at least one of the
`user-defined operational parameters regarding the movement” as
`required by Claim 20 ........................................................................... 16
`5. Stewart and Rush teach “storing, in said memory, first event
`information related to the detected first user-defined event along with
`first time stamp information reflecting a time at which the movement
`data causing the first user-defined event occurred” ............................ 17
`OBVIOUS ..................................................................................................... 18
`1. Richardson teaches “interpreting, using a microprocessor included in
`the portable, self-contained movement measuring device, said physical
`movement data based on user-defined operational parameters and a
`real-time clock” as required by Claim 20 ........................................... 18
`2. Richardson teaches “storing said data in memory” ............................ 21
`3. Richardson teaches “detecting, using the microprocessor, a first user-
`defined event based on the movement data and at least one of the user-
`defined operational parameters regarding the movement” ................. 22
`4. Richardson teaches “storing, in said memory, first event information
`related to the detected first user-defined event along with first time
`stamp information reflecting a time at which the movement data
`causing the first user-defined event occurred” .................................... 22
`III. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................ 24


`Patent Owner’s (“PO”) arguments in the Patent Owner’s Response (Paper 13,
`“POR”) are largely not supported by any factual basis, and in some instances, they
`also lack legal foundation. PO ignores the express teachings in the prior art as well
`as Petitioners’ reliance on specific teachings from the art. Instead, PO’s expert
`created “high-level simplified” demonstratives, which he admits are not true and
`accurate depictions of the prior art as they omit key disclosures of the prior art. Then
`PO relies solely on those demonstratives, not the prior art, to save its claims.
`Additionally, many of PO’s arguments for patentability run contrary to the
`disclosures of the ’576 patent, prosecution history and Petitioners’ actual grounds of
`rejection. When PO’s rhetoric that lacks any factual basis is rubbed away,
`Petitioners’ arguments for invalidity should be upheld by the Board.
`A. Claim Construction
`Claim 20 recites the limitation “storing . . . first event information related to
`the detected first user-defined event along with first time stamp information
`reflecting a time at which the movement data causing the first user-defined event
`occurred.” EX1001, 19. In the Institution Decision (Paper 9, “Decision”), the Board
`invited the parties “to brief the meaning of the term ‘reflecting’ during the trial.”
`Decision, 22. Petitioners believe the “reflecting” term is best understood in the
`context of claimed phrase “first time stamp information reflecting a time.”


`The ’576 patent does not include the words “reflect,” “reflecting,” or the
`phrase “first time stamp information reflecting a time” in the specification. And this
`limitation was added during a reexamination proceeding to distinguish over the prior
`art. Petition (Paper 1, “Pet.”), 6-7. To support amendments to claim 20, PO cited
`5:59-6:9 of the ’576 patent specification. EX1003, 73. This portion of the
`specification discloses that after “angle movement information received from the
`movement sensor 30 indicates that the wearer has exceeded any of the pre-set notice
`levels . . . the microprocessor 32 will obtain the date/time stamp from the clock 46
`and store that information along with the notice level that was exceeded into memory
`50 for later analysis and reporting.” EX1001, 6:1-9.
`In the reexamination, the prior art was found to teach associating a timestamp
`with movement data when it is stored in a database. EX1003, 84-85. In response,
`PO argued, “[the] proposed combination of [Flentov/Vock] and Burdea would
`reflect the time at which the data captured during the skier’s run down the hill (i.e.,
`at the end of the session) is updated to a database, not a time at which the
`movement data causing the end of the run (alleged event) occurred.” Id., 84
`(emphasis in original). And, “[s]ince the time stamp in the proposed modification
`reflects the time at which the ski data was downloaded, this could occur shortly after
`the skier pushes the button or a day or two later.” Id., 85. Based on the specification
`and file history, it is clear the claimed phrase “first time stamp information reflecting


`a time” must indicate a time when the movement data causing the first user-defined
`event occurred—not just a time when the first event information is stored.
`B. Ground 1: Stewart in view of Rush Renders Claims 20-26, 29, 104-
`107, 110, 113-116, 118, 121, 126-128, 134-135 and 175 Obvious
`Stewart teaches “measuring unrestrained movement in any
`Claim 20 recites the steps of “attaching a portable, self-contained movement
`measuring device to said body part for measuring unrestrained movement in any
`direction” and “measuring data associated with said physical movement.” EX1001,
`19. PO alleges “a POSITA would understand that Stewart does not teach or suggest
`measuring data associated with physical movement because the sensor in Stewart
`does not measure unrestrained movement of the body part.” POR, 16 (emphasis in
`original). PO also contends Stewart’s disclosure of “a helmet that includes three sets
`of three orthogonally-placed accelerometers that can be used to measure uniquely
`the translational, angular and normal components of acceleration of the head” is not
`sufficient disclosure of measuring unrestrained movement. Id.
`PO’s arguments are perplexing given Stewart’s express teachings. Stewart
`teaches movement sensors comprising at least three to nine accelerometers, and
` 1
` Notably, PO does not contend Stewart fails to teach this limitation with respect to Ground


`Dr. Madisetti admitted accelerometers measure body movement. EX1004, 6:29-35;
`EX1021, 26:9-12. Stewart’s accelerometers “provide data which corresponds
`directly to motion of the head in three-dimensional space,” and Dr. Madisetti
`confirmed that the head is a body part. EX1004, 6:13-16; EX1021, 17:5-7.
`Stewart’s system “provides the ability to measure an individual’s cumulative
`exposure to translational and angular accelerations while allowing unaffected
`performance of everyday sports and activities.” EX1004, 4:40-44. Stewart further
`explains the device allows “the sports person to wear in the relevant everyday sports
`activity without hindering, inhibiting or otherwise affecting the ability of the user to
`perform the sport.” Id., 6:24-28.
`Despite Stewart’s ample disclosure, PO contends “any such movement
`measured here is believed to be restrained.” POR, 16 (emphasis added). First,
`neither PO nor its expert provide any factual basis for its position, who believes this,
`or why the movement “is believed to be restrained” in Stewart. Id. Neither PO nor
`Dr. Madisetti explain why Stewart’s accelerometers allegedly measure “restrained”
`movement instead of “unrestrained” movement. Instead, PO appears to be implicitly
`applying a narrow interpretation of the term without providing any factual basis for
`such an interpretation.
`Nothing in the ’576 patent or the prosecution history supports PO’s narrow
`interpretation of the claim. The ’576 patent does not include the word “unrestrained”
`in the specification. As discussed in the Petition, the Applicant added the term


`“unrestrained” to the claim to distinguish over prior art cited during the original
`prosecution of the ’576 patent. Pet., 4. In particular, Applicant added the
`requirement to distinguish over U.S. Patent No. 5,052,375 to Stark et al. (“Stark”).
`EX1002, 110. Applicant argued that Stark discloses “an orthopedic restraining
`device used to immobilize and rehabilitate injured human limbs by providing
`controlled resistance to movement of the limb” and therefore fails to describe a
`device used to measure movement “without any restraint to the movement.” Id.
`(emphasis in original).
`In contrast to Stark, Stewart’s device is incorporated into a piece of
`conventional sporting gear (e.g., a helmet) so that it may be worn “in the relevant
`everyday sports activity without hindering, inhibiting or otherwise affecting the
`ability of the user to perform the sport.” EX1004, 6:24-28 (emphasis added); see
`also, Pet., 15-16. Like Stewart, the device described in the ’576 patent is attached
`to a user performing everyday activities including sports activities. EX1001, 10:62-
`11:6. Additionally, the ’576 patent device similarly includes one or more
`accelerometers that measure “movement in multiple planes” exactly like Stewart’s
`accelerometers. Compare id., 4:42-48 with EX1004, 4:46-59, 6:3-16, 6:21-57. For
`this reason, Stewart’s monitoring device measures unrestrained movement in any
`direction in the same manner as the monitoring device described in the ’576 patent.
`Second, Dr. Madisetti only cites to Stewart’s discussion of accelerometers, his
`belief Petitioners did not meet their burden, and a demonstrative he created allegedly


`characterizing Stewart’s architecture as support for his opinions. EX2001, ¶¶ 45,
`59. But, Dr. Madisetti’s declaration never addresses the portions of Stewart cited in
`the Petition. Pet., 15-16. As noted above, Stewart expressly discloses that the
`invention is utilized without hindering, inhibiting or otherwise affecting the ability
`of the user to perform the sport. Id., 16 (citing EX1004, 6:24-28). Dr. Madisetti
`fails to explain why this disclosure is not sufficient or why sportspersons through
`normal game play would have restrained body movements. When asked about this
`disclosure in his deposition, Dr. Madisetti agreed that Stewart’s device is
`“comfortable enough without hindering, inhibiting, or otherwise affecting the ability
`of the user to perform the sport,” but refused to explain how or if Stewart’s device
`restrains movement. EX1021, 18:5-20, 20:10-21:13. Since he cannot identify a
`factual basis for his distinction, Dr. Madisetti’s testimony is entitled to no weight.
`37 C.F.R. § 42.65(a).
`Instead, Dr. Madisetti’s opinion seems to be based on the fact that the word
`“unrestrained” is not present in the reference. Id. However, a prior art reference
`need not use identical terminology to render a claim invalid. ParkerVision, Inc. v.
`Qualcomm Inc., 621 Fed. App’x 1009, 1018–19 (Fed. Cir. 2015) (“We have held,
`however, that the failure of a reference to disclose a claim limitation in the same
`words used by the patentee is not fatal to a claim of invalidity”); see also In re Bond,
`910 F.2d 831, 832–33 (Fed. Cir. 1990) (The prior art elements “must be arranged as
`in the claim under review . . . but this is not an ‘ipsissimis verbis’ test[.]”). And given


`the clear and express disclosure of this limitation in Stewart, PO’s argument has no
`Third, Dr. Madisetti’s demonstratives are not evidence. Kranos Corp. v.
`Riddell, Inc., IPR2016-01650, Final Written Decision, Paper 27 at 30 (PTAB Feb.
`21, 2018) (Noting that “[a] labelled drawing with an arrow pointing to unidentified
`dark spots is attorney argument. It is not persuasive evidence. Without persuasive
`evidence, we cannot find that [the prior art] discloses the [] limitation of claims 41
`and 62.”). In his deposition, Dr. Madisetti agreed that his diagram is only a “high-
`level simplified view of Stewart,” which should not be viewed “as a full disclosure
`and – of Stewart’s contents and its substitution.” EX1021, 28:20-24. Dr. Madisetti
`also contends that the diagram “is not meant to be replacing any description of
`Stewart that otherwise appears in my declaration.” Id., 29:14-16.
`This is problematic because Dr. Madisetti’s declaration provides no other
`citations to Stewart on this issue or any explanation why, in his view, Stewart’s
`device restrains movement. There is simply no factual basis for Dr. Madisetti’s
`opinions, and they should be rejected. Kranos, Paper 27 at 30; Telebrands Corp. v.
`Tinnus Enters., LLC, PGR2017-00024, Decision, Paper 15 at 19 (PTAB Nov. 30,
`2017) (noting that “neither the Petitioner nor Dr. Kamrin explain how the image . . .
`is an array of holes extending through an end of a housing. On this record, it is
`unclear at best how the annotated image shows an ‘array,’ [of] tubes extending in


`the same direction, or ‘a single line’ as described in the context of the ’779 Patent[,]”
`and citing to 37 C.F.R. § 42.65(a)).
`Stewart teaches “interpreting, using a microprocessor included
`in the portable, self-contained movement measuring device, said
`physical movement data based on user-defined operational parameters
`and a real-time clock” as required by Claim 20
`Regarding this limitation, PO cites to Dr. Madisetti’s declaration to support
`its allegation that “a POSITA would not understand that the processor in Stewart is
`interpreting measured data.” POR, 17-18 (citing EX2001, ¶¶45, 61). However,
`these portions of Dr. Madisetti’s declaration are factually flawed. For instance,
`Dr. Madisetti incorrectly opines “[t]here is also no evidence on the record that
`claimed step 20c is present since there is no microprocessor disclosed,” and his
`demonstrative characterizing Stewart’s architecture (Figure A2), which he relies on
`for his opinions, omits Stewart’s microprocessor:
`EX2001, ¶ 44.


`Conversely, PO admits Stewart discloses a microprocessor and that the user
`enters commands “to establish certain general parameters regarding the sampling of
`the accelerometers . . . .” POR, 17-18. However, PO contends Stewart’s
`microprocessor “is not interpreting the measured data based on the commands
`because the processor is merely controlling storage of the measured data.” Id., 18.
`As shown in the Petition, Stewart teaches a processor 52 that “comprises any
`conventional processor device, including a microcontroller or a microprocessor, and
`controls the operation of the HAT system.” EX1004, 8:58-62; Pet., 18. The
`processor 52 receives physical movement data from accelerometers (10,11,12) via
`A/D converter 46:


`EX1004, Fig. 1 (emphasis added).
`Contrary to PO’s argument, Stewart’s processor does more than control
`storage of measured data. Once Stewart’s microprocessor obtains movement data
`from the accelerometers, it interprets the data to determine the “precise motions of
`the head.” EX1004, 5:2-3. For example, “[t]he data is recorded in real-time, but may
`be processed in either real-time as the data is recorded . . . so as to integrate and
`otherwise determine the translational, angular and normal components of
`acceleration of the sportperson’s head.” EX1004, 5:7-11 (emphasis added); Pet.,
`20. It can also “record in real-time detailed data only when the accelerations exceed
`a defined threshold” and correlate “certain responses of the accelerometers 10-12
`with desirable punches exceeding a predetermined threshold.” EX1004, 5:5-7, 14:6-
`11; Pet., 20-21. Thus, Stewart’s processer interprets the data by integrating it and/or
`comparing it to predetermined thresholds. Pet., 21.
`And, Stewart’s processor interprets the movement data based on user-defined
`commands, which are user-defined operational parameters that may “be entered
`locally, such as through a keypad mounted on the helmet, an electronic key, or other
`means to establish certain general parameters regarding the sampling of the
`accelerometers, e.g. when to start, the sampling rate, and when to stop.” Id., 11:51-
`63; see also, id., 12:35-37; 12:43-33; Pet., 18. For example, the user can set time
`intervals between rounds, set a start time or it can reset the data collection channels
`to receive the accelerometers data. Id., 12:10-59. As explained in the Petition,


`“because Stewart discloses a processor that allows the user to set the present time
`and starts/stops data collection at specific times, a PHOSITA would expect and
`understand that the processor necessarily includes a RTC.” Pet., 20. For these
`reasons, Stewart’s processor interprets the movement data (e.g., integrates it in real-
`time/compares it to predetermined thresholds) based on the user-defined commands
`that are used with the RTC to govern when to start/stop processing the data, the rate
`at which the accelerometer data is sampled, etc.
`Like Stewart, the ’576 patent also discloses “a microprocessor 32 which
`receives the signals generated by the movement sensor 30 for analysis and
`subsequent processing.” EX1001, 4:52-55. The microprocessor also receives user-
`programmed operation parameters including threshold information used by the
`microprocessor to detect and record events such as whether “any movement which
`surpasses any identified angle limit of movement,” “when the wearer’s speed of
`movement exceeds a predefined speed (quickness function),” or “when the device
`has measured a predetermined maximum number of particular angle limits reached.”
`Id., 6:22-40. The user may also enter “a time period for entering idle mode.” Id.,
`5:59-66. Therefore, both Stewart and the ’576 patent disclose a similar processor
`that utilizes predefined thresholds to trigger storage of information and control
`timing of storage of information.
`Here, both Petitioners and PO seemingly agree that the plain and ordinary
`understanding of the “interpreting, using a microprocessor” limitation applies. And,


`when read in light of the specification, it is clear the claim must encompass, for
`example, an event threshold or specific timing triggering data storage. Id., 4:63-66;
`5:62-66. Therefore, Stewart must be within the scope of this limitation.
`PO provides no factual basis for its distinction between Stewart’s disclosure
`and claim 20. For example, Dr. Madisetti claims that he considered all of the
`portions of Stewart cited in the Petition including 5:4-11 and 14:6-11 (EX2001, ¶45)
`but, failed to explain why Stewart’s disclosure of integrating the movement data
`and/or comparing it to predefined thresholds based on the time-based, user-defined
`commands does not satisfy the claim limitation.
`Instead, Dr. Madisetti’s only support for his opinion that “the processor in
`Stewart is not interpreting the measured data based on the commands because the
`processor is merely controlling the storage of the measured data” (EX2001, ¶63) is
`his edited demonstrative of Stewart, which is not evidence (Kranos, Paper 27 at 30
`(PTAB Feb. 21, 2018)), and a single citation from Stewart which states, the
`“processor controls the storage of data from an A/D Converter to a data storage.”
`EX2001, ¶63 (citing EX1004, 8:58-59). However, the fact that Stewart’s processor
`controls storage of the movement data it receives from the A/D converter does not
`negate the fact that it also interprets the data by integrating it and/or comparing it
`with predefined thresholds as discussed above. A prior patent must be considered
`in its entirety, i.e., as a whole. Panduit Corp. v. Dennison Mfg. Co., 810 F.2d 1561,


`1568 (Fed. Cir. 1987). And PO cannot preserve the validity of its claim by ignoring
`cited disclosures of Stewart.
`PO’s position regarding Stewart’s inherent disclosure of the RTC element is
`confusing at best. Dr. Madisetti includes an RTC in his Figure A2 characterizing
`Stewart. EX2001, ¶44. However, PO contends that a PHOSITA would understand
`that “any inherent real-time clock (assuming, arguendo, a real-time clock would be
`inherent, which LoganTree does not concede is correct) would be directly coupled
`to the sensor.” POR, 19. Apart from citing to Dr. Madisetti’s conclusory testimony,
`PO does not provide any factual basis for this position or explain why it matters with
`respect to the claim limitation. Id.
`As discussed above, Petitioners have provided evidence showing a PHOSITA
`would recognize that Stewart’s disclosure of the time-based commands, such as the
`user programming the processor would start and stop data collection at specific
`times, inherently discloses a real-time clock. Pet., 19; EX1010, ¶54. Neither PO
`nor Dr. Madisetti provided any factual basis for disputing inherency. POR, 19
`(citing EX2001, ¶45, ¶65). Additionally, neither PO nor Dr. Madisetti rebutted
`Petitioners’ alternative argument that it would have been obvious to a PHOSITA to
`include an RTC in Stewart. Pet., 21; EX1010, ¶¶55, 58. Therefore, this point is
`PO’s arguments regarding Rush’s lack of disclosure for the “interpreting,
`using a microprocessor included in the portable, self-contained movement


`measuring device, said physical movement data based on user-defined operational
`parameters and a real-time clock” limitation (POR, 19-22) are wholly irrelevant as
`Petitioners relied on Stewart – not Rush – for this limitation. Pet., 18-21.
`Finally, PO attempts to discredit Dr. Singer by alleging that he “appeared to
`not understand what the clamed [sic] limitation ‘interpreting, using a microprocessor
`. . .’ meant. POR, 21 (citing EX2002, 6:2-9:2). Contrary to PO’s argument,
`Dr. Singer confirmed he understood the limitation. EX2002, 6:2-22. In the portion
`of the transcript cited by PO, it is clear Dr. Singer was referring to the fact that he
`has not offered a claim construction for this limitation and was not comfortable
`doing so on the fly. Id., 8:17-9:2. In fact, Dr. Madisetti similarly opined that he did
`not offer a construction of the “interpreting” limitation because “interpreting means
`interpreting to one of ordinary skill in the art, and it’s pretty clear that way.”
`EX1021, 36:22-38:17. The Board should disregard PO’s unfair attempts to discredit
`Dr. Singer’s testimony.
`Stewart teaches “storing said data in memory”
`Claim 20 requires “storing said data in memory” and “storing, in said memory,
`first event information related to the detected first user-defined event along with first
`time stamp information . . .” PO cites to one page of the Petition to support its
`allegation that “Garmin does not provide evidence in either its Petition or
`Dr. Singer’s Declaration of two storing steps.” POR, 22 (citing Pet., 22). Review
`of the Petition shows that PO’s argument is plainly false. Pages 21-22 of the Petition


`describe how Stewart meets the first storing limitation, and pages 24-26 describe
`how the second storing limitation would have been obvious over Stewart and Rush.
`Pet., 21-22, 24-26.
`PO and Dr. Madisetti also allege “a POSITA would understand based on the
`disclosure of Stewart, that Stewart provides for only instance of storing.” POR, 22
`(citing EX2001, ¶70). Again, this does not address Petitioners’ actual ground of
`rejection which relies on Stewart’s data storage 51 which is used to record data from
`the accelerometers for the “storing said data in memory” limitation (Pet., 21-22) and
`Stewart’s disclosure of storing “detailed data only when the accelerations exceed a
`defined threshold” in combination with Rush’s disclosure of storing “the time and
`date of each instance in which the potentially injurious activity occurs” to meet the
`“storing, in said memory, first event information related to the detected first user-
`defined event along with first time stamp information . . .” limitation (Pet., 24-25).
`To the extent PO and Dr. Madisetti are alleging “two instances of storage”
`require two separate memories, Petitioners disagree because claim 20 follows the
`common claiming practice that means including “said memory” refers to the
`previously claimed memory. TransPerfect Global, Inc. v. Matal, 703 Fed. App’x
`953, 957 (Fed. Cir. July 12, 2017) (holding that the use of the term “said” in the
`claims indicates that the “said hyperlink” limitation refers to the previously claimed
`“one or more hyperlinks to further electronic communications” limitation”) (citing
`Baldwin Graphic Sys., Inc. v. Siebert, Inc., 512 F.3d 1338, 1343 (Fed. Cir. 2008)


`(noting that the claim term “said” is an “anaphoric phrase[ ], referring to the initial
`antecedent phrase”)).
`Stewart and Rush teach “detecting, using the microprocessor, a
`first user-defined event based on the movement data and at least one of
`the user-defined operational parameters regarding the movement” as
`required by Claim 20
`Regarding this limitation, PO again ignores Stewart’s express disclosures
`regarding the microprocessor by alleging that “a POSITA would understand that any
`detection, if any, is being performed at the sensor.” POR, 23. Again, it is Stewart’s
`microprocessor – not the accelerometers – that “controls the operation of the HAT
`system.” EX1004, 8:58-62; Supra, Section II.B.2.
`As explained in the Petition, Stewart’s processor detects a user-defined event,
`such as a desirable punch in boxing or an illegal spearing move in football, by
`determining whether the movement data exceeds a predetermined threshold. Pet.,
`22-23 (citing EX1004, 5:4-7, 14:6-11). Since Stewart does not expressly disclose
`that the user defines the disclosed thresholds, Petitioners combined Stewart with
`Rush, simply to support the proposition that “it would have been obvious to a
`PHOSITA to enable the user to adjust Stewart’s acceleration thresholds” based on
`Rush’s teaching of adjusting a sensor used to detect spearing movements in football
`“so that the magnitude of the axial impact experienced may be varied to
`accommodate players of different ages and sizes and to minimize the accidental
`actuation of the signal.” Id. (citing EX1006, 9:54-58, EX1010, ¶¶61-62).


`In response, PO contends that Rush teaches “a mechanical adjustment of the
`accelerometer” and “[a] POSITA would therefore recognize that a combination of
`Stewart and Rush would merely result in Stewart’s accelerometers being adjustable.”
`POR, 25. PO’s argument presumes the proposed combination would require bodily
`incorporation of Rush’s sensor in Stewart’s system. Bodily incorporation is not the
`standard for obviousness analysis. In re Mouttet, 686 F.3 d 1322, 1332–33 (Fed.
`Cir. 2012); MCM Portfolio LLC v. Hewlett-Packard Co., 812 F.3d 1284, 1294 (Fed.
`Cir. 2015) (“[t]he test for obviousness is not whether the features of a secondary
`reference may be bodily incorporated into the structure of the primary reference”
`(citation omitted)). As set forth in the Petition, it would have been obvious to enable
`the user to define the Stewart’s acceleration thresholds in order to accommodate
`different players as taught by Rush. Pet., 23-24 (citing EX1010, ¶62). “Since
`Stewart’s data collection operations performed by the processor are based on user-
`defined commands, it would have been obvious to enable the user to enter commands
`defining and/or adjusting the acceleration thresholds.” Id., 24 (citing EX1010, ¶62).
`Stewart and Rush teach “storing, in said memory, first event
`information related to the detected first user-defined event along with
`first time stamp information reflecting a time at which the movement
`data causing the first user-defined event occurred”
`PO contends that the combination of Stewart and Rush do not teach this
`limitation because neither “teaches storing time-stamped movement data.” POR, 26.
`Again, PO misapprehends the combination with Stewart and Rush.


`The Petition relies on Rush’s teaching of associating a timestamp with the
`recorded data at the time the user-defined event occurred and not Rush’s teaching of
`movement data. Pet., 25-26. Specifically, Rush teaches a “recording means may
`record the time and date of each instance in which the potentially injurious activity
`occurs.” Pet., 25; EX1006, 9:48-54. For the reasons stated in the Petition, “[i]t
`would have been obvious to a PHOSITA to similarly enable Stewart’s processor to
`store time and date information reflecting a time at which the acceleration data
`exceeded the user-defined threshold” based on Rush’s teachings. Pet., 25-26 (citing
`EX1010, ¶¶65-68). Therefore, PO’s argument that Rush does not “store time-
`stamped movement data” is irrelevant to the ground of rejection. POR, 27.
`C. Ground 4: Richardson in view of Stewart Renders Claims 20 and
`138 Obvious
`teaches “interpreting, using a microprocessor
`included in the portable, self-contained movement measuring device,
`said physical movement data based on user-defined operational
`parameters and a real-time clock” as required by Claim 20
`Richardson plainly discloses this limitation. It is undisputed that Richardson
`teaches a microprocessor 123 and RTC 031. Pet., 59-60; POR, 29. Instead, PO
`contends that Richardson’s RTC “is used to provide a duration of activity, not for
`basing interpretation of movement data by the microprocessor.” POR, 30-31. PO’s
`argument is directly contrary to Richardson’s express disclosure:
`Real-time clock 031 is used in the preferred embodiment of
`pedometer 015 for three purposes. First, it is used to segment
`the output of the accelerometer into a time series of data points


`representing the output of the accelerometer. That is, the clock
`is used to ascribe a timing to each measurement of magnitude
`of acceleration made by accelerometer subsystem 025. Each of
`the resulting time-and-acceleration pairs of numbers is in
`turn used by step parameter assignment module 027. Second,
`real-time clock 031 is used to translate the speeds of
`successive steps into a distance traveled. This is done by
`employing the relationship of distance equals speed times
`duration. Third, real-time clock 031 is used to measure the
`elapsed time of an exercise session.
`EX1009, 7:39-52 (emphasis added); see also, Pet., 62-63.
`As shown in the Petition, Richardson is replete with examples of the
`microprocessor interpreting the acceleration data based on user-defined operational
`parameters and the RTC. Pet., 60-66. Richardson’s microprocessor receives
`physical movement data from an accelerometer system while executing a “monitor
`sensors process.” Pet. 60-61; EX1009, 16:8-20, 28:28-64, Figs. 9, 12. This process
`uses acceleration samples to “compute at each sample

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