[CANCER RESEARCH 51, 5817-5820, November 1, 1991]
`Common Regions of Deletion on Chromosomes 5q, 6q, and lOq in Renal
`Cell Carcinoma
`Ryoji Morita, Susumu Saito, Jiro Ishikawa, Osamu Ogawa, Osamu Yoshida, Kazuhiro Yamakawa,
`and Yusuke Nakamura1
`Department of Biochemistry, Cancer Institute, Kami-ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170, Japan ¡R.M., S. S., K. Y., Y. N.J; Department of Genetics Research Laboratory,
`SRL, Inc., Komiya-machi, Hachioji City, Tokyo 192, Japan ¡R.M., S. S.J; Center for Biotechnology, Baylor College of Medicine, Woodlands, Texas 77381 ¡J.I.]; and
`Department of Urology, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University, Shogoin-kawahara-cho 54, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606, Japan [O. O., O. Y.]
`5q, 6q,
`on chromosomes
`losses of heterozygosity
`on the short arm of
`and lOq,
`in addition to loss of heterozygosity
`3, have been observed in renal cell carcinomas. As the first
`step toward isolation of tumor suppressor
`genes on these three chromo
`arms, we used six restriction
`length polymorphism
`markers for 5q, nine for 6q, and eight for lOq to identify regions commonly-
`deleted in a panel of 64 renal cell carcinomas. Allelic losses were common
`at chromosome
`the region where the MCC (mutated in colorectal
`cancer) gene was recently identified; at chromosome
`6q27; and at chro
`an association was observed between
`of allelic
`on these
`three chromosomal
`arms and
`progression of tumors. Loss of heterozygosity
`on chromosome S showed
`a correlation with the histopathological
`grade of a given tumor and the
`incidence of distant metastasis.
`to investigate the
`studies using RFLP2 markers
`molecular biology of carcinogenesis
`have suggested that an
`of genetic alterations
`at specific chromosomal
`loci contributes
`to tumor development
`Several genes,
`and tumor
`genes, appear
`to be involved in tumorigenesis
`of colon and
`breast cancers (1-3).
`In RCC, several lines of evidence point
`the existence of a tumor suppressor gene(s) on the short arm of
`3: somatic
`this chromosome
`(4, 5); t(3;8) balanced translocations
`in germ-
`line cells of some patients with hereditary renal cell carcinoma
`(6); and frequent LOH on chromosome 3p (7-10). Our earlier
`study suggested that,
`in addition to the gene on chromosome
`3p, tumor suppressor genes associated with RCC may exist on
`5q, 6q,
`and 17p (11). However,
`frequency of LOH on these chromosomal
`arms was not as high
`as that on chromosome
`3p. To examine further whether
`arms contain tumor suppressor genes, and if they
`do, to map the loci precisely, we have analyzed these candidate
`loci in detail with a large number of RFLP markers. Addition
`ally, we have expanded the number of tumors
`investigated to
`64 and correlated the accumulation of events causing LOH on
`various chromosomal
`arms with clinical and histopathological
`from 64 patients with
`and cancerous
`Materials. Normal
`primary sporadic RCC were obtained during radical nephrectomy at
`Received 6/19/91 ; accepted 8/13/91.
`The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment
`of page charges. This article must
`therefore be hereby marked advertisement
`accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.
`' To whom requests
`should be addressed,
`at Department
`Biochemistry, Cancer Institute, 1-37-1, Kami-ikebukuro. Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170,
`used are: RFLP,
`2The abbreviations
`phism; RCC, renal cell carcinoma: LOH,
`loss of heterozygosity.
`length polymor
`the School of Medicine, Kobe University,
`the Kobe National Hospital,
`or the Department
`of Urology, Kyoto University. The tissues were
`frozen immediately after nephrectomy and stored at -70°C until ex
`traction of DNA.
`DNA Extraction and Probes. The extraction of DNA from tissues
`was carried out according to methods described previously (3). All
`probes used in this study are listed in Table 1. The probes in the cCI6
`series were isolated from a human/mouse
`hybrid cell line which con
`tained only chromosome 6 as human-derived material
`(12) and were
`mapped by fluorescent
`in situ hybridization.'
`Southern Blotting and Hybridization. All DNA samples were trans
`ferred to nylon membrane (Pall Biodyne) with 0.1 N NaOH/0.1 M
`NaCl. Neutralization,
`fixation, and hybridization were done according
`to methods described previously (3).
`the enzyme detecting RFLP, and
`frequency of LOH for each probe are summarized in Table 1.
`Fig. 1 presents examples of deletion maps and Southern blots
`which show loss or retention of heterozygosity
`in tumors. A
`reduction of signal
`intensity was observed in one of
`two polymorphic
`alÃ(cid:173)elesin blots probed with CI6-39, CI6-49,
`and OS-2. On the other hand, polymorphic alÃ(cid:173)elesin blots with
`CI6-4, THH54,
`and MCT122.2 were retained in tumors. The
`results of LOH studies on four chromosomal
`arms (3p, 5q, 6q,
`and lOq) and the histopathological
`features of each tumor are
`summarized in Table 2. LOH was observed on chromosome
`in 52 of 58 informative cases (90%). LOH also occurred fre
`quently on chromosomes
`5q (13 of 39, 33%), 6q (17 of 44,
`39%), and lOq (25 of 61, 41%). However, LOH on chromo
`somes llq (3 of 26, 12%), 17p (13 of 63, 21%), and 19p (8 of
`55, 15%) was not observed as frequently as in our previous
`deletion maps of
`In view of these results, we constructed
`5q, 6q, and lOq. On chromosome
`5q, Tumor 5
`showed LOH with RFLP marker pL5.71-3, but retained both
`alÃ(cid:173)elesat proximal
`loci defined by E5.55 and LS5.3. Tumors
`35 and 94 lost one alÃ(cid:173)eleat
`the L5.71 locus but
`heterozygosity at the distal YN5.48 locus. From these results,
`a common region of deletion was identified at chromosome
`5q21, where the gene responsible
`for adenomatous
`is located (Fig. 2a). On chromosome
`6q (Fig. 2b), a
`commonly deleted region was identified at q27:
`the tumor of
`Patient 22 lost an alÃ(cid:173)elein the region distal
`to cCI6-52; Tumor
`33 showed LOH in the region distal
`to cCI6-91; and Tumor
`104 lost a part distal
`to cCI6-4.
`In Fig. 2c, a deletion map of
`lOq shows that Tumor 6 lost an alÃ(cid:173)eleat cTBQ16
`but retained both alÃ(cid:173)elesat pEFD75, Tumor 90 showed LOH
`at THH54
`retained both OS-2 alÃ(cid:173)eles,and Tumor
`showed LOH at OS-2 but retained heterozygosity at THH54
`and MCT122.2. Therefore, a common region of deletion was
`3S. Saito et al., unpublished data.
`West-Ward Exhibit 1099
`Morita 1991
`Page 001


`5q, 6q, AND I0<j IN RCC
`104 on
`Fig. 1. Deletion maps of Tumor
`chromosomes 6q and lOq and typical Southern
`blots demonstrating
`loss or retention of het-
`erozygosity in DNAs from normal kidney (A1)
`and from renal cell carcinoma (T). Al, A2. and
`C indicate alÃ(cid:173)eleI (larger fragment), alÃ(cid:173)ele2
`(smaller fragment), and invariant band, respec
`tively. •¿(cid:3).LOH; D. retained; B. uninformative.
`N T
`Table 1 Probes tested for loss ofhelerozygosilyProbeChromosome
`the q21-q23 band of
`between THH54 and OS-2 at
`to find correlationsWe attemptedchromosomalalterations
`and histopathological
`features. As shown in Fig.
`accumulated number of LOHs on chromosomes 3p, 5q,6q,and
`lOq in each tumor showed a correlation with its histopath
`ological grade. In the clear cell type of RCC, LOH wasdetectedat
`two or more of these chromosomalofmoderately
`arms tested in 82%
`differentiated tumors, although LOH was
`only one chromosomalthewell-differentiated
`arm or not at all in nearly half of
`types. The results suggest
`that an accumu
`lation of events causing LOH (probably reflecting loss of func
`tion of tumor suppressor genes) is associated with tumor pro
`In particular, LOH on 5q showed a significant corre
`lation with tumor grade (Fisher's
`test, P —¿(cid:3)0.015) and a weak
`association with distant metastasis (P = 0.062) (Table 3). How
`ever, stage and tumor size were not correlated with thenumberof
`arms showing
`lines of evidence have suggested that one or more
`the short arm of chromosome
`3 are associated with devel
`opment and/or progressionofheterozygosity
`of renal cell carcinomas:
`(7-10); cytogenetic aberrations
`(4, 5) and hered
`(6); or von Hippel-Lindau
`itary t(3;8)
`( 13, 14). In a previous study, we detected two commonlydeletedregions
`at chromosomes 3pl4 and 3p21.3 in RCCs (10). How
`ever, studies on colorectal carcinoma(15,16),
`(1, 2), lung cancer
`and breast cancerthatalterations
`(Ref. 3; Footnote 4) have shown
`in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes accumu
`late to transform a normalthepresent
`to a malignant
`study, we have investigatedfivechromosomal
`loci on
`(5q, 6q,
`lOq, 17p, and 19q) that
`by LOH in our previous studies (1 1) to examinethesignificance
`of the allelic losses at
`these loci. Although chro
`mosomes 17p and 19q did not show the frequency ofLOHreported
`the other
`three regions
`revealed 33%
`LOH, and commonly deleted regions were identifiedat5q21,6q27,
`and Kung (17) and Presti et al. (18) reported cytoge
`netic abnormalities on chromosome 5 due to unbalanced trans-
`(chromosome 19p)SymbolD5S133D5SI41D5S81D5S140
`1Numbers in parentheses, percentage.
`pter-p 13qllq21
`Chromosome 11MCMPIHBIS9SS6
`Total (chromosome 1Iq)Chromosome
`4T. Sato et al., unpublished data.
`West-Ward Exhibit 1099
`Morita 1991
`Page 002


`5q. 6q. AND lOq IN RCC
`Table 2 (jenolype and histopathological features of tumors
`Genotype of each
`of LOH
`" Grade of each tumor was determined according to the criteria of the Japanese
`Pathological Society (20).
`* C, clear cell type; G. granular cell type; S, spindle cell type; C/G, mixed type
`of clear and granular: G/S, mixed type of granular and spindle: X. not determined.
`' LOH was observed for at least one locus on this arm.
`d Uninformative at every locus on this arm.
`' Retention of hctero/ygosity at every locus on this arm.
`3p and 5q with the breakpoints
`location between chromosomes
`at Bands 3p 13 and 5q22, resulting in an extra copy of the 5q22-
`qter region. It is likely that some of our cases may have partial
`trisomy of 5q. However,
`it was very hard to judge such partial
`trisomy due to difficulties of distinguishing gain of alÃ(cid:173)elefrom
`between tumor grade and the number of accumulated
`Fig. 3. Correlation
`mutations detected on four specific chromosomal
`arms (3p. 5q. 6q. and lOq) in
`clear cell carcinomas. M. number of mutations on these arms. Grade I, well
`differentiated: Grades 2 or 3. moderately differentiated.
`loss of alÃ(cid:173)eleon Southern blots. We have indicated that a gene
`on chromosome
`5q may be associated with progression
`RCCs. As the commonly deleted region at chromosome
`the L5.71 locus, which is a genomic clone of the
`recently ascertained MCC (mutated in colorectal cancer) gene
`(19), the MCC gene might be a candidate for a role in RCC.
`25 Ik
`Fig. 2. Deletion maps of 5q (a), 6q (ft), and lOq (r) in sporadic renal cell
`carcinoma. Common regions of deletion are indicated by a vertical bar on the
`right. •¿(cid:3)l.OH: D. retained: D uninformative.
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`Morita 1991
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`5q. 6q. AND lOq IN RCC
`Table 3 Correlation between mutation on 5q and tumor grade or distant
`°P= 0.015 (Fisher's test).
`" P= 0.062 (Fisher's test).
`(1, 2)
`as in the case of colorectal
`and breast cancer (Ref. 3; Footnote 4), accumulation of genetic
`alterations was correlated with the grade of primary renal
`carcinomas. Our results suggested that alterations
`on 6q and
`lOq also are important
`to progression of RCC. Tumors
`Patients 17, 25, 39, 40, and 101 retained heterozygosity at loci
`on chromosome
`3p, but they did show LOH on other chromo
`somal arms. These tumors may contain a very small interstitial
`deletion on chromosome
`3p which was not detectable by our
`panel of probes;
`it is also possible that an alternative pathway
`exists for development of RCC, without association of genes
`on 3p.
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`West-Ward Exhibit 1099
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