Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`(data Ingglc)
`:Idala toggle]
`I n
`0 I
`I%5 I
`511 I
`I/ I
`l\. l
`{N. I
`IN\Q ‘
`Figure A416. Device Stall NI) Smash(FSILS STALL)
`PAHDOD ‘1 698
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 516/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 516/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`Interrupt OUT Transaction Examples
`[3): Start Split
`(C): Complete Spiil
`Summary of cases for lnleu'upt OUT transaction
`Normal cases
`—--Fig u re
`No smash
`Figure A4?
`(FSILS handshake packet is done by M+1 )
`HS SSPLIT smash
`Figure A48
`HS SSPLIT 3 strikes smash
`No figure
`HS OUT(S) smash
`Figure A43
`HS OUT((8} 3 strikes smash
`HS DATADH smash
`Figure A48 -
`HS CSPLIT smash
`Figure A49
`HS CSPLIT 3 strikes smash
`Figure A-50
`HS OUT(C) smash Figure A49
`HS OUT({C} 3 strikes smash
`HS ACK(C) smash
`HS ACK(C) 3 strikes smash
`FSILS OUT smash
`Figure A-SD
`Figure A-51 -
`Figure A—52 -
`Figure A—53
`FSILS OUT 3 strikes smash
`No figure
`Figure A-53 -
`FSfLS ACK smash
`Figure A-54 -
`PAHDOD ‘1 699
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 517/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 517/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`FSI’LS ACK 3 strikes smash
`No figure
`Similar Figure
`CS(Complete-split transaction} earlier cases
`Similar Figure
`Figure A-SB
`No smash (HS NYETand FSI'LS handshake
`packet is done by NIH-2}
`No smash(HS NYET and FSFLS handshake
`packet is done by M+3}
`Figure A-S?
`HS NYET smash
`HS NYET 3 strikes smash
`Abort and Free cases
`Figure A-SS -
`Figure A69 -
`Similar Figure
`Figure A—SO
`No smash and abort (HS NYETand FSILS
`transactionIs continued at end of M+3)
`No smash and freefHS NYETand FSI’LS
`Figure A61
`transaction is not started at end of M+3)
`Figure A62
`FSI’LS transaction error cases
`HS ERR smash Figure A-S‘i
`HS ERR 3 strikes smash
`Device busy cases
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 518/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 518/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`Similar Figure
`No smash(HS NAMED
`Figure A-62
`HS NAK((C) smash
`Figure A—51
`HS NAK((C) 3 strikes smash - Figure A—52
`FSILS NAK smash - Figure A-53
`FSILS STALL smash - Figure A63
`Device siall cases
`Similar Figure
`HS STALLlC) smash - Figure A—51
`HS 3TALL(C) 3 strikes smash - Figure A-52
`PA_DUD ‘1 70 1
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 519/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 519/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revisiun 2.0
`(SS: star! 513‘ status
`CS: comp. 5p. status}
`SS: Free“):
`{data loggle)
`SS: Pcndinge’x
`CS: Ready-’ack
`H051 does not issue 3nd CSPLIT.
`because hnst already receives: ACK
`011 previous. micrnl‘ramc.
`{data toggle]
`ul-‘ramc M
`Lil-lame M+Id
`ul-‘ramc M+3
`ul-‘ramc M+4
`‘r H051 does not issue 3rd CSPLlT.
`because host alreadyr receives ACK
`an previnus micmframc.
`Figure A47. Normal No Smush(FSfLS Handshake Packet is Done by NIH)
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 520/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 520/650


`PA 0001703
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 521/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 521/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revisiun 2.0
`[data mggfie]
`uFrame M
`(Sb: slarl sp. sums
`:(dala toggle)
`{ C31Cump. Sp. stalys}
`:N, :
`: —___DAIIAII ml
`LLFrame M- I
`I\. I
`:N I
`:‘/ :
`CS:Re.-Ldyfack E
`--------- r---------------------------I-------------1----------------------------I---------
`uFramc M=2 : __-..‘I'___7 CSPLI‘I‘
`II'ILlh ignores. [his
`:0er Iwrauw nu
`:1 maich the address E
`CSPLIltretrg,I Imm.) :
`:N, .I
`:N :
`uFIaIne M *3 I Hos! does 1101 issue 3nd CSPIJT.
`hen-muse has: already receives ACK :
`: on previous micrnfrmuc
`_________ l __________________________ I_____________I__________________________ l_________
`uF-‘mme Med! : Hue! does not icsue 3rdf‘Sl‘ILIT,
`: because host already receives ACK :
`: nn pmvious microfinme.
`Figure A49. Normal HS CSPLIT Smash
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 522/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 522/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`(SS: starl sp. status
`CS: camp. 5p. status)
`SS: |-'rcc’.'<
`[data lnggle)
`Hub ignore-s: thi
`UUT.( no Imtch
`the Address fie d
`Hub ignores this
`UUT.( no match i
`the Address ficldht
`Hubignorcs this ‘
`UUT.( rm match I
`the Address fieldi
`CS: Freex'x
`i E
`-- -..""1
`CJSPL lT(rclry imm.)
`\ T
`Host dncs not issue 2nd CSPLIT.
`bccausc this cndpoim is already
`H051 docs not issun: 3rd (‘SPLIT,
`because IhJS cndpoim rs already
`umee M+3
`tlFran‘ic M+4
`Figure A-SI]. Normal H5 CSPLIT 3 Strikes Smash
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 523/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 523/650
`l iI i
`IIP ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
`-___L_H ____L_fSPL1T
`(data toggle]
`uFrame M
`uFrame M+1
`“Frame M+2


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`Iss: stari sp. status
`{data m} ’1‘}
`{Mala toggle]
`I CS: camp. 5;). 51:11:15]
`5“" L I
`I n
`0 I
`uI-IamcM I
`IN. I
`Iwwwwwwwww kwwwwwwwwwwvwr—rw~~~w~rv~ww4rrwww~w~~wv—fi+~wvwwwr~~w"v~w~w~w—ww~—v~w4~-~wvw~vwI SS:PcndingI’x I I
`uFramcMH I
`I \> I
`:/ I
`(‘3:Rcadyfack I
`ul-ranIcM+3 I
`I +--- """""""
`I TRmcg v.33
`. ‘.
`912.--— I
`IN, I
`_________ I—__’________"_""_________'_’"I_'___’__'____"_7___’____'__—_'________’_"__‘I__"__—_—_
`ul’ramcMI—B I H031 docs nolissuc 2nd C‘SPLIT.
`I because host already receives ACK I
`I on previous nlicmliamc
`--------- l----------------------------l-------------1----------------------------(---------
`LII-‘ramcMH I Hml nines not issue 3rd (.‘SPLIT.
`I because host already receives ACK
`on previous :nicmli'amcI
`Figure A-Sl. Normal HS ACK(C) Smash
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 524/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 524/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`(SS: starl 5p. status
`CS: camp. 5p. stalils)
`SS: |-'rcc’.'<
`[data lnggle]
`(data toggle]
`uFrame M
`uI-‘rame M+1
`“Frame M+2
`:N :
`Iv wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww vi
`i” """"""""""""""."‘"‘i
`(TSPLITUclry 1mm.)
`: ‘__“__‘-_“_‘——EL_*Li
`CSPLIT(rctry imm.)
`- E
`I T AN.
`F. R
`i ifi—‘:~“‘_—‘~"“—-EE_‘.bi
`ACK ____5112__--:
`R h ‘ ERR
`SS: Pcndmgi‘x
`CSPL1T(rclryinlin.) E
`:N, :
`ACK _,__-£112.--— 5
`r- -------------------------- 4
`: Hostdoesnotissue 1nd CSI‘LIT.
`i because Lhis endpoinl is already
`LEISDFQINIflL-MLL ___________ J
`H051 does not issue 3rd (TSPLlT‘
`because this cndpninl is already
`SS: Freak
`uFramc- M+4
`Figure A-52. Normal HS ACK(C) 3 Strikes Smash
`PAflDOO‘I 707
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 525/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 525/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`(SS: start sp. status
`I CS: comp. sp. status)
`:(data toggle)
`N51“ S S: Pending/X
`N1»5‘7 OUT
`, ,1 _
`( d was C)
`ul-‘rame M
`uFrame M+1
`uFrame M+2
`uFrame M+9F_‘———‘——_‘———_‘P—_—__‘——____—_‘7—f__—___V__—__‘r—‘———___—‘—_——_—_—T‘—_——_______—__f—_—____—_—__—__———
`uFrame M+3
`uFr-ame M+8
`Host does 1101 issue 211d CSPLIT,
`because host already receives ERR
`Host does not issue 3rd C SPLIT,
`because host already receives ERR
`sl 1
`N"517 OUT
`uFrame M+10
`Figure A-53. Normal FS/LS DATAD/l Smash
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 526/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 526/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`- Sdl
`Host does not issue 211d CSPLIT,
`because host already receives ERR
`Host does not issue 3rd CSPLIT,
`because host already receives ERR
`N“517 OUT
`(data toggle)
`ulVrame M
`LLFrame M+l
`LLFrame M+2
`LLFrame M+8
`11 Frame M+9
`11 Frame M+l 0
`N’Ct? OUT
`(SS: start sp. status
`CS: comp. sp. status)
`SS: Free/X
`(data toggle)
`H" _________
`\> E
`Device does
`not receive
`this data.
`Figure A-54. Normal FS/LS ACK Smash
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 527/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 527/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revisiun 2.0
`{data mggle}!
`0 I
`lSS: stari sp. status
`(.‘5‘ mm m t
`P- I! - 5 51:15}
`Iidala toggle]
`Iwwwwwwwww kw—wwwwwwwwvwr—r—~—~w~~v~ww4-wwww~w~~wv—fi+~wvwwwr~~w"—~w~w~w—ww~—r~w4~-wwvwwvwI SS:PcndingbI I I
`l \> I
`:/ I
`(‘3:Rcadyfack I
`uFramcMH I
`cc l-bcefl
`IBM: not match this
`ICSPLIT on first
`IcnIry nI‘C'SIhcn I
`IHUB dncsnm
`Irespcmd any packeII
`IN, I
`IM- I
`--------- r--*-———--*-*-"'---*-———-—*1-*——*-*--*-*-1---*——-*----———-----*-*'--1-—*—-—---
`ul’ramcMI—B I H031 docs nolissuc 2nd C‘SPLIT.
`I because host aIready receives ACK I
`I on previous micmfiamc
`--------- l----------------------------I-------------1----------------------------(---------
`LII-‘ramcMH I Hml nines not issue 3rd (.‘SPLIT.
`I because host already receives ACK
`on previous Inicmfi'amcI
`Figure A-SS. Searching No Smash
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 528/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 528/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`H llb
`(SS: starl 5p. status
`I (73: camp. 5p. stah‘ls)
`:[data toggle]
`H051 does not issue 3rd CSPLIT,
`because hosl already receive); ACK
`on previous micmfi'amc.
`H ast
`(Ila IOLg L1
`uFramc M
`uI—‘rame M+1
`“Frame M+2
`uI-‘ramc M+3
`uFramc M+4
`uFrame M+5
`Figure A—Sfi. CS Earlier No Smash(HS NYE’I‘ and FSJ'LS Handshake Packet is Done by M+2)
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 529/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 529/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`ISS: stari sp. stalus
`{Idala toggle}
`I C5: camp. 5!). stains]
`{dam Inggle}
`0 I
`uI-IameM I
`Ik I
`I777777777 I7777777777r77777777777777747777777777777Iiiiririir777777777777777774777777777I SS:PcndingI’x I I
`uFramcMH I
`--------- I“W-W-*--‘--V'"-"W-v~--“Vi“--'--l*“--—-"W-“v-'-+'-----'--'-'-'v-"iv—W‘W-ww-nv-"l-‘vv-"WW-‘W
`IN, I
`I\, I
`_________ I.—-—-nun—"-—_-__-—-----.I-——_—_-—-_-__i-"nu—"OUT---"__-__--.I-—-—-___-
`c I
`uFranIcM+3 I
`I \D I
`I%> I
`. s
`IA? I
`CS1Readyfack i
`“““““ I“‘“““““‘“‘“‘“““‘1““““‘““I‘“““‘“‘“““‘““““‘I“‘“"“
`LII ranIe M+4 I
`I \> I
`""""" I"""'""""““""""'I""""“"'I“""“"“"""“"""'I"""'“
`III-“tame M+5 I
`Figure A-S'I‘. CS Earlier So SmasMHS NYE’I‘ and FSI’LS Handshake Packet is Done by M+3)
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 530/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 530/650


`IIdata [ought]
`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`data toggle]
`uFrame M
`""""""""" I“"”’"“"”"'"'"""’"*"'"'I
`uI-‘rame M+1 I
`""""""" I"““""“""""“"‘"‘I
`“Frame M+2 I
`I \> I
`. HUI).
`(SS. marl 5p. status
`(.‘S: camp. 5p. sIaIIls)
`I 4"" """""
`I T AN.
`F. R
`CSPLIT(rclr_\Ir imm.)
`:K I
`I 5
`--------- I--------------------------I
`uI’raI-ne M+3 I
`=\. =
`"""""" I""""""_""_'"_""I
`uFrame M+4 I Host does not issuc31'd (TSPLIT.
`I because host already receivesACK I
`I cmprcviuus mjcmfiame.
`_________ L-_______________-______-_-J---_________-L___-___________________--_J-________
`uFl'anle M+5
`Figure A-58. CS Earlier HS NYE'I' Smash
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 531/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 531/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`ul-ramc M
`ISS: stari sp. status
`{data mgglc}
`I CS: camp. 5;). 51:11:15]
`0 I
`Iw} I
`> |
`Iwwwwwwwww kwwwwwwwwwwvwr—rww~~w~rv~w~4-rw~w~w~~wv—fi+I SS:Pcndinge’x I
`uFramcMH I
`""""""" I'""""""""""“"""I"“'""“""I
`V V
`”IramLM ' Iw I
`(‘8:Rcadyr'ack I
`{Mala toggle}
`5"" """"
`‘ ‘
`\+ I
`I g
`_5115____ I
`I+ -----------
`cc I-Pcefi
`IN. I
`NYET____‘:§5_--- I
`Iw I
`""""" r““—————‘——""“‘—"———‘1————————"——'T
`Illiramc M+3 I H051 docs n01 iI-‘ISIIL‘ 2nd CSPLIT.
`I: S:Fr\cca'x
`I because IhIR endpoint is already
`_________ 'L'i'SDl’EJJEIfiéLl-"m"w“-.IWWWWWWJ.
`uFraInc M+4 I H051 does not issue 3rd CSPLlT.
`because this endpoint is already
`Figure A-59. CS Earlier HS NYE'I‘ 3 Strikes Smash
`PAflDOD‘I 714
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 532/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 532/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`(SS: start sp. status
`CS: comp. sp. statIIs)
`SS: Free/X
`(data toggle)
`(data togglc)l
`ulVrame M
`0 I
`IW» =
`I g I
`————————— p———-————————————-—-——-—-——4
`LIFrame M+1 I
`————————— I——————————————————————————I
`11Frame M+2 I
`Ia I
`--------- I--------------------------I
`Fr'me M+3 |
`--------- I--------------------------I
`Fr-1neM+4 I
`:W :
`_________ I____9c_3_____________________I
`F ’ M+8
`_________ I.___________________________I
`” “me
`IN. I
`“““““ r'““"““““"“"““‘1
`11F1‘ameM+9 I
`_________ L__________________________IIII
`1] Frame M+10
`I I I
`I I
`Hub stops sending [his data an
`forces a bit stuffing error.
`Figure A-60. Abort and Free Abort(FS/LS Transaction is Continued at End of M+3)
`PA_OOO1 715
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 533/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 533/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
` SD.Nb.M.kbpsm.m. e,m,"_CuC.W__L.l_mvo__/Vt__Cu6mu"FdLMo_1_(\__IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII4IIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIII__________________mMu.W1Wusmmm"2mHm:p"3nsmk,S_S.S3.55S_C.CSC__ix__IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII4IIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIII________________________
`Figure A-fil. Abort and Free Free(FS/LS Transaction is not Started at End of M+3)
`PA 0001716
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 534/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 534/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`(SS: start sp. status
`CS: comp. sp. statlus)
`SS: Free/X
`(data toggle)
`+ __________________________
`C S : Ready/flak
`CS : O] d/‘nak
`T ___________________________I
`1, __________________________
`C S : Ready/ack
`CS : Old/ack
`(data toggle)
`ulVrame M
`uFrame M+l
`uFrame M+2
`:W. I
`I- —————————————————————————— -l
`I' """""""""""""" 'I
`A K
`t- -------------------------- -I
`I Host dues 11m issue 211d CSPLIT,
`I because host alIeady receives NAK I
`I_9n_21132i911§111isr9§3131§-_ ________I
`I Hnst does not issue 3rd (ISPLIT,
`I because host already receives NAK I
`1' ——————————————————— ‘I
`I on Erevious microfiume.
`I __________________________ 4
`I g I
`I' —————————————————————————— 'I
`‘ l
`I’ __________________________ 1
`ul-‘rame M+l OI
`uFrame M+8
`uFrame M+9
`Figure A-62. Device Busy No Smash(FS/LS NAK)
`PA_OOO1 717
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 535/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 535/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`uI-ramc M
`ISS. stari 3p: stalus
`{dam mgglcl
`Iidala toggle}
`I Ch. comp. up. stalIJs]
`0 I
`Iwwwwwwwww kwvwvmww~ww~r—rw~~~w~rv~rw-I-rm-w~mfi77-”+~v-vmmr~~w-v~w~~~wmmv—v~w-I~v~wvw~vwI SS:PendingI’x I I
`uFramc-MH I
`l \> I
`‘5 I
`(‘3:Rcadymll I
`————————— Iw",“WW-“_____-_M“_--,I_w_-n-W,"n1-““n"---“w-“HM---"IWMW-“
`LII-'ramcM4-3 I
`. 7
`STA ”-
`I 4// I
`————————— I~--—————————-——-——-————~—~I-————~—~—————I-~—————~~-——————~-~——~——~-I———~——-——
`uFramc M+3 I Hosl does. not i55uc 2nd CSPLIT.
`I because this cndpoim is already
`_________ ' _'£?5[’_P9_“}:r_':li"1—l___________I_____________L________________-________J_________
`III-'rame MM Hnsl does nnl irauc 3rd [TSPLIT‘
`SS: FrceI'x
`because this endpoint is already
`Figure A-63. Device Still] No SmnsMFSILS STALL}
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 536/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 536/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`Interrupt IN Transaction Examples
`(S): Stan Split
`(C): Complete Spiil
`Summary ol‘cases for interrupi OUT liansaciion
`I Normal cases
`Similar Figure
`No smash
`[FSILS data packet is on M+1)
`Figure A-64
`Figure A-T2
`HS |N[S) smash
`Figure A—BS
`HS INIS) 3 strikes smash
`No figure
`Figure A436 -
`HS CSPLIT smash
`Figure A—S? -
`HS CSPLIT 3 strikes smash
`HS IN{C))smash
`Figure A—BS
`HS IMO) 3 strikes smash
`HS DATADii smash
`HS DATADH 3 strikes smash
`FSILS IN smash
`Figure A—S?
`Figure A438 -
`Figure A-BQ -
`Figure A—70 -
`Figure A-?1 -
`FSILS DATAOH 3 strikes smash No figure
`FSILS ACK smash
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 537/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 537/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`Similar Figure
`C5tComplote-spiit transaction) earlier cases
`Similar Figure
`No smash (HS MDATA and FSILS
`transaction is on M+1 and M+2)
`No smash (HS NYET and FSJLS
`transaction is on MHZ)
`No smash (H5 NYET and MDATA and
`FSELS transaction is on M+2 and M+3]
`No smash (HS NYET and FSILS
`transaction Is on M+3)
`HS NYET smash
`HS NYET 3 strikes smash
`Aburl and Free cases
`F'gurs A—74
`F'gure A—75
`F'gure A-7E
`‘gure A—i’T
`F'gure A-i’B
`F'gure A—i’Q
`Similar Figure
`HS ERR 3 strikes smash - Figure A459
`No smash and abort [HS NYETand FSILS
`transaction is continued at end of M+3)
`Figure A—SD
`No smash and free{HS NYETand FStLS
`transaction is not started at end of M+3)
`Figure A-81
`FSILS transaction error cases
`Similar Figure
`HS ERR smash - Figure A-BB
`PAWDUDi 720
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 538/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 538/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`Device busy cases
`Fig u re
`Similar Figure
`No smash( HS NAK(C})
`Figure A-82
`HS NAK(C) smash
`Figure A—65
`HS NAK(C) 3 strikes smash Figure A—69
`FSILS NAK smash
`Figure A—i’1
`Figure A—?1
`Device stall cases
`Similar Figure
`HS STALL(C) smash - Figure A—SB
`HS STALHC) 3 strikes smash
`Figure A-SQ
`PAWDUD i 72 1
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 539/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 539/650


`U niversal Serial
`Bus Specification Revisiun 2.0
`(SS: star! 513‘ status
`CS: comp. 5p. status}
`SS: 1%ch
`{data loggle)
`_______________________________________ I-.
`: Hull-AU, :
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`Lil-'aamc M+
`ul-‘ramc M+3
`m DATA!)
`Hos! does not issue 3nd CSPLIT.
`because hnst already receives:
`DATAU on previous Illiclflfi'alnc.
`ul-‘ramc M+4 I Has! does not issue 3rd CSPLIT.
`because host alreadyr receives
`DATAU on previous micmframc.
`------------- II----------------------‘------I
`(b lrrm'x
`————————————— 4‘;-—-—-A——--——-—-—-—-——-n——--—-——-A--—-—l
`————————————— ¥—————-—----—--—-—-———-—-——J
`Figure A454. Normal No SmasmFSJLS Data Packet is an MH)
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 540/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 540/650


` fill|_llIIIIIlIIIIII._.IIIIIIIIIIlIIII4IlIIIIIIIIIIIII4II_IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII_IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII_IIIIIIIIIIIIIII________________________________________________________________________uuuuuun0u_______A________TK________N.F»________mz________DA_________0uuu__un_.________2________w___nunuu___J1________mu___uuun_eE___tIIIIIIIIIIIIIIh}TIILIIIIIIIIIIIIII¢IIIIIIIIIIIIIII4IIIIIIIIIIIIIII4|iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRmms.d_______m._wnmmma______k_M_Musu.twHuuuuuumgn,1uT.nb.sxmtsnY,5“p.A.aS______.1_d_1fluSPemmm______m_a_wmmcnd______m_e_1fHumoHuvmd______P_R_O.UMmC...1lA______.._m)._«.3.E....Wmm~e____u"$"C_CpSSJmh____J
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`Figure A-65.
`1V ormal l-lS SSPLl'l‘ Smash
`PA 0001723
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 541/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 541/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revisiun 2.0
`lSSI stari sp. status
`(.‘5‘ mm m t
`{data mggle}!
`Iidala toggle]
`P- I! - 5 :1 I15}
`0 I
`Iw, I
`"""""" r"'-'—"""'-""'"'-"'1'—"'-"'-"—T"-"'-"'---"""‘-'-"'1'-'-"—"
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`I ‘_.—-——-— I
`Ia\> I
`--------- Fwn-w-—--—-----------v-----v-l*-----"~---v--+-wv-------------vv-w-------|-v--v-w-‘-
`uIrramcM+2 I ____c_11___ CSPLIT
`-------------’ I
`I \5 I Hubignomslhis I
`[Ni no match
`the Address field)‘
`CSPLITIrctry imm.)
`I .I\p I
`--------- I--------------------------I-------------I--------------------------I—--------
`uFramc M+3 I Hosldoes notisxuc 2nd CSP'LIT‘
`lsccauschnstalrcady receives
`I DATAU m1 previous Inicmfwme.
`""""" I—“—“""""—'—'“"""I""""—"'—I'—'“""""“"“""““I""“'“
`uFramcMHI I H051dwsnolissucSrdCSPLlT.
`I because hostaiready receives
`I DATA“ on previnus: micmfranm.......... L-_-_._____-__-_-_-_--______.l----_-_----_-l_-_____-__-___..__-__-___-__F____-__-_I I I
`Figure A—66. Normal HS CSPLIT Smash
`Huawei v. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 542/650
`Huawei V. FISI Exhibit No. 1007 - 542/650


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0
`(SS: starl 5p. status
`CS: cramp. 5p. startls)
`SS: |-'rcc.’.'<
`[data lnggle)
`cc 1 Jacki
`_ _- £3: _ __ _(ISPL1T(rclry imm.)
`-_ __L'_I 1____ ESPLITUclry imm.)
`\ T
`eel 49:?
`Host does not issue 2nd CSPLITA
`because [his mdpnini is nlmndy
`Host does not issue 3rd CSPLIT.
`because this. cndpm'm is already
`(data toggle]
`11F rame M
`uFramc M+1
`“Frame M+2
`uFramc M+3
`uFran'Ir: M+4
`LII-Tame M+S

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