Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 81 (2004) S67–S73
`Pharmacokinetics of sodium phenylacetate and sodium
`benzoate following intravenous administration as both a bolus
`and continuous infusion to healthy adult volunteers
`Robert B. MacArthur,a,¤ Arman Altincatal,a and Mendel Tuchmanb
`a CPMC Research Pharmacy, Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute Pharmacy, New York, NY 10032, USA
`b Children’s Research Institute, Children’s National Medical Center, The George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA
`Received 7 October 2003; received in revised form 15 December 2003; accepted 19 December 2003
`Background: Ammunol® (sodium phenylacetate/sodium benzoate) is an intravenously administered, investigational drug used for
`the treatment of acute hyperammonemia in infants, children, and adults with urea cycle enzyme deWciencies. A pharmacokinetic
`study of sodium phenylacetate/sodium benzoate (NAPA/NABZ) was performed in two groups of normal healthy volunteers, follow-
`ing the dosing regimen used to treat hyperammonemia.
`Methods: The Wrst group of subjects (nD 3) received a bolus dose of 5.5 g/m2 of NAPA/NABZ, over a period of 1.5 h. Following a
`seven-day washout, subjects then received the same bolus dose, followed by a continuous infusion of 5.5 g/m2 over 24 h. A second
`group of diVerent subjects (nD 17) received the same treatment regimen, but using doses of 3.75 g/m2. Phenylacetate (PA) and benzo-
`ate (BZ), and their respective metabolites, phenylacetylglutamine (PAG), and hippurate (HIP) were measured over a 24-h period. An
`HPLC method was used for the measurement of all analyte concentrations. Non-compartmental analysis and modeling was per-
`formed using WinNonlin Professional®.
`Results: Both BZ and PA displayed saturable, non-linear elimination, with a decrease in clearance with increased dose. During the
`bolus dose with continuous infusion regimen, plasma levels of both BZ and PA peaked at the end of the priming dose, and PA levels
`remained near peak for 5–9 h. In contrast, BZ plasma levels immediately fell following the priming dose, and became undetectable at
`14.1§ 4.2 and 26.8§ 2.3 h in the low- and high-dose group, respectively. The formation of HIP occurred more rapidly than that of
`PAG. For both PA and BZ, metabolite formation increased in a linear fashion with the dose.
`Conclusion: These data describe the pharmacokinetics of PA and BZ, and their respective metabolites, as observed in healthy
`adult volunteers, with the higher dose studied equivalent to that used to treat hyperammonemia. Dose optimization is required to
`maximize nitrogen removal, while minimizing the risk of toxicity, especially due to PA. Because of the slower elimination of PA, and
`the non-linear pharmacokinetic behavior displayed by both PA and BZ, only investigational protocol-speciWc doses should be used,
`and higher doses should be avoided unless blood level monitoring can be done promptly and frequently.
` 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
`Keywords: Ammonul®; Pharmacokinetics; Sodium phenylacetate; Sodium benzoate; Intravenous administration; Hyperammonemia; Alternative
`pathway therapy; Urea cycle; Adult volunteers
`investigational combination drug product
`(Ammonul®) containing 10% sodium phenylacetate
`(NAPA) and 10% sodium benzoate (NABZ) has been
`¤ Corresponding author. Fax: 1-212-543-5651.
`E-mail address: (R.B. MacArthur).
`1096-7192/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
`used for the intravenous treatment of acute hyperam-
`monemia in patients with urea cycle enzyme deWciencies
`since the mid-1980s. The product is diluted in 10% dex-
`trose and administered as a 90-min bolus dose infusion,
`followed by a 24-h maintenance dose. Both NAPA and
`NABZ remove nitrogen via alternate non-urea cycle
`enzymatic pathways, and are the only intravenous
`ammonia scavenger agents currently available for
`clinical use.
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`R.B. MacArthur et al. / Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 81 (2004) S67–S73
`In patients with limited or no urea synthesizing
`capacity, acute hyperammonemia is a medical emergency
`that can require multiple medical interventions depend-
`ing on severity, and including, dialysis, administration of
`ammonia scavenger agents and urea cycle intermediates
`(arginine or citrulline), protein restriction and high calo-
`ric intake to counteract catabolism. The speciWc regi-
`mens used vary with patient presentation and speciWc
`urea cycle enzyme deWciency, and comprehensive
`reviews are available [1].
`The individual pharmacokinetics of both NAPA and
`NABZ have been described in the literature [2–6], and the
`published pharmacokinetic parameters are summarized in
`Tables 1 and 2. To date, there has been no published work
`describing the pharmacokinetics of intravenous NAPA
`and NABZ, when co-administered in the same manner as
`Table 1
`Published pharmacokinetic parameters of sodium phenylacetate
`is currently used to treat hyperammonemia. To better
`understand the pharmacokinetics of this combination
`drug product, a study was undertaken in normal healthy
`volunteers utilizing the dosage regimen recommended for
`treating hyperammonemia in urea cycle enzyme-deWcient
`Study design
`This was a prospective, open-label pharmacokinetic
`study of intravenous NAPA and NABZ, administered to
`normal healthy volunteers. It was conducted at a single
`18 Adults with cancer
`17 Adults with cancer
`Route of administration and
`Intravenous NAPA at 125
`and 150 mg/kg, with some
`additional dose escalation
`Intravenous NAPA priming
`dose followed by prolonged,
`escalating continuous
`One-compartment model
`with Michaelis–Menten
`elimination noted that
`NAPA may induce its own
`elimination comparing day 1
`vs day 12–14 AUC
`Non-linear kinetics
`Parameter estimates
`Vmax D 29 § 6.3 mg/kg/h
`Km D 106§ 22 ♯g/ml
`Vd D 21 § 4.81 L
`VmaxD 24.1 § 5.2 mg/kg/h
`Km D 105.1§ 44.5 ♯g/ml
`Vd D 19.2§ 3.3 L
`Table 2
`Published pharmacokinetic parameters of sodium benzoate
`Route of administration and
`2 Patients with
`Oral NABZ 130 and
`150 mg/kg
`6 Healthy adult volunteers
`Oral benzoic acid at 3 doses
`(40, 80, 160 mg/kg) 3 way
`4 Neonates with
`Intravenous NABZ
`3.5 mmol/kg/day divided q6h
`Post absorption data
`One-compartment model
`with Michaelis–Menten
`One-compartment model
`with Wrst-order rate
`absorption and Michaelis–
`Menten elimination
`One-compartment model
`with Wrst-order elimination
`Assumed Wrst-order, one
`compartment elimination
`Parameter estimates
`Period 1
`VmaxD 152 ♯g/ml/h
`Km D 65.7 ♯g/ml
`Period 2
`VmaxD 90 ♯g/ml/h
`Km D 30 ♯g/ml
`VmaxD 101.9 ♯g/ml/h
`Km D 10.5 ♯g/ml
`40 mg/kg D 99.7 ♯g/ml
`80 mg/kg D 202.8 ♯g/ml
`160 mg/kg D 336.5 ♯g/ml
`Large inter-patient variability,
`low benzoate clearance associated
`with impaired renal function and
`Vd D 0.14§ 0.07 L/kg
`t1/2D 2.8§ 3.1 h (0.75–7.4)
`C1 D 1.00 § 0.61 ml/kg/min
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`R.B. MacArthur et al. / Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 81 (2004) S67–S73
`clinical research center, and was approved by the local
`institutional review board.
`Two volunteer cohorts were studied, each undergoing
`two separate treatment periods. The Wrst cohort (nD 3),
`during period 1, received 5.5 g/m2 of NAPA/NABZ as a
`90-min infusion, with blood sampling at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75,
`1.5, 2, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5, 10.5, 11.5, and
`12.5 h. After a one-week washout, during the second
`treatment period, a 90-min bolus dose of 5.5 g/m2 was
`administered, followed by a 24-h continuous infusion of
`the same dose. Blood was sampled at 0, 0.25, 0.75, 1.5,
`2.5, 4.5, 6.5, 8.5, 10.5, 12.5, 16.5, 25.5, 26, 26.5, 27, 27.5, 28,
`28.5, 29.5, 30.5, and 32.5 h. The second cohort of subjects
`(nD 17) underwent an identical sequence of drug admin-
`istration and sampling; only, in this group, a dosage of
`3.75 g/m2 was used for each of the combination drugs.
`Infusions were administered via a peripheral venous
`Sample handling and analytics
`Ten milliliters of venous blood was drawn into
`sodium heparin vacutainers. They were centrifuged at
`1600g at a temperature of 4 °C for 10–15 min. The
`plasma was separated into two storage tubes and frozen
`at ¡20 °C. Following precipitation with methanol and
`addition of internal standard the plasma samples were
`analyzed by reverse phase high-pressure liquid chroma-
`tography using ultraviolet absorption detection. For the
`analytes, phenylacetic acid, and benzoic acid, the calibra-
`tion curve ranged from 5.000 to 500.0 ♯g/mL, and for the
`metabolites phenylacetylglutamine (PAG), and hippuric
`acid (HIP) the calibration curve ranged from 5.000 to
`500.0 ♯g/mL.
`Pharmacokinetic analysis
`Ucyclyd Pharma (Scottsdale, AZ) supplied analyte
`concentration data as Microsoft Excel® 4.0 spreadsheets.
`Data were analyzed using WinNonlin Professional®
`(version 4.1). The concentration:time data for phenylace-
`tate and benzoate for each dose group (periods 1 and 2
`for each cohort) were analyzed using non-compartmen-
`tal methods, and the results are presented as treatment
`group means. For each active drug and its metabolite,
`the following model-independent parameters were calcu-
`lated: AUC, Cmax, and Tmax. Data from each cohort and
`treatment period were then modeled individually, using
`WinNonlin Michaelis–Menten model 302 (one-compart-
`ment with constant IV input and Michaelis–Menten out-
`put), with Wtting via the Gauss–Newton (Levenberg and
`Hartley) algorithm.
`The Wrst cohort of three volunteers received 5.5 g/m2,
`initially as a single bolus dose (period 1), and then as a
`bolus dose, followed by a continuous infusion (period 2).
`During the second treatment period, signiWcant nausea,
`vomiting, and somnolence occurred, and as a result no
`additional volunteers were treated at this dose level. The
`dose was then lowered to 3.75 g/m2; 17 volunteers
`received this bolus dose (period 1), and 14 of them
`received the combined bolus followed by the continuous
`infusion (period 2).
`Time–concentration curve graphs of the bolus dose
`followed by continuous infusion are provided for phen-
`ylacetate and PAG (Figs. 1 and 2), as are graphs for ben-
`zoate and HIP (Figs. 3 and 4). Non-compartmental
`analysis results for each compound and its correspond-
`ing metabolite are provided (Tables 3 and 4). Because
`the bolus dose followed by continuous infusion mimics
`the manner in which the drug is infused according to
`the investigational drug protocol, only these modeled
`data are presented here. Graphs of modeled data are
`provided (Figs. 5 and 6) for phenylacetate and benzoate
`Sodium phenylacetate and phenylacetylglutamine
`Following the bolus dose alone (period 1), plasma
`levels of phenylacetate peaked at the end of the 1.5-h
`infusion, with a maximum plasma concentration of
`2225 (§ 309) and 3022 (§ 220) ♯mol/L, in the low- and
`high-dose groups, respectively (Table 3).
`When the bolus dose was followed by a 24-h contin-
`uous infusion, a plateau phase was observed following
`Fig. 1. Mean phenylacetate and PAG plasma levels at the 3.75 g/m2
`dose level.
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`R.B. MacArthur et al. / Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 81 (2004) S67–S73
`Fig. 2. Mean phenylacetate and PAG plasma levels at the 5.5 g/m2 dose
`Fig. 4. Mean benzoic and hippuric acid plasma levels at the 5.5 g/m2
`dose level.
`Fig. 3. Mean benzoic and hippuric acid plasma levels at the 3.75 g/m2
`dose level.
`Fig. 5. Modeled phenylacetate concentrations at the 3.75 g/m2 and
`5.5 g/m2 dose levels.
`the end of the bolus dose, during which phenylacetate
`concentrations remained essentially unchanged for 5
`and 9 h, respectively. In the high-dose group, the mean
`Tmax occurred at 7.2 (§ 5.0) h, well after the initial bolus
`dose and Cmax was 2261 (§ 272) and 3422 (§ 365) ♯mol/
`L, in the low- and high-dose groups, respectively
`(Table 3). Thereafter, plasma level concentrations
`declined over the remaining 24-h period, during the
`ongoing continuous infusion. For phenylacetate, AUC
`increased disproportionately with dose, while this
`parameter for PAG was approximately dose-propor-
`tional (Fig. 7). PAG was not detected until 0.75 h after
`the start of the infusion, and plasma levels increased
`slowly, with Tmax occurring at 8.8 (§ 1.7) and 19.5
`(§ 5.2) h, in the low- and high-dose continuous infusion
`groups, respectively.
`Sodium benzoate and hippurate
`In all dose groups, peak plasma levels of benzoate
`occurred at the end of the 1.5-h infusion (Table 4). During
`period 1, Cmax was 2136 (§ 319) and 3444 (§ 286) and
`it was 2182 (§ 298) and 3746
`during period 2,
`(§ 593) ♯mol/L, in the low- and high-dose groups, respec-
`tively. Also, in all dose groups NABZ concentrations
`declined rapidly following Tmax, and approached the limit
`of detection in these treatment groups at 6.5 and 12.5 h,
`respectively (Figs. 3 and 4). In contrast to PAG, plasma
`levels of HIP were detectable at the Wrst sampling point,
`15 min following the start of the bolus dose, in all groups.
`As with PAG, the AUCs of HIP increased in proportion
`to the dose (Fig. 7), while the AUC for the parent drug,
`benzoate, increased disproportionately with dose. This
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`R.B. MacArthur et al. / Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 81 (2004) S67–S73
`Fig. 6. Modeled benzoic acid concentrations at the 3.75 g/m2 and 5.5
`g/m2 dose levels.
`Fig. 7. Comparison of parent drug and metabolite AUCs at each dose
`3.75 (n D 20)
`5.5 (n D 3)
`Table 3
`Pharmacokinetic parameters for PA and PAG determined using
`non-compartmental methods
`NAPA dose (g/m2)
`PK parametera
`Bolus Period
`Cmax (♯mol/L)
`Tmax (h)
`AUC (♯mol/L£ h)
`Cmax (♯mol/L)
`Tmax (h)
`AUC (♯mol/L£ h)
`2225 (309)
`1.7 (0.3)
`15004 (2445)
`281 (42)
`7.9 (0.9)
`2047 (300)
`3022 (220)
`1.7 (0.3)
`28156 (3791)
`3.75 (n D 20)
`5.5 (nD 3)
`Table 4
`Pharmacokinetic parameters for BZ and HIP determined using
`non-compartmental methods
`NABZ dose (g/m2)
`PK parametera
`Bolus period
`Cmax (♯mol/L)
`Tmax (h)
`AUC (♯mol/L £ h)
`Cmax (♯mol/L)
`Tmax (h)
`AUC (♯mol/L £ h)
`2136 (319)
`1.5 (0.0)
`4666 (859)
`351 (65)
`3.0 (0.5)
`1330 (278)
`3444 (286)
`1.7 (0.3)
`13216 (3827)
`435 (113)
`5.2 (0.6)
`2912 (257)
`Continuous IV infusion period
`Cmax (♯mol/L)
`Tmax (h)
`AUC (♯mol/L£ h)
`Cmax (♯mol/L)
`Tmax (h)
`AUC (♯mol/L£ h)
`NR, not reported due to limited 12 h sampling period.
`a Values are mean (SD).
`2261 (272)
`2.0 (1.1)
`25970 (5041)
`333 (50)
`8.8 (1.7)
`5099 (858)
`3422 (365)
`7.2 (5.0)
`61560 (7834)
`462 (58)
`19.5 (5.2)
`9213 (2120)
`Continuous IV infusion period
`Tmax (hr)
`AUC (♯mol/L £ h)
`Tmax (h)
`AUC (♯mol/L £ h)
`a Values are mean (SD).
`2182 (298)
`1.5 (0.0)
`5949 (1150)
`323 (69)
`3.4 (1.0)
`2666 (640)
`3746 (593)
`1.5 (0.0)
`20430 (7255)
`419 (120)
`5.8 (1.2)
`4725 (1284)
`relationship between sodium benzoate dose, plasma ben-
`zoate and hippurate, and urinary hippurate has been pre-
`viously described [5]. HIP concentrations reached Cmax
`more quickly than those of PAG, and appeared to plateau
`at 10.5 h during period 2, remaining at approximately
`0.2 ♯mol/L until the end of the continuous infusion.
`Modeled parameters
`Michaelis–Menten parameters for phenylacetate and
`benzoate derived from the continuous infusion regimens
`are provided in Tables 5 and 6. In the 5.5 g/m2 dose
`group, the following parameters (mean (SEM)) were
`derived for phenylacetate, Vd 10.27 (0.3439) L/m2, Vmax
`0.2780 (0.03046) ♯mol/m2/h, and km 67.55 (135.6) ♯mol/L,
`and for benzoate, Vd 9.722 (0.4179) L/m2, Vmax 0.7417
`(0.1064) ♯mol/m2/h, and km 304.1 (250.0) ♯mol/L. Similar
`values were computed for the respective lower-dose
`groups. The data Wt the model well. The largest variabil-
`ity in individual parameters was seen in Km.
`When used for the treatment of hyperammonemia,
`the objective of NAPA/NABZ therapy is to bind and
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`R.B. MacArthur et al. / Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 81 (2004) S67–S73
`Table 5
`Model-dependant PA pharmacokinetic parameters from continuous infusion regimens
`Dose (g/m2)
`Table 6
`Model-dependant BZ pharmacokinetic parameters from continuous infusion regimens
`Dose (g/m2)
`CV (%)
`CV (%)
`excrete as much nitrogen as possible, and as quickly as
`possible, in order to oVset excessive ammonia produc-
`tion, and to return ammonia levels to as near normal as
`possible. Therefore, the rate and extent of formation of
`the respective nitrogen-containing byproducts, PAG and
`HIP, becomes quite important. Also important is main-
`taining the plasma levels of phenylacetate and benzoate
`below the levels associated with toxicity, while providing
`enough of these scavenging agents to maximize waste
`nitrogen removal.
`Phenylacetate and benzoate clearance and toxicity
`These compounds have similar chemical structures,
`molecular weights (Fig. 8 displays the sodium salts), and
`solubility proWles. Initial peak levels achieved following
`Fig. 8. Chemical structures of sodium phenylacetate and sodium
`a bolus infusion are nearly identical, indicating that the
`volumes of distribution are comparable. The clearance
`of phenylacetate appears to be much slower and, unlike
`benzoate, clearance can become saturated at the plasma
`levels attained with doses used to treat hyperammone-
`mia. When used in oncology protocols, phenylacetate is
`administered as twice-daily bolus doses of 150 mg/kg,
`and one objective of therapy is to maintain serum
`concentrations above 1850 ♯mol/L (250 ♯g/mL). In this
`setting, grade 1 and grade 3 neurologic toxicities (som-
`nolence, fatigue, headache, lightheadedness, dysgeusia)
`have been associated with phenylacetate concentrations
`of 3694–7520 ♯mol/L [2]. Similarly, in our study, the
`high-dose regimen was poorly tolerated by the normal
`volunteers due to nausea, vomiting, and somnolence,
`and peak plasma phenylacetate concentrations ap-
`proached the lower end of the above range. Although
`patients may become more tolerant to repeat infusions,
`it is possible that keeping the plasma phenylacetate lev-
`els below those observed in the high-dose group would
`lessen the risk of these adverse reactions. Thus, adminis-
`tration of phenylacetate needs to be optimized to lessen
`the risk of attaining inappropriately high plasma phen-
`ylacetate levels, while maximizing its conversion to PAG.
`In contrast, benzoate was rapidly cleared, and plasma
`levels did not display a plateau phase. Information con-
`cerning the relationship between dose, plasma concen-
`trations and toxicity for benzoate is less available than
`for phenylacetate. Doses of sodium benzoate alone,
`above 500 mg/kg/day have been administered in a diVer-
`ent clinical setting for the management of seizures in
`non-ketotic hyperglycinemia [7]. Anorexia and vomiting
`were reported at “higher doses,” and renal tubular
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`R.B. MacArthur et al. / Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 81 (2004) S67–S73
`dysfunction, electrolyte abnormalities, and repeated
`nausea and vomiting were reported at doses of 900–
`1000 mg/kg/day. Whether, doses higher than 500 mg/kg/
`day (investigational day 1 dose for infants with hyper-
`ammonemia) may be safely given in light of benzoate
`pharmacokinetics remains to be determined. Such treat-
`ment would have to take place within the context of an
`investigational protocol with drug and metabolite
`monitoring. There may be other toxicities related to
`cumulative exposure, nutritional status, or concurrent
`phenylacetate administration that cannot be predicted.
`It seems that more benzoate could be administered,
`thereby, increasing the formation and clearance of HIP,
`and thus maximizing the therapeutic eVect. Dose optimi-
`zation is required however, and would depend on
`prompt availability of drug level monitoring.
`Metabolite formation
`HIP is the Wrst of the two ammonia-scavenger metabo-
`lites to be detected, and it appears to be both produced
`and excreted more rapidly than PAG. This observation
`still needs to be conWrmed, as urine collections were not
`performed in this study, and therefore, quantiWcation of
`metabolite excretion was not possible. A reasonable goal
`of therapy would be to alter the infusion rate of NABZ, so
`that more HIP is produced. This objective should be
`achievable, as elevated benzoate levels were not sustained
`for the full course of the continuous infusion, and HIP
`concentrations actually decreased during the continuous
`infusion. As such, optimization of the benzoate infusion is
`required, and the required studies need to include plasma
`and urine measurements of benzoate and HIP, to relate
`urine levels of HIP to the corresponding plasma levels and
`determine total body and renal clearance rates. PAG
`appeared to be formed at a slower rate, although this also
`remains to be conWrmed. Optimization of PAG formation
`is also required, especially as it binds two moles of nitro-
`gen for every mole of NAPA, making phenylacetate the
`more potent component of this two-drug regimen.
`Both NAPA and NABZ were infused into healthy
`volunteers in a manner similar to that followed when
`treating hyperammonemia in urea cycle enzyme-deW-
`cient patients. The pharmacokinetics of these infusions
`were characterized, and it appears that present dosing
`regimens need to be optimized to maximize the elimina-
`tion of waste nitrogen via PAG and HIP, and to keep
`phenylacetate and benzoate doses and plasma levels
`below those associated with toxicity. Dose optimization
`will require both plasma and urine measurement of the
`metabolites, and phenylacetate and benzoate. Additional
`work in treated patients will also be required to ensure
`that the results obtained in healthy volunteers are appli-
`cable to patients with urea cycle disorders.
`[1] M. Summar, Current strategies for the management of neonatal
`urea cycle disorders, J. Pediatr. 138 (Suppl. 1) (2001) S30–S39.
`[2] A. Thibault, D. Samid, M.R. Cooper, W.D. Figg, A.C. Tompkins,
`N. Patronas, D.J. Headlee, D.R. Kohler, D.J. Venzon, C.E. Myers,
`Phase I study of phenylacetate administered twice daily to patients
`with cancer, Cancer 75 (1995) 2932–2938.
`[3] A. Thibault, M.R. Cooper, W.D. Figg, D.J. Venzon, A.O. Sartor,
`A.C. Tompkins, M.S. Weinberger, D.J. Headlee, N.A. McCall, D.
`Samid, A phase I and pharmacokinetic study of intravenous phen-
`ylacetate in patients with cancer, Cancer Res. 54 (1994) 1690–
`[4] K. Oyanagi, Y. Kuniya, A. Tsuchiyama, T. Nakao, E. Owada, J.
`Sato, K. Ito, Nonlinear elimination of benzoate in patients with
`congenital hyperammonemia, J. Pediatr. 110 (1987) 634–636.
`[5] K. Kubota, T. Ishizaki, Dose-dependent pharmacokinetics of ben-
`zoic acid following oral administration of sodium benzoate to
`humans, Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 41 (1991) 363–368.
`[6] T.P. Green, R.P. Marchessault, D.K. Freese, Disposition of
`sodium benzoate in newborn infants with hyperammonemia, J.
`Pediatr. 102 (1983) 785–790.
`J. WolV, S. Kulovich, A. Yu, C. Qiao, W. Nyhan, The eVectiveness
`of benzoate in the management of seizures in nonketotic hypergly-
`cinemia, Am. J. Dis. Child. 140 (1986) 596–602.
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`LUPIN EX. 1004

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