I IIIII IIIIIIII Ill lllll 11111 1111111111 11111 1111111111 11111 IIIIII IIII IIII IIII
`US( Hl(, 77( l-J.(J8B2
`<1:) United States Patent
`(111) Patent �o.:
`1 +:'i J Date of Patent:
`US 6,770,498 B2
`Aug. 3, 2004
`(:'i+) !EI> PAC.K\C;E Al\11 THI· PROCESS
`lnvc:ntnr l'lll'ng-Hsiang H�u. raichun� (T\VJ
`,'\<.;s1,gll\'.cs: Ling\1.'11 Pn.-cision lndustril.',;, Ltd.,
`T:,idrnng (l'\V); Coko Holding\ LtcL
`Kwai ( hun� (IIK)
`\/t1I J<. C
`SubJc:Ct I<> :,ny discl,1i1m.:r. tb, t,nn nl.lhis
`pah.:nl 1, ,\tcnd,d ,,1 adjust<.:d ul)(kr y;
`U.S.!' 1:'i-l(h) hv Sh dav;,;
`(:I) Appl. 'J,, .. 10/263,SOS
`(kt."'· 2002
`1.::2) Fikd
`Prio1· Publication l>ata
`th 21111-!ilrnll,7�, -\I .Ian. I. 21114
`Foreign Applic:ition PrioritJ Hat:1
`Jnn 2t. �\ 11)�
`( J\V)
`•1111,•11-;s :\
`ll."i. Cl.
`.. -US/26. -n::, 2'J
`--11:-. 2<1. 27. 2k.
`(�ii) Fil'ld nf Sl•ardt
`+.'\1' 2<! • .1+: .:''i7 'J:-.. 1l<J, 100. 7!J. Kl. 7K7
`l2 J 1Ni Dt•irnn L'1 �,l.
`1 2 �no.� bt,k.i,,:a ,:1 u L
`' .�rn J...t ��,ng L'I al
`.;, _(lq.l.j}�(J(, i\
`h.h7fl.h4� B�
`,,_ 111,.11r,·> Ile
`,:il<:d hv c:xaminu
`····· .....
`. 2':'-7 1)1)
`2'.'7 7()
`l'n11wr\' l:x,1111i11,·r�',;m1 C r;111,
`(7--1) .\1/ornl'\' .. 1ge,11. 11r /in11�Hrowdy aud 'kinurk
`1'11c: pr.:scnt invcnti,m is t,, provide a pri,,·c:ss for lahriclling
`light 1,:mittint2. d11,,k (I .UJ) packagi:s. 1111.: pri,cc,, hi.:i!,ill�
`with " lir,1 ,kp "r pr,,vidmt'- ;1 platcl1kc lr.1m,.: having. a
`plurality uf i:c:lb, ,ai:h ul whid, ,, c'"lllJ'o""d ,,! a rnai111,la1t.;
`and ;i scparatc· ;,rm Sl'.:nndly. an I Ll'l diL: and a rclkc·ting
`ring :1r,· fl'spc:,·tivL·I\ mountc:d 1111 a lop surf'a,·,· ,it· ,·:id1 main
`plak such that th, die: i, h,,a11.:d at a ,.:c:111,1 of ti!<.: rclki:ting
`nng. \Jcxl. crnrnci:1 a cunduc:tivc ,1 ire hct\\u .. n a lop ,urran·
`11! rhc dic ,,nd :, t"P ,urlac, 11f t/JL �cpa1ak arm hy \\'lf'c
`h"nding kchniqu,· /\ml thL·n. mnld a dom,d tr,111,par,·nt
`l'ncapsulant lln c:ach 111' thl' l'cll, The ..:n,·apsul:ini c11,·ap-.u­
`l111c:, rb" dii.:. the: n:lk,:trng rin!c'- and th, conductive w1r1.. and
`""'' 1lic 111:,in plate ;1ml the �c·p11r;1tc arm. ,n1d lilb a ,pa1.·1..·
`hd\\i;cn the main pl:ik and thL sq1ar:1t, arm to r,·rnain th,tr
`,pa,'l:d apart. l'inallv, nit th,· fra1111.. accord111� lo Jhi: ,i1c· llf
`�a,·h c·dl, and thrn I .LI) packag<:., :in: nhtainlOd.
`5 Claims, S IJnrn ing Sht•l.'t�
`Stanley R. Shanfield Ph D
`Re:;orte1-:i,. \0 �aro"'elc1rev
`""1Pt-l CS--1�1<1;:i-1.
`Vizio, Inc. v. Nichia Corp.
`Case IPR2018-00437
`EXHIBIT 2034 - IPR Page 1


`<1:) United States Patent
`(111) Patent ~o.:
`1 +:'i J Date of Patent:
`US 6,770,498 B2
`Aug. 3, 2004
`I IIIII IIIIIIII Ill lllll 111111111111111 11111 111111111111111 IIIIII IIII IIII IIII
`US( Hl(, 77( l-J.(J8B2
`l'lll'ng-Hsiang H~u. raichun~ (T\VJ
`,'\<.;s1,gll\'.cs: Ling\1.'11 Pn.-cision lndustril.',;, Ltd.,
`T:,idrnng (l'\V); Coko Holding\ LtcL
`Kwai ( hun~ (IIK)
`SubJc:Ct I<> :,ny discl,1i1m.:r. tb, t,nn nl.lhis
`pah.:nl 1, ,\tcnd,d ,,1 adjust<.:d ul)(kr y;
`U.S.!' 1:'i-l(h) hv Sh dav;,;
`(:I) Appl. 'J,, .. 10/263,SOS
`1.::2) Fikd
`(kt."'· 2002
`Prio1· Publication l>ata
`th 21111-!ilrnll,7~, -\I .Ian. I. 21114
`Foreign Applic:ition PrioritJ Hat:1
`Jnn 2t. ~\ 11)~
`( J\V)
`ll."i. Cl.
`•1111,•11-;s :\
`.. -US/26. -n::, 2'J
`--11:-. 2<1. 27. 2k.
`(~ii) Fil'ld nf Sl•ardt
`+.'\1' 2<! • .1+: .:''i7 'J:-.. 1l<J, 100. 7!J. Kl. 7K7
`.;, _(lq.l.j}~(J(, i\
`h.h7fl.h4~ B~
`,,_ 111,.11r,·> Ile
`l2 J1Ni Dt•irnn L'1 ~,l.
`1 2 ~no.~ bt,k.i,,:a ,:1 u L
`' .~rn J...t ~~,ng L'I al
`·· ··· ... .. _1_-::,7,-,}I}
`. 2':'-7 1)1)
`2'.'7 7()
`,:il<:d hv c:xaminu
`l'n11wr\' l:x,1111i11,·r~',;m1 C r;111,
`(7--1) .\1/ornl'\' . . 1ge,11. 11r /in11~Hrowdy aud 'kinurk
`1'11c: pr.:scnt invcnti,m is t,, provide a pri,,·c:ss for lahriclling
`light 1,:mittint2. d11,,k (I .UJ) packagi:s. 1111.: pri,cc,, hi.:i!,ill~
`with " lir,1 ,kp "r pr,,vidmt'- ;1 platcl1kc lr.1m,.: having. a
`plurality uf i:c:lb, ,ai:h ul whid, ,, c'"lllJ'o""d ,,! a rnai111,la1t.;
`and ;i scparatc· ;,rm Sl'.:nndly. an I Ll'l diL: and a rclkc·ting
`ring :1r,· fl'spc:,·tivL·I\ mountc:d 1111 a lop surf'a,·,· ,it· ,·:id1 main
`plak such that th, die: i, h,,a11.:d at a ,.:c:111,1 of ti!<.: rclki:ting
`nng. \Jcxl. crnrnci:1 a cunduc:tivc ,1 ire hct\\u .. n a lop ,urran·
`11! rhc dic ,,nd :, t"P ,urlac, 11f t/JL ~cpa1ak arm hy \\'lf'c
`h"nding kchniqu,· /\ml thL·n. mnld a dom,d tr,111,par,·nt
`l'ncapsulant lln c:ach 111' thl' l'cll, The ..:n,·apsul:ini c11,·ap-.u(cid:173)
`l111c:, rb" dii.:. the: n:lk,:trng rin!c'- and th, conductive w1r1.. and
`""'' 1lic 111:,in plate ;1ml the ~c·p11r;1tc arm. ,n1d lilb a ,pa1.·1..·
`hd\\i;cn the main pl:ik and thL sq1ar:1t, arm to r,·rnain th,tr
`,pa,'l:d apart. l'inallv, nit th,· fra1111.. accord111~ lo Jhi: ,i1c· llf
`~a,·h c·dl, and thrn I .LI) packag<:., :in: nhtainlOd.
`5 Claims, S IJnrn ing Sht•l.'t~
`Stanley R. Shanfield Ph D
`12 1912018
`Re:;orte1-:i,. \ 0 ~aro "'e l c1rev
`""1Pt-l CS--1~1<1;:i-1.
`VIZIO Ex. 1030 Page 00001
`EXHIBIT 2034 - IPR Page 2


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 3, 2004
`Sheet 1 of' 8
`US 6,770,498 B2
`providing a platclikc frame
`l_ attaching LED dies on the frame
`~, - --- - -
`molding reflecting rings on the frame
`connecting the dies to the frame by
`bonding wires
`~ - - - -- - - ___'!_ _
`- ~-
`molding encapsulants on the Iran~
`..-L - - = ---=
`cutting the frame to packages
`FIG. ·1
`VIZIO Ex. 1030 Page 00002
`EXHIBIT 2034 - IPR Page 3


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 3, l004
`Sheet 2 of 8
`US 6, 770,498 B2
`VIZIO Ex. 1030 Page 00003
`EXHIBIT 2034 - IPR Page 4


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 3, 2004
`Sheet 3 of' 8
`US 6,770,498 B2
`FIG. 3
`1 9
`FIG. 5
`t .. O
`1 9
`FIG 7
`FIG. 9
`VIZI O Ex. 1030 Page 00004
`EXHIBIT 2034 - IPR Page 5


`U.S. Patent
`Sheet -1 of 8
`US 6,770.498 B2
`' /
`VIZIO Ex. 1030 Page 00005
`EXHIBIT 2034 - IPR Page 6


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 3, 2004
`Sheet 5 of 8
`US 6,770,498 B2
`I t
`.. /
`/ /
`VIZIO Ex. 1030 Page 00006
`EXHIBIT 2034 - IPR Page 7


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 3, 2004
`Sheet 6 of' 8
`US 6, 770,498 B2
`VIZIO Ex. 1030 Page 00007
`EXHIBIT 2034 - IPR Page 8


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 3, 2004
`Sheet 7 of 8
`US 6,770,498 B2
`VIZIO Ex. 1030 Page 00008
`EXHIBIT 2034 - IPR Page 9


`U.S. Patent
`Au~. 3, 200.:t
`Sheet 8 of 8
`US 6,770.498 B2
`FIG 11
`FIG 12
`VIZIO Ex. 1030 Page 00009
`EXHIBIT 2034 - IPR Page 10


`US h.770AlJ8 132
`Th, pr.;,,111 Hl\'<:llliun 1\:L.1,, gcn,rnllv tu phnt11ck.:1ri.:
`,1.·mictomlu.:!1.\1. :ind more panic·ularlY lo :, proc·,s, i"or J"aJ,.
`ric-ating :1
`light ,milling dii•tk (LLD) packagc-
`,truclur, nl the LLD pa.:kagc
`B,\CK(;JWL\JD ()I Tl IL IJ\VL:--J Jl()\J
`sl,,ping inn<.:rsurfa,·c. :tnd thc d1,· is p<1siti"m:d in lhL· ,·cntu
`,,f th, rdkctrn,; ring ',tq1 ( · C"onni:,;t th<.: uth<.:r ,kc1n,d, on
`..r !Pp ~urLr.;1. (Jr th, die: t,, a 1<1p surfac..- of lh, ,i.:par<1lt: arm
`1,·11h a cnmluctiv, wire: hy mc:m, t1fwiri: hondrng t,drniquc.
`Sl.:p D. 1·llrm .rn ..:111.·apsul:,nt on ,;,ch cc:IJ ,,r lhL· t'r,1m,· with
`cpoxv resin hv mc·an:-. 111' th, mnlding lcdmiquc, wh,rein the
`c1K:1p,11lant i:nc:,psul:i1cs tllL die. the: r,lkcting rin,; and till;
`,;"11<lu,·1iv, w1rc·. and ,;o\·c·r, th, main plate and lhc sqiarat,
`arm .. ,ml als,, !ills llw ,pan' hdwn:n th,· main plak and !ht
`" ~c:par:,h: ,irm to r,·rn;1in !heir ,1ian:d .ip:1rl in opplls1lc n.:la(cid:173)
`tion,hip. Addi1i1111,dlY. th<.: cnc·ap,ulanl h:r, a t,,p dt>mclikc·
`tho: pl:i!dik,· I ram,, ,11IN:m1ially
`( ·u1
`p1utrn,inn. :-.1cp L
`ac·,;unling 1" th, ,11,· ofo:ad1 ,,I the c·,lh 'itlch that a plur:din
`"r I .LI) pack,1gcs arc: ma,k
`HRILJ IJLS< l{ll'Tl( J\J 01 IIIL l>R1\Wl"lliS
`!·)(, I I' ,I n,m ,hart shmving ,I pro,·,,, 1,,r rahric"i1ting
`I LI) pad;;i,,'.c·, ul :, prc:lc:rr.;d cmhndirrn.:nt in ,1ccurdanc,
`with lhc· pr,,cnT i11vrn1H,11;
`l ]( i l sh11w, ,o:mi-lini,hnl I LD pacbg,, t1f the lir,1 s.kJ'
`:ic·ctlrding lo ll(i L
`1:1i:; 3 is a cruss-"'clinnal vio:w takl·n al,,ng th1.· Ji10:,·ti,i11
`iml ic·a11.:d h\' Lhe· lin, 3--3 as shown in I I Ci. 1;
`l·J(; 4 shmv,, ,,·mi-linisho:d I .LI) pad .. ag1."- uf the ,cc·1.1ml
`,tcp .i,'c:<>rdi1112. lo I"!( i I;
`l·l<i. 5 i»" <:n>ss-,L'<.'tional vi,\\ t:,k,n ,d,1J1g Ille dir<.:<:ti,,n
`imlica1nl hy th, lin, 5-5 as :shown in I It 1. 4,
`I ]( i 6 sht1ws ,,mi-finished l Lil pao.:kag"" pf thc I bird
`stq, ,iccnrding tn J'I( i. L
`I It i 7 is:, eniss-"'c·tiun:il, ic\\· taken ,tlnng li1c dirccti,,n
`indica11.:d hv th, linl' 7-7 ·" ,-;ht>wn in l·I(,. 6.
`J,I(;_ S show;, so:m1-lirnshcd I .LI) p:1ckagc, nl !he founh
`s!cp a,'c:urding lu I'!( i L
`J l(i 9 is. :1 c'l"''·'-L"<.'!Jllll:d vie·\\· lahll along rile dirccti,,11
`indic:11,d hy lh, lino: 9-~9 :1, shown in I·!(,. S.
`l·](i 10 shows ,c·m1-linishnl I.Lil pJckage, ol th, llfLh
`slcp a,Yonling lo J'I(; I.
`I· I ( i 11 1s a cTos,-,a·t1unal \'iL·\\ t.tKL'll alt >Ilg till' dirc·,·tion
`indic·.110.:d hv the !inc 11-11 :ts ,h,11\11 in llli 10; and
`l !(; 11 ,t1mv, " liuisllo.:d I LD pao.:k,tgc nl tile l'ft.:krn.:d
`unhndirncnl of" tl!c prc»L'lll 1nv,nti«n.
`l>Ll:\l!Lll DLSCRIPTIClJ\ <JI Till
`I\J VL\J l!O'.\I
`1\ <:<>ll\',lltioiwl l:11np-1ypcd I LI) p:,..·kag, J'- rn:,dc hy th,
`f,,Jh,wing pruc,,s. 1·irs1ly. pr,wiJc a i'r:11111. mcidc .,f :in
`c:kclricalh- c, ,ndu1.·11,·1.· rn1.·.1al. I he i'ram1.· has a numhns ,,r
`pairs uf leads :manged para lk l and i111n1.·on11.;c'l.;d with ca1.·h
`, ,th,r, 1hro>1tgh a ,;n,,.._ h:1r Lad1 pair <.11 k:n.l, i., ,,rv,d :1, :,
`p,,..,iriv.: puk and a ilL,,'.illJVc: pok nf 011.; l Lil pa,:kag,. ( ln
`.. n, ,ii rh1. P"ks. ,_!.,ncr.dlv th1.· ncgalJ\'c pole. a he,,, t-sh.1p,d
`rc1.·c,, Lklining a rcll,xling ;,urfa1.·1.· r,,r r1.lk1.·1ing light i;,
`l11nnnl. \kxl. :,n LL!) d11: i, a11ad1,d nn ;1 br,tl,,rn c,f tlK
`hawl-sh:,pcd rcc·css .,f c:a,·h ncgati\\: pok hy an ,k,·tri,';dl)
`<.<H1d11<:1ivo.: adlrc,iv,. ,·.~-
`,iiv1:1 adh,;,jvc. suo.:h
`that an
`:'<,l-ckctrudc ul· 1h1,; 1.LD Zli" j.., ,kc·lric·allv c·ornK1.·t.:d lo th,
`n,,gativc pole. Then. ,l P-ckc·trodc nt' c:tL·h 1.L!) die
`c:k,·rri,·,dly <:t•llnc,'[c'(l (,1 the t11lle r kad. i.,. the p11,i1 i\'L p,,k.
`1l11<1U;!,h a g11ld \\'Jr< h1· wm -h.,nding ic:<:lmilJu,· lh 111,au,
`Pl a rrn1ldi11g ILL'i111iquc:. Ilic. l LI) d11.·, arc· thc·n rc,pcctivd1·
`cnc:,,,,d hv ,1 dumc:-shapcd c:p,,~\' fLSin c1K,£J1Sttl.rnl wi1h lh,
`£11l'tcdJic kads J':lrli:dh
`j'Wjcct111g llUI
`,if lh, fl·~pc:divt·
`,ncapsulant aml th<. n,,,, h:1r i, <.:\J«>"cd ,,ut-,i,k ihe ,1k·ap(cid:173)
`j.., <:lll 1,, nhtain a numh,·r" c,J
`,11l:rnts. f'i1wlly, th, ,;r,,,,, h:11
`I LD pa,-hagcs.
`( ,>lllj':trcd with ,11hn lighting dcv1c·c,. ,ud1 a, lluon:scL'nl
`b111ps and inc.,ntk,,·,·111 1:tmp,, 1h1,; heal crnill,·d ll\ ihc: I .LI)
`pa<.kagc i, I<>\\, hul :1 cnl.iin :11n11un1 ul lht: h1eat. which i,
`g,ncr:11,d whik tho: I LI l di,· glnws by the ck:ctri<:it\ nf from
`1c:11~ 1.o l111ndr,d, <>f rnillia1ripl'1\;~. j, a m,1_i"1
`i":1<:1<,r r,sullt.:d
`m LhL· da111ags ,il Lh,· I LD pal'l,a!,!l' AL·,·urdinglv. the: prc,rnL
`rL·~l'.:1n.:h ~rnd in1pro\·t·mu11 is a1sti [ih.:u,cd un n.:dul·in~ 1h1..·
`h,:;11 .:,'.l'llcrah:d hy the I ED dil'. A, Jar a, th, ft11\:go111g pri"r
`;irt I Lf) p:1.:k:1:;c 1, '-'"11<.'l'rnvl, t!H. d,, 1, ,ncap,ubtl'd m thc:
`"l'"'-~' ,nc·,1p,ulan1, \\hic·h 1hcr111al 1.·!lnduc1iv1tv 1,: p<H>r. amt
`Lhc c·on1a1.·L area hdw1.:c·11 Lill' ,lie :tnd nnc t1! Lhc: k:1d,- is
`,-.111,rll. l!<:si,k,. a pn,1rudcnl purnon ul the leads Plll pf !ht: -
`1:n,·:1psul:in1 i, ,n 1111: ,ha1', ,,I" a thin har. ,u that Th, th,rmal
`l'"nductivitv ,,J
`Ille" ahnn:-m,nt,oni:d ,·c,1l\·,11ri11n:d LLD
`pad,agc i ... \Cf\ por,r amt t'unhn i111pniH·1111;111 i, n:quircd
`',llM'.\,L\HY 01 Till l~VLJ\ !'IOI\
`J>ri111ar1, "hjcc'livc· ,,f thl f'J"1.'Sllll
`is {o,
`l'f• 1\"1dc ;1 pn,.:c,, 1·.,1 L,bric:11in,2, I LU p;,,:ka:;,,. \\ ilcr,hv a
`hL·ll<.:r thi:rn1alh <:"nd11,ti\'<.: and d111ahk LLD pa<:b~·ss ar<.:
`lhl' pr,·scnt
`the forL·gning uhjcc·li\l'
`·1,, ac·hic,·c
`I LI) packages
`th, prucl'Ss fur !"ahric·a1111g
`invol,·cs the f,,llo\\lllg ,1c·p:-.
`',lt;p ,'\· 1'n1\·i,k ,1 pl:ttclih:
`lr:imc 111:1,k «I an ck,·1ricallv ,r,ndu-=ti,, rn,t:d. I he rramc·
`lia," pl11r:rli1, ,,J c,lk ,;:,,·Ii.,,· wh1c:h HJo.:imk, a rn:irn pl:ik
`1.1ntl a 'Lp~1r~1ll' ~1rn1. and n1.1 1..'l1n11u ... ·1ii1n hut ~1
`..... paL·1.: bt:l\\\.'l'£1
`rile 11ui11 ['l:tic :llld the sq1ara11e ..irrn. Srq, ll: :\!lad, an I LI)
`die nil:, ,,,p surr:i-·, ,,r ,·acll £11:,in pL,te nl th, lr:11Hc· S(l :1s 1,,
`l'ic,·tri.:,dly ,·<JllllLL"l :111 ,kclr",k 11n :r 1,.,11,,111 ,i(k ol th, di<:
`1,, th, 111ai11 pl:110.: Mnr,;rl\·t.:1, J'o>!'lll :1 1cll,,;1ing ring LIil <.::id,
`rnain pbk "ith" m,,]dmg kdrn,qu,. 1d1l'f,1n th, rclkc·ting
`rim; 1, m:1de nl "f'aqu,· whnc pl.ts11c and has :in up,, :1rd
`l'h,· prcli:1Tcd .:mhllllimrnt nf th, prc'L·nt invcn1iun i, 1,,
`li>1 bhri.::1ti11g "ilitc l LI) pa,·J..a,10.:s.
`pwvi,k :, pn•<-·cs,
`'" (!£11\t.:\·u. it i, I" he umlustrn,d thal tl,i, 1•r11.:,,, c':n, he·
`applied l" mah anv kind uf th, l .LI) l;1111p pac:kago.:,.
`Rekrririj.! 1,, J'I(;_ I. :r Ihm L'h,1rl uf :1 fahric:auv, J'flK'o:s, o!
`Iii, prt.:,cll! i1l\'<:llti<>n ino:ludcs ,i, ,1t;p, ,,f pl,11,-like· fr:lln,·
`111,•\'idill,,'., die h"ml1n.~. 1dkL'till,,'. ring llJ(lld1ng. wire
`,, hondrng. c11L:1p,11Lint muldinl',. and <-Ullmg. !"he ,kt:,ils of
`the s1q,, will he 1llu,Lr,.1L,·d 11<.:rc'undn with the ac·companv(cid:173)
`ing dr·a\\ rn;c,;,.
`Stq, I Rde-rring tn I l(;S.1-3. l1rsth. pr.,vick a pl:ilc:-lik,
`t'r:unc 10. whid1 i:-.:-.11h,tantially rcc:t:.mgk and h:.,, :11'l111:di1v
`,.,, ,,r cell., I)
`riK <:ell, II. c:1d1 11r \\ilich h,1, ·' plur:1l1l\' ,,j
`npt·ning.~. :trl' \V1..:ll pt1~1til)nn.l 1n an arr~rngL·ml'nt 1.1t' rnatrix.
`l\,tmc:lv. the ,·1. ll, 11 :1rc: ,11rr\lu11tll'll hv kt'! :1ml right latn,il
`-.,des. \\hi,·il :rr.: ,klincd '" 111,, J.,ngit11dl1l;d l:itc:ral hc,rs 11.
`,idc,. \\hi,·11 arc· do.:!in.:d
`'" tw,,
`11,ms,crsal l:,tcr:,1 hars IJ. \\ licrcin t::idl ul tlK c'cll, 11 ,,
`,'"flll'arkd h, a pl11r.rl1t1· ,,!' ln11g,1udi11:d di,·1din;: h:1r,-. I~ and
`tran-.;,·,·r,.tl d1vidt11,.!. har, 15 1'11, 11pL·nrn;;_,-; nl th,· 1.·L"II 11 arv
`VIZIO Ex. 1030 Page 00010
`EXHIBIT 2034 - IPR Page 11


`US h.770A9X U2
`alil,i: in ,hap..:. tint i,. th..: c·c:11 11 h;i, a n.:cLangk main plak
`16 ,11 ,, .:..:nt..:r th..:r..:<>1. and 1wo hr1dg,s 17 r,~pc:i:ti\'cly at 1w1.1
`c'<.:!11..:r, o!'th..: 11pp..:r and th..: l,,w,r i.tkral sid1es t<> ..:,11111,~·1 th,
`111am plak 16 and the· tra11sv..:rs.1l di\·i,lim; har 15 ur the
`1ransvnsal lat,r,il hars 13. ,tml an e·,Lc:mlin\! arm Iii at till'
`rniddk 111 ri;lll lat<:ral ,id, ,,r th, ,c:11 11 tu ~.;,nn..:,t th..: main
`plal, 16 and th, lungitudin,tl di\'iding h,,r~ I~ nr tile· lungi·
`tudinal l.1tnal har, 12. ,ind an ,i.:p,1rak arm 19 at th.: midtlk
`latn:tl si1k n!' !ht u:11 11
`, ,f kfl
`t,, c,,nm'.l't onlv the
`Jon\!it11dinal dividin>! h;,r I~ or the: l<>n\!itudin:tl lah.:r;,l l;,ir 12
`h111'111 be: spa..:,d :"tp:1r1 from I h,· m;11n- pl:tt.: 16.
`S!,p ~ Rd..:rrin):! 111 l·l<iS. ~-5, a whit, LLD dtc: 20 i~
`hllmkd 011 a top suri'ac·.: ol' t·a,·h lli' the main pla1c~ 16 ,,(' th,·
`lr:irne 10 hv mean, ,,r sil\'t'r adh,·siv,s (nut slll\wn ). Th,· die:
`20 h:1,, :; ho1t11rn tn he smu1_1thly h11mkd on th<: l<>p surfa-:..:
`",.: nwin pLit, 16 ,ud1111:it an ,;k,·trud, pusili.,11<:d (>1l til1:
`hutlom ni' the .Ji,, 20 dircl'tlv ,kl'lrk·ally ,:onta,·ts the main
`plat, I 6 hy ni<.::tm, ui' till' ,ilvl'r ;idhc,iVL l'kasc: 1111k !hat the
`l LI) di, 20 is;, prior .,rt. whie·h t:pitaxv ,1n1,tur.: Jnd hi>\\
`tu gl11\\'
`:1n.: irn.:kvan1 t(, th, pri.;~,·nt
`inv,·ntinn. will nnt
`[11 additiun, 1hc ti.:drniq11,; 111' di, hnndillg
`n.:,itcd t[i.:rc:ii't,1
`is ;,Js,1 a pnor Jrl.
`Stq,-' Rdi.,rring I" J'JCS. 6- 7. 1,,rm a ri.:llcctmg ring 30.
`whid1 is h,,ntkd "n ,·.,,·I, Pi' the main plat,·, 16 pj' th,· !'ranic(cid:173)
`!O. with pl;islic: m:11criab hi' mc:in, ,,r inic,ti11n rn,1ldin;;
`kdrniqu,;. ·111e n.:Ilcc·ting rint! JO, \\'hich a~ial hciglll i,
`alm11,t the -.:1111,; wi!h ih,· die:·, 20 ,md which i:, nuJ,· "r
`opaque \,h1tc makrial. ~urrounJ, 1h, die· 20 and ha, an inncr
`,urla,;c 31. whid1 i, a ,l<lp, fo,;ing 1qmard with an ,mgk ()f
`lo> rc!kcl the light ..:mitte·d hy 1h, di..: 10. [ 1Jrthcr. t,,
`.JS 0
`LIL·ilit:it, the 111olding 11p..:r:11i,1n. the 11ciglih,,ring rdk..:·tin;
`ring~ 30 rn lhe ,am,· rtl\\ arc· e·t,nn.:,·t,·d wilh a ,Pnn,·ctin_g har
`32. whid1 is muuntccl nn lh, bridges 17 ui' the I ra111c· 10. l'h,·
`:ipplic:a111 would like 10 ,;l;1rify th.ti the ,t,p J ,·;in he prior tc•
`sh.;p 2, i ,·., lurm th,· rdk-:1ing ring 30 on the franK 10 lit~I.
`:111d th,11 hund lht. dil' 20 un the· m;iin j'l:t!t·
`S!c,p '1: R, fcrring lo /·I(;~. S-9 . ,;onn.;,·t J l,>p ,urfJn· lll'
`th, die: 20 Ill :1 lnp ,urfan· uf tile: -.c·par:11,, arm 19 ul' rhc: ..:di
`LI witli ;, guld ..:,H1du,·1iv, \Vire -10 of 1J<J'·i ,\u by \\-if"
`h11mling k'chniquc ,,u,;11 that !ht· rith,r ..:k,·trod, l'"'itiun,·d
`on 1h,· tl'p surlaci.: lll' 1h,· di,: 20 can he: ,·lcclrie·:tlh· cutmc'l'll.'.d
`\\ ith th, ,c:par.ik :1rm 19.
`Step": lh:krrin~ '" 1 ·1(;S. I(~ 11. Jnrm an cn,·ap,ttlant 50
`!Ill ..::1d1 ol 1hc: c:clb 11 "r Ille· t'r;1t11L 10 with cpoX)' rc:,in hy
`, 111 lhe iniei.:rinn illllldirlg IL:-:lrnique. TIK ,rn.:aps11la111 -'
`50 !Ja, :, rc:ct:111>'.k hasc: 51. which c11rrc:,pC1t1d., 111 th, ,-.:JI 11
`111 si1., and lill., !Ill' r,pening, ,,I th,· ,·di 11 and c'(l\'l'fS th.:
`,-.urf:cc·,· t1l th.: l'r;,nll' 10 with;, pre·lk·tc:rminc:d thid,n,,-., ,'\II
`the h;1s,-. 51 uf th..: ..:nc·;q,,ulant, 50 :ire· it1tc;gr;i1c:d r"gc-th,r
`inili:illl. "'1 th:it the uh.:;ips11J;1n1,. 50 not CJlli)' ,·ll\',f Ille: main '"
`J'l:t!t:, 16. Lhc· hriJgv, 17. the· c \11:ndin_g ;,rrn, IN and !ht·
`:-,cp.,rak ;irms 19111'th,· ,·db 11 hut als,, the di,·1cli11~ h;irs 1-1
`,111d 15 "I 1hc: lr;,mc· IO. In this c:mh11d1111..:nt ol lill' l'rcsc·nt
`lram.: IO :inti
`tl1c· h;1sc: 51 1, higher lhan 1l1c:
`,uli,ta111iallv :1, hi>'.il as th..: rdk,·ting rill):! -~O
`!'Ill· ,·r1l':tp,u-
`I.1111 50 h:i, ;1 t,,p d11111dil;L' pn1tru,1'1n 52. whic:h is l,x;1kd ,111
`Lile l"J' 11f the b:t'-l: 51 and int,.:srakd \\ ilh lht: h,1'-l: 51 . .iml
`nnt 1111ly ,n,::qis11L11,·, the· die 20. th<.: rc!lc_-ii11g rrns .,o. and
`.:«11d11c1iw \\'1r, -IU ,1n !he i:,11 11
`to m:ii1ll:1111 th,
`m.:,h:i1u,m nl' 1hc di, 20 .111d 1" pr..:\'l:111
`\\:,lcr lrorn
`1111il1rat1un. hut "'"1 r,·lkl'ls !he' li~ht ,mit1,·d hi' the dt,· .20
`thr,,ugh 1h, inn.:r ,-,urf:1e·c 31 Ill 1h,· rc:Jh:c·ting ring 30. In
`:J1ld1iillll, 1h,· l'll,:l)hlllanl :-0 i, an i11.,1da1,,r.
`S!c:p 11: t'ul the· fr:1111, 10 a,.:c-Clnline>. 111 th, "Ill' ,,1· cach «I
`111, ,·ell II. c1r ,nwlk1. hv ,.:u11in;,: ,1111 1h..: f;,kral b;,r, 12 :,11(1
`L~ and the· dividin~ lnrs I~ aml 15 ol· th, !'ram,· IO sud·1 th:11
`I LI'> 11,1d,;i;!,c·, 60 arc 111.cdc· .
`Rc:krrm~ 1<1 IJ(;s. 11 - 1.2. the: I LD 60 l'Kka~,· nude h,
`th, forcg,.1ine>. f:thri..:ativc pr11.:c:ss ,1ruc·1urally in,;!udi.:s a lir~1
`tc:r111inal 70, :1 si.:cnnd tcrrni11:tl l<O. tile' I .LI) di, 20. the·
`r<:lke·ting ring 30. !he rnnduc·1iv, wir, ~II. and the .:nl'ap(cid:173)
`,ul:1n1 50. Tbs: lir,t 11:rrnin:,l 70 i, 1,,rn1<:d hv the main pl.11,·
`lb. the c-xt.:ndi11~ :uni Iii )c,-:11kd at a ri\!llt side ur th, 111:,in
`plate- 16, and th..: hridgcs 17 rc,p<,:,;\ iv, J~· T,,,;;tt,d at upp..:r and
`111\--c·r .,ide·s uf th,· 111:cin pl,11..:, 16. ,'\ddilionallv. lhe lii,,t
`1,·rn1in:il 70" made <>i' an dn·trii::tll\' e·p11Jucti,·c ·me·tal. The
`-<c:,·r,mJ 1,r111i11:d SO. whid1 is the: '-"1iar:,1e· ;11111 19. 1, l,,..-:11.:d
`,1 11 kit ,idc: of !he tir,t tl'Tmin:d 70 ,ind ,pa,·..:d an "l'J'fl•(cid:173)
`priatc: distan,·c: ap:Jrl frc,m th,· lir,t krmin,d 711 and m:idt.: "r
`th..: -.:1mc: e·ln·1riL'allv .:ond11,tivc· mdal J'lie I LI) di.: 20 has
`a h1>t1,1rn, whid1 is :-,fftc.1othly h,,nd,d i., ;i t"P .,urfo..:..: ,,1 tile
`111.iin pl,11c: (ti nl' 1h, lirst icrminal 70 sul'ii thal an ckc.:1n,di:
`al the hullom ul the· I.LI) di,· 20 i~ c:Ju·11·i,·:tllv ,·llnnc:L'i<.:d L<>
`th,.: lirst t,,rrninal 70. Tht· rc:lkctin~ rin\! 30. ~vhid1 is made·
`,,fan c,paqu, white· plastic n1:11c:rt:,1. ;; 1111,kkd on tbc: tllp
`surfa,:c ,,! th(: rn:iin phi<.: 16 ot'thc: Jirst 1i:rmin:tl 701)\ 1111:,tns
`,d-Lhe in1"·1inn molding kchniqu, and .,urn,unds 1h~ Jil' 20
`2" and has Lhc innl'f surLc,e· 31 lac:mg ll/H' ard as a sI11pc. l'hc
`-:nndu,·ti,·,· wirl' 40 is l'<lfllh:l'lt.:d hCl\\'ccn !l1t· "th,r ck:..:tw,k
`,·1J th,· '"P ,uri'an ,,r th, die 20 and the t.11' s11rL1-:c ul th<.:
`,,,:c,nd 1nminal SO. The ,•n,;;1psubn1 50. whid1 malni;,l i,
`th.: insubtc:d l'f't>XI' r..:sin "'ith hi!!,h trcin~p:tr,11,·,·. cn,·ap,11-
`lat..:'- thc: die· 20. the 1dk..:tin,! rill\! 30. and th, ,ondu,·ti\'e
`"ir,· -10. t\tldiric,n:tll~ ... !he: h;;." ~·1 "1· the rnc;ip~ulant 50
`c·nvei,, the· 1,1p ,uri'ac·c c,/ th,: lirst luminal 70 ;ind the ,t·cund
`terminal NO and lil!, the: ),.pa,·,· thc:rc:h,tw,Tn Lo remain two
`tc:nninals 70 ;,nd NO sp,H:<.:d apart in oppc,si1e· rchtii>nship.
`Tli,· '"P ,,r the CtH.:apsul:tnt ~o JS l'c,nn,d a, th..: dc,mc:d
`prntrusiun 5.2. \\ .. hen till' I .LI) pa,·k:isc 611 is 111 USL, gc:ncrallv
`take: till' Jirst krmin:il 70 as jl(lSJti\'<.: e·kc·trnd,· and the scc,,nd
`termin:tl SO "" negative: ekL'lr,itk ,u,;h 1h:11 the: I .LI) di~ 20
`,, ch:1rgc:tl lff rile: c:kclric:ity tc, ,-111;1 wlli1c: ltec",111
`l'llc: ernith.:d
`\\'hik li!!.111 j, 1hu1 tdkct..:d rr,,m !he· 1nn..:r surface.: 31 ,,I' !he
`rclln·ting ring 30 lo Ilic· d,inh:-sh;,p,:J pmtrusion ,,! th,
`l.'ne:ap,111:lll\ 50.
`/\s a ,·onc·Jusion. ihc: 1.LD d1,· 20 has ~ ho11um hc:1n.:
`',fll(J11ihly hnmkd 1111 !he 1"1' ',llrl';,c, .. r th, rnc:1,dli, niai:1
`.;« phik 16. su 1hat 1h, cuni:,,;t :m,;, hc:twc:,n th, die 20 and the
`main plat,· 16 i~ prd'nahlv l:,rgc . \1uruwer. the: rna;n pL,tc
`16, mnrc· pr..:,isc:lv, !he lir,1 tc·nnin:cl 70 has" l:ir\!c hott,.1111
`'" he: Juia!I~: cxp11,cd ,1u1,i,k, ,o tb:11~ the bc;11
`gene-r:it<.:d hy the die 20 c;1n I>, ,:nml11c'lcd tc, th~ lirs1 1..:rn1i1wl
`70 and fllrlhc:r c, ,1Jdu<:tc:d 1111\si(k Ir, lllt !he h, ,11,·1in suri'a..:c: nt'
`Ilic· lirsl t,·rrninal 70 whil..: thl' 1.LD p:id,a)!s 60 i, chargnl.
`I hcTdur,·. till' 1 LI) pacL,ge· (,O ,,i !he· prt·s,·111 inwntion i,
`pn1,·idc:d with c-xc·elknt dlici, ncy .-1f th..:rm:tl di,,ipati1111 '"-'
`'" t11 he ,lur:,bk 1'111
`;, lon_g tim,
`Wh,it 1, ..:laimc:d is:
`,'\ prc>n·s.., h,r l'ahri,·:1t1ng light ,mittins: .iilltlc: (I .LI >l
`p:tckiscs. ,;umprising the '-l<.:j"- ,,r-
`(:1J p11l\·idi1J'° :1 p);11llik, fr:i111, 11.,ving:, 11luralit~ oi'l'clJ,.
`..:;ich ,,r ,, lticl1 ha, " main pLi1c :111d :, sc:p:ir:ilt: arm.
`\, ilcr,in ,aid ,Lp;,ra1, arm i, ,pa,,d ;;pan fr,,m ,aid
`rn:1rn 11btc \\ i1h :1 pr,·,lc·t,rminc:d ,pac\;:
`(h) h11mling :in I .LI) di, ,111" 1up s11rlc,n nl ,aid main pl:tlc·
`nl c;id1 s:ii,1 fra111,· ,u..:h 1h;,1 an ,k,·1r,,d,· ]c,c::ited at :,
`h1111'llll <lfs:llll dte ,.., elc:,·tr1,·:llh· C<lllll..:ctcd to s:ml main
`pla1c:, .11,d thc:n r .. r111i11.:,: :1 r,Jk..:1in,._ 1 ing. whid, i~ 111:1(!<:
`ni' ll)'JlJU,· whilL pb,11c· :ind ha,-. Jll UJ'w:ml ,!.,pin,;
`inn..:r ,url:,n·. intesr;,Jlv ,,n ·,aid m:iin pbk h\ 111,;in~ c,J
`111,· 1J1,ddi11L'. ll',ltniquc·. whc:1\·111 ,;:id die· ,, ,111 r, ,unded
`I,). said 1dhxtillL'. ri11g:
`~ .... undudi\'1.· \\'H1..- ht..l\Vt..Cll lhl.. Pthc! t:k('(cid:173)
`(,.:) CPJ)f)l'(.'ting ;i
`tn.1,k Ill ~;,i,l di,· and ;1 t11p ,uf'la,, ,,1·,aid sc:pa,·atc arn1
`j,\ lllL':tllS t>f lbt· \\ ire l•l)t1difl_!,'. lt'cilllllfl.ll';
`VIZIO Ex. 1030 Page 00011
`EXHIBIT 2034 - IPR Page 12


`c.fl ~6t''OLC9 Sr1
`.,,u,~Ji pm, I" 11-'·' p1r., q.,1:,, uo 1w:1nsdr.:iu-1 ur. ;1u1tu101 ([')
`'<LW:llll ,\<j lll-<:1.1 .\Xll(h l(ll,\1
`'.1nhmq:,.11 f;111p1,,w 'IJI I<'>
`pm, '.11p pn:, ""l"Jn,d!!:,u., 1u1:pNli:.1u:1 p11:s lH.,nq.\\
`p11;, sJ.1,\U.' plli! .1.11.',\ .1,\l(.111pll<!:l jlll!, J1lll! -.'illl.l :'lt1rJ.1'.1lJ.1.I
`.,.wd, .1q1 ,fjlJ pu1, tUJI! .111:Jt'(hs p1rs pu1: .,1qd u11:tu
`1.11:d1: ,,.1.1r.d, :i1r1d u1rtu P!"" u1i:tu·.1.1 111 u;1.>o\11.1q:u:,q1
`'.1(1:.11:d:,-. p11:, uro.l_l
`,, 1t11:p1,.,d1:.,1P p1i:" u1.,1.1q.,1 'LUJI!
`:u1,1-.:1uJ<1Jd .1)(1(-'lll"fl d111 1: q11.,, p.,p1.,o;d
`,,,1, :1q1 111 ~mp;,n11: ,'i1p:11ue1-.:qn-.; lllll!J_I p11:-.; ";1u111n.1 {:,)
`·.,p1:tu .,Jr. s:1';i1:'{.1J!d (Fl I 11:q1 li·'"" II·'·' p1r.-.; q.11:.1 .I"
`·(q) d.11, u1 w,i.,q." ·1 turq., 1.11 p.,u!J"P ,1: ,,.,.,rntl "ll.l. 'i'.
`·;'i11u ";1uq:>:1[1"J p11:, ;'iullUJ1ll »l wud ,1 11p p11:, ;'iu1pu1Jq
`,his :>lji lll llL'.l:llj.\\ ·1 lllll!J.' li! P'll!i·'P ,1: ss.1.,11Jd :111.J. y
`:,d1:q, :iq1 lit 11:>'iiu1:1;i: 11:1,\\ :111: :>u11:.1,1 p11:s I'' '-II·'·' pw;, 111: ·(1:)
`J1!1:s puc u1n1:1q1 ..;;lu1u.,du 111 . ..:11p:Jn\d c ;,,,1:q 11u1: ~u11nu I•,
`1 ll '5u! Pi'lULin.1 ...;:1iip11q \, "1 puP ·,1n,1J:itp .P1u.,., 1; 11! :-,11;1.J u~1~tu
`,J·.11u1.111.~,1 n1 p,.11.,:,uun.1 .,,.1.,11.1,1d-;.1J ,1J1: ][,,., pre~ J" s;'i1n u1:
`ue ptn: •.111:1d u1i:1t1 prn, .I'' ""11'" p:1:>11q
`.wsoddn "''I I"
`-uo:, ,r 11"·' pn:<; .l" 1";1p.1 tn: 111 ";1111p:>uu11.1 LtJJt: ;fo1p11.11x,
`1111:w 11!''" I'' .1p1s p:.1111:1 1.,q1,1ui: .I" 11pp1tu .1q1 111 p:>p:>u
`.111:1i,d.-,..; p11:, pur ·.,p:1d
`11: p:>11:.1"! s1 u.11i,
`1p1s p:J.11r.1 1;
`:iun.,.1uuo.1 1: ·(q) d.,1s .1q1 u, :tuJ1: ';iu1pu.11x 11111:s 01 :,11,,1dd11
`.,tu1:...: ·"'lll .JC' '-i~ll!J ?iu~J.,:"tlF'l '5u!1nqt{~!.,u n,\\l lJl! \\ "'i':ill!i Jl'.lj
`.I" s.1~·puq pn:, tll1 p:1q.11:n1: -.;1 J1:q -.'iu!P-'lllH>., pn:" p111, ,w,J
`';)l(IJ;q p11:,
`<l.,,, .1tp u1 u1:>1.1q.,\ ·1 w1•:1.1 u1 P"ll(l·'P ,1: ,-.;.1.,,ud ·'ll.l. ·t
`··'!P (!Tl -'lltl," 1: ,1 .1111 pn:, ·(q)
`d:,1, .1q1 !JI [11:u.,q.\\ ·1 lllllq., !II p.,ll!l·'P SI! '""·'"Jd ·'l!.I
`11 ..,,,q ;';uu ;';u1p:>tJ.1.1 pn:, .1" .,.,1:_pns r.1um ;fo1,l11j'< 1rn" ·(q)
`,,!,;t I" .1fiitrn iiu1dn1,
`ZIOOO a~ed 0£01 ·x3 OIZIA
`EXHIBIT 2034 - IPR Page 13

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