`(cid:35)(cid:88)(cid:42)(cid:159)(cid:186) (cid:27)(cid:186) (cid:143)(cid:139)(cid:156)(cid:156)(cid:66)(cid:156)(cid:156)(cid:186) (cid:42)(cid:59)(cid:171)(cid:43)(cid:127)(cid:57)(cid:66)(cid:59)(cid:186) (cid:109)(cid:139)(cid:173)(cid:111)(cid:66)(cid:59)(cid:86)(cid:66)(cid:186) (cid:139)(cid:71)(cid:186) (cid:160)(cid:88)(cid:66)(cid:186) (cid:29)(cid:43)(cid:144)(cid:43)(cid:128)(cid:66)(cid:157)(cid:66)(cid:186) (cid:42)(cid:127)(cid:60)(cid:186) (cid:26)(cid:127)(cid:86)(cid:112)(cid:96)(cid:157)(cid:89)(cid:186)
`(cid:112)(cid:43)(cid:129)(cid:87)(cid:167)(cid:42)(cid:87)(cid:66)(cid:156)(cid:5)(cid:186) (cid:36)(cid:88)(cid:67)(cid:186) (cid:44)(cid:166)(cid:159)(cid:42)(cid:57)(cid:88)(cid:66)(cid:59)(cid:186) (cid:29)(cid:43)(cid:144)(cid:42)(cid:127)(cid:66)(cid:156)(cid:66)(cid:186) (cid:96)(cid:138)(cid:159)(cid:139)(cid:186) (cid:26)(cid:127)(cid:86)(cid:113)(cid:96)(cid:156)(cid:89)(cid:186) (cid:159)(cid:150)(cid:42)(cid:128)(cid:157)(cid:111)(cid:42)(cid:159)(cid:96)(cid:140)(cid:126)(cid:186) (cid:90)(cid:42)(cid:156)(cid:186) (cid:54)(cid:66)(cid:66)(cid:127)(cid:186)
`(cid:161)(cid:150)(cid:45)(cid:127)(cid:157)(cid:113)(cid:52)(cid:66)(cid:59)(cid:186)(cid:54)(cid:181)(cid:186)(cid:36)(cid:150)(cid:42)(cid:126)(cid:157)(cid:32)(cid:66)(cid:150)(cid:79)(cid:57)(cid:162)(cid:186) (cid:42)(cid:130)(cid:60)(cid:186)(cid:150)(cid:66)(cid:171)(cid:96)(cid:66)(cid:173)(cid:66)(cid:61)(cid:186)(cid:54)(cid:181)(cid:186) (cid:118)(cid:66)(cid:186)(cid:42)(cid:127)(cid:59)(cid:2)(cid:186) (cid:160)(cid:139)(cid:186)(cid:162)(cid:89)(cid:66)(cid:186)(cid:55)(cid:66)(cid:157)(cid:159)(cid:186)(cid:139)(cid:71)(cid:186)(cid:119)(cid:181)(cid:186)
`(cid:141)(cid:73)(cid:186)(cid:159)(cid:90)(cid:66)(cid:186)(cid:38)(cid:134)(cid:96)(cid:160)(cid:67)(cid:59)(cid:186)(cid:33)(cid:160)(cid:42)(cid:160)(cid:66)(cid:157)(cid:186)(cid:32)(cid:42)(cid:159)(cid:66)(cid:127)(cid:160)(cid:186)(cid:42)(cid:130)(cid:59)(cid:186)(cid:37)(cid:150)(cid:43)(cid:63)(cid:66)(cid:118)(cid:46)(cid:150)(cid:106)(cid:186)(cid:31)(cid:74)(cid:81)(cid:58)(cid:66)(cid:7)(cid:186) (cid:27)(cid:186)(cid:43)(cid:57)(cid:107)(cid:126)(cid:139)(cid:176)(cid:113)(cid:66)(cid:59)(cid:86)(cid:66)(cid:186)(cid:160)(cid:88)(cid:42)(cid:159)(cid:186)(cid:27)(cid:186)
`(cid:120)(cid:47)(cid:182)(cid:186) (cid:54)(cid:66)(cid:186) (cid:157)(cid:168)(cid:56)(cid:105)(cid:66)(cid:57)(cid:161)(cid:186) (cid:159)(cid:139)(cid:186) (cid:57)(cid:150)(cid:139)(cid:156)(cid:156)(cid:186) (cid:66)(cid:179)(cid:43)(cid:118)(cid:98)(cid:128)(cid:46)(cid:162)(cid:96)(cid:139)(cid:133)(cid:186) (cid:96)(cid:133)(cid:186) (cid:162)(cid:89)(cid:67)(cid:186) (cid:57)(cid:42)(cid:157)(cid:66)(cid:186) (cid:48)(cid:135)(cid:59)(cid:186) (cid:159)(cid:88)(cid:42)(cid:162)(cid:186) (cid:57)(cid:150)(cid:139)(cid:156)(cid:156)(cid:186)
`(cid:69)(cid:180)(cid:47)(cid:124)(cid:96)(cid:126)(cid:45)(cid:159)(cid:99)(cid:139)(cid:128)(cid:186) (cid:174)(cid:104)(cid:114)(cid:112)(cid:186)
`(cid:159)(cid:43)(cid:107)(cid:67)(cid:186) (cid:146)(cid:113)(cid:43)(cid:58)(cid:66)(cid:186) (cid:173)(cid:96)(cid:160)(cid:89)(cid:96)(cid:133)(cid:186)
`(cid:162)(cid:89)(cid:66)(cid:186) (cid:39)(cid:127)(cid:96)(cid:159)(cid:66)(cid:60)(cid:186) (cid:33)(cid:162)(cid:53)(cid:66)(cid:157)(cid:8)(cid:186) (cid:27)(cid:71)(cid:186) (cid:57)(cid:151)(cid:139)(cid:156)(cid:157)(cid:186)
`(cid:45)(cid:152)(cid:67)(cid:186) (cid:159)(cid:154)(cid:67)(cid:3)(cid:186) (cid:49)(cid:126)(cid:59)(cid:186) (cid:160)(cid:88)(cid:47)(cid:159)(cid:186) (cid:47)(cid:111)(cid:112)(cid:186) (cid:156)(cid:160)(cid:43)(cid:159)(cid:66)(cid:118)(cid:68)(cid:127)(cid:160)(cid:156)(cid:186) (cid:118)(cid:43)(cid:62)(cid:66)(cid:186) (cid:140)(cid:128)(cid:186) (cid:96)(cid:127)(cid:83)(cid:150)(cid:118)(cid:42)(cid:160)(cid:96)(cid:139)(cid:127)(cid:186) (cid:47)(cid:127)(cid:59)(cid:186) (cid:54)(cid:66)(cid:112)(cid:96)(cid:66)(cid:71)(cid:186) (cid:43)(cid:150)(cid:70)(cid:186)
`(cid:110)(cid:139)(cid:177)(cid:112)(cid:66)(cid:59)(cid:86)(cid:66)(cid:186) (cid:159)(cid:93)(cid:43)(cid:163)(cid:186) (cid:173)(cid:100)(cid:113)(cid:117)(cid:85)(cid:111)(cid:186) (cid:78)(cid:113)(cid:158)(cid:66)(cid:186) (cid:156)(cid:160)(cid:50)(cid:159)(cid:70)(cid:118)(cid:70)(cid:127)(cid:159)(cid:156)(cid:186) (cid:47)(cid:133)(cid:59)(cid:186) (cid:159)(cid:91)(cid:66)(cid:186) (cid:114)(cid:96)(cid:107)(cid:66)(cid:186) (cid:157)(cid:142)(cid:186) (cid:123)(cid:42)(cid:61)(cid:66)(cid:186) (cid:42)(cid:150)(cid:66)(cid:186)
`(cid:147)(cid:170)(cid:127)(cid:96)(cid:156)(cid:90)(cid:42)(cid:54)(cid:114)(cid:66)(cid:186)(cid:54)(cid:182)(cid:186)(cid:80)(cid:134)(cid:67)(cid:186)(cid:43)(cid:133)(cid:59)(cid:9)(cid:139)(cid:150)(cid:186)(cid:96)(cid:118)(cid:143)(cid:152)(cid:100)(cid:157)(cid:140)(cid:127)(cid:125)(cid:66)(cid:127)(cid:159)(cid:186)(cid:168)(cid:127)(cid:64)(cid:70)(cid:151)(cid:186)(cid:34)(cid:67)(cid:57)(cid:159)(cid:101)(cid:142)(cid:127)(cid:186) (cid:14)(cid:10)(cid:11)(cid:13)(cid:186)(cid:142)(cid:71)(cid:186)(cid:37)(cid:96)(cid:160)(cid:113)(cid:66)(cid:186)(cid:13)(cid:18)(cid:186)
`(cid:141)(cid:76)(cid:186)(cid:159)(cid:88)(cid:66)(cid:186) (cid:41)(cid:127)(cid:96)(cid:159)(cid:68)(cid:65)(cid:186) (cid:33)(cid:160)(cid:43)(cid:159)(cid:67)(cid:156)(cid:186) (cid:24)(cid:139)(cid:59)(cid:67)(cid:4)(cid:186) (cid:49)(cid:136)(cid:60)(cid:186) (cid:160)(cid:95)(cid:47)(cid:159)(cid:186) (cid:156)(cid:168)(cid:58)(cid:88)(cid:186) (cid:173)(cid:102)(cid:114)(cid:117)(cid:85)(cid:115)(cid:186) (cid:78)(cid:113)(cid:156)(cid:67)(cid:186) (cid:156)(cid:164)(cid:51)(cid:160)(cid:66)(cid:118)(cid:66)(cid:137)(cid:160)(cid:156)(cid:186) (cid:118)(cid:42)(cid:183)(cid:186)
`(cid:105)(cid:66)(cid:141)(cid:148)(cid:42)(cid:150)(cid:59)(cid:96)(cid:185)(cid:66)(cid:186) (cid:160)(cid:88)(cid:67)(cid:186) (cid:172)(cid:47)(cid:111)(cid:103)(cid:62)(cid:96)(cid:159)(cid:184)(cid:186) (cid:139)(cid:77)(cid:186) (cid:159)(cid:89)(cid:67)(cid:186) (cid:147)(cid:45)(cid:160)(cid:67)(cid:126)(cid:159)(cid:186) (cid:173)(cid:88)(cid:96)(cid:57)(cid:93)(cid:186) (cid:100)(cid:156)(cid:186) (cid:167)(cid:127)(cid:60)(cid:67)(cid:152)(cid:186) (cid:150)(cid:66)(cid:171)(cid:104)(cid:66)(cid:173)(cid:186) (cid:96)(cid:127)(cid:186) (cid:159)(cid:95)(cid:103)(cid:156)(cid:186)
`(cid:56)(cid:37)(cid:52)(cid:32)(cid:33)(cid:67)(cid:50)(cid:27)(cid:53)(cid:42)(cid:67)(cid:27)(cid:63)(cid:33)(cid:46)(cid:62)(cid:32)(cid:1)(cid:67)(cid:16)(cid:26)(cid:60)(cid:37)(cid:67)(cid:34)(cid:43)(cid:48)(cid:48)(cid:54)(cid:2)(cid:67)(cid:46)(cid:32)(cid:64)(cid:67)(cid:65)(cid:48)(cid:53)(cid:42)(cid:3)(cid:67)(cid:47)(cid:66)(cid:67)(cid:12)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:22)(cid:67) (cid:1)(cid:4) (cid:57)(cid:67)(cid:14)(cid:11)(cid:14)(cid:4)(cid:23)(cid:25)(cid:26)(cid:5)(cid:17)(cid:18)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:67) (cid:2)(cid:4) (cid:35)(cid:67)(cid:14)(cid:12)(cid:15)(cid:6)(cid:24)(cid:25)(cid:26)(cid:7)(cid:13)(cid:9)(cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:67) (cid:3)(cid:4)
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`Notebook No.
`Department Name
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`- - -
`-·~ -
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`·:1 SL L 1.)
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`Entry and Management
`-- Introduction --
`This LABORATORY NOTEBOOK is for recording research and development activities of researchers and
`inventors by themselves. This LABORATORY NOTEBOOK is a valuable asset of the company, and at the same time, it
`can be used as a proof material necessary for proof of the date of the invention. Therefore, at the time of recording, it is
`necessary to be recorded to a degree where a person skilled in the art can easily understand the idea of the technical
`concept as an invention (Conception), the background leading to the idea and continuous research activities (Diligence),
`and its practicality (Reduction to Practice), that is, means and methods for realizing the conceived technique and concept.
`1. Issuance (Management Department)
`- Notes-
`When issuing LABORATORY NOTEBOOK to researchers and inventors, fill out the necessary items (issue date,
`LABORATORY NOTEBOOK number, issuer name, names of researchers and inventors, and the like) in the management
`2. Record (Recorder)
`a. Use a pen or ballpoint pen (black or blue ink) for recording. Pencils are not allowed.
`b. Researchers and inventors fill out necessary items such as name, LABORATORY NOTEBOOK lending date, and
`date of first entry.
`In the table of contents, fill out the necessary items such as record date, subject of the research and experiment, and
`recording page.
`d. Even if engaging in a plurality of projects or subjects at the same time, use in the order of the pages, and fill in the
`necessary items such as projects and subjects at the top of each page.
`e. When the entry continues on the next page or another page, fill in the connection on each of the page.
`f. Fill in so that the empty space will not be produced between the entries, and when the empty space is produced,
`cross out that part with a hatched line.
`g. When correcting or deleting, erase it with a double line without using an eraser, correction liquid, correction tape,
`or the like, and add an initial or signature and correction date in small letters to the corresponding part.
`h. When additions, corrections or deletions have occurred at a later date in the contents filled previously, add an
`initial or signature and the date of addition, correction, and deletion to the corresponding part, and have the
`witness fill in the signature and the signature date.
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`Notebook No: 12001637
`From Page No:
`[handwritten:] 01/29/2008
`Weekly report meeting
`Made a monthly report
`Thorough cleaning
`Correcting the monthly report
`Prepared the material for explaining MAP method to STP
`lil,l,P (f,1oldNI Ion••
`Lead frame
`Containing slits which become gaps when it becomes LED.
`Assembly tape pasting
`Without pasting, the resin will leak out from the slits.
`,' .
`Transfer or Compression molding
`The figure below, in the case of transfer (however the handling
`of Karu and Runner is random.).
` Date
`Invented by [signature:] Hiroshi Ichikawa [hw:] 01/30/2008
`Recorded by MM/DD/YYYY
`Confidential – Outside Attorneys Eyes Only
`Understood and Witnessed by Date
`Signed [signature:] Junji Takechi [hw:] 02/15/2008
`To Page No:
`Signed MM/DD/YYYY
`Confidential - Outside Attorneys’ Eyes Only
`IPR Page 43
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`... ,
`MAPC W..Olth-d lur-.-'t P,
`LED( (cid:143) Sorull
`Completed 144
`288 if 47 × 200 mm
`~ ~ ~ ~
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`Notebook No: 12001637
`From Page No:
`MA.P [M~ld~t!' ~n ay P..:i<;:h~;•,e:}
`Assembly tape peeling
`e ;, ,.· • ~ • .;, .,;»,~ ia " ~ i ,. " • •·
`~ 1>,-!H,. l,> -1;, ....... " .. i.,.i,.l"'"'" i
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`- -
`[handwritten:] 01/31/2008
`Dealing with UL (SCR1012)
`Prototyping (Reproduction confirmation of effect of lens and cavi depth on light extraction of 083)
`Frame type lens formation
`Improving light extraction efficiency of 083
`Confirming the effect of the shallow cavi and lens by color comparison.
`Prototype condition
`Prototype LED: NS6W083B
`Cavi depth:
`(cid:1393) Design value of current product 0.625 mm
`(cid:1394) Targeting roughly 0.4 mm by hand polishing
`(cid:1395) Targeting roughly 0.2 mm by hand polishing
`Inner blend ratio
`OE-6340A OE,63408
`Inner blend amount (g)
`NP- 206-1 2
`OE- 6340A OE-63408
`NP-206-12 lot: 206-12-008
`OE-6340 lot: 0005016751
`Rentaro: Stir for two minutes
`Vacuum de-foaming
`Needle: 22 G
`Dispenser One in the TS2 building clean room
`Press Data: 400
`dls11ense time
`Cavi depth
`0 .625,n,n 0 .970
`Cavi depth
`0.-450 i<l.480(11.t;OO}
`Cavi depth
`Curing condition: Wait at room temperature for 6 hr + (50 → 70) oC × 1 hr + 70oC × 3 hr + (70 → 100) oC × 2 hr + 100oC × 3 hr + (100 → 150) oC × 1 hr + 150 oC × 3 hr
`(setting) The Yamato oven in the TS2 building
` Date
`Understood and Witnessed by Date
`To Page No:
`Invented by [signature:] Hiroshi Ichikawa [hw:] 01/31/2008
`Recorded by MM/DD/YYYY
`Confidential – Outside Attorneys Eyes Only
`Confidential - Outside Attorneys’ Eyes Only
`Signed [signature:] Junji Takechi [hw:] 02/15/2008
`Signed MM/DD/YYYY
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`Notebook No : 12001637
`Date MM/ DD/ YYYY
`From Page No :
`[handwritten:] 02/ 12/ 2008
`(cid:120) Weekly report meeting
`(cid:120) Meeting for the direct mold PKG shape (with STP)
`Summarizing the direct mold patent
`02/ 13/ 2008
`Summarizing the direct mold patent
`With cavi
`Without cavi (small)
`5 × 5
`3 × 2
`It has been decided that we will try making prototypes
`of a substrate with 183 with its L/F and EMC
`gathered together in an array like this.
`Have the schedule of design be issued by 2/16 from
`(cid:120) UL test specimen size adjustment and sending to UL
`02/ 14/ 2008
`(cid:17439) Mold a lead frame to create an assembled substrate.
`LED manufactured by assembling and then dicing at least one side and the manufacturing method thereof
`(cid:17440) Lead frame LED with castellation structure
`Prepare a material for investigating prior art of the patent of the application idea described above
`Next page
`Invented by [signature] Hiroshi Ichikawa 02/ 14/ 2008
`02/ 16/ 2008
`Recorded by MM/ DD/ YYYY
`To Page No :
`Understood and Witnessed by Date
`Signed [signature] Hideyuki Nagai 02/ 15/ 2008
`Signed MM/ DD/ YYYY
`Confidential – Outside Attorneys Eyes Only
`Confidential - Outside Attorneys’ Eyes Only
`IPR Page 53
`VIZIO Ex. 1036 Page 00053


`Notebook No : 12001637
`Date MM/ DD/ YYYY
`Molding resin
`Assembled substrate
`From Page No :
`dicing at least one side
`(cid:17439) Mold a lead frame to make a (assembled) substrate. LED made by
`assembling and dicing at least one side and the manufacturing
`method thereof
`02/ [Illegible]/ 2008
`(cid:40)(cid:71)(cid:74)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:11)(cid:49)(cid:82)(cid:3)(cid:70)(cid:68)(cid:86)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:3)(cid:314)(cid:3)Solder fillet cannot be made)
`Since it is the cut copper, it is easily oxidized, whereby solder
`wetting is bad and the joining is not reliable
`(cid:314)(cid:3)(cid:47)(cid:72)(cid:81)(cid:86)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:70)(cid:68)(cid:81)(cid:3)(cid:68)(cid:79)(cid:86)(cid:82)(cid:3)(cid:69)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:68)(cid:87)(cid:87)(cid:68)(cid:70)(cid:75)(cid:72)(cid:71)(cid:3)(cid:87)(cid:82)(cid:3)(cid:87)(cid:75)(cid:76)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:87)(cid:92)(cid:83)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:69)(cid:92)(cid:3)compression molding.
`02/ 16/ 2008
`02/ 14/ 2008
`To Page No :
`Understood and Witnessed by Date
`Invented by [signature] Hiroshi Ichikawa 02/ 14/ 2008
`02/ 16/ 2008
`Recorded by MM/ DD/ YYYY
`Signed [signature] Hideyuki Nagai 02/ 15/ 2008
`Signed MM/ DD/ YYYY
`Confidential – Outside Attorneys Eyes Only
`Confidential - Outside Attorneys’ Eyes Only
`IPR Page 54
`VIZIO Ex. 1036 Page 00054


`Notebook No : 12001637
`Date MM/ DD/ YYYY
`02/ 14/ 2008
`LED of a lead frame with a castellation structure
`' i
`I -
`Molding resin
`A cut copper here.
`Silver plating here.
`There is a hole which will become a caster at L/F
`However, lenses can also be attached to this type by compression molding.
`cannot the substrate of
`Pin (clog the hole of L/F)
`Molding resin
`(cid:54)(cid:88)(cid:70)(cid:75)(cid:3)(cid:68)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:20)(cid:27)(cid:22)(cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:38)(cid:82)(cid:81)(cid:89)(cid:72)(cid:81)(cid:87)(cid:76)(cid:82)(cid:81)(cid:68)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:92)(cid:3)(cid:314)(cid:3)It is necessary to put out the edge because
`the part to be cut by the mold becomes small. (cid:314) needless space is needed
`From Page No :
`Molding resin
`02/ 14/ 2008
`02/ 16/ 2008
`To Page No :
`Understood and Witnessed by Date
`Invented by [signature] Hiroshi Ichikawa 02/ 14/ 2008
`02/ 16/ 2008
`Recorded by MM/ DD/ YYYY
`Signed MM/ DD/ YYYY
`Signed [signature] Hideyuki Nagai 02/ 15/ 2008
`Confidential – Outside Attorneys Eyes Only
`Confidential - Outside Attorneys’ Eyes Only
`IPR Page 55
`VIZIO Ex. 1036 Page 00055


`Notebook No : 12001637
`Date MM/ DD/ YYYY
`From Page No :
`Rohm and Haas
`There was introduction in the past via Nichia America.
`Once again, there was a presentation of sealing resin.
`Famous for acrylics. There are also polymers and monomers.
`Sales of 8.3 billion US dollars in 2006.
`Of the unusual thing, salt alone has sales of 100 billion yen.
`There are introductions of silicone resins with high refractive indexes of 1.60 and 1.57.
`From Nichia
`(cid:33627) Method of degeneration of silicon
`(cid:33628) At what stage will silicon raw materials be obtained?
`(cid:17441) Features
`(cid:17442) Comparison data with Dow JCR. Water vapor transmission, low molecular weight siloxane content,
`[Illegible] and the like were requested.
`There is no track record of the material.
`Asked NDA (draft) and Japanese translation thereof.
`Make a ref. for light (heat) resistance test of Hitachi Chemical's molding material
`NS 104-2. (Lot S1482E - 0314)
`100°C × 3 hr + 150°C × 4 hr
`OE-6340 (Lot 0005016751)
`Under cure conditions of 083
`Understood and Witnessed by Date
`To Page No :
`Invented by [signature] Hiroshi Ichikawa 02/ 14/ 2008
`02/ 16/ 2008
`Recorded by MM/ DD/ YYYY
`Signed [signature] Hideyuki Nagai 02/ 15/ 2008
`Signed MM/ DD/ YYYY
`Confidential – Outside Attorneys Eyes Only
`Confidential - Outside Attorneys’ Eyes Only
`IPR Page 56
`VIZIO Ex. 1036 Page 00056


`Notebook No : 12001637
`Date MM/ D

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