`J (cid:129)J
`fI J (cid:129)l
`r Rc
`This is to certify that
`with this Office
`Y` p(cid:129)
`C t C lI(cid:129)
`Y(cid:129) J
`the annexed is a true copy of the following application as filed
`Ir7 B id (cid:129) 2
`Date of Application
`2 0 0 8 9 f
`3 Q
`W A
`pplication Number
`Ltsrl7 ou L W M
`The country code and number
`of your priority application
`to be used for filing abroad
`under the Paris Convention is
`J P 2 0 0 8 2 2 5 4 0 8
`Q 0
`Japan Patent Office
`Vizio, Inc. v. Nichia Corp.
`Case IPR2018-00437
`Nichia Corp. v.
`Everlight Elecs. Co., Ltd. et al
`Civ. No. 2:13-cv-00702JRG


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