(12) United States Patent
`Tanenhaus et al.
`Inventors: Martin Tanenhaus, Orlando, FL (US);
`Robert McDowell, Orlando, FL (US);
`Tom Nelson,。由时o, FL (US)
`(73) Assignee: System Excelerator, Inc., Orlando, FL
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 09/897,748
`(22) Filed:
`Jul. 2, 2001
`( 65)
`Prior Publication Data
`us 20[ 2/0011937 Al Jan. 31, 2002
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(62) Division of application No. 09/080,038, filed on May 15,
`1998, now Pat. No. 6,255,962.
`Int. CI.7 ................................................ G08B 21/0。
`(52) U.S. Cl. ........…................. 340/870.16; 340/870.07;
`340/539; 340/690; 73/786; 73/577; 702/14;
`702/16; 52/1
`(58) Field of Search ....................... 340/870.11, 870.07,
`340/870.16, 870.39, 539, 690; 73/597, 803,
`786, 577; 702/16, 14, 41; 52/1
`References Cited
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`3/1982 Mount
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`Dong, Michael J. et al, Low Power Signal Processing
`Architecture for Network Microsensor ISLPED97, Interna(cid:173)
`tional Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design,
`Jan. 1998. 本
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`Primary Examiner-Michael Horabik
`Assistant Examiner-±气lbert K. Wong
`(74) Attorne只 Agent,
`or Firm-Allen, Dyer, Dopelt,
`Milbrath & Gilchrist, P.A.
`A method and apparatus for low-power sensing and pro(cid:173)
`cessing are provided. A method preferably includes collect(cid:173)
`ing a plurality of sensor signals. The plurality of sensors
`include sensed data representative of at least shock and
`vibration. The method also includes converting the plurality
`of sensor signals into digital data, processing the digital data,
`generating a data communications protocol for communi(cid:173)
`cating the digital data, and simultaneously and remotely
`detecting the generated communications protocol having the
`processed data to determined the occurrence of at least one
`predetermined condition. An apparatus preferably includes a
`low-power, data acquisition processing circuit responsive to
`a plurality of sensor signals representative of at least shock
`and vibration for acquiring and processing the sensed data.
`The data acquisition processing circuit preferably includes a
`pluralit~ of data inputs, an analog-to-digital converter
`responsive to the plurality of data inputs for converting each
`of the plurality of sensor signals from an analog format to a
`digital format, a digital signal processor responsive to the
`analog-to-digital converter for processing the digitall~ for(cid:173)
`matted data, a data communications processor responsive to
`said digital signal processor for generating and processing
`data communications, a battery, and a power management
`controller at least connected to the battery, the digital signal
`processor, and the data communications processor for con(cid:173)
`trolling power management of the data acquisition process(cid:173)
`ing circuit.
`40 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
`Apple v. Uniloc
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`US 6,469,639 B2
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`Lin, Tsung Hsien et al, wireless Integrated Network Sensor
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`Power Electronics and Design, Aug. 12 14 1996. 本
`Bult, K et al, Wireless Integratd Microsensors, Hilton Head
`Transducer Conference, Jun. 1996. 本
`本 cited by examiner
`Apple v. Uniloc
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`d·∞·咱也畔伟国阵 。2·N尸 N。。N
`P.l{Ot'£J',f/A/t9 t'/IU'l/Iγ
`PAγA Attll/IJ'.门’'//JN
`!'IC Pt'£J'J'IJ/?.
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`Apple v. Uniloc
`Page 3 of 16
`Apple Ex. 1008


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`Apple v. Uniloc
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 22, 2002
`Sheet 3 of 7
`US 6,469,639 B2
`、飞、飞: 比
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`Apple v. Uniloc
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`Apple Ex. 1008


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`Apple v. Uniloc
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 22, 2002
`Sheet 5 of 7
`US 6,469,639 B2
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`Apple v. Uniloc
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`Apple Ex. 1008


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`Apple v. Uniloc
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 22, 2002
`Sheet 7 of 7
`US 6,469,639 B2
`Apple v. Uniloc
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`US 6,469,639 B2
`4 』
`MK叩 NmZm 且mh由ymm叮耻山川UMmmMmmh川崎”Lt 工出乌江山叫民mmoapou
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`mM江山 A削 mMt33dwUZ出nuu阳山川mU江虫也rwMrt川巳
`Apple v. Uniloc
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`US 6,469,639 B2
`4 』
`mM山m翩翩阳山川mm 由 mMdmmhm阳山川mbmM巾削川hM叩FUM削叩hLmmk叽vmhrHvmPMrHvmdrHvmdrHvmwda
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`E 川毗忍且町mpmm叫:由叩监制叶WMd町MMhuhm叫Mh毗M削HMM冈比hMLa叫人 hMLhMUhZ二
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`~σtca .四ωRolscoc
`Apple v. Uniloc
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`Apple Ex. 1008


`US 6,469,639 B2
`the apparatus or sensed by one of the shock sensors. The
`R22, R23, R24, a plurality of capacitors CS, C9, ClO, and a
`plurality of comparators A6, A7 or other driving circuitry as
`shock profiling means, more specifically, can be provided by
`understood by those skilled in the art. It will also be
`a G-profiler which is a script that runs or operates in the
`understood by those skilled in the art that instead of discr.ete
`digital signal processor 24. For example, after a vibration
`resistor components as illustrated in the wake-up sensmg s occurs, analog data supplied to the digital signal processor
`circuit, one or more of the resistors, for example, also can be
`24 is converted to digital data and stored in a memory
`portion of the digital signal processor 24. This script pro-
`adjustable digital potentiometers which advantageously pro-
`vide for adjustable gain to better control or adjust to receive
`cesses the digital data for saturation points, e.g., points
`desired or enhance circuit performance. Additionally, a
`where the physical limits of the MEMS sensors were
`switching circuit 81 is also p附胁ly connected to th.e 10 己xceeded. The p叫巳cted data, for example, can be a prede-
`termined value or amount such as up to 400% of the analog
`threshold detecting circuit 86 for switching the data acqm-
`operating limits of the MEMS sensors.
`sition processing circuit 20, as well as the other sensors,
`from a sleep-type low power condition to a wake-up high r
`So, by way of example, if a MEMS sensor has a 4 Grated
`power condition.
`maximum limit or saturation point, e.g., which acts as a
`The apparatus 10 also includes low-power, data acquisi- 15 threshold point or value, and the MEMS sensor receives a 12
`tion processi吨 means, e.g., preferal句 provided by a. low-
`G shock, th已
`pow已r data acquisition proc已ssing circuit 20, r已spons1v已 to
`ing th已 saturation point would b已 truncat已d at th已 saturation
`th已 plural盯 of s已nsor signals for a叫uiring and proce叩ng
`point for the period of time that the saturation point was
`the sensed data. The low-power, data acquisition process1~g
`exceeded. Accordingly, the G-profile provides a projection
`circuit 20 includes a plurality of data inputs 23. The plurality 20 of this 12 G force even though it was not actually measured.
`of data inputs includes at least 8 data inputs, and more
`As understood by those skilled in the art, one simple way
`preferably includes at least 26 data inputs, connected to the
`this can be accomplished is by using the following trigono-
`analog-to-digital converter 22, 71, 72, for increased acc~ -
`metric eqi川ion:
`racy and flexibility of the data acquisition processing circmt
`20. The apparatus 10 is preferably capable of capturing and 25
`B~a x(c+的
`In this equation, B is a projected point, a is the slope (Nc)
`processing from 8 up to 16 channels of mixed sensor data
`of the angle between the baseline and the rise or decline of
`simultaneously and analyzing and summarizing the captured
`the waveform, A is the limit or threshold value, c is the
`The low power data acquisition circuit 20 preferably also
`number of samples before the limit or threshold is reached,
`includes analog-to-digital converting m己ans, e.g., preferably 30 and dis Yi of the duration of the over limit or over threshold
`provided by one or more analog-to-digital (“A D”) convert-
`data. The A and c preferably are extracted from the digitized
`ers 22, 71, 72 responsive to the plurality of data inputs 23 for
`data. This operation is then performed on every event in the
`converting each of the plurality of sensor signals from an
`sample for the selected channel or channels from which the
`analog format to a digital format. The AID converting means
`data is received. The maximum value calculated by the
`is preferably provided by a plurality, e.g., three, of distinct 35 projection is then the maximum value returned or provided
`types of 却D converters 22, 71, 72 so as to implement a
`as an output. The user also can receive a flag or have data
`family of functional capabilities by the apparatus. First,for
`displayed which indicates that the threshold or limit has
`example, an 8-channel, 12-bit, programmable AD converter
`been exceeded and that the following data is projected data
`for this exceeded amount. If no events exceed the limit, then
`(1) 22, as understood by those skilled in the art, can be used
`for converting sensed disturbances such as vibration and 40 the maximum value for that channel is returned. The results
`shock. The ND converter (1) can also be a 4-channel, 12-bit
`are preferably provided is voltage levels, e.g., millivolts.
`AD converter according to some embodiments of the inven-
`Although other G-profiler techniques can be used as well,
`tion (see FIG. 7) or may not be required according to other
`this example illustrates a simple technique which can advan-
`embodiments of the invention (see FIG. 8). Second, a 16-bit
`tageously be used with a digital signal processor 24 have the
`AD convertor (2) 71 can be 1随时, in addition, for converting 45 low power and capacity desires in these type of applications.
`sensed slow moving disturbances, e.g., temperature and
`Additionally, the data acquisition processing circuit 20
`humidity, and is preferably an analog circuit due to the
`can advantageously include data communications process-
`desire and need for low power. Thi时, an AID converter (3)
`ing means, e.g., preferably provided by a data communica-
`72 can be used for converting sensed data such as from a
`tions processing circuit such as at least one micro-controller
`strain gauge or strain sensor. Digital signal processing so 26, responsive to the digital signal processing means 24 for
`means, e.g., preferably provided by a digital signal processor
`generating and processing data communications. The micro-
`24 such as a 16-bit digital signal processor as understood by
`controller 26, ι.g., preferably provided by a 16-bit micro-
`controller as understood by those skilled in the art, prefer-
`those skilled in the art, is responsive to the analog-to-digital
`ably monitors the digital signal processing means 24 before
`converting means 22 for processing the digitally formatted
`data. With the wake-up sensing circuit, the plurality of 55 and after the digital signal processing means 24 processes
`sensors, the AID converting means, and the digital signal
`the digital converted data. The digital acquisition processing
`processor, these portions of the apparatus 10 according to the
`circuit 20 further includes data storing means connected to
`present invention can then advantageously be configured for
`the digital signal processing means 24 and the at least one
`direct data communications, if desired. These portions of the
`micro-controller 26 for storing the processed data therein
`apparatus, for example, can be used in some applications 60 until remotely accessed. The data storing means is prefer-
`ably provided by a separate memory circuit 30 such as
`where additional circuitry as described further herein is not
`Flash/SRAM as understood by those skilled in the art.
`The digital signal processor 24 advantageously includes a
`Although discrete components are illustrated, it will be
`shock, vibration, or force profiling means, preferably pro-
`understood by those skilled in the art that an ASIC can be
`vided by a software program such as a script operation as 65 developed as well for the various components of the data
`understood by those skilled in the art, for providing a shock
`acquisition processing circuit as illustrated, including, for
`profile of the amount of shock, vibration, or force applied to
`example, only the AD converting means and the digital
`Apple v. Uniloc
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`Apple Ex. 1008


`US 6,469,639 B2
`micro-controller 26 for transmitting RF data communica-
`signal processing means or, in addition, the micro-controller
`tions and at least one RF receiving circuit 29 connected to
`and/or memory circuit.
`the micro-controller 26 for receiving RF data communica-
`The data acquisition processing circuit 20 can further
`tions. The RF transmitting circuit 28 and the RF receiving
`advantageously include real time clocking means, ι.忌, pro-
`vided by a real time clock/calendar circuit 25, for providing s circuit 29 preferably together form a PRISM radio circuit 27
`real time thereto. The data storing means, e.g., the separate
`for PCMCIA 2.4 Ghz data communications as understood
`memory circuit ~O, of the data acquisitio叼rocessing circuit
`by those skilled in the art. Prefe胁ly, the micro-cont时ler
`20 includes scnpt operating means, e.g., a script operator
`26, the at least one RF transmitting circuit 28, and the RF
`software program 32, responsive to the real time clocking
`receiving circuit 29 advantageously define at least portions
`means 25 for operatively sampling the plurality of data 10 of a wireless local area network (“L剧”) circuit. This
`inputs 23, proc忘ssing the digital data, and analyzing the
`wireless LAN circuit can also include the separate memory
`processed data at predetermined scripted real time intervals
`circuit 30 as well.
`(see FIG. 2). The sc呻t operating means 32 fu由己r op已m
`As p已rhaps b已st illustrat已d in FIG. 9, th已 data acquisition
`tiv已ly g已n已rat已s a data r已port 33 such as for displaying on a
`display 55 and g已n已rat已s an alarm condition 34 wh已n
`proc已ssing m已ans 20 is preferably positioned entirely within
`15 a single, compact, and rugged housing 15 for withstanding
`predetermined threshold conditions occur.
`harsh environmental conditions, e.g., various weather
`Accordingly, as described and illustrated herein, the appa-
`ratus has two basic modes of operation. In the "reporting”
`conditions, various moisture and heat conditions, and vari-
`ous sand, dirt, dust, or water conditions. The housing 15 is
`mode or normal mode, the unit “ wakes up” and monitors the
`sensors either at a prearranged time or in response to an
`preferably a tubular or can-type metal structure having
`external event. For example, anytime contact is established 20 sealable or sealed openings therein for providing data links
`from the MEMS to the data acquisition processing circuit 20
`with the apparatus, e.g., via the RF or serial link, the
`and from the data a叫uisition processing circuit 20 to a
`secondary or “ real time” mode can be enabled. In the real
`remote device 50 which preferably includes a remote data
`time mo巾, the apparatus will respond to external commands
`communications detector 51. In essence, the housing 15
`via the RF or serial link. While in the real time mode, the
`apparatus can be commanded to acquire data from any of the 25 provides a casing for a weapons deployable and shock
`sensors, perform calculations on the acquired data, and
`hardened multi-chip module which can have the data acqui-
`sition processing circuit 20 compactly potted, packed, and
`accept and run new scripts or instructions which can advan-
`tageously include a completely new script or set of instruc-
`positioned therein.
`tion written to or communicated to the apparatus. The
`The apparatus 10 also further preferably includes a remote
`reporting mode can be reenabled at any time, allowing the 30 data communications detector 51 responsive to the data
`acquisition processing means 20, e.g., through a port or
`unit to return to the “ sleep” mode.
`As illustrated in FIGS. 1-2, the data acquisition process-
`antenna 18 of the housing 15, for remotely detecting the
`ing circuit 20 also advantageously includes a portable power
`processed digital data. The remote data communications
`detector 51 preferably includes at least an RF receiver 52 for
`source, ι.g., preferably provided by one or more batteries
`forming a battery pack 41, for providing portable power to 35 receiving RF data communications from the data commu-
`the data acquisition processing circuit 20 and power man-
`nications processing circuit, but also preferably includes an
`RF transmitter 53 for transmitting data communications to
`agement controlling means, e.g., a power management con-
`troller or control circuit 73 such as forming a portion of
`the data communications processing circuit 26. Preferably,
`software in the memory circuit 30, at least connected. to the
`at least one computer 50 is responsive to and/or includes the
`portable power source 41, the digital signal processor 24, 40 remote data communications detector 51 for further process-
`and the micro-controller 26 for controlling power manage-
`ing the wireless data communications received or detected
`ment of the data acquisition processing circuit 20. The
`from the data acquisition processing circuit 20. The at least
`combination of the power management controller 73, the
`one computer 50 includes a display 55 for displaying
`power regulator 43, e.g., preferably provided by a voltage
`unprocessed and processed data from the data acquisition
`regulator circuit 44 and a charge storage circuit 45 as 45 processing means 20.
`understood by those skilled in the art, and the type of the
`The apparatus 10 can also advantageously include addi-
`portable power source 41 combine to provide means for
`tional features such as an image sensor 61 and image
`controller 62 connected to the data acquisition processing
`extending the life of the portable power source during
`normal system operational use for at least an estimated
`circuit for respectively sensing images and controlling imag-
`four-year life and, more preferably, greater than five years. so ing data. The image sensor 61 is preferably provided by a
`charge coupled device (“CCD”) connected either directly to
`The portable power source 41 is more preferably provided
`by a battery pack which uses four Lithium DD cells and 6
`the data acquisition processing circuit or through an inter-
`Aerogel 1.0 and 7.0 Farad capacitors as understood by those
`face digital signal processor 65 to the data acquisition
`skilled in the art. The data acquisition processing circuit 20
`processing circuit 20. Additionally, a global positioning
`thereby operatively draws less than 200 milliamperes 55 satellite (“GPS”) antenna 66 and a GPS controller 67 can be
`(“mA”) of Cl盯圳, and more preferably less than 20 mA of
`connected to the data acquisition processing ci川it 20,
`current. The power management controlling means in com-己ither directly or also through the interface digital signal
`bination with the memory circuit 30 includes at least a sleep
`processor 65, for providing data such as the location or
`mo巾, an ultra-low power awake mo巾, and a low-power
`position of the device being monitored over time or during
`awake mode. The power management controlling means 43 60 travel. This GPS system, for example, can be advanta-
`and other portions of the memory circuit 30 in combination
`geously used in military environments wherein vehicles,
`are preferably responsive to command signals from the data
`missiles, or other equipment travel or are shipped to various
`communications processing means 26 at predetermined real
`locations over time.
`FIGS. 5-9 illustrate other embodiments of an apparatus
`time intervals to increase power supplied to the data acqui-
`sition processing circuit 20.
`65 10’, 1。”, 10 I ”, 1。”” for low-power, micro-electrical
`The data acquisition processing circuit 20 further includes
`mechanical sensing and processing according to the present
`at least one RF transmitting circuit 28 responsive to the
`invention. FIG. 5, for example, provides an architecture or
`Apple v. Uniloc
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`Apple Ex. 1008


`US 6,469,639 B2
`∞ m 川时rmvM创hMt·邮阳-mM-nMdnmmnmdna
`阳-mmA 尸己创刊由民 MS 阳bkkdmn ∞ mnp
`-己也已 rcadnamvn·IUP -- un -- wdcnωshnVPMdkvmttu16·16
`Lbnvm阳则“吨叩叫MmML削川U叫mo 盯FMmpMmdpmmdpMm∞FMmrpMgusfddhhnvuωdtkhm也皂
`mhhMm 叫时时rkdMωω时时MωMmomωau巾刷出由叫出问刷出mr出巾 m 巾d 口 gmU 内MmmhM叫叫时「由mu山时时出ω
`民 MS 叮mk·四川ι川崎Jum
`cpgrs2md3mMM 问
`4 』
`m8江 9mm广
`- md1m
`M 山UAUU川MW向川口rvvtz乱叫MU 出3川
`时川mM缸川创尸阳8· 叽四川rmι侃”阳“民f 旺。, mA尸叫叩删·川Udv刷出时-m吨dcMakdmkd-mu创出dhumd·ωtwmsfdd.,
`巾mAPU削制ccsda-HYmmmmmM吨阱 mrmMmmιMMPM
`VHM山山川1 …t
`吼叫川旧町臼 UL且也严
`Apple v. Uniloc
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`Apple Ex. 1008


`US 6,469,639 B2
`acquisition processing circuit for sensing an initial wake-up
`transmitting the processed digital data by the use of an RF
`condition to thereby wake-up the low-power, data acquisi-
`transmitter and receiving the transmitted RF data prior to the
`step of simultaneously and remotely detectin~.
`tion processing circuit from a sleep-type low power condi-
`14. A method as defined in claim 11, wherem the at least
`24. An app川us as defined in claim 23, wherein said at
`one other parameter includes at least one of the followi吨· s
`least one wake-up sensor circuit includes a wake-up sensor
`temperature, strain, humidity, acoustic, angle, magnetic
`field, seismic, chemical co盹nt and/or variation, and til~.
`for providing a s已I 吨 signal 比sponsiv已 to a wak已-u
`condition, a bu直ιr circuit connected to the wake-up sensor
`15.Am已thod as d已fin已正I in claim 11, furth已r comprismg
`for providing a bu旺ιred sensing signal, and a threshold
`storing the processed digital data until 阳notely acce早已:.d.
`16. A method as define.d .in claim 15, fu由己r compnsmg 10 detecti吨 circuit connected to said buffer circuit for detect(cid:173)
`storing the unprocessed d1g1tal data until remotely accessed
`ing when a bu旺ιred sensing signal reaches a predetermined
`and displaying processed and unprocessed digital data after
`threshold to thereby provide a wake-up signal to the low-
`being remotely accessed.
`17. A method as defined in claim 11,旬出口 comprising
`power, data acquisition proc“中g circuit.
`operatively sampling the plurality of sensors and analyzing
`25. An apparatus as defined m claim 22, wherein the at
`the processed digital data at predetermined scripted real time 15 least one other parameter includes at least one of the
`following: temperature, strain, humidity, acoustic, angle,
`18. A method as defined in claim 17, further comprising
`magnetic field, seismic, chemical content and/or variation,
`operatively generating a data report and generating an alarm
`and tilt.
`condition when predetermined threshold conditions occur.
`26. An apparatus as defined in claim 22, wherein said
`19. A method as defined in claim 17, further comprising 20 digital signal processor includes a memory portion, and
`generating a data communications protocol having the pro-
`wherein said memory portion includes projecting means for
`cessed digital data and communicating the data communi-
`projecting the sensed value when at least one sensor exceeds
`cations protocol having the processed digital data responsive
`a predetermined sensor threshold.
`to remote access.
`27. An apparatus as defined in claim 22, wherein the
`20. A method as defined in claim 11,也rther comprismg 25 plurality of data inputs includes at least 16 data inputs
`managing the relatively low amount of power required to
`connected to the analog-to-digital converter.
`process the digital data.
`28. An apparatus as defined in claim 27, wherein the at
`21. A method as defined in claim 11, fu巾ιr compris~ng
`least 16 data inputs comprises at least 24 data inputs
`projecting a plurality of exceeded sensed values responsive
`connected to the analog-to-digital converter.
`to sensing at least one sensor exceeding a predetermined 30
`29. An apparatus as defined in claim 22, wherein the
`sensor threshold.
`combination of said power management controlling means
`22. 年啊川us for monitoring a structure, the apparatus
`and the type of said batt町 combine to provide means for
`extending the life of said battery during normal system
`a plurality of micro-electrical mechanical sensors. pos1-
`operational use for at least an estimated four-year life and so
`tioned to sense a plurality of parameters includmg at 35 that said data acquisition processing circuit operatively
`draws less than 200 milliamperes of current, and wherein
`least shock, vibration, and at least one other parameter
`and to provide a corresponding plurality of sensor data
`said power management- controlling means includes at least
`signals representative of the plurality of monitored
`a sleep mo巾, an ultra-low power awake mo巾, and a
`low-power awake mode.
`a low-power, data acquisition processing circuit respon- 40
`30. An apparatus as defined in claim 22, wherein said data
`sive to the plurality of sensor signals for acquiring and
`processing circuit further includes at least one RF transmit-
`processing the sensed data said low-power, data acqui-
`ter for transmitting RF data communications from said data
`sition processing circuit including a plurality of data
`processing circuit, and wherein said remote detector
`inputs, an analog-to-digital converter responsive to the
`includes an RF receiver for receiving RF data communica-
`plurality of data inputs for converting each of the 45 tions from said data processing circuit.
`plurality of sensor signals from an analog format to a
`31. An apparatus as defined in claim 22, wherein at least
`one of said plurality of micro-electrical mechanical sensors
`digital format, a digital signal processor responsive to
`said analog-to-digital converter for processing the digi-
`includes at least one accelerometer.
`tally formatted data including processing of shock and
`32. An apparatus as defined in claim 22, wherein said data
`vibration data and providing shock and vibration s~tu- so communications processor of said data acquisition process-
`ration points and profile for a structure bemg
`ing circuit comprises at least one micro-controller, and
`monitored, a data communications processor respon-
`wherein said digital acquisition processing circuit further
`includes a separate memory circuit connected to said digital
`sive to said digital signal processor for generating and
`processing data communications, a battery for provid-
`signal processor and said at least one micro-controller for
`ing portable power to said data acquisition processing 55 storing the processed data therein until remotely accessed by
`circuit, and power management controlling means at
`said remote detector.
`least connected to said battery, said digital signal
`33. An apparatus as defined in claim 32, wherein said
`processor, and said data communications processor for
`micro-controller further monitors said digital signal proces

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