`Catalent Pharma Solutions v. Patheon Softgels


`MERCK & (30., INC.
`Whitehouse Station, N.J .
`U. S .A.
`lst Edition—1889
`2nd Edition—1896
`3rd Edition—1907
`4th Edition—1930
`5th Edition—1940
`6th Edition—1952
`7th Edition—1960
`8th Edition—1968
`9th Edition—1976
`10th Edition—1983
`11th Edition—4 989
`Library of Congress Catalog
`Card Number 89—60001
`ISBN Number 0911910—12—3
`First Printing—March 1996
`Second Printing—April 1997
`Copyright © 1996 by MERCK & CO., INC.
`All rights reserved. Copyright under the Universal Copyright Convention
`and the International Copyright Convention.
`Copyright reserved under the Pan-American Copyright Convention.
`Printed in the U.S.A.


`Abbreviations and Selected Definitions
`Please consult the Glossary (Misc. Tables Section)for additional definitions.
`adenine; adenosine; absorbance ~
`Angstrom units
`antibody -
`absolute; absorption
`absolute configuration
`or—aminobutyric acid
`acetyl CH3CO—
`angiotensin converting enzyme
`acetyl coenzyme A
`acetic anhydride
`ethyl acetate
`acetic acid
`acyl carrier protein
`American Chemical Society
`adrenocorticotropic hormone
`acyl coenzyme A
`antibody—dependent cellular
`adding, addition
`alcohol dehydrogenase
`adenosine diphosphate
`(United States) Atomic Energy
`antigen, silver
`anaphylotoxin inhibitor
`acquired immunodeficiency
`alcohol(ic); ethanol; ethyl alcohol
`antialymphocyte globulin
`specific optical rotation at 25° C for
`D (sodium) line; absence of
`brackets indicates optical rotation
`of a liquid in a l decimeter cell,
`anti—lymphocyte serum, amyotrophic
`lateral sclerosis
`molar absorptivity (concn in
`adenosine 5 ’—monophosphate
`(adenylic acid)
`cyclic AMP
`anti—nuclear factor; atrial natriuretic
`stereodescriptor, see Glossary
`Justus Liebig’s Annalen der Chemie
`American Pharmaceutical
`alum precipitated toxoid
`analytical reagent
`AIDS related complex
`Naunyn Schmiedebergs Archivfifiir
`Experimentelle Pathologie und
`aromatic acyl radical
`B-carboxyaspartic acid
`aspartic acid
`association; associated
`B. P. C.
`Brit. pat.
`c C °
`Can. pat
`Chem. Commun.
`aS—, asym—
`atm, atmos
`at. no.
`at. Wt.
`B cell
`Belg. pat.
`American Society for Testing
`asymmetrical, unsymmetrical
`American Type Culture Collection
`atmosphere(s), atmospheric
`atomic number
`adenosine triphosphate
`adenosine triphosphatase
`atomic weight
`British Approved Name
`bone marrow or bursa of Fabricius
`derived cell
`Bacillus Calmette-Guerin
`Baumé (a specific gravity scale)
`Beilstein ’s Handbuch der
`Organischen Chemie
`Belgian patent
`Chemische Berichre (Berichte der
`Deutschen Chemischen
`bovine gamma globulin
`British Intelligence Objectives
`biochemical oxygen demand
`basepair; boiling point; boils at;
`boiling at Example: bp70 48°
`means boils at 48°C if the pressure
`is 70 mm Hg
`British Pharmacopez'a
`British Pharmaceutical Codex
`British patent
`biological response modifier
`bovine serum albumin
`British thermal units
`benzoyl CGHSCO—
`benzoic acid
`concentration by volume (g/l 00ml)
`after optical rotations only
`cytosine; cytidine; complement
`Centigrade degrees; Celsius
`heat capacity (constant pressure)
`(circa) about
`Chemical Abstracts
`calculate, calculated
`Canadian patent
`complete blood count
`cubic centimeter(s) (milliliter)
`circular dichroism
`cytidine diphosphate
`carcinoembryonic antigen
`(confer) compare
`complete Freund’s adjuvant (same as
`complement fixation test
`coronary heart disease
`congestive heart failure
`Journal of the Chemical Society,
`Chemical Commu ications.
`Colour Index (British)
`stereodescriptor, see Glossary
`A A A
`abs config
`Acetyl CoA
`alc, alcoh
`Archiv Exp.
`Pathol. _


`CoA or CoASH
`coll. vol.
`Con A
`crit press
`crit temp
`DEAE cellulose
`dec, decomp
`A (delta)
`dil(d>7 (n)
`, P
`up, DP
`0-(carboxymethyl) cellulose
`cell—mediated immunity
`cell—mediated lymphocytotoxicity
`cytidine 5’—monophosphate (cytidylic
`central nervous system
`coenzyme A
`collective volume
`concanavalin A
`coenzyme Q (ubiquinone)
`corresponding, corresponds
`chemically pure
`critical pressure
`critical temperature
`crystalline, crystals
`colony stimulating factor; cerebral
`spinal fluid
`Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance
`cytidine triphosphate
`density; specific gravity (dl9 specific
`gravity at 19° referred to water at
`dextr0(rotatory), the opposite of l
`dextro (in confi'gurational sense
`only), the opposite of L
`decompose(s), decomposition
`indicates the locant of the double
`diisopropyl fluorophosphate or
`diisopropyl phosphofluoridate
`dilute, diluted, dilution
`optically inactive by external
`compensation as contrasted with
`EC. No.
`a (epsilon)
`a (eta)
`er al.
`Eur. pat. Appl.
`F— l —P
`disease modifying antirheumatic drug I
`deoxyribonucleic acid
`complementary DNA
`mitochondrial DNA
`2,4—dinitrophenyl or 2,4—
`degree of polymerization (number of
`monomeric units in the polymer)
`(Deutsches ReichS—Patentheman
`double stranded
`entgegen, stereodescriptor, see
`the absorbance of a solution
`containing one gram per 100 ml
`contained in a cell having an
`absorption path of one cm
`molar extinction coefficient (concn in
`excitatory amino acid
`erythrocyte coated by antibody and
`experimental allergic
`electron capture
`eosinophil chemotactic factor of
`Enzyme Commission Number
`effective dose
`ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
`(exempli gratia) for example
`epidermal growth factor
`the same (authors), plural of idem
`European Inventory of Existing
`Chemical Substances
`enzyme—linked immunosorbent assay
`electromotive force
`ethylenediamine (in formulas)
`stereochemical descriptor, see
`Environmental Protection Agency
`erythropoietin; European Patent
`molar extinction coefficient (concn in
`g-moles/l); dielectric constant
`electrostatic units of electrical charge
`ethyl (321—13—
`(et alii) and others
`et cetera
`ethyl alcohol
`European patent application
`electron volt
`stereochemical descriptor, see
`extract, extracted
`Fahrenheit degrees: also Fourneau
`fructose l-phosphate
`fructose 6—phosphate
`fatty acid
`fast atom bombardment
`fiavin adenine dinucleotide (reduced
`Freund’s complete adjuvant (same as
`Food and Drug Administration
`Food, Drug and Cosmetic (USA).


`Houben Weyl
`ZARC Monographs
`Forrschr. Chem.
`Org. Natursz‘.
`Fr. pat.
`fructose l,6-diphosphate
`free fatty acid
`free from chlorine
`Freund’s incomplete adjuvant (same
`as ICFA)
`Field Information Agency, Technical
`(U.S. reports)
`fiavin mononucleotide (reduced
`form); same as riboflavin
`Forfschrine der Chemie Organischer
`Natursrofi‘e (Progress in the
`Chemistry of Organic Natural
`freezing point
`fast protein liquid chromatography
`French patent
`P. Fn’edlander Fortschrizre der Teer—
`farbenfabrikarion, a collection of
`Gmelz’n ’s
`follicle—stimulating hormone
`Fourier transform
`guanine; guanosine
`glucose l—phosphate
`glyceraldehyde 3—phosphate
`glucose 6—phosphate
`y—aminobutyric acid
`gas chromatography
`glutamate dehydrogenase
`guanosine diphosphate
`geminal, stereodescriptor see
`German patent
`growth hormone
`grams per liter
`y—carboxyglutamic acid
`gas—liquid chromatography
`gluconic acid
`glucuronic acid
`glutamic acid
`glucuronic acid
`glycerol 3—phosphate
`Gmelin’s Handbuch der
`Anorganischen Chemic, a
`comprehensive German
`encyclopedia of inorganic
`guanosine 5 ’~monophosphate
`(guanylic acid)
`cyclic GMP
`granulocyte macrophage colony
`stimulating factor
`growth hormone releasing factor
`glutathione (reduced)
`glutathione (oxidized)
`guanosine triphosphate
`carbon monom'de hemoglobin;
`human chorionic gonadotropin
`high density lipoproteins
`cells of the first continuously
`cultured (human cervical)
`carcinoma strain
`human gamma globulin
`human growth hormone
`human immunodeficiency virus
`human leukocyte antigen
`coenzyme A
`a German collection of medicinal
`Houben—Weyl Methoden der
`Organischen Chemie, a German
`collection of preparative methods
`in organic chemistry
`high performance (pressure, power)
`liquid chromatography
`human serum albumin
`herpes simplex Virus
`hydroxytryptamine (serotonin)
`human T lymphotropic Virus see also
`optically inactive by internal
`compensation as i—inositol; archaic
`for meso—
`l-region antigen
`International Association of Cancer
`international Agency for Research on
`I'ARC Monographs on the Evaluation
`of Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals
`to Man
`(i’oidem) at the same place
`Interstate Commerce Commission
`incomplete Freund’s adjuvant (same
`as PIA)
`interstitial cell—stimulating hormone
`(same as Ll—l)
`insulin dependent diabetes mellitis
`the same (author); plural: eidem, the
`same (authors)
`inosine diphosphate
`(id est) that is
`lsoelecnic focusing
`Interessengemeinschafz der
`Forbenz’ndusm'e, Akfiengesellschqfi~
`the German dye trust
`insulin—like growth factor 1
`inosine 5’—monophosphate (inosinic
`International Nonproprietary Name


`mfg, manur"
`mol wt
`NADP+ (NADPl-l)
`Neth. pat. Appl.
`nm L
`NW '
`immune responsegenes
`Internal Organization for
`inosine triphosphate; idiopathic
`thrombocytopenic purpura
`international unit
`International Union of Chemistry
`International Union of Pure and
`Applied Chemistry
`apanesel patent (unexamined)
`Japanese patent
`dissociation constant; equilibrium
`degrees Kelvin
`killer cell
`keyhole limpet hemocyanin
`kidney plasminogen activator
`levo(rotatory), the opposite of d
`levo (in configurational sense only),
`the opposite of D
`lymphocyte-activating determinant
`laser microprobe mass analysis
`long acting thyroid stimulator
`lethal concentration; liquid
`median lethal concentration, the
`concn of a chemical that is
`estimated to be fatal to 50% of the
`organisms tested
`lymphocyte Choriomeningitis
`lethal dose
`median lethal dose, the quantity of a
`chemical that is estimated to be
`fatal to 50% of the organisms
`lactate dehydrogenase
`low density lipoproteins
`luteinizing hormone (same as ICSH)
`natural logarithm
`(loco citato) in the place cited
`logarithm (common)
`limit of impurities
`meter; given after mass number
`signifies metastable isomer
`meta chemical locant for ring
`molar (concentration)
`monoclonal antibody
`maximum allowable concentration
`macrophage activating factor
`monoamine oxidase
`monoamine oxidase inhibitor
`mass spectrometry
`maximum, maxima
`Manufacturing Chemists Association
`at D X mol wt
`molecular rotation
`malate dehydrogenase
`methyl CH3—
`methyl alcohol
`Mellor’s Comprehensive Treatise on
`Inorganic and Theoretical
`milli—equivalent (0.001 of an
`millielectron volts
`major histocompatibility complex
`migration inhibition factor
`minimum; minute(s)
`Mullerian inhibiting substance
`milliliter (cubic centimeter)
`minimum lethal dose
`mixed lymphocyte reaction
`millimicron(s), 11m
`molecular weight
`Monatshefte flir Chemie
`melting point; melts, melting at,
`when followed by a figure
`denoting temperature
`relative molecular mass
`magnetic resonance imaging
`meso- (internally compensated)
`mass spectrometry
`melanocyte-stimulating hormone
`index of refraction (n? for 20° and
`sodium light); normal as n—propyl
`normal (equivalents per liter, as
`applied to concentration); nitrogen
`(asin N~methylpyridine)
`N-acetylneuraminic acid
`nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
`(reduced form)
`nicotinarmde adenine dinucleotide
`phosphate (reduced form)
`nonaspirin nonsteroidal anti—
`inflammatory drugs
`National Bureau of Standards
`National Collection of Type Cultures
`nucleoside 5’-phosphate
`Netherlands patent application
`National Formulary
`nanogram (10—9 grams)
`nerve growth ractor
`Non-insulin dependent diabetes
`National Institute for Occupational
`Safety and Health
`nicotinamide mononucleotide
`(reduced form)
`nucleoside 5 ’—monophosphate
`nuclear magnetic resonance
`New and Nonofiicial Drugs
`(Lippincott, 1959-1964)
`Ir genes
`Japan. Kokai
`Japan. pat.
`K °
`)1 (lambda)
`loc. cit.
`I oi
`M M
`ab, mAb
`mass spec


`PB report
`petr, etrol
`PFC p
`' GP
`New and Nonofficial Remedies
`(Lippincott, 1933-1958)
`chemical nomenclature descriptor,
`see Glossary
`National Research Development
`nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
`National Service Center
`nucleoside 5’—uiphosphate; National
`Toxicology Program (US)
`ortho chemical locant for ring
`denoting attachment to oxygen, as in
`0- acetylhydroxylamine
`optical density
`(opera ciraro) in the work cited
`Occupational Safety and Health Act
`concentration by weight (after optical
`rotations only)
`para chemical locant for ring
`inorganic phosphate
`p-aminobenzoic acid
`platelet—activating factor
`polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
`here and there, scattered
`Publication Board Report (United
`States Department of Commerce,
`Scientific and Industrial Reports)
`passive cutaneous anaphylaXis
`Patent Co-operation Treaty
`positron emission tomography
`plaque—forming cell
`pteroylglutarnic acid (folic acid)
`3—phosphoglyceroyl phosphate
`acid-base scale; log of reciprocal of
`hydrogen ion concentration
`log of the reciprocal of the
`dissociation constant, l/log K
`polymorphonuclear leukocyte
`inorganic pyrophosphate
`parts per million
`precipitate, precipitating
`propyl (normal)
`5-phosphoribosyl l-pyrophosphate
`parathyroid hormone
`coenzyme Q (ubiquinone)
`(quae vide) which see, plural
`(quad vide) which see
`“roentgen” unit of radiation
`rep [REP]
`Rf or RF
`- s.c.
`sol; soly
`sp gr
`alkyl, univalent hydrocarbon radical
`(or hydrogen)
`rectus (right), stereodescriptor see
`radioallergosorbent test
`red blood cell; red blood count
`aliphatic acyl radical
`recrystallize, recrystallization
`‘ ‘roentgen equivalent physical”
`means a dose of ionizing radiation
`capable of producing energy
`absorption of 93 ergs per gram of
`(in paper chromatography) ratio of
`movement of the band to the front
`of the solvent
`radioimmunosorbent test
`ribonucleic acid
`heterogeneous nuclear RNA
`messenger RNA
`nuclear RNA
`ribosomal RNA
`small nuclear RNA
`transfer (soluble) RNA
`Registry of Toxic Eflects of Chemical
`denoting attachment to sulfur as in
`sinister (left), stereodescriptor see
`Society of Automotive Engineers
`sodium dodecyl sulfate
`International System of Units
`systemic lupus erythematosus
`serotonin—noradrenaline reuptake
`soluble; solubility
`solidifies, solidification
`species; specific
`single photon emission computed
`specific gravity
`species (plural)
`(sequentia) and following
`sheep red blood cells
`slow reacting substance of
`single stranded
`subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
`selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
`standard temperature and pressure
`stereochernical descriptor see
`thymine; thymidine


`trichloroacetic acid; tricarboxylic
`thymus derived cell
`thoracic duct lymphocyte
`thyrnidine diphosphate
`thyrotropic hormone
`tetrahydrofolic acid
`thin-layer chromatography
`thymidine 5 ’—monophosphate
`tobacco mosaic virus
`tumor necrosis factor
`tissue plasminogen activator
`thiamine pyrophosphate
`stereodescriptor see Glossary
`thyroid—stimulating hormone
`tumor—specific transplantation
`thymidine triphosphate
`uracil or uridine
`uridine diphosphate
`uridine diphosphogalactose
`uridine disphosphoglucose
`United Kingdom
`uridine 5’—monophosphate (uridylic
`unsymmetrical, asymmetrical
`United States Atomic Energy
`United States Adopted Names
`U.S. pat.
`Z. Physiol.
`United States Dispensaz‘ory
`United States Department of
`United States Pharmacopeia
`United States patent
`uridine triphosphate
`vicinal (adjacent)
`(videlicet) that is to say; namely
`very low density lipoproteins
`percent “volume in volume”
`expresses the number of milliliters
`of an active constituent in 100
`milliliters of solution
`White blood cell; white blood count
`World Health Organization
`percent “weight in volume”
`expresses the number of grams or"
`an active constituent in 100
`milliliters of solution, and is used
`regardless of whether water or
`another liquid is the solvent
`percent “weight in weight”
`expresses the number of grams of
`an active constituent in 100 grams
`of solution or mixture
`Kanthosine monophosphate
`zusammen stereodescriptor see
`Hoppe-Seyler’s Zeitschn'ftfi'ir
`Physiologische Chemie
`approximately equal
`greater than
`less than
`TB, tb
`T cell
`TEAE cellulose
`lM V
`TPP, ThI-‘P
`U. K.
`uns—, unsym—


`I 2384
`Citramalic Acid
`Separation of isomers: Naves, Bull. Soc. Chim.
`France 1952, 521. Comprehensive reviews: J. L. Simonsen,
`The Terpenes, vol. I, 83-100 (1947); E. Guenther, The Essenv
`tial Oils, VOL II, 326-336 (1949); Gildemeister-Hoffmann,
`Die Aetherischen 0219, vol. IV, 307-356 (4th ed., 1956).
`Geranial (Citral a)
`Neral (Citral b)
`Geranial, light oily liquid. Strong lemon odor. bP2.5 92-
`dfio 0.8888.
`nfl’ 1.48982. Practically insol in water.
`Miscible with alc, ether, benzyl benzoate, diethyl phthalate,
`glycerol, propylene glycol, mineral oil, essential oils.
`Neral, light oily liquid. Lemon odor not as intense but
`sweeter than gerianal. hp” 91-92“. d5” 0.8869. ng’ 1.48690.
`Solubilities same as gerianal.
`In the synthesis of vitamin A, ionone and methyl-
`ionone. As a flavor, for fortifying lemon oil.
`In perfumery
`for its citrus effect in lemon and verbena scents, in cologne
`odors, in perfumes for colored soaps. Not stable to alkalies
`and strong acids. Will cause discoloration of white soaps
`and alkaline cosmetics.
`2384. Citramalic Acid. 2-Hydroxy-2-methylbutanedioic
`acid; 2-methylmalic acid; 2-hydroxy-2-methylsuccinic acid;
`a-hydroxypyrotartaric acid. C5H305; mol wt 148.12. C
`40.55%, H 5.44%, O 54.01%. Enzymatic synthesis: Barker,
`Blair, Biachem. Prepns. 9, 21 (1962). Chemical synthesis:
`Barker, ibid. 25; J. B. Wilkes, R. G. Wall, J. Org. Chem. 45,
`247 (1980). Stereoselective synthesis: E. G. J. Staring et al.,
`Rec. Trav. Chim. 105, 374 (1986).
`mg! _23.4° (c
`[0412} +23.6° (c = 3 in
`til-Form, deliquescent monoclinic prisms from ethyl ace-
`tate + petr ether, mp 117°. Sublimes. Freely sol in water,
`acetone. Sol in ethyl acetate, ether. Practically insol in petr
`ether, benzene.
`d-Forrn, crystals, mp 112.2-112.8°.
`I-Forrn, crystals, mp 112-113“.
`2385. B-Citraul‘in.
`citraurin. CmeOZ; mol Wt 432.65. C 83.29%, H 9.32%, O
`7.40%. Carotenoid pigment found only in orange peel.
`Isoln by chromatography: Zechmeister, Tuzson, Ber. 69,
`1878 (1936); 70, 1966 (1937). The peels from 100 kilos of
`oranges yield about 35 mg. Structure: Zechmeister, Tuz-
`loc. cit; Karrer, Solmssen, Helv. Chim. Acta 20, 682
`(1937); Karrer et al.,
`ibid. 1020; Zechmeister, v. Cholnoky,
`Ann. 530, 291 (1937); Karrer et al., Helv. Chim. Acta 21, 445
`(1938). Abs config: Bartlett et al., J. Chem. Soc. (C) 1969,
`2527. Synthesis: H. Pfander et al., Helv. Chim. Acta 63,
`1377 (1980).
`Thin orange or yellow-colored plates from benzene + petr
`ether, mp 147°. Absorption max (benzene): 497, 467 nm.
`.4..- v c...
`Freely sol in acetone ethanol, ether, benzene, and ”firm
`disulfide. Sparingly sol in petr ether.
`2386. Citrazinic Acid.
`pyridinecarboxylic acid; 2,6—dihydroxyisonicatinic acidlfxoq
`dihydroxy-4-pyridinecarboxylic acid. C6H5N04; m;
`1 w
`155.11. C 46.46%, H 3.25%. N 9.03%, 0 41.26%.
`from citric acid with aq NH3 at 140-160° under pregrfl!
`Bavley, Hamilton, U.S. pat. 2,729,647 (1956 to Print) “hr
`rification: Bavley et al., US. pat. 2,738,352 (1955 to P};tr) [3'
`Yellowish powder with a greenish tinge; carboniZes 31$ ,
`300° without melting. Ultrapure material which is Whiteove’01"
`. colorless, has been prepared. Almost insol in water; 3“
`sol in hot HCl; sol in alkali hydroxide or carbonate sol“ _
`Alkaline solns turn blue on standing.
`2—Hydroxy-1,2,3-prapanetrimrba1" .
`2387. Citric Acid.
`ylic acid; B-hydroxytricarballylic acid. C6H807; mOlfw ;
`192.13. c 37.51%, H 4.20%, 0 58.29%. Widely distribfif’t",'
`in plants and in animal tissues and fluids. Producediid‘
`mycological fermentation on an industrial scale using (£de
`sugar solns, such as molasses and strains of Aspergm
`niger: See review by Von Loesecke, Chem. & Eng. News 1
`1952 (1945); Schweiger, U.S. pat. 2,970,084 (1961 to Mil
`Labs); Faith, Keyes & Clark’s Industrial Chemicals, F_‘
`Lowenheim, M. K. Moran, Eds. (Wiley-Interscience,‘ Ne
`York, 4th ed., 1975) pp 275-279. Also extracted from citrus
`fruits (lemon juice contains 5 to 8%) and from pi'neap
`waste. Reviews: Wilson, Chem. & Met. Eng. 29, 787 (1923).
`Browne, Ind. Eng. Chem. 13, 81 (1921); Warneford, Hardy":
`ibid. 17, 1283 (1925); E. F. Bouchard, E. G. Merrittjh;
`Kirk—Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology vol. “5
`(Wiley-Interscience, New York, 3rd ed., 1979) pp 150-5179.
`Toxicity: Gruber, Halbeisen, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 9
`65 (1948).
`Anhydr form, mp 153°. Crystals are monoclinic holoi
`hedra and crystallize from hot concd aq soln. d 1.665., At
`25°, pKl 3.128; pK2 4.761; sz 6.396, Bates, Pinching,IJ. ,
`Am. Chem. Soc. 71, 1274 (1949). Soly in water: 54.0% W/
`at 10°; 59.2% at 20°; 64.3% at 30°; 68.6% at 40°; 70.9% at'5 ._
`73.5% at 60°; 76.2% at 70°; 78.8% at 80°; 81.4% at 90°; 84.0%."
`at 100°.
`Monohydrate, orthorhombic crystals from cold aq schist
`Pleasant, sour taste. d 1.542. Monohydrate crystals 1059.
`water of crystn in dry air or when heated at about 40 to 503”
`slightly deliquescent in moist air.
`Softens at 75°-
`~100°. pH of 0.1N soln = 2.2. Densities of aqueous 50111
`10% = 1.0392; 20% = 1.0805; 30% = 1.124le
`40% = 1.1709; 50% = 1.2204; 60% = 1.2738.
`Soly 1.11,
`g/ 100 g satd soln:
`ether 2.17; chloroform 0.007; 2111131
`alcohol 15.43; amyl acetate 5.98; ethyl acetate 5.28. Soly at}
`19° in g/ 100 g solvent: methanol 197; propanol 62.8. 111359,
`i.p. in rats: 975 mg/kg (Gruber, Halbeisen).
`Pharmaceutical Incompatibilities: Potassium tartrate, 31'
`kali and alkaline earth carbonates and bicarbonates, 355'
`tates, sulfides. Dilute aq solns may ferment on standing-
`Barium salt heptahydrate, CnHmBasouflHZO, barium
`citrate. Powder. Loses all H20 at 150°. Sol in 1750 PM."S
`water; freely sol in dil HCl or HNOa; practically ins01 in
`Ethyl ester, 012132007, ethyl citrate, triethyl citrate. Bittelz
`oily liq. d” 1.137. bp76° 294°; pr0 127°. Viscosity at 25:
`35.2 cps. Pour pt ~10°.
`nZD” 1.4455. Soly: water ~6-9%’
`peanut oil 0.8%. Misc with alc, ether.
`USE: Acidulant in beverages, confectionery, effervesce”
`salts, in pharmaceutical syrups, elixirs, in effervescent poW'
`ders and tablets, to adjust the pH of foods and as Syner',
`Page 392
`Consult the Name Index before using this section.


`antioxidant, in processing cheese. Used in beverages,
`’eS: jams, preserves and candy to provide tartness. In the
`jelll 11f of alkyd reSins; in esterified form as plasticizer, foam
`In the manuf of citric acid salts. As sequestering
`ill111 t to remove trace metals. As mordant to brighten
`gen 5. in electroplating; in special inks; in analytical chem-
`1:010r for determining citrate—soluble P205; as reagent for
`15‘” in, mucin, glucose, bile pigments.
`”117 ERA? CAT: Component of anticoagulant citrate solns
`(agate dextrose soln; citrate phosphate dextrose soln; citric
`acid syrup)-
`2338, Citrinill.
`. ethyl—6—0xa—3H-2-benz0pyran-7-carbaxylic acid; Antimy-
`W” C13H1405; mol Wt 250.25. c 62.39%, H 5.64%, o
`C‘n'97%_ Antibiotic substance produced by a White spore
`31’ rgfllus which has been placed under the species name
`aspergillus niveus (Thorn and Raper). Also produced in
`ASP?“ quantities by Penicillium citrinum: Hetherington,
`szmck, Trans. Roy. Soc. London 3220, 269 (1931); Rais-
`R?‘k Smith, Chem. & Ind (London) 60, 828 (1941); Timo-
`‘r-‘C :Science 96, 494 (1942); Timonin, Rovatt, Can. J. Pub.
`Innlilth 35, 80 (1944).
`Identity with antimycin: Haese,
`frem Pharm. 296, 227 (1963). Structure: Brown et al., J.
`Chem- Soc. 1949, 867; Warren et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 79,
`3812 (1957); Kovac et (11., Nature 190, 1104 (1961). Synthe-
`iS' Cartwright et al., J. Chem. Soc. 1949, 1563; J. A. Bar-
`f”; e, 41,, J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I 1986, 2101. Stereo-
`chemiStryi Cram, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 72, 1001 (1950); Meh-
`ta Whalley’ J. Chem. Soc. 1963, 3777; Mathieson, Whalley,
`ibia'. 1964, 4640. Physical characteristics and toxicity:
`Nagai 81‘ £11., Chem. Zentr. 1958, 8088', CA. 55, 1914 (1961).
`' Crystal and molecular structure: Rodig, Chem. Commun.
`1971, 1553. Biosynthesis:
`J. Barber et aI., J. Chem. Soc.
`Perkin Trans. I 1981, 2577; L. Colombo et 11]., nibid. 2594.
`Physicochemical data: A. E. Pohland et (11., Pure Appl.
`Chem. 54, 2219 (1982). Toxicology: A. M. Ambrose, F. De
`Eds, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 88, 173 (1946). Review: Saito
`let (1]., “Yellowed Rice Toxins” in Microbial Toxins, A. Cieg-
`153-, S. Kadis, A. Ajl, Eds. (Academic Press. New York,
`{1971) vol. VI, pp 357-367.
`Lemon-yellow needles from alcohol, dec 175°.
`—37.4° (c = 1.15 in alc.). uv max: 250, 331 nm (E1211. 370,
`413). Strong acid. Practically insol in water. Sol in alco-
`1101, dioxane, dilute alkali. Solns change color with changes
`111 PH. from lemon-yellow at pH 4.6 to cherry-red at pH
`9.9. Poisonous!
`LDSO in mice, rats (mg/kg):
`35, 67 i.p.
`(Ambrose, De Eds).
`Igethyl citrinin, CHI-I160? plates from benzene, dec 139°.
`la] +217.1° (c = 0.38 in acetone). uv max: 260, 334 nm
`E161. 520, 151.6).
`in hot alcohol; moderately sol in
`chloroform. Practically insol in petr ether.
`Dlhydrocitrinin, C13H1605’ prisms from benzene, dec
`[00138 ~18.8° (c = 4.148 in chloroform).
`uv max:
`rofi; 330 nm (E13; 400, 100). So] in alcohol, acetone, chlo—
`rm; sparingly sol in benzene, petr ether.
`4112:189- Citromycetin.
`qufi’tnt' ‘Pyrqtto[3,2-c][1]benz0pyran-10-carbaxylic acid; fre-
`347‘710 acid. C14H1007; mol Wt 290.23. C 57.94%, H
`Gilli“; 0 38.59%. Antibiotic substance produced by Peni-
`y Cir frequentans Westling and P. vesiculosum Bainier and
`0y. S’Omyces Spp: Hetherington, Raistrick, Phil. Trans.
`Natureoc. London, Ser. B, 220, 209 (1931); Grove, Brian,
`Chem 5357, 995 (1951). Structure: Robertson et al., J.
`1958 '45°C~ 1951, 2013. Biosynthesis: Birch et al.,
`in ‘76; Money, Nature 199, 592 (1963). Total synthe-
`395'“. {amaUChi et al., J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I 1987,
`o /
`Dihydrate, yellow crystals, effervescence at 155°, dec 290-
`300" (considerable antecedent blackening).
`Freely sol
`ethanol; readily sol in aq sodium carbonate soln; sparingly
`sol in water, chloroform.
`Insol in benzene, hexane. Stable
`to acid and alkali at 100°.
`3, 7-Dimethyl-6-octenal.
`2390. Citronellal.
`mol wt 154.25. C 77.87%, H 11.76%, 0 10.37%. Chief
`constituent of citronella oil; also found in many other vola-
`tile oils, such as lemon, lemon grass, melissa: Tiemann, Ber.
`32, 834 (1899); Spoon, Chem. Weekbl. 54, 236 (1958).
`Structure: Naves, Bull. Soc. Chim. France 1951, 505;
`Eschinazi, J. Org. Chem. 26, 3072 (1961).
`d 0.848-
`[04E5 +11.50°.
`n}? 1.4460.
`bp1 47°.
`0856. Soluble in alcohols; very slightly sol in Water.
`a-citranellal, 3,7-Di

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