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`P T A B - I P R 2 0 1 8 - 0 0 4 1 0
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`I n R e :
`C A N O N , I N C . , e t a l . ,
`v s .
`P A P S T L I C E N S I N G G m b H & C O . K G .
`~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
`T e l e p h o n i c C o n f e r e n c e C a l l
`J a n u a r y 9 , 2 0 1 8
`1 1 : 0 0 a . m .
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`A P P E A R A N C E S :
`J u d g e B i s k
`J u d g e C h a n g
`J u d g e Q u i n n
`G r e g D o n a h u e , E s q .
`D a v i d M . M a i o r a n a , E s q .
`M a r k B l a c k m a n , E s q .
`M a r k U n g e r m a n , E s q .
` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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` JUDGE BISK: Good morning. This is
`Judge Bisk, and I have Judges Quinn and Chang on
`the line with me.
` Can we do a roll call for who is on
`the line, starting with the patent owner?
` MR. DONAHUE: Hi, Your Honor. This
`is Greg Donahue for patent owner, Papst
` JUDGE BISK: Okay. Thank you.
` And then let's do -- let's go with
`ZTE. Is ZTE on the phone? We don't have any
`representative for ZTE, who is the current -- I
`believe the only petitioner left in 2017-00415.
` MR. DONAHUE: That's right, Your
`Honor. This is Greg Donahue, for patent owner,
`speaking. That's the only one left. I think I
`remember seeing an e-mail suggesting they don't
`have a dog in this fight and they may not have
`anyone that attends. I'm not sure.
` JUDGE BISK: Okay. I noticed that
`the motion to terminate as to ZTE came in
`yesterday, is that correct, for the 415 case?
` MR. DONAHUE: Yes, Your Honor. I
`believe it came in for two cases, including the
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`Page 4
` JUDGE BISK: Before we move on to
`the other parties that are on the line, can I
`ask you a question? I have a couple lingering
`questions about the ZTE settlement.
` One question I have is there's
`another case, 2017-00713, involving ZTE and the
`same claim for the same patent, or substantive
`claims at least, but I haven't seen any motion
`to terminate or request for a motion to
`terminate in that case. So can you just update
`me on what is going on with that case?
` MR. DONAHUE: Your Honor, I'm glad
`that you brought that to my attention. There
`should be a request to terminate that. There's
`a different law firm that's handling that IPR.
`I will alert them immediately that they need to
`contact the Board and notify them of their
`desire to file a motion to terminate and also
`get permission from the Board to do so.
` JUDGE BISK: Okay. Thank you.
`That's kind of what we were figuring. I just
`wanted to make sure.
` And while we're talking about those
`cases, that set of cases, there's one more case,
`IPR2017-00714. That's the same patent as
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`Page 5
`2017-00443. It looks like that case is going to
`continue, the 714 case. I believe Samsung is
`still a petitioner in that case.
` MR. DONAHUE: Your Honor, this is,
`again, Greg Donahue for patent owner. I believe
`that one, unlike the case that we may be talking
`about here, Olympus and Samsung both joined that
`proceeding --
` MR. DONAHUE: -- in a timely
`fashion, and, therefore, because Samsung has not
`settled that one, I think that one is
` MS. BEYER: Your Honor, this is
`Carrie Beyer on behalf of the Samsung
`petitioner. He's correct. Samsung filed a
`motion for joinder and was joined into
`IPR2017-00714, and that one is continuing.
` JUDGE BISK: Okay. Thank you.
` We have on our schedule that there's
`a hearing in February, so I think the only --
`well, 714 is the only one that has right now a
`request for oral hearing in that case. Is that
`true, that we still want to have an oral hearing
`in that case?
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`Page 6
` MR. DONAHUE: So if that's the 714
`proceeding that involves the '399 patent, again,
`that's a different law firm that is handling
` JUDGE BISK: Oh, I see.
` MR. DONAHUE: If they filed a
`request, I'm sure that means that they wanted to
`have a hearing in that one.
` JUDGE BISK: Okay. Thank you.
`Well, we don't have to talk about that anymore.
`We can deal with that separately.
` All right. So let's find out who's
`on the line who are not parties right now to the
`415 case but are in the newly filed case -- I
`can't remember what it is -- 2018-00410. Who do
`we have on the line just for that?
` MR. MAIORANA: Good morning, Your
`Honor. This is David Maiorana. I represent the
`Canon petitioners in the 410 IPR and have been
`of record in a number of these other ones
`relating to Papst, and we've been before you in
`oral hearing a few months ago as well.
` JUDGE BISK: Okay. Anyone else? It
`sounded like Samsung. Are you also involved in
`the 410 case?
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`Page 7
` MS. BEYER: Yes, we are.
` MR. BLACKMAN: Good morning, Your
`Honor. Mark Blackman is also on the line on
`behalf of the Nikon petitioners.
` JUDGE BISK: Okay. Thank you.
` MR. UNGERMAN: Mark Ungerman, on
`behalf of Sanyo as petitioner.
` JUDGE BISK: Okay. Thank you.
` Do we have a court reporter on the
` JUDGE BISK: Can whoever arranged
`for the court reporter arrange to have the
`transcript uploaded as an exhibit?
` MR. MAIORANA: Yes, we will, Your
`Honor. This is David Maiorana.
` JUDGE BISK: Actually, the only
`problem with that is that currently -- I guess
`you would upload it in the 410 case because you
`are not a party to the 415 case, so you can't
`file. So maybe I could ask the patent owner if
`they would file the transcript in the 415 case
`for now.
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`Page 8
` MR. DONAHUE: Yes, Your Honor, we
`could do that.
` JUDGE BISK: Okay. Thank you.
` So let's get to the actual reason
`we're on the call here, which is, I believe,
`Mr. Maiorana, you wanted to talk about perhaps
`filing a reply brief in the 415 case?
` MR. MAIORANA: Yes. Thank you, Your
`Honor. We have filed IPR2018-00410, as you
`mentioned, and along with that, a motion to join
`the 410 to the 415. And those two numbers are
`so close together, I know I'm going to say them
` JUDGE BISK: Yes. It's hard to keep
`track of all the numbers.
` MR. MAIORANA: But right now pending
`in the 410 IPR is a motion for joinder and a
`motion to waive the rules because we filed our
`motion for joinder outside of the one-month
` JUDGE BISK: Okay. Now, I think I
`know the answer to my next question, but I just
`want to be sure. In the 410 case, is that case
`time barred if it isn't joined, if you're not
`joined to the 415 case? Can it stand on its
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`Page 9
` MR. MAIORANA: It cannot, Your
`Honor, because the original assertion of the
`'449 patent against the petitioners was made in
`2007 or 2008, depending on the --
` JUDGE BISK: Okay. So go ahead.
`I'm sorry. I interrupted you, Mr. Maiorana. Go
`ahead with why you want to file a reply in the
`415 case.
` MR. MAIORANA: So, Your Honor, the
`current schedule that is in play in the 415 IPR
`has a date for petitioner's reply of January
`5th, which was last Friday, and so we had tried
`to unsuccessfully set up a call, this call,
`earlier than January 5th, to get the Court's
`guidance on this, but what we're seeking to do
`-- because our motion for joinder is pending, we
`were seeking to file a contingent reply in the
`415 that would then, hopefully, be entered in
`the record if the Court was to grant our motion
`for joinder, and if not, and the motion for
`joinder is denied, then 415 would be terminated
`and the reply would be unnecessary and I guess
`could be expunged.
` So what we want to talk about today
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`Page 10
`is a mechanism for how to do that. We met and
`conferred with Mr. Donahue about their position
`on this, and they not only opposed the joinder
`motion, but also the idea of filing a contingent
` What we would propose on today's
`call -- and our motivation here, Your Honor, is
`to keep the 415 IPR going. It's only a few
`months away from decision. And as you can
`imagine, the parties that are the petitioners in
`the 410 IPR have a significant interest in
`seeing the decision issued from the Board on the
`415 IPR, given that we've all been defending
`that patent for over ten years now.
` What we would propose today is to
`adjust the schedule in the 415 IPR to allow us
`to submit a reply and still allow a time for
`opposition from patent owner to the -- I'm
`sorry, still allow time for motions for
`observation, and all the other due dates that
`come after that, without changing or adjusting
`the oral argument date, which is currently
`February 13.
` We gave Mr. Donahue a heads-up on
`our call yesterday that we were going to be
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`Page 11
`proposing a revised schedule that just moves
`those dates basically by a couple of weeks or
`so, but maintains the February 13th date. So I
`can tell you what the dates are we would propose
`now or we can come up with another way to
`present that to you, but our understanding is
`that patent owner would oppose any efforts by
`the petitioners in 410 to file any kind of a
`contingent reply in 415.
` JUDGE BISK: Can I ask a question
`about the 410 case? I don't believe that one
`has been officially paneled yet. I think we
`discussed that last time. Have you received a
`notice of filing date yet in that case?
` MR. MAIORANA: No, we have not, Your
`Honor. We filed that on the 29th of December,
`so I think we're still within the window where
`we would expect to get a notice of filing date.
` JUDGE BISK: Okay. Thanks.
` Patent owner, can I get your take on
` MR. DONAHUE: Sure.
` I guess we'll start with the issue
`he just addressed, which is a contingent reply
`brief. I think it's important for the Board to
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`Page 12
`note that the original reply brief deadline for
`this proceeding was actually November 17th,
`2017, which was almost, I guess, two months ago.
`The patent owner and the original petitioners
`had worked together to continue to move that
`date back because they were finalizing
`settlement agreements and didn't want to incur
`costs and time -- spend time associated with
`reply briefing and depositions and whatever else
`went into the motion and briefing practice, and
`so the schedule got condensed on the back end to
`an unworkable schedule. That was done because
`it was irrelevant because the expectation was
`that all the parties that were in the
`proceeding, properly joined Olympus, timely
`joined Olympus, and the original petitioners,
`all were settling out and the expectation was
`that there was going to be no proceeding to
` So the idea that we're going to have
`a reply brief at this late juncture, with an
`oral hearing scheduled now for February 13th,
`and condense everything that goes on between a
`reply brief and that in the next month I think
`is unrealistic, and it also is prejudicial to
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`Page 13
`the patent owner at this point.
` As you probably can imagine, we feel
`like the parties that are attempting to join six
`months after the joinder deadline -- and they're
`alleging that it's because there was some
`sweetheart deal given to Olympus to terminate
`the IPRs. We think the Board can see for
`themselves, by viewing the settlement agreement,
`that is not the case. The entire premise for
`which they are seeking joinder here is
`irrational and also irrelevant.
` The settlement agreements, which,
`again, I can't say much about because they're
`confidential -- the Board can see all of the
`settlement agreements between Huawei, LG, ZTE
`and the properly joined Olympus and see that all
`of them individually, and in the aggregate, are
`legitimate settlements that weren't done simply
`to get rid of any IPR, and that regardless,
`that's really not even the relevant inquiry.
` The Board has rules in place for
`joinder to avoid this type of prejudice to a
`patent owner, the properly joined parties, and
`original petitioners, and here we are almost six
`months after the joinder deadline.
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`Page 14
` Samsung, as you noted earlier in the
`call, wanted the petitioners actually joined
`right around the same time as the 714 proceeding
`with Olympus. There's no reason they couldn't
`have done the exact same thing in this
`proceeding and joined with Olympus in a timely
`manner. They apparently did not do so to avoid
`whatever estoppel consequences that come with
`joinder, and they're trying now to have it both
`ways, where they say we'll avoid estoppel by
`staying out and hope the proceeding goes to the
`final written decision without us in it, and
`then, oh, if everybody is settled out, we'll
`just seek late joinder, allege that the
`settlements are a sham, without admittedly ever
`even seeing them, and seek opportunity to join
`late. And I think this would be, you know, a
`dangerous precedence for the Board to set to
`allow that.
` So for all those reasons, we object
`to all of this, including any type of a
`contingent reply brief that would potentially --
`you know, the public could see that would
`insinuate the patent is invalid or that the
`Board could see that could influence it in other
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`Page 15
`proceedings. So we object to really all of
` JUDGE BISK: I just want to point
`out, before anyone else says anything, one of my
`panel members has brought up a good point to me,
`which is that technically ZTE is still part of
`the 415 case and, apparently, we do not have
`them on the phone. Nobody indicated to us from
`ZTE that they didn't care about this call. So
`I'm feeling a little bit like we might be having
`an ex-parte conversation here, since we don't
`have any representative for the current
`petitioner on the 415 case. In general, that's
`just making me think that we should -- for the
`410 case, we'll deny any extra filings into the
`415 case for now. I just don't think it's
`appropriate to really even be discussing that
`case without the petitioner and with parties who
`are not a party of that case yet. So we're
`going to deny that request.
` I guess I'd like to adjourn the
`call, unless anyone has anything they think they
`can say that's not problematic.
` MR. MAIORANA: I don't know if this
`would be problematic, Your Honor, but just to
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`Page 16
`address the procedural point, we gave notice to
`ZTE's counsel that this call was happening and
`they chose not to attend. I guess I'm not sure
`that we should be prejudiced by that. It's
`their choice not to attend. They can't come in
`later and complain that they weren't part of
`this call, because they were given notice and
`opportunity to join it, but I do understand what
`Your Honor is saying.
` I guess what is left -- I just heard
`Mr. Donahue make substantive arguments about the
`joinder issue, and I wasn't going to address
`them on the call because we were talking about
`the contingent reply, but if Your Honor would
`like to hear from the petitioners on our view on
`joinder, obviously you have the written papers
`and there's a time frame for those to be
`considered by the Board.
` One issue is that the joinder motion
`briefing schedule is going to bump up against
`the current oral argument date in 415. So we
`would ask the Board to consider that perhaps an
`expedited briefing schedule would be useful to
`get that joinder motion fully briefed in advance
`of the February 13th date. In the event that
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`Page 17
`the Board does grant joinder, we would seek to
`participate in the oral hearing, whether it be
`on February 13th or some later date at the
`board's discretion.
` JUDGE BISK: Okay. Hang on. I'm
`going to confer with my panel. I will put you
`on mute. I can hear you but you won't be able
`to hear me.
` (Short recess had.)
` JUDGE BISK: Okay. This is Judge
`Bisk. I'm back. I talked to the panel and we
`just don't see a way to accommodate the 410
`petitioners in the 415 case in any way that
`doesn't prejudice the patent owner, so, again,
`we're going to deny that request to file a
`contingent reply. The 410 case and the motion
`for joinder, that's a separate issue. We'll
`take that up, you know, as we're actually
`assigned that case.
` Unless there's anything else, I
`think we are ready to adjourn. Anything from
`the patent owner?
` MR. DONAHUE: No. I just want to be
`clear. So the patent owner still needs to file
`a response to the motion for joinder in that
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`Page 18
`separate proceeding?
` JUDGE BISK: Right. Actually, I
`think -- well, I believe that there are two
`motions. There's a motion for joinder and a
`motion to waive or suspend Rule 122. So I think
`that patent owner has a right to at least
`respond to the motion for joinder and probably
`for the motion to waive the rule as well.
` MR. DONAHUE: So those deadlines are
`January 29th, 2018. I think the Board indicated
`that you've already received -- since you're the
`panel that's been assigned the 415, you've
`received (inaudible) ZTE the Papst motions to
`terminate, so it's at your discretion, I guess,
`whether you act on that before we respond to
`that. You don't have involvement necessarily in
`this other IPR, until you're assigned to it. Is
`that correct?
` JUDGE BISK: Yes, exactly.
` Unless there's anything else, let's
` MR. DONAHUE: That's all for patent
`owner. Thank you, Your Honor.
` (Telephonic conference call adjourned
` at 11:22 a.m.)
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`Page 19
` I, Renee L. Pellegrino, do hereby certify
`that as such Reporter I took down in Stenotypy all
`of the proceedings had in the foregoing transcript;
`that I have transcribed my said Stenotype notes into
`typewritten form as appears in the foregoing
`transcript; that said transcript is the complete
`form of the proceedings had in said cause and
`constitutes a true and correct transcript herein.
` <%Signature%>
` Renee L. Pellegrino,
` Notary Public within and for
` the State of Ohio
` My Commission expires October 12, 2020
`2 3 4
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`Exhibit 1025


`[& - commission]
`& 1:11
`11:00 1:25
`11:22 18:25
`12 19:19
`122 18:5
`13 10:23
`13th 11:3 12:22
`16:25 17:3
`17th 12:2
`2007 9:5
`2008 9:5
`2017 12:3
`2017-00415 3:13
`2017-00443 5:1
`2017-00713 4:6
`2018 1:24 18:10
`2018-00410 1:1
`2020 19:19
`29th 11:16 18:10
`399 6:2
`410 6:19,25 7:21
`8:11,17,23 10:11
`11:8,11 15:15
`415 3:22,25 6:14
`7:22,24 8:7,11,25
`9:9,11,19,22 10:8
`10:13,16 11:9
`15:7,13,16 16:21
`17:13 18:12
`449 9:4
`5th 9:13,15
`714 5:2,22 6:1
`9 1:24
`a.m. 1:25 18:25
`able 17:7
`act 18:15
`actual 8:4
`address 16:1,12
`addressed 11:24
`adjourn 15:21
`17:21 18:21
`adjourned 18:24
`adjust 10:16
`adjusting 10:21
`admittedly 14:15
`advance 16:24
`aggregate 13:17
`ago 6:22 12:3
`agreement 13:8
`agreements 12:7
`ahead 9:6,8
`al 1:7
`alert 4:16
`allege 14:14
`alleging 13:5
`allow 10:16,17,19
`answer 8:22
`anymore 6:10
`apparently 14:7
`Page 1
`board's 17:4
`brief 8:7 11:25
`12:1,21,24 14:22
`briefed 16:24
`briefing 12:9,10
`brought 4:13 15:5
`bump 16:20
`call 1:20 3:4 8:5
`9:14,14 10:7,25
`14:2 15:9,22 16:2
`16:7,13 18:24
`canon 1:7 6:19
`care 15:9
`carrie 5:15
`case 3:22 4:6,10
`4:11,24 5:1,2,3,6
`5:23,25 6:14,14,25
`7:21,22,24 8:7,23
`8:23,25 9:9 11:11
`11:14 13:9 15:7
`cases 3:24 4:24,24
`cause 19:10
`certificate 19:1
`certify 19:4
`chang 2:4 3:2
`changing 10:21
`choice 16:5
`chose 16:3
`claim 4:7
`claims 4:8
`clear 17:24
`close 8:12
`come 10:21 11:5
`14:8 16:5
`commission 19:19
`appearances 2:1
`appears 19:8
`appropriate 15:17
`argument 10:22
`arguments 16:11
`arrange 7:15
`arranged 7:14
`assertion 9:3
`assigned 17:19
`associated 12:8
`attempting 13:3
`attend 16:3,5
`attends 3:19
`attention 4:13
`avoid 13:22 14:7
`back 12:6,11
`backwards 8:13
`barred 8:24
`basically 11:2
`behalf 5:15 7:5,8
`believe 3:13,24 5:2
`5:5 8:5 11:11 18:3
`beyer 5:14,15 7:1
`bisk 2:3 3:1,2,9,20
`4:1,20 5:9,19 6:5
`6:9,23 7:2,6,9,14
`7:19 8:3,14,21 9:6
`11:10,19 15:3
`17:5,10,11 18:2,19
`bit 15:10
`blackman 2:8 7:3
`board 4:17,19
`10:12 11:25 13:7
`13:14,21 14:18,25
`16:18,22 17:1
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`[complain - hopefully]
`complain 16:6
`complete 19:9
`condense 12:23
`condensed 12:11
`confer 17:6
`conference 1:20
`conferred 10:2
`confidential 13:14
`consequences 14:8
`consider 16:22
`considered 16:18
`constitutes 19:11
`contact 4:17
`contingent 9:18
`10:4 11:9,24
`14:22 16:14 17:16
`continue 5:2 12:5
`continuing 5:13
`correct 3:22 5:16
`18:18 19:11
`costs 12:8
`counsel 16:2
`couple 4:3 11:2
`court 7:10,12,15
`court's 9:15
`current 3:12 9:11
`15:12 16:21
`currently 7:20
`dangerous 14:18
`date 9:12 10:22
`11:3,14,18 12:6
`16:21,25 17:3
`dates 10:20 11:2,4
`david 2:7 6:18
`deadline 12:1 13:4
`deadlines 18:9
`deal 6:11 13:6
`december 11:16
`decision 10:9,12
`defending 10:13
`denied 9:22
`deny 15:15,20
`depending 9:5
`depositions 12:9
`desire 4:18
`different 4:15 6:3
`discretion 17:4
`discussed 11:13
`discussing 15:17
`dog 3:18
`donahue 2:6 3:6,7
`3:14,15,23 4:12
`5:4,5,10 6:1,6 8:1
`10:2,24 11:22
`16:11 17:23 18:9
`due 10:20
`e 3:17
`earlier 9:15 14:1
`efforts 11:7
`entered 9:19
`entire 13:9
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`et 1:7
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`10:23 11:3 12:22
`16:25 17:3
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`9:8,18 11:8 17:15
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`8:9,18 11:16
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`Page 2
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`8:12 10:8,25
`12:18,20 15:20
`16:12,20 17:6,15
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`greg 2:6 3:7,15 5:5
`guess 7:20 9:23
`11:23 12:3 15:21
`16:3,10 18:14
`guidance 9:16
`handling 4:15 6:3
`hang 17:5
`happening 16:2
`hard 8:14
`heads 10:24
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`heard 16:10
`hearing 5:21,23,24
`6:8,22 12:22 17:2
`hi 3:6
`honor 3:6,15,23
`4:12 5:4,14 6:18
`7:4,18 8:1,9 9:3
`9:10 10:7 11:16
`15:25 16:9,14
`hope 14:11
`hopefully 9:19
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Canon Inc. v. Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG
`Exhibit 1025


`[huawei - oral]
`huawei 13:15
`idea 10:4 12:20
`imagine 10:10
`immediately 4:16
`important 11:25
`inaudible 18:13
`including 3:24
`incur 12:7
`indicated 15:8
`individually 13:17
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`insinuate 14:24
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`interrupted 9:7
`invalid 14:24
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`involves 6:2
`involving 4:6
`ipr 1:1 4:15 6:19
`8:17 9:11 10:8,11
`10:13,16 13:19
`4:25 5:18
`ipr2018-00410 8:9
`iprs 13:7
`irrational 13:11
`irrelevant 12:13
`issue 11:23 16:12
`16:19 17:17
`issued 10:12
`january 1:24 9:12
`9:15 18:10
`join 8:10 13:3
`14:16 16:8
`joinder 5:17 8:17
`8:19 9:17,21,22
`10:3 13:4,10,22,25
`14:9,14 16:12,16
`16:19,24 17:1,17
`17:25 18:4,7
`joined 5:7,17 8:24
`8:25 12:15,16
`13:16,23 14:2,6
`judge 2:3,4,5 3:1,2
`3:9,20 4:1,20 5:9
`5:19 6:5,9,23 7:2
`7:6,9,14,19 8:3,14
`8:21 9:6 11:10,19
`15:3 17:5,10,10
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`kg 1:11
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`14:17,23 15:24
`l 19:4,15
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`lg 13:15
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`line 3:3,5 4:2 6:13
`6:16 7:4
`lingering 4:3
`little 15:10
`looks 5:1
`m 2:7
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`6:18 7:17,18 8:6,8
`8:16 9:2,7,10
`11:15 15:24
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`12:3 13:4,25
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`4:18 5:17 8:10,17
`8:18,19 9:17,20,21
`10:4 12:10 16:19
`16:24 17:16,25
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`move 4:1 12:5
`moves 11:1
`mute 17:7
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Page 3
`necessarily 18:16
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`noticed 3:20
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`october 19:19
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`ohio 19:17
`okay 3:9,20 4:20
`5:9,19 6:9,23 7:2
`7:6,9 8:3,21 9:6
`11:19 17:5,10
`olympus 5:7 12:15
`12:16 13:6,16
`ones 6:20
`opportunity 14:16
`oppose 11:7
`opposed 10:3
`opposition 10:18
`oral 5:23,24 6:22
`10:22 12:22 16:21
`Canon Inc. v. Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG
`Exhibit 1025


`[oral - start]
`original 9:3 12:1,4
`12:16 13:24
`outside 8:19
`owner 3:5,7,15 5:5
`7:23 10:18 11:7
`11:20 12:4 13:1
`13:23 17:14,22,24
`panel 15:5 17:6,11
`paneled 11:12
`papers 16:16
`papst 1:11 3:7
`6:21 18:13
`part 15:6 16:6
`parte 15:11
`participate 17:2
`parties 4:2 6:13
`10:10 12:14 13:3
`13:23 15:18
`party 7:22 15:19
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`4:25 5:5 6:2 7:23
`9:4 10:14,18 11:7
`11:20 12:4 13:1
`13:23 14:24 17:14
`17:22,24 18:6,22
`pellegrino 7:13
`pending 8:16 9:17
`period 8:20
`permission 4:19
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`5:16 7:8 15:13,18
`petitioner's 9:12
`petitioners 6:19
`7:5 9:4 10:10 11:8
`12:4,16 13:24
`14:2 16:15 17:13
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`place 13:21
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`procedural 16:1
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`12:2,15,18 14:3,6
`14:11 18:1
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`properly 12:15
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`proposing 11:1
`ptab 1:1
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`put 17:6
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`8:22 11:10
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`quinn 2:5 3:2
`ready 17:21
`really 13:20 15:1
`reason 8:4 14:4
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`received 11:13
`recess 17:9
`record 6:20 9:20
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`relating 6:21
`relevant 13:20
`remember 3:17
`renee 7:12 19:4,15
`reply 8:7 9:8,12,18
`9:23 10:5,17 11:9
`11:24 12:1,9,21,24
`14:22 16:14 17:16
`reporter 7:10,12
`7:15 19:5
`represent 6:18
`3:12 15:12
`request 4:9,14
`5:23 6:7 15:20
`respond 18:7,15
`response 17:25
`revised 11:1
`rid 13:19
`right 3:14 5:22
`6:12,13 8:16 14:3
`roll 3:4
`rule 18:5,8
`rules 8:18 13:21
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Page 4
`samsung 5:2,7,11
`5:15,16 6:24 14:1
`sanyo 7:8
`saying 16:9
`says 15:4
`schedule 5:20 9:11
`10:16 11:1 12:11
`12:12 16:20,23
`scheduled 12:22
`see 6:5 13:7,14,16
`14:23,25 17:12
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`seek 14:14,16 17:1
`seeking 9:16,18
`seen 4:8
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`set 4:24 9:14 14:18
`settled 5:12 14:13
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`12:7 13:8,12,15
`settlements 13:18
`settling 12:17
`sham 14:15
`short 17:9
`signature 19:14
`significant 10:11
`simply 13:18
`six 13:3,24
`sorry 9:7 10:19
`sounded 6:24
`speaking 3:16
`spend 12:8
`stand 8:25
`start 11:23
`Canon Inc. v. Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG
`Exhibit 1025


`[starting - zte's]
`Page 5
`starting 3:5
`state 19:17
`staying 14:11
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`stenotypy 19:5
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`suggesting 3:17
`sure 3:19 4:22 6:7
`8:23 11:22 16:3
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`sweetheart 13:6
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`talk 6:10 8:6 9:25
`talked 17:11
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`ten 10:14
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`4:10,14,18 13:6
`terminated 9:22
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`5:19 6:9 7:6,9 8:3
`8:8 18:23
`thanks 11:19
`thing 14:5
`think 3:16 5:12,21
`8:21 11:12,17,25
`12:24 13:7 14:17
`15:14,16,22 17:21
`time 8:24 10:17,19
`11:13 12:8,8 14:3

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