Reversing the Collision-Avoidance Handshake in Wireless Networks
`J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves and Asimakis Tzamaloukas *
`Computer Engineering Department
`Baskin School of Engineering
`University of California, Santa Cruz, California’95064
`{ji, jamal}
`Many medium-access control (MAC) protocols for wireless net-
`works proposed or implemented to date are based on collision-
`avoidance handshakes between sender and receiver. In the vast ma-
`jority of these protocols, including the IEEE 802.11 standard, the
`handshake is sender initiated, in that the sender asks the receiver
`for permission to transmit using a short control packet, and trans-
`mits only after the receiver sends a short clear-to-send notification.
`We analyze the effect of reversing the collision-avoidance hand-
`shake, making it receiver initiated and compare the performance of
`a number of these receiver-initiated protocols with the performance
`of protocols based on sender-initiated collision avoidance. The
`receiver-initiated protocols we present make use of carrier sensing,
`and are therefore applicable to either baseband or slow frequency-
`hopping radios in which an entire packet can be sent within the
`same frequency hop (which is the case of FHSS commercial radios
`that support IEEE 802.11). It is shown that the best-performing
`MAC protocol based on receiver-initiated or sender-initiated colli-
`sion avoidance is one in which a node with data to send transmits
`a dual-purpose small control packet inviting a given neighbor to
`transmit and asking the same neighbor for permission to transmit.
`There is a large body of work on the design of MAC (medium ac-
`cess control) protocols for wireless networks with hidden terminals.
`Kleinrock and Tobagi [7] identified the hidden-terminal problem of
`carrier sensing, which makes carrier-sense multiple access (CSMA)
`perform as poorly as the pure ALOHA protocol when the senders
`of packets cannot hear one another and the vulnerability period of
`packets becomes twice a packet length. The BTMA (busy tone
`multiple access) protocol was a first attempt to solve the hidden-
`terminal problem by introducing a separate busy tone channel [ 121.
`The same authors proposed SRMA (split-channel reservation mul-
`tiple access) [ 131, which attempts to avoid collisions by introducing
`a control-signal handshake between the sender and the receiver. A
`station that needs to transmit data to a receiver first sends a request-
`to-send (RTS) packet to the receiver, who responds with a clear-
`*This work was supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
`(DARPA) under Grant No. F30602-97-2-0338.
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`to-send (CTS) if it receives the RTS correctly. A sender transmits
`a data packet only after receiving a CTS successfully. ALOHA or
`CSMA can be used by the senders to transmit RTSs.
`Several variations of this scheme have been developed since
`SRMA was first proposed, including MACA [6], MACAW [l],
`IEEE 802.11 [.5], and FAMA [3]. These examples of MAC proto-
`cols, and most protocols based on collision-avoidance handshakes
`to date are sender-initiated, in that the node wanting to send a data
`packet first transmits a short RTS asking permission from the re-
`ceiver. In contrast, in the MACA by invitation (MACA-BI) proto-
`col [ 111, the receiver polls one of its neighbors asking if it has a data
`packet to send. A receiver-initiated collision avoidance strategy is
`attractive because it can, at least in principle, reduce the number of
`control packets needed to avoid collisions. However, as we show in
`this paper, MACA-BI cannot ensure that data packets never collide
`with other packets in networks with hidden terminals.
`In this paper, we present MAC protocols with receiver-initiated
`collision avoidance that do provide correct collision avoidance,
`prevent data packets addressed to a given receiver from colliding
`with any other packets at the receiver. We analyze the effect of
`reversing the collision-avoidance handshake used to eliminate the
`hidden-terminal problem of carrier sensing. Our study of receiver-
`initiated collision avoidance focuses on single-channel networks
`with asynchronous transmissions, but many of our results extrap-
`olate to networks with multiple channels.
`The key contributions of this paper are recasting collision avoid-
`ance dialogues as a technique that can be controlled by senders, re-
`ceivers, or both; showing that receiver-initiated collision avoidance
`can be even more efficient than sender-initiated collision avoid-
`ance; and presenting a method for proving that a receiver-initiated
`collision avoidance strategy works correctly.
`We use a fully-connected network topology to discern the rel-
`ative performance advantages of different protocols. We opted to
`focus on fully-connected networks in our analysis because of two
`reasons: (a) it allows us to use a short analysis that can be applied to
`several protocols; and (b) our focus on protocols that provide cor-
`rect collision avoidance means that the relative performance differ-
`ences in a fully-connected network are very much the same when
`networks with hidden terminals are considered. In particular, re-
`sults presented for FAMA protocols [2, 31 indicate that, in a net-
`work with hidden terminals, the performance of a MAC protocol
`with correct collision avoidance is almost identical to the perfor-
`mance of the same protocol in a fully-connected network if the
`vulnerability period of a control packet is made proportional to the
`length of the entire packet. This is intuitive, if a MAC protocol pre-
`vents data packets from colliding with other packets in any type of
`topology, hidden terminals can degrade the protocol’s performance
`from that obtained in a fully-connected network only to the extent
`that control packets used to prevent data collisions are subject to
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`additional interference caused by the fact that nodes cannot sense
`the transmissions of control packets by hidden sources.
`The receiver-initiated protocols we introduce in this paper re-
`quire that nodes accomplish carrier sensing. This can be done with
`baseband radios and today’s commercial slow frequency hopping
`radios, in which complete packets are sent in the same frequency
`hop. The receiver-initiated protocols we present, as well as the
`sender-initiated protocols introduced in the past based on carrier
`sensing and a single channel (e.g., FAMA [3]), do not really apply
`to DSSS (direct sequence spread spectrum) radios, because radios
`capture none or one of multiple overlapping transmissions depend-
`ing on the proximity and transmission power of the sources. Fortu-
`nately, there are many commercial radios, specially at the 2.4GHz
`band, which can make use of our collision-avoidance approach.
`Section 2 introduces fundamental aspects of receiver-initiated
`collision-avoidance handshake, and Section 3 presents a number
`of MAC protocols based on receiver-initiated collision-avoidance.
`Section 4 proves that, in the absence of fading, all these protocols
`solve the hidden-terminal problem, i.e., they eliminate collisions
`of data packets. Section 5 analyzes the throughput of these proto-
`cols in fully-connected networks. Our analysis shows that receiver
`initiated multiple access with dual-use polling (RIMA-DP) is the
`most efficient approach among all the sender- and receiver-initiated
`MAC protocols proposed to date for single-channel networks with
`asynchronous transmissions.
`2 Receiver-Initiated
`Critical design issues in receiver-initiated MAC protocols over a
`single channel are: (a) whether or not to use carrier sensing, (b)
`how to persist transmitting packets, (c) how to resolve collisions,
`and (d) deciding how a receiver should poll its neighbors for data
`Carrier sensing has been shown to increase the throughput of
`sender-initiated collision avoidance tremendously [2]; furthermore,
`carrier sensing has also been shown to be necessary to avoid col-
`lisions of data packets in sender-initiated collision avoidance over
`single-channel networks in which transmissions occur in an asyn-
`chronous way, i.e., without time slotting [3].
`We describe all receiver-initiated schemes assuming carrier sens-
`ing and asynchronous transmissions. To simplify the analysis of
`the protocols, we also assume non-persistent carrier sensing, which
`has been shown to provide better throughput characteristics than
`persistent disciplines for CSMA and CSMA/CD [8] at high loads.
`Furthermore, our treatment of receiver-initiated collision avoidance
`assumes simple back-off strategies; however, the benefits of using
`sophisticated back-off strategies or collision resolution algorithms
`has been analyzed for a number of sender-initiated MAC proto-
`cols [ 1, 41, and it should be clear that the same schemes could be
`adopted in any of the receiver-initiated approaches we address in
`this paper.
`In sender-initiated collision avoidance, a node sends a request-
`to-send packet (RTS) whenever it has data to send and, in protocols
`using carrier sensing, the channel is free. However, deciding how to
`send polling packets in receiver-initiated protocols is not as imme-
`diate as sending transmission requests in sender-initiated protocols;
`furthermore, as we show in this paper, the polling discipline cho-
`sen determines to a large extent the performance of the protocol. A
`polling rate that is too small renders low throughput and long av-
`erage delays, because each sender with a packet to send is slowed
`down by the polling rate of the receiver. Conversely, a polling rate
`that is too high also renders poor performance, because the polling
`packets are more likely to collide with each other and no source
`gets polled.
`The polling discipline used in a receiver-initiated MAC proto-
`col can be characterized by three different factors:
`l Whether or not the polling rate is independent of the data rate
`at polling nodes,
`l Whether the poll is sent to a particular neighbor or to all
`l Whether the polling packet asks for permission to transmit
`as well.
`In terms of the relationship between the polling rate and the data
`rate, we can categorize polling disciplines in two major classes:
`independent polling and data-driven polling.
`With independent polling, a node polls its neighbors at a rate
`that is independent of the data rate of the node or the perceived
`data transmission rate of its neighbors. In contrast, with data-driven
`polling, a node attempts to poll its neighbors at a rate that is a func-
`tion of the data rate with which it receives data to be sent, as well
`as the rate with which the node hears its neighbors send control
`and data packets. The specification of the MACA-BI protocol by
`Talucci et al. [ 1 l] assumes this type of polling. Throughout the rest
`of the paper, we assume data-driven polling, because it is very diffi-
`cult in a real network to determine a good independent polling rate
`by the receivers, and because data-driven polling is far simpler to
`In practice, to account for data rate differences at nodes and to
`eliminate the possibility of a data-driven polling discipline never
`allowing a node to receive data, a protocol based on data-driven
`polling should send a poll based on its local data to be sent or after
`a polling timeout elapses without the node having any packet to
`send to any neighbor.
`The intended audience of a polling packet can be a single neigh-
`bor, a subset of neighbors, or all the neighbors of a node. A large
`audience for a poll packet introduces the possibility of contention
`of the responses to the poll, and either the collisions of responses
`need to be resolved, or a schedule must be provided to the poll
`audience instructing the neighbors when to respond to a poll.
`The intent of a polling packet can be simply to ask one or more
`neighbors if they have data to send to the polling node, or it can
`both ask for data and permission to transmit in the absence of data
`from the polled neighbors. Intuitively, the latter approach should
`have better channel utilization, because data will be sent after every
`successful handshake, and more data per successful handshake are
`sent as traffic load increases even if the polled node does not have
`data for the polling node. We also note that a polling packet asking
`for data from a neighbor could allow the polled node to send data to
`any destination, not just to the polling node; however, this strategy
`would not work efficiently in multihop networks, because there is
`no guarantee that the recipient of a data packet who did not ask for
`it will receive the transmission in the clear.
`It is clear that polls that specify transmission schedules can ad-
`dress the three key functions of a polling discipline that we have
`just discussed. In this paper, however, we concentrate on single-
`node polling and broadcast polling only. Receiver-initiated proto-
`cols based on schedules is an area of future research.
`3 Receiver-hitiated
`This section introduces new MAC protocols based on receiver initi-
`ated collision avoidance and relate them to the taxonomy of polling
`disciplines presented in Section 2. To our knowledge, these proto-
`cols are the first based on receiver-initiated collision avoidance that
`eliminate the collisions of data packets with any other control or
`data packets in the presence of hidden terminals.
`For simplicity, we describe the new MAC protocols without the
`use of acknowledgments (ACKs); in practice, ACKs will be used.
`However, it should be clear that, because the protocols support cor-
`rect collision avoidance, an acknowledgment to each data packet
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`can be sent collision-free by the receiver immediately after it pro-
`cesses the data packet. The only caveat is that the time that a node
`must back off to let data flow without collisions must include the
`time needed for the sender to receive the acknowledgment in the
`with Simple Polling
`The original MACA-BI [ 1 l] protocol uses a ready-to-receive packet
`(RTR) to invite a node to send a data packet. A node is allowed
`to send a data packet only if it has previously received an RTR,
`whereas a node that receives an RTR that is destined to a different
`node has to back off long enough for a packet to be sent in the clear.
`According to the description of MACA-BI, a polled node can
`send a data packet intended to the polling node or any other neigh-
`bor. In a fully-connected network, whether the data packet is sent
`to the polling node or not is not important, because all the nodes
`must back off after receiving an RTR in the clear. However, this is
`not the case in a network with hidden terminals.
`By means of two simple examples, we can show that MACA-BI
`does not prevent data packets sent to a given receiver from colliding
`with other data packets sent concurrently in the neighborhood of the
`receiver. The first example illustrates the fact that, in order to avoid
`the transmission of data packets that the intended receiver cannot
`hear because of other colliding data packets, a polled node should
`send data packets only to the polling node. The second example
`illustrates the possibility that collisions of data packets at a receiver
`may occur because the receiver sent an RTR at approximately the
`same time when data meant for another receiver starts arriving.
`In Fig. 1, nodes a and d send RTRs to nodes b and e at time to,
`respectively. This prompts the polled nodes to send data packets at
`time ti; the problem in this example occurs when at least one of
`the polled nodes sends a data packet addressed to c, which cannot
`hear either packet.
`data to c
`data to c
`Figure 1: Data packets colliding in MACA-BI when packet is not
`sent to polling node
`In the example shown in Fig. 2, node a sends an RTR to b at
`time to. This RTR makes node b start sending data to node a at
`time tr which in order to provide good throughput must be larger
`than 7 seconds, where y is the length of an RTR. At time ts node
`c starts sending an RTR to node d. Because of carrier sensing, t2
`must be within r seconds (maximum propagation delay) of ti. In
`this example, after receiving node c’s RTR, node d replies with data
`that must start arriving at node c at time t3. Because the maximum
`propagation delay is r, it must be true that t3 5 t2 +y+2r
`5 tl +
`7 + 37. Hence, if data packets last longer than -y + 3r seconds, the
`data packets from b and d collide at node c. In practice, data packets
`must be much longer than RTRs to provide good throughput, and
`it thus follows that MACA-BI cannot prevent all data packets from
`experiencing collisions.
`to _RTR
`. data
`data c
`. RTR
`RTR c
`Figure 2: Data packets colliding in MACA-BI due to RTR not be-
`ing heard
`The above problems in MACA-BI went unnoticed in the specifi-
`cation by Talucci et al. [ 111. To make the RTR-data handshake in
`MACA-BI collision free, the following two minor modifications
`are required:
`l The polled node should transmit data packets only if they are
`addressed to the polling node.
`l A new control signal is also required, which we call No-
`Transmission-Request (NTR), and an additional collision-
`avoidance waiting period of e seconds is required at a polled
`node prior to answering an RTR. During that period, if any
`channel activity is heard, the receiver (polling node) that orig-
`inated an RTR sends an NTR telling the polled node not
`to send any data. Otherwise, if nothing happens during the
`waiting period, the polled sender transmits its data, if it has
`any to send to the polling node.
`We call the protocol resulting from modifying MACA-BI with
`the above two rules RIMA-SP (receiver initiated multiple access
`with simple polling). Fig. 3 illustrates the operation of RIMA-SP
`The complete proof that RIMA-SP provides correct collision avoid-
`ance when 5 = r is given in Section 4.
`In RIMA-SP, every node initializes itself in the START state,
`in which the node waits twice the maximum channel propagation
`delay, plus the hardware transmit-to-receive transition time (E), be-
`fore sending anything over the channel. This enables the node to
`find out if there are any ongoing transmissions. After a node is
`properly initialized, it transitions to the PASSIVE state. In all the
`states, before transmitting anything to the channel, a node must lis-
`ten to the channel for a period of time that is sufficient for the node
`to start receiving packets in transit.
`If a node x is in the PASSIVE state and senses carrier, it tran-
`sitions to the REMOTE state to defer to ongoing transmissions. A
`node in REMOTE state must allow enough time for a complete
`successful handshake to take place, before attempting to transition
`from remote state.
`Any node in PASSIVE state that detects noise in the channel
`must transition to the BACKOFF state. If node x is in PASSIVE
`state and obtains an outgoing packet to send to neighbor Z, it transi-
`tions to the RTR state. In the RTR state, node x uses non-persistent
`carrier sensing to transmit an RTR. If node x detects carrier when
`it attempts to send the RTR, it transitions to the BACKOFF state,
`which makes the node back off immediately for a sufficient amount
`of time to allow a complete handshake between a sender-receiver
`pair to occur; otherwise, z sends its RTR.
`If node e receives the RTR correctly and has data for x, it waits
`for 6 seconds. If during the waiting period there is no activity in
`the channel, node z transitions to the XMIT state, where it trans-
`mits a data packet to x (Fig. 3(a)); otherwise, node e assumes that
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`where d is the maximum number of neighbors for a receiver. The
`simplest back-off-period unit is the time it takes to send a small
`data packet successfully.
`with Dual-Use
`The collision avoidance strategy described for RIMA-SP can be
`improved by increasing the probability that data will follow a suc-
`cessful RTR, without violating the rule that data packets should be
`transmitted only if they are addressed to the polling nodes. A sim-
`ple way to achieve this with data-driven polling is to make an RTR
`entry both a request for data from the polled node, and a trans-
`mission request for the polling node to send data. The RIMA-DP
`(receiver-initiated multiple access with dual-purpose polling) pro-
`tocol does exactly this. Fig. 4 illustrates the modified collision
`avoidance handshake to permit the polling node to either receive
`or send data without collisions.
`As Fig. 4(a) illustrates, a key benefit of the dual-use polling in
`RIMA-DP is that both polling and polled nodes can send data in
`the RTR
`a round of collision avoidance. This is possible because
`makes all the neighbors of the polling node back-off, and the data
`from the polled node make all its neighbors back-off, which can
`then be used by the polling node to send its data.
`RIMA-DP gives transmission priority to the polling nodes. When
`a node .z is polled by node x and has data for node x, z waits 6
`seconds before sending a data packet. In contrast, if the polled
`node does not have data for x, it immediately sends a CTS (Clear-
`To-Send packet) to x. This permits a polling node x exposed to a
`neighbor sending data to hear part of that neighbor’s data packet af-
`ter sending its RTR; in such a case, node x can send an NTR to the
`polled node to cancel its RTR. Section 4 shows that this prevents
`collisions of data packets, provided that z waits for [ > 7 + 7~
`seconds before sending any data after being polled and the length
`of a CTS is 2r seconds longer than the length of an RTS. As in
`RIMA-SP, the lengths of RTRs and RTSs are the same.
`As in RIMA-SP, every node starts in the START state and tran-
`sitions to to the PASSIVE state when it is initialized.
`If a node
`x is in the PASSIVE state and senses carrier, it transitions to the
`REMOTE state to defer to ongoing transmissions. A node in RE-
`MCYl’E state must allow enough time for a complete successful
`handshake to take place, before attempting to transition from re-
`mote state.
`Any node in PASSIVE state that detects noise in the channel
`must transition to the BACKOFF state where it must allow suffi-
`cient time for complete successful handshakes to occur. If node
`x is in PASSIVE state and obtains an outgoing packet to send to
`neighbor Z, it transitions to the RTR state. In the RTR state, node
`x behaves as in RIMA-SP.
`If node z receives the RTR correctly and has data for 2, it waits
`for 5 seconds before sending a data packet to x. If during the wait-
`ing period there is no activity in the channel, node z transitions to
`the XMIT state, where it transmits a data packet to Z. Otherwise,
`z assumes a collision or data transfer to a hidden node and goes to
`the BACKOFF state. If z has no data for x, it sends a CTS to x
`If node x detects carrier immediately after sending an RTR, it
`defers its transmission attempt and sends an NTR to the node it
`polled. The CTS length, which is T seconds longer than an RTR,
`forces polling nodes that send RTRs at about the same time when
`a polled node sends a CTS to detect carrier from the CTS and stop
`their attempt to send or receive data. Any node other than z re-
`ceiving the CTS for x transitions to the BACKOFF state. When
`node x receives the CTS from z, it transitions to the XMIT state
`and transmits a data packet to Z.
`Figure 3: RIMA-SP illustrated
`there was a collision and transitions to the BACKOFF state to al-
`low floor acquisition by some other node. After sending its RTR,
`node x senses the channel. If it detects carrier immediately after
`sending its RTR, node x assumes that a collision or a successful
`data transfer to a hidden node is taking place. Accordingly, it sends
`a No transmission Request (NTR) to z to stop z from sending data
`that would only collide at x (Fig. 3(b)).
`When multiple RTRs are transmitted within a one-way prop-
`agation delay a collision takes place and the nodes involved have
`to transition to the BACKOFF state and try again at a later time
`chosen at random, as shown in Fig. 3(b).
`Node x determines that its RTR was not received correctly by
`z after a time period equal to the maximum round-trip delay to
`its neighbors plus turn-around times and processing delays at the
`nodes, plus the waiting period 5. After sending its RTR, node x
`listens to the channel for any ongoing transmission. Because of
`non zero propagation delays, if node x detects carrier immediately
`after transmitting its RTR, it can conclude that it corresponds to a
`node other than Z, which would take a longer time to respond due
`to its need to delay its data to x to account for turn-around times. ’
`The lengths of RTRs and NTRs are the same. The same argu-
`ment used in [2] to show that the length of an RTS must be longer
`than the maximum propagation delay between two neighbors to en-
`sure correct collision avoidance can be used to show that RTRs and
`NTRs must last longer than a maximum propagation delay. In ad-
`hoc networks in ISM bands, propagation delays are much smaller
`compared with any packet that needs to be transmitted.
`To reduce the probability that the same nodes compete repeat-
`edly for the same receiver at the time of the next RTR, the RTR
`specifies a back-off-period unit for contention. The nodes that must
`enter the BACKOFF state compute a random time that is a multi-
`ple of the back-off-period unit advertised in the RTR. The simplest
`case consists of computing a random number of back-off-period
`units using a uniformly distributed random variable from 1 to d,
`‘Our analysis assumes 0 humaround
`times and 0 processing delays for simplicity.
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`Figure 4: RIMA-DP illustrated
`3.3 Protocols with Broadcast Polling
`Contrary to the prior two approaches, an RTR can be sent to mul-
`tiple neighbors. We describe a modification of RIMA-SP based on
`this variant.
`A node broadcasts an RTR only when there is a local data
`packet (data-driven polling). Only after a node has received an invi-
`tation, it is allowed to send any data. Because a poll broadcast to all
`the neighbors of a node can cause multiple nodes to attempt send-
`ing data to the polling node, an additional control packet is needed
`to ensure that transmissions that collide last a short period and do
`not carry user data. Accordingly, a polled node sends a short RTS
`(Ready-To-Send packet) before sending data. Furthermore, after
`sending its RTS, the polled node must wait for 5 seconds to allow
`the polling node to send an NTR when collisions of RTSs occur
`at the polling node. We call this protocol RIMA-BP (Broadcast
`It can be shown that RIMA-BP provides correct collision avoid-
`ance if 6 = 47. Fig. 5 illustrates the receiver-initiated handshake
`of RIMA-BP. As it is shown in the figure, the key difference with
`RIMA-SP is the use of an RTS prior to the transmission of a data
`4 Correct Collision Avoidance
`in RlMA protocols
`Theorems 1 and 2 below show that RIMA-SP and RIMA-DP en-
`sure that there are no collisions between data packets and any other
`transmissions. A similar proof to that of Theorem 1 can be used
`to show that RIMA-BP provides correct collision avoidance if 6 =
`47. The following assumptions are made to demonstrate correct
`collision avoidance in RIMA protocols [3]:
`AO) A node transmits an RTR that does not collide with any other
`transmissions with a non-zero probability.
`Al) The maximum end-to-end propagation time in the channel is
`7 < co.
`A2) A packet sent over the channel that does not collide with
`other transmissions is delivered error free with a non-zero
`A3) All nodes execute a RIMA protocol correctly.
`A4) The transmission time of an RTR and a CTS is y, the trans-
`mission time of a data packet is 6, and the hardware transmit-
`to-receive transition time is zero; furthermore, 27 < 7 5
`6 < co.
`A5) There is no capture or fading in the channel.
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`Figure 5: RIMA-BP
`The approach used to show that a collision-avoidance proto-
`col works correctly, i.e., that it prevents data packets from collid-
`ing with any type of packets, consists of showing that, once a data
`packet is sent by a node, the intended receiver obtains the packet
`without interference.
`In any receiver-initiated collision avoidance
`scheme, we have polling nodes and polled nodes, and we must
`show that any interference at the polled node prevents it from send-
`ing data, while any detected interference at a polling node that has
`sent an RTR forces the node to jam the polled node to prevent data
`from arriving and collide at the polling node.
`Because interference must be detected by polling and polled
`nodes, the receiver-initiated collision-avoidance protocols we are
`describing require carrier sensing. The ability
`to detect carrier is
`applicable only to baseband radios or slow frequency hopping ra-
`dios, and periods of fading disrupt any type of collision avoidance
`dialogue, i.e., data packets may experience collisions in the pres-
`ence of fading.
`Assuming zero processing and turn-around delays is done for
`convenience; however, the same type of proofs, with adjusted pa-
`rameters, apply for non-zero hardware delays.
`Theorem 1 RIMA-SP provides correct collision avoidance in the
`presence of hidden terminals, provided that [ = r.
`Proof Consider a polling node A and a polled node X and assume
`that A sends an RTR at time to.
`If X does not receive the RTR
`correctly due to interference from any neighbor hidden from A, it
`does not send any data. Else, X waits < = r seconds after receiving
`A’s RTR before sending its data to A. Because propagation delays
`are positive, the earliest time when X can start sending data to A
`is tl > to + y + T. On the other hand, if A detects interference
`immediately after sending its RTR, i.e., at time to + 7, it starts
`sending an NTR to X, and this NTR must start arriving at X no
`later than t2 5 to + y + 7. Because tl > tz, it follows that X
`cannot send data to A that can collide with any other transmission
`arriving at A. q
`Theorem 2 RIMA-DP provides correct collision avoidance in the
`presence of hidden terminals, provided that 6 > y + 77 and a CTS
`lasts 2r seconds longer than an RTR.
`Proof Consider a polling node A and a polled node X and assume
`that A sends an RTR to X at time to. If A is exposed to a polled
`node Y sending data or a CTS, A must have started its RTR within
`r seconds of Y’s start of transmission; for otherwise A would have
`detected carrier caused by Y and would not have sent its RTR. Ac-
`cordingly, because data packets and CTSs are at least 7 + 2r in
`length, A must detect carrier from Y’s transmission immediately
`after sending its RTR, which forces node A to send an NTR at time
`to + y. Therefore, regardless of what happens at the polled node
`X, the polling node A must send an NTR immediately
`following its
`RTR and back-off, and cannot send any data if there is any exposed
`polled node sending or requesting data.
`Assume that A is not exposed to a polled node sending or re-
`questing data, but is exposed to a polling node B. Let A poll node
`X and B poll node Y.
`For both A and B to send their RTRs they must do so within
`r seconds of each other, for otherwise one of the two would detect
`carrier and back-off. For X to send any packet to A (data or CTS),
`A’s RTR must be received collision free at X. X can receive A’s
`RTR successfully no earlier than tl > to + y, because propagation
`delays are positive. If X has no data for A, it sen

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