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`Christopher Butler
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`Exhibit A
`Exhibit A
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`PalmRemote for Palm III
`1 of 5
`Last Update 8/29/1999
`This software was awarded the ingenious idea prize by
`Palmware & Goods contest in Japan.
`PalmRemote for PalmPilot
`(Japanese name: RemoconCon)
`Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Hiromu Okada
`Japanese Documentation
`The PalmRemote (RemoconCon) is the first ever PalmPilot software that works as an infrared remote
`control via built-in infrared port. (9/19/1998)
`In particular, the Macro Function presents the ease of launching many complex operations with just one
`Detail view mode
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`PalmRemote for Palm III
`2 of 5
`The Graffiti command, the application launcher buttons, and the scroll buttons under the graffiti area can
`also be used.
`These operations are effective on any of the operation screens.
`Numeral view mode / Command view mode
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`PalmRemote for Palm III
`3 of 5
`Power, Channel Up/Down, Volume Up/Down can be controlled by using application launcher buttons
`and the scroll buttons under the graffiti area.
`Jump to Help
`When upgrading from a previous version, it is necessary to remove the old PalmRemote before
`installing the new one.
`Downloade PalmRemote for PalmPilot ver.2.4(PalmIII) & Ver.2.6(PalmV)
`Install p3remote.prc for PalmIII.
`Install p5remote.prc for PalmIIIX/WorkPad8602-30/PalmV/WorkPadc3.
`This software is shareware.
`The trial period for this software is 14 days.
`Please register this software if you wish to continue to use it.
`Version 2.6.0
`Fixed bug caused by learning infrared signal more than 3sec.
`Version 2.5.1
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`PalmRemote for Palm III
`4 of 5
`I thank Mr. Mahadeva for proofreading English documentation.
`Version 2.5.0
`Added support for PalmV/WorkPadc3.
`Version 2.4.0
`Corrected text on Operation Screen.
`Version 2.3.0
`Fixed infinite loop bug caused by operating HARD BUTTON while "Learning Wizard" was running.
`Version 2.2.0 (shareware)
`Advanced rate of correct operation of SONY products.
`Changed name of software to PalmRemote.
`Completed English documentation.
`I thank Mr. Nakabayashi for his advice on naming software and English documentation.
`I thank Mr. Kong for proofreading English documentation.
`Version 2.1.0 beta
`Advanced rate of correct operation of electric products
`Added sequential learning function.
`Changed the design of the operation screen.
`Added flashing image buttons.
`Version 2.0.0 beta 2
`Corrected Sony preset data.
`Added a first attempt at English documentation. (I'm sorry!)
`Version 2.0.0 beta 1
`Added learning function.
`Added macro function.
`Added the operation screens, with larger buttons for ease of finger operation.
`Added support for Graffiti commands.
`Added support for the application launcher buttons and the scroll buttons under the Graffiti area.
`Version 1.0.0 ( not open to the public )
`Added of the preset data.
`Released similar software and I was surprised to find that there was a programmer having the super
`ability to make very strict timing like the PalmRemote.
`I thought that I should not have published it until software performance would be advanced.
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`PalmRemote for Palm III
`5 of 5
`Version 0.9.0 ( Palmware and Goods contest Version in Japan )
`The PalmRemote (RemoconCon) is the first ever Palm III software that works as an infrared remote
`control via built-in infrared port. (9/19/1998)
`How to register:
`This software is shareware.
`The trial period for this software is 14 days.
`Please register this software if you wish to continue to use it.
`To register PalmRemote please visit the Kagi Online Service Page.
`Please enter PASSWORD into " Menu | Help | Shareware Information " Dialog.
`You must register even if you have registered PalmRemote(RemoconCon) for other platform (for
`example RemoconCon for Windows95).
`A password will be sent by e-mail and will be valid for PalmRemote for Palm III/ IIIx/V version 2.x.
`If you are PalmV user, you must register PalmRemote for PalmIII in the Kagi Online Service Page.
`Each company name or product referenced above is a trademark or registered trademark of the
`respective company.
`E-Mail : or
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`Wayback Machine
`1 of 1
`The Latest
`-OmniRemote FAQ
`Questions? Check out
`the list of answers to
`-OS3.0 upgrade card?
`OmniRemote supports
`the IR on 3Com's
`OS3.0 upgrade card! If
`you have a Pilot with
`OS3.0, download a
`free eval version and
`give it a try.
`The website is best viewed with screen resolutions of 800x600 or higher and normal font sizing.
`For more information on OmniRemote, click here.
`We're glad you found us. Pacific Neo-Tek
`prides itself on creating (among other
`things) cool and useful accessories for
`3COM's Palm Pilot PDA.
`You may have heard about our premier
`product, OmniRemote, which turns your Pilot
`into a supercharged universal IR remote
`control, complete with macros and timers,
`but there is much more for you to discover.
`Check out our products page for a complete
`listing of accessories you and your Pilot just
`can't live without.
`By all means, if you have any questions, let
`us know.

`OmniRemote- Product of the Year 1998
`OmniRemote Modules
`The long wait is over! We
`now have plenty of
`OmniRemote modules in
`stock and we're ready for
`your order.
`New Pilots
`The version for the Palm V
`and Palm IIIx (V1.14) is now
`available. You can download
`it here.
`Registering Software
`Want to register
`OmniRemote? Simply place
`an order to receive your
`registration code.
`Product of the Year
`OmniRemote was named
`Product of the Year in
`PalmPower Magazine's
`Editors' Choice Awards 1998.
`Click here for more info.
`[More News]
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`1 of 1
`OmniRemote Software
`Turn your Palm Pilot (with IR capabilities) into a
`universal IR remote control
`OmniRemote Hardware
`Add IR capability to your Pilot. (Outperforms the
`Palm III internal IR significantly.)
`Never miss another reminder with this external
`amplified alarm
`E-Z SyncCable
`HotSync cable with bulit-in "Sync" button
`Palm Pilot™ is a trademark of 3Com Corporation.
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`Products of the Year 1998 (Page 4)
`1 of 2
`[ Home | In This Issue | E-Mail to a Friend | EasyPrint ]
`Products of the Year 1998 (continued)
`What you do is plug in the Earthmate GPS receiver, shown in Figure D, into your Palm device,
`wait a few seconds, and then follow the directions shown on your Palm organizer's screen.
`Like the Palm computer, Earthmate is small enough to fit in your pocket (although, where did he hide all that wire?)
`Earthmate is a GPS system that plugs into the Palm computer. You download trips into the Palm's
`memory and then, as you're driving, the Earthmate constantly updates your position. The next leg
`of your trip is automatically updated as you drive.
`The Earthmate receiver is just about the same size as the Palm device. A (long) cable runs
`between the two. Once plugged in, with trip routing downloaded, your Palm computer becomes
`an instant homing pigeon.
`This is quite an impressive solution, although, honestly, we had reservations about granting it
`Product of the Year honors. Although we've had numerous happy reader reports and our authors
`also reported very positive results, here in our little patch of Central New Jersey, we've never been
`able to get the Earthmate to work, even after sent us a replacement device. However, the highly
`enthusiastic reader letters swayed us, and it is a truly transformative solution -- so we granted the
`award anyway. Some time soon, we'll figure out how to make the thing work for us.
`OmniRemote from Pacific Neo-Tek
`It was on the front page of USA Today. The Palm computer was intercepting keyless entry codes
`and making it possible to break into cars. And the culprit? The enabling technology? The software
`was called OmniRemote, a product that turned the Palm computer into a learning remote control.
`Well, USA Today (and all the other press who jumped on the bandwagon) blew things way out of
`proportion. Certain keyless entry systems use IR beams to open door locks. But capturing the IR
`signal requires line of site, a steady hand, and a few, very obvious seconds. It's not something
`you're going to do in a stealthy way. Also, this is not a unique feature of the Palm device. Instead,
`any learning remote control can learn an IR signal. Sometimes our esteemed fourth estate needs to
`do some more homework.
`That said, OmniRemote is cool beans. This little chunk of code turns a Palm III or a PalmPilot
`with the Palm III Upgrade Card into a highly programmable remote control. For those of us with
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`Products of the Year 1998 (Page 4)
`2 of 2
`large home theatres, this is super slick. Granted, it's pretty expensive to use a Palm III as a remote
`control. But there are competitive solutions, such as the Pronto, shown in Figure D, that cost even
`The $399 Pronto sure looks a heck of a lot like a Palm III, doesn't it? Click picture for a larger image.
`In any case, with OmniRemote, you can draw out buttons on your Palm organizer's screen.
`Different categories mean different controls. You can record macros, resize buttons, and even
`have buttons that switch between categories. It's a gadget geek nirvana.
`Interestingly, the company tells us that the IR signal in the Palm III Upgrade Card, installed in the
`older PalmPilot devices, is stronger than that in the Palm III device itself. Also, if you've got a
`Palm computer that doesn't have an IR signal, you can buy a little IR dongle from Pacific Neo-
`[ Prev | Next ]
`-- Advertisement --
`The Road Warrior's Ultimate Accessory: UniMount!
`Need another hand while using your PalmPilot, Palm III or WorkPad? UniMount provides this
`and a lot more.
`UniMount features:
`Stylus-free access to information
`Mobile and Desktop mounting options
`One-handed mounting and removal
`Built-in Desktop Stand included
`Note Pad/Battery storage compartment
`Ink Pen/Stylus
`Serial Port connector access
`Fore! UniMount hit's the links with our new Golf Cart adapter.
`>> Click for More Info
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