
`“Gralla combines wit and
`wisdom to show PalmPilot
`owners how to be more
`productive. His advice
`covers both business
`and personaluse.
`A MUSTread!”
`—Michael Steinberg,
`Co-founder and President,
`New England Palm
`Users Group
`Plus Pack—
`software and
`and Palm il
`4 The quick and easy way to
`organize your life with a
`hand-held computer
`¢ Idiot-proof steps to using the
`Date Book to organize your
` APPL-1008 / Page 1 of 102
`¢ Down-to-earth advice when
`the going gets tough
`Preston Gralla
`Apple v. Uniloc
`APPL-1008 / Page 1 of 102
`Apple v. Uniloc


`it doesn’t stop theger TE teaghes you how to use the powerin PalmPilot to master
`yourlife as well, Negthtornakgusiness travel easier? | show you howthe PalmPilot
`can do it, Want
`to streamliing, vour schedule, make sure you don’t miss appointments,
`and get extra time in yvour casssegit’s in here, Want
`to track your expenses, send data
`back and forth to ExcGiganckaw@én create your own customized expense reports? How
`about making sure you don’t miss another deadline, or keeping track of importan
`people and addresses? Yes, that’s all in here and a whole lot more, as well.
`| even show
`you howyou can use the PalmPilot
`to hook up to the Internet and get vital reference
`information, such as travel schedules, business data, the latest news, and more. And
`you'll learn howto find anc install newsoftware, such as programs for f Ning and
`paging, as well,
`Dear Reacler:
`Wort is too long and life is too short. There’s so much to keep track oF in your life anc
`so little time to do it
`in, that
`it seems there’s never time to get anything done. But
`immagine that you suddenly bad 30 hours in a day, nine days ina week, ancl 6S weeks
`ina year to do what you wanted to do. Life would be a whole lot easier, wouldn't it?
`Well, thats what your PalmPilot can do for you—it can help you get your life under
`Tt can track deadlines, appointments, contacts, to-dos, and more, and make
`even the most harried of us on-time, up-to-date, and under control. All you need to
`do is master your little digital companion and leara some simple techniques for hav-
`ing it help you organize your life,
`Ill teach you howto use every feature of the
`this book will do for you,
`That's what
`PalmPilot in a snap, and then show you how you can use those features to get your
`life under control, Whether you're looking to master the Address Book, the Date
`Book, the Memo Pad, the Expensefeature, the To-Do List, HotSyne, or any otherpart
`of the PalmPilot, this book will help vou do it
`in a matter of minutes, And it teac
`you howto troubles hg@iM@ayret dix your PalimPilot yourself should anything LO WTO
`APPL-1008 / Page 2 of 102
`I’ve put together a great CD filled with software that will help you get the
`As a bonus,
`most out of your PalmPilot and make yourlife easier and more productive. As the top
`editor for the Internet site ww., | knowall
`the best soft-
`ware out
`there, and I’ve put it onto the CD for you,
`50, whether you just want to knowthe best way’ to use the PalmPilot, or are looking
`ror advice on howto use it
`to get yourlife under control, you'll find it all
`in this
`book—along with tips on howto care for thelittle creature, a comprehensive guide
`ror troubleshooting the PalmPilot, and yes, even an appendix that will literally have
`you teaching yourlittle digital companion entertaining diversions and stupid digital
`tricks. So give the book a try, and then get yourlife under control. The PalmPilot has
`certainly done that for me, and I’m sureit'll do the same for you as well.
`Preston Gralla
`APPL-1008 / Page 2 of 102


`t it?
`1 to
`‘ part
`[ has
`et the
`1e top
`Graffiti Punctuation
`APPL-1008 / Page 3 of 102
`APPL-1008 / Page 3 of 102


`All writing symbols and extended characters
`begin with the Shift stroke in the Graffiti writing
`‘Symbols andExtendedCharacters
`Whenthe SymbolShift is active, a slanted Shift symbol appears
`in the lower-right cornerof the screen. The next stroke that you
`make creates the symbols or extended characters shown in the
`area of your PalmIII:
`following table:
`Book only)
`Move cursor Move cursor
`Book only)
`Book only)
`Open address
`APPL-1008 / Page 4 of 102
`APPL-1008 / Page 4 of 102


`and Palm III”
`by Preston Gralla
`A Division of Macmillan Computer Publishing
`201 W. 103rd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46290
`APPL-1008 / Page 5 of 102
`APPL-1008 / Page 5 of 102
`APPL-1008 / Page 5 of 102


`The Complete Idiot’s Guide to PalmPilot and
`Palm III
`Copyright © 1999 by Que
`All rights reserved, No part of this book shall be repro-
`duced, storedin a retrieval system, or transmitted by
`any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
`recording, or otherwise, without written permission
`from the publisher. No patent liability is assumed with
`respect to the use of the information contained
`herein. Although every precaution has been taken in
`the preparation of this book, the publisher and author
`assume noresponsibility for errors or omissions.
`Neither is anyliability assumed for damages resulting
`from the use of the information containedherein.
`International Standard Book Number: 0-7897-1967-3
`Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 99-60353
`Printed in the United States of America
`First Printing: March 1999
`3 21
`All terms mentioned in this book that are known to
`be trademarksor service marks have been appropri-
`ately capitalized. Que cannotattest to the accuracy of
`this information. Use of a term in this book should
`not be regardedas affecting the validity of any trade-
`markor service mark.
`Executive Editor®
`Angela Wethington £ 2a V4 2
`Acquisitions Editor }474
`Jamie Milazzo Copy |
`DevelopmentEditor “Ri
`Faithe Wempen
`Managing Editor
`ThomasF. Hayes
`Project Editor
`Lori A. Lyons
`Copy Editor
`Chuck Hutchinson
`Technical Editor
`Graham Rogers
`Judd Winick
`Chris Barrick
`Debra Neel
`Layout Technician
`Lisa England
`Warning and Disclaimer
`Every effort has been made to makethis book as com-
`plete and asaccurate as possible, but no warranty or
`fitness is implied. The information provided is on an
`“as is” basis. The authors and the publisher shall have
`neither liability nor responsibility to any person or
`entity with respect to any loss or damagesarising from
`the information contained in this book or from the
`* use of the CD or programs accompanyingit.
` APPL-1008 / Page 6 of 102
`APPL-1008 / Page 6 of 102


`Contents at a Glance
`ey |
`Part 1 Get Ready to Take Control of Your Life: Getting
`Started with Your PalmPilot
`1 So What Did You Buya PalmPilot for,Anyway?
`All the ways that yourtiny digital companion can make
`yourlife easier and keep you organized. Plus, an inside
`look at what future Palmswill look like.
`2 Prepare to Get Organized: A Guided Tour of the PalmPilot 13
`A once-in-a-lifetime, all-expenses paid guided tourofthe
`PalmPilot. Learn howeverypart of the PalmPilot works,
`including what all those buttons, gizmos, gadgets, and
`widgets do.
`3 Time for Takeoff: Starting Your PalmPilot for the
`First Time
`Revit up and go! Installing the battery, calibrating the
`screen, adjusting the contrast, and customizing the main
`preferences for the wayyoulive and work.
`4 Organization 101: Touring the PalmPilot’s Main Screen
`Learn how to use the Application Launcherto runall the
`PalmPilot’s main programs, such as the Date Book, the
`To-Do List, the Memo Pad, the Address Book, and more.
`S Keeping Your Life in Sync: HotSyncing Your PC and
`Howto keep yourlife in order by HotSyncing data
`between your PC and PalmPilot. Find out how to install
`the Palm Desktop, how to do a HotSyncforthefirst time,
`and then become master ofyour own personal HotSync
`6 Oh, Yeah...You Have a Computer, Too. Using the
`Palm Desktop
`Yes, it’s true—you can get big benefits with the Palm
`Desktop software running on your computer. Here’s why it
`helps, howto install and useit, and someinsider’s advice
`on getting the most outofit.
`Part 2 Organizing Your Life with Your PalmPilot
`7 Digital Magic: Taking Notes with Graffiti
`Take notes without getting ink on your hands. Get the
`most out of writing with Graffiti, learn aboutspecial
`shortcuts and strokes to save youtime, and get hints
`and tips for making sure the PalmPilot recognizes your
`handwriting—even ifyou’re a doctor!
` APPL-1008 / Page 7 of 102
`APPL-1008 / Page 7 of 102


`8 Taking Control of the PalmPilot’s Applications, Menus,
`and Records
`Get downto business: Learn the basics about running
`programs and working with menus and records. Also
`learn how to attach notes to records, howto edit, cut and
`paste—and use built-in tips so that you're never at a loss
`when you need help,
`9 Using PalmPilot Categories to Organize Your Life
`Everything you'll ever need to know about using cate-
`gories, one ofthe most powerful ways you can organize
`yourlife with the PalmPilot.
`10 Write On! Taking Notes with the MemoPad
`Creating new memos, categorizing and sorting them,
`changing fonts and attributes, keeping themprivate, and
`a whole lot of shortcuts. Also, smart strategies for using
`the Memo Pad for making yourlife more productive.
`11 Juggling Your Busy Schedule with the Date Book
`lt’s 3 p.m. Do you know where you're supposed ta be?
`Master your busylife, schedule repeating events, and set
`alarms. Learn to keep certain appointments private, and
`get smarttips for organizing yourschedule.
`12 Keeping Track of Contacts with the Address Book
`Use the Address Book to keep track of every one ofyour
`contacts. Learn howto categorize contacts and customize
`the waythey appear, and to beamyour business card to
`other Palin IITs
`13 Take Control of Your Life with the To-Do List
`Take control of yourlife with the To-Do List so that you
`neverneed forget something important again. Assign pri-
`orities to items, use categories, keep some To-Dosprivate,
`and customize the To-Do List.
`14 Time Is Money: Tracking Your Expenses with the
`Learn howto record your expenses, categorize your
`receipts, add details about yourreceipts, and create
`expense reports with Excel and print them.
`15 Where Did I Put That Note? Finding Information on
`Your PalmPilot
`Even the most absent-minded among us will be able to
`find anything fast with their PalmPilot. Howto usethe
`Find command and a wholehost ofstrategies, tips, and
`hints for finding information on your PalmPilot.
` APPL-1008 / Page 8 of 102
`APPL-1008 / Page 8 of 102


`Part 3 Using Email, Internet, and Infrared
`Communications to Keep You in Touch
`16 Howto Stay in Touch with Email
`Strange but true: You can send and receive email with
`your PalmPilot in concert with your desktop PC. Also
`learn to use folders and customize the Mail program any
`way you want.
`17 How to Use a Modem with Your PalmPilot
`Set up the PalmPilot modem. Learn how to use it to do a
`HotSyne with your desktop.
`18 Connecting to the World: Getting onto the Internet
`with Your PalmPilot
`Learn how to set up your PalmPilot to dial into the
`Internet. Then browse the Web, directly send andreceive
`email, even send faxes and send andreceive pages. Also
`includes a list of the best PalmPilot sites online.
`19 Beam Me Up,Scotty! Using the Palm III’s Infrared Port
`Science fiction comes to life: Beam information to other
`PalmIls using its special infrared port. And you won't
`even need Spock to show youhow.
`Part 4 Supercharging YourLife with the PalmPilot
`20 Installing New Software on Your PalmPilot
`Install any of the thousands ofprograms available onto
`your PalmPilot. Find programs on the Internet, download
`and install them. Lists the best programs to put onto your
`21 Customizing Your PalmPilot for the Way You Live
`and Work
`Become masterof the universe—orat least Czar of your
`PalmPilot. Customize every part of your PalmPilot and
`bendit to your will.
`22 Using Reference Files with Your PalmPilot
`Find and use reference files of every kind—for business,
`for entertainment, for travel, and for just plain fun. Learn
`the best places on the Internet to get thefiles, and the
`software you'll need to readitall.
`23 Traveling with Your PalmPilot
`Hit the road, Jack...and take your PalmPilot along. How
`it can help you prepare for a trip, make travel easier, track
`expenses while you’re on the road, and more. And learn
`the best tips, strategies, and techniques for using your
`PalmPilot whentraveling.
` APPL-1008 / Page 9 of 102
`APPL-1008 / Page 9 of 102


`Part 5 Troubleshooting and Maintenancefor
`Your Digital Companion
`24 Cures for the PalmPilot’s Most Common Problems
`Is your PalmPilot frozen? Running out of memory?
`Making odd humming sounds? Here’s what to do when
`any kind oftroublehits.
`25 Care and Maintenance of Your Digital Companion
`Everything you need to know to keep your PalmPilot in
`tip-top condition—extending battery life, caring for its
`screen, upgrading its operating system, and adding a new
`memory card.
`A Easter Eggs and Stupid Digital Tricks
`Senseless but entertaining diversions for PalmPilot lovers.
`Find the secret waving palm tree, look for the strange DOS
`error message, visit with the mysterious two fancy guys,
`drive off in the exceedingly rare taxi cab, and find the
`Easter Egg Easter Egg. Yes, there’s even more.
`B Glossary: Speak Like a Geek
`A compendium ofgeeky computer terms used throughout
`this book.
`C What’s on the CD?
`Lists the cool software included on the CD.Also includes
`installation instructions.
`Whereto turn to find what you're looking for.
` APPL-1008 / Page 10 of 102
`APPL-1008 / Page 10 of 102


`Part 1 Get Ready to Take Control of YourLife:
`Getting Started with Your PalmPilot
`1 So What Did You Buy a PalmPilot for, Anyway?
`What Do You Need a PalmPilot For? .......cccccccecceecececeeececeneees 4
`A WholeLot of Pilots, PalmPilots, and Palms ...........c:ccee0e 6
`WhatAre the Pilot 1000 and Pilot 5000? wiocecccccccccccseeseseeuees 6
`WhatIs the PalmPilot Personal? wo.c.c..cccccssesesecccseecconseeesenaeee 7
`WhatIs the PalmPilot Professional? ......c..cecccceeeeeseceeeseeeeeeess 8
`WhatIs the Palm TID? oii... eccccccecececvsvcnssscceevecevavavseesesenanavseseees 9
`The Palm VII and Beyond wou... ccescsssecesseesseeesseeererenaeerens 11
`The Least You Need to KnOW ou.cccccecccccsscsesssassecesesessesaeneeesess 12
`2 Prepare to Get Organized: A Guided Tour of the
`Are You Really Sure This Thing Is a Computer? ............... 13
`Checking Out the Front Panel and Controls...............:0005 14
`Looking at the SCTCCH
`sacssnunsiceccecesmnennivensanaunieomenneasesstiaecs 16
`Powering Up with the Power and Backlight Button.............. 16
`Running Software with the Application Buttons .......0...00004 17
`The Scroll ButtOns scwwriswescerssisswasianaiwversasetiacsdivesetiasenaa 19
`The Silkscreented Buttons ......ccesssccsssssesssesseeenscecerevsenneceeenenes 19
`The Graffiti Writing ATCA c.eeecccccccscecsssesssesssssssscseeessseeeesnaeee 21
`Flipping About the Flip Case .......cccsscesceeseessstessceenceesseseeees22
`Using the Back Panel Doors, Buttons, Ports, and Gizmos ..22
`The Stylish Stylus sssveccssccncsesacervarsvcaasveavieviuavasinatareasieessBs- 24
`The Reset Button ....ccccccecssssccceesssesesessecssneecesnarseceeserenateseeares 24
`Beaming Up with the Infrared Beaming Port
` .........0s:00ecc00000 25
`The Battery DOO?.sijsisaixeswaijeopscisaceseaaiageisniiediaaveevveases25
`Remembering the Memory DOO? .......cscccscssscccesssecsessecseeeeeeee26
`The Contrast Wheel
`..... .sccsscaveaysevasieeasstlueavenivessussaieadintense26
`The Serial POrt
`.eicecsscsresssecsesseeeensscesssessesseseesssesseneeeeeeeeees 26
`ROCKiNg the Cradle ccsesssxsaverseeeinessnrccsvsiensscwvessvesvecasicavvseves 27
`The Least You Need to KnoOW ..ccccsccccscessteeseteesrseeeeeenseeeeees 28
` APPL-1008 / Page 11 of 102
`APPL-1008 / Page 11 of 102


`Let’s Start at the Beginning: Take It Out of the Box .......... 29
`Addthe Juice: Installing the Batteries 2.0... eects eee eee 30
`Switching On Your PalMPilOt 2.0.0... eee esesseeeeeee tetra eeeteeees 31
`Calibrating the SCLeCM ...ccceceeseeseeeetseeeeseteeeteateeneeeeeteeeeenens 31
`Can We Have SomeLight Here? Adjusting the Contrast
`Bend the PalmPilot to Your Will: Setting the Preferences ..32
`Customizing the Time ANd Date ......cssssccscsecseessreeersnanreeeees33
`Setting the Auto-Off Delay ...cccccccccscseeseenerrenrneeesssessraseeenees 34
`Sound Off: Setting the System, Alarm, and Game Sounds....35
`It’s Beaming Time: Setting the Palm to Receive
`Trifrared BeQms
`Time to Get Started ......eeeseeeeecesseseeseeeeeesseesencseeeeereeereeeeneenees 37
`The Least You Need to Know ....cceeccceeeeeetssnerneeeeerseeeeeanennees 37
`oo... esesseesrerceseseseereeeeess 40
`TheFirst Stop on the Guided TOur
`Prepare for Takeoff: Using the Application Launcher to
`RUM PLOQTAMS oo... cecceeseeeeseeeseessnneneesenerneresneseeeseetseerstenseeenes 41
`Tracking Names and Addresses with the
`Adress BOOK......:::scccccccscceseeeseessneeeeeeessteccereceeeceeeseseeetseneney 43
`A Calculating Mind: Using the Calculator... eseeereeeees 44
`Keeping Your Schedule with the Date BOOK ....sssseeseeeees 45
`Tracking Expenses with Expense .......csssceseeseensesserestereees 46
`Syncing Up Your Life with HotSync ...sesesesesseeseeteerenes 47
`Staying in Touch With Mail
`....cceecesesestesesseeseeseseeeeeenens 48
`Jotting Notes with the Memo Pad oo... esseeeseteseeteeeeees49
`Customizing Your PalmPilot with Preferences
`...........:06 50
`Keeping Safe with SeCUrIty ...... ccc eee teeeene cette tenet eeeeeens 50
`Keeping Track of Important Tasks with the
`-n.coceccsesnssissedectyoasaciedsontsesarsnsthespbrsnssecensesnuatiseneass 51
`The Least You Need to Know qu. ..ccccereceeeseesteeeeeeeeeeeeenseneenennes 52
`Understanding HotSync .....scceessreeeseeeeeeereeeeeerenneeeesereeessnneees 34
`First, Connect the HotSync Cradle to Your PC ...... cere 54
` APPL-1008 / Page 12 of 102
`APPL-1008 / Page 12 of 102


`I’m Glad That’s Over. Now Can WeStart Installing the
`SOLTWALC? ....cesscsserseesceescserseeestevsnsuseresernsserteseseseseeseereseserenes 55
`Hold On a Minute Here. I Use a Mac! wo. eeeeeeeeeseeeees 56
`Using HotSyncfor the First Time oo... eee eeeeeeeeeeeeneneeneees 57
`Using the HotSync Manager Software .....ccscccceeesessseeeeeseeeees 57
`Doing Your First HOtSYNC visscscessssessesserssessessesscesensnssnoeseeene59
`Customizing HotSync for the Way You Work oo... cee 61
`Changing the Direction of the HotSync .......ssssccsecseseevsnsvaees 62
`Customizing HotSync for Personal Information
`Manage!......ceeccsccsscccccccesecnssessssereusccersreceseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereeeeeney 63
`The Least You Need to KNOW wiscccccccsecestecccseeeseseeeteneessenne 64
`6 Qh, Yeah...You Have a Computer, Too, Using
`the Palm Desktop
`My PalmPilot Is Perfect. Why Should I Use the Palm
`DeSKtOp? vieceeicsesesccessesnsneeseessreecrsnseeeneesseeeeeseseeneateeeeneees 66
`WhenShould I Use the PalmPilot and When Should I
`Use the Palm Desktop? 20.0... ccccsseeceesecssecsseeceeeseeeeseeseeneereese 67
`Touring the Palm Desktop oo... eee eeeseeeereeseeeseeseneeeneene 68
`Keeping Your Schedule with the Date Book ww 70
`Adding Appointments in the Date BOOK ..iicesecscceeseeeesseeeeeeee 71
`Keeping Track of Contacts with the Address Book............ 72
`Adding a New Name in the Address Book .......ccccceeeceeeeeeeeee 73
`Finding Names IS EASY, TOO ..ccseccccccssscseccessetseesesseentaeeetenee 74
`What to Do with the To-Do List wc eeeseesteteceeeeeeenes 74
`Creating Memos with MemoPad ou... .eceeesseesteeteeeeeeeeeeeeees 75
`What About Expense and Install? on eee eenererees 76
`Working in Drag: The Virtues of Dragging in the Palm
`DeSktODp scecsnsssoeensesneneonsonnsasssesvsaresaonsetconimenaressonvanavensenvenssas 77
`Printing from the Palm Desktop o......eeeeeecssesseteeeseeeeeeeeeees 78
`Old Records Never Die...They Just Get Archived «0.00.0... 78
`How to Retrieve Archived Data vicccccccccesscessessceseeseesereeeeeeees 79
`The Least You Need to Know ooo... eecceeeesseeeseeseenseeereneeeees 80
`Part 2 Organizing Your Life with Your
`7 Digital Magic: Taking Notes with Graffiti
`....cccsscssseseesserterreeeeeneentnenes 84
`Understanding Graffiti Basics
`Using the Graffiti Writing ATea oo. iciceneeeeereesesneeeeeees 84
` APPL-1008 / Page 13 of 102
`APPL-1008 / Page 13 of 102


`Learning How to Write Graffiti Letters and Numbers........86
`That’s Very Nice, But How About Drawing Capital
`Letters? oe esssecssseesssesssnsesstsessssessssssssusiesssesseeeesseccce..86
`Don’t Curse at the CUFSOE o..sccccsseesssssssseesscsecc87
`Entering Special Characters with the Extended Shift
`Using the CommandStroke to Master Your PalmPilot......88
`Using Punctuation wo... e.scecccssseesssssesssssssssssesssseeccecec88
`Taking ShortCuts with Your PalmPilot vices.88
`Getting Help by Using the Built-In Graffiti Cheat Sheet
`Different Strokes: Shortcuts to Better Graffiti Writing...90
`The Least You Need to KNOW wiececscssssssesecssssssecse nec91
`Up and Running: Starting a PalmPilot Application ..........94
`Taking Control of the Application Controls .....c.cccccccssesess94
`Attaching Notes to Records and Making Records
`PHUVALE sessssssessssssseccssecssaseccsneessisesssssessissessssasiassesiseceesccceccce.,95
`How to Attach Notes to RECOTS
`How to Make a Record Private w.eeccescsssssssstevsteeecsseccc96
`Pick One from ColumnA: Using Menus on... .ccceeeccsseccsceseees97
`Changing Your Font with Menus ........+0000000-0000000-0.....,98
`Cutting, Copying, and PAStING TOXt
`...waassicsstssvapeviescieese,,.... 98
`Psssst! Using the PalmPilot’s Built-In TIPS veeeececsseesseeseessees 99
`The Least You Need to KNOW oeeesssesesssseeeeeseessseccc99
`Start with the Basics: How to Assign Records to
`Categories oo. eeessesssseessseesssssssssussstssssssssasesseecescccccc. 102
`How to View Records in Categories oo. cscscscsecece. 103
`How You Can Create New Categories oocccccccsscesscees 104
`Yes, You Can Change Your Mind: Editing and Deleting
`CAtCQOTIES oo eecsececssssssestsesseesessstesssrissisisiesseseecenec. 104
`All Together Now: Howto Merge Categories o.oo... 105
`Howto UseCategories to Group Your Applications........ 106
`SmartStrategies for Using Categories to Manage Your
`LUfC sssssessssssececcsssssssssssnsssssssbeedsstinsbsestsessassssssesonesescosss.,. 107
`The Least You Need to KnoW ooeeessssceesssessecccc 109
`APPL-1008 / Page 14 of 102
`APPL-1008 / Page 14 of 102


`10 Write On! Taking Notes with the Memo Pad
`Writing a Memo with the Memo Pad oo... eee 112
`Font Madness: Changing the Fonts in Your Memo.
`........ 113
`Scrolling Through a2 Memo o.......eccccsessssceceecccceeeeeeeeeeeees 113
`Sorting and Categorizing Your MeMOS oes eeeeeeeee 114
`How to Sort YOU MIMS iesesssessceceesseesessesseeeseeeseessnseeeneees 116
`Secret Agent: How to Keep Your MemosPrivate
`_............ 116
`Farewell and Good-bye: How to Delete Memos.
`.............. 117
`How to Beam Memos to Othe......... eee eeeeeeeeeeneeeeeeeee 118
`What’s on the Menu? Using the Memo Pad’s Menus
`ANSHOStCUS wisassecanssenenwssanmaniiwaadsessmnsansneassvrcccvereneass 118
`Menus and Shortcuts in the Memo LiSt wiescccecccceeeeseeeeeeeee 118
`Menusand Shortcuts in the MemoItself. w.cccccccccccsseeeeeeess 119
`Smart Strategies for Using the Memo Pad to Make Your
`Life More Productive wo.c.cccccsscseceeeeeesseeneeessserseeeetereeneees 120
`The Least You Need to KNOW .....cccccececesesseeeeseeeeeseeeeeeeee 120
`juggling Your Busy Schedule with the Date Book 121
`Howto Schedule a New Event 00.0.0... .eecsestsecesseseeseeenernneenes 122
`Scheduling an Event on a Different Day Than the
`CUTTENE ONE sicsconsensersssvonssonensssresseasonssurssieneasdsessaswenaweres 123
`It’s Déja Vu All Over Again: Scheduling Repeating
`EV@NUS oo. .ecescsccsercersceeeseeeeeestereernersasseeseesnesneeeeseseseeeeeeeseress 124
`I Want My Privacy: How to Keep EventsPrivate .........000 125
`Adding Notes to Events wo...eeceseeeseeseeeseesseeeeeseenteneeeeeeeers 125
`Cause for Alarm: Setting Alarms in the Date Book.......... 127
`Editing and Deleting Appointments and Events.............. 128
`Using the Day View, the Week View, and the Month
`VICW aimnsiicassrnnarsrea eemarenaera 128
`Using the Day View ...escececeessecsrseeceessteeesseeeseeteesiseestenneees 129
`Using the WeeK View ssnsvwssusevesvcassvevencorvenenenvaswesvevaus nts 130
`Using the Month View ...cccccccccccseeceesseessseceesesssnnsneeeteaeeees 131
`Smart Strategies for Using the Date Book oo... eee 132
`Use the Internet to Share Your Date Book—and Use Your
`Calendar Even Without Your PalmPilot ..........::::::0cc00000+ 132
`Use Categories to Organize Your Schedule w.cicccceeesssevsseeeee 133
`Create Regular Reminders Without Cluttering Up Your
`Date BOOK u...sscecceccscceececeeeeeessesssececeeeetsssstanecececeeceesesseeeees 133
`The Least You Need to Know wicecccccccccssseesseeessssereeeeeeees 134
` APPL-1008 / Page 15 of 102
`APPL-1008 / Page 15 of 102


`Getting Started with the Address Book occ 136
`How to Add a New Name to the Address Book ............... 137
`Adding Details in the Address BOOK ...ccccesescccceceeseseeeeeeees 139
`Howto Edit Contacts in the Address Book ou... cee 139
`Keep Your Namesto Yourself: How to Keep Contacts
`PHEVACC ooo eee cece eecceeteceee cree nena eesssesesesenssseseeedeeeseeseneeeea 139
`Adding Notes to the Address Book ......cceeeseeresereeenees 140
`Categorizing Your Contacts oc... eccceeseeseeseeeneeneeees 140
`Customizing What Information Shows Up in
`YOUL LiStS coc eccccceceeeeeecceeeeeeeeteeeeeeseeeseeeseeeeseneeseeseeuennees 141
`Deleting Records from the Address Book.....c.ccccecceseeeeees 142
`Where Did I Put That Name? Finding Names in the
`Address BOOK .oi..cccecccccccccc cscs ee eenneneseecseeeeenenenccssesseneeneeenea 142
`How to Use Custom Fields in the Address Book .............. 143
`Beam Yourself to Another PalmPilot wo. eeeeees 144
`Smart Strategies for Using the Address Book .......cceeseeeeeees 145
`Creating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and Addressing
`vicccessssssessesseeseeeeececeesceseeteeeeecesneesenenenenteneeseeeses 14S
`Keep a Copy of Your Address Book on the Web and
`SHAG [tv ieeccscccscetsenteeneeseeseeeecesesseeeeeeesnsesessstegsegeeeeneneees 146
`Track Your Private Passwords, PIN Numbers, and Similar
`THfOTINATION ieececeesecccceceececccecceeeseeeceeeecesnsssceseseereeeeesosenes 147
`The Least You Need to KNOW oor 147
`How to Do Those Things You Do with To-Do ....... ee 150
`Creating a New To-Do [tem wo... eeeeeresee seater eran 151
`First Things First: Assigning a Priority to ad TaSk .....ccccee. 151
`Hurry Up, Please, It’s Time! Assigning Deadlines to
`A TSK . ssosseisesssouvesnvascessanianenavacvasenawnseasneoneadaavaseanouasenswenes 153
`Grouping Your To-Do Items by Categorizing Them.........+. 154
`Keeping Your To-D0S Private vee cccccccccsescrsssesseseeeseseenenes 154
`It’s Duly Noted: Attaching Notes to To-Do Items ....0ccc00000. 155
`Cross It Off the List: Marking Your To-Do Tasks
`AS DOME ooeeeeeeeseesesesecceeseeeceseceaneneseresesceesecsseeesseeeeeecesceseaaa 155
`To-Dos with a View: Changing the Way To-Dos Are
`Sorted and Displayed oc... ceesssceesesseseessseeeeceeeseeseweuanea 157
`Changing the Way That To-Dos Are Sorted wieccccecseeeeeee 157
`Changing What Details Show Up on the To-Do List.
`........ 158
` APPL-1008 / Page 16 of 102
`APPL-1008 / Page 16 of 102


`SmartStrategies for Using the To-Do List to Manage
`YOU Life oc sccssssssoesscenesttdaansunbans suaeuiiansietconesvenrveniaia 159
`The Least You Need to KnOW oo... eeessseeescessneeeeeeetteeeeeeees 161
`14. Time Is Money: Tracking Your Expenses with the
`ou.....cesceesesneseseeeseeteteeeeeanes 164
`A Look at How Expense Works
`How to Record Your EXpenses .........ceeeeesceeseeeeeeeeteeeereeseees 164
`Take the Express Lane: How to Enter Your Expenses
`eee ccececeecsseesesseeeeseeeeeeeeceeauaunaeaaeeeeeeeeeseneeeeeeeeeeceseneeeaenes 166
`Details, Details, Details...Recording the Details About
`YOUL EXPeNses sésaiissuasssgusarsasassceaieapscesaanactseonssyeeprenreeneness> 166
`Categorizing Your RCC€ipts
`.........sssscccccccescccenseceseeseeeseesesese 167
`Changing the Expense Type ...ccseccscsessessserscesseeesecceetenseeeeres 168
`Detailing the PAVMENE .....:cccccceesceeseeseeeseesessecesseserenaneeeeees 168
`Choosing the CUITENCY iisscessscccssstecccsesnssessessssssecsesssssseees 168
`Picking the Vendor
`....ccccccccceceesessecceeseessnsenseettectenteseeeseeene 169
`Picking the City cecccececcsssccccsssccesscessscssssesesseseecsseessaeesenaees 169
`Detailing the Attendees .....ceeeeecsesccccccccesnssenseeeseeeseseseresrerss 169
`Creating Expense Reports with Excel and
`Printing THEM oi eeeeeeeesetseeeeeeseeetsesteseseneneeseeeeeeees 170
`The Least You Need to KNOW os eeeeeeccseeeseeteeeeeeeseeeeeeeaes 173
`15 Where Did I Put That Note? Finding Information
`on Your PalmPilot
`Finders, Keepers: How Find Works on the PalmPilot
`Discovering the Needle in the Haystack: Using Find
`ON Your PalmPilot wo... ee eecseeceeeensseetsesseeeceessssneeeeeeees 177
`Using the Phone Lookup Command... ceeecesseseseeeees 178
`Smart Strategies and Tips for Finding Information in
`Your PalmPilot ooo... scceeeesseeeenseeeeseseeeasesseseeeesseeeeeees 179
`The Least You Need to KnOW ...cccccsesseesecsectseeseesessseeeeeeeees 180
`...... 176
`Part 3 Using Email, Internet, and Infrared
`Communications To Keep You in Touch
`16 How toStay in Touch with Email
`Howthe PalmPilot’s Mail System WOrKS .........ecceeseeeees 184
`First, Set Up the PalmPilot for Email... 184
` APPL-1008 / Page 17 of 102
`APPL-1008 / Page 17 of 102


`Okay, I’m All Set Up. Now Let’s Start Mail oo 186
`How to Create an Email Message ...........cseeesccccceeeeereeeeeeees 186
`Reply to Sender: How to Read and Answer Your Email
`Customizing Your Email Messages 00... eseeeeeseeeeeeeeeees 189
`Creating YOUr SIQNALUTE .......ccccesssnssnneeccccceestsnscaccceeesceeeasans 190
`Managing Your Email with Mail Folders 191
`Using the INDOX viccccsssssensssvseeesereeeeeeeeeeneeesnanaeseeseeseneeneeseeess 191
`Using the Drafts Folder oo... .cccccccesseeesnsceesesseessessaneeeeeeeens 192
`Using the Outbox ......cccscsssssssveeeotedusbonssesticnssleetisinnsbateiae 192
`Using the Filed FOlder v..ccccsscssessssssesccessssseesseereersseersnsnneenns 193
`Using the Deleted Folder
`.. csvscssiscssasssevievessacssasaveseuvesiavsias 193
`A Lean, Mean Mail Machine: SmartStrategies for
`Managing Your Email ou... eecceecessccessseeeeessneeeeerenereres 193
`Customize HotSync to Save Time, Memory, and to
`Manage MeSSASCS .eeeeeecccccsssecccccecnnaneeeensanaaeesecesecaseaeseeses 194
`Turn Off HotSync If You Don’t Want to Receive Email ...... 196
`Travel Light: Catch Up on Email WhenYou’re on an
`Airplane _.. sssinsassssssesnansnscnssastevensnacsnecsinersdeniesnscsaceneucsvane 196
`Sort Your Email to Find Messages FaSt ...ecccccccccsssssesseseeeees 197
`Use Distribution Lists to Send Email to Many People ........ 197
`The Least You Need to KnOW .......ccccccceeesecceceeeeeeeseeeeeseseee 198
`What Kind of Modem Can You Use with a PalmPilot? ....200
`Howto Set Up Your PalmPilot Modem... eee 200
`Configuring Your PalmPilot to Work with the Modem.
`Setting Up a Regular Modem to Work with Your
`PalMPilOt oo... ceesseeseeeeeesteeeseeessesensetenseessteeteeentessteeeertenes 203
`Far, Far Away: Using a Modem to Do a HotSync........0....204
`First, Set Up Your Desktop Computer w...ccccceeeccecccctsssereseees 204
`Next, Configure Your PalmPilot for a Modem HotSync......206
`Now Do a HotSync via Modem ou... eeeeeeeesteetteneeeers 209
`The Least You Need to Know .0....ccceeeecceeecceeeteeeesteeeeeeerens 209
`How Can the PalmPilot Get Me onto the Internet? ........211
`First, Set Up Your Internet Connection 0...eee 212
`Howto Send and Receive Email Using the Internet........216
`How to Configure Email Software ......eeeeeseeeeteeeeeseeees 217
`| ;
` APPL-1008 / Page 18 of 102
`APPL-1008 / Page 18 of 102


`ww 191
`Get the World Wide Web in the Palm of Your Hand ...... 217
`You Can Do OtherStuff on th

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