Date: January 2017
`Date of Birth:
`December 20, 1955
`Immigration Status: N/A
`Tufts University
` Degree
` Ph.D. in Physics
`BS in Electrical Engineering and Physics
`May, 1981
`May, 1977
`Title of Thesis for Most Advanced Degree:
`Characteristics of Muon Pair Production in P-P Collisions at Very High Energies as a
`Probe of Proton Constituents
`School of Architecture and Planning Faculty Personnel Record
`Joseph A. Paradiso
` Full Name:
` Department: Program in Media Arts and Sciences
`Principal Fields of Interest:
`Sensor Networks
`Ubiquitous Computing
`Energy Management in the Built Environment
`Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
`Name and Rank of Other Departmental Faculty in Same Field: None
`Name and Rank of Faculty of Other Departments in Similar Fields:
`Non-MIT Experience (including military service):
`Draper Laboratory
`Technical Staff
`Sensor and Signal Processing Directorate
`Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
`Visiting Scientist
`(ETH Zurich) Lab for High Energy Physics
`Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
`Visiting Scientist
`(ETH Zurich) Lab for High Energy Physics
`Draper Laboratory
`Technical Staff
`Control and Decision Systems Directorate
`Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
`(ETH Zurich) Lab for Nuclear Physics
`Brookhaven National Laboratory
`Consulting Physicist 7/81
`Instrumentation Laboratory
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`Consulting Record:
`Morrison & Foerster LLP (Technical Expert)
`Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP (Technical Expert)
`Banner & Witcoff, Ltd (Technical Expert)
`Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP (Technical Expert)
`Moog Music Inc. (organized daylong seminar on research
`in electronic music at MoogFest 2014)
`Durie Tangri LLP (Technical Expert)
`Samsung Electronics (SRFC Expert Reviewer)
`Transitio Mexico City (electronic music seminar series)
`Nokia Research (visiting researcher at NRC Santa Monica)
`Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (expert reviewer)
`Microsoft (visiting researcher at MSR Cambridge UK)
`Nokia Research Center Activity Review Panel
`UPF Barcelona (invited week-long seminar series)
`Microsoft Corp. (Distinguished ALT-TAB for Mobility)
`Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (expert reviewer)
`A.I.E.P. Milano (Seminar series on computer music)
`Hermann Miller, Inc.
`Senera Corporation (Technology Advisory Board)
`Synectics, Inc.
`Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (onsite evaluation)
`MediaLabEurope, Dublin
`Diller and Scofidio (architects)
`University of Limerick (Ireland), External Examiner for
`Graduate Program in Interactive Media
`IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
`British Telecom
`Fibersense, Inc. (Technology Board Member)
`Takata Inc., Automotive Systems Laboratory
`Boston University Photonics Center
`Draper Laboratory
`History of MIT Appointments:
`Media Arts and Sciences
`Media Arts and Sciences
`Media Arts and Sciences
`Media Arts and Sciences
`Media Arts and Sciences
`Media Arts and Sciences
`Physics Department
`Engineering Aide,
`Summer Staff
`Associate Prof. w. Tenure
`Associate Professor
`Principal Research Scientist 7/98
`Research Scientist
`Research Affiliate
`Compton Fellow
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`Optron Systems, Inc.
`Lyle Mays, Inc.
`Draper Laboratory
`Department and Institute Committees, Other Assigned Duties
`MIT ‘Engine’ Conflict of Interest Working Group
`MIT ACT (Art, Culture, Technology) Faculty Search Committee 9/16
`James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award
` Selection Committee
` Selection Committee Chair
`Undergraduate Advisor
`MIT Committee for Launch of the Capital Campaign
`Music and Theater Arts Faculty Search Committee
`Media Arts and Sciences Faculty Search Committee
`MIT CUP (Committee on the Undergraduate Program)
`MIT Committee on Intellectual Property
`Media Lab IP Commission Member
`MISTI Global Seed Funds Proposal Evaluator
`2012 d’Arbeloff Alumni Class Funds Review Committee
`Senior faculty search committee for faculty in Built Environments 6/10
`Director, IPCOM (Media Lab Intellectual Property Committee)
`Manager, Media Lab ‘HowTo’ orientation seminar for new RAs
`2020 Committee: Vision for Shared Materials Facilities
`Technology Broadcasting Corporation Board Member
`Horowitz Award Selection Committee (Dept. of Architecture)
`Media Lab Intellectual Property Committee (IPCOM)
`MAS Departmental Committee on Graduate Students
`Deshpande Center Proposal Reviewer
`IPCOM (Media Lab Intellectual Property Committee)
`Media Arts and Sciences Faculty Search Committee
`Co-Director, Things That Think Consortium (Media Lab)
`MAS Departmental Committee on Graduate Students
`Technology Director, Things That Think Consortium (Media Lab) 1/96
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`12. Government and Other Outside Committees, Service, etc.:
`Scientific Evaluator, The Hasler Foundation (Switzerland)
`TPC member: NextMote workshop at EWSN 2016
`Judge, Guthman Competition, Georgia Tech Music Dept.
`Strategies In Light Industrial Conference (Advisory Board)
`Baylor University (External Proposal Reviewer)
`Appointment Advisory Committee,
`Faculty of Radiation Science, TU Delft
`White House Cities, Counties and States Climate Data Workshop 3/14
`World Bank Workshop on Building Climate and Disaster
`Resilience through Open Data and Innovation
`AMI’13 (Intl. Conf. on Ambient Intelligence) TPC
`Habilitation (HRD) Committee, University Pierre et Marie Curie, 12/13
`(CEA) Paris
`NSF Workshop on Future Directions in Wireless Networking
`Board of Advisors - Intel Science and Technology Center for
`Pervasive Computing (ISTC-PC) at U. Washington
`International Advisory Board, Centre for Interdisciplinary
`Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT), Montreal
`ESPRC (UK) Proposal Reviewer
`Scientific Advisory Board for iPack, Swedish Excellence Centre 11/12
`for research and innovation in electronics at KTH
`NSF Proposal Review Panel
`NSF Proposal Reviewer
`European Commission (reviewer for FET projects)
`NSF Proposal Review Panel
`Associate TPC Chair for Input Devices Track, CHI 2011
`TEI 2011
`(Intl Conf. on Tangible, Embedded, Embodied Interaction) TPC
`NIH Workshop on Personal Motion Technologies for
`Healthy Independent Living
`Texas Higher Education (Committee to evaluate Proposed
`Ph.D. in Arts and Technology Degree at UTD)
`WirelessHealth 2010 TPC
`Swiss National Science Foundation Proposal Reviewer
`NSF Workshop on Future Directions in Sensing Systems
`Associate Editor in Chief, IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine 4/09
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`TPC, BSN (Intl. Conf. on Wearable/Implantable
`Body Sensor Networks) 2009
`TPC, ISWC (Wearable Computing Conference) 2009
`NSF Proposal Review Panel
`TPC, European Workshop on Sensor Networks (EWSN) ’09
`Guest Editor,
`IEEE J-SAC Special Issue on BAN (Body Area Networks)
`IPSN (Intl. Conf. on Information Processing in
`Sensor Networks) 2008 TPC
`BodyNets 2008 TPC
`NSF-IC Power Sources Workshop
`TPC, ACM MobiEval 2007
`Editorial Board, ACM/Springer Wireless Networks Journal
`NSF Workshop on Integrating the Social Sciences into
`NSF Observatories
`Co-chair, ISWC 2007
`(International Symposium on Wearable Computing)
`Editorial Board, IEEE Pervasive Computing
`Technical Program Committee Co-Chair, The Fourth Workshop 7/06 6/07
` on Embedded Networked Sensors (EmNets 2007)
`Technical Program Committee, Sensor Platform Tools and
`Design Methods for Networked Embedded Systems (SPOTS),
` 6’th International IEEE Conference on Information Processing in
` Sensor Networks (IPSN07)
`Technical Program Committee, Second International ACM
`Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets 07)
`Technical Program Committee, 3’rd IEEE/ACM International
` Conference On Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems
` DCOSS’07
`Technical Program Committee, Fourth International Conference 10/06
`on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS 07)
`Technical Program Committee, 20’th International Conference on 7/06
`Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2007)
`Technical Program Committee, 4’th International Workshop on
`Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2007)
`Steering Committee, IEEE International Conference on Wearable 6/06
`and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN)
`Proposal Reviewer, Adventure Fund, Innovative
`Manufacturing & Construction Research Centre Wolfson
`School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering,
`Loughborough University, UK
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`Microelectronics Advisory Council,
`Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (Germany)
`Program Committee, (re)Actor: The First International
`Conference of Digital Live Art
`Technical Program Committee, ACM Sensys 2006
`Technical Program Committee, Workshop on World-Sensor-Web 1/06
` (WSW'2006): Mobile Device Centric Sensory
`Networks and Applications (at ACM Sensys 2006)
`Singapore Science & Engineering Research Council (SERC)
`(Proposal Reviewer)
`Chair, Sensor Platform Tools and Design Methods for
`Networked Embedded Systems (SPOTS), 5’th International IEEE
`Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN06)
`ERCIM (EU) Beyond-The-Horizon working group on
`Pervasive Computing & Communications
`Program Committee, The Fourth International Conference on
`Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2006)
`Co-Chair, IEEE International Workshop on Wearable and
`Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2006)
`Science Foundation Ireland (Proposal Reviewer)
`External Ph.D. Examiner, National Sensor Center at Dublin City 5/05
`University (DCU)
`Austrian Science Foundation (Proposal Reviewer)
`Nokia academic working group on sensor networks
`Organizing Committee and Technical Program Committee,
`Sensor Platform Tools and Design Methods for Networked
`Embedded Systems (SPOTS), 4’th International IEEE Conference
`on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN05)
`Program Committee, International Workshop on Wearable and
`Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2005)
`Program Committee, Workshop on End-to-End,
`Sense-and-Respond Systems, Applications, and Services (at ACM MobiSys 2005)
`Program Committee,
`2005 IEE Workshop on Intelligent Environments (IE05)
`Program Committee, 18’th International Conference on
`Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2005)
`Program Committee, The Second International Conference on
`Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2004)
`National Research Council Canada (Proposal Reviewer)
`Science Foundation Ireland (Proposal Reviewer)
`National Science Foundation, ECE Division (sensors)
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`(Proposal Review Panel in Washington DC)
`Fonds Québécois de Recherche sur la Société et la Culture,
`Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
`(Proposal Review Panel in Montreal)
`Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, Visiting Committee 5/03
`Member for 5-year evaluation of all Swedish Interactive Institutes
`Jury Member, Prix Ars Electronica, Interactive Art Category
`Guest Editor, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
`Special Issue on SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies
`Art Interactive Gallery, Cambridge MA (Arts Advisory Board)
`Program and Steering Committees, Int. Conference on New
`Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2003-2006)
`Guest Editor, Journal of New Music Research
`Special Issue on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
`Program Committee, The Second International Conference on
`Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2002)
`Chief Organizer, First International Conference on New
`Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2002)
`Technical Program Committee,
`ACM/CHI New Interfaces for Musical Expression Workshop
`Jury, Emerging Technologies program, ACM SIGGRAPH
`(member of Jury panel 01,02,03)
`External Examiner, Interactive Media Program,
`University of Limerick (Ireland) (‘99,00,01,02,03,04)
`Guest Editor, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications,
`Special Issue on Input Devices
`American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA),
`Jury for the Columbus 500-year Anniversary Earth-Moon
`Solar Sail Race
`Paper Reviewer:
` See Program Committee memberships and Guest Editorships above. Some of the other
`conferences and journals that I’ve reviewed for include:
`IEEE Transactions on Sensor Networks, IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE
`Transactions on Robotics, BSN 2006-2013, Pervasive 2012, Pervasive 2006,
`UbiComp 2014, UbiComp 2010, UbiComp 2009, UbiComp 2008, UbiComp
`2006, UbiComp 2005, UbiComp 2004, ACM UIST 2015, UISG 2014, UIST
`2012, UIST 2011, UIST 2003, UIST 2002, ACM CHI 2016, ACM CHI 2014,
`CHI 2013, CHI 2011, ACM CHI 2009, ACM CHI 2002, ACM CHI 2000, TEI
`2011, SIGGRAPH 2011, SIGGRAPH 2014, IEEE ISWC (International
`Symposium for Wearable Computers) 1998, NIME 2002-2014, ACC 1994,
`IEEE/ASME Trans on Mechatronics, Transactions on Neural Systems &
`Rehabilitation Engineering, ACM Computing Surveys, Communications of the
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`ACM, Computer Music Journal, Journal of New Music Research, IBM Systems
`Journal, IEEE Information Systems, AIAA Journal of Guidance and Control,
`IEEE Journal of Neural Networks, Pattern Analysis and Applications Journal,
`Electronics Letters, IEEE Pervasive Computing, Aerospace Science and
`Technology, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications
`Awards Received:
`Best Paper Award, ACM UIST 2016
`Best Presentation Award, ACM Buildsys 2015
`Alexander W. Dreyfoos (1954) Faculty Chair (MIT)
`Honorable Mention (Best Paper) CHI 2015
`Best Session Paper, BSN 2013
`Best Paper Award, CHI 2013
`Best Demo Award (3rd place) ACM UIST 2012
`IEEE (EMB) Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine
`2012 Outstanding Paper Award
`Design Contest Winner (ISLPED’08)
`Best Paper Award, ISPN’08 (SPOTS Track)
`Best Presentation Award, ACM Sensys 2007
`Best Paper Award, The 3’rd International Conference on
`Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2005)
`Best Paper Award, IPSN’07 (SPOTS Track)
`Best Paper Award, 2003 IEEE International Conference on Sensors
`(student paper, third prize)
`Sony Career Development Chair (MIT)
`Discover Magazine Award for Technical Innovation
`(semifinalist, Entertainment category)
`Discover Magazine Award for Technical Innovation
`(winner, Entertainment category)
`Swets and Zeitlinger Distinguished Paper Award of ICMC 1999
`(second prize)
`Draper Laboratory, Recognition Award
`(for underwater sonar systems)
`Draper Laboratory, Recognition Award
`(for precision alignment systems in high-energy physics detectors)
`MIT, K.T. Compton Physics Department Fellowship
`Tufts University, BS Summa cum Laude
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`Tufts University, Burden Engineering Prize
`(first prize, undergraduate engineering competition)
`Tufts University, Alumni Award
`(annually presented to 16 students on basis of grades, activities, etc.)
`Tufts University, Class of 1898 Award
`(presented to student best displaying competence and capability)
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`Current Organization Membership:
`Organization & Offices Held
`ACM (Association for Computing Machinery, SIGCHI and SIGGRAPH)
`AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics – Senior member)
`APS (American Physical Society)
`IEEE (Senior Member)
`IEEE Computer Society
`IEEE Control Systems Society
`IEEE Signal Processing Society
`Sigma Xi
`Eta Kappa Nu (Tufts University Chapter President, 1976/77)
`Tau Beta Pi
`Patents and Patent Applications Pending:
`1) Marrin, T., Paradiso. J.A., Machover, T., Verplaetse, C., and Orth, M., “Apparatus for
`Controlling Continuous Behavior through Hand and Arm Gestures," U.S. Patent No.
`5875257, February 23, 1999.
`2) Paradiso, J., Hsiao, K., “Multi-axis Tracking of Passive Resonators,” U.S. Patent No.
`6,404,340, June 11, 2002.
`3) Knaian, A., Paradiso, J.A., “Wireless Roadway Monitoring System,” U.S. Patent
`6,662,099, December 9, 2003.
`4) Maue, W.H., Meinzer, R., Paradiso, J., Feldmeier, M., “Self-Powered Wireless Switch,”
`U.S. Patent No. 6,700,310, March 2, 2004.
`5) Morrison, G.O., Maue, W.H., Skarb, B.P., Berta, M.J., Meinzer, R., Paradiso, J.,
`Feldmeier, M., Youngs, J., “Self-Powered Wireless Switch,” US Patent
` 6,933,655,
`August 23, 2005.
`6) Paradiso, J.A., Ma, H., Lippman, A.B., “Tag Interrogation With Observable Response
`Signal,” US Patent 7,109,865, September 19, 2006.
`7) Paradiso, J.A., Leo, C-K., Checka, N., “Systems and methods for tracking impacts,” US
`Patent 7,643,015 B2, January 5, 2010.
`8) Paradiso, J.A., Leo, C-K., Checka, N., “Systems and methods for tracking impacts,” US
`Patent 7916128 B2, March 29, 2011.
`9) Ma, H. and Paradiso, J.A., “Input device based on frustrated total internal reflection,” US
`Patent 7,432,893, October 7, 2008.
`10) Paradiso, J.A. and Laibowitz, M.J., “Parasitic Mobility in Dynamically Distributed
`Sensor Networks,” US Patent No. 7,429,936, September 30, 2008.
`11) Lapenta, J.M. and Paradiso, J.A., "Real-time 3-D Localization using Radar and Surface
`Acoustic Wave Transponders," US Patent 7,924,160, April 12, 2011.
`12) Paradiso, J.A., Ma, H., Lippman, A.B., “Quasi-passive wakeup function to reduce power
`consumption of electronic devices,” U.S. Patent No. 7,864,051, January 4, 2011.
`13) Paradiso, J.A., Borque, L.L., “Continuous Capacitive Slider Controller for a Smooth-
`Surfaced Cooktop,” US Patent No. 8,017,890, September 13, 2011.
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`14) Paradiso, J.A. and Ono, Y., “Distributed acoustic conversation shielding system,” US
`Patent No. 8,229,130, July 24, 2012.
`15) Aldrich, M., Feldmeier, M., Paradiso, J., “Apparatus and methods for interactive
`illumination,” US Patent 8,593,073, Nov. 26, 2013.
`16) Laibowitz, M., Samanta, V., Paradiso, J.A., “Methods, apparatuses, and computer
`program products for enabling use of remote devices with pre-defined gestures,” U.S.
`Patent 8,902,180, Dec. 2, 2014.
`17) Gong, N.-W., Hodges, S.E., Villar, N., and Paradiso, J.A., “Sensing floor for locating
`people and devices,” U.S. Patent 9,077,343, July 7, 2015.
`18) Zoran, A., Paradiso, J., Shilkrot, R., “Methods and Apparatus for Handheld Tool,” US
`Patent 9342632B2, May 17, 2016.
`19) Goyal, P. and Paradiso, J., “System for Introspection and Annotation of Electronic
`Design Data,” U.S. Patent No. 9,411,010, August 9, 2016.
`20) Goyal, P., Zoran, A., Paradiso, J., “Methods and Apparatus for Handheld Inkjet Printer,”
`U.S. Patent No. 9,446,585, September 20, 2016.
` 21) Laibowitz, M., Samanta, V., Paradiso, J.A., “Combining device motion and touch input
`for performing a function,” U.S. Patent Application No. 20130154951-A1, Dec. 15,
`22) Laibowitz, M., Samanta, V., Paradiso, J.A., “Performing a Function,” US Patent
`Application 20130154951-A1, Dec. 15, 2011.
`23) Paradiso, J., Aldrich, M., Zhao, N., “Methods and Apparatus for Illumination Control,”
`U.S. Patent Application No. 20150257238, March 10, 2015.
` 24) Azaria, A., Mayton, B., and Paradiso, J., “Methods and apparatus for detecting hand-to-
`mouth compulsive habits,” US Patent Application No. 15331840, October 22, 2016.
`Professional Registration: None
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` (Public installations or exhibitions – otherwise, my Media Lab research projects are listed at
` and detailed in my publications).
`1) Invited exhibition and musical installation, MIT Museum, Cambridge MA, The Paradiso
`Synthesizer, January 12 – April 10, 2012. (see )
`2) Invited installation, Ars Electronica Festival 2011, DoppelLab and Digital Excavation,
`August 31 - September 6, 2011. (see )
`3) Invited installation at Ars Electronica 2009 (with students Alex Reben, Matt Laibowitz, Nan-
`Wei Gong), Ubiquitous Sensor Network Navigator, September 3-8, 2009. (see
` )
`4) Invited exhibition and performance of my homemade modular music synthesizer at the 25’th
`anniversary Ars Electronica Festival, Timeshift, Linz, Austria, September 3-7, 2004; also
`presented an invited artists’ seminar on history and design of modular synthesizers. (see
` )
`5) Invited installation of the Interactive Window impact tracker at the Innovation Corner,
`Motorola iDEN facility, Plantation, Florida, October 30, 2003 – 2006. (see
` )
`6) Exhibition at the Artbots Robotic Talent Show in New York City: Tribblation (a sphere tiled
`by a reactive sensor net skin), with student Josh Lifton, July 12-13, 2003. (see
` )
`7) Exhibition of the Magic Carpet installation at the MIT Museum as Stomping Ground,
`February 28, 2002 – April 5, 2004. (see
` )
`8) Installation of interactive window in collaboration with American Greetings at their flagship
`card store at Rockefeller Center in New York City, Dec. 9, 2001- Feb. 18, 2002. (see
` )
`9) Exhibition of window tap-tracking interface at the Kitchen Gallery in New York City in
`Telephone Story as part of the ID/Entity Exhibition, Nov. 30, 2001- Jan. 15, 2002. (see
` )
`10) Invited exhibition of Interactive Window System at the Ars Electronica Center, Linz Austria,
`September 1, 2001 - September 1, 2004. (see
` )
`11) Invited installation, Atmospheres, (in collaboration with Prof. John Maeda) at the
`Workspheres Exhibition, Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), New York, February 7 through
`April 22, 2001. (see )
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`12) Invited installation of Magic Carpet musical installation at the Current Science and
`Technology Center, Boston Museum of Science, February 1 through April 20, 2001. (see
` )
`13) Invited installation of Musical Trinkets at the SMAU Convention, Milan Italy, October 19-
`23, 2000. (see ).
`18. Symposia Organized:
` (External academic workshops or conferences – in addition, I have organized several themed
`symposia with invited speakers for Media Lab consortia meetings, which I am omitting here)
`Local Chair, IEEE International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks
`(BSN 2015), Cambridge MA, June 9-12, 2015.
`Local Chair, IEEE International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks
`(BSN 2013), Cambridge MA, May 6-9, 2013.
`Co-chair, ISWC 2007 (International Symposium on Wearable Computing), Boston MA, Oct. 11-
`13, 2007.
`Technical Program Committee Co-Chair, The Fourth Workshop on Embedded Networked
`Sensors (EmNets 2007), Cork Ireland, June 25-26, 2007
`Chair, Sensor Platform Tools and Design Methods for Networked Embedded Systems (SPOTS),
`5’th International IEEE Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN06),
`Nashville TN, April 19-21, 2006.
`Co-Chair, IEEE International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks
`(BSN 2006), Cambridge MA, April 3-5, 2006.
`Chief Organizer, First International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
`(NIME 2002), Dublin Ireland, May 24-26, 2002.
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`Sub. No.
`19. Teaching Experience of Joseph A. Paradiso:
`Chief Instructor
`Chief Instructor
`Chief Instructor
`As Course founder/lecturer or co-founder/co-lecturer:
`Here, There and Everywhere:
`The Future of Music in Sound,
`Space, and Place
`Hands on Foundations in Media
`Sensor Technologies for
`Interactive Environments
`Principles of Electronic Music
`Hands on Foundations in Media
`Sensor Technologies for
`Interactive Environments
`New Paradigms in Musical
`Hands on Foundations in Media
`Silicon Menagerie: From
`Bioinspiration to Biomemetics
`Hands on Foundations in Media
`Second Nature: Design of Low-
`Power Environmental Sensors & Networks
`Hands on Foundations in Media
`Chief Instructor
`Future of Festivals
`Principles of Electronic Music
`Sensor Technologies for
`Interactive Environments
`Emerging Technologies in
`Location-Aware Computing
`Sensor Technologies for
`Interactive Environments
`Principles of Electronic Music
`Chief Instructor
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`Sensor Technologies for
`Interactive Environments
`Building Cross-Reality Applications Instructor
`Principles of Electronic Music
`Sensor Technologies for
`Interactive Environments
`Sensor Technologies for
`Interactive Environments
`Principles of Electronic Music
`Sensor Technologies for
`Interactive Environments
`Developing Applications for
`Sensor Networks
`Sensor Technologies for
`Interactive Environments
`How to Make (Almost) Anything
`Sensor Technologies for
`Interactive Environments
`How to Make (Almost) Anything
`Electronic Skins and Dense Sensor
`Principles of Electronic Music
`How to Make (Almost) Anything
`How to Make (Almost) Anything
`Sensor Technologies for
`Interactive Environments
`How to Make (Almost) Anything
`How to Make (Almost) Anything
`How to Make (Almost) Anything
`VP (ETHZ) Praktikum für Vorgerückte
`(Junior Physics Lab)
`As Guest Lecturer:
`Sound installations +
`sonic interventions
`How to Develop Breakthrough
`Products and Services
`How to Develop Breakthrough
`Project Jury
`Guest Lecturer
`Guest Lecturer
` Instructor

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