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`and the Merriam-Webster editorial staff.
`.·; · ·., . .. , ·
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`ISBN 0-87779-201-1 (blue sturdite).-ISBN 0-87779-202-X
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`1. English language-Dictionaries. J. Gove, Pliii lp Babcock,
`II. Merriam-Webster, Inc.
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`. . .
`b~b~~~t~~Jg;~~:~.;i vt [be-+ master]: to master thor
`be-mnul \~. be+) vt [be· + maul] : lo moul thorou8
`bg;:::::,~d ,~~:::C,;. ~;.·\:.d1i~~!~";~·:t.;~il~' J
`MAU] archaic : ll!WILDltlleo. STUPl!f'lF.D
`bem•b/1 \ 'bcm)>•\ n, pl b_c mba or bombas 11111 cap J
`~~~:J:~~'JJ'.~~'::Y gar:,c~lt::,'~b~~n~1-"lli~kA~~ti.''
`2 : a Bontu languoge or lho Bcmbo people
`:t::bi~x\ ~.'e";,m.,~t~~ i ~', •J~rilJ~l:"':t;J:Jii:f;l/l
`bCDl•bl•Old \' bcm~ri<I. -,sid \ adJ~Nl, BamblcldtUJ, t,
`tyr,a genus + -fdo•
`: or or relot.iJla
`blc-, Bcmbl;c,
`aenus B•mbl;c or the fnmily Bembi doc
`bem •blx \'bcmbilcs\ n cap [Nl. fr. Gk, buu.ins In,.,
`whirlpool, cyclone; ok\n to Ok bornbos booming or bu
`110und - more. ot UOMB ] : • acnus (the type or the
`Bemblcldno) or. wasp• comprlring the lllrga . 1oii11uy
`a,arfo'"' burrow10g sand wasps
`be-moan \ ~'men, be-\ vt -no/-1NO/·S Cb•· + m~an
`: 01?8,\SH+ LOWER
`bo•rnOd•Bled or be,mod•allod \ b~'med'ld, be·\ ad/ I
`m,dal + -•dl : woorina or decorated with medoiJ esp
`ccs:rivo numbers
`bomoot vb (b•· + m•<t] ob, : Ml!BT
`be-ment-itc \'bcmont-,11\ n •s [C. S. B,mcnt tl923 Am.
`foc1urcr and mi neml coileo1or + B-lt•J : o minero.i co,
`or a hydrou.s siiicato of manganese ocourrlna in aroyl,h
`mdiated masses
`be-mire \ W. be+ \ w Cb•- + mlr• (n.)] 1 : 10 cover
`with or :,s If wilh mud or dirt (,ypd hi• extended le
`his immense bw1lr<d boots-F.M,l'ocd) 2 : to drna it
`encumber with, or rink in mire (/nmlrtd in a dl teh)
`bg;'~:,S;,~~~fo~/~ n f:•.;,it t'~t}·~1~J~ oovclbp, I
`be,moan \ W, b1+ \ ., [alter. (Influenced by moon)
`~f'~,~~;l 'l ~I; t:,:;:;:':u ~;1!tote:'':"'L1
`~~~Ht~ (~h::
`bro ther's de th) b archafc : to subject (oocsoll) to lo
`themselves, but it Is n1>t half
`ti9ns (people a,-ievo and -
`will! diem as they UY -R.W.Bmcrson} 2 obs : 10
`J!ily or sorrow for ( they -•d him and comforted J>lm ,
`.. brouaht upon him -Job 42 : t I (A V)>
`the evil
`look upon with rcgrctidisp!oasure, or disnppro•al (tho 1
`mental concrol which ndus1riollsts- so consl11cn\ly -
`Ina McOrCJll)r) syn sec D6PLORR
`gi::~~-~J:1la1, ~t
`1U'/"'+~~!'i:, ~~gn~~ck or n
`bemoil ., Cb•- + moll] obs : to.soil or encumbor with m
`be-monster \b~. be+\ vt -w/-rno/-s [be- + mo,.st,
`1 obi : to mnke ugly or vicious H A monster 2 : to
`or rcror Lo as ~ monucr
`be-moullt \ l»'maOLII., bi!· \ vi [ b<,- + mouth] : to tal
`b•sticnily about : put into a spttlfied condition by bo,
`bo,mud \ W, be+ \ .r Cb•- + mud (n.) ) l archaic : to c
`sp~tlcc with mud 2 : MUOote (lxmuddcd thou11h1)
`bo,mumod ~b~. be.+ \ a,t} {bt- + muf}led] : muffled a
`be-muse \b~ myUr.. be-\ ., r ,,._ + muse] l : to mnke Cf
`or muddled (ho drinke1b strons waters which do -
`-W.S.Gllbert) : B8WILD£R (the ex traord inary dinlcct
`this coso . •. wo uld hmvo k,111,s~d the ncutest, J\Jry -t.(cid:173)
`Muueridgc) 2 : 10 c~use lo dre:tm or mu<c : Induce
`islands -Corey Ford) syn = DAZ8
`of rovi,rie in (there Is onothcr theory tba1 - , the pilot
`: mnrked by confu•iou
`be,mu.sed \-'myUxd\ ar//
`wildcrmcnt : OAZl;l) (he was fumbling with the dhcets an
`t~ r:.~rn :h~i~:~~hr!"~~·(~sd!i:~i
`u n professoc emeritus littening 10 tho prnttting or hi
`n1~n class -M .W.S1 raigh1) - IJc,mus-od•lY-\·zddle,
`be•nll.IBO•'m.eut \·xm.,nt \ 11 ·• : tho qunllly or state c
`bemu1ed (this~ b)'_ ~perficlnl fdcas-1,( .L.Mcncken)
`lbon \' bcn \ ad• ~"!'!> b<n, blnrte, ~lnn•n, tr OE
`fr . be- + (nnan within, from within, fr. ltt -
`Scot : In or lnro the Inner pRrl or parlor or th o ho use :
`WITHIN (with kindly wolcomo Jenny brln110 him -

`Burns) - oppostd to but
`1bon \ .. \ pr~p. Scot : in or into the inne:r rooin of :
`(- tho house)
`•ben \"\ atfJ, Scot : situated fo the inner part of I
`•bcn \ "\ n ·• Scot : Ibo inner room or porlor of a he
`compare •oUT
`or a but•and-bcn) -
`Sben \"\ n -s [ScO~el b<a1111 pe11k. horn; nki n to M
`peak. horn, W ban peak - more n1 r1N] Scot : • h
`oflon used In place nomor (B•11 Nevl
`6ben dl(lf P<ut wrt of ue
`'blf•n\ ,,.
`'ban \' bcn\ also bo•lton \lr.>'h.en, 'b1fon,
`biinl : th• seed or any treo or lhe seou, Morl11go -
`bettll \'bcn•\ n, pt benn or beuas '"'" cap 1 : an Afric
`pcoplc north ot Lnke Nyon 2 ! • membc
`be,nab \ lr.>'nob \ n ·• [prob. fllllivc name, In Ouinnn] :
`hut or ~hat ter in GuiDna
`u,cd tor
`Bon-n-drYl \ 'booodrbl, -,dril\ trnd•mark -
`be,nt1°mf al,o be,nll•lllOB \tr.,'nlfm!', ad/ [Hindi b••
`Per banllm In tho nan10 ot + -I] : made, hold, done, o
`used In Uh
`acted In the nn mo of (another pcr,on) -
`to dcsig.nm1e ft transaclfon , con 1ract. or propcrl.)' ,hnl
`or hold under a nome th nt is rictllious or is thnl or
`party who holds u ostcn1iblo owner for ,tho prlnaipol 1
`flehtt owner
`bennres u,u ca". w,r of n4N,.R.A5
`bo,nasty \b~. bi!+\ •I [b•· + nasty] dlol : to make nas•
`ben-bcn \'bon,bon \ n ,s £1dtcrnn10 tnmslhcra tion o
`8~tgl~~~ •{?b"cen?M'Ja'~;:~d~/. ~:~':rcap 8&
`Henry B"11ce-Jonu ti 873 Bna. pb~lclan nnd chem
`globulin or• ~roup ol globufiru round in the blood 101
`urine in multiple mycloma nnd occas. 1n other bone 1
`• b~ni,"~1k:1 ·'f ~~B• {~;,~~.t~ni,~g~~~ ~0ca~1;!
`ond usu. charocteri-ud by ooagulatlon nt 50-60°C wit!
`rcdls:solvlng A( higher 1cmpcr:aturc1
`two or more pc.rSons und sometime..• with n bnclc: {a J
`~i."n 1:,i.~titi::i1 ~Rtr.fl:'.;.f:?.~ ~ ~-.~ 0.:'r ;~1
`to play (2) : the reserve l'layeu or n loom 2 n :.the set
`a Judsc si ts in cou rt : tho scot of justice b : the o
`dleni\l' o[ u juds,a <• recc,nt •PPOh•tment to the ->
`rJ:~·.,~~;r.~,J~~ t::~~i~:·~:k.~~U:T ,J, : t~
`or scot ond tnblo or dc.,k for an o!flciol "'1l : tho o
`diqnity of auch an offleiAI (he upircs to tho civic-~
`~Vt~~;>cc~pt:": r~~~ -:.,t~f:J!1~.~\~;ri·.;r:c;~·
`pcnter·s-) b : • usu . metal table lorminq piu-t or a ,
`c : any or various mach1ncs <ns rc;,r drmwin:Q: w(res o
`thnt are deve lopmcn,. or the •lmplc worli:t,.,nch 6 : T
`!f,,';,L;~l~~-~g:.~i;~ ~l~::,·r~~c3t~;fid!~~~i:f ~·:
`rocks o( voryina re,Jstnnce or by a chonpc of bnsc-levcl
`b : • former wove-cut •h<>ro or II"°" or lokc or lloodpl
`~~~~ c~a:n ao~~c,t!v~~rrae~g ~hclf~~·,~~s!~n:§:1n°:~r:
`or working when nn uppor &ecuioa 'i:s c~I bac k o
`SlrUIUffl O(. CQ:IJ torming_ part Of !1- seam (2.\ : _?(!O O_I
`VIZIO Ex. 1026 Page 00003

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