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`u.s. Patent
`Feb. 26,2008
`Sheet 1 of 89
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`Feb. 26,2008
`Sheet 8 of 89
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`u.s. Patent
`Feb. 26,2008
`Sheet 11 of 89
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`FIG. 14


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`FIG. 15A
`e •
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`N o
`rFJ =(cid:173)
`o ....
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`FIG. 15B
`e •
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`o ....
`"""'" = N


`600 ---\
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`FIG. 15C
`"""'" = N






`u.s. Patent
`Feb. 26,2008
`Sheet 17 of 89
`US 7,337,241 B2
`"-~ 1 ~O 1 ~1 1 ~ I. . 1 ~71 ~~ 1 ~b I. . R13 R14 R15
`"-I ~O 1 ~l 1 ~ I. . 1 ~; I ~~ I ~91· . R13 R14 R15
`"-I ~O I ~1 1 ~21· . 1 ~; 1 ~8 1 Ri I. . R13 R14 R 15
`FIG. 19C
`"-I ~O I ~1 I~I .. I ~7 I ~~ 1 ~9 I. . Rl3 R14 R15
`FIG. 19D


`[ ,ira
`~~ T
`~~ "T
`:1 0
`Wr------i to-J I f II rt7 r I 1 J-L I R8 r I 1 J-l I R9 ~
`~v ~ ~ L~' ~--I I~ 12 ~--I I~ 1
`939 ~ ~
`~ ,
`I ~ 15
`L...rHY R15 r(cid:173)
`-.----- 920
`r-- 935
`I - -
`FIG. 20
`e •
`~ = ~
`N o
`rFJ =(cid:173)
`o ....
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`u.s. Patent
`Feb. 26,2008
`Sheet 19 of 89
`US 7,337,241 B2
`1, . ./2101
`INIC 200
`_________ ¥ ___________ r ________________ ~
`C~R4~O ~~~
`2108! 2113 2106
`ASIC 400
`1------- - - - - - - - - -2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , I
`I I
`2230 5
`1 I
`2109~ 402
`I I
`MNGR ~2103
`ITXl iRXl 1 1
`I I
`~.~ i
`HOST 20
`: --------<:!----,
`~8 :
`35 :
`I ____________ J
`2228 -'i
`CTRL ~~------+--4-5-0+---~
`44~ r
`jl~if~~: } 2110
`l-' 460
`L _____________________________________ ~
`1----L/_2~2-2-3--_______j} B U F FER
`FIG. 21






`u.s. Patent
`Feb. 26,2008
`Sheet 22 of 89
`US 7,337,241 B2
`FIG. 24
`Header buffer descriptors
`Header buffers
`Header a
`Header b
`buffer handle
`Data buffers
`Data buffer descrip
`FIG. 25


`u.s. Patent
`Feb. 26,2008
`Sheet 23 of 89
`US 7,337,241 B2
`buffer queue
`buffer queue
`buffer handle
`buffer handle
`buffer handle
`Command buffers
`buffer handle
`rcp context
`Data pointers
`buffer handle
`TCP context
`Data pointers
`buffer handle
`rep context
`Data pointers
`FIG. 26


`u.s. Patent
`Rev -------'
`XMT - - - - - - I
`Feb. 26,2008
`Sheet 24 of 89
`US 7,337,241 B2
`Error bils are sent
`Rev has occured.
`Command has been completed
`Rev drop occured due to no buffers
`FIG. 27
`fntenupt status
`fntenupt Mask
`Header Buffer Address
`Dam Buffer Handle
`Data Buffer Address
`Command Buffer Address XMTO
`Command Buffer Address XMTl
`Command Buffer Address XMT2
`Command Buffer Address XMT3
`Command Buffer Address Rev
`Response Buffer Address
`FIG. 28


`u.s. Patent
`Feb. 26,2008
`Sheet 25 of 89
`US 7,337,241 B2
`Packet Desc
`Buffer Desc
`Buffer Desc
`FIG. 29
`r - -
`in ifaddr
`I L __
`L- _________ _
`FIG. 30
`kaddr dl
`sockaddr in


`u.s. Patent
`Feb. 26,2008
`Sheet 26 of 89
`US 7,337,241 B2
`Filter Driver
`DriPO ver
`FIG. 31
`Packet Desc
`Packet Desc
`Buffer Desc
`Buffer Desc
`Example of incoming TCP pkt
`Example of incoming ARP Frame
`FIG. 32
`FIG. 33


`Packet desc
`. . .
`r - -
`Packet desc=O
`. . .
`Buffer desc
`e •
`~ = ~
`~ Data
`I - -
`~ Buffer
`N o
`Packet desc
`r - . . .
`Buffer desc
`. . .
`I -
`TCP Fast~path
`FIG. 34A
`TCP Slow-path
`FIG. 34B
`I I
`ARP Frame
`FIG. 34C
`rFJ =(cid:173)
`o ....
`""'"" = N


`u.s. Patent
`Feb. 26,2008
`Sheet 28 of 89
`US 7,337,241 B2
`FIG. 35
`mbuf ~
`FIG. 36


`u.s. Patent
`Feb. 26,2008
`Sheet 29 of 89
`US 7,337,241 B2
`FIG. 37
`SRAM requirements for 1he Receive and Tnmsmit engines:
`TCB buffers
`Header buffers
`TCB hash index
`DRAM Fifo queues
`"-' 12K bytes
`256 bytes
`128 bytes
`16 bytes
`128 bytes
`* 16
`* 16
`* 256
`* 16
`FIG. 38


`u.s. Patent
`Feb. 26,2008
`Sheet 30 of 89
`US 7,337,241 B2
`forever {
`Smmnary of the main loop of Receive:
`while there are any Receive events {
`if (a new event) {
`if (no new context available)
`ignore the even~
`call appropriate event handler to service the even~
`this may make a waiting process runnable or set up
`a new process to be run (get free context, hddr buffer,
`TCB buffer, set the context up).
`while any process contexts are nmable {
`run them by jumping to the startlresume address;
`if (process complete)
`free the context;
`~ ____________________________________________ J
`FIG. 39


`u.s. Patent
`Feb. 26,2008
`Sheet 31 of 89
`US 7,337,241 B2
`.Format of the 5MB header of an 5MB frame:
`NetBIOS header
`5MB header
`... ERR
`Res ~ed
`Res rved
`Res rved
`ERR ..
`VWV[ ]
`Data ...
`Notes (interesting fields):
`17 bit Length of 5MB message (0 - 128K)
`5MB command
`Count (16 bit) of parameter words in VWV [ ]
`Variable number of parameter words
`Bytes of data following
`FIG. 40


`u.s. Patent
`Feb. 26,2008
`Sheet 32 of 89
`US 7,337,241 B2
`Summary of the main loop of Tnmsmit
`while there are any Transmit events {
`if (a new event) {
`if (no new context available)
`ignore the even~
`call appropriate event handler to service the even~
`this may make a waiting process runnable or set u

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