United States Patent [19]
`[75] Inventor:
`David R. Baldwin, Weybridge,
`United Kingdom
`[73] Assignee: DuPont Pixel Systems Limited,
`London, United Kingdom
`[21] Appl. No.: 925,238
`[22] Filed:
`Jul. 31, 1992
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation of Ser. No. 326,781, Mar. 21, 1989, aban
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Mar. 23, 1988 (GB) United Kingdom ................. 8806850
`Mar. 23, 1988 [GB] United Kingdom ................. 8806856
`Mar. 23, 1988 [GB} United Kingdom ....
`. 8806864
`Mar. 23, 1988 [GB] United Kingdom ................. 8806865
`[51] Int. Cl." .............................................. G06F 12/06
`[52] U.S. Cl. .................................... 395/425; 395/800;
`364/DIG. 1; 364/228.1; 364/238.4; 364/242.6;
`364/242.91; 364/244; 364/244.8; 364/245.5;
`364/245.7; 364/284; 364/284.1
`[58] Field of Search ................ 395/425, 250, 325, 725
`References Cited
`3,623,017 11/1971 Lowell et al. ....................... 395/550
`4,149,242 4/1979 Pirz ..................................... 395/325
`4,172,287 10/1979 Kawabe et al. ..................... 364/736
`4,396,978 8/1983 Hammer et al. ...
`... 364/200
`4,443,846 4/1984 Adcock ..............
`... 364/200
`4,495,567 1/1985 Treen ..........
`. 364/200
`... 395/550
`4,633,434 12/1986 Scheuneman ..
`... 395/375
`4,722,049 1/1988 Lahti ..............
`4,870,572 9/1989 Hosono et al. ...................... 364/200
`0186150 2/1986 European Pat. Off. .
`0085435 10/1986 European Pat. Off. .
`0284751 2/1988 European Pat. Off. .
`2162406A 6/1985 United Kingdom .
`WO86/07174 4/1986 World Int. Prop. O. .
`FP Port
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Jul. 12, 1994
`David C. Wyland, “Dual-Port, Rams Simplify Com
`munication in Computer Systems,” Integrated Device
`Technology, Inc., 1986.
`Bureaux D’Etudes Automatishmes, No. 32, Mar. 1987,
`pp. 85–87; J. Gustafson: Un super-ordinateur vectoriel
`homogene, p. 85, figure; p. 85, left-hand column. line
`35—p. 87, middle column, line 9.
`Conference Proceedings IEEE Southeastcon '87,
`Tampa, Fla., Apr., 1987, vol. 1, pp. 225–228; M. C.
`Ertem: A reconfigurable co-processor for microprocessor
`systems, FIGS. 2–4; p. 226, left-hand column, line 6–p.
`227, left hand column, line 25.
`(List continued on next page.)
`Primary Examiner—Paul V. Kulik
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Robert Groover
`A novel double buffering subsystem, wherein a dual
`port memory is partitioned in software so that the top
`half of the memory is allocated to one processor, and
`the bottom half to the other. (This allocation is switched
`when both processors set respective flag bits indicating
`that they are ready to switch.) On accesses to this mem
`ory, additional bits tag the access as “physical,” “logi
`cal,” or “preview.” A physical access is interpreted as a
`literal address within the full memory, and the double
`buffering is ignored. A logical access is supplemented
`by an additional address bit, determined by the double
`buffering switch state. A preview access is used for read
`access only, and goes to the opposite bank of memory
`from that which would be accessed in a logical access.
`This double-buffer architecture is advantageously used,
`in a multiprocessor system, at the interface between a
`numeric processor and a cache bus. The preview access
`can help to avoid data flow inefficiencies at synchroni
`zation points in pipelined algorithms.
`19 Claims, 59 Drawing Sheets
`CP Port
`Access Mode
`00 - Physical
`01 - Logical
`10 - Preview
`from FP
`from CP


`Page 2
`Proceedings of the Fourth Euromicro Symposium on
`Microprocessing and Microprogramming, Munich,
`Oct. 1978, pp. 358-365; F. B. Jorgensen et al.: A Bi-mi
`croprocessor implementation of a variable topology multi
`processor node, FIGS. 1–6, p. 358, right-hand column,
`line 13—p. 362, right-hand column, line 21.
`G. J. Myers: Digital system design with LSI bit-slice logic,
`1980, pp. 230–239, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., US p. 237,
`lines 1–4.
`W. Lichtenstein, “The Architecture of the Culler”,
`Mar. 1986, IEEE Coupon Spring 86, pp. 467–470.
`Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 73, No. 5, May 1985, pp.
`852–873, IEEE, New York; J. Allen: “Computer archi
`tecture for digital signal processing”.
`Computer Design, vol. 16, No. 6, Jun. 1977, pp. 151–163;
`A. J. Weissberger: “Analysis of multiple-microproces
`sor system architectures”, FIGS. 7,8, p. 161.
`IEEE Electro, vol. 8, Apr. 1983, pp. 3/31–5, New York;
`B. J. New: “Address generation in signal/array proces
`Proceedings ICASSP, Dallas, Apr. 6th–9th, 1987, vol. 1,
`pp. 531–534; D. M. Taylor, et al.; “A novel VLSI digi
`tal signal processor architecture for high-speed vector
`and transform operations”.
`IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 27, No. 4A, Sep.
`1984, pp. 2184—2186, New York; J. P. Beraud et al.:
`“Fast fourier transform calculating circuit”.


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 1 of 59
`i :(#) #. P
`C M
`— 190
`D T P
`Data Cache


`FP 130
`ºf /F
`Fig. 1


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 2 of 59
` evecSOMYhLZ
`DELL Ex.1052.004


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 3 of 59
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`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 4 of 59
`DELL Ex.1052.006


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 5 of 59
` a
`DELL Ex.1052.007


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 6 of 59


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 7 of 59
`Local transfer
`CD bus 112
`CD Bus Trans-
`Local CP
`Fig. 4A


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 8 of 59
`Cache bus
`Fig. 4B
`-— 434
`-— 432


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 9 of 59
`DELL Ex.1052.011


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 10 of 59
`DELL Ex.1052.012


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`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 11 of 59
`DELL Ex.1052.013


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 12 of 59
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`DELL Ex.1052.014


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 13 of 59
`TD bus
`Fifo full 770
`Strobes 760
`IN § 1
`|N Nº 2
`Fig. 7


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 14 of 59
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`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 15 of 59
`Cl O JE
` ?| || SnC|VO| – Z? ? Snq
`Data Cache
`Fig. 9A


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 16 of 59


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 17 of 59
`D- |
`?| || SnC|VO| –
`Data Cache
`Fig. 10


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 18 of 59


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 19 of 59
`Internal Bus 1250
`Fig. 12
`Bit Reverse


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 20 of 59
`DELL Ex.1052.022


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 21 of 59
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`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 22 of 59
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`|Eye Extend Enabel BT.7|Enable Etz Enable Bitz
`Bytezero Fi? Enable zero Enable zero Enable zero
`| Word Extend |ZT-Enable BºtsIEnableBitts
`| Wordzero Fi?
`Z || -
`Enable zero Enable zero
`Z = Hi Impedance
`Fig. 14B


`U.S. Patent
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`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 24 of 59
`Cache bus 144
`DCM I/F 1620
`430D 433
`Reg File
`430B 430C
`440A 440B
`450A 450B
`Fig. 16


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 25 of 59
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`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 26 of 59
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`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 27 of 59
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`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 28 of 59
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`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 29 of 59
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`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 30 of 59
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`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 31 of 59
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`U.S. Patent


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 33 of 59
`FP Write
`Fig. 25



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`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 34 of 59


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 35 of 59
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`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 36 of 59
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`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 37 of 59
`DELL Ex.1052.039


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`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 38 of 59


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 39 of 59
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`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 40 of 59
`Read next Pixel from register file
`Add pixel to base address of the
`histogram table
`Load address register with
`histogram address
`Read pixel count into ALU input
`Increment pixel count by one
`Write new pixel count into
`histogram table
`More pixels?
`Fig. 32


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 41 of 59
`Load FP start address reg
`with microcode address
`Wait loop from
`and start FP running. FS&
`& previous command
`Transfer first 8 elements
`; Nº,
`of array A to register file
`Cºstart D
`Transfer first 8 elements
`of array B to register file
`Request register file
`Set CP done and request –SS3
`register file swap
`§4. T to No
`Do 8 calculations and
`leave result in register file
`Transfer last 8 result
`elements from register
`file into arrary C
`C End D
`Set CP done and
`request register file
`Transfer 8 result
`elements from register
`file into arrary C
`Fig. 33


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 42 of 59
`ve ‘61-I


`July 12, 1994
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 43 of 59
`DELL Ex.1052.045


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`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 45 of 59
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`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 46 of 59
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`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 47 of 59
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`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 48 of 59
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`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 49 of 59


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 50 of 59
`interrupt service routine
`Hold status
`flag copy
`interrupt routine
`Generate test condition
`and store in sequencer
`Conditional Jump
`Return from
`interrupt and
`restore sequencer
`Fig. 40B


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, w -
`Sheet 51 of 59
`Picture ProC
`o E
`So H
`* :
`2 :
`3 :
`g :
`E =
`.9 =
`0- i.
`Numeric Accel
`ei sã
`* E
`cr) :

`92 -
`à E
`C :
`?ºl- >
`Numeric Accel
`cu -
`Fig. 41



`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 52 of 59
`Requestregisterfile swap
`Read A[0] and Bi0
`Read A[1] and Bi1
`alculate R{0] = A[0]"B[0}
`Calculate R[1] = A[1}*B[1
`Write R[0]
`Read A[3] and B/3
`Calculate R{2] = A2]"Bi2
`Write R[1]
`et FP done and req swap
`Read A[0}' and Bj0]'
`Write R[3]
` Fig. 42
`Set FP done and rea swap
`Calculate R/0]' = A[0)“Bioy’
`DELL Ex.1052.054


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 53 of 59
`#. P
`D T P
`Data Cache
`--- | |;
`Memory 140 | 170
`St g

`DCM Ext'n
`Fig. 43


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 54 of 59
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`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 55 of 59
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`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 56 of 59


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 57 of 59
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`Z ? ? Snq CJO
`Giv "fil


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 58 of 59
`9v "fil


`U.S. Patent
`July 12, 1994
`Sheet 59 of 59
`| |
`Zv "fil-l


`separate processors. Of course, some algorithms can
`profit by pipelining or parallelism to a much greater
`degree than others.
`The speedofa pipelineis limited by its slowest stage.
`Moreover, the average efficiency of a pipelined system
`will be diluted by two overhead requirements: the pipe-
`line must befilled at the start of the operation, and must
`be emptied at the end of the operation. The impact of
`these overheads depends on ratio of the number of
`elements which must be passed through the pipeline in
`one run to the numberofstagesin the pipeline (referred
`to as the length of the pipeline). Thus, these overheads
`may be unimportant when the length of the pipeline is
`short, and the number of elementsper runis fairly long.
`However, for a longer pipeline (or for shorter runs),
`these overheads can be an important factor in through-
`This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 326,781,
`filed Mar. 21, 1989, now abandoned.
`All of the material in this patent application is subject
`to copyright protection under the copyrightlaws of the
`United Kingdom,
`the United States, and of other
`countries. As of the first effective filing date of the
`present application, this material is protected as unpub-
`lished material.
`However, permission to copy this material is hereby
`granted to the extent that the copyright owner has no
`objection to the facsimile reproduction by anyone ofthe
`patent document or patent disclosure, as it appears in
`official patentfile or records of the United Kingdom or
`any other country, but otherwise reserves all copyright
`rights whatsoever.
`The present invention relates to computer systems
`and subsystems, and to computer-based methods for
`data processing.
`It has long been realized that the use of multiple pro-
`cessors operating in parallel might in principle be a very
`convenient way to achieve very high net throughput.
`Many such architectures have been proposed. How-
`ever, the actual realization of such architectures is very
`difficult. In particular, it is difficult to design an archi-
`tecture of this kind which will be versatile enough to
`satisfy a range of users and adapt to advances in tech-
`Fully asynchronous multiprocessor architectures
`have been proposed,butit is generally recognized in the
`art that the problems of programming support in a mul-
`tiprocessor architecture have not nearly been solved.
`A very recent overview of some of the issues in-
`volved in multiprocessor systems may be found in Du-
`bois et al., “Synchronization, Coherence, and Event
`Ordering in Multiprocessors,” Computer magazine,
`February 1988, page 9, which is hereby incorporated by
`reference. A recently proposed multiprocessor archi-
`tecture for digital signal processing is described in Lang
`et al., “An Optimum Parallel Architecture for High-
`Speed Real-Time Digital Signal Processing,” Computer
`magazine, February 1988, page 47, which is hereby
`incorporated by reference.
`Synchronization between processors is a continuing
`critical issue in a very wide variety of multiprocessor
`system. Often such inter-processorinterfaces make use
`of “processor-waiting” or
`‘“‘processor-ready” status
`signals which can be set or cleared by either processor.
`(Such signals are commonly known as “semaphores.”)
`Two general concepts of allocating work among
`processors are pipelining and parallelism. “Pipelining”
`is generally used to refer to data routings where a single
`data set is successively operated on by more than one
`processor. Parallelism refers to data routings where
`different operations are concurrently performed by
`The interface between two processors in a multipro-
`cessor system often requires that data be passed back
`and forth rapidly. Double buffering is a commonly used
`technique to permit data transfer, without hangups,loss
`of data synchronization, or data access collisions. Nor-
`mally the memoryspaceto be sharedis divided into two
`physical memories, and the accesses are arbitrated in
`hardwareso that, on any one cycle, each processor can
`access only half the memoryspace(i.e. one of the physi-
`cal memories).
`FIG. 18 shows one example of a prior arrangement
`for double buffering. The port select logic 1810 pro-
`vides select signals to data buffers 1860, so that the two
`data busses 1850A and 1850B (from the sides of the
`double buffer) are connected to either the first or sec-
`ond memory 1820. The port select logic 1810 also pro-
`vides select signals to address multiplexers 1830, so that
`the two address busses 1840A and 1840B are connected
`to access either the first or second memory 1820.
`FIG. 19 shows another example of a prior arrange-
`ment for software-controlled double buffering. The
`port select logic 1910 provides select signals directly to
`the mostsignificant address bit A6 of a dual port mem-
`ory 1920. Thus, each port sees only half of the physical
`address space, but the double buffering can be quite
`Cache memoryis a conventional way to increase the
`net throughput of computing systems.If a large fraction
`of memory accesses are expected to call on memory
`locations already in cache, then every read from cache
`can save an amountof time equal to the difference be-
`tween the cache access time and the main memory
`access time. Therefore, cache memory systems nor-
`mally attempt to maximize the bandwidth to the cache.
`An extremely important tool for developing high-
`speed and/or flexible computer architectures is micro-
`coding. See J. Mack & J. Brick, Bit-Slice Microprocessor
`Design (1980), which is hereby incorporated by refer-
`ence. Microcoded architectures are not only extremely
`flexible, but also have the potential
`to provide ex-
`tremely high speed.
`In microcoded architectures the individual
`tions are fairly long (e.g. 100 bits or so). Some fairly
`low-level logic decodes the instructions, so that appro-
`DELL Ex.1052.062


`has much simpler timing requirements than an inter
`priate fields are sent to low-level devices (such as regis
`leaved memory architecture would. (However, a large
`ter files, adders, etc.).
`percentage of non-sequential accesses will ultimately
`The total number of bits in the instruction field will
`reduce the bandwidth to that of a normal single-width
`typically be very much larger than the log2 of the total
`number of instructions. This permits the decode opera
`This memory architecture also has advantages in a
`tion to be made very much simpler. Microcoded archi
`multi-port situation where some or all of the ports have
`tectures commonly use a sequencer to perform address
`a much lower bandwidth than the memory itself. In
`calculations and perform a first level of decode. (Alter
`these cases there will be some intermediate storage
`natively, a lower level of logic can be used to perform
`(normally registers) to capture the data for later access
`the program sequencing function.) The sequencer ac
`ing over several cycles by the recipient. While such
`cesses microinstructions from a control store (memory),
`time-multiplexed accesses are in progress, there is no
`and various portions of the microinstructions are pro
`demand on the memory system for bandwidth.
`vided to additional decode logic, and/or applied di
`rectly to devices. Since a single instruction can contain
`In the preferred embodiment there are also some
`significant novelties in the interface logic which con
`many command fields (all of which will be executed
`simultaneously), it is possible to write surprisingly short
`trols the data interface to the cache from the numeric
`processor. These features will be discussed in greater
`microcode programs.
`Since the individual instructions are quite low-level,
`detail below.
`and fairly long, the total program storage required can
`A feature which helps to maximize the throughput of
`be quite significant. The data transfer requirements for
`the transfers in the transitional clock domain is a dou
`loading a microcode routine can be significant.
`ble-word interface on only one side of the fast register
`file. That is, the register file appears, on the cache mem
`ory side, as if it were 64 bits wide. However, on the
`The present application provides a large number of
`FPU side it only appears to be 32 bits wide. This results
`innovative teachings, which will be described in the
`in some odd/even structure in the word addresses, but
`general context of a system like that shown in FIG. 1.
`possible problem due to this odd/even structure are
`Among the innovative teachings set forth herein is a
`avoided by several innovative features. Since these
`multiprocessor numeric processing subsystem wherein
`problem can be avoided, the double-word interface
`an extremely wide local bus connects the arithmetic
`provides substantial advantages in the bandwidth of the
`calculation subunit to a large data cache memory. This
`register file interface.
`cache is multiported, so that newly retrieved data can
`Some significant advantages are also derived from
`be written into the cache at essentially the same time
`the preferred scheme for arbitrating access of the con
`that data transfer is occurring between the numeric
`trol processor and data-transfer processor to the cache
`processing subunit and the cache.
`memory. In the presently preferred embodiment, the
`To get a very high memory bandwidth, there are
`cache is physically dual-ported, but it is used as if it
`only three basic strategies:
`were triported.
`1. Use very fast memory devices: The problem here is
`The data cache memory is triported between the
`one of economics and size. Very fast memory de
`control processor module, the data-transfer processor
`vices are very expensive, sometimes as much as ten
`module, and the numeric processor module(s), so some
`times the cost of the slower counterparts, and the
`form of arbitration is necessary to control access. The
`number of storage bits per device is more limited.
`control processor generates addresses and controls the
`The major advantage of this technique is that the
`routing of data for itself and the floating-point proces
`bandwidth improvement is independent of the data
`sor(s) under program control so the control processor
`layout in memory (assuming that the address gen
`and floating-point processor access are mutually exclu
`erator is fast enough).
`sive. The data-transfer processor, however, is totally
`2. Use interleaved memories: Interleaved memories
`autonomous and can compete for access at any time.
`have traditionally been used with dynamic RAMs
`In the presently preferred embodiment, the arbitra
`(DRAMs), where the cycle times have been longer
`tion is such that the control processor/floating-point
`than the access times. In this context, a significant
`processor has access whenever it wishes, and the data
`advantage can be gained by interleaving two or
`transfer processor makes use of any unused access cy
`more banks and offsetting the timing between
`cles. To make use of the unused cycles, the data-transfer
`banks. The problem with this technique occurs
`processor includes extra hardware which will allow it
`when successive accesses keep hitting the same
`to use a single free cycle amongst many busy ones.
`bank, or accesses through another port (in a multi
`The control processor and data-transfer processor are
`port memory)) disturbs the sequential accessing of
`preferably autonomous but synchronized. This is ac
`banks. This technique can be used with static mem
`complished by letting them share a common microcode
`ories (SRAMs), but the equal access and cycle
`clock. This synchrony simplifies the arbitration. The
`times make it less attractive than with DRAMs.
`control processor and data-transfer process granted
`3. Use a wide memory structure: Normally the mem
`signal is available before the cycle in which the data
`ory width would be the same as the word width.
`transfer process. This signal therefore has enough time
`For example, a system using 32-bit words would
`to propagate into the sequencer, thus allowing the data
`typically use a 32-bit wide memory architecture.
`transfer process is not granted, then the data-transfer
`However, several of the innovative teachings set
`process cycles so the data-transfer processor will not
`forth herein show how a system with a much wider
`have long to wait. However, if the data-transfer proces
`local bus to cache memory can be very advanta
`sor's program requires an end to waiting, the data-trans
`fer processor can interrupt the control processor. On
`A wide memory structure provides high bandwidth
`receiving this interrupt the control processing the mem
`by accessing many words in parallel. Such a structure


`Preferably double buffering is used in a register file at
`ory, and let the data-transfer processor in for at least
`the interface between a numeric processor and a large
`one cycle.
`data cache memory in a multiprocessor system. The
`The data-transfer process therefore accesses the
`partitioning of the register file avoids data collisions in
`memory no more often than once every 8 cycles. Its
`the cache memory
`bandwidth demands are therefore very low.
`In this sample embodiment, a 5-ported register file,
`The innovative teachings of the present application
`configured as two physically separate banks of high
`also enable a multiprocessor numeric processing sys
`speed memory, is used. However, a wide variety of
`tem, which bas a well-defined modular expansion inter
`other implementations could b

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