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`DELL Ex.1035.001


`DELL Ex.1035.002


`DELL Ex.1035.003


`D f" •1.
`1 aoooo6534
`_._. ... ..., ... ..:;:" Mr .. nnec ure e 1n1 ions,
`and Rules of Thumb
`T . . F
`r1v1a, ormu as,
`Big Endian: the byte with the binary address "x ... xOO" is in the most significant position
`("big end") of a 32-bit word (page 95).
`Clock rate: inverse of clock cycle time, usually measured in MHz (page 36).
`CPI: clock cycles per instruction (page 36).
`Hit rate: fraction of memory references found in the cache, equal to 1-Miss rate (page 404).
`Hit time: memory-access time for a cache hit, including time to determine if hit or miss (page 405).
`Instruction count: number of instructions executed while running a program (page 36).
`Little Endian: the byte with the binary address "x ... xOO" is in the least significant position
`("little end") of a 32-bit word (page 95).
`MIMD: (multiple instruction stream, multiple data stream) a multiprocessor or multicomputer
`(page 572).
`Miss penalty: time to replace a block in the top level of a cache system with the corresponding block
`from the lower level (page 405).
`Miss rate: fraction of memory references not found in the cache, equal to 1 - Hit rate (page 404 ).
`N112: the vector length needed to reach one-half of R00 (page 384).
`Nv: the vector length needed so that vector mode is faster than scalar mode (page 384).
`: the megaflop rate of an infinite-length vector (page 384).
`R 00
`RAW data hazard: (read after write) instruction tries to read a ~ource before a prior instruction writes
`it; so it incorrectly gets the old value (page 264).
`SIMD: (single instruction stream, multiple data stream) an array processor (page 572).
`SISD: (single instruction stream, single data stream) a uniprocessor (page 572).
`Spatial locality: (locality in space) if an item is referenced, nearby items will tend to be referenced
`soon (page 403).
`Temporal locality: (locality in time) if an item is referenced, it will tend to be referenced again soon
`(page 403).
`WAR data hazard: (write after read) instruction tries to write a destination before it is read by a prior
`instruction, so prior instruction incorrectly gets the new value (page 264).
`WAW data hazard: (write after write) instruction tries to write an operand before it is written by a
`prior instruction. The writes are performed in the wrong order, incorrectly leaving the value of
`the prior instruction in the destination (page 264).
`Byte order of machines (page 95)
`Big Endian: IBM 360, MIPS, Motorola, SPARC, DLX
`Little Endian: DEC VAX, DEC RISC, Intel 80x86
`Year and User Address Size of Generations of IBM and Intel Computer Families
`User address size
`User address size
`Intel 8086
`Intel 80186
`Intel 80286
`Intel 80386
`Intel 80486
`16+32 or 32
`16+32 or 32


`1. Amdahl's Law: S p e e d u p= - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`( l-Fract10nenhanced) + S
`pee UPenhanced
`(page 8)
`2. CPU time= Instruction count* Clock cycles per instruction* Clock cycle time (page 36)
`3 Average memory-access time = Hit time + Miss rate * Miss penalty (page 405)
`4. Means-arithmetic(AM), weighted arithmetic(W AM), harmonic(HM) and weighted harmonic(WHM):
`AM= l L,Timei, WAM = L,Weighti * Timei, HM=
`. 1
`n. 1
`~ 1
`..£...J Ratei
`where Timei is the execution time for the ith program of a total of n in the workload, W eighti is the
`weighting of the ith program in the workload, and Ratei is a function of l!fimei (page 51).
`, WHM =
`. _ Cost of die + Cost of testing die + Cost of packaging (page
`.-r .
`p· 1 t
`ost o1 integrate circuit -
`· ld
`ma es y1e
`{ 1 Defects per unit area * Die area }--ex
`. Id W .c
`6 D .
`• ld
`ie yie =
`aier y1e *
`where Wafer yield accounts for wafers that are so bad they need not be tested and a corresponds
`to the number of masking levels critical to die yield (usually a 2:: 2.0, page 59).
`d _ Clock cycle timen0 pipelining *
`p .
`ipe me spee up - Clock cycle timepipelined
`Ideal CPI * Pipeline depth
`Ideal CPI + Pipeline stall cycles per instruction
`7 ·
`where Pipeline stall cycles accounts for clock cycles lost due to pipeline hazards (page 258).
`8. System performance:
`Time0 verlap
`+ S

`T1meworkload = S
`pee upcpu
`ax1mum pee upcpu, pee up11o)
`pee up1;0
`where Timecpu means the time the CPU is busy, Time1;0 means the time the I/0 system is busy,
`and Timeoverlap means the time both are busy. This formula assumes the overlap scales linearly
`with speedup (page 506).
`Rules of Thumb
`1. Amdahl/Case Rule: A balanced compu,ter system need~ about 1 megabyte of main memory
`capacity and 1 megabit per second of I/0 bandwidth per MIPS of CPU performance (page 17).
`2. 90110 Locality Rule: A program executes about 90% of its instructions in 10% of its code (pages
`3. DRAM-Growth Rule: Density increases by about 60% per year, quadrupling in 3 years (page 17).
`4. Disk-Growth Rule: Den~ity increases by about 25% per year, doubling in 3 years (page 17).
`5. Address-Consumption Rule: The memory needed by the average program grows by about a factor
`of 1.5 to 2 per year; thus, it consumes between 1/2 and 1 address bit per year (page 16).
`6. 90150 Branch-Taken Rule: About 90% of backward-going branches are taken while about 50% of
`forward-going branches are taken (page 108).
`7. 2:1 Cache Rule: The miss rate of a direct-mapped cache of size Xis about the same as a 2-way(cid:173)
`set-associative cache of size X/2 (page 421).


`DELL Ex.1035.006




`DELL Ex.1035.008


`David A. Patterson
`John L. Hennessy
`With a Contribution by
`David Goldberg
`Xerox Palo Alto Research Center


`Sponsoring Editor Bruce Spatz
`Production Manager Shirley Jowell
`Technical Writer Walker Cunningham
`Text Design Gary Head
`Cover Design David Lance Goines
`Copy Editor Linda Medoff
`Proofreader Paul Medoff
`Computer Typesetting and Graphics Fifth Street Computer Services
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Patterson, David A.
`Computer architecture : a quantitative approach I David A.
`Patterson, John L. Hennessy
`Includes bibliographical references
`ISBN 1-55860- 069-8
`1. Computer architecture. I. Hennessy, John L. II. Title.
`QA76.9.A73P377 1990
`Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.
`Editorial Office: 2929 Campus Drive. San Mateo, CA 94403
`Order from: P.O. Box 50490, Palo Alto, CA 94303-9953
`© 1990 by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.
`All rights reserved.
`No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
`in any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise-without
`the prior permission of the publisher.
`All instruction sets and other design information of the DLX computer system contained
`herein is copyrighted by the publisher and may not be incorporated in other publications
`or distributed by media without formal acknowledgement and written consent from the
`publisher. Use of the DLX in other publications for educational purposes is encouraged
`and application for permission is welcomed.
`ADVICE, PRAISE, & ERRORS: Any correspondence related to this publication or
`intended for the authors should be addressed to the editorial offices of Morgan Kaufmann
`Publishers, Inc., Dept. P&H APE. Information regarding error sightings is encouraged.
`Any error sightings that are accepted for correction in subsequent printings will be
`rewarded by the authors with a payment of $1.00 (U.S.) per correction upon availability
`of the new printing. Electronic mail can be sent to (Please
`include your full name and permanent mailing address.)
`INSTRUCTOR SUPPORT: For information on classroom software and other instructor
`materials available to adopters, please contact the editorial offices of Morgan Kaufmann
`Publishers, Inc. (415) 578-9911.
`Third printing, i993


`To Andrea, Linda, and our four sons


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`by C. Gordon Bell
`I am delighted and honored to write the foreword for this landmark book.
`The authors have gone beyond the contributions of Thomas to Calculus and
`Samuelson to Economics. They have provided the definitive text and reference
`for computer architecture and design. To advance computing, I urge publishers
`to withdraw the scores of books on this topic so a new breed of architect/
`engineer can quickly emerge. This book won't eliminate the complex and
`errorful microprocessors from semicomputer companies, but it will hasten the
`education of engineers who can design better ones.
`The book presents the critical tools to analyze uniprocessor computers. It
`shows the practicing engineer how technology changes over time and offers the
`empirical constants one needs for design. It motivates the designer about func(cid:173)
`tion, which is a welcome departure from the usual exhaustive shopping list of
`mechanisms that a naive designer might attempt to include in a single design.
`The authors establish a baseline for analysis and comparisons by using the
`most important machine in each class: mainframe (IBM 360), mini (DEC VAX),
`and micro/PC (Intel 80x86). With this foundation, they show the coming
`mainline of simpler pipelined and parallel processors. These new technologies
`are shown as variants of their pedagogically useful, but highly realizable,
`processor (DLX). The authors stress technology independence by measuring
`work done per clock (parallelism), and time to do work (efficiency and latency).
`These methods should also improve the quality of research on new architectures
`and parallelism.
`Thus, the book is required understanding for anyone working with architec(cid:173)
`ture or hardware, including architects, chip and computer system engineers, and
`compiler and operating system engineers. It is especially useful for software
`engineers writing programs for pipelined and vector computers. Managers and
`marketers will benefit by knowing the Fallacies and Pitfalls sections of the book.
`One can lay the demise of many a computer-and, occasionally, a company--on
`engineers who fail to understand the subtleties of computer design.
`The first two chapters establish the essence of computer design through
`measurement and the understanding of price/performance. These concepts are
`applied to the instruction set architecture and how it is measured. They discuss
`the implementation of processors and include extensive discussions of tech(cid:173)
`niques for designing pipelined and vector processors. Chapters are also devoted
`to memory hierarchy and the often-neglected input/output. The final chapter


`presents the opportunities and questions about machines and directions of the
`future. Now, we need their next book on how to build these machines.
`The reason this book sets a standard above all others and is unlikely to be
`superseded in any foreseeable future is the understanding, experience, taste, and
`uniqueness of the authors. They have stimulated the major change in architecture
`by their work on RISC (Patterson coined the word). Their university research
`leading to product development at MIPS and Sun Microsystems established
`important architectures for the 1990s. Thus, they have done the analysis,
`evaluated the trade-offs, worked on the compilers and operating systems, and
`seen their machines achieve significance in use. Furthermore, as teachers, they
`have seen that the book is pedagogically sound (and have solicited opinions
`from others through the unprecedented Beta testing program). I know this will
`be the book of the decade in computer systems. Perhaps its greatest
`accomplishment would be to stimulate other great architects and designers of
`higher-level systems (databases, communications systems, languages and
`operating systems) to write similar books about their domains.
`I've already enjoyed and learned from the book, and surely you will too.
`-C. Gordon Bell


`Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach
`Fundamentals of Computer Design
`Definitions of Performance
`Quantitative Principles of Computer Design
`The Job of a Computer Designer
`Putting It All Together: The Concept of Memory Hierarchy
`Fallacies and Pitfalls
`Concluding Remarks
`Historical Perspective and References
`Performance and Cost
`Putting It All Together: Price/Performance of Three Machines
`Fallacies and Pitfalls
`Concluding Remarks
`Historical Perspective and References
`Instruction Set Design:
`Alternatives and Principles
`Classifying Instruction Set Architectures
`Operand Storage in Memory: Classifying General-Purpose
`Register Machines
`Memory Addressing
`Operations in the Instruction Set
`Type and Size of Operands
`The Role of High-Level Languages and Compilers
`Putting It All Together: How Programs Use Instruction Sets
`Fallacies and Pitfalls
`3.10 Concluding Remarks
`3.11 Historical Perspective and References
`xx iii


`Instruction Set Examples and
`Measurements of Use
`Instruction Set Measurements: What and Why
`The VAX Architecture
`The 360/370 Architecture
`The 8086 Architecture
`The DLX Architecture
`Putting It All Together: Measurements
`of Instruction Set Usage
`Fallacies and Pitfalls
`Concluding Remarks
`Historical Perspective and References
`Basic Processor Implementation Techniques
`Processor Datapath
`Basic Steps of Execution
`Hardwired Control
`Microprogrammed Control
`Interrupts and Other Entanglements
`Putting It All Together: Control for DLX
`Fallacies and Pitfalls
`Concluding Remarks
`5.10 Historical Perspective and References
`6.1 What Is Pipelining?
`The Basic Pipeline for DLX
`Making the Pipeline Work
`The Major Hurdle of Pipelining-Pipeline Hazards
`6.5 What Makes Pipelining Hard to Implement
`Extending the DLX Pipeline to Handle Multicycle Operations
`Advanced Pipelining-Dynamic Scheduling in Pipelines
`Advanced Pipelining-Taking Advantage of More
`Instruction-Level Parallelism
`Putting It All Together: A Pipelined VAX
`6.10 Fallacies and Pitfalls
`6.11 Concluding Remarks
`6.12 Historical Perspective and References


`Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach
`Vector Processors
`Why Vector Machines?
`Basic Vector Architecture
`Two Real-World Issues: Vector Length and Stride
`A Simple Model for Vector Performance
`Compiler Technology for Vector Machines
`Enhancing Vector Performance
`Putting It All Together: Evaluating the
`Performance of Vector Processors
`Fallacies and Pitfalls
`Concluding Remarks
`7.10 Historical Perspective and References
`Memory-Hierarchy Design
`Introduction: Principle of Locality
`General Principles of Memory Hierarchy
`Main Memory
`Virtual Memory
`Protection and Examples of Virtual Memory
`More Optimizations Based on Program Behavior
`Advanced Topics-Improving Cache-Memory Performance
`Putting It All Together: The VAX-11/780 Memory Hierarchy
`8.10 Fallacies and Pitfalls
`8.11 Concluding Remarks
`8.12 Historical Perspective and References
`Predicting System Performance
`1/0 Performance Measures
`Types of 1/0 Devices
`Buses-Connecting 1/0 Devices to CPU/Memory
`Interfacing to the CPU
`Interfacing to an Operating System
`Designing an 1/0 System
`Putting It All Together:
`The IBM 3990 Storage Subsystem
`9.10 Fallacies and Pitfalls
`9.11 Concluding Remarks
`9.12 Historical Perspective and References


`Future Directions
`10.2 Flynn Classification of Computers
`10.3 SIMD Computers-Single Instruction
`Stream, Multiple Data Streams
`10.4 MIMD Computers-Multiple Instruction
`Streams, Multiple Data Streams
`10.5 The Roads to El Dorado
`10.6 Special-Purpose Processors
`10.7 Future Directions for Compilers
`10.8 Putting It All Together: The Sequent Symmetry
`10.9 Fallacies and Pitfalls
`10.1 O Concluding Remarks-Evolution Versus
`Revolution in Computer Architecture
`10.11 Historical Perspective and References
`Appendix A: Computer Arithmetic
`Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
`Basic Techniques of Integer Arithmetic
`Floating Point
`Floating-Point Addition
`Floating-Point Multiplication
`Division and Remainder
`Precisions and Exception Handling
`Speeding Up Integer Addition
`Speeding Up Integer Multiplication and Division
`A.1 O Putting It All Together
`A.11 Fallacies and Pitfalls
`A.12 Historical Perspective and References
`Appendix B: Complete Instruction Set Tables
`VAX User Instruction Set
`System/360 Instruction Set
`8086 Instruction Set
`Appendix C: Detailed Instruction Set Measurements C·1
`VAX Detailed Measurements
`360 Detailed Measurements
`Intel 8086 Detailed Measurements
`DLX Detailed Instruction Set Measurements


`Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach
`Appendix D: Time Versus Frequency Measurements D·1
`Time Distribution on the VAX-11 /780
`Time Distribution on the IBM 370/168
`Time Distribution on an 8086 in an IBM PC
`Time Distribution on a DLX Relative
`Appendix E: Survey of RISC Architectures
`Addressing Modes and Instruction Formats
`Instructions: The DLX Subset
`Instructions: Common Extensions to DLX
`Instructions Unique to MIPS
`Instructions Unique to SPARC
`Instructions Unique to M88000
`Instructions Unique to i860
`Concluding Remarks
`E.10 References


`DELL Ex.1035.020


`Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach
`I started in 1962 to write a single book with this sequence of chapters, but soon
`found that it was more important to treat the subjects in depth rather than to
`skim over them lightly. The resulting length has meant that each chapter by itself
`contains enough material for a one semester course, so it has become necessary
`to publish the series in separate volumes ...
`Donald Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming,
`Preface to Volume 1 (of 7) (1968)
`Why We Wrote This Book
`Welcome to this book! We're glad to have the opportunity to communicate with
`you! There are so many exciting things happening in computer architecture, but
`we feel available materials just do not adequately make people aware of this.
`This is not a dreary science of paper machines that will never work. No! It's a
`discipline of keen intellectual interest, requiring balance of marketplace forces
`and cost/performance, leading to glorious failures and some notable successes.
`And it is hard to match the excitement of seeing thousands of people use the
`machine that you designed.
`Our primary goal in writing this book is to help change the way people learn
`about computer architecture. We believe that the field has changed from one that
`can only be taught with definitions and historical information, to one that can be
`studied with real examples and real measurements. We envision this book as
`suitable for a course in computer architecture as well as a primer or reference for
`professional engineers and computer architects. This book embodies a new
`approach to demystifying computer architecture-it emphasizes a quantitative
`approach to cost/performance tradeoffs. This does not imply an overly formal
`approach, but simply one that is grounded in good engineering design. To
`accomplish this, we've included lots of data about real machines, so that a reader
`can understand design tradeoffs in a quantitative as well as qualitative fashion. A
`significant component of this approach can be found in the problem sets at the
`end of every chapter, as well as the software that accompanies the book. Such
`exercises have long formed the core of science and engineering education. With


`the emergence of a quantitative basis for teaching computer architecture, we feel
`the field has the potential to move toward the rigorous quantitative foundation of
`other disciplines.
`Topic Selection and Organization
`We have a conservative approach to topic selection, for there are many
`interesting ideas in the field. Rather than attempting a comprehensive survey of
`every architecture a reader might encounter today in practice or in the literature,
`we've chosen the core concepts of computer architecture that are likely to be
`included in any new machine. In making these decisions, a key criterion has
`been to emphasize ideas that have been sufficiently examined to be discussed in
`quantitative terms. For example, we concentrate on uniprocessors until the final
`chapter, where a bus-oriented, shared-memory multiprocessor is described. We
`believe this class of computer architecture will increase in popularity, but despite
`this perception it only met our criteria by a ·slim margin. Only recently has this
`class of architecture been examined in ways that allow us to discuss it
`quantitatively; a short time ago even this wouldn't have been included. Although
`large-scale parallel processors are of obvious importance to the future, it is our
`feeling that a firm basis in the principles of uniprocessor design is necessary
`before any practicing engineer tries to build a better computer of any
`organization; especially one incorporating multiple uniprocessors.
`Readers familiar with our research might expect this book to be only about
`reduced instruction set computers (RISCs). This is a mistaken judgment about
`the content of this book. Our hope is that design principles and quantitative data
`in this book will restrict discussions of architecture styles to terms like "faster"
`or "cheaper," unlike previous debates.
`The material we have selected has been stretched upon a consistent structure
`that is followed in every chapter. After explaining the ideas of a chapter, we
`include a "Putting It All Together" section that ties these ideas together by
`showing how they are used in a real machine. This is followed by a section,
`entitled "Fallacies and Pitfalls," that lets readers learn from the mistakes of
`others.We show examples of common misunderstandings and architectural
`traps that are difficult to avoid even when you know they are lying in wait for
`you. Each chapter ends with a "Concluding Remarks" section, followed by a
`"Historical Perspective and References" section that attempts to give proper
`credit for the ideas in the chapter and a sense of the history surrounding the
`inventions, presenting the human drama of computer design. It also supplies
`references that the student of architecture may want to pursue. If you have time,
`we recommend reading some of the classic papers in the field that are mentioned
`in these sections. It is both enjoyable and educational to hear the ideas from the
`mouths of the creators. Each chapter ends with Exercises, over 200 in total,
`which vary from one-minute reviews to term projects.


`Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach
`A glance at the Table of Contents shows that neither the amount nor the depth
`of the material is equal from chapter to chapter. In the early chapters, for
`example, we have more basic material to ensure a common terminology and
`background. In talking with our colleagues, we found widely varying opinions
`of the backgrounds readers have, the pace at which they can pick up new
`material, and even the order in which ideas should be introduced. Our
`assumption is that the reader is familiar with logic design, and has had some
`exposure to at least one instruction set and basic software concepts. The pace
`varies with the chapters, with the first half gentler than the last half. The
`organizational decisions were formed in response to reviewer advice. The final
`organization was selected to conveniently suit the majority of courses (beyond
`Berkeley and Stanford!) with only minor modifications. Depending on your
`goals, we see three paths through this material:
`Introductory coverage: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.1-6.5, 8.1-8.5, 9.1-9.5, 10,
`and A.1-A.3.
`Intermediary coverage: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.1-6.6, 6.9-6.12, 8.1-8.7, 8.9-
`8.12, 9, 10, A (except skip division in Section A.9),
`and E.

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