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`JINI—USERS archives -- November 1998 (#73)
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`Sat, 21 Nov 1998 13:34:19 EST
`A mailing list for discussion Sun's JINI Technology
`Noel Enete <NdeneteéAOL.COM>
`Qini ggde is available
`Content—type: text/plain; oharset=US—ASCII
`Several people have asked where I got the Jini code so I thought I would
`respond to the list.
`The Jini code is publicly available at:
`http: [ (developer . java l sun . com(ggygloperz productsz j ini
`If anyone is able to get something besides the server programs to G0 and to
`interact with the Jini environment, I'd be interested to hear about it.
`Noel Enete
`To unsubscribe, send email to and include in the body
`of the message "signoff JINI—USERS".
`For general help, send email to
` and include in the body of the message "help”.
`To View past JINI—USERS postings, please see:
`http: Z Z archives . java . sun . coml arghivgsz jini-users .html
` of the message "signoff JINI—USERS”. For general help, send email to
`listservé and include in the body of the message "help".
`To View past JINI—USERS postings, please see:
`Back to: Iopgflmgmggl Egevious mgel Main IINHJSERS page
`Back to the LISTSERV home page at JAVA.SUN.COM.
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`JINI—USERS archives —— November 1998 (#92)
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`Tue, 24 Nov 1998 21:38:17 +0000
`Padraic Harmon <pih@MOLINFO.COM>
`A mailing list for discussion Sun's JINI Technology
`Padraic uggngn <pihEMOLINEO . ggM>
`Re: Jini code is aygilaple
`Comments: To:
`Content—Type: text/plain; charset=us—ascii; x—mac—type="54455854“;
` wrote:
`> Hi Paddy,
`If it is
`Thanks for sharing your code. That gives me a welcome direction.
`> not too much trouble, if you could send a copy of your progress I would
`> appreciate it.
`It looks like you are ahead of me.
`This afternoon I got a jini client up and running. I used the LookupDiscovery
`object to do it. The class I had extended the RMI remote interface and the
`DiscoveryListener interface. with the LookupDiscovery I add my object as a
`discoveryListener. when it is discovered the lookup service calls the
`discoveryed() method. I use this method to get a proxy to a lookup service
`which lets me get my proxies to my various services. The method I used
`resembles that used by a fellow from the JavaSpaces mailing list. It is in the
`javaspaces archieves from the second month,
`the message regards the Status
`object, but there is some code which deals with lookups there.
`One thing that I kept getting hung up on was RMI. I kept forgetting to do
`silly things like run rmic. The stubs and stuff generated by rmic need to be
`available from an http server, see the browser startup command line for an
`I used that command line for both my client and my server.
`the JoinManager is very nice. It takes care of Lease
`On the service side,
`renewal and termination as well as the discoverylistener stuff.
`Below is some of the client code I got working:
`package Blast;
`// do I need all these?
`import java.awt.*;
`import java.awt.event.*;
`import java.awt.datatransfer.*;
`import java.rmi.*;
`import java . rmi . server . *;
`import java.rmi.RemoteException;
`import com.sun.jini.lookup.*;
`import com.sun.jini.lookup.entry.*;
`import com.sun.jini.discovery.*;
`import net.jini.lookup.entry.*;
`import net.jini.entry.*;
`import net.jini.lookup.*;
`import net.jini.discovery.*;
`import java.util.*;
`APPL-1036 / IPR2018-00361
`Apple v. Uniloc / Page 6 of 14


`public class BlastRunnerGUI
`extends JFrame
`implements Remote, DiscoveryListener
`JINI—USERS archives —- November 1998 (#92)
`private JButton mRunBlast = null;
`private JComboBox mRefSets = null;
`private JTextArea mSequenceText = null;
`private JSorollPane mTextAreaScroller = null;
`private JMenuBar mRunnerMenu = null;
`private JMenu mEditMenu = null;
`private JMenuItem mCut = null;
`private JMenuItem mCopy = null;
`private JMenuItem mPaste = null;
`private Clipboard mClipboard : null;
`private JDesktopPane mDesktop = null;
`private int mCount = 2;
`private ServiceRegistrar mRegistrar;
`public BlastRunnerGUI()
`// instantiate
`{ }
`public void RunBlast(ActionEvent action)
`// we need to find a lookup server
`// get the blast proxy
`// run blast and get the results
`} p
`ublic void discoveryLookup()
`discovery for all groups
`JoinManager which could handle this?
`new LookupDisoovery(LookupDiscovery.ALL_GROUPS);
`// for the time being
`// later just for the PEI
`// is there something like
`LookupDiscovery discovery =
`discovery.addDiscoveryListener(this); // add ourselves as a discovery listener
`this is why we need remote and discoverylistener
`// wait x seconds for it to
`// ugly hack... actually not
`atch(InterruptedException e)
`all that neccessary
`System.out.println("Interrupted thrown ");
`atch(Exception e)
`// called by lookup service? when we are found
`// should be the lookup service for the group I want
`public void discovered(DiscoveryEvent discoveryEvent)
`// get list of registrars
`ServiceRegistrar[] registrars
`// this should be a member
`= discoveryEvent.getRegistrars();
`APPL-1036 / IPR2018-00361
`Apple v. Uniloc / Page 7 of 14


`JINI-USERS archives —- November 1998 (#92)
`ServiceReqistrar registry =
`registrars[0]; // only have one lockup service running
`a JavaSpace query)
`ServiceTemplate(null, null, attributes);
`back the interface to our object, not the
`should really be checking for null...
`// set up template (just like
`Entry attributes[] = new
`attributes[0] = new
`ServiceTemplate template = new
`// This messsed me up, we get
`// the object which was
`BlastServer runner =
`atch(Exception error)
`mSequenceText.setText("discovered error:
`" + error.toString());
`1 /
`/ required by DiscoveryListener interface
`public void discarded(DiscoveryEvent discoveryEvent)
`{ 1
`public void executeBlast(BlastServer runner)
`// call methods in the BlastServer
`” + error.tostring());
`atch(Exception error)
`nd the Command line:
`code base is the URL to the dir where stubs can be found...
`for the client:
`java —
`—Djava.rmi.server.codebase=h;;p:(l;ggglhgs§:§g§9(jinil Qzlibi Blast.BlastGUI &
`for the server:
`java —
`—Djava.rmi.server.codebase=h;tp:[(logglhost:§989(jinil Ullipfi
` of the message "signoff JINI—USERS". For general help, send email to
` and include in the body of the message "help”.
`To view past JINI—USERS postings, please see:
`http:(tg;§ rchi es jini-gsers.html
`Back to: Igp of message | Previous gage | Main JIM-USERS peg;
`Back to the L15 1 SERV home page a:
`fiyAfi! INCg 1M,
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`JINI-USERS archives -— November 1998 (#94)
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`Tue, 24 Nov 1998 23:17:22 —0500
`A mailing list for discussion Sun's JINI Technology
`Brian Murphy <btmurphy€EAST.SUN.COM>
`Organization: Sun Microsystems
`Re: How to get the JINI out of the bottle
`Comments: To: NdeneteéAOL.COM
`Content—Type: text/plain; charset=us—ascii
`Noel Enete wrote:
`Hi List,
`I am eagerly exploring the Jini products that were released this Week.
`I have not been able to get it to do anything.
`I wondered if anyone
`else has been able to get it to GO.
`the Jini lookup
`the rmi daemon,
`I successfully got their web server to start,
`service (reggie), and the Transaction Manager (mahalo). But then it just sits
`I looked for other example programs to query the lookup service or to
`display what objects the lookup service has located, but I could not find
`I found a Browser GUI application, but when I ran it, I got a
`security exception for some reason.
`The documentation described another service (JavaSpaces service) that has not
`been released yet. Maybe that has something to do with it.
`Has anybody else been able to get something to interact with the Jini system
`and display something?
`Noel Enete
`To unsubscribe, send email to and include in the body
`of the message "signoff JINI—USERS“.
`For general help, send email to
` and include in the body of the message "help“.
`To view past JINI—USERS postings, please see:
`Please allow me to address the first part of your message
`with some general statements about Jini(tm) that others on
`the list may find useful to note.
`Once you get the RMI daemon and the Lookup service up and
`running, services can be registered with the lookup.
`Those services can then be retrieved by client processes;
`and the client can then invoke methods of the service.
`You should view Jini(tm) as a programming model. The code that
`is included in Jini(tm) takes care of much of the common—but—difficult
`pieces of a distributed system. It provides code that is
`used to "boot—strap" the system (discovery); and it
`provides code that is used as a smart and flexible directory
`for services (lockup). when building a distributed system,
`we often find that it is these two components that people
`spend much of their time and effort developing. For example,
`if you look at the archives of the RMI—USERS list, you
`will see a number of threads discussing how to use the RMI
`registry both to boot—strap a system and as a "smart"
`service directory.
`The thing that makes Jini(tm) so interesting is the fact that
`it can be employed to apply these concepts in so many different
`distributed applications;
`from n—tier client-server systems
`to fully distributed networks of devices.
`But it is the developer of the distributed system that must
`APPL-1036 / IPR2018-00361
`Apple v. Uniloc / Page 9 of 14


`HNl—USERS archives —— November 1998 (#94)
`the system together; how that glue is applied is up to
`the developer. Just as RMI has removed the need for the
`developer to write (and re—write) complicated inter~
`process communication software for each new project, Jini(tm)
`takes away the need to constantly "reinvent—the—wheel"
`with respect to the software infrastructure of the
`system. Once you get accustomed to the Jini(tm) programming
`model, you will find that it simplifies quite a bit of
`the things you have to do in a distributed system.
`So, if you were able to start RMID and Lookup,
`Jini(tm) is actually doing what it is supposed to do. But
`Jini(tm) doesn't provide the services and clients; you,
`the developer must do that.
`Let me try to summarize some of the things you should
`do to get started:
`You should create a service that "does something" (has
`methods a client can invoke}. When you write a service,
`it must find (discover) the Lookup service(s) that are
`running. It must then register with (join) those Lookup(s).
`This is how a service in the system advertises itself
`and makes itself available for use by clients.
`After creating a service, you should create a client
`to use the service. when you write a client, it finds
`Lookup service(s) in the same way a service finds a
`Lookup. Once the Lookup has been discovered by your
`client, it can retrieve service(s)
`(performs a lookup)
`that have been registered with the Lookup. What is
`returned is a reference to the service. Through that
`reference, your client can invoke methods on that
`In this way, your client ”uses" the service.
`Prior to building your service and client, I would
`suggest that you look at classes such as LookupLocator,
`LookupDiscovery and LookupLocatorDiscovery to understand
`how your client or service can be written to discover
`the Lookup service(s) in your system.
`You might then look at classes such as LeaseRenewalManager
`which can be used to renew the lease returned by Lookup
`after your service has registered (if your lease isn't
`regularly renewed,
`the service will eventually "disappear”
`from the Lookup service). The LeaseRenewalManager can
`be used to perform that regular renewal.
`After you’ve studied and experimented with the above
`classes (and whatever other classes they lead you to),
`you might then look at the JoinManager class. This
`class can be employed by services (not clients since
`clients don‘t "join" Lookups)
`to do all of the discovery,
`joining and lease renewal that is required of the service.
`The JoinManager uses the classes above to perform most of
`the "nitty—gritty“ steps you would normally have to provide
`(Of course, you could ignore the above classes
`and just look at the JoinManager, but studying the other
`classes will probably give you a much better understanding
`of the basics of Jini(tm).)
`If you look at the source code of the browser utility
`and the "binder" classes (com/sun/jini/mahout/binder)
`you will see some examples of how the above classes are
`used. There is a lot of code to sift through though; so
`I would recommend that you familiarize yourself with
`the basic classes first. In the future, more basic
`examples and tutorials will be provided both in this
`list and in future releases. Padraic Hannon has already
`posted some example code on the use of the JoinManager.
`I truly believe that learning how to program to the
`Jini(tm) model will be well worth your time.
`with regard to the problem you are having with the
`Lookup Browser, that utility is a useful tool that
`provides visibility to the various Lookup services
`that may be running; as well as services that have
`been registered with those Lookup(s).
`In order to
`help us determine what your problem might he, could
`you send the stack trace containing the security
`exception? Also, what policy file did you use; and
`APPL-1036 / IPR2018-00361
`Apple v. Uniloc / Page 10 of 14


`(— Sending the
`command line you used to start the Browser might
`also shed some light on the problem.
`If you send this information, we'll try to get to
`the bottom of your problem.
`JINI—USERS archives -— November 1998 (#94)
`To unsubscribe, send email to 1istserv€ and include in the body
`of the message "signoff JINI—USERS". For general help, send email to
` and include in the body of the message "help".
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` — The Source for Java Technology
`Jini | White Papers
`E‘Jini Navigation
`‘DfJini White Papers
`What is Jgill (only available in Adobe Acrobat 3.0 PDF format)
`The world is getting networked. Today, a network is a requirement
`for a successful business. Read "What is Jini?" to understand how to
`be more successful in today's networked world.
`Jini Architecture Ovem’ew (only available in Adobe Acrobat 3.0
`PDF format)
`Walk through an overview of Jim" with chief architect Jim Waldo.
`MyJiuinlfl (only available inmm 3.0 PDF format)
`Gain insight into why Jini makes sense for everyone now and
`understand the technical workings of Jini.
`To get regular Jini updates including postings of additional
`whitepapers, please subscribe to the Jini mailing list.
`MI News | Testimonials I Vision lE_A_Q§I White Papers | Licensing | §p£c_sl
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`The technology disclosed herein may be covered by patents or patents pending.
`To send comments about the Jini web pages, please email
`This page was updated: 060M798
`What's New IRead I Products I AEMI For Develoggs
`Real World lava 1 Business | Marketing | E_mpl_oyment I Java Store
`For information, call:
`(888) 84375282 (North America)
`(512) 4341591 (Other locations)
`Copyrighl© 1995.99 sun Alluroswlcmngg
`All Rights Reserved. Egnl 'i'mm, Pm ilL'} Policy.
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`javasuncom — The Source for Java Technology}
`9 J
`3mm '
`’ '
`Jinim technology lets you network
`anything, anytime, anywhere.
`Jini is a Sun R&D project inspired
`by Bill Joy that dramatically
`expands the power of Java
`technology. Jini technology enables
`spontaneous networking of a wide
`variety of hardware and software -
`anything that can be connected.
`What's New?
`’ Check out SJ‘OJ
`McNealy‘s demo of [tit—c
`unannounced] liniL“
`technology in his keynote
`address at the JavaSM
`Business ExpoSM (JBE),
`on December 9, 1998.
`Jini Partner Testimonials
`"Ericsson is very excited
`about Jini. We believe that
`Jini represents a double
`barreled paradigm shift that
`reaches beyond the
`computer industry. The
`combination of
`componentized software
`running on distributed
`virtual machines and the
`bold system architecture of
`Jini will transform and blur
`the very idea of what
`computers, networks and
`applications are.“
`Program Director. New
`Ericsson Inc.
`"This is outstanding stuff.
`We intend to go into full
`commercialization with it."
`Paul Borrill
`Vice President and Chief
`San Jose Mercury News,
`July 15, 1998
`"The guts of an operating
`system have always been an
`ensemble of small
`programs, but that aspect
`has always been suppressed
`in favor of the monolithic
`desktop. Sun is breaking the
`news to the user that an
`ensemble is a simple and
`natural and straightforward
`computing model."
`David Gelcrnter
`Computer Scientist and
`Author and Inventor of
`Yale University
`New York'l'imesJuly 15.
`’ The JiniTM System
`Software Development
`Complete (DC) code is
`available on the Java
`Developer 3 ‘onnection.
`Registration is free.
`Jini technology creates a network
`dialtone for networks.
`Jini allows people to use networked
`devices and services as simply as
`using a phone — plug—and-participate via a network dialtone. The
`goal of Iini is to dramatically simplify interaction with networks.
`With Jini, a disk is not a peripheral to a computer, but a type of
`storage service to the network.
`Jini takes advantage of Java technology. Jini consists of a small
`amount of Java code in class library form and some conventions to
`create a "federation" of Java virtual machines on the network,
`similar to the creation of a community today. Network citizens such
`as people, devices, data, and applications within this federation are
`dynamically connectcd to share information and perform tasks.
`it"jNick Phelps.
`lNetwork Ace
`Jini Technology Scenarios
`‘How will Jini technology be used in the not
`too distant future?
`‘Follow the adventures of Nick Phelps,
`Network Ace, or read a story set in the not
`too distant future, in the ys'gn section.
`Jini Technology In the News
`Industry Week names Jini Technology one of the Lopfi
`technologies of 1998.
`Javaworld: My J ini Matters
`by William Blundon
`Scott Mchaly and Bill Joy talk about Jini Software in this
`recorded interview.
`The New York Times: Sun Product Suggests Home
`by John Markoff
`Wired: Creating ' ne lluge Computer
`by Kevin Kelly and Spencer Reiss
`Subscribe to the Jini Mailing Lists
`Get the latest Jini announcements delivered to you by subscribing to
`the Jini Mailing List (mail from Sun to you).
`We also have a Jini—Users mailing list (mail from all subscribers to
`all subscribers, including members of the Jini technology team), and
`an address for sending comments on the new licensing model (mail
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`Jini l News] le§_('monlals|1j§jgnlEA_Q§l flh‘te Bamlflgngijgl§ml
`Subggg'h; l Sgfley
`The technology disclosed herein may be covered by palents or patents pending.
`To send comments about the Jini web pages, please email jin‘@sun_com.
`This page was updated: 21—Dec-98
`What‘s New | Read I Pmdgcts | Angefil F0; Developggs
`Real World Java I Business I Marketing | _E_mpL)y_mgml ava Store
`For informalion, call:
`(888) 843V5282 (North America)
`(512) 4341591 (Other locations)
`rl hl© 1995—99 \‘un AhcrmuI-grl:
`A" Riga: 153mm mat“ am. my MW:
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