`The skinny on Jini - JavaWorld - August 1998
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`20 Feb 1999 - 1 Dec 2008
`August 1998
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`The skinny on Jini
`Jini and JavaSpaces bring true distributed computing to Java
`Jini and JavaSpaces combine to turn your machines into a networked multicomputer. Together, these two technologies can even
`be used to create a personal supercomputer at work or in the home. Rawn Shah delves into the systems that will bring to life the
`applications of the next generation. (3,200 words)
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`By Rawn Shah
`y now you've read about Sun Microsystems's July 20 announcement of the release of Jini, its new technology for
`distributed computing. Sun released the specifications for Jini to the public, giving everyone the chance to delve
`into distributed programming.
`To understand Jini, you'll need to know about JavaSpaces, because the two are carefully woven together. Further on
`in this article, you'll see that JavaSpaces is actually more important than Jini, but let's start at the beginning: What
`are these two technologies and what do they do?
`Jini provides the distributed system services for look-up, registration, and leasing
`JavaSpaces manages features such as object processing, sharing, and migration
`JavaSpaces needs Jini to perform its functions. To use a military metaphor, Jini acts as a quartermaster allocating
`equipment and armaments to the JavaSpaces troops. The troops use the allocated equipment to carry out their orders
`in battle.
`In this article, we'll provide an architectural overview of what Jini and JavaSpaces do and how they work together.
`Then we'll compare and contrast the Jini-JavaSpaces technology with similar technologies. And, finally, we'll
`explain how this technology can be used and where it will be most beneficial.
`The details on Jini
`As Sun puts it, Jini allows you to create a "federation" of devices and software components in a single distributed
`computing space. Although the components work together to serve a common goal, they're still identified as
`separate components on a network. The federation provides services that are accessed by the various devices and
`software components. By services we mean communication mechanisms, users, hardware devices, storage devices,
`calculators (i.e., for your spreadsheet), notepads (for your BBS), and so on. The various members of a Jini
`federation share their services to get a job done. They communicate with each other through a set of Java interfaces
`known as the service protocol, and they locate each other using a special look-up service. The look-up system works
`in a multipoint network environment and the different components are ordered in a hierarchy.
`The low-level communications used by Jini is the Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) API as specified in JDK
`1.2. There are a few basic changes between RMI in JDK 1.1 and 1.2 that better support the Jini system, particularly
`object activation, and distributed garbage collection. Jini requires RMI in the new JDK. The current specification
`documentation is slightly off when it says "extended RMI"; there are no extensions to RMI specifically for Jini other
`than what is already in JDK 1.2.
`Each component has an ACL (access control list) describing which other components are allowed access to it. The
`component that sends out a service request, known as the principal, communicates with other components needed to
`perform a service.
`The look-up service, distributed security system, RMI 1.2, and the discovery protocol (to register or locate a service
`using the look-up service) together constitute the infrastructure component of Jini.
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`The leasing system
`All services are granted as leases. Each service, when in use, is registered as being leased by another service. Leases
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`can be exclusive or they can allow multiple requesting services to connect to a given service. Leases are time-
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`dependent and have to be renewed upon expiration.
`20 Feb 1999 - 1 Dec 2008
`The skinny on Jini - JavaWorld - August 1998
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`The transaction system
`This transaction system is based on the common two-phased commit model. The system keeps records of the transaction environment before
`and after the transaction is processed so that it can be undone if necessary. The standard, however, does not indicate how this transaction
`system is implemented; that is left to the developer implementing the individual services.
`The distributed event model
`The distributed event model is an extension of the system used in JavaBeans. An event is a notification system for the services to indicate that
`an action is to be taken. The distributed event mechanism requires that Jini services register with others to receive notification. The Jini
`system handles the task of locating the services according to the hierarchy.
`The leasing system, the transaction system, and the distributed events model together constitute the programming model for Jini. This,
`together with the infrastructure component and the services component describe the Jini component architecture. By itself, Jini works to
`create a sort of "plug-and-play" environment for all sorts of devices and software components on a network. JavaSpaces uses this architecture
`to create distributed computing systems.
`JavaSpaces employs a simple mechanism for accessing and processing distributed objects. Simply said, a client application makes contact
`with a JavaSpaces server. The client asks for a certain type of object by sending a template describing what the object looks like. The space
`will then respond with the entry that best fits the template description. The client sends a read operation to make a copy of the entry within
`that space and work with it. Alternatively, the client can also do a take operation to take an existing entry from that space, effectively
`removing it from the list of entries. The client then processes the entry object as needed. Once completed, it can do a write operation to put
`that entry object back into the space, so that others can use it. If you have multiple clients looking for a particular entry, you may want to run
`notify to alert the system that you are waiting for the entry or to find out if someone else has written that entry.
`That's it. A very simple concept in theory, but one that involves many services to handle the different parts. For example, each read, write, or
`take operation is a transaction and can be undone, so security is an issue. It's important to confirm that request clients have proper access
`rights to the entries. In addition, a mechanism needs to be in place to notify the different clients registered using the notify operation, and
`you need to be sure one client doesn't hog entries for itself. And guess what? Jini does it all.
`Let's look at an example of how Jini works in an actual system. We'll use an inventory management system based on an idea brought up
`during the Conference on Electronic Commerce and Marketplace last April at the University of Austin. You're given an inventory
`management system in which each type of item in the inventory is managed by an agent. The agent is responsible for allocating ("selling") its
`items to the agents requesting ("buying") them. Essentially, with competing agents providing products of a similar type, you create a stock
`market-like exchange system with agents bidding for items to satisfy a request. A real-world example of this system might be the relationship
`between a car parts dealer and the various manufacturers selling the parts.
`In a JavaSpaces system, a customer would go to the car parts dealer and put in a request for a carburetor for a 1989 4-cylinder Chevy Beretta.
`The order goes into the distributed JavaSpaces system (a "space"). It first enters the subsection of the space represented by the warehouse, or
`the warehouse space. This warehouse space then negotiates with the subsections of the car manufacturers (the car manufacturer's spaces) or
`parts distributors (the parts distributors' space). It issues a template describing the part. The various spaces respond with a list of available
`entries. The warehouse space server object compares them for price, features, reliability, and so on, and then issues either a read operation in
`the case of a car manufacturer (since it can make any number of identical copies of the part), or a take operation in the case of a parts
`distributor (since it has a given supply of the part); in truth, the car manufacturer space doesn't have an unlimited supply, but this is just an
`example. Let's say the customer wants to give back its defective carburetor, which is usually sent back to the manufacturer because it may be
`recoverable. In this case, the client reads the part from the car parts store warehouse space and writes it to the car manufacturers space.
`JavaSpaces-Jini versus everything else
`During our analysis and in talking to other developers, it becomes clear that Jini and JavaSpaces share similarities with a number of existing
`technologies. To give you a firm understanding, we'll make a few comparisons.
`First, let's compare JavaSpaces-Jini with some of the other technologies from Sun's Java Software Division. JavaSpaces is a system for
`developing distributed applications. A distributed application usually consists of components running on several machines that communicate
`with each other to process the application. Think of this as a server-side application, where the server application is broken into several parts,
`each running on a different machine but still working as a whole.
`Sun JavaServer
`The Sun JavaServer (a.k.a. Jeeves) is simply an extended Web server with a backend programming interface that allows you to create
`servlets. It is directly comparable to the traditional CGI model, whereby accessing a link on a Web page can execute a program. However,
`servlets do not break into separate applications that automatically run across several computers to execute your program. You can make them
`do that, but you'll have to build the mechanism yourself.
`Enterprise JavaBeans
`With Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) things get a little more complicated. EJB is a server-side mechanism that allows you to build a managed
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`The skinny on Jini - JavaWorld - August 1998
`server application. The EJB server manages a pool of EJB applications, each of which handle the requests from network clients. EJB builds
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`an interface between a transaction processing server and client applications that can communicate over the network. An EJB server does not,
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`by definition, automatically distribute applications across several machines to do the processing. Each EJB session or entity object is
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`processed on the local machine. If you extend the EJB server such that these EJB sessions or entities can span several computers on a
`20 Feb 1999 - 1 Dec 2008
`network automatically, you may have an abstract notion of what JavaSpaces-Jini can do.
`JavaSpaces may also be confused with CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture). The Object Management Group, an
`association of over 800 computer industry members, designed CORBA to span several component and/or object computing models and allow
`interactivity across them. CORBA defines a method to write client and server objects in a number of programming languages, including Java,
`C++, Smalltalk, Ada, and, believe it or not, Cobol. CORBA makes it possible for these languages to run on a number of different platforms
`and still communicate and interact with each other through a common object brokering infrastructure. All this works through the industry-
`accepted standard known as the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP).
`JavaSpaces provides server-side processing in a distributed environment. You are still passing objects around the network, but unless you use
`a Java object request broker like Visigenic Visibroker, Sun's Java IDL, or IBM Component Broker, these objects can only work in a Java
`environment. CORBA allows software development teams to develop using several languages or new code to be integrated with existing
`code by wrapping legacy code in CORBA objects. JavaSpaces actually fits into a separate brokering system for objects on the server side.
`Jini, for its part, works similarly to CORBAservices, a set of system objects for resource identification, leasing, transactions, and so on.
`PVM architecture
`Also comparable to JavaSpaces-Jini is the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) architecture from Oak Ridge National Labs. PVM is actually a set
`of programming libraries that allow you to build multicomputers, a set of independent machines on a network that share application
`processing, creating true heterogeneous network computing. Using PVM, you can create a distributed application, with each PVM daemon
`(server) automatically handling the job of network processing synchronization, communications, and fault tolerance. PVM participants may
`be Unix or Windows machines communicating over TCP sockets. There are programming interfaces to PVM in many languages including
`Java, C, C++, Perl, and Python.
`JavaSpaces is similar to PVM. JavaSpaces is based on Tuple space, a concept created by Dr. David Gelertner of Yale University in his public
`domain Linda project. Tuple space is an abstract concept of a location, whereby processes can communicate in a distributed shared memory.
`The memory may be on a single machine, but more realistically is on several computers on a network -- each possibly a completely different
`computing platform. PVM and JavaSpaces solve the same problem of building heterogeneous network computers using different means and
`Lucent's Inferno
`Finally, let's compare JavaSpaces-Jini with Lucent Technology's Inferno. Inferno is a combined programming language (Limbo), virtual
`machine (Dis), and communications protocol (Styx) for small computing device models. It was designed as the core operating system for
`small multimedia and embedded devices such as pagers, cell phones, and set-top boxes. You can see that it shares many things in common
`with Java. Inferno itself is designed for a single device in a networked environment. It can locate resources kept on other Inferno devices
`across the network and communicate with them to exchange data. In this respect, Inferno has capabilities similar to Jini. Yet, it is lacking a
`mechanism to distribute the application processing across multiple machines.
`For all other comparisons, it's important to note that JavaSpaces-Jini is not middleware. It does not create communication links between
`common commercial databases such as Oracle, Sybase, DB2, and so on, and object models like CORBA, DCOM, and SOM. It is, instead,
`the underlying technology that will allow us to build the new generation of application; one that can be distributed across a network of
`computers. This is the essence of network computing.
`What can JavaSpaces-Jini do?
`Together the JavaSpaces-Jini system allows you to create a network of semi-intelligent devices that can share resources and processing. It's
`easier to understand this concept with computers, printers, modems, and routers than it is with consumer devices like TVs, cable boxes,
`stereo systems, or toasters. In the consumer electronics arena, however, JavaSpaces-Jini can create new versions of these devices that plug-
`and-play on a network.
`So what's the benefit in that? Well, admittedly, it doesn't make sense for all devices, but its use in TV, stereo, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and
`air cooling) systems could allow you to build an intelligent home. Your home computer could then dictate how to regulate the temperature in
`different rooms based on which ones are being used; your stereo could be preprogrammed to deliver music according to your mood; your
`coffee maker could automatically dispense coffee when you need it. In the commercial space, a manufacturing robot could be programmed to
`weld in different patterns; a building power management system could predict activity in different offices and manage power accordingly; a
`fax machine could be taught how to direct faxes by e-mail. Yes, there are mechanisms for doing these things with existing technologies such
`as X10, CEBus, and other specialized systems, but most aren't operating in a dynamically programmable environment, nor are they
`compatible with many other systems.
`Application developers will find it possible to turn a LAN of hundreds of PCs into a parallel super-multicomputer and put the processing
`power of idle machines to use executing applications. You may, for example, have heard the recent news about the Avalon supercomputer
`built from 68 Compaq/Digital PCs with the Alpha processor. A more conventional example is the system used by HotBot; the search engine
`(promoted by Wired) is based on a specialized multicomputer system of over one hundred individual Unix workstations. Incidentally, HotBot
`is ranked as one of the fastest search engines in the world.
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`Final analysis
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`Don't think that Jini is a complete plug-and-play mechanism ready to order or that JavaSpaces is an existing vertical product along the lines
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`of an extranet inventory control system. They are primitives to be used by programmers to create real applications. Their power lies in their
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`20 Feb 1999 - 1 Dec 2008
`respective simplicity and small footprint, which makes them a good basis for the next generation of smart appliances. As a component model,
`JavaSpaces brings distributed transaction processing forward in a way most programmers can understand and use.
`The skinny on Jini - JavaWorld - August 1998
`Furthermore, not all applications flow in the nonsequential order available with JavaSpaces-Jini. While it could be said that most
`programmers are still unfamiliar with writing code in such a way, universities are catching up and bringing such advanced topics to the
`undergraduate level.
`One important fact to remember is that although Jini has a cool name, by itself it is nowhere near as powerful as the JavaSpaces metaphor.
`Then again, to use JavaSpaces you have to use Jini.
`For those who worry that this dual technology will cause fractures in CORBA, you shouldn't. Consider this a specific means to create a
`distributed server-side. You can still interface this powerful multicomputer server to the CORBA environment with Java IDL.
`If Sun were to combine the power of JavaSpaces-Jini and Enterprise JavaBeans, you would have an EJB-JavaSpaces-Jini Server that would
`be a full generation ahead of anything else on the market. The power of such a system would bring multicomputing to the masses. As it is,
`Sun's partnerships with embedded systems developers and vendors could expand the role of the computer in the workplace and the home
`Also this month in JavaWorld
` Go
`Sun's Jini home page
`The real meat of the matter, the Jini specification
`Sun's JavaSpaces home page
`The JavaSpaces specification
`Read all about the Object Management Group and CORBA
`Lucent Technology's Inferno system
`The PVM home page
`This online book will familiarize you with PVM in detail
`"Do-It-Yourself Supercomputers", Wired News, July 3, 1998
`DATEK, an enterprise resource planning application vendor, announces the first distributed application integrated with Javaspaces and
`Check out's report on Jini, "Sun makes another run at Windows," which debuted just before its release
`About the author
`Rawn Shah is an independent developer and consultant in network computing systems, based in Tucson, Arizona. Reach Rawn at
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`Last modified: Monday, October 19, 1998
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