`UNILOC 2017, LLC,
` Plaintiff,
` Defendant.

`Case No. 2:18-cv-00494
`Pursuant to Rule 34 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Plaintiff Uniloc 2017, LLC
`(“Uniloc”) requests that Defendant Google, LLC (“Google”) respectfully, answer each of the
`following Interrogatories under oath in the manner and within the time prescribed by law.
`The terms “DEFENDANT,” “GOOGLE,” “YOUR,” and “YOU” as used herein
`shall refer to Defendant Google, LLC as well as any parent, subsidiary, division, or related
`company, any business entity controlled by or operated on behalf thereof, any predecessors
`thereof, and any and all agents, directors, owners, officers, attorneys, employees, representatives,
`subcontractors, and/or any PERSON acting on its behalf.
`The term “PLAINTIFF” or “UNILOC” as used herein shall refer to Plaintiff Uniloc
`2017, LLC as well as any parent, subsidiary, division, or related company, any business entity
`controlled by or operated on behalf thereof, any predecessors thereof, and any and all agents,
`directors, owners, officers, attorneys, employees, representatives, subcontractors, and/or any
`PERSON acting on their behalf.
`The phrase “ACCUSED INSTRUMENTALITY” refers to the instrumentalities
`identified in the complaint (as may be amended) as well as the infringement contentions served in


`this case.
`The term “‘892 PATENT” or “PATENT-IN-SUIT” as used herein means U.S.
`Patent No. 6,285,892.
`The phrase “PRIOR ART” as used herein means any printed publication, any public
`use, any public knowledge, any sale, or any patent for sale anywhere in the world which YOU
`believe may be material to the validity of the PATENT-IN-SUIT.
`The term “COMMUNICATION” as used herein means the transmittal of
`information in the form of facts, ideas, inquiries, or otherwise, in any form, including without
`limitation personal, telephonic, written, e-mail, facsimile, and telex.
`The term “DOCUMENT” as used herein (whether in the plural or singular) means
`any writing or other tangible thing from which data or information can be obtained (translated if
`necessary through detection devices into reasonably usable form), and which is known to YOU,
`or in YOUR custody, possession, or control, whether printed, recorded, reproduced by any process,
`or written or produced by hand, whether or not claimed to be privileged or exempt from production
`for any reason. Writings and tangible things that are included within this definition encompass
`letters, correspondence, electronic mail messages (in electronic or hard copy form), videos,
`presentations (including any corresponding deck of slides), tape recordings, reports, agreements,
`communications including intercompany communications, telegrams, memoranda, summaries,
`forecasts, photographs, models, wiki repositories, version control documentation on code (e.g.,
`Perforce or the like), statistical statements, graphs, laboratory and engineering reports and
`notebooks, calendars, day-planners, electronic information within handheld organizing devices,
`charts, plans, manuals, operational guidelines, maintenance schedules, CAD/CAM files,
`specifications, test scripts, manuals, web pages, drawings, diagrams, minutes of records of


`meetings or conferences, expressions or statements of policy, lists of persons attending meetings
`or conferences, customer lists, reports and/or summaries of interviews, reports and/or summaries
`or investigations, opinions or reports of consultants, appraisals, records, reports or summaries of
`negotiations, brochures, pamphlets, advertisements, circulars, trade letters, press releases, drafts
`of any DOCUMENTS, revisions of drafts of any DOCUMENTS, cancelled checks, bank
`statements, invoices, receipts and originals of promissory notes, surveys, computer printouts,
`computer disks, photostats, motion pictures, slides, and sketches. The foregoing list is not an
`exclusive definition, but is intended to aid YOU in producing the DOCUMENTS. In addition to
`the items listed above, any comment or notation appearing on any document, and not part of the
`original text, is considered a separate document and any draft of preliminary form of any document
`is also considered a separate document.
`As used herein, the singular form shall include the plural, and vice versa, wherever
`such dual construction will serve to bring within the scope of this request any DOCUMENTS
`which would otherwise not be brought within its scope.
`As used herein, the conjunctives “and” and “or” shall be construed both
`conjunctively and disjunctively, and each shall include the other wherever such dual construction
`will serve to bring within the scope of this request any DOCUMENTS which would otherwise not
`be brought within its scope.
`10. The term “IDENTIFY” or “IDENTITY” when used with reference to a
`“DOCUMENT” means to provide with respect to each document requested to be identified by
`these interrogatories or are mentioned or referred to in any of your answers to these interrogatories,
`the following information: its nature, e.g., letter, memorandum, etc.; the date it was sent; the date
`it was received; the identity of the person sending it; the identity of the person to whom it was


`sent; the identity of the person or persons to whom a copy or copies were sent; a statement as to
`who each such person represented or purported to represent; statement of the substance of the
`subject matter of the document; and the name and last known address of the person who presently
`has custody of the document and each non-conforming copy.
`11. The term “IDENTIFY” or “IDENTITY” when used with reference to a “PERSON”
`means to state the person’s full name and last known business and residence address and telephone
`number and, where appropriate, the person’s title and occupation at the present time and at the
`time stated in the interrogatory or response thereto as well as the date ranges the person provided
`services to YOU and in what capacity, if relevant.
`12. The
`term “IDENTIFY” or “IDENTITY” when used with reference
`“COMMUNICATION” means with respect to each oral communication requested to be identified
`by any of these interrogatories, or mentioned or referred to in any of your answers to any of these
`interrogatories to: state the date and place of the communication and whether it was in person or
`by telephone; identify, in a manner described above, each and every person who participated in,
`heard any part of, or in any way has knowledge or information concerning such communication;
`state what was said by each person who participated in such communication; and identify, in the
`manner described, each and every DOCUMENT that recorded, summarized, confirmed, referred
`to or pertained to such COMMUNICATION.
`13. The term “STATE ALL FACTS” means that YOU are to provide a full and
`complete statement of all facts relating to the subject matter of the Interrogatory, including the
`IDENTITY of any individual or witness having knowledge of any such fact, including their last
`known address and phone number and the IDENTITY of any DOCUMENT that refers, relates, or
`evidences any such fact.


`The following Interrogatories are being served in accordance with Rule 33 of
`Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Each Interrogatory must be answered in full after a diligent
`search has been made to locate all the requested information. This search includes examination of
`all DOCUMENTS, as well as other information possessed by DEFENDANT, its attorneys,
`accountants, investigators, bankers, agents, employees, subsidiaries, divisions, representatives, or
`other persons acting on its behalf or under its control. If YOU are unable to answer any
`Interrogatory fully and completely after exercising due diligence to secure the requested
`information, please so state and answer the Interrogatory to the extent that YOU are able. As to
`each incomplete answer, specify the portion of the Interrogatory that YOU claim YOU are unable
`to answer fully and completely, state the facts which support YOUR contention that YOU are
`unable to answer that Interrogatory fully and completely, and state what knowledge, information,
`and belief YOU have concerning the unanswered portion of each such Interrogatory.
`If information concerning any DOCUMENT requested to be identified herein is
`withheld by YOU based upon a claim of privilege, state as to each such DOCUMENT: The
`privilege asserted and its basis; the nature of the DOCUMENT withheld (e.g., letter memorandum,
`etc.); the date of the DOCUMENT; the identity of the author and his/her relationship to YOU at
`the time of the document’s creation; the identity of each recipient of the DOCUMENT or any copy
`thereof; the length of the DOCUMENT and pages and his/her relationship to YOU at the time of
`the document’s creation; the location of the original and each copy of the DOCUMENT; and the
`general subject matter of the DOCUMENT.
`If information concerning any COMMUNICATION is withheld by you based on a
`claim of privilege, state as to each such COMMUNICATION: The privileges asserted and its


`basis; whether the COMMUNICATION was in person or by telephone; the date of the
`COMMUNICATION; the IDENTITY of the participants in a COMMUNICATION, all other
`persons present,
`all persons having knowledge or
`COMMUNICATION; the IDENTITY of each DOCUMENT reflecting or pertaining, relating or
`referring to the COMMUNICATION; and the general subject matter of the COMMUNICATION.
`Each Interrogatory is a continuing one and requires a further and/or supplemental
`response whenever a previous response becomes incomplete or inaccurate.
`Unless stated otherwise, either in the Interrogatory itself or included within a
`particular definition, these Interrogatories are not limited to any particular time frame.
`The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure place an affirmative duty to supplement these
`responses with (1) the IDENTITY and location of PERSONS having knowledge of discoverable
`matters; and (2) the IDENTITY of each PERSON expected to be called as an expert witness at
`trial, the subject matter on which the PERSON is expected to testify, and the substance of the
`PERSON’S testimony, in addition to any subsequently discovered information that makes a prior
`response incorrect, or any other circumstances where failing to amend the response constitutes a
`knowing concealment.
`For each ACCUSED INSTRUMENTALITY, identify each version made, imported, used,
`sold, offered for sale, provided, supported, or caused to be provided by or on behalf of YOU,
`including the identification of the beginning and end dates during which each version of the
`ACCUSED INSTRUMENTALITY was made, imported, used, sold, offered for sale, provided,
`supported, or caused to be provided along and DOCUMENTS used to develop YOUR response.


`YOUR answer should use the format of the following exemplary table:
`Bates Number
`Separately for each ACCUSED INSTRUMENTALITY, identify two key individuals
`responsible for the design or development of the following features or functionality of the
`ACCUSED INSTRUMENTALITY: (a) the system architecture; (b) data flow; (c) the architecture;
`(d) the provision of any service or features utilizing the technology; and (e) software associated
`therewith. For the purposes of this Interrogatory, the term “identify” requires you to state for each
`individual identified: the name and title of individual; the person’s current contact information
`(i.e., address, telephone number, e-mail, etc.); the nature of the work performed on the ACCUSED
`INSTRUMENTALITY; a detailed description of the feature or functionality for each ACCUSED
`INSTRUMENTALITY for which the person was responsible; and the date(s) of each such
`person’s involvement.
`Separately for each asserted claim of the PATENTS-IN-SUIT and each ACCUSED
`INSTRUMENTALITY and each version of products or software corresponding to the ACCUSED
`INSTRUMENTALITY made, imported, used, sold, offered for sale, provided, supported, or
`caused to be provided by or on behalf of YOU, IDENTIFY and describe your non-infringement
`assertion, argument or contention and all facts and DOCUMENTS that support or refute any non-
`infringement assertion, argument or contention that YOU are aware of, that YOU may rely upon


`to negate any finding or assertion of intent to infringe (e.g., for induced or willful infringement),
`that YOU may present in any dispositive or non-dispositive motion brought in this matter, that
`YOU may present at trial in this matter, and/or that YOU may rely upon for any other purpose in
`this matter. YOUR answer should include an IDENTIFICATION of the date YOU first formed
`each such belief, the identity of all persons who have that belief (including the date each such
`person formed such belief), and an identification by Bates number of any DOCUMENTS that
`relate to, support, or refute YOUR answer. If you refuse to answer this interrogatory, please
`identify all relevant case law rebutting the following case law: Round Rock Research, LLC v.
`Oracle Corporation, et. al. Case No. 4-11-cv-00332 (E.D.Tex. Mar. 6, 2012)(“Plaintiff requests
`Defendant provide non-infringement contentions in response to Interrogatory No. 6. Defendant
`asserts that the request prematurely seeks to elicit Defendant’s claim construction positions.
`Further, Defendant argues that the request is unduly burdensome and unreasonable given the
`claims amount alleged by Plaintiff. Plaintiff’s request is not designed to elicit Defendant’s claim
`construction position, and is attempting to specifically determine Defendant’s non-infringement
`contentions. Therefore, under Patent Rule 2-5, Defendant’s objection that Interrogatory No. 6 is
`premature is an improper objection. Further, Defendant’s argument has been rejected by other
`courts in this district. Therefore, the Court finds Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel should be granted.”);
`Oasis Research, LLC v. Adrive, LLC, et. al., Case No. 4-10-cv-00435 (E.D.Tex Sept. 13, 2011)(
`"Plaintiff’s request is not designed to elicit Defendants’ claim construction position, and is
`attempting to specifically determine Defendants’ non-infringement contentions. Therefore, under
`Patent Rule 2-5, Defendants’ objection that [the interrogatory] is premature is an improper
`objection.”); Beneficial Innovations, Inc. v. AOL, LLC. et al., Case No. 2-07-cv-00555 (E.D.Tex.
`May 26, 2010)(“[Defendants] must provide [plaintiff] with full and complete answers to


`[plaintiff's] interrogatories seeking [defendants'] non-infringement contentions.”).
`For each version of products or software corresponding
`INSTRUMENTALITY made, imported, used, sold, offered for sale, provided, supported, or
`caused to be provided by or on behalf of YOU, please IDENTIFY all ways in which YOU derived
`or will derive revenue along with any DOCUMENTS used to develop your response and revenue,
`profit and costs associated with each ACCUSED INSTRUMENTALITY.
`Describe in detail the location and format in which YOU maintain and/or store documents
`and/or information related to the structure, components, function and operation of each version of
`the ACCUSED INSTRUMENTALITY including, but not limited to, software, source code
`(including all versions or releases), firmware, schematic diagrams, manufacturing specifications,
`technical specifications, hardware description documents, software or firmware description
`documents, functional description documents, engineering drawings or blue prints, operating
`manuals, and/or user manuals relating to the technology and identify each employee (other than
`counsel) knowledgeable of the same, including for each person identified, their title, address,
`telephone number, and a fair summary of the substance of that person’s areas of knowledge


`IDENTIFY by Bates number and describe all licenses, settlement agreements, or
`covenants-not-to-sue, technology transfer agreements or any other agreements or contracts
`providing any rights to patents or technologies entered into by YOU, or of which YOU are aware,
`that relate to any patent or patent application (from any jurisdiction or nationality) that (i) relates
`to the functions and features set forth in PLAINTIFFS’ infringement contentions for each
`ACCUSED INSTRUMENTALITY or technology that you contend is similar to the functions and
`for each ACCUSED INSTRUMENTALITY or that (ii) YOU contend is comparable to a license
`that YOU and PLAINTIFFS would have agreed to in a hypothetical negotiation in this case.
`Describe the circumstances of how YOU became aware of the PATENT-IN-SUIT,
`including an identification of all persons that became aware of the PATENT-IN-SUIT to the filing
`of the present complaint, when each person became aware of the PATENT-IN-SUIT patents, and
`how each person became aware of the PATENT-IN-SUIT.
`Dated: September 10, 2019
`Respectfully submitted,
`By: /s/ Ryan S. Loveless
`James L. Etheridge
`Texas State Bar No. 24059147
`Ryan S. Loveless
`Texas State Bar No. 24036997
`Travis L. Richins
`Texas State Bar No. 24061296
`Jeffrey Huang
`California State Bar No. 266774
`2600 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 120/324
`Southlake, Texas 76092
`Telephone: (817) 470-7249
`Facsimile: (817) 887-5950


`Attorneys for Plaintiff Uniloc 2017, LLC
`I certify that on September 10, 2019 a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was
`served upon all counsel of record via email under this Court’s Local Rules.
`/s/ Ryan S. Loveless
`Ryan S. Loveless

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