`United States Patent
`Adleret al.
`[45] Mar. 12, 1974
`3,518,985 TANOQTO=QUINTON... cee eee cteee 128/2.05
`Inventors: Ronald E. Adler, 1410 35th St.
`N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007;
`Ronald F. Bax, 6736 Bowie Dr.,
`Springfield, Va. 22150
`Assignees: said Adler and Bax; Gary Ceates,
`Ashton, Md.; Wayne Johnson,
`Alexandria, Va. ; part interest to
`July 31, 1972
`Appl. No.: 276,470
`[52] US. Ch.......... aan2eeea A, 235/92 an
`Int. Cl
`FQ, 340/seosn23/05
`Field ofSearchTroreetess340/323,263: 128/21 R
`128/2.1A. 205 R 206 Fr. 272/DIG 6.
`324/161: 73/507 518: 235/92 CA. 92 FO
`References Cited
`8/1968 Morehouse ........... 128/2.05 R
`Chamberlin, Jr. et al.......... 340/323
`EVANS... .cccccccesccnseecereeesnesenene 340/323
`.. 128/2.06 F
`2/1973 Greenwood ....
` Winchel et al... 128/2.1R
`Primary Examiner—John W. Caldwell
`Assistant Examiner—Robert J. Mooney
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm--Wigman & Cohen
`This disclosure relates to a portable solid-state device
`for measuring
`achievement attained through exercises, for example,
`walking, running and/or jogging in place or overa dis-
`tance course in accordance with a predetermined ex-
`ercise regimen. The device includes a digital computer
`to which is fed the output from an electromechanical
`sensor adapted to generate an electrical impulse in re-
`sponse to each step taken by an individual while walk-
`ing, running or jogging at or above a predetermined
`rate. The computer counts the numberof steps taken
`by the exerciser and measures the rate thereof, and
`integrates the product of the numberandrate over the
`period of the exercise. The level of the integral is con-
`tinuously compared to a pre-programmedschedule of
`_a predetermined exercise regimen, and either audible
`or visual signal means or both are provided for indi-
`cating desired levels of achievement of the exercise
`16 Claims, 5 Drawing Figures
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`PATENTED MAR 1 2 1974
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`This invention relates generally to the field of physi-
`cal exercising, and more particularly to the art of mea-
`suring and indicating physical exercise achievementat-
`tained by an individual in accordance with a predeter-
`mined exercise regimen or program.
`Routine physical exercise has long been extolled by
`virtually every medical authority as essential to good
`health and longevity. Because of modern conveniences
`and work-saving technology, the average’ person ex-
`pendsless physical energy today than did his counter-
`parts in generationspast. As a result, the current gener-
`ation, particularly in the Unites States, by and large
`does not get the physical exercise necessary for good
`In the past several years, there has been a gradual
`awakening to the need for a more systematized ap-
`proachto the problem ofexercise. Particularly, individ-
`uals in the over-thirty years age bracket are having rou-
`tine exercise prescribed by their physiciansas a preven-
`tive measure against heart disease and other associated
`cardio-vascular disorders. Numerous recent publica-
`tions have recognized a correlation between physical
`fitness and exercise and have delineated detailed regi-
`mens or programsofexercise intendedto yield the de-
`sired results.
`Chief among these publications are two books, Coo-
`per, Aerobics, M. Evans and Company,Inc., New York,
`N. Y. (1968) and Cooper, The New Aerobics, M. Evans
`and Company, Inc., New York, N. Y. (1970). These
`booksstress the benefits of exercises, particularly run-
`ning and jogging, which increases blood circulation,
`breathing, and the use of lungs. The author, Kenneth H.
`Cooper, M.D., has devised a detailed exercise regimen
`which produces output or achievementin a point sys-
`tem, the “aerobics” point system. These books, and
`others like them, have contributedin large part to a vir-
`tual jogging boom in the United States and elsewhere.
`On any given day, in parks, playgrounds, gymnasiums
`and streets, people can be found walking, running and
`jogging to earn their “points.”
`The “aerobics” system, as well as other similar sys-
`tems, requires an individual to walk, to run or to jog in
`place or on a measured track with a stop watch to de-
`termine his rate of speed. Thereafter, the individual
`must refer to tables and charts and make mental com-
`putations to arrive at his earned numberof ‘“‘points.”
`The problems inherent
`in such a program are, of
`course, numerous. Not only doesthe individual have to
`find a measured track, but he must make frequentref-
`erence to the booksandtables, stop watches, distances,
`pacers, and finally make his computations. Moreover,
`after running a given distance, the exerciser may find
`that he was runningtoo slowly and thus not qualify for
`any“‘points.”’ The exerciser may in some instances run
`at too high a rate, not realizing that he may be over-
`exerting himself, until he finishes running the selected
`measured track and then notes the elapsed time. Such
`over-exertion maybe physically harmful to someindi-
`It is a primary object of this invention to simplify ad-
`herence to an exercise regimen involving a “points”
`Another object of this invention is to promote run-
`ning and jogging as a form of systematized exercise by
`eliminating the need for a measured track, stop watch
`and mental computations from “points” system regi-
`Moreparticularly, it is an object of this invention to
`provide a device for measuring and indicating directly
`in ‘“‘points” physical exercise achievement attained
`through walking, running or jogging in accordance with
`a predetermined exercise regimen.
`Another object of this invention is to provide a de-
`vice which will provide a continuousorperiodic indica-
`tion that an exerciser is moving above a threshold rate
`commensurate with a predetermined exercise regimen.
`A further object of this invention is to provide a de-
`vice for measuring and indicating in “points” physical
`exercise achievement attained in accordance with a
`predetermined exercise regimen which avoids the pos-
`sibility of an exerciser inadvertently over-exerting him-
`Still another object of this invention is to provide a
`portable solid-state device adapted to be carried by a
`person and which is operatively arranged to sense and
`to count the numberofsteps taken by the person while
`walking, running or jogging, as well as to determine the
`rate thereof, and which will make mathematical com-
`putations to determine the energy output of the exer-
`ciser and comparethat output to a predetermined exer-
`cise regimen schedule, and which will signal the exer-
`ciser to indicate desired levels of achievement of the
`exercise regimen.
`Briefly, these and other objects are accomplished in
`accordancewith this invention by providing a portable,
`solid-state, miniature digital computer adapted to be
`strapped to the belt or otherwise conveniently carried
`on the person of an individual while walking, running
`or jogging, and whichis adapted to sense automatically,
`to compute andto report exercise achievement directly
`in “aerobic” points. By “aerobic” points, of course, is
`meant the measure of exercise achievement in accor-
`dance with Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper’s system of earned
`points, as explained in his books, Aerobics, supra, and
`The New Aerobics, supra. It should be understood, of
`that while the invention is specifically de-
`scribed herein as keyed to the ‘‘aerobics”point system,
`computer of
`invention could be pre-
`programmed in accordance with any other similar
`point system or exercise regimen which lendsitself to.
`measuring achievement in specific units.
`The device includes an electromechanical
`ducer, in the form of an accelerometer, which is capa-
`ble of sensing each step taken by an exerciser while
`walking; running or jogging either in place or over a
`distance course. The accelerometer in conjunction
`with associated circuitry producesa train ofelectrical
`impulses which are used as-an input to the computer.
`Preferably, the transducer maybe a piezo-electric crys-
`tal having a cantilevered weight for converting me-
`chanical impulses to electric signals. It should be un-
`derstood, however, that other type sensors may be used
`within the scope of the invention.
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`The numberof electrical impulses coming from the
`sensor (which corresponds to the number of steps
`taken by the exerciser), provided they accrue at least
`at a minimum rate, are counted by the computer which
`also measuresthe rate thereof with respect to time. The
`product of the numberof steps and the rate at which
`they are taken is integrated continuously over the full
`period of the exercise. The computer accumulates the
`integrated input data and constantly comparesthelevel
`of the integral to a pre-programmed exercise regimen
`schedule. When thelevel of the integral corresponds to
`predetermined points on the exercise regimen sched-
`the computer
`indicates to the exerciser
`achievementdirectly in the units of the regimen; for ex-
`ample, “points” in the ‘“‘aerobic”’ point system. Thesig-
`nal may be either an audible signalor a visual signal, or
`a combination of both audible and visual signals. More-
`over, the reporting system is preferably continual; i.e.,
`periodic indications are given to the exerciser as he at-
`tains cumulative levels of achievement of the exercise
`_ regimen, even in circumstances which exist during ex-
`ercise periods involving changes in the exercising rate.
`Thus, an exerciser can avoid the possibility of inadver-
`tently over-exercising and need not during a single ex-
`ercise period exercise at a fixed rate.
`In the preferred embodimentof the invention, as de-
`scribed herein, “aerobics” tables from Dr. Kenneth H.
`. Cooper’s books, Aerobics, supra, and The New Aerobics,
`supra, are plotted as curves on a chart and programmed
`into the computer. The curves plot walking, jogging
`and running speed against earned “‘aerobic”’ points and
`yield a certain amount of “‘points” for running at a
`given rate for a given distance. Moreover, the curves
`are exponential rather than linear such that the yield in
`“points” is greater at the higher rates of running speed.
`It has been found that the computerofthis invention
`will report ‘‘aerobic” points within a fifteen percent
`error of the “aerobic” tables. This error may beattrib-
`uted primarily to the variations under actual running
`conditions from the assumed constant length of stride
`and average grade conditions programmed into the
`computer. In the case of stationary running or jogging,
`the stride rate error is non-existent and the primary er-
`rors.are due to variations in fitting the computer curve
`to the aerobics curve and to variations due to battery
`aging and temperature variations. These errors, at max-
`imum, are about +7.0 percent.
`In keeping with the ‘‘aerobics” system, the computer
`includes an internal clock which advances at a prede-
`termined rate against which the rate of the incoming
`data is measured. If the rate of the incoming data is
`below the rate of the clock, the data is rejected and
`thus does not contribute to the integrated outputlevel.
`' Consequently, if the exerciser is walking, running or
`jogging below the predetermined threshold level, his
`efforts will not count towards the attainment of his ex-
`ercise objective. In one embodiment of the invention,
`the computer will signal the exerciser when he is run-
`ning below the threshold level. In any event, even if the
`exerciser is running abovethe threshold rate, the com-
`puter mathematically performs a subtraction of the
`threshold rate from the incoming signal such that the
`only data which is integrated is that which exceeds the
`threshold level. Preferably, the threshold level may be
`set by the exerciser in accordance with his desire to
`run, to jog or to walk, so as to exclude signals devel-
`oped in the last or the two lesser speed modes from
`contributing to the “points” which are to be accumu-
`With the above and other objects in view as may
`hereinafter appear, the nature of the invention can be
`more clearly understood by reference to the several
`viewsillustrated in the accompanying drawings, the fol-
`lowing detailed description thereof, and the appended
`claimed subject matter.
`FIG. 1 is a pictorial view of an exerciser who has a
`portable exercise measuring and indicating device con-
`structed in accordance with this invention on his per-
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram ofanillustrative embodi-
`ment of an exercise measuring and indicating device
`constructed accordingto the present invention, audible
`and visual indicating means being provided.
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram of a second preferred em-
`bodiment of an exercise measurement and indicating
`device constructed according to the present invention,
`visual and audible indicating means being provided.
`FIGS. 4A and 4Bare a detailed schematic and block
`diagram of a major portion of the device illustrated in
`FIG. 3, and illustrates detailed circuitry for some of the
`elements shown as blocks in FIG. 3.
`In FIG. 1, an exerciser, generally designated by the
`numeral6, is provided with a belt 7 which carries a por-
`table, battery powered, solid-state exercise measuring
`and indicating device 8 constructed in accordance with
`the present invention. It is to be understood, of course,
`that the device 8 could be carried equally well on the
`person of the exerciser 6 by other conventional means.
`As shownin FIG. 1, the exercise measuring and indi-
`cating device 8 includes an on-off switch 9 for energiz-
`ing the device 8. A threshold lever selector switch 10.
`is provided to allow the exerciser 6 to select either a
`walking, a jogging or a running threshold level. A
`shaded visual indicator 11, preferably in the form of a
`liquid crystal two-digit decimal numberdisplay, is posi-
`tioned on the uppermostsurface of the device 8 so as
`to be readily readable by the exerciser 6. An audible
`signal-producing means, such as a loud speaker 12, is
`provided in addition to the visual indicator 11. It is to
`be understood that, in some applications, the device 8
`could be provided only with the visual indicator 11 or
`the loud speaker 12. A three-position selector switch
`13 is provided which allows the exerciser 6 to select for
`display on the visual indicator 11 data representing ei-
`ther distance, elapsed time or accumulated “aerobic”
`points. A control knob 14 is provided to adjust the de-
`vice 8 so as to accommodate for different strides, e.g.,
`short, medium and long.
`Referring to FIG. 2, the exercise measuring andindi-
`cating device includes an accelerometer 16, in the form
`of a loaded, cantilevered, piezo-electric crystal or an
`electromagnetic pickup, which generates a distinct
`electrical impulse once for each step taken by an exer-
`ciser, such as the exerciser 6, shown in FIG. 1. The
`electrical impulses which are processed by a monosta-
`ble multivibrator are electrical signal representation of
`the rate of change of acceleration (the second deriva-
`tive a vertical velocity. with respect to time) commonly
`knownas “‘jerk.” The distinct electrical impulses from
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`the accelerometer 16 are fed to a monostable multivi-
`erciser is exercising in place. The accumulator 32,as
`brator 17 which respondsto the distinct impulses and
`well as the accumulator25, is preferably adjustable so
`producesa train of regularly shaped pulses, the pulse
`as to accommodate different strides, the adjustment
`repetition rate corresponding to the repetition rate of
`being madebythe particular exerciser. The digital out-
`the distinct processed electrical impulses received from
`putsignal from the accumulator 32is fed toa digital-to-
`the accelerometer 16. The monostable multivibrator
`analog converter 33 which produces an analog output
`17 acts essentially as a pulse shaper.
`signal. The analog output signal from the converter 33
`A pulse rate comparator 18 hasafirst input opera-
`is fed to the second input terminal of the multiposition
`tively coupled to the output from the monostable multi-
`selector switch 36. Thus, an exerciser while exercising
`vibrator 17 and a second input coupled to the output
`may by manipulating the selector switch 36 provide an
`from a threshold clock pulse generator 20. The thresh-
`inputto the meter 27 directly representing the distance
`old clock puise generator 20 generatesa train of pulses
`of effective distance. In this case, the meter 27 would
`having a predetermined repetition rate which corre-
`be provided with a second scale which can be directly
`spondsto an exercise rate which is to be excluded from
`read in distance units.
`the computation of “aerobic” points. It is preferred
`The threshold clock pulse generator 20 has a second
`that the threshold clock pulse generator be settable to
`output, in the form of a train of pulses offixed repeti-
`one or another of three rates, the lowest rate being a
`tion rate, which is fed to a third accumulator 34. The
`threshold level for the earning of “aerobic” points by
`third accumulator 34 is operatively arranged to count
`walking, the highest rate being a threshold levelfor the
`the numberof pulses received from the threshold clock
`earning of points by running and the middle rate being
`pulse generator 20 andprovides a digital output signal
`a threshold level for earning points by jogging.
`indicative of the elapsed time of the exercise period.
`The pulse rate comparator 18 has two outputsignals.
`Thedigital output signal from the third accumulator 34
`A first output signal, which appears only when the
`is fed to a digital-to-analog converter 35 which, in turn,
`pulse repetition rate of the pulse from the multivibrator
`produces an analog output signal representative of
`17 is less than the pulse repetition rate of the pulse
`elapsed time. The output signal from the digital-to-
`from the clock pulse generator 20, is fed via an inhibit
`analog converter 35is fed to the third input terminalof
`gate 21 to a low frequency audio oscillator 22 asits en-
`the multiposition selector switch 36. During an exercise
`abling signal. The output of the low frequency audio
`period,an exerciser, again by manipulating the selector
`oscillator 22 is coupled to a drive coil 23 which drives
`switch 36, may select an input for the meter 27 which
`a speaker24.It is to be understood that the speaker 24
`directly represents the elapsed time. The meter 27, in
`andits associated drive coil 23 may be advantageously
`this case, has a third scale calibrated in time units.
`replaced by a small, lightweight ceramic transducer of
`A second from the accumulator 25, which appears
`known construction. Such transducers have high
`whenever.a given numberof “aerobic” points, for ex-
`acoustic output with low power input. Wheneveran ex-
`ample, one (1) or one-tenth (0.1), have been earned by
`erciser is performing at too low a rate to accumulate
`the exerciser as determined by the accumulator 25, is
`“aerobic” points in a selected regimen, as determined
`fed to the input of a monostable multivibrator 28. In
`by the output from the clock pulse generator 20, the
`turn, the multivibrator 28 produces two pulse output
`low frequency audio-oscillator 22 produces a distinct,
`signs in response to the output signal from, the accumu-
`low frequency outputsignal which is reproduced by the
`lator 25. The first output signal is fed to the inhibiting
`speaker 24 thereby signaling the exerciser to increase
`inputofthe inhibit gate 21 to prevent any enablingsig-
`the rate of his exercise activity for example,his jogging
`nal to pass to the low frequency audio-oscillator 22
`from the comparator 18. This first output signal pulse
`A seconddifference output signal from the rate com-
`from the multivibrator 28 is also fed to a high fre-
`parator 18, in the form of a train of pulses correspond-
`quency audio-oscillator 30 as its enabling signal. The
`ing to the positive difference between the train of
`outputof the high frequency audio-oscillator 30 is cou-
`pulses produced by the mutivibrator 17 and the train
`pled to the drive coil 23 which drives the speaker 24.
`producedby the clock pulse generator 20, appears only
`Thus, whenever an exerciser has earned the prepro-
`when the pulse repetition rate of the pulses from the
`grammed numberof“aerobic” points, for example one
`multivibrator 17 is equal to or greater than the pulse
`(1) or one-tenth (0.1),
`the high frequency audio-
`repetition rate of the pulses from the clock pulse gener-
`oscillator 30 produces a distinct high frequency output
`ator 20. This second output signal is fed to an accumu-
`signal which is reproduced by the speaker 24. In this
`lator 25 which is operatively arranged to count the
`manner, the exerciser determines that he has earned a
`numberof pulses and providea digital outputsignalin-
`given pointlevel. If his goal is to earn three (3) points
`dicative of the numberof “aerobic” points or thelike
`during one exercise period, for example, and the high
`being earned by the exerciser.
`frequency audio-oscillator responses to each earned
`The digital output signal from the accumulator 25 is
`point, he simply counts the numberof times the high
`fed to the input of a digital-to-analog converter. 26
`frequency toneis heard.
`which produces an analog output signal, the analog
`A second output signal pulse from the monostable
`output signal being fed, via the first input terminal of
`multivibrator 28 is fed to a reset gate 31 which, in turn,
`a multiposition selector switch 36, to a meter 27 which
`producesa reset signal for resetting the accumulators
`is calibrated and preferably includes a scale which can
`25, 32 and 34, andthe digital-to-analog converters 26,
`be directly read in ‘‘aerobic” points.
`33 and 35,
`The train of pulses from the monostable multivibra-
`The preferred embodimentofthe exercise measuring
`tor 17 are also fed to the input of a second accumulator
`and indicating device, as illustrated in FIG. 3, includes
`32 which is operatively arranged to count the number
`an accelerometer 37, an underdamped loaded cantile-
`of pulses and provides a digital output signal indicative
`ver piezo-electric crystal or the like. The accelerometer
`of the distance oreffective distance, in the case the ex-
`37 is operatively arranged to ring aB50: a series
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`Apple Inc. EX1011 Page 9


`of dampedoscillations, one dampedoscillatory wave
`being produced for each step taken by an exerciser.
`The output signals from the accelerometer 37 are fed
` amplitude comparator 38 via a unity gain, high
`input impedance amplifier 39. The function of the am-
`plitude comparator 38 is to comparethefirst derivative
`of vertical acceleration (jerk) produced by the just-
`taken step with the first derivative of the vertical accel-
`eration (jerk) of the preceding step. If the signal pro-
`duced by the present step does not reach a predeter-
`minedlevel, for example 50 percent, of the signal pro-
`duced by the previous step, the signal is rejected and
`not passed to a lockout circuit 40, preferably a one-
`shot multivibrator. This comparison functions essen-
`tially as a variable amplitude discriminator to reject low
`level and spurioussignals.
`The amplitude comparator 38 essentially passes a
`portion of the highest magnitude half wave signalit re-
`ceives from the amplifier 39 to the lockoutcircuit 40.
`The lockout circuit 40 is a one-shot multivibrator
`which produces an output pulse of approximately 0.2
`seconds duration for each sigrial it receives from the
`amplitude comparator 38. This 0.2 second pulse is fed
`to a clock controlcircuit 41 which,in turn, in response
`to the pulsesit receives produces, by integration, a vari-
`able direct. voltage control signal, the magnitude of
`which is directly related to the repetition rate of the
`input pulses. The variable direct voltage control signal
`from the controlcircuit 41 is fed to the threshold clock
`pulse generator 42 and is effective to vary the pulse
`repetition rate of its signal output thereby providing
`that at higher exercise rates a single event sensed by the
`accelerometer 37 represents a greater contribution to
`an “aerobic” point than at the lower rates. The output
`pulses from the clock pulse generator 42 are fed to a
`counter 43 which, in turn, provides a divided-by-four
`output pulse train to the first input of a rate comparator
`speaker 47 andits associated coil (unnumbered) may
`be replaced, if desired, by a ceramic transducer. Wher-
`ever an exerciser is performing at too low a rate toac-
`cumulate “aerobic” points in a selected regimen, the
`tone generator 45 responds, signaling the exerciser, via
`the speaker 47, to increase the rate of his activity, for
`example, his walking speed. It is to be understood that
`the tone generator 47 is not essentially element of this
`invention and may be omitted.
`A second difference output signal, in the form of a
`train of pulses, from the rate comparator 44 is fed to a
`first accumulator 48. This train of pulses has a repeti-
`tion rate determinedby the positive rate difference be-
`tween the train of pulses supplied from the lockoutcir-
`cuit 40 andthetrain of pulses supplied from the thresh-
`old clock pulse generator 42 via the divide-by-four out-
`put from the counter 43.
`The first accumulator 48 is a digital counter which
`respondsto the train of pulses it receives from the rate
`comparator 44 and provides, as its principal output, a
`coded digital signal, preferably in the form of a binary
`coded decimal signal representing one-tenth of an
`“aerobic” point. This binary coded decimal signal is
`fed to a decoder,In the form of a four-input AND gate
`49, which produces a pulse outputsignal for each accu-
`mulated tenth of an “aerobic” point. This pulse output
`signal is fed via a differentiator 50 to a three-input
`NORgate 51 which gates on an audio oscillator 52 pro-
`ducing an audio tone of short duration, such as a tenth
`of a second, so as to provide a “beep” upon the accu-
`mulation of every one-theth of an “aerobic”’ point. The
`“beep” sound is audibly produced in the speaker 47
`which receives an audio output from the gated audio
`oscillator 52 via the audio output driver 46.
`The decoder 49 also supplies a reset signal to thefirst
`accumulator 48 for resetting the accumulator 48 upon
`the occurrence of each tenth one of the accumulated
`tenths ofan “‘aerobic’’ point. It is to be understood that
`the first accumulator 48 is preferably adjustable so as
`to be accommodated to an individual exerciser’s stride.
`The decoder 49 aiso supplies eachofits pulse signals
`representing a tenth of an “‘aerobic” point to a second
`accumulator 53 which is a decade counter, responding
`to thetrain of pulses received from the decoder 49. The
`second accumulator 53, in turn, provides as its princi-
`pal output a coded digital signal, in the form of a binary
`coded decimal representing tenths of an ‘‘aerobic”’
`point. This binary coded decimal signal is fed, in bit
`parallel, to a decoder 54 which decodes the received
`binary coded decimal signal received from the second
`accumulator 53 into a seven segment coded signal
`which is fed to a conventional seven segmented liquid
`crystal display member 55, a decimal number being
`produced in the display member 55 which allows the
`exerciser to read his currently earned tenths of an “aer-
`obic” point during the period of exercising.
`The second accumulator 53 is provided with an out-
`put circut which produces a pulse output signal for
`each full ‘‘aerobic”’ point. This pulse output signal is
`fed to a differentiator 56. The output from the differen-
`tiator 50 is fed to the gated oscillator 52 via the NOR
`circuit 51. In response to the output from thedifferenti-
`ator 56, the gated oscillator 52 produces a distinct
`audio signal of greater duration that the duration of the
`tone produced for each tenth of an “aerobic” point.
`The duration of the audio signal produced by the gated
`oscillator 56 in responseto the signal from the differen-
`“Apple Inc. EX1011 Page 10
`A function of the one-shot lockoutcircuit 40, in addi- :
`tion to supplying an input to the control circuit 41, is
`to assure that the device of the present invention is im-
`mune to noise signals and other spurious signals which
`otherwise may appear shortly after the piezo-electric
`crystal forming the active part of the accelerometer 37
`rings and which otherwise would affect the output from
`the rate comparator 44.
`A second input of the rate comparator 44 is coupled
`to receive pulse signals from the one-shot lockoutcir-
`cuit 40. The threshold clock pulse generator 42, when
`not disabled by action of the control circuit 41, gener-
`ates a train of pulses having a predetermined repetition
`rate which corresponds to an exercise rate which is to
`be excluded from the computation of “‘aerobic”’ points.
`As in the embodiment shown in FIG. 2, the threshold
`clock pulse generator 42 is a generator whose rate can
`be varied or set to one or anotherof three basic rates
`depending on the type. of exercise involved, i.e., walk-
`ing, jogging or running. Asillustrated, the rate compar-
`ator 44 has two output signals. A first output signal,
`which appears only when the pulse repetition rate of
`the train of pulses from the lockoutcircuit 40 is less
`than the pulse repetition rate of the train of pulses from
`the counter 43, is fed to a low rate tone generator 45
`which produces a low frequency audio signal which is
`fed to an audio output driver 46 of a speaker 47, the
`audio output driver 46 has two. other inputs, which are
`to be explained below, and acts as a linear mixer. The
`Apple Inc. EX1011 Page 10


`tiator 56 may be, for example, of about one and one-
`half seconds in duration, as determined by the time
`constant of the differentiator 56. This audio signalis
`also audibly produced in the speaker 47 used to pro-
`duce the audible ‘beep’ mentioned above.
`The second accumulator 53 is not provided wi

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