`UNDER “rut AW or
`EDITOR mums
`G. Alder alum. M. D.
`2 Sway Place. Toronto. Chat
`555%”?! EMT”
`Charles Mt! Gamphefl. 14!. D.
`William Rush Danton.Jr..M. D.
`qui M. Kowma. ALI).
`Franklin (3. Ebaugh. M. 0.
`Thaophiie Raphael. M. D.
`Stanley Gohb. I“).
`Clarence 0. (Hum. u. 0.
`lizmy Suck Sullivan. H.9-
`Alvin T. ninth-ls, H. D.
`Anton J. RM. II. D.
`italic! I... Trudy”. I. Do
`Sililfll If. Hamilton. ll. D.
`FORMER ”"035
`John P. a...
`T. Danna lick. II. D.
`. H. D.
`Mum fir!
`G. Milt flaunt. M D. Elem Iii-fl. II. D. May fl. “and. A. D.
`“The u" of the human mind it Ila than both lunch a! mainf—Gunsw
`Page 1 of 20
`Page 1 of 20


`19: Both Gammon (puss
`I'. I. I.
`Page 2 of 20
`Page 2 of 20


`1mm. my.
`I. Wml. Am; Mm ll Putnam. C. Huh
`Can-M ....................................................
`A Hm m: m qunv PWA'II at him Um“ I: Hm».
`mm Walm HHMIMMa-dlflulmln
`Tm: Enter or Bums: 5mm w Clint)! m
`Mum. Sum. Pun-cw 6‘. Sch». 1!. C. Helium-I3 C. 8.
`Tu» and .4. 113mm .......................................
`mum at Cam In: hare-um Lam“ M;
`Bradley ..................................................... n
`51!. Yum 21mm Imu NW Tm In W.
`HeroldflPQEI-Incnll’mtm................... y
`7. Hrmm mun Pmm. Warm-T. Mud“
`5mm on 1W 1W Firm
`Tn: Psmmmc HAM-mums an ”mm m 1
`KW P. mun........................... I;
`Tum ..
`Uzi: or 11mm III III:Wu
`Bum Jim W................................. m
`Rmcmflmml'mmnm Rm Yum 3mm
`3mm him .11. Run ................................... m
`E!” mm m Emma: 1mm in m
`puma. 8m KW. um Hmmmnd
`mm Imam Tmm w mm 1%
`Wm.xm mmmbmmlml.
`3W ............................................... I”
`mm um um Bumvm 3mm MW or
`I’m. W H. Yaw and
`L. Numb ............................ . .................... Ifi
`m M Chub ................................... Ir:
`Tmm at human Sm Hm 1. Iain............... In
`Tum Hm Hum D. Em CW and
`Huh: 4. Rubin................................... . ....... 1.8.3
`Page 3 of 20
`Page 3 of 20


`War Prophylaxis.—Psychiatry at the First Internalimal Com
`fat-once on Fever Therapy ..................................... #38
`:1. News AND Notes:
`Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association—Calendar of
`Psychiatric Meetings.”The Amerim College of Physician 1953
`Meeting.”Residmocs in Neuronsychiau'y.mfiufllu of Hm
`Heredity. Londun"American Associatisa on Mental Deficiency.--
`Meeting" of the Academy of Physical Medicine .................. 222
`:3. Boos szmws:
`Administrative Psychiatry. W illionu J. Bryan ................... 339
`Twins: A Shady of Heredity and Enviralment. H. H. New,
`Frame N. Freeman and Kori J. Hoisting" ..................... 230
`Practical Examination of Personality and Behavior Disorders.
`Kenneth E. rifle! cold Eduard A. Stacker ................... 2.3:
`Psychological Studies of Hum Variability. Walter R. Kiln,
`Editor ................................................... 231
`Prostitution: An Investigation of Its Cameo, Ele with Ron
`gal-d to Heredizuy Factors.1‘ooe Km} .................... 23.:
`Hints to Probatiooers in Hamil Hospitals. Rid-en! Eager”
`Prisons and Beymd. Sanford Bole: ............................ 335
`Esau star la Schizoohuie. Jacques Detour-d .................... 215
`The Mwnlly III"III mike. A History of Theix Cue end Trut-
`meoi from Colonial Times. Albert Drum); ................... 339
`13.11! Mum:
`S. A. Kinnie'r Wilma. G. M. C................................ m
`Semen. logo.
`1. Tue Common Aoume Rumor. Will-”on 6. Leona: ........... as:
`a. Fmsosxs in Room Diocese. To: Use or Orphan Moms.
`Earl D. am and From-i; J. 31mm: ......................... .163
`a... 3. To: Sm“. To: lxnmnuu. no H15 Home; mm. W.
`Lloyd Warner ............................................... 275
`4. Exmws Rem-non Turns to Boom ism. (Damion
`Fm) B. H. Snow”... .......... . ..................... is
`s. Tue Cm or Exm‘umm. Funnies mm Mum Coniwms.
`Dom C. With“ ............................................. 29g
`6. A Review or On; Huum no anFwe Cues or Am
`Elm-Arm Seven YEAH. Leslie 8. Hum............ go;
`1AM [nuance or Deuenm Pmcmca. NW C. Paternal... .goo
`8 Emma Rumsmuoss In (Room 1W3. In» C
`WW ................................................. an
`9. 5m Psvonmmc Am or Bum Comm in P. Km” :17
`lo. Lumen? mu: rue Moos. Cori E. Tron .....................
`ll. Nunmo Eoucxnon. Hey Kennedy ............................. 345
`Page 4 of 20
`Page 4 of 20


`12. Tu; Inflamft Tmrmt or Senizorumu In“ a an
`Cm Emmi Fm .................................... m
`:3. Hum 2mm Fm“ Lem: Puma. A Can km.
`N. R. Cm ................................................. m
`14. Pm" Cam In San». Rmmcnm Sm“ W. Hut-Ill m
`:5. Tu: firm our tax Sfluuwc Wm Um um Sm nu m
`Wynn-m Tm. Nmu C. Kerb-n w H. flu
`Hacks: ................................................... m
`16. Tu mmmw Fawn—Pm ”A Bar. Silva Tin-thou an
`17. Putnam or 5mm:
`PM” a! Himety-Third Am! m d 11!”: Autism
`Psychiatric AW ...................................... 43;
`18. W Senmm: m or we Num‘l'nm ”WM.
`Km“ w Tn: Autumn Psvcuum Amun- cu Com
`um Rm ............................................. a;
`:9. Conan:
` we» in New York and We...»
`.. FI‘IW.PJ'"Mi
`dDr.\¥iith.Tm ..................................... m
`an. Nx-wuunflm:
`m—mwaamw. “ml-PM
`Opium-“Fm Am Im-W
`Valley HMMAMWW ..... A
`PWHIIIIWM Imiflm..... . ...... fl
`ummmwrm. Wfidm ...... m
`MWUWW. REM .......... a
`5mm: AMoIth-m lie-3M
`............................................ m
`................................... a
`New Light);
`m1» 1W li'illiiull Halt:
`“mp. m.................................... at
`“MMHWTM mum .......... m
`mm Mllmmlmfim. Tm
`I magma Km £10th................... an
`lil’ 31mm:
`Imflmfim memm ......................... in
`NM 1m.
`:. CmmstmmmemmAmgv
`m I'm: m m lum. AM scum-nut”
`”Nunavut...” .......................................... m
`Page 5 of 20
`Page 5 of 20


`PUML Psvcuosnn mo Tum Snoru..r.. Louis 1. Romania and
`Justin M. Hope .............................................. 537
`Unmann- or FAHILY Cut In New You Sure. Rings 6.
`Hubbtfl ..................................................... 55:
`Mani-u. Rue-mus nun Tam MANAGIIIIIIT iii Psi-luvs wmi
`CAIDIAC DISEASE. P. H. Drm. In. and Joint: H. Wei! ........ 96:
`Ton Heisman or claims Recemuo Bantam". Charla
`Bradley ..................................................... 377
`Tm: Em or Emu-mm: Svunm on 18!. [amnion-sits. Sculls
`or Cnmu. Hauling Molitdi and AW K. Eula ........... 97
`A Psvcmnfluc STUDY or RICIDWIS'I’I. Charles B. flea-um ...... 591
`MENTAL Cannons Fawwmo flu Remove; or use RIGHT le- ...\
`uni. Hkfllfl'flm Ion Bum “fusion. Stuart N. Rm .......... 605
`Harem on lnmmwcc mu Foul. LESIONS iii-inns use
`(2cm Pen or 1"!!! Lim- (Immune Hfilflsfllm Leland B.( ”Ni
`Alford ......................................................
`Somme AllY‘l'Al. AS A Summon iron Tune Feminism. William H.
`Foley and Vincent P. Ramona ................. . ..... . ....... 639
`Panes“ Arm Huston. David M. Levy ....................... 643
`Conn Assn-sis as n Tmnutqvc iii to: lumonnous or
`Memes. uneasiness. Maroon: W. Gmrd ................... 65;
`(2mm Psvcumnv. 1m: 5'. Pine: ............................. 665
`Soul: Tunes-now: Putnam Amman no PSYCflIn‘fllC Woes:
`mm Coma. Frederick H. Allen ........................... 67:
`Ali Euwnflox or can Tsunam- or PM Cums: as
`Dmmnco IV A me-UP Scum. Ham W. Pam-- and
`[infinite R. Klein ........................................... 631
`PM Can-blur Gunman Ur. Ln Kai-m ...................
`. MENTAL Cannons
`luaunmo Mfiuln ”I n Psmr urn-Ii E\
`Siam Out. Ancient. Bum Ham and S. H. Kraut: .....
`The Problem of the Sea: cam ............................
`News sun Nam:
`Graduate Course in Psychietric Nursing.--Soudinrn mm
`[lamination-m Psydiiettic Associetimw—Dr. 1w Gives
`Terry Lectures at Yeltmniphmhs of Iii: AM Bill!!! of
`Psychiatry uni Neurology. Inna—Dr. Joseph E. Build! ID DWI
`Michigan Sm: Hospital Commission.---Second Insunetionni Con-
`em on Mme! HygienemAmman Public Ham: Ail-mission
`Matting. immD'r. Watching Appointed SW of Pil-
`grim Shite Hospital—Dr. Travis Apooinied We; oi
`Willard Sm Rupiah—Dr. Ziegler Emma Associelc Radial
`Dim oI Nilmukoe SenitedMW-Sociel Hmiene Dem-«Md:-
`visory Board for undies] Specialties end Gm Medical
`Edmtim.—-Sociometry. A Journal oi Inter—Pam Relational."-
`First International Comm: on Guild Psychiury.isychietfl:
`Journal of the Biology and Pathology of buns-personal Rchtions.. 72in
`Page 6 of 20
`Page 6 of 20


`no. Bushmws:
`.................................................. 737
`Therutd‘I‘heWuthn; cmvmmm
`vatvwm: WiflkuPetrurI ........................... m
`CueinhmfiWflMflPe-fleehm...... 7:3
`The Mutant Fm at
`the Pram! m m H.
`WWWWM Mfimmu I":
`Bridfler ..................................................
`TheflmfiimMfimme G W
`Scan ................................................... 3‘
`mwmmwmhm 3mm!
`Terr-garnet .............................................. 74.
`Mm ......... . ......................................... 753
`V. mm and Alan: Cm:.........
`........... m
`JRNL’AIV. 1938.
`I. LuumSeumar [1:ch 11!. Lemming-unfit. K.
`HMH . .............................................. 759
`2 CmmWAmn-mtmumm
`mam Men-me-............................. In
`3. Wnrmtummhmwmhrmv
`Drum MW.................................... 3m
`4. Inwemqmmhmnnummrwa
`3mm ................................................. has
`MHMHJWMIHC‘NM............... I.”
`6. .amHmfimm NmLM........ m
`7. Mum Dem m hum 1m; Page........................ m
`I. Haitian“... fixatimuuuu ...................... any
`9. anmm err m hm er WA.
`Mummmmmwm Hum........ in
`to. Vmumt (2 51mm m We. Hm mm. S. W
`Wmhedpmrl.flm................................. I”
`Page 7 of 20
`Page 7 of 20


`ll. Amuxsls or SI'DKEN LASGL’AGE or PA"? x15 wrm Am“ Dua-
`m Stanley NW and Vera G. Mather ................... 9'»!
`12. A Renew or rm: Wan: ox Exm-Szxsnn Pam-nos. 0an L.
`...................................................... ya )
`13. COHKEETS on 1):. Wme’s Renew. I. B. Rbiur ................. _ 7
`:4. Nsvwsns AND Neuwrsvcnoszs. Abraham ”germ .............. fit
`15. Count“:
`in Massachmelts.—-Anmnl Meeting of
`Continued ”meet
`American Public Huith Association ........................... 905
`:6. News um Nuns:
`American Orthopsychiatric Association Annual Meeting—Rer-
`pnn of Nomimting Committee—Jim American Physkilns' Art
`Association.«—Dipla.mates of the American Bond 0! Psychiatry
`and Neurology. Inn-"Jasmin (Salim—Harlem Valley Sun:
` Course at the Menuhin:- Oink—California’s
`Fire—Year Study Program for Graduate: in Medicine ........... 991
`:7. Boon: Rev-mars:
`Methods of Treatment. Logan Cicada-rug ...................... 997
`The Hm Mind. Karl A. Mann-yer ........................ yyli
`Die Psychische Impotenz {In Manna. Edmund Brrglrr .......... lam
`Sixtwaini Annual Report of Statistics of CW and Other 0(-
`{ennes for the Year Ending September an. 3935 ................ rm;
`A Text-Book 01 Mental Defieimey. A. V. Tulsa“ ............. rm
`Biological Time. P. Lemmy: drl Naiy ........................ [M
`Our Children in a Gunning World: An Outline 0! Practical Gui-
`dance. Erwin Wrxbrrg and Henry E. Friurb ................. {m
`Annualio deila Pmtificia Academia Dells 5cm ............... 1M
`:8. hr Managua:
`Alfred Adler. 1870-1937. Otya Knopf .......................... nnny
`“RICH. '9”.
`1. Km: Camus Muses or mem Pmnus mm Tnm
`Commences. Leo Knmr ................................. mu
`2. Tu; Exmmexuu. qumm um um Plan-ml or Mum. ms.
`_ mm H. S. LEM“.................. . ..... . ................ 1035
`3. Ismfixmtmmn: “rue Cancun um Tum Canaan. Use.
`R. H. Collier and Minna Each ............................... 1m
`4. Tue Armmu. or lama; an» Farm Fae-mes Am
`Cm Dannie 13 Cum. Bram Cram: and 51mm
`Lard ................................................. . . . . . . 1m
`5. Tn: Oran Sun; or Hmummmus. 1mm Lung ........... rain
`6. A knew or “me Rustin-I mu me Eumum or M
`Tamer It: ran Tmruexr or Nemrmms Ill rite PM
`Sun Bowen. um F. Boyd, W. K. Simian-Thom, S. F.
`mum and W. H. Kappa ................................... um
`Page 8 of 20
`Page 8 of 20


`7. Hummus! Fun at Puum Pmcflmnms Am: or tn
`Cm Cm: Wm was Mm. Wm.
`am I. Am ......................................... Ins
`8. A Confined“: Cass-mm or Cums Hum». muss.
`Karl H. Rm ............................................ n4!
`9. 51-511mm Cantu-amass man "in mam; Hm: Sww
`wumtumsflnml msnmummnm WM.
`Coki- did M 5. Farm ................................. I153
`no. Tm Damn-mm me or nu Manta Tm. 1m 0.
`Min-flu and Emilia G. amt; ............................ no:
`1:. Sam. Curacao. an Hum m or m Bum
`Baum-1m lmp‘ Hugh's. W A. Samba and KM
`5. Jpn! ................................................... "ZEL- 3
`:2. Wm harem Hindu H. AMI".................. nip
`1;. Munnmls‘t‘nu Emmwmrqufl-rm
`um 1mm at Emmv m CW. Hm F. HM
`and Hour 6% ........................................... was
`14. Sam Dan or "II Pflcmc I‘m at In: A» m m
`Pnunm. 1,. Hum ...................................... m5
`:5. chnum Hum" an Mm u: Cm Har-
`wfl H. Sum ............................................. 1m
`AWmWWm Dam—“FM...... tm
`l9. Emmi:
`mumummsmnm WM
`msmmrw ............................... m
`MRWMMMWWMTM ......... nm
`WhchflnltWCHm ........................... 1354
`[at ”mm:
`Hmflmlmcmwwfiulnm........ um
`Page 9 of 20
`Page 9 of 20


`MAY. 1938.
`.-l. Mat-
`Pants-.15. AN ANALYSIS or 51! Tatum Casts. Reba-rt
`thews, Robrfi .S'. Boakhmrlmr and William H. 1:10? ............. 1259
`Amvsnram nun 11's Linn-s. Eagra Kali: ...................... 1277
`Custom-unaware (Susanna-nous Iva: mustn't-1M. DIAGIIOSIS
`Bus-wax Jeanna: Paums an Oran Fouls or EHCEPKAU‘flI.
`A. Fma, S. E. Barrera and H. 5'. Guam .................... 1291
`Ans-mac: a: "On: Human» Yuma arr Nox-Rummt.” E. Mao
`ringer and Mryrr A. AMI]? .................................. 137’
`Tu: Puaauncozancm. "SHOCK" Tmmwr a: Cams“: Scum)-
`PHREKIA. I. Murray Ram and William 8. Clint ............. am
`()nsuvamms u: rm: vauczmc Tmmnrr or 55 Can: or
`Scnlzm'unmn. Dan}! Rm" ............................. um
`. Tmmwr or Parmesan wmn Pmuummxflmtm. H. M.
`NmPnydIiau-ic 11»!th of the Hatfield WWW
`Gamma, E. F. Dombrmnfl. J. V. Edith. A. P. Bay. C. I.
`MrCo'fiy and J. H’tiubrrg ..................................... I”
`81.0!» (25:11:an Canaan; Occvmnm Ia ma Tun-natal? or Pvt-
`tummy: Hutu. [Manama II 11mm Comumm. S.
`Mower, H. 0. Wilt-1. C. M. Marbtry, B. Stardéln and M. L.
`...................................................... 1355
`Rum; Van-m: m m: Tsunami: or Eran“. [More Fish!-
`man, Alex. J. Aririf and Malaria A. Srbilhr .................... 1363
`THE Us: or Ismnuovs Hartman: Bum “I Sums Coleman!»
`“35. Ludo Kajdl' and Chan-la V. Tudor........................ :fi
`Sunmcan. Comaurmxs mu m: Kantian. Harman: Swan: at
`m: Emma Hanna Dram a: Mum II. Put-nous
`m rug Eastman Hum-n Dunner 8mm 1!. CM and Ruth
`B. Firm ............................................... 13;"
`TH: Mme Huntsman or Our-natal: an Cinnamon. Paul
`.................................................... law
`Tm: Parmnuaamc Cumming: or Pmmw Tun. Em
`u! E. Hadley ................................................ “l7
`Psrcnmaaamc Cuumauflmrs to ma Calm w Hum
`Tum. N. Lame! Blimm .................................... ml
`Tn: Pau‘uanmr or 11!: Susan Wain-v RM: and 3m
`Km .................................................... I“!
`Pm Gun» Simulations m Mauro-Datum": Pamufi. Edw
`de. SWMLIIME. Hm ......................... [459
`Tribune to Dr. Jelli.flc.-—'fhe Syndrm o! I“ in the Aim m4.”
`Haws am Non-n:
`Tmty-Fiith Mniwrnary of the Henry Phipps Farm
`Clinic.—Teuth Imtimnl um (2mm hr PM
`—Cooperativ: AW human-.11 Weflcyan UniImity Md the
`Page 10 of 20
`Page 10 of 20


`Sockiyd St, W “ml—Fifth
`m .................................................... [an
`I9. BMW:
`mamanxmm Emu-Sclwn .................. m4
`MWTM. EMHSW,AW........ [as
`Fundudlhrx. swam .............................. ms
`ToWuNmmWMlfl.Mt .................. £416
`mumnm lniwfl. Pm ....................... m
`The W and Pm: a! Clinical W11“
`flunk ................................................... ml
`ThumYmrfi-mkoiflm. hMflW-m
`an. Ilium:
`a]. Annulum ................................................ W
`Page 1 1 of 20
`Page 11 of 20


`M. D.,
`to have
`of benzedrine
`the mood
`so far
`a generally
`to provide
`a very
`a matter
`the Emma
`in Dementia
`for Research
`U. S. A.
`by a grant
`Page 12 of 20


`a month.
`to the
`to the
`by ward
`a period
`a special
`she was
`10 was
`a daily
`5 to
`in school
`in most
`few of
`as much
`in the
`a great
`of many
`to the medi-
`it was
`Page 13 of 20


`a change,
`in mind
`it must
`in many
`it was
`In many
`of well-being;
`no means
`in group
`in their
`of well-
`of mild
`seem to do things
`to make
`is done,”
`a widening
`in things
`a diminished
`to cry much
`to wear
`A variety
`in my
`the week
`Page 14 of 20


`ing more
`As was
`the medication
`in motor
`the ward.
`a stimulant
`A drug
`in motor
`to measure
`is extremely
`his mood
`of motor
`A few
`to the
`so stimulated
`in general
`a worried
`as having
`he might
`not manifested
`It will
`be noted
`little mention
`the patients’
`he was
`been mentioned.
`been made
`of benzedrine.
`to the
`12 may
`Page 15 of 20


`as would
`in the
`the week’s
`in adults,
`in but
`a result
`by malaise,
`45 minutes
`or more
`the majority
`6 to
`a period
`the morning
`It was
`a satisfactory
`20 mg. was
`few of
`a trial
`20 mg.,
`10 mg.
`Page 16 of 20


`20 mg.,
`on this
`of any
`no response
`them showed
`boy who
`30 mg.
`or weights
`to benzedrine.
`the most
`a greater
`a most
`a capable
`a practical
`that most
`in the
`in mind,
`the medication.
`a stimulant
`to be
`a drug
`Page 17 of 20


`by electro-
`is suggested
`be the
`this may
`of whose
`It may
`in a number
`a stimulat-
`a great
`low toxicity
`in this

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