`Using the LIS3L02AQ Accelerometer
`Ron Goldman
`The Sun SPOT demo sensor board includes an LIS3L02AQ accelerometer that can be used to measure
`the orientation or motion of the SPOT. This application note describes how to use and calibrate the
`LIS3L02AQ accelerometer.
`The LIS3L02AQ is a low-power, three-axis linear accelerometer that is mounted on the demo sensor board of the
`Sun SPOT. The accelerometer can be used to measure the motion of the SPOT. It can also measure the SPOT's
`orientation with respect to gravity. The Z-axis is perpendicular to the Sun SPOT boards. The X-axis is parallel to
`the row of LEDs on the sensor board. The Y-axis is parallel to the long edge of the sensor board.
`Figure 1. Accelerometer X, Y and Z axes
`In Figure 1, the plus (+) on the end of an axis indicates that when the device's acceleration vector increases in
`that direction, the associated accelerometer readings will grow larger. If the SPOT is sitting flat on a table then
`the acceleration due to the Earth's gravity will be 1g along the positive Z-axis, and 0g along the X and Y axes.
`Note that while gravity is pointing down (along the negative Z-axis) this is equivalent to a uniform upwards
`acceleration of 1g according to the Einstein equivalence principle even though the SPOT is not moving.
`The LIS3L02AQ accelerometer consists of a Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) sensor element that is
`displaced from its nominal position when a linear acceleration is applied, causing an electrical imbalance that
`is read via the demo sensor board's analog-to-digital converter. The raw voltage value is then converted to
`g-force units. The accelerometer can be set to measure accelerations over a scale of either ± 2g or ± 6g. For a
`full description of the technical specifications of the LIS3L02AQ accelerometer please refer to the
`STMicroelectronics documentation available at
`The SPOT library includes both the IAccelerometer3D interface that defines the basic methods that any
`three-axis accelerometer should support, and the LIS3L02AQAccelerometer class that implements that
`interface along with several other methods specific to the LIS3L02AQ.
`The Basic IAccelerometer3D API
`The basic methods used to read the current acceleration in G's along each axis are getAccelX(),
`getAccelY() and getAccelZ(). A fourth method, getAccel(), returns the magnitude of the current total
`acceleration, ∣a∣. This is the vector sum of the acceleration along the X, Y & Z axes, ∣a∣= ax
`2.2  ay2  az
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` Page 2 Using the LIS3L02AQ Accelerometer
`Here is a code fragment that will loop until the acceleration along the X-axis exceeds ¼ g:
` IAccelerometer3D acc = EdemoBoard.getInstance().getAccelerometer();
` while (true) {
` double ax = acc.getAccelX();
` if (ax >= 0.25) {
` System.out.println(“X acceleration above threshold: ” + ax);
` break;
` }
` Util.sleep(250); // check every 1/4 second
` }
`Here's another fragment to detect when the SPOT is in motion by checking for the total acceleration to deviate
`from the 1g of gravity:
` public boolean isMoving() throws IOException {
` double mag = acc.getAccel();
` return Math.abs(mag – 1.0) >= 0.1;
` }
`Measuring relative acceleration
`Another set of methods, getRelativeAccelX(), getRelativeAccelY(), getRelativeAccelZ() and
`getRelativeAccel(), return the current acceleration relative to a previously measured acceleration. This
`allows one to zero out the force of gravity on the SPOT and measure the relative acceleration only. The
`method, setRestOffsets(), computes the current acceleration along each axis and saves it, establishing a
`new zero reading to be used by the above methods. Here is the above code example rewritten using the
`relative acceleration routines:
` acc.setRestOffsets(); // zero out the current forces on the SPOT
` public boolean isMoving() throws IOException {
` return acc.getRelativeAccel() >= 0.1;
` }
`Measuring tilt
`A third set of methods, getTiltX(), getTiltY() and getTiltZ(), use the acceleration along an axis in order
`to compute the inclination, or tilt, of that axis with respect to the total acceleration the SPOT is experiencing. If
`the SPOT is at rest then the tilt is measured with respect to gravity.
`total acceleration
`tilt angle

`Figure 2. Computing the tilt
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` Page 3 Using the LIS3L02AQ Accelerometer
`As shown in Figure 2 the tilt angle can be computed as Ɵ = arcsin  aaxis∣a∣  where Ɵ is the tilt angle measured
`), aaxis is the acceleration measured along the given axis, and ∣a∣ is
` to 
`in radians (with a range of −
`the total acceleration.
`Here is a code example to measure the tilt of the SPOT and display the tilt in the LEDs like a bubble in a level:
` public void demoBubbleLevel() {
` for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
` // turn off all LEDs
` leds[i].setOff();
` leds[i].setColor(LEDColor.BLUE); // set them to be blue when lit
` }
` while (true) {
` try {
` int tiltX = (int)Math.toDegrees(acc.getTiltX()); // returns [-90, +90]
` int offset = -tiltX / 15; // so bubble goes to higher side [6, -6]
` if (offset < -3) offset = -3; // clip angle to range [3, -3]
` if (offset > 3) offset = 3;
` leds[3 + offset].setOn(); // use 2 LEDs to display "bubble""
` leds[4 + offset].setOn();
` Utils.sleep(50); // update 20 times per second
` leds[3 + offset].setOff(); // clear display
` leds[4 + offset].setOff();
` } catch (IOException ex) {
` System.out.println("Error reading accelerometer: " + ex);
` }
` }
` }
`The above example is installed with the Sun SPOT SDK and can be found in:
`For most SPOT programs the functionality defined by IAccelerometer3D will be all that is needed.
`The LIS3L02AQAccelerometer API
`The LIS3L02AQ accelerometer can be set to measure accelerations over a scale of either ± 2g or ± 6g. The
`method setScale(int) is used to select the desired scale. it takes one argument, either the constant
` LIS3L02AQAccelerometer acc =
` acc.setScale(LIS3L02AQAccelerometer.SCALE_2G);
`// use the 2G scale
`The method getCurrentScale() returns an integer (either SCALE_2G or SCALE_6G) indicating which scale is
`currently selected. The method getScales() returns an array of integers, { 2, 6 }, that list the scales the
`accelerometer supports. Note that the constants, SCALE_2G and SCALE_6G, can be used as indices into this
`array. So after the code snippet above to select the 2G scale, the statement:
` int scale = acc.getScales()[acc.getCurrentScale()];
`would set the variable scale to a value of 2.
`The methods getRawX(), getRawY() and getRawZ() are used to get the raw voltage values read from each axis
`of the accelerometer. They return a value in the range 0 to 1023. To convert this value to G's requires two
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` Page 4 Using the LIS3L02AQ Accelerometer
`steps: subtracting off the zero offset value for that axis which will shift the range to –offset to +offset, and then
`dividing by the gain for the axis to scale the value to G's.
`a = raw − zeroOffset
`The nominal zero offset value is 465.5 and the nominal gain for the 2G scale is 186.2, while for the 6G scale it is
`The routines getZeroOffsets() and getGains() each return a two-dimensional array, [2][3], giving the
`values for each axis at each scale. The routine getRestOffsets() returns a similar array containing the offsets
`for computing the relative acceleration. So the code to convert from a raw value into G's looks like:
` int scale = acc.getCurrentScale();
` double[][] gains = acc.getGains();
` double[][] zeroOffsets = acc.getZeroOffsets();
` double[][] restOffsets = acc.getRestOffsets();
` double accX = (acc.getRawX() - zeroOffsets[scale][0]) / gains[scale][0];
` double relX = (acc.getRawX() - restOffsets[scale][0]) / gains[scale][0];
`The zero offset and gain of each axis can differ by ±10% from one accelerometer to the next, or between axes
`of the same accelerometer. To get the greatest accuracy it is important to calibrate each SPOT's accelerometer
`as described below. Once the proper gains and zero offset values have been determined they can be passed to
`the accelerometer code with the methods setZeroOffsets(double[2][3]) and setGains(double[2][3]).
`There is also the routine setRestOffsets(double[2][3]) that can be used to specify the offsets for
`calculating the relative acceleration. The method saveCalibration() takes the current arrays of gains, zero
`offsets and rest offsets and saves them to the flash memory on the demo board. When the accelerometer code
`is initialized it tries to read the calibration values back in—if they do not exist it will default to using the
`nominal values.
`The LIS3L02AQ accelerometer has a self-test mode that is described in the Sun SPOT Theory of Operation
`document. The routine to enter/exit self-test mode is selfTest(boolean). The routine isInSelfTest()
`returns true if the accelerometer is currently in self-test mode.
`The final method that needs mention is reset(), which ensures that the accelerometer is not in self-test mode
`and also sets it to use the 2G scale.
`Calibrating the accelerometer
`A simple way to determine the correct zero offset and gain for a given axis of the accelerometer is to take two
`readings, one with the axis pointing straight upwards and one with it pointing straight downwards. Since both
`reading are aligned with gravity the average of the two readings is the zero offset, while one half of the
`difference between the two readings is the proper gain. This needs to be done for both scales.
`The zero offset value can also be computed by taking a reading when an axis is perpendicular to the Earth’s
`gravity—when one axis is pointing up or down the other two axes will read zero acceleration.
`An application to do this calibration is part of the Sun SPOT SDK. It can be found in the Demos directory in the
`CalibrateAccelerometer folder. If you deploy it to a SPOT and run it you will be able to calibrate the
`SPOT's accelerometer. The program uses 6 LEDs to indicate which orientations need to be calibrated (red) and
`which already have (green). When the SPOT's orientation lines up with an uncalibrated orientation the
`corresponding LED will turn white. To make a reading along the current orientation press switch 1 (just below
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` Page 5 Using the LIS3L02AQ Accelerometer
`the LEDs on the left). The SPOT will signal that it is about to take a reading (flashing LEDs) and then for each
`axis take the average of 50 readings at the 2G scale, and then again using the 6G scale. If the SPOT's print
`output is being displayed, then the minimum, maximum and average values for each axis and scale will be
`printed. When readings have been taken along all 6 orientations the computed zero offsets and gains values
`will be printed.
`This calibration process is done twice. The second time uses the values from the first to tighten the constraints
`on what is an acceptable orientation.
`After the calibration process the accelerometer performs a self test (blue LEDs)—push switch 1 to start. If it
`passes then the calibration values, will be stored as persistent properties in the demo sensor board's Flash
`memory and used whenever a SPOT application uses the accelerometer in the future.
`A Word on Sampling Rates
`The rate at which an application needs to read the accelerometer will vary greatly and depends on the type of
`accelerometer data being measured. For an application concerned with measuring the SPOT's orientation a
`sample rate of 10-20 readings per second will usually suffice; likewise for gesture recognition. For measuring
`the motion of the SPOT when mounted in a toy slot car, a rate of 100 readings per second was more than
`adequate. If one wishes to measure vibrations then the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem tells us that the
`sampling frequency needs to be greater than twice the signal bandwidth. The question then is how high a
`sample rate is possible.
`Figure 3 shows the various components involved in reading accelerometer values.
`ARM9 processor
`x zy
`and hold
`LIS3L02AQ accelerometer
`Figure 3. Components involved in reading the accelerometer
`The MEMS sensors of the LIS3L02AQ accelerometer are capable of measuring accelerations over a maximum
`bandwidth of 4.0 KHz for the X and Y axis and 2.5KHz for the Z axis. They are sampled internally at 66KHz. To
`implement low-pass filtering for antialiasing and noise reduction each output pin from the accelerometer has a
`capacitor to provide a simple, single-pole low-pass filter. The capacitor used on the SPOT demo sensor board is
`0.01µF which results in a cutoff frequency of 160Hz. Replacing this capacitor one can raise the cutoff frequency
`to 2.5KHz.
`The ADT7411 analog-to-digital converter can operate in either a round-robin or single channel mode. Reading a
`single channel it can perform a conversion every 45 microseconds, a sampling rate of 22.2KHz. In round-robin
`mode the a-to-d converts each of its 8 analog inputs every 579 microseconds, yielding a sampling rate of
`The SPOT application running on the ARM9 processor takes about 124 microseconds to read a single raw
`accelerometer value from the a-to-d, which gives a maximum sampling rate of 8.1KHz. To also convert these to
`G's takes 151 microseconds per reading for a maximum sampling rate of 6.6KHz. Reading raw values for all
`three axes requires 370 microseconds, a sampling rate of 2.7KHz. Converting to G's takes 460 microseconds for
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` Page 6 Using the LIS3L02AQ Accelerometer
`all three axes, or 2.2KHz. These maximum sample rates are only possible if the SPOT application is 100%
`dedicated to reading the accelerometer. If any other computation is performed in other threads that will
`decrease the sample rate and introduce jitter in when samples are taken and possibly even cause missed
`Putting all of these factors together implies that the maximum sample rate is 320Hz, or slightly higher, to
`match up with the cutoff frequency of 160Hz. This means taking a set of readings every 3 .125 milliseconds,
`which is a rate that can be sustained and still allow for other computation to be done---including real-time
`analysis of the incoming accelerometer values. If radio packets are sent while reading the accelerometer, it
`might cause a sample period to be missed as it takes about 4 milliseconds to send a packet. Sample readings
`may also be lost due to garbage collection, though since a generational collection scheme is used by the
`Squawk Java VM, the expected delays from GC are only about 20-30 milliseconds.
`Replacing the capacitor to raise the cutoff frequency to 850Hz would allow all three axes to be read at a
`maximum rate of 1.7KHz. If only a single axis needs to be read then it should be possible to read one channel
`at a rate of 5KHz after raising the cutoff frequency to 2.5KHz---though at this rate samples could probably only
`be taken for a limited time.
`Note: To learn how to take samples at regular intervals please refer to the Sun SPOT Application Note on Using
`the AT91 Timer/Counters.
`About Sun Labs
`Established in 1990, Sun Microsystems Laboratories is the applied research and advanced development arm of
`Sun Microsystems, Inc., with locations in California and Massachusetts. Sun Labs is one of the ways Sun invests
`in the future, and is responsible for many of the technology advancements that have made Sun a technology
`powerhouse—including asynchronous and high-speed circuits, optical interconnects, 3rd-generation Web
`technologies, sensors, network scaling and Java technologies. Although many companies have R&D groups,
`Sun Labs can claim one of the highest rates of technology transfer in the industry.
`Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA Phone 1-650-960-1300 or 1-800-555-9SUN Web
`©2007 Sun Microsystems Inc. All rights reserved Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo,Solaris, Java, and HotSpot is are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All
`SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. in the US and other countries. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an architecture developed by
`Sun Microsystems, Inc. 02/23/07
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