United States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Aug. 4, 1998
`Inventor: Dan Kikinis. Saratoga, Calif.
`[73] Assignee: Elonex LP. Holdings, Ltd.. London.
`United Kingdom
`[21] Appl. No.: 725,183
`[22] Filed:
`Oct. 1, 1996
`Related US. Application Data
`[63] Continuation of Ser. No. 446,440, Jul. 14, 1995, abandoned,
`which is a continuation of Ser. No. 58,922, May 7, 1993,
`8/1989 Reed ............................... 379/355
`5/1990 May .............. 379/99
`2/1991 Purekh .......
`.. 379/110.1
`2/1991 Malinowski
`..... 379/355
`.. 379/110.1
`6/1992 Izumi
`..... 379/144
`11/1992 Aheam
`1/19‘93 Betheil
`.. 379/355
`3/1994 Yamada
`.. 379/99
`10/1994 Draganofi ..
`5,455,857 10/1995 McGuire
`5,455,858 10/1995 Lin .............
`. 379/354
`11/1995 Reuben ................................... 379/142
`Japan ..................................... 379/357
`. 379/354
`Japan ..................................... 379/357
`Int. CL" ............................ H04M 17/00; H04M 1/00
`[52] U.s.C1. ........................... 379/144; 379/355; 379/356
`[58] Field of Search .................................. 379/96. 97. 98.
`379/99. 142. 144. 354. 355. 356. 357. 91.01.
`93.05. 93.06. 93.23. 110.01
`Primary Examiner—Steven J. Saras
`Assistant Examiner—Vijay Shankar
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Donald R. Boys
`References Cited
`5/1980 Burns ........................................ 379/99
`9/1984 Defino ........... 379/99
`3/1985 Kessler .....
`5/1985 Newkirk .......
`.. 3791144
`4/1987 Nishimura
`3/1989 Mnebaum .......
`6/1989 Immendorfer
`..... 379/96
`8/1989 Danner .................................... 379/354
`A portable computer. such as a laptop. notebook. or palmtop
`computer. comprises control routines for providing a sophis-
`ticated touch-tone dialer operable through an existing or
`supplied output speaker, enabling calls to be routed without
`making a wired direct connection between the telephone
`equipment and the computer. In one embodiment a system
`is provided for transmitting computer-usable data over a
`phone connection through a pre-stored relationship between
`DTMF tones and ASCII code.
`8 Claims, 11 Drawing Sheets
`APPL-1006 / Page 1 of 16
`Apple v. Uniloc
`APPL-1006 / Page 1 of 16
`Apple v. Uniloc


`US. Patent
`Aug. 4, 1993
`Sheet 1 of 11
`APPL-1006 / Page 2 of 16
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 4, 1998
`Sheet 2 of 11
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 4, 1998
`Sheet 3 of 11
`Fig. 23
`Moran, George
`[J Display by No.
`Morgan, Helen
`Murchison, Sydney
`Mylar Products, Inc
`Nascent Sciences
`Display by Name
`Fig. 20
`APPL-1006 / Page 4 of 16
`APPL-1006 / Page 4 of 16


`US. Patent
`Aug. 4, 1998
`Sheet 4 of 11
`D Dlsplay by NO-
`8 Display by Name
`Moran, George
`Morgan, Helen
`Murchison, Sydney
`Mylar Products, Inc
`Nascent Sciences
`Phone Number:
`Name: [:i/
`Phone Number:
`Name: l:i-\
`Fig. 20
`APPL-1006 / Page 5 of 16
`APPL-1006 / Page 5 of 16


`US. Patent
`Aug. 4, 1998
`Sheet 5 of 11
`I Built-In Speaker (Tone auto-dial)
`I Modem (Tone Dial)
`l Modem (Pulse Dial)
`I Remote Unit
`Fig. 2E
`APPL-1006 / Page 6 of 16
`APPL-1006 / Page 6 of 16


`US. Patent
`Aug. 4, 1998
`Sheet 6 of 11
`Fig. 3A
`Fig. 33
`APPL-1006 / Page 7 of 16
`APPL-1006 / Page 7 of 16


`US. Patent
`Aug. 4, 1998
`Sheet 7 of 11
`Fig. 4
`Fig. 5
`Fig. 6
`APPL-1006 / Page 8 of 16
`APPL-1006 / Page 8 of 16


`US. Patent
`Aug. 4, 1993
`Sheet 8 of 11
`Fig. 7
`APPL-1006 / Page 9 of 16


`US. Patent
`Sheet 9 of 11
`into-co -_ LUU)
`-.:No.Ln+ IOU)
`_>-o<r+: <00)
`V D
`N 0
`LL>._v-_ HOD:
`0 m<
`Z <
`APPL-1006 / Page 10 of 16
`APPL-1006 / Page 10 of 16


`US. Patent
`Aug. 4, 1998
`Sheet 10 of 11
`Message 1
`Message 2
`Order Entry 1
`Order Entry 2
`Data Base Entry
`Command List
`Fig. 9
`APPL-1006 / Page 11 of 16
`APPL-1006 / Page 11 of 16


`US. Patent
`Aug. 4, 1998
`Sheet 11 of 11
`Message 1 :
`This is an example of a
`message that might be sent to a
`remote computer by means of
`DTMF tones corresponding to
`ASCII characters.
`I Warm)
`Fig. 10
`APPL-1006 / Page 12 of 16
`APPL-1006 / Page 12 of 16


`one or more of the frequency. amplitude. and phase of the
`carrier wave with respect to time according to a known
`protocol related to the digital values. A receiving modem
`reconverts (demodulates) the carrier wave to digital data for
`use by another computer or computerized receiving device.
`Primary types of modems are: voice-band—those that are
`used on voice-grade public phone lines (also known as as
`dialup modems): acoustic coupler—4hose that permit a user
`to dial a phone number. listen for a signal from the other end
`of the line. and press the telephone receiver into two
`cushioned cups on the acoustic coupler; and direct
`connect—those that plug directly into the phone network.
`Many times because of limited access to phone jacks in
`public places and the electrical connecu‘ons required. it is
`diflicult if not impossible for the user to set up a coupler or
`modern. It is not uncommon to spend more time making the
`necessary electrical connections than is spent actually trans—
`mitting and/or receiving data.
`What is needed is a means of easily communicating by
`use of a portable computer through aphone network without
`the need to set up a modem and physically secure a phone
`line connection. Also. the technology of converting DTMF
`tones is presently limited to that of the 16 keys on a phone
`touchtone pad. The expansion of DTMF tone conversion to
`include the entire ASCII code set would open the door to the
`transfer of computer code directly through such a portable
`computer-phone interface.
`FIG. 1 is an isometric view of a portable computer and
`phone interface according to an embodiment of the inven—
`FIG. 2A shows an opening menu screen in an embodiment
`of the present invention.
`FIG. 2B shows a Caller Input screen for an embodiment
`of the invention.
`FIG. 2C shows a Dial List screen for an embodiment of
`the invention.
`FIG. 2D shows an Edit screen according to an embodi-
`ment of the invention.
`FIG. 2B shows a Setup screen for an embodiment of the
`FIG. 3A shows a sound enhancement device for an
`embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 3B is a diagram showing internal functional com—
`ponents of the sound enhancement device of FIG. 3A.
`FIG. 4 shows an external speaker attached to a portable
`computer in an embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 5 shows a headset used as an external speaker in an
`embodiment of the invention.
`FIG. 6 shows a physical interface for blocking external
`noise in an embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 7 is a pictorial representation of an embodiment of
`the present invention comprising coded information transfer
`from one computer to another.
`FIG. 8 is a matrix relating ASCII code to DTMF signals
`for the embodiment of the invention depicted in FIG. 7.
`FIG. 9 shows a Data Transfer screen for selecting a data
`transfer mode from a scrolling list of modes.
`FIG. 10 shows an exemplary message screen for one
`mode of message operation according to an embodiment of
`the invention.
`A telephone dialing system is provided according to a
`preferred embodiment of the present invention comprising
`APPL-1006 / Page 13 of 16
`This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 08/446.440
`filed Jul. 14. 1995. now abandoned which is a continuation
`of application Ser. No. 08/058.922 filed May 7. 1993. now
`The present invention is in the area of computer system.
`and pertains more specifically to protable systems and to
`apparatus and methods for interfacing such systems to
`telephone equipment.
`Dialer devices are used to generate Dual Tone Multi-
`Frequency (DTMF) audio signals that are transmitted over
`telephone lines and used to activate switching equipment
`over route phone calls. Small. portable dialer devices consist
`of an electronic tone generator coupled with a circular
`keying arrangement. They typically have a calculator-type
`integrated transistor circuitry and are encased with a sensi-
`tive microphone in a plastic holder. Such a dialer device
`replaces the transmitter element in a phone handset.
`The top of the typical dialer has a set of push-button.
`TouchtoneTM key pads which activate DTMF signals that
`cause automatic dialing of phone numbers. (Touchtone is
`trademarked by the American Telephone and Telegraph
`Company.) There are twelve key pads corresponding to the
`digits 0 through 9. the star symbol (*). and the pound symbol
`(#). Some dialers have four additional keys. designated A. B.
`C. and D.
`The DTMF system of touchtone dialing uses internation-
`ally standardized combinations of frequencies. Table 1 is a
`matrix showing the high and low frequency pair. in Hz.
`required for each of the 16 characters in a full key pad
`configuration. Each character from the touchtone keypad is
`represented by a dual set of audio frequency signals. which
`when transmitted together are recognized by other electronic
`equipment as the unique representation of the keypad char—
`Egg Timmy 1&1
`D B
`usiness persons have often carried the above-described
`dialer devices. also known as tone dial converters. to access
`their branch office computers from rotary (pulse) lines. Until
`recently tone dial converters were available from many
`phone outlet and hobby stores. Now that most public phone
`equipment has been converted to touchtone equipment. the
`use of these devices is not as common. However.
`technology of DTMF tone conversion they perform may
`have other important
`Coupling one computer to another in a distant location
`usually involves some form of modem. A modem is circuitry
`that modulates a carrier wave so digital data can be trans-
`mitted over an analog communications line.
`computer-to-computer over a phone line. Modulation alters
`APPL-1006 / Page 13 of 16


`5 ,790.644
`memory means for storing telephone dialing data compris-
`ing long-distance carrier access numbers and user credit card
`numbers. and selection means for selecting a telephone
`number to be called. including area code. There is addition-
`ally retrieval means for combining the telephone number to
`be called with the long—distance carrier access numbers and
`the user credit card numbers in a sequence of numbers for
`dialing a long-distance credit-card call. and audio output
`means for generating dual—tone multiple-frequency (DTMF)
`signals corresponding to the combined sequence of numbers
`and for driving a speaker to interface to a telephone audio
`receiver to dial the credit—card call.
`In a preferred embodiment the telephone dialing system
`comprises a general—purpose portable computer with control
`routines providing a user interface by menus on a display
`screen of the computer. the menus providing entry fields for
`data and initiation signals for dialing.
`In another aspect of the invention. in addition to dialing.
`computer operable code is transmitted over voice-quality
`telephone lines by generating ASClI coded data. relating the
`ASCII code to coupled DTMF tones.
`transmitting the
`coupled DTMF tones. and decoding the tones back to ASCII
`data at a receiving computer. An add-on card is provided for
`receiving and translating coupled DTMF tone coded data.
`In yet another aspect an audio enhancement device is
`provided to enhance the quality of poor quality speakers in
`existing portable computers to a quality sulficient to reliably
`operate touch-tone telephone equipment.
`The present
`invention provides a specialized “dialer”
`which is unique in several ways. It provides a means for
`remote computer-to—computer communication not requiring
`a modem or coupler nor any line connection between
`computer and phone. The DTMF audio signals are simply
`output from the computer’s speaker and picked up by the
`phone handset. which is held next to the speaker. Also the
`invention extends the concept of DTMF tone generation as
`employed by the described dialer and includes through its
`control routines a capability to translate the entire set of
`American Standard Code for Information Interchange
`(ASCII) code into DTMF tone signals. affording an entirely
`new way to transmit computer code over voice quality
`phone lines.
`FIG. 1 is an isometric view of a notebook computer 11
`comprising an embodiment of the present invention. The
`general purpose computer system supporting the embodi-
`ment of the dialer invention is conventional and preferably
`is in the form of a portable notebook. laptop. or palmtop
`computer. such as notebook computer 11. The enhanced
`control routines of the invention provide a user interface
`display 16. A user can specify and select call numbers and
`other information by using keyboard 17. Some portable
`computers have a built-in pointer device. such as trackball
`19. which selects menu items and moves a screen cursor on
`the interface display of the invention. more fully described
`To make a call using this embodiment. the user activates
`the dialer applications by input to keyboard 17. The user
`then selects a number to be called and initiates the call from
`interface display 16. The invention’s control routines recall
`the user’s credit card information. previously programmed
`by in memory. and the selected call number. The system
`translates the digital data into the corresponding DTMF
`signals necessary to dial the number. The DTMF signals are
`those produced from a standard twelve-button touch-tone
`telephone key pad (see description under “Background of
`the Invention") The string of DTMF signals is output in this
`embodiment through the computer’s speaker 13 and are
`picked up through phone mouthpiece 21. held near the
`speaker, causing the call to be dialed.
`The computer—driven “dialer" according to the present
`embodiment requires no line connection with the phone. The
`user simply holds the phone handset’s mouthpiece near the
`computer speaker to make the call. This provides “on-the-
`roa ” portable computer users with a capability to conve-
`niently dial and communicate from phone booths. motel
`phones. and in other up—to—now impossible situations with—
`out the use of a modem. For the traveler the inconvenience
`of having to set up a modern with electrical connections into
`a telephone network often will preclude its use. Also most
`motel rooms and public phones do not have phone jacks. The
`dialer invention therefore presents a considerable advantage
`to the computer user—there is no wiring setup required—
`and it can be used on any public phone without a phone jack.
`An important feature of the embodiment shown by FIG.
`1 is user interface display 16. which provides a flexible
`interface to easily operate and edit variable information for
`the dialer. The interface is provided in this embodiment
`through menus as presented in FIGS. 2A. 2B. 2C. 2D. and
`FIG. 2A is a screen format for an opening menu in the
`present embodiment. The opening menu is presented when
`the dialer application is activated from the operating system
`by user signal. In the display. the user can point and select
`by moving a cursor 41 with pointer device 19 or by using the
`keyboard arrow keys to move the cursor and pressing the
`<Enter> or <Return>) key to make the selection. When the
`user selects a box having an entry field. the field is activated
`to accept keyboard input in the manner of an editor or word
`processor application. The mechanisms of these operations
`are familiar to those with skill in the art.
`“Manual dial" box 43 can be selected if the user wants to
`manually enter the number for a call. Entry field 45 becomes
`active and displays the numbm' entered. When the correct
`number is displayed. the user initiates the call by selecting
`“Click Here to Dial" box 53.
`For automatic dialing. the user is directed by message 49
`to use Dial List menu 63 (as described below in FIG. 2C) to
`select a number to be called. Adjunct items on the opening
`menu (FIG. 2A) are date 55. local time 51. Help option 57.
`and Exit option 59. Other user aids may be provided in other
`embodiments as menu items.
`Along the top of the screen of FIG. 2A are four menu
`selections—Caller Info 61. Auto-Dial 63. Edit 65. and Setup
`67. These selections provide the user with means to quickly
`enter and change call information and the hardware setup.
`The user accesses a menu by eliciting with the mouse on the
`menu name or by typing the first letter of the name. Display
`screen initiated by selecting from the menu bar are shown in
`FIGS. ZB through 2E.
`FIG. 23 shows a CALLER INFO menu initiated by
`selecting 61 in FIG. 2A. which lets the user specify or
`change his or her phone credit card information. The user
`selects one of the major carriers. such as “A'I'l‘.” “MCI.” or
`“SPRINT” in line 69. In other embodiments the carrier list
`might be expanded. The system responds by automatically
`defining the carrier access number. which may be a 1—800
`number. to be combined later with other data in dialing. If
`the user has a carrier other than the ones listed. he/she may
`select “Other” box 71 and then enter the carrier access
`APPL-1006 / Page 14 of 16
`APPL-1006 / Page 14 of 16


`5 .790,644
`number in box 72. The user enters his/her call credit card
`identification on “Credit Card ID” line 73. A Help option 75
`is available. The user can abandon the menu and any
`changes made to its items at any time by selecting Cancel
`option 79. The user selects OK option 77 to save the caller
`information entered. The specified carrier access number
`and credit card identification remain in effect unless changed
`through the CALLER INFO menu in this embodiment of the
`FIG. 2C shows a DIAL LIST menu activated by selecting
`63 in the menu of FIG. 2A. This menu allows the user to
`display the list of phone numbers currently stored in com-
`puter memory and select a number to be called. The lists are
`accessed in this embodiment by call area code. The user first
`enters the desired area code on “Area code:" line 81. In an
`alternative embodiment. area codes are displayed in a scroll—
`ing list. and the user may select fi'om the list. The user can
`display the stored numbers for the selected area code either
`by phone number or alphabetically by name by selecting
`Display by Number box 83 or Display by Name box 85.
`Names and numbers are displayed in a scrolling list 82
`operated by a conventional scroll bar. Five phone number-
`name pairs are displayed numerically in order at a time. The
`name can be that of an individual (last namefirst name).
`company. or a code identifier—whatever the user chooses to
`identify the party to be called.
`The user scrolls through the list by moving the up/down
`scroll arrows with pointer device or keyboard. The user then
`selects the number to dial and the selected number-name pair
`is highlighted. A Help option 87 is available.
`When the user is done with the DIAL LIST menu. OK
`option 89 is selected. The screen may be exited without
`altering dial number selection by selecting Cancel option 91.
`The system returns the user to the opening menu (FIG. 2A).
`FIG. 2D shows an Edit menu activated by selecting 65 in
`the opening menu screen shown in FIG. 2A. which allows
`the user to add. delete. or change phone numbers and names
`for a specified area code. The user first types the area code
`in “Area code:” line 93. The EDIT menu allows the user to
`display by number or by name by selecting box 95 or 97.
`Five number-name or name-number pairs are displayed in
`scrolling list 96.
`To add a new pair. the user selects Add box 99 and types
`the number and name in the “Phone number:” and “Name:”
`fields 92 and 94 respectively. and presses <Enter> or
`<Return>. The new number and name appears in order in
`scrolling list 96.
`To change a name and/or number. the user selects Change
`box 101 and then selects the appropriate pair to be changed
`from scrolling list 96. The selected pair will be highlighted
`and the number and name will appear in fields 100 and 102
`below the Change box. The user then edits the information
`in the fields and selects <Enter> or <Return>. The change
`appears in scrolling list 96. If a mistake is made in entry. the
`user just selects the number-name pair again and corrects it
`through the Change option.
`A similar method is used to delete a number and name
`pair. The user selects Delete box 105 and then selects the
`pair to be deleted in scrolling list 96. The system will query
`in a popup window whether the user really wants to delete
`the pair. The user can select “Yes” or “No.” If “Yes” is
`selected. the pair will no longer appear in the scrolling list
`The verification pop-up window is not shown here.
`A Help option 100 is available on the EDIT menu.
`Changes to the phone numbers and names can be abandoned
`at any time by selecting Cancel option 111. To save all
`changes. the user selects OK opn‘on 109.
`FIG. 2B shows a SETUP screen initiated by selecting
`menu item 67 in the screen of FIG. 2A. providing a means
`for the user to define the particular hardware setup he/she
`will be using in conjunction with the dialer application of the
`invention. The user can select from three computer—phone
`configurations. Selecting box 113 sets the mode to use the
`invention’s tone dialer with a computer having a built-in
`speaker. Selecting box 117 allows the user to use a conven-
`tional modem-phone connection with touch-tone dialing;
`and selecting box 119 allows the user to utilize a conven—
`tional modem-phone connection with pulse dialing.
`One additional mode. selected by box 121. to be discussed
`in detail below with reference to FIG. 7. comprises a means
`to send computer-recognizable code to a computer in a
`remote location. Help 125. OK 127. and Cancel 129 are
`available on the SETUP menu.
`Many portable computers have adequate built-in speakers
`to accomplish the function of the invention. which is to
`output DTMF tones through a speaker to activate telephone
`switching equipment. However some computers have infe-
`rior quality built-in speakers. An additional embodiment of
`the invention comprises a sound enhancement device 133 as
`depicted in FIG. 3A. Device 133 is configured to be placed
`over the computer’s built-in speaker 130. A suction cup
`interface or other convenient unit 131 may be used between
`the sound enhancement device and the computer so the
`device makes a snug fit against the computer’s speaker. FIG.
`3B is a schematic diagram showing the principal compo-
`nents of the sound enhancement device. The sound enhance-
`ment device picks up DTMF tones from the computer
`speaker tones through a microphone 135. sends the tones
`through an amplifier circuit 137. and provides enhanced
`signals to the device’s high—quality output speaker 139.
`If the computer does not have a speaker. another embodi-
`ment of the invention. shown in FIG. 4. provides an external
`speaker 144 to be connected with sound jack 141 and cable
`143 through the computer's audio output port 142.
`Alternatively. as shown in FIG. 5. a sound jack 146 and
`cable 147 could connect a computer’s audio output port 145
`to a headset attachment 148 to serve as the speaker.
`To block out extraneous noise. a secure fit of the external
`speaker with the phone mouthpiece is desirable. This can be
`achieved. as shown in FIG. 6. by adding an interface 151 to
`external speaker 149 so the speaker can be firmly interfaced
`to phone mouthpiece 153. thereby mitigating external noise
`at the interface. This additional feature is desirable when
`using phones in busy. high noise environments such as
`airports. conference rooms. or phone booths on a busy street.
`In a further embodiment. control routines provide a
`unique means for sending code in DTMF tones from a
`portable computer and telephone interface 157 as described
`above. over phone lines 148 to a computer 161 in a remote
`location. as shown in FIG. 7. The remote unit in this
`embodiment has decoding ability to accept
`the DTMF
`tone-based data from a phone line and translate it into a
`digital representation interpretable as American Standard
`Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) computer code.
`FIG. 8 provides a matrix that shows the DTMF tone values
`assigned to each character in the ASCII set. A decoder is
`implemented in the remote unit in this embodiment for
`receiving input DTMF data. The decoder can be imple-
`mented by an add-on card connected to the computer bus
`and to the phone line by a phone jack 159.
`In the data-transfer embodiment the user selects box 121
`in the screen of FIG. 2E. and the system then displays a
`selection screen shown in FIG. 9. The selection screen has
`APPL-1006 / Page 15 of 16
`APPL-1006 / Page 15 of 16


`a scrolling list 163 of formats for data transfer. each unique
`to a particular purpose. Such formats may be furnished with
`dialer applications in this embodiment. or. in alternative
`embodiments. an editor may be provided for creating new
`An example of a data transfer format is message format
`165 in the scrolling list of FIG. 9. To implement this format
`the user selects the format. which is then highlighted in the
`scrolling list. and then selects “OK” box 166. The system
`then displays the message format screen shown in FIG. 10.
`In this message format. the system provides the user with an
`active scrolling entry field 167. wherein text may be entered
`in the manner of a text editor or word processor. There is a
`check box 171 for activating an entry field 175 to enter a
`filename for the message. to be stored as that filename at the
`receiving station. There is additionally a checkbox 173 for
`activating an entry field 177 to enter a recipient ID or
`destination for the massage. which may be decoded and used
`at the receiving end to direct the message to a specific
`recipient. When the user is satisfied with the text to be sent
`and other input. selecting “0K" box 169 displays opening
`menu shown in FIG. 2A. The user simply selects the number
`and dials as in other embodiments. When the number is
`dialed and the connection made. if the “Remote Unit”
`selection is active in the screen shown in FIG. 2B. the system
`will transfer the text by DTMF code according to the table
`of FIG. 8.
`In this embodiment it is required for successful data
`transfer that the remote unit have a receiving modem to
`decode the incoming DTMF tones and provide the resulting
`data on the receiving computer‘s bus. The modem has a
`receiver capable of interpreting two simultaneous DTMF
`tones. a processor for managing operations. and a look-up
`table according to FIG. 8. as well as control routines for
`directing the CPU in managing the modem.
`There are an infinite variety of dedicated transfer appli-
`cations that may be implemented in the data transfer mode
`of the invention. and the message mode is but one of these.
`There are many others. such as data entry to databases. such
`as order forms and the like. that would be equally useful.
`It will be apparent to one skilled in the art that there are
`a relatively large number of changes that may be made in the
`embodiments described without departing from the spirit
`and scope of the present invention. Some additions and
`alternatives have been mentioned above. For example. pro—
`visions have been made for a computer without a speaker or
`one with an inferior quality speaker. where. in the first case.
`an external speaker attachment is added and. in the second
`case. the external speaker and phone are interfaced with a
`special gasket fitting to decrease external noise around the
`output speaker. thereby improving the quality of the dial
`signal. Another embodiment extends the invention concept
`to enable the dialer invention to send computer code ova
`phone lines to a remote computer. as described above. This
`alternative could feasibly be extended further to provide
`remote commands and other input to a remote computer to
`provide a wide variety of tasks. The ASCII/DTMF matrix is
`also just one of many such matrices that might be used to
`relate the two forms for data transmission within the spirit
`and scope of the invention.
`What is claimed is:
`l. A portable personal computer comprising:
`a CPU;
`a memory coupled to the CPU storing telephone dialing
`data including area codes. telephone numbers. long—
`distance carrier access numbers and user credit card
`a display apparatus coupled to the memory and to the
`CPU; and
`a speaker;
`wherein. in response to user initiation. the CPU displays
`an interactive interface on the display apparatus. the
`interactive interface including selectable identifiers for
`call destinations and wherein the user selects call
`destinations. and the CPU generates audio data used to
`drive the speaker producing a string of audible DTMF
`tones based on the stored telephone dialing data includ—
`ing selectable long distance carrier access numbers and
`selectable credit card numbers.
`2. A portable personal computer as in claim 1 further
`comprising manual input apparatus for entering the tele-
`phone dialing data.
`3. Aportable personal computer as in claim 2 wherein the
`manual input apparatus comprises input fields in the inter-
`active interface.
`4. Aportable personal computer as in claim 1 wherein the
`speaker is a built—in speaker.
`5. A portable personal computer as in claim 1 wherein the
`speaker is an add—on speaker connectable to an output port
`of the portable computer.
`6. A portable personal computer as in claim 1 wherein the
`speaker is a first speaker. and further comprising a tone—
`enhancement device including a microphone for receiving
`tones from the first speaker. an amplifier connected to the
`microphone for enhancing the tones received. and a second
`speaker connected to the amplifier for providing enhanced
`DTMF tones from the amplifier.
`7. A portable personal computer as in claim 1 wherein
`control routines for providing the interactive interface and
`for generating the DTMF tones are implemented on an
`add-in expansion card.
`8. A method for dialing a long-distance credit-card call
`over a touch-tone telephone system comprising steps of:
`(a) entering telephone dialing data into a memory device
`of a portable personal computer. the telephone dialing
`data including area codes. telephone numbers. long—
`distance carrier access numbers and user credit card
`(b) associating call destinations with the telephone dialing
`data in the memory device of the portable personal
`(c) selecting a call destination in an interactive interface
`presented on a display apparatus of the portable per—
`sonal computer;
`(c) generating a string of audible dual—tone multi—
`frequency (DTMF) signals at a speaker from the tele,
`phone dialing data associated with the call destination
`in the memory device of the portable personal com—
`puter; and
`(d) using the audible DTMF signals generated by the
`speaker as input for a microphone input of a telephone
`device to cause the telephone device to dial the call
`indicated by the DTMF signals.
`APPL-1006 / Page 16 of 16
`APPL-1006 / Page 16 of 16

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