United States Patent [19]
`[75] Inventor: Chiaki Nakamura, Tokyo, Japan
`[73] Assignee: Seiko Instruments Inc., Japan
`[21] Appl. No.: 191,017
`[22] Filed:
`Feb. 2, 1994
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Feb. 22, 1993
`Japan .................................. .. 5-032310
`[51] Int. Cl.6 ............................ .. G01C 2200; A6113 5/02
`[52] US. Cl. .......................................... .. 377/24.2; 128/689
`[58] Field of Search ......................... .. 377/242; 128/689,
`128/668, 696
`References Cited
`1/1982 Barney .................................. .. 128/670
`l/l983 Jimenez et a1.
`l/l986 Lubell et a1. . . . . .
`. . . .. 128/689
`2/1989 Shimizu et a1. ..
`8/1989 Bianco . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`. . . .. 377/242
`4,962,469 10/1990 Ono et a1. . . . . . . . . .
`. . . .. 364/561
`4,974,601 12/1990 Tranjan et al.
`5,164,967 11/1992 Endo et a1. .......................... .. 377/242
`||||||m||||| ||| um um [I]!!! lilslglzlglkilll lllllllllll m m in
`Dec. 12, 1995
`Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Patent Abstracts of Japan, vol. 9, No. 253 (P-395) (1976) 11
`Oct. 1985.
`Patent Abstracts of Japan, vol. 5, No. 146 (P-80) (818) 16
`Sep. 1981.
`Primary Examiner-John S. Heyman
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Adams & Wilks
`An electronic combined pulse meter and pedometer may be
`provided with only a single sensor used for determining
`walking pace and pulse rate. A pulse wave detector detects
`a pulse wave of the user and outputs a corresponding pulse
`wave signal to a calculating circuit and a walking state
`detector. The walking state detector compares the detected
`pulse wave with a reference level stored in a pulse wave
`level memory and outputs a walking state signal if the level
`of the detected pulse wave exceeds the reference level.
`Calculation control circuitry selects various constant values
`pre-stored in a constant value memory based upon the
`walking state signal and outputs the selected constant values
`to the calculating circuit and a display device. The calcu
`lating circuit calculates the time interval between successive
`pulses of the detected pulse wave signal in accordance with
`a clock signal and the selected constant values, and outputs
`the result to the display device.
`19 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets
`EE/VE/M TIA/6 N17
`l /
`PULSE #4 V5
`PULSE #4 V5
`-> ?/E/J/VS
`-> MEAL/s
`J] M J2 M T
`5 70/’1’1/1/6


`US. Patent
`Dec. 12, 1995
`Sheet 1 of 12
`5,47 5,7 25
`F 1 G .
`TIM/VG Cl. 06K
`PULSE #4 V5
`.70 /\/ DETECTING
`@ mam/5
`015m: Yf/VG
`M0 7101/
`smmva -> IVE/W5
`11 ”/
`J2 A/


`US. Patent
`Dec. 12, 1995
`Sheet 2 0f 12
`5,475,7 25
`F f G .
`/7/ PULSE 101 V5
`rim/6 CLOCK
`. 1
`N N
`PULSE #4 V5
`smmva —> DETEUl/VG
`DJSPLA mw; J6
`64L a/LArm/v
`M0 UOA/
`cau/vmva —% MEANS
`VAL [/5 l5


`US. Patent
`Dec. 12, 1995
`Sheet 3 of 12
`F I G .
`TIMI/V6 a 06K
`/V 51am
`CAL cum 7111/5 0 51
`PULSE 101 v5
`—> ?/EA/VS
`CAL cum 7101/
`015m: m/a
`mu/cumm/a P/mz/cr
`—-> smm/a —-> MEANS
`J2 /‘/ 141 A/ T
`m [/5
`/1/ sm/m/a
`575/1 0/1 m
`?/E/JA/S 1


`US. Patent
`Dec. 12, 1995
`Sheet 4 of 12
`/“ PULSE [#1 V5
`DA 7/!
`41/ A)
`F I G .


`US. Patent
`Dec. 12, 1995
`Sheet 5 of 12
`Sol/WALK '11“? 6 2
`FIG. 6‘
`100 Ill'lllllllllln
`WALK‘? 62


`US. Patent
`Dec. 12, 1995
`Sheet 6 of 12
`F 1 G .
`N /
`—> 011101111
`111101 1E11A10
`PULSE 114 V5
`1111 V5
`1111131 1E11A10 a AMPL 1E11110 —a 51111131110 —>
`705 ’\/
`-9 E1E11E111
`’\ 706
`511111011110 N 710
`VOL 7/165


`US. Patent
`Dec. 12, 1995
`Sheet 7 of 12
`F I G .
`N 702
`-> 0100011
`R11 110
`PULSE 00 V15
`AMPL 101100 —> AMPL 1Fr100 -% SHAPING —>
`w /v
`0P0 5 0100001
`"2/ 700
`51000000 /2/ 710
`001 1000
`\A 000


`Dec. 12, 1995
`Dec. 12, 1995
`Sheet 8 of 12
`Sheet 8 of 12
`US. Patent
`U.S. Patent


`US. Patent
`Dec. 12, 1995
`Sheet 9 of 12
`‘ START )
`A540 [P2 LEVEL /7/
`0P] = J
`5103 W 0P2 : 0
`0P] : J
`0P2 : 0


`US. Patent
`Dec. 12, 1995
`Sheet 10 of 12
`FIG. ‘11
`‘ START ’
`HAM/6 coy/v7 0pm UOA/ /\/


`US. Patent
`Dec. 12, 1995
`Sheet 11 of 12
`' F I G. 1 2
`‘ START )
`510] ~ $104
`Q, S306


`US. Patent
`Dec. 12, 1995
`Sheet 12 of 12
`F I G .
`I 3
`SETTING 0/15/14 7101/ OF ANPL IFYING A5710 5
`015% we AESUL 7 OF CAL cum 710m §


`The present invention relates to a combined pulsimeter
`and pedometer which performs a walking pace calculation
`function as well as a pulse rate measurement function.
`FIG. 4 is a functional block diagram illustrating the
`operation of a conventional pulsimeter with pedometer
`function. Pulse wave detecting means 40 detects an input
`pulse and outputs a corresponding pulse wave signal to an
`amplifying and wave shaping means 41. The amplifying and
`wave shaping means 41 outputs a wave-shaped pulse wave
`signal to a pulse rate calculating means 42. The pulse rate
`calculating means 42 calculates the time interval between
`successive pulse wave signals based on a timing clock signal
`provided by a timing clock signal generating means 45, and
`outputs calculated pulse rate data to a display selecting
`means 47. Walking pace detecting means 43 detects the
`impulses associated with steps and outputs a step signal to
`a wave shaping means 44. The wave shaping means 44
`shapes the waveform of the step signal and outputs a
`wave-shaped step signal to a walking pace calculating
`means 46. The walking pace calculating means 46 calculates
`the time interval between successive step signals based on
`the timing clock signal provided by the timing pulse gen
`erating means 45, and outputs to the display selecting means
`47 a calculated walking pace. The display selecting means
`47 selects one of the pulse rate information and the walking
`pace information in response to an output level of a selecting
`switch 49, and outputs the selected information to a display
`means 48, which displays the selected information.
`Such a pulsimeter with pedometer function is disclosed in
`unexamined Japanese Patent Laid Open No. JP-A-56-79382
`(1981 official gazette). In the conventional pulsimeter with
`pedometer function described above, a pulse sensor for
`detecting the user’s pulse wave and a separate and distinct
`impulse sensor for detecting the user’s steps are needed.
`During operation, a pulse rate calculation function and a
`walking pace calculation function are manually selected
`alternatively by the manually operated selecting switch 49.
`Recently, along with heightened individual health con
`cerns, the popularity of exercise activity such as jogging has
`increased dramatically. In these exercise activities, pulse
`meters and pedometers are widely used since they provide
`indices for self health control.
`The conventional pulsimeter with pedometer function,
`however, cannot be reduced in size due to the relatively large
`size of the impulse sensor and is more costly and time
`consuming to manufacture since the sensors for pulse wave
`detection and impulse detection are separate and distinct. In
`practical use, the conventional device is not easy to operate,
`since the selecting switch must be manually operated.
`It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide
`a handy, portable pulsimeter with pedometer function which
`is simpli?ed in construction and convenient in practical use.
`In order to solve these problems, in one aspect of the
`present invention, a combined pulsimeter and pedometer is
`provided. The combined pulsimeter and pedometer com
`prises a pulse wave level storing means for storing a
`predetermined pulse wave amplitude level as a reference
`level for discriminating an output of a pulse wave detecting
`means as being indicative of an at rest condition of a user or
`as indicating that the user is walking, jogging or running.
`The pulse wave detecting means has a pulse wave sensor for
`detecting a pulse wave of a human body and producing a
`corresponding pulse wave signal. Motion detecting means is
`included for detecting motion of the human body by com
`paring the pulse wave signal output by the pulse wave
`detecting means with the reference level from the pulse
`wave level storing means and producing a motion signal
`when the level of the pulse wave signal exceeds the refer
`ence level. Calculating means is provided for calculating the
`time interval between consecutive pulses of the pulse wave
`signal, and a calculation control means is provided for
`controlling the calculating means in accordance with an
`output of the motion detecting means and for selecting a set
`of preset constant values for signal calculations in accor
`dance with the output of the motion detecting means. The
`present invention is therefore able to perform a pulse rate
`measurement and a pace measurement with a single sensor
`included in the pulse wave detecting means.
`In accordance with a second aspect of the present inven
`tion and in order to solve the problems noted above, the
`combined pulsimeter and pedometer further comprises
`motion timing means for measuring the time duration of the
`motion signal and the calculation control means controls the
`calculating means based on the output of the motion timing
`means and the output of the constant value storing means. In
`accordance with this aspect of the invention, the combined
`pulsimeter and pedometer automatically and stably switches
`between the alternate operations of a pedometer function
`and a pulsimeter function without responding to a momen
`tary or abrupt change in the motion signal.
`FIG. 1 is a functional block diagram of the combined
`pulsimeter and pedometer in accordance with a ?rst embodi
`ment of the present invention.
`FIG. 2 is a functional block diagram of a second embodi
`ment of the present invention.
`FIG. 3 is a functional block diagram of a third embodi
`ment of the present invention.
`FIG. 4 is a functional block diagram of a conventional
`pulsimeter with pedometer function.
`FIG. 5 is a display example of an identifying signal.
`FIG. 6 is an example of a graphical display.
`FIG. 7 is a detailed functional block diagram of the ?rst
`embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 8 is a detailed functional block diagram of a second
`embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 9 is a circuit schematic diagram of am embodiment
`of the present invention.
`FIG. 10 is a flow chart of amplifying ratio setting proce
`dure in the CPU of an embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 11 is a ?ow chart of the motion detecting procedure
`in the CPU of an embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 12 is a ?ow chart of the graphical display procedure
`in the CPU of an embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 13 is a ?ow chart of the distance calculating and
`displaying procedure in the CPU of an embodiment of the
`present invention.
`Embodiments of this invention are explained hereinafter
`based on the drawings.


`FIG. 1 is a functional block diagram which represents an
`example of a typical construction of the present invention. A
`pulse wave detecting means 10 detects a pulse wave of a
`human body and outputs a pulse wave signal to a motion
`detecting means 12 and a calculating means 13. The motion
`detecting means 12 outputs a motion signal to a calculation
`control means 14 by comparing the pulse wave signal with
`stored contents in a pulse wave level storing means 11. The
`calculation control means 14 selects, based on the motion
`signal input thereto, various constant values stored in a
`constant value storing means 15, and outputs the various
`constant values and the result of its selection to the calcu
`lating means 13 and the displaying means 16. The calculat
`ing means 13 calculates a time interval between consecutive
`pulse wave signals, based on a timing clock signal generated
`by a timing clock signal generating means 17 and the various
`constant values output by the calculation control means 14,
`and outputs calculated results to the displaying means 16.
`The pulse wave detected by the pulse wave detecting
`means 10 re?ects a pulse wave of a human body, i.e., a user,
`in case that the user is at rest. On the other hand, when the
`user is walking, the pulse wave re?ects the motion, for
`example, of the swinging arms of the user.
`Since a signal amplitude level of an output signal from the
`pulse wave detecting means is different in an at rest condi
`tion of the user from that of a walking condition of the user,
`the motion detecting means 12 determines which condition
`the detected pulse wave re?ects by comparing the pulse
`wave signal with a reference level stored in a pulse wave
`level storing means 11. Accordingly, the displaying means
`16 displays the user’s pulse rate when the user is at rest, and
`displays the user’s walking pace as well as an identifying
`walking mode marker when the motion detecting means
`detects a walking condition of the user based on the results
`of the comparison performed by the motion detecting means
`12 by way of the calculation control means 14. The motion
`detecting means 12 can likewise detect not only a walking
`condition but also a jogging or running condition according
`to the stored reference level in the pulse wave level storing
`means 11.
`FIG. 2 is a functional block diagram of a second embodi
`ment which represents another example of the typical con
`struction of the present invention. The pulse wave detecting
`means 10 detects a pulse wave of a human body and outputs
`a corresponding pulse wave signal to the motion detecting
`means 12 and the calculating means 13. The motion detect
`ing means 12 outputs a motion signal to a motion counting
`means 20 by comparing the pulse wave signal with stored
`contents in the pulse wave level storing means 11. The
`motion counting means 20 measures the time duration of the
`motion signal, i.e., the length of time that consecutive
`outputs of the pulse wave detecting means are discriminated
`as being indicative of motion based upon comparison with
`a predetermined level, and outputs a motion signal to the
`calculation control means 14 when the time duration
`exceeds a predetermined time. The calculation control
`means 14 selects, based on the motion signal, various
`constant values stored in the constant value storing means
`15, and outputs the various constant values and the selected
`resultant to the calculating means 13 and the displaying
`means 16. The calculating means 13 calculates the time
`interval between consecutive pulse wave signals, based on a
`timing clock signal generated by the timing clock signal
`generating means 17 and the various constant values output
`by the calculation control means 14, and outputs calculated
`results to the displaying means 16.
`Since the motion signal detected by the motion counting
`means 20 is maintained at a stable level without being
`affected by momentary or instantaneous change in the
`motion signal, displayed contents on the displaying means
`16 do not vary momentarily or instantaneously.
`FIG. 3 is a functional block diagram of a third embodi
`ment, showing an example of a typical construction of the
`present invention. The pulse wave detecting means 10
`detects a pulse wave of a human body and outputs a pulse
`wave signal to the calculating means 13 and the motion
`detecting means 12. The motion detecting means 12 com
`pares the pulse wave signal with the stored contents in the
`pulse wave level storing means 11, and outputs a motion
`signal to the calculation control means 14. The calculation
`control means 14 selects, based on the motion signal,
`various constant values stored in the constant value storing
`means 15, and outputs the various constant values to the
`calculating means 13. The calculating means 13 calculates
`the time interval between consecutive pulse wave signals
`based both on the timing clock signal generated by the
`timing clock signal generating means 17 and the various
`constant values output by the calculation control means 14,
`and outputs the result to a calculated product storing means
`The calculated product storing means 30 stores the result
`ant product and, if necessary, outputs the stored contents to
`the displaying means 16, a graph calculating means 31 and
`a distance calculating means 33. The graph calculating
`means 31 calculates furthermore with the calculated and
`stored contents for the purpose of displaying time-series
`graph, and outputs the calculated result to the displaying
`means 16. The distance calculating means 33 calculates the
`distance that the user has walked, jogged or ran in accor
`dance with the calculated and stored contents of the calcu
`lated product storing means 30 and the stored contents in a
`step span data storing means 32, and outputs the calculated
`result to the displaying means 16.
`By means of the graph calculating means 31, and the
`distance calculating means 33, the pulsimeter with pedom
`eter function of the present invention displays not only a
`pulse rate and a walking pace, but also time series changes
`in the above data as well as a walking distance. Therefore,
`the pulsimeter can be used as a distance ?nder.
`(l) The ?rst practical embodiment.
`FIG. 7 shows a functional block diagram of the ?rst
`practical embodiment of a pulsimeter with pedometer func
`tion according to the present invention. The pulse wave
`sensor 700 detects a pulse wave of a human body, and
`produces a corresponding pulse wave signal. The pulse wave
`signal is provided to the ?rst amplifying circuit 701. The ?rst
`amplifying circuit 701 ampli?es the pulse wave signal and
`outputs the ampli?ed pulse wave signal to the second
`amplifying circuit 705 and the comparing circuit 706. The
`comparing circuit 706 compares the ampli?ed pulse wave
`signal voltage level with the standard voltage level stored in
`the standard voltage circuit 710, and outputs the compared
`result to the CPU 708 as the motion signal. The CPU 708
`outputs, based on this compared result, the amplifying ratio
`setting signal to the amplifying ratio setting circuit 704, and
`outputs at the same time a signal for displaying a mode
`identifying mark 50 to the displaying element 709, as shown
`in FIG. 5. According to the mode identifying mark 50, a user
`can identify instantly which data is currently being measured
`and displayed, i.e., pulse rate data or walking pace data, by
`the system. The amplifying ratio setting circuit 704 sets a
`signal amplifying ratio for the second amplifying circuit
`705, based on the amplifying ratio setting signal. The second
`amplifying circuit 705 improves the S/N ratio of the pulse


`wave signal by way of ?lter circuit etc., and ampli?es the
`pulse wave signal in relation to the amplifying ratio set by
`the amplifying ratio setting circuit 704, then outputs the
`ampli?ed pulse wave signal to the wave shaping circuit 707.
`The wave shaping circuit 707 transforms the pulse wave
`signal which is input as an analog signal into a digital signal,
`and outputs the digital signal to the CPU 708. The CPU 708
`calculates the time interval between consecutive pulse wave
`signals which are transformed to digital signals by the wave
`shaping circuit 707, based on a timing clock signal from the
`dividing circuit 703, and outputs the result to the displaying
`element 709, such as a liquid crystal panel, or the like.
`FIG. 9 is a detailed circuit schematic diagram of a pulse
`meter with pedometer function having the functional block
`diagram shown in FIG. 7. The pulse wave sensor 700 detects
`a change in the user’s blood stream using, for example, an
`optical device. That is, a light sensing element TR1, such as
`a photo-transistor or the like detects transmitted light or
`re?ected light from a light emitting element D1 such as an
`LED, or the like. For example, a ?ngertip shaped sensor
`holder, which houses pulse wave sensor 700, is installed on
`the user’ ?ngertip with a predetermined pressure. This pulse
`wave sensor 700 can detect changes in the blood stream
`condition in the user’ ?ngertip.
`A microphone, or the like, may also be used as the pulse
`wave detecting means, for detecting the cardiac sound of the
`user. As described above, the pulse wave sensor 700 detects
`a pulse wave from a human body, and outputs the detected
`pulse wave signal to the ?rst amplifying circuit 701. The ?rst
`amplifying circuit 701 rejects a direct current component
`from the pulse wave signal using a ?lter circuit composed of
`the capacitor C1 and the resistor R3, and ampli?es through
`the non~inverting ampli?er A1 comprised of an operational
`ampli?er, then outputs the pulse wave signal to the second
`amplifying circuit 705 and the comparing circuit 706. The
`standard voltage circuit 710 sets a standard voltage using the
`resistors R13 and R14, and outputs the standard voltage to
`the comparing circuit 706.
`The comparing circuit 706 comprises window-compara
`tors A5 and A6 for the purpose of discriminating the
`amplitude level of the detected pulse wave signal. By
`comparing the pulse wave signal voltage level with the
`standard voltage set by the voltage dividing network of the
`resistors 13 and 14, the comparing circuit 706 determines
`whether the detected pulse wave signal re?ects an at rest
`condition of a user or a walking condition of the user. In this
`case, the judgement proceeds as follows: when the output of
`the gate circuit G1 is at a VCC level, the user is determined
`to be in an at rest condition; and when the output of the gate
`circuit G1 is at a GND level, the user is determined to be in
`a walking condition, As will be understood, the amplifying
`ratio of the ?rst amplifying circuit 701 and/or the voltage
`dividing ratio of the standard voltage setting circuit 7 01 may
`be appropriately changed such that a running condition as
`well as a walking condition of the user can also be deter
`FIG. 10 is a flow chart of a procedure in which the CPU
`708 controls the amplifying ratio setting circuit 704, based
`on the motion signal P/W which is output by the comparing
`circuit 706, and in which the pulse wave signal rate is output
`to the display element. In FIGS. 9 and 10, the CPU 708 reads
`the signal level at the input port 1P2 and judges its level
`(S101, S102). When the signal is at a GND level, the resistor
`10 is selected by activating the transistor TR3. When the
`signal is at a VCC level, the resistor R9 is selected by
`activating the transistor TR2 (S103, S104).
`In FIG. 9, a noise component included in the pulse wave
`signal which is input to the second amplifying circuit 705 is
`rejected by the ?lter circuit which comprises resistors R6,
`and R7, capacitors C2 and C3, and an operational ampli?er
`A2. After rejection of the noise component, the pulse wave
`signal is ampli?ed by an inverting ampli?er which com
`prises an operational ampli?er A3 and resistors R8, R9 and
`R10. The wave shaping circuit 707 then converts the ampli
`?ed pulse wave signal into a digital signal P/W, and then
`outputs the digital signal P/W to the input port 1P1 terminal
`of the CPU 708. At this occasion as shown in this embodi
`ment, it can be possible that a noise is rejected by adding
`hysteresis characteristics by way of positive feedback from
`an output of the operational ampli?er through resistor R12.
`In FIG. 10, the CPU 708 calculates a rate of the inputted
`P/W pulse based on the timing clock signal (S105). Con
`ceming how to calculate above, a time interval between the
`former PW pulse and current PW pulse can simply be
`measured or, alternatively, time intervals between multiple
`numbers of PW pulses may be measured and averaged. Any
`result above is displayed on the displaying element 709 as a
`number of signals per minute (S106). After the displaying
`action, the measurement is continued when a continuous
`measuring mode is set. Alternatively, automatic stoppage of
`measurement after measuring for a certain period of time
`can also be an alternative.
`(2) The second practical embodiment
`FIG. 8 is a detailed functional block diagram of the
`second embodiment of the pulsimeter with pedometer func
`tion of the present invention. A RAM 800 used for data
`memory is added to the previous embodiment shown in FIG.
`7. The RAM 800 is ef?ciently utilized throughout its total
`memory area by dividing its use as, for example, a PW pulse
`memory area, a rate calculating area, a graphic data memory
`area, a step length memory area, and a distance calculating
`FIG. 11 shows a ?ow chart of a procedure in which a
`stable time duration of the motion signal P/W detected by
`the comparing circuit 706 is measured and in which the
`amplifying ratio setting circuit 704 is controlled by the CPU
`708. The motion signal P/W is read from input port TF2, and
`when its level is at the same level as that of the former one,
`a time counting operation is executed. The time counting is
`executed in the time counting area which is previously
`allocated in the RAM 800. On the other hand, when the input
`level is different from that of the fonner pulse, the counted
`time content is reset and time duration is counted again from
`the start (S201). When the counted time duration exceeds a
`predetermined time, the calculating and displaying proce
`dure is followed as shown in FIG. 10 (S202). Due to the
`above procedure, the displayed content is not instantly
`altered by a momentary change in the motion signal, and the
`user can be con?dent in the displayed value.
`FIG. 12 is a ?ow chart of a graphical display, e.g., a time
`series display procedure of a rate calculation result of the
`detected pulse wave signal. After the rate calculation and
`displaying procedure shown in FIG. 10 is performed, the
`result is stored in the previously allocated PW pulse memory
`area in the RAM 800 (S300). After this procedure, a judg
`ment is made whether a graphical display mode is selected
`or not ($301). When a graphical display mode is selected,
`another judgment is made as to what kind of data should be
`displayed (S304), then stored data in the RAM 800 is
`converted to displayable graphic data (S305). And then, for
`example, as shown in FIG. 6, a time series graph is displayed
`(S306). By way of change in calculation procedure, a ?icker
`display of the smallest or the largest value may be performed
`or a display with a sweeping function may also be performed
`in the case when the display is not completed at once.


`FIG. 13 is a ?ow chart of a display procedure in the
`display element 709 by way of distance calculation utilizing
`step length data and cumulative step number data stored in
`RAM 800. At ?rst, the step length is preset in the step length
`data memory allocation area in the RAM 800 (S400). Next,
`after the rate calculation and its display procedure shown in
`FIG. 10, the result of calculation is stored in the PW pulse
`memory allocation area in the RAM 800 (S300). After a
`judgment is made as to whether a distance display mode is
`selected or not (S401), reading of the step length data stored
`in the RAM 800 (S402) and distance calculation by cumu
`lative step number data stored in the other area in the RAM
`800 are carried out (S404). The result is then displayed on
`the display element 709 (S405). Moreover, not only the
`distance but also time series shift type display of the
`cumulative distance can be displayed graphically by way of
`graphical display procedure shown in FIG. 12.
`As explained above, a single pulse wave sensor can be
`used for pace measurement as well as pulse rate calculation
`in the pulsimeter with pedometer function of the present
`invention. This structure leads to realization of smaller
`sizing, and by changing the standard voltage for discrimi
`nating the signal level detected, not only walking but also
`running can be measured (a product in the latter style usage
`is called a “pitchmeter”). Therefore, various kinds of mul
`tipurpose devices in addition to those shown above can be
`produced according to the present invention.
`What is claimed is:
`1. An electronic combined pulse meter and pedometer
`pulse wave detecting means for detecting an input heart
`beat pulse wave and providing a corresponding
`detected pulse wave output signal;
`clock signal generating means for generating a clock
`calculating means receptive of the detected pulse wave
`output signal and the clock signal for calculating the
`time interval between a predetermined number of
`pulses of the detected pulse wave output signal in
`accordance with the ?ock signal;
`pulse wave level storing means for storing a predeter
`mined pulse wave level for use as a reference level for
`discriminating whether the detected pulse wave output
`signal is indicative of an at rest state or a walking state
`of a user;
`walking state detect

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