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`Figs. Drw.g(
`(Aaeistant Examiner)
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`Print Claim for O.G.
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`. . Total Claims
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`11103/19'8 GUASHIMG 00000027 1506'0
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`First Named Inventor or Application Identifier~ ~ co
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`2,06() 228
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`I $395.N
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`Pyles, et al.
`Filed: '
`Simultaneously herewith
`Docket No.:
`Assistant Commissioner for Patents
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`"Express Mail" Mailing Label No.: EM164411845US
`Date of Deposit: October 28, 1998
`I hereby certify that these attached documents
`Response postcard
`Check in the amount of $752.00
`PTO/SB/17 (lp) and 1 copy
`Specification and Claims (19 pages) and informal drawing (1 sheet) and
`unexecuted Declaration and Power of Attorney ( 4 pp)
`PTO/ SB/05 (1 p)
`are being deposited with the United States Postal Service "Express Mail Post Office to
`Addressee'' service under 35 C. F. R. § 1. 10 on the date indicated above and is addressed to the
`Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231.
`Enclosed for filing please find the above-referenced new patent application. Please
`indicate receipt of this application by returning the attached postcard with the official Patent
`and Trademark Office receipt and serial number stamped thereon.
`Respectfully submitted,
`c /;J
`. Smith, Reg. No. 3345,_
`J n
`Attorney for Applicant
`Lathrop & Clark
`P.O. Box 1507
`Madison, Wisconsin 53701-1507
`(608) 257-7766


`• ...
`The undersigned hereby certiflet that this
`document is beinf deposit~ United
`States ~I ..... today lA
`19:2ibv the • ....., •• ....-- ..,.., uteamnci
`expr . . mail.......... §t11wff«Sf51.(,S
`addressed to: Autatant Comtlli11ioMr for
`Patenta, WllMllllOf\ O.C. 20231.
`Jc:..~/2-1 M 6M17H
`Nathan Pyles Joel M. Macht Chen Shui-Jung
`. -:~:
`The present invention relates generally to pedometers having a waist mounted
`stride-counting device and transmitter, and a wrist-mounted receiver and display. The
`invention also relates to a distance calculation device that calculates a distance
`walked or run based on an algorithm that converts a base stride length and a base
`stride rate to an actual stride length for use in calculating the distance traveled.
`Pedometers are known which include devices or algorithms for determining
`the distance a person travels on foot. For example, U.S. Patent 4,371,945 discloses
`an electronic pedometer that calculates distance by electronically measuring the
`length of each stride taken by a user. Stride length is measured by ultrasonic waves
`generated by an ultrasonic module strapped to one leg and an ultrasonic detector
`worn on the other leg. A program compensates for a variety of measurement errors
`and the results are displayed on a wrist-mounted display after being transmitted by
`VHF waves from the leg to the wrist.


`U.S. Patent 4,771,394 discloses a computer shoe with a heel-mounted
`electronic device with an inertia footstrike counter, a timer, a sound generating
`device, a battery, and a gate array for counting time and footstrikes to calculate
`distance and running time as a function of stride time. Although recognizing the
`important relationship of stride length and foot speed, the shoe in this patent requires
`data from at least 15 test runs or walks and the data must be user-entered in pairs of
`footstrikes and elapsed time to cover a pre-determined distance. Further, user
`adjustments of time must be perfonned to accommodate start and stop times, and the
`number of counted footstrikes is increased one percent to overcome inherent errors
`in the inertia step counter. The shoe-mounted device is subject to damage from
`impact, dirt, and water, and requires a stay-at-home computer with which to
`interface. There is no means disclosed to transmit data to a wrist-mounted display
`device or an "on-board" computing device that provides "real time" data to a runner.
`U.S. Patent 4,855,942 discloses a pedometer and calorie measuring device
`that includes a wrist-mounted step counter and a fixed stride length to calculate
`distance traveled. Wrist-mounted step counters are known to be inaccurate because
`they assume a step for every ann movement. Even with error correction, such a
`device will provide less accurate step counts than a leg or waist-mounted counter.
`Further, fixed stride lengths do not take into account the fact that stride length varies
`with rate of movement.
`U.S. Patent 5, 117,444 discloses a pedometer and calibration method with two
`calibration modes. First, a user travels a predetermined "half-distance" for the device
`to count and store the number of strides in that distance. Next, the user travels a
`second distance with the step counter comparing actual steps to the steps in memory
`and a current trip memory are incremented by a tenth of a "whole unit" distance.
`There is no correlation between stride length and stride rate which requires the user
`to re-calibrate the device when walking as opposed to running.
`U.S. Patent 5,475,725 discloses a pulse meter with pedometer function to
`detennine pace and pulse rate of a user. The meter uses pulse wave base data
`compared to actual pulse wave data rates.
`U.S. Patent 5,476,427 discloses a pace display device utilizing a base rate for


`traveling pre-set distances in successive trails. The device calculates step counts and
`rates, and compares actual step count rates to display data to a user for comparison
`of present running rates to previous rates.
`Thus, there is a need for a simple, but highly accurate, pedometer that
`displays distance traveled, pace, speed, heart rate, and other important infonnation on
`. an easily read wrist-mounted device.
`The present invention overcomes problems and shortcomings in the prior art
`by providing a device that includes a waist, chest, or leg-mounted stride counting
`device, a transmitter, and a wrist-mounted receiver/display device that provides
`highly accurate travel distances and other information. The device includes a
`computer that stores base stride length and rate data from traveling a pre-determined
`distance and compares that to actual stride rate data to calculate actual distance
`traveled, speed, and pace. The invention recognizes the interdependency of stride
`length and stride rate and uses that relationship to provide superior distance-
`calculating accuracy.
`The invention also provides for improved display of relevant data on a wrist(cid:173)
`mounted display that receives digital signals from devices worn on other body parts
`such as legs, waist, and chest. Transmitters that can send coded signals are desirable
`because they will not interfere with similar devices worn by other users in the vicinity.
`The accuracy of the device is enhanced by the use of an algorithm that adjusts
`a base stride length based on actual stride rates. The algorithm is defined as: Actual
`Stride Length= Base Stride Length+ Base Stride Length *(((Actual Stride Rate -
`Base Stride Rate) N)/Base Stride Rate); where N is either an average value or a
`derived value from a plurality of samples.
`The invention also includes a method for calculating an actual stride length
`including steps of: timing a first user run of a predetermined distance; counting the
`total number of strides in the user first run; dividing the first run distance by the stride
`count to obtain a base stride length; dividing the stride count t.y the first run time to
`obtain a base stride rate; counting strides during a user's second run to obtain an
`actual stride rate; calculating the actual stride length using the fonnula: Actual Stride


`Length = Base Stride Length + Base Stride Length
`*(((Actual Stride Rate - Base Stride Rate )N)/Base Stride Rate); wherein N is an
`average value or a derived value.
`The average value method can be refined by comparing Base Stride Rate to
`Actual Stride Rate to determine a percentage difference; and using N=l when the
`Actual Stride Rate :S Base Stride Rate* 1.02 and using N=3 when Actual Stride Rate
`> Base Stride Rate * 1. 02. A preferred embodiment uses a plurality of sample runs
`over known distances to derive an accurate N value for each individual.
`Fig. 1 is a schematic diagram of a pedometer in accordance with the present
`As illustrated in Fig. 1, the present invention is directed to an improved
`pedometer 20 including: a waist, chest, or leg mounted stride counter 24, and a wrist
`or waist mounted display unit 26. An optional chest-mounted heart monitor 28 can
`be included. AJI of the device components are mounted in suitable housings. The
`pedometer 20 includes a data processor 30 that is mounted in the same housing as
`either the step counter 24 or the display unit 26.
`The step counter 24 is an inertia device that counts the number of steps a user
`takes. The number of steps is transmitted to a data archive 32 either directly or via a
`transmitter 34. The data archive 32 is mounted in the housing with the step counter
`24 or the display 26.
`The transmitter 34 is mounted in the step counter housing and is preferably an
`Rf telemetric signal transmitter with a 30 inches to 36 inches transmission range.
`Alternately, the transmitter is a wireless or wired digital transmitter with a coding
`function to limit or eliminate interference with other similar devices. The wireless
`transmission range is .set between 30 inches and 36 inches to provide adequate range
`to transmit signals from a user's waist to wrist, but not so far as to cause interference
`with other Rf or digital devices in the vicinity.
`The transmitter 34 transmits either raw data or calculated distances, pace, etc.
`to a wrist-mounted display unit receiver 40. The receiver 40 relays a raw data signal


`to the data processor 30 or a calculated data signal directly to the display panel 42,
`such as an LCD or LED.
`Similarly> the heart rate monitor 28 includes a transmitter 44 that transmits
`heart rate data to the display unit 26. The heart monitor transmitter 44 can transmit at
`the same or a different frequency as the stride counter 24, and to the same or a
`• different receiver in the display unit 26. The heart rate transmitter 44 is preferably Rf,
`but can be digital for the reasons stated above. The range of the heart rate transmitter
`44 should also be between 30 inches and 36 inches to ensure effective communication
`with the receiver while limiting outside interference.
`The data processor 30 can also include a programmable logic controller> a
`personal computer, a programmable read-only memory, or other suitable processor.
`The data processor 30 includes a data archive 32 to store historic data on stride
`length and pace to be used in an algorithm for calculating actual distances, speed, and
`rate for real-time conversion of data to useful information for a user.
`The data processor 30 can also include closed loop or fuzzy logic
`programming to continually or periodically replace the base stride rate and length
`with recently calculated stride rates and lengths so that long term conditioning trends
`are accommodated in the base stride archive. Incorporating trend capabilities may
`further enhance accuracy of the distance and pace calculations.
`The display unit 26 also includes an operator interface 46 such as a key pad,
`button, knob, etc. that enables the user to start and stop a clock 48 (or stop watch)
`and activate various use modes within the pedometer, such as a sampling mode and
`operation mode.
`One option for using the pedometer 20, requires the user to operate a
`"sampling mode" and begin walking or running a pre-determined distance such as a
`mile or 1600 meters, preferably on a running track of a known size. Upon completion
`of the distance, a stop button on the operator interface 46 is pushed. The data
`processor 30 is programmed to then divide the distance by the number of strides
`counted to calculate an average stride length. This value is in the data archive
`32 as the "Base Stride Length."
`Also, the data processor 30 is programmed to divide the number of strides by


`the time of the run or walk as measured by the clock 48 to arrive at a "Base Stride
`The data processor 30 preferably includes progranuning that queries the user
`about the distance to be run during the sampling mode. By providing options or
`enabling the use of any distance during the sampling mode, the pedometer 20
`.. provides maximum flexibility for use by people of various physical conditions, or
`having access to courses of different known distances. Thus, a user may be queried to
`input a distance to be used in the sampling mode and then be given a list of options
`such as 400 meters, 440 yards, 1600 meters, or one mile, or be asked to simply input
`any distance known to the user that will be traveled during the sampling mode.
`The present invention makes full use of the relationship between a faster rate
`of travel and longer stride lengths. In other words, the faster a user is moving, the
`longer will be the stride length. Over the course of the run or walk, the user's step
`rate and, therefore, stride length will change and the user will cover more ground
`when moving fast and less ground when moving slow.
`Clearly, using a fixed average stride length in calculating distance traveled will
`result in errors using prior pedometers. This is particularly true if a user changes
`pace, or improves conditioning and speed to the point where the average stride length
`over a given run increases dramatically. The error compensators in prior devices do
`not adjust for changes in pace. With the old devices, a user needed to re-calibrate
`periodically to be close to getting an accurate reading, and could not change pace
`during a workout without decreasing accuracy.
`To make the correction, the user activates a "Use Mode" in which the data
`processor 30 calculates an Actual Stride Rate based on data from the stride counter
`24 and the clock 48. For example, an Actual Stride Rate can be calculated every five
`seconds without the user doing more than activating the " Use Mode" button, while
`all the calculations are perfonned by the data processor automatically. The
`percentage change between the Actual Stride Rate and the Base Stride Rate is then
`computed by the data processor 30 to determine an Actual Stride Length. Again, if
`the Actual Stride Rate is greater than the Base S

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