`Research Overview
`Gastrointestinal-Sparing Anti-Inflammatory Drugs:
`The Development of Nitric Oxide-Releasing NSAIDs
`John L. Wallace,1* Susan N. Elliott,1 Piero Del Soldato,2 Webb McKnight,1
`Franco Sannicolo,3 and Giuseppe Cirino4
`1Department of Pharmacology, The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
`2NicOx Ltd., Paris, France
`3Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
`4Department of Experimental Pharmacology, University of Naples, Naples, Italy
`Strategy, Management and Health Policy
`Venture Capital
`Preclinical Development
`Toxicology, Formulation
`Drug Delivery,
`Clinical Development
`Phases I-III
`Regulatory, Quality,
`Phase IV
`Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are among the most widely prescribed medi-
`cations, but their use continues to be limited by significant toxicity, particularly in the gastrointestinal tract
`and kidney. Better understanding of the pathogenesis of these adverse effects has led to the development of
`a series of derivatives of standard NSAIDs that are not only less toxic but more efficacious. The coupling of
`a nitric oxide-releasing moiety to a range of NSAIDs greatly reduces their ability to induce gastrointestinal
`damage, and greatly increases their tolerability in situations in which there is preexisting gastrointestinal
`inflammation. There is also evidence that these compounds are much better tolerated by the kidney. On the
`other hand, the analgesic and anti-thrombotic properties of NO-releasing NSAIDs significantly exceed those
`of the parent drugs. These compounds appear to represent a significant advance in the treatment of
`inflammation and pain and for prophylaxis of thrombotic conditions. Drug Dev. Res. 42:144–149, 1997.
`© 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
`Key words:
`anti-inflammatory; ulcer; analgesic; anti-thrombotic
`The class of drugs known as ‘‘NSAIDs’’ (nonsteroi-
`dal anti-inflammatory drugs) are among the most com-
`monly used medications [Garner, 1992]. They are
`prescribed largely for their anti-inflammatory, antipyretic,
`and analgesic properties but are also very widely used in
`over-the-counter preparations for the same indications.
`Moreover, aspirin is increasingly used on a long-term
`basis for its well-documented anti-thrombotic effects. The
`major limitation to the use of NSAIDs is their ability to
`cause ulceration and bleeding in the gastrointestinal
`tract [Soll et al., 1991]. This effect of NSAIDs has been
`recognized for decades [Douthwaite and Lintott,
`1938]. More recently, it has become apparent that
`NSAIDs can also exert significant toxicity in the kid-
`ney [Segasothy et al., 1994].
`Over the past 40 years, numerous new NSAIDs
`© 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
`have been marketed with the claim that they reduce gas-
`trointestinal toxicity. These approaches have included
`enteric coating of the drug to prevent absorption in the
`stomach, formulation as a pro-drug, to prevent contact
`between the active drug and the gastric mucosa, and de-
`livery by non-oral routes. The basis for these approaches
`was the observation that some NSAIDs, particularly those
`which are acidic, can directly damage gastric epithelial
`cells. Reducing the topical irritancy should therefore pre-
`vent the epithelial damage and, in turn, prevent ulcer-
`ation and bleeding. However, each of these approaches
`has failed in terms of reducing the truly significant ad-
`*Correspondence to: Dr. John L. Wallace, Department of Phar-
`macology and Therapeutics, The University of Calgary, 3330 Hospi-
`tal Drive, NW, Calgary, AB T2N 4N1, Canada. E-mail:wallacej@
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`verse effects of NSAIDs in the gastrointestinal tract [Gra-
`ham, 1990]. This is now recognized as being attributable
`to the fact that a central component of the mechanism
`underlying NSAID-induced ulceration and bleeding is
`their ability to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis in the gas-
`trointestinal mucosa. Since the desired effects of NSAIDs
`are also dependent upon suppression of prostaglandin
`synthesis [Vane, 1971], delivery of the drug to the sys-
`temic circulation at a dose that is effective invariably re-
`sulted, in some patients, in development of ulcers.
`NSAIDs inhibit prostaglandin synthesis by inhib-
`iting the activity of the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase. Pros-
`taglandins play an important role in the gastrointestinal
`tract in that they mediate several components of mucosal
`defense (blood flow, mucus and bicarbonate secretion,
`mucosal immunocyte function) [Wallace and Tigley, 1995].
`Inhibition of gastrointestinal prostaglandin synthesis
`leads to decreased mucus and bicarbonate secretion,
`decreased blood flow, impaired repair of epithelial in-
`jury, and an increase in the number of leukocytes adher-
`ing to the vascular endothelium in the gastrointestinal
`microcirculation. It is this latter observation [Wallace,
`1993] that first suggested that nitric oxide (NO) might be
`capable of preventing NSAID-induced gastric injury. NO
`can inhibit leukocyte adherence to the vascular endot-
`helium [Kubes et al., 1991]. We had previously observed
`that prevention of NSAID-induced leukocyte adherence
`resulted in near-complete protection against gastric in-
`jury associated with these drugs in animals [Wallace et
`al., 1990, 1991, 1993]. Moreover, NO also exhibits many
`of the same actions in the stomach as prostaglandins;
`namely, stimulation of mucus secretion [Brown et al.,
`1992] and maintenance of mucosal blood flow [Whittle,
`1993]. Thus, it seemed logical that if NO could be deliv-
`ered in a controlled manner (i.e., slowly, so that systemic
`arterial blood pressure would not be affected), the detri-
`mental effects of NSAIDs in the gastrointestinal tract
`might be prevented (Fig. 1). The rate of delivery of NO,
`in terms of effectiveness in preventing NSAID-induced
`gastric damage, was underscored by our observations that
`some doses of standard NO donors (glyceryl trinitrate,
`sodium nitroprusside) were capable of reducing the ex-
`tent of gastric damage induced by an NSAID [Wallace et
`al., 1994c], but small increases in the dose led to an exac-
`erbation of injury (unpublished observations). Moreover,
`it was difficult to identify doses of these drugs which were
`effective in preventing gastric injury without altering
`systemic blood pressure. Nevertheless, the concept that
`NO was capable of reducing the severity of NSAID-in-
`duced gastric injury was proven [Wallace et al., 1994c].
`Protective effects of NO in other models of gastric injury
`had previously been demonstrated [MacNaughton et al.,
`Schematic diagram illustrating the rationale behind the develop-
`Fig. 1.
`ment of NO-releasing NSAIDs. As the compounds retain the ability to
`inhibit cyclo-oxygenase, they inhibit prostaglandin synthesis as effectively
`as the parent drugs. However, the release of NO counteracts the detri-
`mental effects of inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis in the gastrointesti-
`nal tract. The release of NO also appears to enhance the analgesic and
`anti-thrombotic efficacy of the drugs over that of the parent drugs.
`1989], but again, increasing the dose of the NO donor
`led to an exacerbation of injury and profound effects on
`systemic blood pressure [Lopez-Belmonte et al., 1993].
`The hypothesis that NO-releasing derivatives of
`standard NSAIDs would have reduced toxicity has now
`been tested using derivatives of flurbiprofen, ketoprofen,
`naproxen, aspirin, and diclofenac [Wallace et al., 1994a,b,
`1995a, 1997; Davies et al., 1996]. When given as a single
`dose, all of the NO-NSAIDs have been shown to pro-
`duce significantly less gastric damage than standard
`NSAIDs [Wallace et al., 1994a,b, 1995a; Davies et al.,
`1996]. Figure 2 shows the effects of an NO-aspirin de-
`rivative (NCX-4016) in comparison to aspirin on the rat
`stomach. A similar reduction in toxicity is apparent if the
`compounds are given systemically rather than orally, in-
`dicating that the reduced injury observed with these com-
`pounds is not solely due to reduced ”topical irritant“
`properties. With repeated administration for up to three
`weeks, these compounds were also shown to produce sig-
`nificantly less gastrointestinal injury [Wallace et al., 1994a;
`Reuter et al., 1994; Davies et al., 1996].
`A major clinical problem associated with the use of
`NSAIDs is the ability of these drugs to interfere with the
`healing of preexisting ulcers. For this reason, we assessed
`the effects of NO-NSAIDs in three models. First, we stud-
`ied the effects of an NO-NSAID in a model of colitis in
`the rat [Reuter et al., 1994]. In this model, standard
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`Extent of gastric damage induced in the rat stomach 3 h after
`Fig. 2.
`oral administration of aspirin or equimolar doses of an NO-aspirin de-
`rivative (NCX-4016). Aspirin caused significant damage at doses of 30
`mg/kg or greater (u = P < 0.05, uu = P < 0.01 vs. the vehicle-treated
`group), while NCX-4016 did not cause damage at any dose tested.
`NSAIDs cause a marked exacerbation of colonic injury,
`leading to perforation and death. For example, in the case
`of diclofenac, treatment for one week at doses of 1, 5,
`and 10 mg/kg led to the death of 29%, 86%, and 100% of
`the rats, respectively. In contrast, treatment with equimo-
`lar doses of nitrofenac resulted in markedly less mortal-
`ity (0%, 0%, and 33%, respectively). The second model
`was one in which the effect of nitrofenac on healing of
`gastric ulcers in the rat were examined [Elliott et al.,
`1995]. While daily diclofenac administration for a week
`caused a significant reduction in body weight gain and a
`marked decrease in hematocrit, nitrofenac did not alter
`either of these parameters in comparison to the vehicle-
`treated control group. Moreover, nitrofenac actually ac-
`celerated ulcer healing. The third model we utilized was
`one in which intestinal injury is established by treatment
`with indomethacin, and the rats are then switched to a
`different NSAID, to the corresponding NO-NSAID, or
`to vehicle. This model mimics the clinical situation in
`which a patient develops gastrointestinal damage while
`taking an NSAID, and has to be switched to a second
`NSAID in the hope that it will be less injurious. The re-
`sults from one study performed with this model are shown
`in Figure 3. Intestinal injury was induced by two subcu-
`taneous injections of indomethacin (7.5 mg/kg) 24 h apart.
`The rats were left for 48 h, after which they were ran-
`domized to receive naproxen (20 mg/kg), an equimolar
`dose of NO-naproxen, or vehicle. The test drugs or ve-
`hicle were administered orally every 12 h for 4 days, af-
`ter which time the degree of intestinal ulceration was
`blindly scored. Indomethacin induced widespread intes-
`tinal ulceration. Considerable healing was observed in
`the group subsequently treated with vehicle. In contrast,
`Effects of naproxen and NO-naproxen on healing of intestinal
`Fig. 3.
`ulcers induced by indomethacin. Indomethacin was injected subcutane-
`ously (7.5 mg/kg) twice, separated by 24 h. 48 h after the second in-
`domethacin injection (day 3), the rats were randomized to receive
`naproxen, an equimolar dose of NO-naproxen, or vehicle. These drugs
`were given orally every 12 h for 4 days. 12 h after the final dose, the
`damage was scored. * = P < 0.05 compared to the vehicle-treated group.
`naproxen significantly delayed healing. On the other
`hand, NO-naproxen, which suppresses prostaglandin
`synthesis in the intestine to the same extent as naproxen,
`did not cause any retardation of ulcer healing.
`The fact that gastrointestinal toxicity was not ob-
`served following repeated administration of the NO-
`NSAIDs over periods of up to three weeks further
`supports the contention that these derivatives are not
`merely pro-drugs. Moreover, recent pharmacokinetic
`studies have demonstrated that the intact NO-NSAIDs
`can be detected in the plasma of rats for many hours af-
`ter administration [Davies et al., 1996; Reuter et al., 1997].
`Despite evidence that these agents generate NO in the
`rat in vivo, they do not significantly affect systemic blood
`pressure [Wallace et al., 1994a,b, 1995a].
`There is also evidence suggesting that NO-NSAIDs
`spare the renal system. We tested the effects of administra-
`tion of an NSAID (diclofenac) or the NO-releasing deriva-
`tive (nitrofenac) on renal blood flow in both healthy and
`cirrhotic rats. In both subgroups, diclofenac caused a sig-
`nificant reduction in renal blood flow, while nitrofenac had
`no effect. The effects of the two drugs on renal blood flow
`in healthy rats are shown in Figure 4. As the renal toxicity
`of NSAIDs is believed to be attributable to reduced blood
`flow secondary to suppression of prostaglandin synthesis
`[Segasothy et al., 1994], these results suggest that NO-
`NSAIDs may not produce the renal toxicity associated with
`the parent NSAIDs. This conclusion is supported by re-
`cent studies in which NO-NSAIDs were found to be sig-
`nificantly better tolerated in a rat model of kidney failure
`than native NSAIDs [Fujihara et al., 1995].
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`generate NO when incubated with platelets, and to
`cause a significant increase in platelet cyclic GMP
`levels [Wallace et al., 1995a, 1997a]. Indeed, there is
`strong evidence that a significant component of the
`anti-platelet effects of NO-aspirin derivatives is due
`to NO generation [Wallace et al., 1995a]. These com-
`pounds also have the ability to suppress neutrophil
`adherence to the vascular endothelium [Wallace et al.,
`1997a], which might add to their anti-thrombotic ef-
`fects. This raises the possibility that an NO-releasing
`aspirin derivative may have utility in long-term use
`for the prevention of myocardial infarction and stroke.
`Aspirin is presently used for these indications [SALT
`Collaborative Group, 1991; Meade et al., 1992;
`Patrono, 1994], but despite the fact that low doses of
`this drug are used, there is still a significant increase
`in the incidence of gastrointestinal bleeding and other
`hemostatic complications [SALT Collaborative Group,
`1991; Meade et al., 1992; Cryer et al., 1995].
`Several options existed with respect to the NO-
`releasing moiety to link to NSAIDs. For example, nitrites,
`nitrates, and S-thiol-glutathione are all well-characterized
`NO donors [Moncada et al., 1991]. The selection of a nitrate
`group was based on two key issues: stability and toxicity.
`Stability of a flurbiprofen nitrite ester and a
`flurbiprofen nitrate ester were compared using nuclear
`magnetic resonance. When dissolved in dimethylsulfox-
`ide and incubated at 20°C for 1 h, the nitrite-containing
`compound was found to undergo 25% hydrolysis, while
`no hydrolysis of the nitrate-containing compound oc-
`curred. Moreover, the native nitrate-containing com-
`pound was found to be stable at room temperature for
`more than a year.
`In terms of toxicity, the primary concern in choos-
`ing an appropriate NO-releasing group was mutagenic-
`ity. The Ames test, which measures the potential of a test
`substance to induce point mutations in Salmonella
`typhimurium, was used to compare the effects of sodium
`nitrite, sodium nitrate, S-nitroso-glutathione, and four
`nitrate-containing NO-NSAIDs (derivatives of flurbi-
`profen, aspirin, naproxen, and diclofenac). In this assay,
`mutagenic substances induce reversion of a histidine-
`deficient strain of S. typhimurium such that it is then able
`to grow and form colonies in a histidine-limited medium.
`Concentrations up to 5000 m g per plate of each drug were
`tested. As illustrated in Figure 5, sodium nitrite caused a
`significant increase in the number of revertants (over that
`seen with vehicle) at a concentration as low as 312.5 m g/
`plate, while S-nitroso-glutathione induced a positive re-
`sponse at ‡ 1250 m g/plate. On the other hand, sodium ni-
`trate and all four of the nitrate-containing NO-NSAIDs
`Effects of diclofenac (10 mg/kg) and an equimolar dose of its
`Fig. 4.
`NO-releasing derivative, nitrofenac, on renal blood flow in healthy rats.
`u = P < 0.05 compared to the corresponding basal period.
`Several of the NO-NSAIDs have been compared
`to the parent drugs in models of acute and chronic in-
`flammation [Wallace et al., 1994a,b; Cuzzolin et al., 1995;
`Davies et al., 1996]. In each case, these compounds were
`found to reduce inflammation at least as effectively as
`the parent NSAID. The NO-releasing diclofenac deriva-
`tive has also been shown to have virtually identical
`anti-pyretic activity to diclofenac [Wallace et al.,
`1995b]. The NO-naproxen derivative has significantly
`enhanced analgesic activity over the parent drug
`[Davies et al., 1996], while an NO-aspirin derivative
`was found to have markedly increased anti-thrombotic
`properties [Wallace et al., 1995a].
`The ability of NO-NSAIDs to suppress inflam-
`mation, pain, and fever is not surprising given the ob-
`servation that these derivatives retain the ability of
`the parent drugs to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis
`(with the exception of the NO-aspirin derivatives; see
`below) [Wallace et al., 1994a,b; Mitchell et al., 1994].
`The NO-NSAIDs themselves inhibit cyclo-oxygenase
`activity (types 1 and 2) without being metabolized,
`indicating that these derivatives are not just pro-drugs
`[Mitchell et al., 1994]. In the case of the NO-aspirin
`derivatives, however, the activity on cyclo-oxygenase
`activity is greatly reduced, perhaps contributing to the
`profoundly reduced gastric toxicity of these drugs
`[Wallace et al., 1995a]. Both NCX-4215 and NCX-4016
`have been shown to have weak inhibitory activity on
`platelet thromboxane synthesis [Wallace et al., 1995a,
`1997b]. With repeated dosing over several days, how-
`ever, the level of inhibition of thromboxane synthesis
`increases to levels comparable to equimolar doses of
`aspirin [Wallace et al., 1997b]. However, this weak
`effect on thromboxane synthesis does not account for
`the anti-thrombotic properties of the two NO-aspirin
`derivatives. These compounds have been shown to
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`Effects of sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite, and S-nitroso-glutathione
`Fig. 5.
`on mutations of S. typhimurium. Results are shown as the number of
`revertants per plate following exposure to the test substances at a range
`of concentrations. * = P < 0.05 compared to the vehicle-treated group.
`failed to induce a positive response at any of the concen-
`trations tested.
`The differences in mutagenicity of nitrate- vs. ni-
`trite-containing compounds can also be considered in the
`context of the amounts of these substances likely to be
`ingested in comparison to World Health Organization
`recommendations [JECFA, 1996]. We calculated the
`amount of nitrate and nitrite that would be ingested per
`day based on maximum daily doses of the parent NSAID.
`These calculations were performed for nitrite- and ni-
`trate-containing NO-releasing derivatives of diclofenac,
`aspirin, flurbiprofen, naproxen, and ketoprofen. In the
`case of nitrite-containing NO-NSAIDs, ingestion of any
`of the compounds would result in nitrite ingestion far in
`excess of WHO recommendations. For example, with
`NO-diclofenac, NO-aspirin, and NO-naproxen, the ni-
`trite consumption would exceed WHO recommended
`maximal levels by threefold, tenfold, and 40-fold, respec-
`tively. On the other hand, in none of the five cases exam-
`ined would the amount of nitrate ingested with
`nitrate-containing NO-NSAIDs exceed WHO recom-
`mendations. For example, the amount of nitrate ingested
`with maximal doses of NO-diclofenac and NO-flurbi-
`profen would be 1/25th and 1/7th of the WHO recom-
`mended maximal levels, respectively.
`NO-releasing NSAIDs were developed on the ba-
`sis of observations that suggested that NO had the ca-
`pacity to interfere with several key steps in the
`pathogenesis of NSAID-induced gastrointestinal ulcer-
`ation. This novel class of compounds exhibits greatly re-
`duced gastrointestinal and renal toxicity. NO-NSAIDs
`exhibit reduced toxicity not only in the normal gas-
`trointestinal tract, but also in situations in which there
`was preexisting ulceration and inflammation. Moreover,
`these compounds have comparable anti-inflammatory and
`anti-pyretic activity to the parent drugs, but have en-
`hanced analgesic and anti-thrombotic properties. Nitrate-
`containing NO-NSAIDs have superior stability to
`nitrite-containing NO-NSAIDs. Moreover, the nitrate-
`containing NO-NSAIDs do not exhibit the mutagenicity
`seen with nitrite-containing NO-NSAIDs. Clinical trials
`are presently under way to examine the safety and effi-
`cacy of several NO-NSAIDs in humans.
`Brown JF, Hanson PJ, Whittle BJR (1992): Nitric oxide donors increase
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