A Fast Track Architecture for UDP/ IP and TCP / IP
`Roy Chum
`MacDonald jackson
`Marylou Oraymzi
`May 9, l995
`l’oor TCP/ll’ and UDl’/ ll’ implementations have been attributed as a factor to the observed lack of
`performance of remote applications given the speeds of modern communication networks. We discuss
`some of the factors that cited as contributors to the protocols’ poor performance. We then discuss the fast
`track architecture for UDP/IP and TCP/ lP which improves protocol performance by optimizing for the
`common rather than the general case and by bypassing the operating system completely thereby reducing
`any overhead that may be incurred while in the operating system. We then present our implementation of
`a fast track UDP/ 11’ along with proposals for fast track TCP / ll’ implementations.
`Many researchers have observed that the performance of remote applications have not kept pace with
`modern communication network speeds. Part of this imbalance is attributed to the protocols used by
`the remote applications, namely, UDP/ IP and TCP/ IP. It is now widely believed that the problems with
`these protocols are not inherent in the protocols themselves but in their particular implementations lDalt93,
`Whet95]. The following factors are cited as contributors to the poor performance of UDP/IP and TCP/IP:
`Multiple copying of data This is considered the biggest bottleneck. Receiving a packet requires two copies:
`one copy from the network interface to the kernel and another one from the kernel to the receiving
`application. Sending a packet also requires two copies: one from the sending application to the kernel
`and another one from the kernel to the network interface. Measurements in [Kay93] show that moving
`packet data takes up 9‘ 0 of TCP processing time and 16% of UDP processing time.
`Protocol layering Layering facilitates protocol design but not implementation. it causes bad buffering deci-
`sions which generate unnecessary memory traffic [lacob93]. Packets are forced to go from application
`buffers to socket buffers to kernel buffers and finally to the network interface buffers. Layering also
`hinders parallelism Uacob93] forcing applications to call generic routines instead of protocol-specific
`ones causing a bottleneck at the generic routines.
`Optimization for the general rather than the common case Because of the generality of the code, a lot of
`time is spent processing packet headers, calculating checksums in the kernel and managing buffers
`[Whet95]. This was acceptable due to the unreliability of the internetworks within which the proto-
`cols were operating but with modern networks, most packets arrive in sequence and are error-free
`In addition, it requires an
`Checksum computation It is known that checksum calculation is expensive.
`additional perusal of a packet’s header and data. Measurements in [Kaygf—E] show that checksumming
`of TCP / llJ packets take up only 7% of TCP processing time while it takes up 25% of UDlJ processing
`time. This is attributed to the larger sizes of UDP packets. Analysis of a FDDI network traffic in a
`university LAN [Kay93] calculated a median TCP packet size of 32 bytes and a median UDP packet
`size of 128 bytes.
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`Kernel buffer manipulation The kernel buffers used for network packet processing are the memory buffers
`(mbufs) and the socket buffers. According to [Kay93], mbuf and socket buffer processing take up 18%
`of TCP processing time and 15% of UDP processing time.
`Context switches A context switch involves a process blocking itself (e.g., via the sleep system call),
`waking up another process and restarting it. According to Kay et. al. [Kay93], context switches take
`up about 5"?) of TCP processing time and 4% of UDP processing time [Kay93].
`Error checking Error checking time is largely taken up by the validation of arguments to system calls. This
`takes up 5% of TCP processing time and 7% of UDP processing time.
`Interrupts When a packet arrives, two interrupts are generated: a hardware interrupt generated by the
`network interface to indicate that a packet has arrived and a software interrupt generated by the
`network interface device driver to tell ll’ that a new packet has arrived. Generating a software
`interrupt and handling the interrupt by dequeueing the incoming packet and calling IP to handle it
`takes up 2% of processing time for both TCP and UDP.
`ln [lNhet95], a fast track architecture for UDP/ IP and TCP/IP was proposed. Its main aim is to improve
`protocol performance by optimizing for the common case and by bypassing the operating system (05)
`completely, reducing any overhead that may be incurred while in the OS. Given network interface support,
`the fast track can also limit the copying of data to one. The architecture distinguishes between two types
`of packets: common case and non-common case (common case criteria are discussed in detail in Section 3)
`and only processes the common case packets. A packet buffer is shared between the application and the
`network interface device driver. When a common case packet arrives at the receiving host, the device driver
`copies the packet into the packet buffer it shares with the application. This effectively demultiplexes the
`packet directly to the application and bypasses the operating system completely. To send a common case
`packet, the sending application directly copies the packet into the buffer it shares with the device driver
`and calls a device driver routine to send the packet to its destination.
`The fast track architecture is applicable to a wide range of network interfaces [Whet95] and can coexist
`with other UDP/IP and TCP/IP implementations.
`Section 2 discusses problems reported and solutions proposed by researchers in the area. Section
`3 presents the goals of the fast track architecture. Section 4 describes the fast track implementation of
`UDP/ IP along with the current UDP/ 1P implementation. Section 5 is a discussion of fast track and the
`current TCP/ IP implementation. Section 6 is an analysis of the fast track UDP / 1P implementation. Section
`7 presents difficulties we encountered during implementation. Section 8 presents our conclusions and
`2 Previous Work
`Various researchers have proposed and implemented solutions to overcome the problems with UDP/ IP
`and TCP / 1P implementations discussed in Section 1. In [Part94], Craig Partridge showed ways to speed up
`UDP/ 1P implementation one of which is to calculate the checksum while copying the data. Van Jacobson
`Uacob93] has implemented a high performance TCP/ IP by reducing the number of interrupts generated for
`each packet sent or received, by touching any piece of data exactly once, and by doing away with layering
`and maximizing parallelism. His code only requires 37 instructions and 7 memory references to forward
`an IP packet, and less than 60 instructions and 22 memory references to process a TCP packet.
`Dalton et. al. [Dalt93] modified TCP / IP to support the Afterburner card which they designed and built.
`The card provides buffers that can be directly accessed by the operating system so that data is copied only
`once: from the on-card buffers to the application buffers for receiving and vice-versa for sending. They
`achieved a throughput of 210 Mbps with 14 KB packets.
`Brustoloni [Brust94] used exposed buffering to avoid copying of data altogether. A special area in kernel
`memory is allocated specifically for these exposed buffers so that both the applications and the network
`interface can share access to them. When a packet is received, it is placed directly in these buffers and the
`Alacritech, Ex. 2032 Page 2
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`application reads the packet directly from them. To send a packet, the application writes into the buffers and
`the network interface sends it from the same buffers. This was implemented in the Mach operating system
`on a host connected to an ATM LAN. They achieved a throughput of 48.4 Mbps with 64 KB datagrams and
`48.5 Mbps with 64 KB sequenced packets.
`Kay et. al. [Kay93] suggested avoiding checksumming for both TCP and UDP when the communicating
`hosts are on the same LAN provided the LAN supports a hardware CRC. They also stated thatreducing TCP
`protocol-specific processing time is useful but will require a major modification of TCP implementation. It
`is unclear whether the effort required is worth the performance improvement that will be gained.
`Whetten et. al.
`[Whet95] proposed an implementation for a fast track receiver and sender for both
`TCP / IP and UDP / IP. We initially tried to implement the fast track TCP / IP receiver but encountered
`difficulties with the proposed implementation. The proposal did not take into account that for both the fast
`track and non-fast track TCP/IP implementations to coexist, they must be able to share state information
`about TCP/ ll’ connections. We had a few options:
`0 Remove the requirement that fast track and non-fast track TCP / llJ must coexist.
`This is infeasible since fast track setup requires assistance from non-fast track TCP/IP. In addition,
`non-common case TCP/ IP packets will never be unprocessed.
`0 Modify TCP/ IP to be able to more readily share state information with fast track TCP/ IP.
`Given the complexity of TCP/ IP code, we believed this would require too much work given the
`amount of time we had.
`0 Implement fast track UDP / IP instead.
`This is the option we eventually chose because of the simplicity of UDP / IP relative to TCP/ IP.
`In the remaining sections of the paper, we first present the fast track goals for both UDP/IP and
`TCP/IP and follow this with a discussion of fast track UDP/IP architecture and implementation. This
`is then followed by a discussion of the fast track TCP/ ll’ architecture and a number of proposals for its
`implementation. We then present an analysis of our fast track UDP/ IP implementation.
`3 Fast Track Goals
`For both UDl’ / 11’ and 'l‘Cl’/ ll’, the goals of the fast track architecture are to optimize for the common case
`(vs. the general case), to minimize operating system overhead and to minimize data copying. A UDP/ IP
`packet is considered common case for the receiver if it satisfies the following criteria:
`0 It uses the correct 1P version (4).
`o It has the correct header length (5).
`o It is not fragmented.
`o It is destined for this host.
`0 It is error—free.
`o A socket already exists for the packet.
`The criteria for a TCP/ IP packet are identical with the following additions:
`o It is not a control packet.
`o It has the correct sequence number (i.e., the packet arrived in order).
`o It has no variable length options.
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`OS Software
`OS Hanlware
`Figure 1: Current UDP / 1P Receiver
`The criteria for a common case UDP/IP packet for the sender are:
`0 N0 packets waiting to be sent.
`0 No fragmentation required.
`0 Already have an outgoing socket.
`0 Have already resolved the outgoing link address using ARP
`The criteria for sending a TCP / 1? packet are identical with the following additions:
`0 Window size must be big enough and have space.
`0 Must have a valid connection
`Though treated separately in this paper, fast track UDP / IP and TCP/ IP can and should be combined in
`one implementation. The separation was done for simplicity and clarity.
`4 Fast Track UDP/IP
`In this section, we will first describe the current implementation of the UDP / IP receiver and then contrast
`it with the fast track implementation. This is followed by a similar discussion of the UDP/ IP sender.
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`. .
`B ufler
`OS Hardware
`Figure 2: Fast Track UDP/IP Receiver
`4.1 Current UDP/IP Receiver
`Figure 1 shows a diagram of the current UDP/ IP receiver. When a packet arrives at the network interface, it
`generates a hardware interrupt which activates the interface’s device driver. If the packet is an IP packet, the
`driver puts it into the IP input queue, ipintrq, and generates a software interrupt to inform the IP interrupt
`handler, ipintr, that a new IP packet has arrived. Based on the packet’s protocol type (specified in the IP
`header), llJ demultiplexes the packet to the appropriate protocol. If it is a UDI’ packet, ipintr invokes the
`UDP input function, udp_input, to process the incoming packet. udp_input first validates the incoming
`packet by verifying its length and by calculating its checksum. udp_input then determines the packet’s
`recipient application and puts the packet into that application’s socket receive buffer. Two interrupts are
`generated, the hardware interrupt generated by the network interface and the software interrupt generated
`by the device driver. One can clearly see the bottleneck at ipintr and udp_input due to layering.
`4.2 Fast Track UDP/IP Receiver
`We implemented the receiver on a HP—UX 9000/ 700 workstation running the HP-UX OS version A.09.01.
`Figure 2 shows a diagram of the fast track UDP/ 1P receiver. When a packet arrives at the network
`interface, it generates a hardware interrupt which activates the interface’s device driver. The driver then
`calls the fast track demultiplexer, f t_demux, which determines if the packet is common case or not.
`If it
`satisfies all the common case criteria enumerated in Section 3 above, f t_demux copies the packet from the
`network interface to the appropriate application receive buffer (which replaces the socket receive buffer).
`Otherwise, the packet is placed in the appropriate protocol input queue and the appropriate software
`interrupt is generated. Only one interrupt is generated, the hardware interrupt generated by the network
`interface. Except for the brief stay in the demultiplexer, the operating system is completely bypassed. In
`addition, no bottlenecks exist.
`Alacritech, Ex. 2032 Page 5
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`(2 bytes)
`(4 bytes)
`A lieation
`(4 bytes)
`Figure 3: Demultiplexer Table Entry Format
`create socket
`while more packets to receive
`call ft_recvfrom
`Figure 4: Fast Track Application Server Algorithm
`4.2.1 Fast Track Demultiplexer Table
`The key component of the fast track receiver is the fast track demultiplexer, ft_demux. The key data
`structure used by f t_demux is the demultiplexer table, DemuxTable. Each socket that uses the fast track
`has an entry in DemuxTable. Each entry contains the port used by the receiving application (destination
`port), the application’s virtual space id, a pointer to its virtual address space, and a pointer to its receive
`buffer. The destination port essentially identifies the receiving application because each server socket can
`only be used by one server. The virtual space id and pointer are needed by the demultiplexer to correctly
`access the application’s receive buffer. The receive buffer replaces the socket receive buffer to minimize (if
`not eliminate) the use of kernel buffers. Figure 3 shows the format of an entry and the number of bytes each
`field uses. f t_demux also uses hint pointers to the most recently used entries in the demultiplexer table to
`take advantage of the fact that most packets demultiplex to the same place [Jacob93].
`4.2.2 Fast Track Recvfrom
`To enable fast track UDP / IP receiving, the application only has to call f t_recvf rom instead of recvfrom.
`Calling ft_recvf rom is just like calling tt recvfrom except that an additional parameter is given, the
`application’s address as specified by bind. Two buffers are needed by an application to receive packets:
`a receive buffer used for queueing packets destined for the application and a packet buffer used to store
`a packet from the receive buffer. The receive buffer is a first-in— first—out (FIFO) buffer. The packet at the
`beginning of the buffer is moved from the receive buffer into the packet buffer. Applications can only directly
`read packets from the packetbuffer. Tominimize any additional work the application has to do, space needed
`for the receive buffer is allocated by ft_recvfrom. The packet buffer is supplied by the application as a
`parameter to ftiecvfrom (just like in recvfrom). When called for the first time, ftlecvfrom creates
`and inserts an entry for the specified socket (the destination port) into the demultiplexer table. f t_recvf rom
`also calls recvfrom to receive the socket’s very first socket. Subsequent calls to f t_recvf rom will first
`poll the application’s receive buffer until a packet is placed in it by ft_demux. For simplicity, polling is used
`instead of select to detect data in the receive buffer. Each packet placed by f t_demux in the receive buffer
`can be one of two types: common case (fast track) or non-common case (slow track).
`If the packet at the
`beginning of the buffer is slow track, this means that actual packet data is not in the buffer since f t_demux
`does not process slow track packets. To process a slow track packet, f t_recvf rom calls recvfrom to
`receive the packet using the conventional operating system channels. If the packet is fast track, it is copied
`from the application’s receive buffer into its packet buffer. Figures 4 and 5 show the algorithms for the fast
`track application server and f t_recvf rom, respectively.
`Alacritech, Ex. 2032 Page 6
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`if called for the first time
`call recvfrom
`allocate space for receive buffer
`add an entry to demultiplexer table
`poll receive buffer for data
`if slow track packet at head of buffer
`call recvfrom
`copy packet into specified packet buffer
`return number of bytes received
`Figure 5: ft_recvfrom Algorithm
`4.2.3 Fast Track Demultiplexer
`When an incoming packet arrives, f t_demux is activated by the hardware interrupt generated by the
`network interface to indicate the packets arrival. f t_demux first Checks that the packet is a UDP / 1? packet.
`If it is not, it is simply sent back to the OS. Otherwise, f t _demux checks that the packet contains the correct
`1P version number (4) and the correct header length (5). If it does not, it is sent back to the OS. Otherwise,
`f t_demux consults the demultiplexer table, DemuxTable, for an entry that has the same source / sender
`IP address as the incoming packet, the same source and destination ports as the incoming packet, and
`the same protocol (UDP) as the incoming packet. If a matching entry is found, the packet is copied into
`the application receive buffer specified in the DemuxTable entry. To speed up searches, hint pointers are
`used to keep track of the most recently used table entries. These table entries are first consulted and if no
`match is found using the hint pointers, the entire table is searched for matching entries. Figure 6 shows the
`f t_demux algorithm.
`4.3 Current UDP/IP Send
`Figure 7 shows a diagram of the current UDP/IP sender. When a process, called a UDP Client, sends a
`packet using the system call sendto, the destination socket address structure and user data are copied into
`an mbuf chain. This mbuf chain is then passed to the protocol layer, first udp_output, then ip_output,
`which prepend the appropriate headers. udp_0utput calls if_output to pass the datagram to the network
`interface layer, where the packet is placed in a queue to be transmitted to the network. Note that user data
`does not wait in any queues until it reaches the device driver.
`4.4 Fast Track UDP/IP Sender
`We implemented the sender on the same machine as the receiver, an HP-UX 9000/ 700. Figure 8 shows the
`control flow of the fast track UDP/ 1P sender. The UDP Client sends a datagram by calling f t_sendto. If
`the packet meets the common case conditions as described in section 3 above, the data is copied to a mbuf
`chain with the UDP and 11’ headers prepended, and the packet is sent directly to the network interface to
`be sent out to the network. If the packet fails any of the conditions control is passed to sendto.
`The fast track UDP code reduces some overhead by caching header fields and cutting out two function
`calls. ft_sendto has a MuxTable, which performs the same role as the DemuxTable does on the receive
`side. The table is indexed by the UDP Client’s source and destination sockaddr’s. Port pairs alone will not
`resolve the ambiguity because the UDP Client may send to more than one destination through the same
`socket, and each of those destinations may use the same port. For the same reason, socket file descriptors
`will not work. The locations of the sockaddr’s will be unique.
`Alacritech, Ex. 2032 Page 7
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`if packet is not
`return to OS
`if packet is not UDP
`return to OS
`if packet’s IP version is incorrect
`return to OS
`if packet’s header length is incorrect
`return to OS
`for each hint pointer
`if tableEntry[hintPointer].destPort == packet.destPort
`copy packet into tableEntry[hintPointer].rechuf
`if no matches found
`for each table entry
`if tableEntry[entryNo].destPort == packet.destPort
`copy packet into tableEntry[hintPointer].rechuf
`if no matches found
`return to OS
`Figure 6: ft_demux Aigorithm
`Us Software
`Figure 7: Current UDP/1P Sender
`Alacritech, Ex. 2032 Page 8
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`OS Software
`Figure 8: Fast Track UDP/ IP Sender
`Cached in the MuxTable are both the UDP and the IP headers. When ft_sendto receives a packet
`from a new UDP Client, the MuxTable entries are filled in, and the packet is sent to the network using
`sendto (because this is a special case of not meeting the fast track criteria). When a packet is received by
`f t_sendto from a known UDP Client, the headers are copied into the mbuf using the cached values. The
`only headers that need to be updated are the IP header checksum, the 1P length, the UDP length, and the
`UDP checksum. Currently the UDP checksum is not computed. See figure 9 for the algorithm.
`Another optimization is the assumption that there are no packets waiting to be sent in the network
`driver. This facilitates speedy data transmission. Currently the network interface does not support such a
`5 Fast Track TCP/IP
`ln this section, we first give a brief description of the current implementation of the TCP / ll’ receiver and
`follow it with a general description of the fast track TCP / 1P receiver. We then present a number of proposals
`on how a fast track TCP/ 1? receiver can be implemented. This is followed by a similar discussion of the
`5.1 Current TCP/IP Receiver
`Figure 10 is a diagram of the current implementation of the TCP/ 1P receiver. When a packet arrives at
`a network interface, that interface generates a hardware interrupt which activates its driver to process
`the incoming packet.
`If the packet is an IP packet, the driver puts it into the IF input queue, ipintrq,
`and generates a software interrupt to activate the 1P interrupt handler, ipintr.
`If the packet is a TCP
`packet, ipintr then calls the TCP input function, tcp_input, to further process the packet. tcp_input
`Alacritech, Ex. 2032 Page 9
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`if packet is not IP
`if packet needs to be fragmented
`for each hint pointer
`if ((MuxTable[hintPointer].sorc == uap—>from) &&
`(MuxTable[hintPointer].dest l= uap—>to))
`header = MuxTable[sendHints[i]].header;
`if no matches found
`for each table entry
`if ((MuxTable[EntryNo].sorc == uap—>from) &&
`!= uap—>to))
`header = MuxTable[sendHints[i]].header;
`if no matches found
`add new entry
`if ARP resolved
`send to network interface
`Figure 9: ft_mux algorithm
`Alacritech, Ex. 2032 Page 10
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`OS Software
`OS Han!ware
`._ v, ,
`1““ ‘
`Figure 10: Current TCP/ IP Receiver
`first validates the incoming packet by calculating its checksum and then compares it with the checksum
`included in the TCP header. It then calculates the amount of space available in the socket receive buffer
`(this available space is called the receive window) for the receiving application. The received packet is then
`trimmed (if necessary) to fit into the receive window. tcp_input then queues the trimmed packet into the
`application’s socket receive buffer. The application obtains the packet from this receive buffer via one of the
`socket receive functions, e.g., recv and read. In addition to queueing the buffer into the appropriate socket
`receive buffer, tcp_input performs some critical functions to correctly maintain the connection’s state.
`These include updating the receive and congestion windows if needed, determining the sequence number
`of the next expected packet, remembering the packets received but not yet acknowledged, and sending
`acknowledgements for received packets. This state information maintenance is what makes it much more
`complicated than UDP.
`the hardware
`In the process of receiving an incoming TCP/ IP packet, two interrupts are generated:
`interrupt generated by the network interface and the software interrupt generated by ipintr. As in UDP,
`a bottleneck exists at ipintr and tcp_input due to layering.
`5.2 Fast Track TCP/IP Receiver
`Implementation of the fast track TCP / IP receiver is structurally identical to its UDP / IP counterpart. Figure
`10 shows a diagram of the implementation structure.
`When a packet arrives at a network interface, it generates a hardware interrupt to activate its device
`driver so it can process the incoming packet. The driver then calls the fast track demultiplexer, deemux, to
`demultiplex the packets to the appropriate application receive buffer. As in the fast track UDP / ll’ receiver,
`the demultiplexer is the key component of the receiver (see Section 4.3 for details).
`To receive fast track TCP / IP packets, the application must invoke the usual sequence of calls: socket,
`bind, listen, and accept. accept creates a new socket for each new connection accepted.
`It is at
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`OS Hardware
`Figure 11: Fast Track TCP/IP Receiver
`this point where a demultiplexer table entry is created for the new socket and added to the demultiplexer
`table. Instead of calling read or recv, the application must call ft_recv which receives fast track TCP/ II’
`packets processed by ft_demux. ft-recv behaves just like ft_recvfrom (used for UDP/ IP packets)
`except that it has to perform additional functions to maintain state information for the connection and share
`this information with the non-fast track TCP/ IP for both to function correctly. This makes f t_recv much
`more complicated than ft_recvfrom.
`5.3 Current TCP/IP Sender
`The control and data flow of the current implementation of the TCP/ IP sender is shown figure 12. When a
`TCP Client calls send to send a packet, the data flows much as it does in the UDP case. The data is copied
`to an mbuf chain. This mbuf chain is passed down to the network interface level through tcp_output
`and ip_output, both of which prepend the proper headers. ip_output passes the mbuf to the network
`interface by calling if -0utput.
`Unlike UDP,sending data using TCP can result in queueing user data before the network drivers. Because
`TCP is a connection-oriented service and is based on a sliding window scheme, a large amount of state must
`be managed in order to guarantee the service it provides. tcp_usrreq is the function which handles this
`"bookkeeping", including connection management, congestion window size, timers and associated timing
`computation, and data retransmission. For a detailed description of tcp_usrreq see [lNrig95]. Due to
`this high overhead and to lost packets, user data can be queued at both the TCP and the network interface
`5.4 Fast Track TCP/IP Sender
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`OS Software
`Figure 12: Current TCP/ IP Sender
`Figure 13 is markedly different from its counterpart describing the current TCP/IP sender. Upon receiving
`a packet to send, f t_send would check the packet to determine if it is common case, and if so retrieve the
`appropriate headers from the cache. The only headers necessary to compute are the 1P length and header
`checksum, and the TCP sequence number, acknowledgment number, window information, and checksum.
`The only additional overhead is incurred by calculating and setting the retransmission timer.
`In order for a TCP Client to send data it must invoke the usual system calls: socket, bind, and
`connect. During the connect call a new entry in the MuxTable would be created for this connection.
`To send data using the fast track the client would use the system call ft_send. Because ft_send coexists
`with the original implementation of TCP, they must share state in order to perform reliably. This need for
`sharing state between the fast track and the original will result in a very hairy implementation.
`5.5 Fast Track TCP/IP Receiver Implementation Proposals
`Because of its guarantee of reliability, TCP has to maintain some state while a connection exists between two
`sockets. On the receiving end, this includes the sequence number of the next incoming packet, the number
`of packets received so far and still unacknowledged, and the receive and congestion window sizes (for
`congestion control). In addition to maintaining state, the fast track receiver also has to inform the non-fast
`track, or slow track, TCP/ 1P receiver of the current connection state. This is where most of the complexity
`lies. If all incoming TCP/ IP packets were fast track, implementation would be much simpler since all the
`fast track receiver has to do is maintain its own data structures. However, in order to correctly process
`slow track packets, the slow track TCP/IP receiver must be informed of what has transpired during fast
`track processing. The bottom line is that both fast track and slow track TCP / ll) receivers must be able to
`share state information for them to function correctly since their actions are based on the connection’s state.
`Several ways of implementing this are proposed in the following sections.
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`OS Software
`Figure 13: Fast Track TCP/IP Sender
`5.5.1 State Information Sharing
`One way that both fast track and slow track TCP/ IP can share information is by sharing data structures.
`This would require a reimplementation of TCP/ 1P so that it can more readily share data structures with
`its fast track counterpart. This can be done by having a global data structure that contains the minimal
`information need ed by the slow track TCP/IP to function correctly. This information includes the sequence
`number of the next incoming packet, packets received but not yet acknowledged and the sizes of the receive
`and congestion windows. Each time fast track TCP/ 1P processes a packet, it updates this shared data
`structure. When slow track TCP/IP is reactivated to process a slow track packet, it first consults the shared
`data structure to update its state information and proceeds to process the incoming packet which includes
`updating the shared data structure. This facilitates switching between fast and slow tracks. To obtain
`further performance gains from fast track, we can defer the updating of items not used by fast track until a
`slow track packet comes in. Before switching to slow track, we would then up

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