`Patent Owner
`Case No. IPR2018-00168
`Patent No. 9,549,938


`Case No. IPR2018-00168
`U.S. Patent No. 9,549,938
`INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 1
`III. THE ’938 PATENT ......................................................................................... 4
`IV. TECHNICAL BACKGROUND ..................................................................... 7
`Structure of the Nail Plate ..................................................................... 7
`Role of Keratin ...................................................................................... 9
`Factors Affecting Nail Permeability ................................................... 10
`1. Molecular Weight ..................................................................... 11
`Keratin-Binding Affinity .......................................................... 17
`Other Factors ............................................................................. 20
`The Challenge of Transungual Drug Delivery .................................... 22
`THE CITED REFERENCES......................................................................... 25
`A. Austin .................................................................................................. 25
`Brehove................................................................................................ 26
`Freeman ............................................................................................... 27
`Samour ................................................................................................. 28
`VI. RESPONSE TO PETITIONER’S GROUNDS ............................................. 29
`The Cited Art Teaches Away from 5% Tavaborole ........................... 29
`A POSA Would Have Used More than 5% Tavaborole to
`Overcome Tavaborole’s Expected High Keratin-Binding
`Affinity ................................................................................................ 35


`Case No. IPR2018-00168
`U.S. Patent No. 9,549,938
`VII. CONCLUSION .............................................................................................. 40


`I, Majella E. Lane, Ph.D., hereby state and declare as follows:
`Case No. IPR2018-00168
`U.S. Patent No. 9,549,938
`I have been asked by Patent Owner Anacor Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`(“Anacor”) to offer my expert opinions regarding the petition for inter partes re-
`view of U.S. Patent No. 9,549,938 (“the ’938 patent”) filed by Petitioner FlatWing
`Pharmaceuticals, LLC (“FlatWing”). This declaration contains my opinions relat-
`ed to the validity of claims 3, 5, and 6 of the ’938 patent.
`I am being compensated at my customary hourly rate, and my com-
`pensation is not dependent upon the outcome of, or the content of my testimony in,
`the present inter partes review proceeding or any litigation proceedings.
`I have reviewed FlatWing’s petition for inter partes review (“Pet.”) of
`the ’938 patent, including the declarations filed in support of the petition submitted
`by Dr. Stephen B. Kahl (Ex. 1003) and Dr. S. Narasimha Murthy (Ex. 1005). I
`have further reviewed the exhibits and articles cited in these documents, as well as
`the articles and documents cited in this declaration.
`I have additionally reviewed the declaration of Dr. Paul J. Reider
`(“Reider Decl.,” Ex. 2013) filed in support of Anacor’s response to FlatWing’s pe-
`tition. I am also aware of knowledge generally available to and relied upon by per-
`sons of ordinary skill in the art (“POSA”) at the time of the invention.


`This declaration is based on information currently available to me. I
`Case No. IPR2018-00168
`U.S. Patent No. 9,549,938
`reserve the right to continue my investigation and analysis, which may include a
`review of documents and information not yet provided. I further reserve the right
`to expand or otherwise modify my opinions and conclusions as my investigation
`and study continues, and to supplement my opinions and conclusions in response
`to any additional information that becomes available to me.
`I received a Ph.D. in 1997 from Trinity College, Dublin, where my re-
`search focused on drug transport across biological membranes (in particular skin
`and mucosa), topical and transdermal formulations, mathematical modeling of top-
`ical and transdermal drug delivery, and prediction of percutaneous drug penetra-
`tion. I received a B.S. in pharmacy from Trinity College in 1992.
`I am currently the Director of the Skin Research Group and a Senior
`Lecturer in Pharmaceutics at the School of Pharmacy at the University College of
`London (“UCL”). I have held those positions since 2010 and 2008, respectively.
`From 2005 to 2008, I was a Lecturer in Pharmaceutics at UCL. Prior to that, I was
`the director of the Master’s program in Pharmaceutical Technology at Trinity Col-
`lege, Dublin from 1998 to 2005, after having first worked there as a Lecturer in
`Pharmaceutical Chemistry starting in 1995, and a Lecturer in Pharmaceutics start-
`ing in 1997. A copy of my curriculum vitae is attached as Exhibit 2045.


`8. My areas of expertise include ungual drug absorption, transdermal
`Case No. IPR2018-00168
`U.S. Patent No. 9,549,938
`drug delivery, topical drug delivery, membrane transport, and biophysical ap-
`proaches towards the elucidation of drug-drug, drug-excipient and drug-membrane
`interactions. My research focus includes the development of optimal drug formu-
`lations for effective delivery of therapeutics, in particular through skin, nail, and
`mucous membranes. Through my work at the Skin Research Group at UCL, I
`have conducted or participated in more than 100 studies using a range of biophysi-
`cal techniques to probe and study the mechanisms of skin and nail penetration and
`modulation. Another research focus is determining the action of penetration
`modulating agents, specifically penetration enhancers and retarders.
`I currently serve as the Chair of Skin Forum, and am an Advisory
`Board Member of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Great Britain, Stra-
`tum Corneum, and the Technical Advisory Group of Skin Health in the Developing
`World. I am also the Topical Expert of the Chemistry, Pharmacy, and Standards
`Expert Advisory Group for the Commission on Human Medicines. I am currently
`a member of a number of pharmaceutical societies, including the Royal Pharma-
`ceutical Society of Great Britain, the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, the Amer-
`ican Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, the Controlled Release Society, and
`the Bioactives Committee of the Society of the Chemistry Industry. I am currently
`serving as the expert on topical and transdermal medicines for the Chemistry,


`Case No. IPR2018-00168
`U.S. Patent No. 9,549,938
`Pharmacy, and Standards Committee of the U.K. Medicines and Health Regulatory
`Agency, which is the British equivalent of the Food and Drug Administration
`(“FDA”) in the United States.
`I am currently a member of the editorial board of a number of peer-
`reviewed biomedical journals, including the American Journal of Pharmaceutical
`Sciences, Cosmetics, Current Drug Delivery, Drug Delivery Letters, the Interna-
`tional Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology and Nanomedicines, the Journal
`of Biophysical Chemistry, the Journal of Drug Targeting, the Journal of Pharma-
`ceutical Science, and the International Journal of Pharmaceutics.
`I have published more than 130 peer-reviewed articles addressing var-
`ious aspects of overcoming the barrier properties of skin and nail.
`12. Based on my qualifications and experience, I consider myself quali-
`fied to provide opinions on the understanding of a person of ordinary skill in the
`relevant art in 2005 as it pertains to parameters relating to transungual penetration
`and the identification of potential drug candidates for transungual penetration.
`13. The inventors of the ’938 patent recognized a “need in the art for
`compounds which can effectively penetrate the nail” as well as “compounds which
`can effectively treat ungual and/or periungual infections” such as onychomycosis.
`’938 patent (Ex. 1001) at 3:1–6. In particular, the inventors recognized that “poor


`penetration of the active agent through the . . . nail plate and/or excessive binding
`Case No. IPR2018-00168
`U.S. Patent No. 9,549,938
`to keratin (the major protein in nails and hair) are the reasons for the poor efficacy”
`of existing topical treatments for these infections. Id. at 132:9–12.
`14. As the inventors of the ’938 patent further explained:
`In mild cases of onychomycosis, the pathogenic fungi re-
`side in the nail plate only. In moderate to severe cases
`the pathogenic fungi establish a presence in the nail plate
`and in the nail bed. If the infection is cleared from the
`nail plate but not from the nail bed, the fungal pathogen
`can re-infect the nail plate. Therefore, to effectively treat
`onychomycosis, the infection must be eliminated from
`the nail plate and the nail bed. To do this, the active
`agent must penetrate and disseminate substantially
`throughout the nail plate and nail bed.”
`’938 patent (Ex. 1001) at 132:14–23.
`15. To this end, the ’938 patent “provides novel boron compounds” and
`“a method of delivering a compound from the dorsal layer of the nail plate to the
`nail bed” using such compounds. Id. at 20:30, 134:27–29. Tavaborole (1,3-
`dihydro-5-fluoro-1-hydroxy-2,1-benzoxaborole) is one the compounds disclosed.
`See id. at 187:32–189:57–194:48 (Examples 16–20).


`I understand that claims 3, 5, and 6 of the ’938 patent depend directly
`Case No. IPR2018-00168
`U.S. Patent No. 9,549,938
`or indirectly on independent claim 1 and therefore incorporate all limitations of the
`claim(s) from which they depend.
`17. Claim 1 of the ’938 patent recites:
`1. A method of treating a Tinea unguium infection of
`a toenail of a human, the method comprising:
`topically administering to the toenail of the human a
`pharmaceutical composition [tavaborole] or a
`pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof in an
`amount sufficient to treat the infection.
`18. Claim 3 of the ’938 patent recites:
`3. The method of claim 1, wherein the pharmaceuti-
`cal composition is in the form of a solution comprising
`5% w/w of [tavaborole].
`19. Claim 5 of the ’938 patent recites:
`5. The method of claim 1, wherein the Tinea unguium
`infection is due to Trichophyton rubrum or Trichophyton
`mentagrophytes, and wherein the pharmaceutical compo-
`sition is in the form of a solution comprising 5% w/w of


`20. Claim 6 of the ’938 patent recites:
`Case No. IPR2018-00168
`U.S. Patent No. 9,549,938
`6. The method of claim 5, wherein the pharmaceuti-
`cal composition further comprises ethanol and propylene
`I further understand that the ’938 patent claims priority to a provision-
`al patent application filed on February 16, 2005. I therefore interpret the meaning
`of the ’938 patent claims in accordance with the knowledge and understanding of a
`person of ordinary skill in the art during the 2005 time period.
`Structure of the Nail Plate
`22. The human nail is composed of densely packed layers of keratinized
`cells. Walters et al., Physicochemical characterization of the human nail: permea-
`tion pattern for water and the homologous alcohols and differences with respect to
`the stratum corneum, J. Pharm. Pharmacol. vol. 35, pp. 28–33, at 29 (1983) (Ex.
`2031); see also Sudaxshina Murdan, Drug delivery to the nail following topical
`application, Int’l J. Pharm., vol. 236, pp. 1–26, at 2–3 (2002) (Ex. 1020). Keratin-
`ized cells, unlike most other human cells, contain no organelles or nuclei and are
`comprised substantially of keratin fibrils, embedded in a protein matrix. Bo For-
`slind, Biophysical Studies of the Normal Nail, Acta Derm Venerol, vol. 5, pp. 161–


`68, at 161–62 (1970) (Ex. 2043). These cells are tightly fused together to form the
`Case No. IPR2018-00168
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`hard, slightly elastic structure of the nail plate. Id.
`23. More specifically, the nail plate is composed of three very tightly knit,
`keratinized layers. See Runne & Orfanos, The Human Nail: Structure, Growth and
`Pathological Changes, Curr. Prob. Derm. vol. 9, pp. 102–49, at 104–06 (1981)
`(Ex. 2029). The outermost dorsal layer is hard and thin, and only a few cells
`thick. Id. at 105. The intermediate layer is softer, thicker, more flexible than the
`dorsal layer, and comprises the majority of the nail’s thickness. Id. The innermost
`ventral layer is very thin and connects the nail plate to the nail bed. Id.
`24. The nail plate has been described as a hydrophilic gel membrane, or a
`hydrogel. See, e.g., Walters et al. 1983 (Ex. 2031) at 31. There is very little lipid
`in the nail; the total lipid content of the nail plate is not more than 1%. See Murdan
`2002 (Ex. 1020) at 4. The principal reason for the nail’s elasticity and flexibility is
`its water content. The nail typically contains 18% water on average, but may con-
`tain less than 16% or up to 30% water depending on the relative humidity. See
`Runne & Orfanos (Ex. 2029) at 106. The water content of the nail is an important
`factor in ensuring appropriate integrity and function of this tissue.
`25. The nail plate overlays the nail bed. The nail bed is a thin, soft, non-
`keratinized epithelium, which acts as a holder and a slide for the growing nail plate
`and contributes to its growth. Id. at 104. The nail bed is typically the site of nail


`infections such as onychomycosis. See Boni E. Elewski, Onychomycosis: Patho-
`Case No. IPR2018-00168
`U.S. Patent No. 9,549,938
`genesis, Diagnosis, and Management, Clin. Microbiology Revs., vol. 11, pp. 415–
`29, at 417 (1998) (Ex. 2027) (“[T]he most common form of onychomycosis . . . is
`characterized by invasion of the nail bed and underside of the nail plate.”).
`B. Role of Keratin
`26. About 80% of the nail is composed of a dense network of keratin fi-
`bers, which network is responsible for the nail’s mechanical strength and barrier
`properties. See Murdan 2002 (Ex. 1020) at 3–4. Keratin is a protein that assem-
`bles into a “coiled coil” hierarchical structure where multiple keratin fibers bundle
`together in a regular pattern to form intermediate filaments. See Wang et al., Kera-
`tin: Structure, mechanical properties, occurrence in biological organisms, and ef-
`forts at bioinspiration, Prog. Mater. Sci., vol. 76, pp. 229–318, at 235–36 (2016)
`(Ex. 2028). The formation of this hierarchical structure is driven by intermolecular
`forces: hydrogen bonding, peptide bonds, and disulfide linkages. Id.
`27. One technique that has been used to improve drug permeation into the
`nail plate is the use of chemical agents that break apart the dense keratin network.
`See Murdan 2002 (Ex. 1020) at 15–16. These keratolytic agents disrupt the higher-
`order structure formed by keratin fibers. Although these agents can compromise
`the physical integrity of the nail, they have been shown to improve the transungual
`penetration of a number of compounds, including high molecular weight antifungal


`agents. See Shivakumar et al., Approaches to Enhance Ungual and Trans-Ungual
`Case No. IPR2018-00168
`U.S. Patent No. 9,549,938
`Drug Delivery, in Topical Nail Products and Ungual Drug Delivery 87, 93–94
`(Murthy & Maibach eds., 2013) (Ex. 2030).
`Factors Affecting Nail Permeability
`28. At the time of the invention, the field of transungual drug delivery
`was (and still is) very small. As a consequence, only a handful of studies have sys-
`tematically investigated the fundamental factors underlying nail permeability. The
`conflicting information gathered in these studies demonstrates that in 2005, there
`were no “ground rules” for formulators seeking to achieve penetration into the nail.
`29. The limited understanding and conflicting information concerning the
`state of the art of nail penetration would have precluded a POSA from rationally
`deciding which drug compounds could be used in transungual formulations, much
`less reasonably predicting which compounds could penetrate the nail. A POSA in
`2005, therefore, would have known that nail penetration is unpredictable.
`It was also understood in 2005 that a compound’s nail permeability is
`influenced by several different factors. Among these factors is molecular weight,
`which provides an indirect measure of a compound’s size and mobility. Another
`factor is the compound’s keratin-binding affinity, that is, the degree to which the
`compound “sticks” to the dense keratin network that comprises the overriding ma-
`jority of nail’s molecular structure. Other important factors include the com-


`pound’s hydrophilicity/lipophilicity (“log P”), the nature of the vehicle being used
`Case No. IPR2018-00168
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`to deliver the compound, and other physicochemical properties such as molecular
`charge. See Murdan 2002 (Ex. 1020) at 9.
`1. Molecular Weight
`31. One factor affecting the diffusion or permeability through the nail
`plate is a compound’s molecular weight. It was generally understood in 2005 that
`compounds with high molecular weight tend to diffuse more slowly than com-
`pounds with low molecular weight. However, transport through the nail was
`known to be complex and nonlinear. Thus, a POSA in 2005 would have under-
`stood that molecular weight could not be used reliably to compare the relative
`permeability of compounds, particularly those below 300 Da.
`32. This understanding of the POSA in 2005 is based on the few studies
`that have systematically examined the role of molecular weight and nail permeabil-
`ity. To start, Walters et al. in 1983 studied the diffusion of a homologous series of
`n-alkanols through human cadaver nails. By using a homologous series—
`methanol, ethanol, n-propanol, and so on—Walters et al. sought to develop the
`“basic concept of the permeability of the human nail plate” by using structurally
`similar compounds. Walters et al. 1983 (Ex. 2031) at 28–29 & tbl.1. What they
`discovered was that the trend between molecular weight (roughly proportional to
`chain length) and permeability was nonlinear, as shown below. Id. at 30 fig.1.


`Case No. IPR2018-00168
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`33. Walters et al. thus found that the permeability coefficient of n-
`dodecanol (MW 186.34 Da) in a human nail was comparable to that of methanol
`(MW 32.04 Da), a compound nearly six-fold smaller in terms of molecular weight.
`Moreover, the permeability of n-dodecanol was an order of magnitude greater
`than n-pentanol (88.15 Da), a compound less than half its weight. Id. at 29 tbl.1.
`These results demonstrate that even as between structurally similar compounds,
`relative permeability cannot be predicted through molecular weight.
`34. Walters et al. explained n-dodecanol’s increased permeability by hy-
`pothesizing the existence of a “lipid pathway” through the nail. Id. at 32. As dis-
`cussed, the human nail’s lipid content is approximately 1%. See Murdan 2002 (Ex.
`1020) at 4. Based on their data, Walters et al. determined that there was “[a] nomi-


`nal molecular size sensitivity . . . considering the narrow spread in [effective diffu-
`Case No. IPR2018-00168
`U.S. Patent No. 9,549,938
`sivity] values.” Walters et al. 1983 (Ex. 2031) at 31 (emphasis added). Instead of
`relying on molecular weight, Walters et al. concluded that the partition coeffi-
`cient—a measure of the hydrophilicity or lipophilicity of the compound based on
`its preferential distribution in water versus a non-polar solvent such as octanol (or
`log P)—was the principal factor governing nail permeability.
`35. Subsequent work by Mertin & Lippold in 1997 using a different ho-
`mologous series disagreed with Walters et al. with respect to the importance of the
`partition coefficient. See Mertin & Lippold, In-vitro Permeability of the Human
`Nail of a Keratin Membrane from Bovine Hooves: Influence of the Partition Coef-
`ficient Octanol/Water and the Water Solubility of Drugs on their Permeability and
`Maximum Flux, J. Pharm. Pharmacol., vol. 49, pp. 30–34, at 32 (1997) (“Mertin &
`Lippold 1997b,” Ex. 2033). Consequently, Mertin & Lippold also disagreed with
`Walters et al. regarding the existence of a lipid pathway through the nail. Id.
`In contrast to the findings of Walters et al., Mertin & Lippold found
`that there was no relationship between nail permeability and the partition coeffi-
`cient in a homologous series of nicotinic acid esters. They concluded instead that
`water solubility was the principal factor relevant to a drug’s maximum flux
`through the nail. Id. at 32–33 (“It has to be emphasized that the maximum flux of
`a substance firstly depends on its water solubility . . . .”). To date, the disagree-


`ment between Walters et al. and Mertin & Lippold has not been resolved. See
`Case No. IPR2018-00168
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`Murdan 2002 (Ex. 1020) at 11.
`37. At the same time, Mertin and Lippold also observed a nonlinear rela-
`tionship between molecular weight and nail permeability in bovine hoof, echoing
`the earlier results of Walters et al. Specifically, Mertin & Lippold found that octyl
`nicotinate (MW 235.3 Da) had the same or higher permeability than methyl nico-
`tinate (MW 13.1 Da). Mertin & Lippold 1997b (Ex. 2033) at 32 fig.1. Thus, Mer-
`tin & Lippold results demonstrate that the overall trend between molecular weight
`and permeability does not always obtain.
`38. Moreover, Mertin & Lippold further explained that the differences be-
`tween their findings and those of Walters et al. were attributable to their respective
`homologous series. They therefore agreed that the partition coefficient could pre-
`dominate “when the affinity of the substance to the nail plate”—its keratin-binding
`affinity—“decreases faster than its affinity to water with increasing lipophilicity.”
`Id. at 32. In other words, the chemical structure of a compound and its interaction
`with the nail’s keratin matrix cannot be ignored when it comes to nail penetration.
`39. Thus, although I agree that, broadly speaking, higher molecular
`weight compounds generally display lower nail permeability, a POSA would have
`understood that this general observation applies only as a statistical matter and
`cannot be used to predict the relative permeability of particular compounds, even


`compounds deemed “structurally similar.” Any statistical correlation between mo-
`Case No. IPR2018-00168
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`lecular weight and nail permeability is a coarse tool backed by conflicting and am-
`biguous data. This type of statistical correlation would not have been relied upon
`by a POSA to make precise relative judgments, particularly without first consider-
`ing the other factors known to influence nail permeability.
`Instead of making predictive judgments concerning permeability
`based on molecular weight, a POSA would have understood the correlation to
`mean that “macromolecules” having a mass greater than about 300 Da would have
`more difficulties penetrating the nail. See, e.g., Shivakumar et al., Transungual
`drug delivery: an update, J. Drug Del. Sci. Tech., vol. 24, pp. 301–10, at 303
`(2014) (Ex. 2007) (“Generally, molecules that exceed 300 Daltons in size may face
`hindrance while permeating the nail plate.”). A POSA would have also understood
`that the relative permeability of small molecules below this threshold would not be
`dominated by molecular weight; other factors would play a more significant role.
`41. Permeability data from a separate study by Mertin & Lippold provide
`an ample illustration of the logical error of taking the contrary position.


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`42. The table above is reproduced from Mertin & Lippold, In-vitro Per-
`meability of the Human Nail and of a Keratin Membrane from Bovine Hooves:
`Prediction of the Penetration Rate of Antimycotics through the Nail Plate and their
`Efficacy, J. Pharm. Pharmacol., vol. 49, pp. 866–72, at 868 tbl.1 (1997) (“Mertin &
`Lippold 1997a,” Ex. 1031). The data show that ciclopirox (MW 207.3 Da) has
`lower permeability in a human nail than a number of higher molecular weight an-
`timycotics: naftifine (MW 287.4 Da), tolnaftate (MW 307.4 Da), bifonazole (MW
`310.4 Da), and econazole (MW 381.7 Da).1 Thus, a POSA would not have con-
`1 See also Kobayashi et al., In vitro permeation of several drugs through the human
`nail plate: relationship between physicochemical properties and nail permeability


`cluded that the relative permeability of any two antimycotic agents could be pre-
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`dicted based on molecular weight alone. Instead, a POSA would view a com-
`pound’s molecular weight as just one of several factors to be considered, which
`factors include the compound’s keratin-binding affinity.
`2. Keratin-Binding Affinity
`43. The binding of a compound to the nail’s keratin matrix negatively im-
`pacts its nail penetration by reducing the concentration gradient driving the com-
`pound’s diffusion in accordance with Fick’s law of diffusion.2 See Murthy et al.,
`Iontophoretic Drug Delivery across Human Nail, J. Pharm. Sci., vol. 96, pp. 305–
`11, at 305–06 (2007) (Ex. 2008) (“[T]here are at least two factors that could limit
`the accumulation and activity of drugs in the nail on topical application. First, the
`physicochemical properties of the drug . . . Second, binding of the drug to keratin
`of drugs, Eur. J. Pharm. Sci., vol. 21 pp. 471–77, at 474 (2004) (Ex. 2032) (perme-
`ability of isosorbide dinitrate (MW 236.1 Da) greater than permeability of antipy-
`rine (MW 188.2 Da); difference between permeability of p-hydroxy benzoic amyl
`ester (MW 208.25 Da) and p-hydroxy benzoic acid ethyl ester (MW 166.18 Da)
`not statistically significant),
`2 Fick’s law of diffusion provides that the rate of diffusion or flux of a species
`across a membrane is proportional to its concentration gradient.


`. . . .”); see also, e.g., Shivakumar et al. 2014 (Ex. 2007) at 303; Shivakumar et al.
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`2013 (Ex. 2030) at 88. Another consequence of a compound’s binding to keratin is
`that it is not able to exert its therapeutic effect in the target area—in the case of on-
`ychomycosis, the nail bed. See Murthy et al. 2007 (Ex. 2008) at 306; see also
`Shivakumar et al. 2013 (Ex. 2030) at 88. For these reasons, a POSA in 2005
`would have not only been concerned with the question of a compound’s overall
`penetration into and through the nail, but the specific question of how much of the
`unbound fraction of the compound (the fraction not bound to keratin) would be
`available to penetrate in the first instance.
`44. Whether a compound possesses high keratin-binding affinity is largely
`a function of its chemical structure. In this regard, antifungal agents are generally
`known to have high keratin-binding affinity, which is a principal reason why topi-
`cal formulations for onychomycosis have failed. See Murthy et al. 2007 (Ex.
`2008) at 306 (“Antifungal drugs are reported to possess high-binding affinity to
`keratin.”). Terbinafine’s high keratin-binding affinity, for example, has effectively
`precluded its use as a topical treatment. Thus, while systemic treatment with oral
`terbinafine is currently recognized as the “gold standard” for treating onychomyco-
`sis due to its high potency against dermatophytes, an effective topical formulation
`has proven elusive. See, e.g., Sugiura et al., The Low Keratin Affinity of Efinacon-
`azole Contributes to Its Nail Penetration and Fungicidal Activity in Topical Ony-


`chomycosis Treatment, Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy, vol. 58, pp. 3837–
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`42, at 3841 (2014) (Ex. 2036) (“[T]erbinafine . . . is 98.9% keratin bound under the
`same in vitro experimental conditions. . . [and] has been shown to have limited
`success in treating [onychomycosis] when applied topically.”); Tatsumi et al.,
`Therapeutic Efficacy of Topically Applied KP-103 against Experimental Tinea
`Unguium in Guinea Pigs in Comparison with Amorolfine and Terbinafine, Antimi-
`crobial Agents & Chemotherapy, vol. 46, pp. 3797–801, at 3800 (2002) (Ex. 2037)
`(“Terbinafine and amorolfine showed a greatly decreased antifungal activity in the
`presence of 5% keratin. This was because the reference drugs have extremely high
`rates of binding to keratin of more than 90%.”).
`45. Conversely, the few antifungal agents known to possess low affinity
`for keratin have shown success as topical treatments for onychomycosis. In partic-
`ular, efinaconazole (MW 348.39 Da) has been recognized as an effective topical
`treatment for onychomycosis due to its low keratin binding and high degree of nail
`penetration, notwithstanding its higher molecular weight compared to terbinafine
`(MW 291.43 Da). See Pollak et al., Efinaconazole Topical Solution, 10%: Factors
`Contributing to Onychomycosis Success, J. Fungi, vol. 1, pp. 107–14, at 109
`(2015) (Ex. 2035) (“The low keratin affinity of efinaconazole contributes to its fa-
`vorable nail penetration.”); Sugiura et al. 2014 (Ex. 2036) at 3840 (“Th[e] low ker-
`atin affinity of efinaconazole correlated with faster nail penetration and fungicidal


`activity in the presence of keratin.”); Tatsumi et al. 2002 (Ex. 2037) at 3801 (“The
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`effectiveness of KP-103 for tinea unguium is presumably due to its high activity
`and good penetration into the nails . . . achieved by its lower keratin affinity.”).
`46. Accordingly, a POSA in 2005 would have understood low keratin-
`binding affinity to be critical to a compound’s nail permeability and would have
`paid significant attention to this factor. See Murthy et al. 2007 (Ex. 2008) at 306.
`A POSA would have further understood that any keratin binding would be a func-
`tion of the compound’s chemical structure and its intramolecular interaction with
`the structure of keratin, independent of the compound’s molecular weight.
`3. Other Factors
`47. Water solubility. As discussed, the nail plate has been described as a
`hydrophilic gel membrane or hydrogel. See Kobayashi et al. 2004 (Ex. 2032) at
`474; Mertin & Lippold 1997b (Ex. 2033) at 32; Walters et al. 1983 (Ex. 2031) at
`31. Accordingly, the solubility of a compound in water—a measure of how much
`of the compound can be dissolved in water—is a key factor a POSA would have
`considered in assessing a compound’s ability to penetrate the nail plate. See, e.g.,
`Mertin & Lippold 1997b (Ex. 2033) at 34 (“[M]aximum flux [of a compound
`through the nail plate] is primarily a function of [its] solubility in water.”).
`48. Hydrophilicity/lipophilicity. The hydrophilicity or lipophilicity of a
`compound is related to its water solubility, but is nonetheless an independent pa-


`rameter relevant to the compound’s permeability through the nail. The standard
`Case No. IPR2018-00168
`U.S. Patent No. 9,549,938
`measure of a compound’s hydrophilicity is the partition coefficient or log P of the
`compound’s distribution in

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