`Transcript of Stephen B. Kahl, Ph.D.
`September 14, 2016
`Aldcrson Reference Number 6624]
`Coalition for Affordable Drugs X LLC v. Anacar Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`Patent Owner.
`Reported by: Diane S. Martin, CSR 6464, CCRR
`Case No.
`U.S. Patent No. 7,582,621
`Case No.
`U.S. Patent NO. 7,767,657
`Case NO.
`U.S. Patent No. ?,767,567
`Taken at the instance of the Patent Owner at
`Covington & Hurling, One Front Street, 35th Floor, San
`Francisco, California, on Wednesday, September 14,
`2016, beginning at 8:58 a.m.
`Alderson Court Reporting


`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`A P P E A_R A.N C E S:
`For the Petitioner:
`1801 California Street
`Suite 3300
`Denver, Colorado
`Patent Owner:
`1999 Avenue of the Stars
`Suite 1500
`Los Angeles, California
`333 Twin Dolphin Drive
`Suite 700
`Redwood Shores, California
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD‘
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`Alderson Court Reporting


`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`EXHIBIT 79: Patent Owner Anacor Pharmaceuticals,
`Inc.'s Notice of Deposition of Stephen
`B. Kahl, Ph.D., Case No.
`IPR20lS‘OII76, Patent No. 7,582,621
`EXHIBIT 80: Patent Owner Anacor Pharmaceuticals,
`Inc.‘s Notice of Deposition of Stephen
`B. Kahl, Ph.D., Case No.
`IPR2015—01780, Patent No. 7,767,657
`EXHIBIT 81: Patent Owner Anacor Pharmaceuticals,
`Inc.'s Notice of Deposition of Stephen
`3. Kahl, Ph.D., Case NO.
`IPRZOlS—OITBS, Patent NO. 7,767,657
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`EXHIBIT 1002:
`International Application WO 95/33754
`EXHIBIT 1028:
`International Journal of Pharmaceutics
`"Drug delivery to the nail following
`topical application”
`EXHIBIT 1039:
`Supplemental Declaration of Stephen
`Kahl, Ph.D.
`In Support of Petitioner's
`Supplemental Evidence and Response to
`Patent Owner's Objections to the
`Petition Evidence Pursuant
`to 37 CFR
`EXHIBIT 1043:
`Support of Petition for Inter Partes
`EXHIBIT 1049:
`EXHIBIT 1050:
`boron—containing compounds
`Review of Patent No. 7,582,621
`Progress in Heterocyclic Chemistry
`In Vivo Percutaneous Absorption of Boric
`Acid, Borax, and Disodium Octaborate
`Tetrahydrate in Humans Compared to In
`Vitro Absorption in Human Skin from
`Infinite and Finite Doses
`EXHIBIT 1054: Biological Trace Element Research
`EXHIBIT 1055: U.S. Patent 7,465,836
`EXHIBIT 1056: Therapeutic potential of
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco. CA
`Boron—containing inhibitors of
`Biological Trace Element Research
`Declaration of Stephen Kahl, Ph.D.
`Support of First Petition for Inter
`Partes Review of Patent No. 7,76?,657
`of boronophenylalanine (EPA)
`Declaration of Stephen Kahl, Ph.D.
`Support of Second Petition for Inter
`Partes Review of Patent No. 7,767,657
`Tissue uptake of BSH in patients with
`glioblastoma in the EORTC 11961 phase I
`BNCT trial
`Boron neutron capture therapy of brain
`tumors: Clinical trials at the Finnish
`facility using boronophenylalanine
`Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT)
`glioblastoma multiforme: A phase II
`study evaluating a prolonged high—dose
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`called as a witness, after having been duly sworn by
`the Certified Shorthand Reporter to tell the truth,
`whole truth, and nothing but
`the truth,
`testified as
`Q. Good morning, Dr. Kahl.
`Good morning.
`Q. My name is Chris Eppich.
`I represent the
`patent owner, Anaoor Pharmaceuticals,
`in these
`Before we get started,
`is there any reason
`that you cannot testify truthfully today?
`A. No.
`Q. Are you on any medication that would inhibit
`your ability to testify truthfully today?
`A. No.
`I know you've been deposed at least once
`before, but I'd like to cover a few of the ground
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`I'll be asking you a few questions, and you'll
`Page 8
`respond to those questions. Your counsel may object,
`as he did the last time we were together, but you still
`will need :0 answer those questions unless he instructs
`you not
`to and you follow that instruction.
`It's important that we try not
`to talk over
`each other so that we can make the transcript Clear.
`And I'll endeavor to make my questions clear. But if
`A. No.
`you have any questions about my questions,
`if I'm vague
`in any way,
`just ask me to clarify, and I'll gladly do
`If you need to take a break, you know,
`ask, and we'll get
`to get a break for you.
`I'd just
`ask that if a question is pending, you answer the
`question before we break.
`Q A
`Do you understand these rules today?
`. Yes.
`Q Great.
`Now, your last deposition in this matter was
`in April, on April 8th, 2016; correct?
`A. That's correct.
`Q. Have you been deposed in any other matter
`since that deposition?
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`Page 9
`Q. Have you provided testimony at trial or any
`hearing in any matter since that deposition?
`A. No.
`Since your last deposition in April, have you
`received any documents from your counsel
`in this case?
`A. Yes.
`Q. Which documents has your counsel provided you?
`there's a fairly lengthy list.
`I can't —~
`I couldn't possibly sum it all.
`Do you log the documents in some kind of a
`list that you receive from your counsel?
`A. No.
`Q. Have you cited to all of these documents in
`your recent reply declaration?
`I've used all of the documents to construct
`the declaration, yes, or to inform my statements in the
`declaration, yes.
`Q. Were there any documents that your counsel
`provided you that you did not cite to in your reply
`Q. What materials did you bring with you to the
`I don‘t believe so.
`I see that you have some materials in front of
`you in a folder today.
`A. Mm—hm.
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`I have a copy of my declaration.
`I have a
`copy of Dr. Reider‘s deposition —— declaration, sorry.
`I have a copy of the Baker review paper. Both
`of the Baker review papers. And I have notes that
`we -- that
`I had at our last deposition on Austin,
`Freeman and Brehove.
`Just these are my notes that you
`all xeroxed last time.
`I have one additional sheet, which basically
`has references to neutron capture therapy papers on it.
`Q. Okay.
`Thank you, Dr. Kahl.
`A. Okay.
`Q. We'Ll set those aside for now and come back to
`when we were prepping for this.
`them later in the deposition.
`A. Okay.
`Q. We'll probably —— we‘ll get some copies at a
`like we did in the last deposition.
`Let me hand you what has been marked as
`Exhibit Number 79. Exhibit 79 is Anacor
`Pharmaceuticals' notice of deposition of Stephen B.
`in IPR2015-01??6.
`Dr. Kahl, have you seen this document before?
`I believe I have.
`think I saw it yesterday
`Alderson Court Reporting


`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`Q. Okay. Let me hand you what has been marked as
`Page 11
`Exhibit 80. Exhibit 80 is Anacor Pharmaceuticals‘
`notice of deposition of Stephen B. Kahl
`Dr. Kahl, have you seen this document before?
`I believe, yes.
`Q. And let me mark finally,
`the last of the
`notices, Exhibit 81. This is Anacor Pharmaceuticals'
`notice of deposition of Stephen B. Kahl
`And, Dr. Kahl, have you seen this document
`I believe I have.
`Q. Are you —— you‘re appearing today in response
`the Baker papers in
`to these notices?
`A. Yes.
`Q. And you —— just for confirmation, you're
`appearing on behalf of the Coalition for Affordable
`Drugs x LLC?
`A. Correct.
`Q. What did you do to prepare for the deposition
`I reviewed my declaration with counsel.
`also reviewed a number of —— re-reviewed a number of
`the papers that I referred to,
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`Stephen B. Kahl1 PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`particular. And some of my BNCT notes, boron neutron
`Page 12
`capture therapy.
`Sorry for the acronym.
`Q. When you say your declaration, are you
`referring to your second declaration that you
`submitted ——
`A. Yes.
`Q A
`—— with a reply?
`. Yes.
`Thank you.
` In addition to the Baker articles and your
`notes on —— on boron neutron therapy, did you —— did
`you review any other documents?
`I reviewed other doc -- other papers that were
`provided to me by counsel.
`Do you remember what papers counsel provided
`to you that you reviewed yesterday?
`I said,
`I have quite a —— I received a —— a
`significant number of literature papers.
`The Groziak
`papers, both the Groziak papers; Dr. Reider‘s
` know there were others, but
`I can't recall
`exactly the names of them.
`Do you remember if all of the papers that you
`reviewed yesterday were cited in your reply
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`By "cited," do you mean specifically cited
`Page 13
`with the reference?
`Q. Yes, sir.
`A. No,
`I don't believe so.
`These were —~ well,
`let me check my declaration again.
`They -- I believe they all would have
`been cited.
`Thank you, Dr. Kahl.
`A. Mm—hm.
`With whom did you meet yesterday?
`Ryan, and Peter Gergely.
`Q A
`Q. Other than your meeting with counsel
`yesterday, did you have any other meetings with counsel
`to prepare for today‘s deposition?
`A. No.
`For how long did you meet with Mr. Fletcher
`and Mr. Gergely yesterday?
`A. Approximately five hours.
`Q. What did you discuss?
`We discussed this deposition.
`Q. Did you discuss any of the references that you
`cited specifically?
`A. Yes.
`Q. Did you take any notes from your meeting
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`A. No.
`Q. During your meetings with counsel yesterday,
`did counsel give you any documents during that session?
`By new —— do you mean new documents? Or do
`you mean documents that I either already had but didn't
`bring to the session or ~~
`Q. Let's start with the broader, all documents,
`and then narrow it down.
`I don't —— I don't think so.
`I don't think he
`did give me any new documents or any documents.
`Q. You'd seen all the documents that you guys
`reviewed yesterday?
`Oh, yes. Yes. Yes.
`Q. Okay.
`A. Yeah.
`If I carried around all the documents that I
`have with respect to this case,
`I would have —— have to
`have somebody help me. As would you.
`Q. Did you talk to anyone else in preparation for
`your deposition today, other than Mr. Gergely and
`Mr. Fletcher?
`A. Yes,
`talked to my wife.
`Now, since you signed the reply declaration,
`has counsel for CFAD provided you with any additional
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`I don't believe so, no.
`Q. Did you perform any literature searching in
`preparation of your reply declaration?
`Q. Did you perform any literature searching in
`preparation for your deposition today?
`A. No.
`Q. Have you performed any literature searching in
`preparation of your first declaration in this matter?
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection.
`I believe I did, but that was
`long enough ago that I —e
`I can't be certain.
`I'm handing you what has been previously
`marked CFAD Exhibit 1043 in IPR2015—01776.
`Do you recognize Exhibit 1043?
`A. Yes,
`I do.
`Q. And what is Exhibit 1043?
`A. This is my declaration. Let's call it my
`second declaration.
`You submitted Exhibit 1043, your second
`in support of the petitioner's reply
`A. Yes.
`Can we turn to page 18 of Exhibit 1043.
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`last page.
`A. Mm—hm.
`On the bottom of the last page, page 18,
`that your signature?
`Yes, it is.
`Q. And when did you sign this document?
`It‘s dated the 22nd of August of 2016.
`Q. And when you signed this declaration, did you
`understand that you were attesting that everything in
`the declaration is true and correct under the penalty
`of perjury?
`A. Yes.
`to get it today.
`Q. And do you understand that today you‘re
`testifying under the penalty of perjury?
`A. Yes.
`Is everything in your declaration Exhibit 1043
`true and correct?
`To the best of my knowledge. yes.
`Q. Are there any corrections to the declaration
`that you'd like to make at this time?
`A. No.
`Q. Any errors of which you‘re aware?
`A. There are a couple —— there's a word
`capitalized that doesn't need to be, but we don't need
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`Okay. We‘ll let that one go.
`A. Okay.
`I'm a perfectionist.
`So during the preparation of Exhibit 1043,
`your second reply declaration, did CFAD's counsel
`provide you with a draft of the declaration for you to
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection.
`think —— you can
`answer, but objection.
`think discovery re the draft declaration is
`protected by Rule 26.
`But go ahead.
`THE WITNESS: We jointly discussed all of the
`things that were in the declaration, and this is the
`found it acceptable and agreeable, and that‘s
`document that came out of that.
`Q. Did counsel draft a declaration that counsel
`handed to you for discussion?
`A. We both —— we both worked on the dec —— on the
`Q. Did you write the declaration together,
`paragraph by paragraph?
`I wouldn't —— we talked about it, and they put
`it into —— they added my suggestions.
`I discussed
`their suggestions. We came up with a draft.
`it over,
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`I signed.
`So just so I understand, you talked with
`counsel for GRAD.
`You reviewed the draft, added any edits to the draf
`CFAD's attorneys prepared a draft.
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Asked and answered.
`provided those comments to CFAD's counsel, who then
`provided you with another draft of the declaration;
`that correct?
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Misstates the
`witness‘s testimony. Objection. Asked and answered.
`Please repeat the question.
`to be sure I understand you exactly.
`Q. Absolutely.
`In preparing the draft of the declaration
`Exhibit 1043, did you first meet with counsel
`discuss the draft of the declaration?
`A. We did not meet
`in person. We did this over
`the phone.
`Q. And what happened after your telephone
`conference with counsel?
`I said, we came up with a draft, which I
`then approved, and signed.
`Q. Did they provide you with a copy of the draft
`declaration after your phone call?
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`think I did answer that.
`I may have just not understood, sir.
`Did you physically type the draft declaration
`or did counsel for CFAD?
`A. Did I physically type it? No.
`So counsel for CFAD provided you with a draft
`A. Yes.
`Q. And what did you ——
`A. We --
`I don‘t.
`Q. —- do with the declaration once you received
`the draft declaration?
`Can you let him finish and
`answer that?
`MR. EPPICH: Of course.
`then reviewed it to make sure
`that it was —— it was correct.
`I added —- changed
`things, added things,
`the way any document that one is
`going to sign, particularly a legal document. And sent
`it back and signed it.
`Do you recall how many drafts you sent to and
`from with counsel for CFAD?
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`San Francisco, CA
`September 14, 2016
`Q. Was it more than one?
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Protected by Rule
`Page 20
`I honestly do not remember
`whether it was more than one or more than two or
`I was actually on vacatiOn when I did this,
`So how did you correspond with counsel for
`By e—mail?
`E—mail and telephone.
`Q. And do you have copies of those e—mails with
`the drafts attached?
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Protected by Rule
`I don't believe that
`I do.
`You haven‘t saved ——
`I don‘t have them with me,
`that's for sure.
`Q. Are they in your computer in your home or
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Rule 26.
`THE WITNESS: That‘s where they would be if I
`have them, yes.
`So Counsel,
`I'm requesting that
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`CFAD would immediately produce copies of the drafts and
`Page 21
`communications going back and forth with Dr. Kahl,
`regarding the preparation of this reply declaration.
`We have your request. We
`believe it's protected by Rule 26.
`Q. And just to be clear, Dr. Kanl, you did not
`write the first draft of the declaration yourself;
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Misstates the
`witness's testimony. Objection. Asked and answered.
`I did not physically write it.
`Not the -- no.
`Q. Dr. Kahl, did you review and understand all of
`the paragraphs in sections of the reply declaration
`before you signed it?
`A. Yes.
`Q. Did you have any questions that you discussed
`with counsel about any of the paragraphs?
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Protected by Rule
`~— we probably —— we may
`I don't recall.
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`Do you recall any of the changes you made,
`Page 22
`example to paragraph 1 of your declaration?
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Protected by --
`objection. Protected by Rule 26.
`To paragraph 1? No.
`You had no changes to paragraph number 1?
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Misstates the
`witness's testimony. Objection. Protected by Rule 26.
`Do you remember if you had any changes to
`paragraph number 2?
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Protected by Rule
`I don't recall.
`I doubt it.
`It's pretty much boilerplate.
`How about paragraph number 3?
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Protected by Rule
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Protected by Rule
`THE WITNESS: Similarly.
`Q. And any changes to paragraph number 4?
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`Page 23
`I don't think so. Boilerplate
`Did you make any changes to paragraph number
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Protected by Rule
`I don't believe so.
`Did you make any changes to paragraph number
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Protected by Rule
`it accurately reflects that
`I read the —— Reider's declaration.
`Q. Did you make any changes to paragraph number
`I don't know.
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Protected by Rule
`Do you recall any other changes that you made
`I don't recall.
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`to any of the paragraphs in your declaration?
`Page 24
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Protected by Rule
`THE WITNESS: Not specifically, no.
`I said. we jointly put this together, and
`it represents my input as well as their input, and
`accurately reflects my positions.
`Q. Approximately how many hours did you spend
`working on the draft of your second reply declaration?
`I have no idea.
`Q. Did you review any drafts of the reply brief
`Was it 15 hours?
`A: least.
`I: was more than 15?
`I —— honestly,
`I really don‘t recall.
`In paragraph I of your declaration, it states
`Q A Q
`A Q
`that you're providing your expert opinions in support
`of petitioner‘s petition for inter partes review of
`Patent Number ?,582,621,
`the '621 patent. and in reply
`to patent owner‘s response pursuant
`to 3? CFR 42.120?
`A. Mm—hm.
`I‘m sorry, yes.
`Q. And you're referring to CFAD's reply brief
`there; correct?
`A. Yes.
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`that CFAD submitted in this action?
`Page 25
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Protected by Rule
`I may have.
`I don't recall.
`Do you remember when you remember seeing a
`reply brief?
`I -- I -- no,
`I do not.
`Do you remember making any markups or changes
`to the reply brief after you read it?
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Protected by Rule
`It appears to be my declaration.
`To the reply brief. No,
`I don't
`Q. Did you have any communications with counsel
`for CFAD regarding the reply brief?
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Protected by Rule
`I don't believe so.
`So I'm handing you what has been previously
`marked as CFAD Exhibit 1069 in IPR2015—01780.
`Do you recognize this document?
`A. Yes.
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`Q. And this is the second declaration you
`submitted for the inter partes review of U.S. Patent
`Page 26
`Number 7,767,657; correct?
`A. Correct.
`Now, can we -— we do agree we could refer to
`this declaration as Exhibit 1069—1 because there are
`two exhibits 1069, as you'll see in a second.
`A. Okay.
`So let's —— let’s go ahead and mark this one
`as Exhibit 1069—1.
`Please turn to page 18 of Exhibit 1069—1.
`On the bottom of page 18, Dr. Kahl,
`is that
`your signature?
`It is.
`Q. And when did you sign this document?
`A. August 22nd.
`Q. And again,
`like Exhibit 1043, when you signed
`this document, did you understand you were attesting
`that everything is true and correct under penalty of
`A. Yes.
`Is everything in your declaration Exhibit
`1069—1 true and correct?
`To the best of my knowledge, yes.
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`Q. Are there any corrections that need to be made
`Page 27
`to your declaration today?
`I'm not aware of any.
`How did you prepare the declaration —— the
`second declaration, Exhibit 1069-1?
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Protected by Rule
`I —-
`in the same manner that I
`prepared Exhibit 1043.
`You received a draft of the declaration that's
`Exhibit 1069-1 from counsel for CFAD?
`submitted for inter partes review of the second
`MR- FLETCHER: Objec:ion. Asked and answered.
`Objection. Misstates the witness's testimony.
`THE WITNESS: After discussing the matter,
`was the same procedure as the 1043, yes.
`Let me hand you what has been previously
`marked as CFAD Exhibit 1069 in IPR20lS~0185.
`Do you recognize this document, Dr. Kahl?
`I believe you meant 01785.
`Q. You‘re right.
`Thank you.
`I —— yes,
`I __ well, yes.
`Q. This is the second declaration that you
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`petition of the '657 patent; correct?
`I believe so, yes.
`Q. And again, because the exhibit shows the same
`Exhibit 1069, let's refer to this declaration as
`Exhibit 1069—2.
`And again, let's turn to page 18 of Exhibit
`And at the bottom of page 18 of Exhibit
`is that your signature, Dr. Kahl?
`It is.
`And when did you sign this document?
`August 22nd, 2016.
`Q. And when you signed this, did you understand
`that you were attesting that everything in this
`declaration is true and correct under penalty of
`To the best of my knowledge, yes.
`Q. Are there any corrections to your declaration
`reply declaration?
`that you'd like to make today?
`Not that I'm aware of.
`Any errors you're aware?
`Q. Could you explain to me how you prepared this
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`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
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`In the same —— it was prepared in the same
`Page 29
`manner as 1069—1 and 1043.
`Q. And that's to say that your counsel provided
`you with a draft of Exhibit 1069—2?
`declarations? Or did you write changes in each of the
`think what I said was that we discussed all
`of the issues involved, and then the —-
`then counsel
`provided me with a draft, and then I had my remaining
`Thank you.
`I'd like you to look at the second
`declarations that you submitted in the three IPR cases
`here, Exhibit 1043,
`1069—1 and 1069—2.
`Dr. Kahl, as we go through the declarations,
`is it accurate to say that each of the paragraphs in
`Exhibit 1043 are the same as the corresponding
`paragraphs in Exhibits 1069—1 and 2, with the exception
`of case caption, patent numbers and some of the exhibit
`A. Yes,
`I believe that's true.
`I haven‘t
`at every single one, but
`they certainly do appear to be
`the same.
`Q. And during the drafting process of these reply
`declarations, did you suggest changes to the draft or
`one of the declarations that were applied to all three
`1-8 00-FOR—DEPO
`Alderson Court Reporting


`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`drafts of the three separate declarations?
`Page 30
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Asked and answered.
`Objection. Protected by Rule 26.
`think I —— I —— excuse me.
`What —— since the —*
`the paragraphs in all
`three declarations are the same, whatever I suggested
`would have been applied to all three, yes.
`Q. Was there one declaration that —— draft
`declaration that you were provided with first?
`But you'll agree that your testimony for the 1776
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection.
`Or were you provided with copies of all three
`declarations at the same time?
`I don't recall.
`Q. You'd agree that if I ask you a question with
`respect to paragraph 7.
`for example,
`in Exhibit
`for the 1776 case, would you agree that your answers
`would be the same as they would be for questions
`relating to paragraph 7
`in either Exhibit 1069—1 or
`Exhibit 1069—2?
`A. Yes.
`So for purposes of today's deposition,
`just refer to the 1776 declaration for convenience.
`1 ~800-FOR—DEPO
`Alderson Court Reporting


`Stephen B, Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`declaration will equally apply to the 1780 and 85
`If —— if we stipulate that the declarations
`the same, yes.
`Okay. And are they all the same, sir?
`They do appear to me to be the same.
`Okay. And thank you.
`And we‘ll also refer to the exhibit numbers in
`the 1776 declaration, but will you also agree that your
`testimony relating to those exhibits applies to the
`A. Yes.
`same exhibits?
`A. Yes.
`Thank you.
`Do you recall where you were on August 22nd,
`I was at my home in Portola Valley,
`Do you remember what you were doing on August
`22nd, 2016?
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Relevance.
`I was doing.
`I was
`probably unpacking from my —— my vacation.
`Do you have a computer in your home, sir?
`Alderson Court Reporting


`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Relevance.
`Do you have access to a scanner in your home?
`MR. FLETCHER: Objection. Relevance.
`Q. Let's turn to Exhibit 1043 and back to page 18
`of that exhibit.
`Now, you confirmed earlier that this is your
`signature on the bottom of page 18; correct?
`A. Mm—hm. Electronic, yes. That is my
`Q. What do you mean by "electronic"?
`Ad This is —— I
`think you know what
`I mean by
`Adobe does it, but *-
`It‘s -a I have made —— I have made this
`signature so that
`I can apply it to documents such as
`Q. And how did you make this signature?
`I used Adobe software, whatever the
`appropriate software is.
`Q. Did you sign a piece of paper and then scan it
`into Adobe?
`I don't recall.
`It's been a long time
`since I made the signature.
`I don't think that's how
`www. aidersonreporting. corn
`Alderson Court Reporting


`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`Q. Okay.
`think you actually use your finger to
`approximately write —- obviously,
`if I were to sign, my
`signature would look a little different than what this
`looks like.
`Q. But
`the signature we see on page 18 of Exhibit
`1043 is not a handwritten signature; correct?
`A. Yes, it is.
`It is a handwritten signature?
`It's l- I handwrote the Adobe facsimile. This
`is not —— of course not. This is -— what would you
`call it? An electronic version of my signature.
`Q. Did you insert this electronic version of your
`signature? Or did your counsel insert the electronic
`signature into Exhibit 1043?
`I inserted it.
`Do you remember when you inserted your
`signature, your electronic signature into Exhibit 1043?
`A. August 22nd.
`Q. Did any earlier drafts of your reply
`declaration include your electronic signature?
`A. No.
`Do you recall if there were any changes made
`to Exhibit 1043 after you inserted your electronic
`1-8 00-FOR—DEPO
`WWW. aldersonreporti 11g. com
`Alderson Coun Reporting


`Stephen B. Kahl, PhD.
`September 14, 2016
`San Francisco, CA
`There were no changes made to it after I
`inserted my signature.
`Q. Why didn't you submit your declaration with a
`handwritten signature as you did your first declaration
`submitted with the petition?
`A. This was simply more convenient. And I
`believe that there was also a time issue because I had
`been aw

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