`Estimation of clinical trial success rates and related
`MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory & Department of Electrical Engineering
`and Computer Science, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA and MIT Sloan School of Management and
`Laboratory for Financial Engineering, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
`MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory & Department of Electrical Engineering
`and Computer Science, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA, MIT Sloan School of Management and Laboratory
`for Financial Engineering, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA, and AlphaSimplex Group, LLC,
`Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
`Previous estimates of drug development success rates rely on relatively small samples from databases
`curated by the pharmaceutical industry and are subject to potential selection biases. Using a sample of
`406 038 entries of clinical trial data for over 21 143 compounds from January 1, 2000 to October 31,
`2015, we estimate aggregate clinical trial success rates and durations. We also compute disaggregated
`estimates across several trial features including disease type, clinical phase, industry or academic sponsor,
`biomarker presence, lead indication status, and time. In several cases, our results differ significantly in
`detail from widely cited statistics. For example, oncology has a 3.4% success rate in our sample vs. 5.1%
`in prior studies. However, after declining to 1.7% in 2012, this rate has improved to 2.5% and 8.3% in
`2014 and 2015, respectively. In addition, trials that use biomarkers in patient-selection have higher overall
`success probabilities than trials without biomarkers.
`Keywords: Clinical phase transition probabilities; Clinical trial statistics; Probabilities of success.
`The probability of success (POS) of a clinical trial is critical for clinical researchers and biopharma
`investors to evaluate when making scientific and economic decisions. Prudent resource allocation relies
`on the accurate and timely assessment of risk. Without up-to-date estimates of the POS, however, investors
`may misjudge the risk and value of drug development, leading to lost opportunities for both investors and
`One of the biggest challenges in estimating the success rate of clinical trials is access to accurate
`information on trial characteristics and outcomes. Gathering such data is expensive, time-consuming, and
`To whom correspondence should be addressed.
`© The Author 2018. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com.
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`on 09 February 2018
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`Cipla Ltd. v. Abraxis Bioscience, LLC
`IPR2018-00162; IPR2018-00163; IPR2018-00164
`susceptible to error. Previous studies of success rates have been constrained by the data in several respects.
`Abrantes-Metz and others (2005) surveyed 2328 drugs using 3136 phase transitions (e.g., from Phase 1
`to Phase 2 in the approval process), while DiMasi and others (2010) studied 1316 drugs from just 50
`companies. In the landmark study of this area, Hay and others (2014) analyzed 7372 development paths
`of 4451 drugs using 5820 phase transitions. In two recent papers, Smietana and others (2016) computed
`statistics using 17 358 phase transitions for 9200 compounds, while Thomas and others (2016) used 9985
`phase transitions for 7455 clinical drug development programs. In contrast, ClinicalTrials.gov, the clinical
`trial repository maintained by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), contains over 217 000 clinical trial
`entries submitted by various organizations as of July 1, 2016 (see www.clinicaltrials.gov). It is estimated
`that trained analysts would require tens of thousands of hours of labor to incorporate its full information
`manually to produce POS estimates.
`In this article, we construct estimates of the POS and other related risk characteristics of clinical
`trials using 406 038 entries of industry- and non-industry-sponsored trials, corresponding to 185 994
`unique trials over 21 143 compounds from Informa Pharma Intelligence’s Trialtrove and Pharmaprojects
`databases from January 1, 2000 to October 31, 2015. This is the largest investigation thus far into clinical
`trial success rates and related parameters. To process this large amount of data, we develop an automated
`algorithm that traces the path of drug development, infers the phase transitions, and computes the POS
`statistics in hours. In this article, we introduce the “path-by-path” approach that traces the proportion of
`development paths that make it from one phase to the next. In contrast, extant literature uses what we
`call the “phase-by-phase” approach, which estimates the POS from a random sample of observed phase
`transitions. Apart from the gains in efficiency, our algorithmic approach allows us to perform previously
`infeasible computations, such as generating time-series estimates of POS and related parameters.
`We estimate aggregate success rates, completion rates (CRs), phase-transition probabilities, and trial
`durations, as well as more disaggregated measures across various dimensions such as clinical phase,
`disease, type of organization, and whether biomarkers are used. Before presenting these and other results,
`we begin by discussing our methodology and describing some features of our data set.
`2. DATA
`We use Citeline data provided by Informa Pharma Intelligence, a superset of the most commonly used data
`sources that combines individual clinical trial information from Trialtrove and drug approval data from
`Pharmaprojects. In addition to incorporating multiple data streams, including nightly feeds from official
`sources such as ClinicalTrials.gov, Citeline contains data from primary sources such as institutional press
`releases, financial reports, study reports, and drug marketing label applications, and secondary sources
`such as analyst reports by consulting companies. Secondary sources are particularly important for reducing
`potential biases that may arise from the tendency of organizations to report only successful trials, especially
`those prior to the FDA Amendments Act of 2007, which requires all clinical trials to be registered and
`tracked via ClinicalTrials.gov. Our database contains information from both US and non-US sources.
`The database encodes each unique quartet of trial identification number, drug, indication, and sponsor
`as a data point. As such, a single trial can be repeated as multiple data points. The trials range from
`January 1, 2000, to October 31, 2015, the latter being the date that we received the data set. After deleting
`46 524 entries with missing dates and unidentified sponsors, and 1818 entries that ended before January 1,
`2000, 406 038 data points remain. Of these, 34.7% (141 086) are industry sponsored and 65.3% (264 952)
`are non-industry sponsored. In our industry-sponsored analysis, we counted 41 040 development paths
`or 67 752 phase transitions after the imputation process. Figure S1 in Section A1 of the supplementary
`material available at Biostatistics online contains an illustrative sample of the data set and some basic
`summary information.
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`on 09 February 2018
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`Cipla Ltd. v. Abraxis Bioscience, LLC
`IPR2018-00162; IPR2018-00163; IPR2018-00164
`Estimation of clinical trial success rates and related parameters
`Some trials are missing end-dates due to the failure of their sponsors to report this information. Since
`these dates are required by our algorithm, we estimate them by assuming that trials lasted the median
`duration of all other trials with similar features. Only 14.6% (59 208) of the data points required the
`estimation of end-dates.
`To avoid confusion and facilitate the comparison of our results with those in the extant literature, we begin
`by defining several key terms. A drug development program is the investigation of a particular drug for
`a single indication (see top diagram of Figure S2 of the supplementary material available at Biostatistics
`online). A drug development program is said to be in Phase i if it has at least one Phase i clinical trial.
`If a Phase i clinical trial concludes and its objectives are met, this trial is said to be completed. If it is
`terminated prematurely for any reason, except in the case that it has positive results, the trial is categorized
`as failed. Conditioned on one or more trial(s) being completed, the sponsor can choose to either pursue
`Phase i + 1 trials, or simply terminate development. If the company chooses the former option, the drug
`development program is categorized as a success in Phase i, otherwise, it will be categorized as terminated
`in Phase i. See Figure S2 (bottom) of the supplementary material available at Biostatistics online for an
`illustration. The POS for a given Phase i, denoted by POSi,i+1, is defined as the probability that the drug
`development program advances to the next phase. The probability of getting a drug development program
`in Phase i through to approval is denoted by POSi,APP. Hence the overall probability of success—moving
`a drug from Phase 1 to approval, which Hay and others (2014) calls the likelihood of approval (LOA)—is
`The proper interpretation of drug development programs from clinical trial data requires some under-
`standing of the drug development process, especially in cases of missing data. This is particularly important
`for estimating a drug candidate’s POS1,APP, which is typically estimated by multiplying the empirical POS
`of Phase 1 (safety), 2 (efficacy for a given indication), and 3 (efficacy for larger populations and against
`alternatives) trials. If, for example, Phase 2 data are missing for certain approved drugs, the estimated
`POS1,APP would be biased downward. Here, we take a different approach to estimating POSs.
`Consider an idealized process in which every drug development program passes through Phase 1, 2,
`and 3 trials, in this order. This is plausible, since each of these stages involves distinct predefined tests, all
`of which are required by regulators in any new drug application (NDA). If we observe data for Phases 1
`and 3 but not Phase 2 for a given drug-indication pair, our idealized process implies that there was at least
`one Phase 2 trial that occurred, but is missing from our data set. Accordingly, we impute the successful
`completion of Phase 2 in these cases. There exist some cases where Phase 2 trials are skipped, as with the
`recent example of Aducanumab (BIIB037), Biogen’s Alzheimer’s candidate, as reported by Root (2014).
`Since skipping Phase 2 trials is motivated by compelling Phase 1 data, imputing the successful completion
`of Phase 2 trials in these cases to trace drug development paths may not be a bad approximation. In addition,
`we make the standard assumption that Phase 1/2 and Phase 2/3 trials are to be considered as Phase 2 and
`Phase 3, respectively.
`These assumptions allow us to more accurately reconstruct ‘drug development paths’ for individual
`drug-indication pairs, which in turn yield more accurate POS estimates. Let nj be the number of drug
`development paths with observed Phase j trials, and nj
`s be the number of drug development paths where
`we observe phase transitions of state s of Phase j (defined below).
`s =
`if all the trials are in progress
`if the program failed to proceed to phase i + 1 (i.e., terminated)
`if the phase transition can be inferred to be missing
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`on 09 February 2018
`Abraxis EX2074
`Cipla Ltd. v. Abraxis Bioscience, LLC
`IPR2018-00162; IPR2018-00163; IPR2018-00164
`Equation 3.1 is the conservation law for drug development paths in Phase j + 1.
`nj+1 = nj + nj
`− nj
`− nj
`∀j = 1, 2, 3
`The POS from any one state to the next, POSj,j+1, is thus the ratio of the number of drug development
`projects in Phase j + 1, both observed and non-observed, to the number of drug development projects in
`Phase j, both observed and non-observed:
`POSj,j+1(Path-by-Path) =
`m − nj
`nj + nj
`Given our model, we can now compute POS1,APP by finding the proportion of development paths that
`made it from Phase 1 to Approval:
`POS1,APP(Path-by-Path) =
`n1 + n1
`− n1
`− n2
`− n3
`We term this the ‘path-by-path’approach. In contrast, extant papers define the phase transition probabil-
`ity as the ratio of observed phase transitions to the number of observed drug development programs in Phase
`i and multiply the individual phase probabilities to estimate the overall POS. We term this the ‘phase-
`by-phase’ approach, which we shall differentiate from the path-by-path computation by a superscript
`p as follows:
`= nj+1 − nj
`nj − nj
`Implicit in the path-by-path computation method is the assumption that we have relatively complete
`information about the trials involved in drug development programs. This is true of our data set, as we
`are analyzing relatively recent years where trial pre-registration is a prerequisite for publication in major
`medical journals and use of the studies as supporting evidence for drug applications.
`However, this assumption breaks down when we look at short windows of duration, for example,
`in a rolling window analysis to estimate the change in the POS over time. In such cases, we default
`back to the ‘phase-by-phase’ estimation to get an insight into the trend. This is done by considering
`only those drug development programs with phases that ended between t1 and t2 in the computation of
`the POS.
`(t1, t2) = nj+1(t1, t2) − nj
`nj(t1, t2) − nj
`(t1, t2) =
`(t1, t2)
`(t1, t2)
`(t1, t2)
`We further note that if no phase transitions are missing, the path-by-path and phase-by-phase methods
`should produce the same results, but the former will be more representative of actual approval rates if
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`by Alabama State University user
`on 09 February 2018
`Abraxis EX2074
`Cipla Ltd. v. Abraxis Bioscience, LLC
`IPR2018-00162; IPR2018-00163; IPR2018-00164
`Estimation of clinical trial success rates and related parameters
`phase transitions are missing. We elaborate on this in Section A2 of the supplementary material available
`at Biostatistics online.
`Given our development-path framework, we can compute the POS using an algorithm that recursively
`considers all possible drug-indication pairs and determines the maximum observed phase. Reaching Phase
`i would imply that all lower phases were completed. To determine if a drug development program has
`been terminated in the last observed phase or is still ongoing, we use a simple heuristic: if the time elapsed
`between the end date of the most recent Phase i and the end of our sample exceeds a certain threshold
`ti, we conclude that the trial has terminated. Based on practical considerations, we set ti to be 360, 540,
`and 900 days for Phases 1, 2, and 3, respectively. For example, we assume that it takes approximately 6
`months to prepare documents for an NDA filing after a Phase 3 trial has been completed. Since the FDA
`has a 6-month period to decide if it wishes to follow-up on a filing, and an additional 18 months to deliver
`a verdict, this places the overall time between Phase 3 and Approval to about 30 months, hence we set
`t3 = 900 days. A pseudo-code for the algorithm is given in Figure S5 in Section A3 of the supplementary
`material available at Biostatistics online.
`In summary, our algorithm allows us to impute missing trial data, and by counting the number of phase
`transitions, we can estimate the phase and overall POS.
`4.1. POS for all drugs and indications
`Table 1 contains our estimates of the aggregate POS for each clinical phase across all indications.
`Corresponding estimates from the prior literature are also included for comparison. We find that 13.8%
`of all drug development programs eventually lead to approval, which is higher than the 10.4% reported
`by Hay and others (2014) and the 9.6% reported by Thomas and others (2016). The overall POS pre-
`sented in this study, Hay and others (2014), and Thomas and others (2016) are much higher than the
`1% to 3% that is colloquially seen as it is conditioned on the drug development program entering Phase
`1. Our phase-specific POS estimates are higher in all phases. The largest increase is seen in POS2,3,
`where we obtained a value of 58.3% compared to 32.4% in Hay and others (2014) and 30.7% in
`Thomas and others (2016). These differences may be due to our method of imputing missing clinical
`Table 2 contains phase and overall POS estimates by therapeutic group. The overall POS (POS1,APP)
`ranges from a minimum of 3.4% for oncology to a maximum of 33.4% for vaccines (infectious disease).
`The overall POS for oncology drug development programs is about two-thirds the previously reported
`estimates of 5.1% in Thomas and others (2016) and 6.7% in Hay and others (2014).
`A significantly different pattern emerges when we consider the phase POS for lead indications. The
`overall POS (POS1,APP) increases when considering only lead indications, which is in line with the findings
`by Hay and others (2014). However, while we find an increase in the POS for Phase 1 (POS1,2) and Phase 3
`(POS3,APP), we find a decrease in the POS for Phase 2 (POS2,3) when looking only at lead indications. The
`POS for lead indications may be lower than the POS for all indications if a company initiates clinical trials
`for many indications, and most of them move on to the next phase. Conversely, the POS for lead indications
`may be higher if many of the initiated clinical trials for the same drug fail. The practice of initiating clinical
`trials for multiple indications using the same drug is prevalent in the industry, as documented in Table S2
`in Section A5 of the supplementary material available at Biostatistics online. The relative performance of
`the various therapeutic groups remains the same when considering only lead indications, with oncology
`remaining the lowest performing group at 11.4% for POS1,APP. Finally, the overall POS for individual
`therapeutic groups when considering only lead indications shows mixed directions in comparison to the
`respective overall POS specific to the indication.
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`on 09 February 2018
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`Cipla Ltd. v. Abraxis Bioscience, LLC
`IPR2018-00162; IPR2018-00163; IPR2018-00164
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`on 09 February 2018
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`Cipla Ltd. v. Abraxis Bioscience, LLC
`IPR2018-00162; IPR2018-00163; IPR2018-00164
`Estimation of clinical trial success rates and related parameters
`Table 2. The POS by therapeutic group, using data from January 1, 2000, to October 31, 2015. We
`computed this using the path-by-path method. SE denotes the standard error
`All indications (industry)
`Phase 1 to Phase 2
`Phase 2 to Phase 3
`Phase 3 to Approval
`Therapeutic group
`Total paths
`17 368
`Infectious disease
`All without
`41 040
`23 672
`POS1,2, %
`(SE, %)
`Total paths
`POS2,3, % POS2,APP, %
`(SE, %)
`(SE, %)
`Total paths
`POS3,APP, % POS, %
`(SE, %)
`(SE, %)
`21 180
`14 647
`Lead indications (Industry)
`Phase 1 to Phase 2
`Phase 2 to Phase 3
`Phase 3 to Approval
`Therapeutic group
`Total paths
`POS1,2, %
`(SE, %)
`Total paths
`POS2,3, % POS2,APP, %
`(SE, %)
`(SE, %)
`Total paths
`POS3,APP, % POS, %
`(SE, %)
`(SE, %)
`Infectious Disease
`All without
`16 467
`13 360
`10 010
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`on 09 February 2018
`Abraxis EX2074
`Cipla Ltd. v. Abraxis Bioscience, LLC
`IPR2018-00162; IPR2018-00163; IPR2018-00164
`4.2. POS of trials with biomarkers
`As the use of biomarkers to select patients, enhance safety, and serve as surrogate clinical endpoints has
`become more common, it has been hypothesized that trials using biomarkers are more likely to succeed.
`We test this hypothesis by comparing the POS of drugs with and without biomarkers.
`We perform two separate analyses. In the first, we investigate the use of biomarkers only for patient
`selection, as did Thomas and others (2016). In the second, we expand the definition of a biomarker trial
`to include those trials with the objective of evaluating or identifying the use of any novel biomarkers as
`indicators of therapeutic efficacy or toxicity, in addition to those that use biomarkers for patient selection.
`In our database, only 7.1% of all drug development paths that use biomarkers use them in all stages of
`development. As such, we adopt the phase-by-phase approach instead of using the path-by-path approach.
`This is done by modifying Algorithm 1 (see Figure S5 of supplementary material available at Biostatistics
`online) to increment counts only if there exists a biomarker trial in that phase. Furthermore, as 92.3%
`of the trials using biomarkers in our database are observed only on or after January 1, 2005, we do not
`include trials before this date to ensure a fair comparison of the POS between trials that do and do not use
`Table 3 shows only trials that use biomarkers to stratify patients. As can be seen, there is substantial
`variation in the use of biomarkers across therapeutic areas. Biomarkers are seldom used outside of oncol-
`ogy. Trials using biomarkers exhibit almost twice the overall POS (POS1,APP) compared to trials without
`biomarkers (10.3% vs. 5.5%). While the use of biomarkers in the stratification of patients improves the
`POS in all phases, it is most significant in Phases 1 and 2. (We caution against over-interpreting the results
`for therapeutic areas outside oncology due to their small sample size.) These findings are similar in spirit
`to the analysis by Thomas and others (2016), which also found substantial improvement in the overall
`POS when biomarkers were used.
`However, when we expanded the definition of a biomarker trial to include trials with the objective of
`evaluating or identifying the use of any novel biomarker as an indicator of therapeutic efficacy or toxicity,
`in addition to the selection of patients, we obtained significantly different results (see Table S3 in Section
`A6 of the supplementary material available at Biostatistics online). Instead of finding a huge increase
`in the overall POS, we find no significant difference. It may be that trials that attempt to evaluate the
`effectiveness of biomarkers are more likely to fail, leading to a lower overall POS compared to trials that
`only use biomarkers in patient stratification. Comparison of the two tables shows that new biomarkers are
`being evaluated in all therapeutic areas.
`We provide a more detailed analysis of the differences between our analysis and Thomas and others
`(2016) in Section A7 of the supplementary material available at Biostatistics online.
`4.3. POS of orphan drugs trials
`Table 4 contains POS estimates for drugs that treat rare diseases, also known as ‘orphan drugs’. The
`classifications for rare diseases are obtained from both EU and US rare disease resources: OrphaNet and
`NIH GARD. Rare diseases may belong to any therapeutic group, and the computation of the statistics for
`orphan drugs is identical to that used for the trials in Table 2.
`Broadly speaking, orphan drug development has significantly lower success rates, with only 6.2%
`of drug development projects reaching the market. Comparing these results against those for all drug
`development, we see that, while the Phase 1 POS increases from 66.4% to 75.9%, the Phase 2 and Phase 3
`success rates fall from 58.3% to 48.8% and from 59.0% to 46.7%, respectively, leading to a decline in the
`overall POS.
`Our data reveal that most orphan drug trials are in oncology. Our overall POS of 6.2% is much lower than
`the 25.3% reported in Thomas and others (2016). This discrepancy can be attributed to their identification of
`only non-oncology indications as ‘rare diseases’ and their use of the phase-by-phase method of computing
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`on 09 February 2018
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`IPR2018-00162; IPR2018-00163; IPR2018-00164
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`on 09 February 2018
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`Cipla Ltd. v. Abraxis Bioscience, LLC
`IPR2018-00162; IPR2018-00163; IPR2018-00164
`Table 4. The POS of orphan drug development programs. We computed the results using the path-by-path
`method. While we used the entire data set from January 1, 2000, to October 31, 2015, it has to be noted
`that there are only 3548 data points relating to orphan drugs, with the majority (95.3%) of the trials’
`statuses observed on or after January 1, 2005. SE denotes standard error
`Orphan drugs (industry, all indications)
`Phase 1 to Phase 2
`Phase 2 to Phase 3
`Phase 3 to Approval
`Therapeutic group
`Total paths
`Metabolic/ endocrinology
`Infectious disease
`Vaccines (infectious disease)
`All except oncology
`POS1,2, %
`(SE, %) Total paths
`POS2,3, % POS2,APP, %
`(SE, %)
`(SE, %)
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