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`Safety and Efficacy of nab-Paclitaxel in the Treatment
`of Patients with Breast Cancer
`Prakash vishnu and vivek Roy
`Division of Hematology Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA. Corresponding author email: roy.vivek@mayo.edu
`Abstract: Taxanes are highly active chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of early-stage and metastatic breast cancer. Novel
`formulationshavebeendevelopedtoimproveefficacyanddecreasetoxicityassociatedwiththesecytotoxicagents.nab-paclitaxel is a
`solvent free, albumin-bound 130-nanometer particle formulation of paclitaxel (Abraxane®,AbraxisBioscience),whichwasdeveloped
`to avoid toxicities of the Cremophor vehicle used in solvent-based paclitaxel. In a phase III clinical trial, nab-paclitaxel demonstrated
`higher response rates, better safety and side-effect profile compared to conventional paclitaxel, and improved survival in patients
`phase II studies have suggested a role for nab-paclitaxelasasingleagentandincombinationwithotheragentsforfirst-linetreatment
`of metastatic breast cancer.
`Keywords: nab-paclitaxel, nab-technology, paclitaxel, metastatic breast cancer, taxanes
`Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research 2011:5 53–65
`doi: 10.4137/BCBCR.S5857
`This article is available from http://www.la-press.com.
`© the author(s), publisher and licensee Libertas Academica Ltd.
`This is an open access article. Unrestricted non-commercial use is permitted provided the original work is properly cited.
`Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research 2011:5
`Abraxis EX2091
`Apotex Inc. and Apotex Corp. v. Abraxis Bioscience, LLC
`IPR2018-00151; IPR2018-00152; IPR2018-00153
`vishnu and Roy
`Taxanes (eg, paclitaxel, docetaxel) and anthracyclines
`(eg, doxorubicin, epirubicin) remain among the most
`cancer, both in adjuvant and metastatic settings.1–3
`A recent meta-analyses of 13 randomized clinical tri-
`rating combination of taxanes and anthracyclines.4
`However, approximately 25%–30% of early stage
`for agents that not only overcome resistance but also
`for dissolving hydrophobic molecules, paclitaxel and
`also impair drug delivery to the tumor, limiting their
`clinical effectiveness.5,6
`With the advent of nanotechnology, a novel for-
`mulation of solvent free 130-nanometer albumin-
`bound paclitaxel (nab-paclitaxel, Abraxane®, Abraxis
`Bioscience) was developed for use as a colloidal
`suspension intravenously. Based on the pivotal
`phase III clinical trial results, nab-paclitaxel was
`prior therapy included an anthracycline.
`This article provides a review of pharmacology,
`safety and efficacy profile of nab-paclitaxel, and
`Side-Effects and Drawbacks
`of Solvent-Based Taxanes
`Taxanes bind to the interior surface of β-microtubule
`chain and enhance tubulin polymerization, thereby sta-
`bilizing microtubules. This inhibits mitosis, motility
`to cell death.7
`use. It is a naturally occurring diterpinoid product
`taxane, which was approved by FDA for clinical
`use in 2004, is a semi-synthetic esterified product
`of 10-deacetyl baccatin III extracted from needles
`ionic surfactant poly-oxy-ethylated castor oil mixed
`most feasible option to solubilize paclitaxel for intra-
`polysorbate-80.6 Being biologically and pharmaco-
`logically active, these solvents are associated with
`several major side effects such as hypersensitivity
`reactions and neuropathies. They also impair tumor
`penetration, limiting the clinical effectiveness of
`solvent-based taxanes.5,6 CrEL-paclitaxel formula-
`tion needs special infusion set to minimize exposure
`to di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DHEP), which may
`be leached from standard polyvinyl chloride sets.
`Prolonged infusion times and premedications with
`corticosteroids and antihistamine agents are required
`reactions still occur in about 40% of all patients
`receiving solvent-based taxanes and nearly 3%
`develop potentially life-threatening reactions.6CrEL
`is also shown to cause neutropenia and prolonged
`peripheral neuropathy related to axonal degenera-
`docetaxel has been attributed in part due to alteration
`of large polar micelles of CrEL-paclitaxel in the
`plasma compartment can cause entrapment of the
`drug leading to non-linear pharmacokinetics.5 This
`alters the pharmaco-dymanic characteristics of the
`solubilized drug resulting in a substantial increase
`in systemic exposure with concomitantly reduced
`systemic toxicities. This drug entrapment phenom-
`standard-of-caredose(175mg/m2 over 3 hours every
`to increased duration of exposure, has demonstrated
`metastatic settings.10
`Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research 2011:5
`Abraxis EX2091
`Apotex Inc. and Apotex Corp. v. Abraxis Bioscience, LLC
`IPR2018-00151; IPR2018-00152; IPR2018-00153
`To address these limitations of solvent-based tax-
`anes and to improve their therapeutic index, various
`solvent-free formulations and delivery systems such
`as liposomal encapsulated paclitaxel, paclitaxel vita-
`success.6,8 First successful attempt to formulate a
`solvent-free taxane has been the development of
`nab-paclitaxel. The nano-particle protein platform
`utilizes the natural properties of albumin to increase
`drug delivery to the tumor and eliminates the need for
`Nanomedicine and nab-Technology
`Nanomedicine is the medical application of molecular
`are at the nanometer level (10-9ofameter).Afew
`examples of the development by this discipline include
`liposomes, dendrimers, super paramagnetic nanopar-
`ticles and polymer-based platforms.11 Albumin has a
`system. It is a natural carrier of endogenous hydropho-
`bic molecules such as vitamins, hormones and other
`a reversible non-covalent manner. Albumin plays an
`important role in endothelial transcytosis of protein-
`bound and unbound plasma constituents mainly by
`tor (gp60) on the endothelial cell membrane. This
`of membrane vesicles, resulting in receptor medi-
`ated internalization of the albumin-drug complex into
`caveolae (small invaginations of plasma membrane).
`Subsequently, caveolae transports the albumin-drug
`conjugate to the extracellular space, including the
`tumorinterstitium.SPARC(secreted protein, acidic
`and rich in cysteine),whichisbelievedtobeselec-
`tively secreted by the tumors, binds to albumin-drug
`vicinity of tumor cells.11,12
`Preclinical and Clinical Evaluation
`of nab-Paclitaxel
`Comparative intratumoral and antitumoral activity of
`nab-paclitaxel has been demonstrated to be greater
`types using preclinical models.12,13Desaietal13 using
`Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research 2011:5
`nab-paclitaxel in breast cancer: safety and efficacy
`radiolabeled paclitaxel in mice with xenografts,
`showed that nab-paclitaxel was significantly less
`paclitaxel were 47 and 30 mg/kg/day, and 30 and
`higher for nab-paclitaxel. In live human umbilical vas-
`and transport across the endothelial cell monolayer
`tively) with nab-paclitaxel and this difference was
`abrogated by methyl β-cyclodextrin,aknowninhibi-
`transport.13 Zhou et al recently reported similar anti-
`tumoralresponseswithnab-paclitaxel in hepatocel-
`luar carcinoma (HCC) cell lines.14 In a panel of HCC
`cell lines studied, nab-paclitaxelshowedaneffective
`IC50 dose at 15-fold lower than paclitaxel or doc-
`etaxel alone, and ∼450-foldlesscomparedtodoxo-
`It is over expressed in several tumor types includ-
`ing breast cancer.This interaction between SPARC
`and albumin has been suggested to be the reason for
`nab-paclitaxel effectiveness.12 These data provided
`the preclinical evidence to advance the drug to clini-
`cal studies.
`Phase 1 and Pharmacokinetic Studies
`Three different dose schedules of nab-paclitaxel
` studies. In a study by Ibrahim et al,1519patientswith
`advanced solid tumors received nab-paclitaxel as a
`medicationusingdosesfrom135to375mg/m2. No
`noted during the drug administration. Hematological
`dosestudied(level3,375mg/m2), dose-limiting tox-
`sory neuropathy (3 patients), stomatitis (2 patients)
`and superficial keratopathy (2 patients). The MTD
`wasdeterminedtobe300mg/m2, substantially higher
`than the typical dose used with CrEL-paclitaxel.
`Pharmacokinetic analyses revealed whole blood
`Abraxis EX2091
`Apotex Inc. and Apotex Corp. v. Abraxis Bioscience, LLC
`IPR2018-00151; IPR2018-00152; IPR2018-00153
`vishnu and Roy
`paclitaxel concentrations and area under the curve
`solvent-based paclitaxel.
`In another phase 1 trial reported by Nyman
`et al,1639patientswithadvancednon-hematological
`malignancies received nab-paclitaxel without pre-
`medication at a dose levels from 80 to 200 mg/m2
`as a 30-minute infusion once a week for 3 weeks
`in each monthly cycle. One third of patients
`received $6 cycles. After enrollment of the first
`cohort, patients were enrolled into 1 of 2 cohorts,
`‘lightly’ and ‘heavily’ pretreated based on the extent
`twocohortswere150mg/m2and100mg/m2; dose-
`limiting toxicities were grade 3 peripheral neu-
`ropathy and grade 4 neutropenia respectively. The
`there were no dose-dependant changes in plasma
`clearance. Partial response (PR) was observed in
`A randomized cross over study comparing the phar-
`macokineticsofnab-paclitaxeland CrEL-paclitaxel
`were likely to be responsive to taxanes were ran-
`domized to receive nab-paclitaxel(260 mg/m2 as a
`as a 3 hour infusion). Patients crossed over to the
`alternate treatment after 1st cycle. Thereafter, patients
`receivedtreatmentswith260mg/m2 of nab-paclitaxel
`two cycles of nab-paclitaxel. The total drug expo-
`and the mean fraction of unbound paclitaxel was
`significantlyhigherwithnab-paclitaxel compared to
`CrEL-paclitaxel (0.063 ± 0.021 vs. 0.024 ± 0.009;
`P , 0.001). This study purports that systemic expo-
`sure to unbound paclitaxel would lead to increased
`tumoral uptake thereby resulting in an augmented
`In a phase 1 study of three different schedules of
`nab-paclitaxel in combination with carboplatin,18
`41 heavily pretreated patients with advanced solid
`tumors received nab-paclitaxelandcarboplatinAUC
`of 6 on day 1. GroupA received nab-paclitaxel at
`dosesrangingfrom220to340mg/m2 on day 1 every
`21days;groupBreceivednab-paclitaxel at 100 or
`group C received nab-paclitaxel125or150mg/m2 on
`in combination with carboplatin was 300, 100, and
`icity in all the groups.
`In a recent phase 1 study reported by Chien et al,19
`of100mg/m2 nab-paclitaxeltreatmentwasinvesti-
`of these patients were previously taxane-refractory.
`65% of evaluable patients had a partial or stable
`response on this therapy.
`Phase II Studies
`Based on the results of phase 1 study,15 Ibrahim et al
`investigated nab-paclitaxel in a multicenter phase II
`study to evaluate safety and antitumor activity in patients
`ableMBCreceived300mg/m2 of nab-paclitaxel over
`treatment for metastatic disease. Median number of
`which was the primary end point of the study, was
`reported despite lack of premedication. Toxicities
`noted were typical of paclitaxel and included grade
`Blum et al21 reported the benefit of weekly nab-
`paclitaxel in patients with MBC whose disease had
`failed conventional taxane treatment. Taxane failure
`taxanetherapy.Patientsreceived100mg/m2 (n =106)
`or125mg/m2 (n =75)ondays1,8,and15of28day
`cycle. Response rates were 14% and 16% for the
`Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research 2011:5
`Abraxis EX2091
`Apotex Inc. and Apotex Corp. v. Abraxis Bioscience, LLC
`IPR2018-00151; IPR2018-00152; IPR2018-00153
`nab-paclitaxel in breast cancer: safety and efficacy
`Table 1. nab-PACLiTAXeL: AT A GLANCe37
`Mechanism of action
`Antimicrotubule agent, promote microtubules assembly from tubulin dimers and stabilize microtubules to prevent
`depolymerization. This stability causes inhibition of the normal dynamic reorganization of the microtubules which is
`necessary for important interphase and mitotic functions in the cells
`Dosing and administration
`260 mg/m2
`intravenous infusion over 30 minutes once every 3 weeks
`Distribution: extensive extra-vascular distribution and/or tissue binding; does not penetrate blood brain barrier
`Protein binding: 89% to 98%
`Metabolism: Hepatic; P450 (CYP2C8 and CYP3A4)
`excretion: Fecal (20%); renal (4%)
`elimination half life: 27 hours
`Side effects
`Cardiovascular: abnormal eKG (60%), edema (10%)
`Dermatologic: alopecia (90%)
`Gastrointestinal: diarrhea (27%), nausea (30%), vomiting (18%)
`Hematologic: Anemia (33%), Neutropenia, (any grade, 80%)
`Hepatic: raised transaminases (39%), raised alkaline phosphatase (36%)
`Neurologic: asthenia/myalgia/fatigue (47%), sensory neuropathy (any grade, 71%)
`Ophthalmic: visual disturbance (13%)
`Renal: raised serum creatinine (11%)
`Respiratory: dyspnea (12%)
`Cardiovascular: cardiac arrest, cerebrovascular accident, supraventricular tachycardia, transient ischemic attack (3%)
`Hematologic: severe anemia (1%), bleeding (2%), febrile neutropenia (2%), neutropenia, grade 4 (9%),
`severe thrombocytopenia (,1% )
`Neurologic: severe sensory neuropathy (10%)
`Special precaution
`Paclitaxel has been shown to be clastogenic, teratogenic and fetotoxic and should not be used in pregnancy. Men should
`be advised not to father a child while receiving treatment. it is not known if paclitaxel is excreted in human milk; however,
`it is recommended that nursing should be discontinued during therapy
`ABi-007, albumin-bound paclitaxel
`Trade name
`ABRAXANe (Abraxis Bioscience)
`having stable disease (SD) for $16 weeks. Median
`progression-free survival (PFS) (3 vs. 3.5 months)
`responding patients and those with SD. No severe
`ofMBC.22 nab-paclitaxel(125mg/m2)wasadminis-
`HER2 also received trastuzumab. 72 patients were
`enrolled;22patientshadHER2+ breast cancer. The
`The most commonly observed toxicities were pain
`(64%), fatigue (58%), sensory neuropathy (54%),
`infection (46%), nausea (38%), alopecia (33%),
`Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research 2011:5
`Abraxis EX2091
`Apotex Inc. and Apotex Corp. v. Abraxis Bioscience, LLC
`IPR2018-00151; IPR2018-00152; IPR2018-00153
`vishnu and Roy
`and was well tolerated as a first-line treatment for
`MBCincludingpatientswithHER2+ disease.
`Royetal,23 reported a multicenter phase II study
`citabine in patients with MBC. In this open-label,
`MBCweretreatedwith125mg/m2 of nab-paclitaxel
`and1000mg/m2 of gemcitabineondays1and8of
`(80%) had visceral involvement and 30 patients
`(60%) had $3 sites of metastases. ORR was 50%
`(4 complete responses, 8%; 21 partial responses,
`nia was the most common toxicity (grade 3: 43%,
`Gradishar et al24 reported a randomized multi-
`center phase II study comparing nab-paclitaxelwith
`docetaxel as first line treatment in patients with
`randomized to 3 different nab-paclitaxel treatment
`schedules—300 mg/m2 every 3 weeks (n = 76),
`(n =76).Docetaxeldosewas100mg/m2 once every
`adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy. 150 mg/m2
`weekly nab-paclitaxel demonstrated significantly
`longer PFS than docetaxel (12.5 vs. 7.5 months).
`This trend was supported by statistically significant
`investigator ORR for both weekly nab-paclitaxel
`peniawerelessfrequentinallnab-paclitaxel arms and
`similar in all treatment groups but this resolved more
`dense nab-paclitaxel for early-stage breast cancer.25
`Women with high risk breast cancer (T1-3, N1-2,
`or N0 disease with tumors that were .2 cm) were
`enrolled and received four cycles of dose-dense A
`followed by dose-dense nab-paclitaxel(260 mg/m2)
`adverse events (AEs), including myelosuppression.
`30 patients received four cycles of dose-dense AC
`with no unanticipatedAEs, one withdrew afterAC
`therapy.Of29womenwhobegannab-paclitaxel ther-
`959mg/m2); one discontinued nab-paclitaxelafter2
`doses due to unacceptableAEs.4patientshadagrade
`3 nab-paclitaxel related neuropathy (no grade 4 event).
`Of 29 patients, 34% received peg-filgrastim during
`nab-paclitaxeltherapyand31%hada nab-paclitaxel
`treatment delay, mainly due to hematologic toxicity.
`Based on Kaplan–Meier probability estimates, the
`percentage of patients having #1 grade neuropathy
`treatment completion.
`nab-paclitaxel administered sequentially with
`setting for locally advanced breast cancer (LABC)
`in a phase II study by Robidoux et al26 66 patients
`with nab-paclitaxel weekly for 12 weeks followed
`(FEC) every 3 weeks for 4 cycles. Trastuzumab
`was allowed in HER2-positive (HER2+) patients.
`bound paclitaxel following which 58 completed
`4 cycles FEC. 17 of 19 HER2+ patients received
`trastuzumab. Pathologic complete response (pCR),
`These studies suggest that nab-paclitaxel alone
`Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research 2011:5
`Abraxis EX2091
`Apotex Inc. and Apotex Corp. v. Abraxis Bioscience, LLC
`IPR2018-00151; IPR2018-00152; IPR2018-00153
`a significant activity in patients with breast cancer,
`including those previously treated with taxanes
`in Table2.Becauseofitsefficacy,easeofadministra-
`tionandafavorabletoxicityprofile,nab-paclitaxel is
`cytotoxic or targeted agents in breast cancer and other
`solid tumors (Table 3).
`Phase III Studies
`Based on the favorable phase I and phase II data,
` nab-paclitaxel’s antitumor efficacy and safety
`was compared to CrEL- paclitaxel in a pivotal,
` multi-national randomized phase III trial conducted
`3-weekly cycles of either nab-paclitaxel at a dose
`of 260 mg/m2 intravenously over 30 minutes with-
`out premeditation (n =229)orCrEL-paclitaxelata
`corticosteroid and antihistamine premedications
`(n =225).Thelargemajorityofpatientshadmore
`(79%), prior chemotherapy (86%), and progression
`About half of the patients in each group received at
`group than in the CrEL-paclitaxel group (85.13 vs.
`57.02 mg/m2/week). nab-paclitaxel demonstrated
`significantly higher response rates compared with
`CrEL-paclitaxel(33%vs.19%,P = 0.001). Patients
`line or greater treatment had an ORR of 42% and
`nab-paclitaxel in breast cancer: safety and efficacy
`nab-paclitaxel for all patients (23 vs. 16.9 weeks;
`hazardratio[HR]=0.75;P =0.006)andamongthose
`receiving second line therapy or greater (20.9 vs.
`16.1weeks;HR= 0.73; P =0.02).Therewasnosig-
`between the nab-paclitaxel and
`groups(65vs.55.7weeks;P =0.374);howeverinthe
`patientswhoreceivednab-paclitaxel as second-line or
`46.7weeks;HR= 0.73; P =0.024).Theincidenceof
`grade4neutropeniawaslowerinnab-paclitaxel group
`compared to CrEL-paclitaxel group (9% vs. 22%)
`grade 3 sensory neuropathy was more common in
`rapidly to grade 1–2 in a median of 22 days. No
`paclitaxel despite the absence of premedication and
`shorter administration time.
`comparing nab-paclitaxelwithCrEL-paclitaxelin210
`randomized to receive either nab-paclitaxel260mg/
`tion or CrEL-paclitaxel 175 mg/m2 over 3 hours
`every 3 weeks with standard premedication. ORR
`CrEL-paclitaxelgroup(P ,0.001).MedianTTP(7.6
`months vs. 5.7 months; p = 0.03) and median PFS
`Table 2. Summary table of Phase ii Clinical trial results.
`Median PFS (months)
`Phase II studies assessing the activity of nab-paclitaxel in metastatic breast cancer
`ibrahim et al
`48% (all patients)
`64% (first line treatment)
`14% (100 mg/m2)
`16% (125 mg/m2)
`45% (100 mg/m2/q week)
`49% (150 mg/m2/q week)
`37% (300 mg/m2/q 3 weeks)
`Notes: *Time to progression; **in combination with gemcitabine.
`Abbreviations: ORR, overall response rate; PFS, progression-free survival; NR, not reached.
`Blum et al
`Roy et al**
`Gradishar et al
`3 (100 mg/m2)
`3.5 (125 mg/m2)
`12.8 (100 mg/m2/q week)
`12.9 (150 mg/m2/q week)
`11 (300 mg/m2/q 3 weeks)
`Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research 2011:5
`Median survival
`14.6 months
`9.2 months
`Abraxis EX2091
`Apotex Inc. and Apotex Corp. v. Abraxis Bioscience, LLC
`IPR2018-00151; IPR2018-00152; IPR2018-00153
`Compliance and safety
`Abbreviations: pCR, pathologic complete response; PFS, progression free survival; pK, pharmacokinetics; ORR, overall response rate; IBC, inflammatory breast cancer.
`vishnu and Roy
`Tumor response
`Safety and efficacy
`Safety and efficacy
`Feasibility and toxicity
`pK and toxicity
`Safety and efficacy
`Safety and efficacy
`Toxicity and response
`First line
`First line
`Second line
`First line
`First line
`First or second
`First line
`First line
`First or second
`First or second
`Second line
`Second line
`First line
`Primary endpoint
`Start date
`Panitumumab and carboplatin
`everolimus (RAD001)
`doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide
`Carboplatin, bevacizumab,
`doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide
`Carboplatin, bevacizumab,
`Bevacizumab, erlotinib
`Carboplatin and bevacizumab
`Gemcitabine, Bevacizumab
`Carboplatin, bevacizumab
`or bevacizumab
`Carboplatin and trastuzumab
`Carboplatin, trastuzumab
`Carboplatin, trastuzumab
`Carboplatin, vorinostat
`Single agent nab-paclitaxel
`Trastuzumab, vinorelbine
`Carboplatin and bevacizumab
`Single agent nab-paclitaxel
`nab-Paclitaxel in breast cancer: active phase II trials36
`Study identifier
`Table 3. On-going Phase ii c