111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
`US008138229 B2
`(12) United States Patent
`Desai et al.
`(1U) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,138,229 B2
`*Mar. 20, 2012
`M-;.~ NTS
`[n" ... 'llors: Neil r. Dt."!ilti. Los.<\,.Ilgc k s. CA (US):
`Patrick Sooll-Shil)lI\1.. Lus Angeles, CA
`(US); Vuong Trieu, Calabasas, CA (US)
`(73) Assignee: Abra:ds Blosclo<nct, LLC. Los Angeles.
`CA (US)
`( . ) NOIi<:c"
`Suhjcctlo any cli ~ln imer> Ihe tern, ofthi.
`palen! i ~ cXlentk'd Or " djll'I.,d IIncler 35
`[J,S.C.154(b)hy Odays.
`This patenl is subjt'Cl 10 a Icmlinal dis-
`(21 ) Appl. No.: 121910,693
`(22) Filed:
`Oct. 22, 2(1 10
`Prior p"blicolion n"tu
`us 20 1110301248AI
`Dce. 8,2011
`ndalcd U.S. App lic a tion n .. ta
`(63) Contiou:alio n of npplic:lIioo No. 111553.339. lilL>d on
`Oct 26. 2006. now Pal. No. 7.820.788. which b a
`continuation of application No. 101731,224, filed on
`fk'C_ 9, 2003, nowah.arxloncd
`(60) Provisional applicalion No. 6Of432.317. fill'd on IX"C.
`9. 2002. provisional appl icalion No. 601526.544. filt.'t!
`on Ucc. 3, 2003, provisional applicmion No.
`6W526,773, filed on Dec . 4, 2003, provi sio nal
`ap plication No. 601527.177. filed on Dec. 5. 2003.
`A61K 47Nl
`A61K 9/14
`A61K 9/51
`(AU K 14176
`(52) U.S. (;I .
`5 14n 76; 424/489; 424/499; 5301362 ;
`977fi05; 977nT:I ; 9771CX16 ; 9771911
`(58) Hdd of(;lHsoiticHtion SeHI-eh
`Sec applicalion file for complele S\:arch hislory.
`R"fcrcnce!i (Jkd
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`Primary Exominl.'r Marsh;) Tsay
`(74) AI/orne)'. Agent, or Firm - Morrison & Foers ter LLI'
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`Apotex v. Abraxis - IPR201 8-00151 , Ex. 1001 , p.OI of25


`6.565.842 Bol
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`~ation No. 2~99IVl :I.NI'12005. 3] Me ..
`Ci~il Writ Petition flied ,\pplicantlP<'IitiQfl'" ("Ab.a-'<is BioScience.
`LLC")witb the Iligh COIm ofl)d hi At N~w Lklhi. India. o n No". 26.
`2009. challenging the decision o f Ihe Indian Controller of Palent!
`daTal Jill. 24. 2009.!o refll$/; !he ,gmn! of I"dian p..!~n! A"plical i""
`No. 2899IDELNP/200SI300. 29 pages 101aJ.
`Appeal filed by Applicant/Appellant CAb.axi. BioScience . J I.C''')
`,,·ith lhe Intdkdllall'ropcny Appeal Board on N",",. 2i .2009. aWlins!
`the dec ision of the Indian CQntroi!er of Pa!ents drued JuL 24. Ww.
`refll~ing!" gran! Indian Patent AI' plicalion NQ 2899/1)8\"1.1'.'2005 .
`71 p<lses.
`NQlicc from Intellect".,l Property A p[>dl.lIc Ilo.mlto {~enIlRc,
`"",",knl :-10. 4 (MNaK" Phanna L td . ")dal<-d Jan. 11.2010. o

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