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`Luciferase compound assay. BM4-5 FEO cells were seeded
`into 96-well plates at a density of 10,000 cells per well in 100 p.l
`medium. After allowing 4 h for attachment, compounds were
`added to wells at the specified concentrations. All conditions
`were run in triplicate. Cells and compounds were incubated for
`48 h. The luciferase assay (Bright-G10; Promega) was carried
`out according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Luciferase
`activity was determined using a microplate luminometer (Ve-
`ritas microplate luminometer; Turner Biosystems). The rela-
`tive light units (RLU) for each condition were reported as the
`mean i the standard error of the mean for the three wells.
`Compounds tested. Compounds tested included two pep-
`tidomimetic HCV PIs, BILN 2061 (16) and a Vertex PI (19)
`(Vicki Sato, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, MA); a
`GlaxoSmithKline trans-lactam PI active-site mimic (2) (Karen
`Romines, GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC); one
`nucleoside analog HCV RNA—dependent RNA polymerase
`inhibitor (RdRpI), 2’-C-methyladenosine (10) (William Lee,
`Gilead Sciences, Foster City, CA); one nonnucleoside GSK
`benzo-thiadiazine RNA polymerase inhibitor directed at
`“thumb” region of the polymerase (Karen Romines, Glaxo-
`SmithKline) (9); and alpha interferon (Interferon-OLA; Sigma-
`The 50% inhibitory concentration (ICSO) of each compound
`was determined independently and used to set the range of
`concentrations used for the synergy experiments. Each com-
`pound was tested singly and in combination at two twofold
`serial dilutions above and below the ICSU. The ratio of the two
`compounds tested remained fixed across the dosing range.
`Potential cytotoxicity of individual compounds and all combi-
`nations was assessed using a luminescent ATP-based cell via-
`bility assay (Cell Titer-G10; Promega).
`Data analysis. Determinations of compound interactions
`were based on the median-effect principle and the multiple
`drug eifect equation as described by Chou and Talalay (6).
`Combination indices (CIs) were determined using Calcusyn
`(Biosoft) for each experiment at the ICSO, IC70, and IC90 levels.
`In total, 15 combinations were evaluated with from three to
`five replicates per condition; this yielded a total of 61 data
`points per CI level analyzed. A CI of <09 was considered
`synergistic, a CI of 20.9 or 51.1 was considered additive, and
`a CI of >1.1 was deemed antagonistic.
`Statistical analysis. At each of the three inhibitory concen-
`trations evaluated (ICSO, IC70, and IC90) the C15 in the three
`synergy groups were compared using a linear mixed-effects
`model allowing for different means in the three synergy groups
`and random effects for the individual drug combinations. The
`random effects were not significant (likelihood ratio test), in-
`dicating no statistical difference in CI values between the an-
`tiviral compound combinations in the same synergy group. The
`CI replicates were further compared between synergy groups
`by using the Wilcoxon rank test.
`Synergy of small molecular inhibitors. Transfection of Huh-
`7.5.1 cells with BM4-5 FEO RNA yielded numerous (>50)
`G—418-resistant clones. Individual clones were expanded and
`assessed using the luciferase assay to determine the individual
`clones with highest RLU per cell. Four clones yielded from
`30,000 to 50,000 RLU per 10,000 cells at 48 h (data not
`shown); these clones were expanded and used for all subse-
`quent studies.
`TABLE 1. Activities of different small molecular inhibitors in the
`BM4-5 replicon
`HCV BM4-5
`1C5” (“My
`Vertex [’1 (l9)
`3.59 ll 1 ‘ml : 0.41
`293.10 : 5392
`BILN 206| (I6)
`9.44 10.88
`GSK Pl (3)
`GSK NM (9)
`308.6 : 28.9
`3826 1 460.2
`“ The ICSO is the average : standard error of mean of the results from at least
`three independent experiments.
`The IC50 for each of the individual compounds is listed in
`Table 1. C150, C170, and C190 refer to the combination index at
`the ICSO, IC70, and IC90, respectively, of each drug. All com-
`pounds tested were additive (C150 and C170) or mildly syner—
`gistic (C190) with alpha interferon. Antagonism was not dem-
`onstrated for any combination of small molecular inhibitors,
`including compounds targeting the same viral protein. Signif-
`icantly more synergy was demonstrated between compounds in
`the group combining two small molecular inhibitors targeting
`the same viral enzyme (in this case NS3 protease) than be-
`tween the group of compounds combined with alpha interferon
`at both the C170 (P = 0.043) and C190 (P = 0.017) levels. There
`was no significant dilference between the groups at the C150
`level (P = 0.108) (Fig. 1). Similarly, the group consisting of two
`inhibitors with different viral targets showed significantly lower
`combination indices than either of the other two groups, i.e.,
`compounds with interferon (P < 0.001 at all levels) or com—
`pounds with same mechanism of action (P = 0.038 and 0.037
`at the CI50 and C170 levels, respectively). The comparison of
`Clgos between small molecular inhibitors with the same and
`different viral targets showed a trend toward a lower combina-
`tion index in the group with two compounds with difierent viral
`targets (P = 0.056 at the C190 level) (Fig. 1). None of the
`compounds or combinations showed cytotoxicity at the con-
`centrations tested in the activity and synergy studies (data not
`Small molecular inhibitors of the HCV protease and poly-


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