Universal Serial Bus
`Com pa q
`Revision 1.1
`September 23. 1998
`ZTE/SAMSUNG 1007-0001
`ZTE/SAMSUNG 1007-0001
`|PR201 8-001 11


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1
`Scope of this Revision
`The 1.1 revision ofthe specification is intended for product design. Every attempt has been made to ensure a
`consistent and implementable specification. Implementations should ensure. compliance with this revision.
`Revision History
`November 11, 1994
`Supersedes 0.6e.
`December 30, 1994
`Revisions to Chapters 3—8, 10, and 11. Added
`April 13, 1995 Revisions to all the chapters.
`August 25. 1995
`Revisions to all the chapters.
`November 13, 1995
`Revisions to Chapters 1. 2. 5-11.
`January 15, 1996
`Edits to Chapters 5, 6, 7, 3. 9, 10, and 11 for
`September 23. 1998
`Updates to all chapters to fix problems identified.
`Universal Serial Bus Specification
`Copyright C: 1998, Compaq Computer Corporation,
`Intel Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, NEC Corporation.
`All rights reserved.
`GeoPort and Apple Desktop Bus are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
`Windows and Windows NT are trademarks and Microsoft and Win32 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
`IBM, P812, and Micro Channel are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
`AT&T is a registered trademark of American Telephone and Telegraph Company.
`Compaq is a registered trademark of Compaq Computer Corporation.
`UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories.
`lzC is a trademark of Phillips Semiconductors.
`DEC is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.
`All other product names are trademarks, registered trademarks, or servicemarks of their respective owners.
`Please send comments via efedroltic moi! to reek:up(g}
`For industry information. refer to the USB Inmlemenrers Forum web page a: Irrtp.-/
`ZTE/SAMSUNG 1007-0002
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`|PR201 8-001 11


`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1
`INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 1
`I .1 Motivation ............................................................................................................................................... 1
`[.2 Objective of the Specification ................................................................................................................ l
`Scope of the Document2
`1.4 DocumentOrgamzatlonz
`CHAPTER 2 TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................... 3
`CHAPTER 3 BACKGROUND .................................................................................. 11
`Goals for the Universal SerialBusll
`Taxonomy of ApplicationSpacelz
`Feature List12
`CHAPTER 4 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW ........................................................ 15
`USB System Description15
`4.1.1 BusTopologylfi
`Physical Interface............
`4.2.2 Mechamcall?
`4.3 PowerlS
`Power Distribution
`4.3.2 PowerManagementlS
`Bus Protocol .......................................................................................................................................... 18
`. 19
`.. .
`ErrorDetection 19
`Attachment ofUSB DevicesI 9
`Removal ofUSBDeVIceSZD
`4.6.3 BusEnumeratlonZO
`4.7 Data Flow Types ...................................................................................................................................20
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`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1
`4.7.2 BulkTransfers
`Interrupt Transfers
`Isochronous Transfers
`Allocating USB Bandwidfl'i
`........................................................... 21
`USB Devices ...............................................................................
`Device Descriptions
`USB Host: Hardware and Sofhvare................
`4.10 Architectural Extensions ..........................................................
`CHAPTER 5 USE DATA FLOW MODEL................................................................ 25
`Bus Topology .............................................................................
`USB Host.
`USB Devices
`Physical Bus Tepology
`Logical Bus Topology...
`Client Software-to-functionRelationship...
`USB Communication Flow
`Device Endpoints
`5.3.2 Pipes
`Transfer Types...........................................................................
`Control Transfers...
`Control Transfer Data Format.
`5 5.2
`Control Transfer Direction"
`Control Transfer Packet SizeConstraints
`Control Transfer Bus Access Constraints..........................
`Control Transfer DataSequences
`Isochronous Transfers ..............................................................
`Isochronous Transfer Data Format...
`Isochronous Transfer Direction...
`[Sochronous Transfer Packet Size Constraints
`lsochronous Transfer Bus Access Constraints
`........................................................... 41
`Isochronous Transfer DataSequences
`Interrupt Transfers.
`Interrupt Transfer Data 1ormat"
`Interrupt Transfer Directi0n..
`Interrupt Transfer Packet Size Constraints
`5 .7.4
`Interrupt Transfer Bus Access Constraints...
`Interrupt Transfer DataSequences
`5.8 Bulk Transfers...
`Bulk Transfer Data Format.
`5 8. 2
`Bulk Transfer Direction.
`Bulk Transfer Packet Size Constraints
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`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1
`Bulk Transfer Bus Access Constraints47
`Bulk Transfer Data Sequences43
`Bus Access forTransfers49
`Transfer Management... 49
`Transaction Tracking...52
`Calculating Bus Transaction Times... 54
`Calculating Buffer SizesIn Functions and Sofiware... 55
`Bus Bandwidth Reclamation...55
`5.10 Special Considerations for lsocbronous Transfers .......................................................................... -55
`5.10.] Example NoanSB lsochronous ApplicationSG
`5.10.2 USB ClockMode159
`5.10.3 Clock Synchronization....................... 61
`5.10.5 Data Prebufferingm-69
`5.10.7 Error Handling; 70
`5.10.8 Buffering for Rate Matching 71
`CHAPTER 6 MECHANICAL .......................................... . ......................................... 73
`A rchite ctu ral 0v crview ........................................................................................................................ 73
`6.2 Keyed Connector Protocol ................................................................................................................... 73
`C able ...................................................................................................................................................... 74
`6.4 Cable Assembly... '14
`Detachable CableAssemblles 74
`Full--specd Captive CableAssembllcs76
`Low-speed Captive Cable Assemblies78
`Prohibited CableAssembhesSO
`6.5 Connector Mechanical Configuration and Material Requirements80
`USB Icon Location...
`... 8|
`USB Connector Termination Data“ 82
`Series “A” and Series “B” Receptacles82
`Series “A” and Series “B” Plugs36
`Cable MechanicalConfiguration and Material Requirements90
`Description... 90
`Construction" 9|
`Electrical Characteristics...93
`Cable Environmental Characteristics. 93
`Electrical, Mechanical and Environmental ComplianceStandards ...94
`Applicable Documents
`USB Grounding102
`PCB ReferenceDrawmgslllz
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`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.]
`CHAPTER 7 ELECTRICAL ................................................................................... 107
`USB DrlverCharacterlstlcs
`1 4
`l 10
`Data Signal Rise andFall
`l 12
`Cable Skew...
`Receiver Characteristics
`Device Speed Identification“
`Input Characteristic5...
`Signaling Levels...
`Data EHCOLllngJDECUdlng
`Bil StuHing...
`Sync Pattern”
`Data Signaling Rate:
`Frame Interval and Frame"Interval Adjustment
`Data Source Signaling...
`Hub Signaling Timings
`Receiver Data1111th
`Cable Delay...
`Cable Attenuatiiii'i:
`Bus Tum-around F1 meahd Inter-packet Delay
`Maximum End-to- end Signal Delay....
`Power Distribution
`Classes of Devices
`Voltage Drop Budget:
`Power Control During Suspendt'Resunle
`Dynamic Attach and Detach.
`Physical Layer .............................................................................................
`Regulatory Requirements...
`Bus T111111]ngleetncal Characteristics...
`Timing Waveforms....
`....................................... 141
`CHAPTER 8 PROTOCOL LAYER ........................................................................ 155
`Bit OI'dering..........................
`Packet Field Formats
`Packet Identifier Field
`FrameNumber Field
`Data Field...
`Cyclic RedunndaiievChecks
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`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1
`8.6 Data Toggle Synchronization and Retry
`Initialization via SETUP Token
`SuccessfiJl Data Transactions..................................
`Data Corrupted or Not Accepted
`Corrupted ACK Handshake
`. “.172
`8.7 Error Detection and Recovery
`Packet Error Categories...........................................
`Bus Turn-aroundTlrnlng
`False EOPs
`Babble and Loss of ActivityRecovery
`CHAPTER 9 USB DEVICE FRAMEWORK ........................................................... 175
`USB DeviceStates
`Visible DeviceStates
`9.1.2 BusEnumeratron
`........................................................ 181]
`9.2 Generic USB Device Operations ...............................................
`Dynamic Attachment andRemoval
`9.2.5 PDWerManagement
`USB Device Requests ..................................................................
`9.3.1 meequeslType
`9.3.2 bRequest
`........................................................ 183
`9.3.5 wLength
`Standard DeviceRequests
`Get Descriptor
`Get Status
`Set Configuration
`Set Descnptor
`9.4.10 SetInterface
`9411 SynehFrame
`9.5 Descriptors ..................................................................................
`........................................................ 196
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`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1
`Standard USB DescriptorDefinitionsl96
`Device Class Definitions ..................................................................................................................... 205
`Descriptors... 205
`Interfacets] and Endpolnt Usage 205
`Request5... 206
`CHAPTER 10 USB HOST: HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE .............................. 207
`10.] Overview of the USB Host ................................................................................................................. 207
`10..1 1 Overview...
`... 207
`10.1.2 Control Mechanisms
`10.1.3 Data Flow...
`. 210
`10.1.4 Collecting Status andActivity Statistics 211
`10.1 5 Electrical Interface Considerations“ 211
`10.2 Host Controller Requirements211
`StateHandling ....212
`10.2.2 SerializerfDeserializer..-.........................................-._.....-.........._...................................................212
`10.2.3 Frame Generation.................
`10.2.4 Data Processing.
`10.2.5 Protocol Engine...
`l0.2.6 lransmission Error Handling ......
`10.2.? Remote Wakeup...
`10.2.8 Root Hub... 214
`liost System Interface.21 4
`10.3 Overview of Software Mechanisms ................................................................................................... 214
`10.3.1 Device Configuration215
`10. 3. 2 Resource Management .........
`10.3 .3 Data lransfer5...
`. 217
`10.3.4 Common Data Definitlons 218
`10.4 Host Controller Driver.......................................................................................................................218
`10.5 UniversalSeriaIBus Driver ............................................................................................................... 219
`10.5.1 USBDOverviewh
`... 219
`10.5.2 USBD Command MechanismRequirements... 221
`10.5.3 USBD Pipe Mechanism5... 223
`10.5.4 Managing the USB via the LIST-ID Mechanisms 225
`10.5.5 Pa55ing USB Preboot Control to the Operating System.227
`10.6 Operating System EnvironmentGuide5227
`CHAPTER 11 HUB SPECIFICATION ................................................... . ............... 229
`11.1 Overview.
`11.1.1 HubArchItectnre
`............................... 230
`11.1.2 HubConnectlety
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`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1
`[lub FrameT1mer232
`Frame Timer Synchronization233
`11.2.2 EOF] and EOFZ Timing Points234
`11.3 Host Behavior atEnd-of-FrachSS
`11.3.1 Latest Host Packet... 235
`11.3.2 Packet Nullrfcatlon ... ...
`113.3 Transaction Completion Prediction... 236
`Internal Port231'
`11 4. 2 Suspend Delay....
`11 .43 Full Suspend (F5115):
`11.4.4 Generate Resume (GRcsumc)
`11.5 Downstream Ports“
`.... ... 239
`11.5.1 Downstream Port State Descriptions 240
`11.5.2 Disconnect Detect '1tmer" 243
`11.6 UpstreamPort244
`11.6.1 Receiver................................ 244
`11.6.2 Transmitter246
`1].? Hub Repeater ......................................................................................................................................249
`11.2.1 Wait for Start of Packet from Upstream Port (WFSOPFU)250
`11.7.2 Wait for End of Packet from Upstream Port (WI-'EOPFU) ...........................................................250
`11.7.3 Wait for Start ofPacket [WFSOP)251
`11.7.4 Wait for End of Packet (WFEOP)251
`11.8 Bus State Evaluation ..........................................................................................................................251
`11.8.] PortError
`11..82 Speed Detection...
`11..83 Collision... 252
`11.8.4 Full- versusLow-speed Behavior... 252
`11.9 Suspend and Resume..........................................................................................................................253
`11.111I Hub Reset Behavior... 254
`1 1.10.1 Hub Receiving Resetmon Upstream Port... 254
`11.11 Hub Port Power Control ....................................................................................................................255
`11.]1.1 MultipleGangs255
`11.12 llub U0 BufferRequirementsczsfi
`11.121 Pull-up and Pull-down Resistors ..... 256
`11.122 Edge Rate Control256
`11.13 llub Controller"
`.. 257
`11. 13. l Endpoint Organization
`11. 13.2 Hub Information Architecture aiiclOperation 25?
`1 1 l3.1 Port Change Information ProceSSing... 259
`11.13.4 Hub and Port Status ChangeB1tmap259
`11.135 Over-current Reporting and Recovery260
`11.14 Hub Configuration .............................................................................................................................261
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`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1
`11.15 Descriptors.........................................
`11.15.1 Slandard Descriplors ............ 263
`11.152 Class-specificDescnplors264
`11.16 Requests ............................................................................................................................................... 266
`11.16.] Standard Requesis266
`11.162 Class-specificRequesisZfi?
`INDEX ............................................................................................................ . ....... 281
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`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.]
`Figure 3-1. Application SpaceTaxonomy
`Figure 4-]. BusTopology
`Figure 4-2. USBCable .
`Figure 4-3. A TypicalHuh . Figure 4—4. Hubs in a Desktop Computer Environment
`Figure 5-1. Simple USB Hosthevice View25
`Figure 5-2. USB Implementation Areas26
`Figure 5-3. Host Composition2?
`Figure 5-4. Physical Device Composition28
`Figure 5-5. USE Physical BusTopology29
`Figure 5—6. USB Logical Bus Topology30
`Figure 53?. Client Sofiware-to-funetion Relationships30
`Figure 5—8. USB Ilostr‘Deviee DetailedV1ew31
`Figure 5-9. USB CommunicationFlow32
`Figure 5-10. USB [nfonuation Conversion From Client Software toBusSU
`Figure 5-11. Transfers for CommunicationFIDW552
`Figure 5-12. Arrangement of IRPs to TransactionsfFrames53
`Figure 5-13. NonHUSB Isochronous Example5?
`Figure 5-14. USB IsochronousApplication60
`Figure 515. Example SourccfSink Connectivity66
`Figure 5-16. DataPrebuffering‘z'fl
`Figure 5—17. Packet and Buffer Size Formulas for RateMatched Isochronous Transfers..................................72
`Figure 6-1. Keyed Connector Protocol73
`Figure 6-2. USB Detachable CableAssemblyTS
`Figure 6-3. USB Full-speed Hardwired Cable AssemblyTI
`Figure 6—4. USB Low~spced I-lardwired Cable Assembly79
`Figure 6-5. USBIconS]
`Figure 6—6. Typical USB Plug Orientation8]
`Figure 6-7. USB Series "A" Receptacle Interface and Mating Drawing83
`Figure 6-8. USB Series "B" Recptacle Interface and Mating Drawing84
`Figure 6—9. USB Series "A” Plug InterfaceDraw1ng87
`Figure 6-10. USB Series “B“ Plug InterfaceDrawingSS
`Figure 6-11. Typical Full—speed Cable ConstructronQO
`Figure 6-12. Single Pin-Type Series "A" Receptacle103
`ZTE/SAMSUNG 1007-0011
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`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1
`Figure 6-13. Dual Pin—Type Series "A"Receptacle [04
`Figure 6-14. Single Pin-Type Series "B" Receptacle
`Figure 7-]. Maximum Input Waveforms for USB Signaling107
`Figure 7-2. Example Full-speed CMOS Driver Circuit ..................................................................................... 108
`Figure 7-3. Full-speed Bufier W1 Characteristics
`Figure 7-4. Full-speed SignalWaveforms] 10
`Figure 7—5. Low—speed Driver SignalWaveforms l 10
`Figure 7-6. Data Signal Rise and Fall Time
`Figure 7-7. Full—speedLoad
`Figure 7-8. Low-speed PortLoads
`l 1]
`l 12
`Figure 7-9. Differential Input Sensitivity Range113
`Figure 7-10. Full-speed Device Cable and ResistorConnectlons 1 l3
`Figure 7—1]. Low—speed Device Cable and ResistorConnections ] 14
`Figure 7-12. Placement chptional Edge Rate Control Capacitors I 15
`Figure 7-13. Upstream Full-speed Port Tran:-‘.eeiver]1'ir
`Figure 7-14. Downstream PortTransceiver 117
`Figure 7—15. Disoonnect Detection1 18
`Figure 7-16. Full-speed Device ConnectDetection! 18
`Figure 7-17. Low-speed Device ConnectDetectlon l 19
`Figure 7-18. Bus State Evaluation after reset (optional) ] 19
`Figure 7-19. Power-on and Connection Events Timing120
`Figure 7-20. Packet VoltageLevels 121
`Figure 7-21. NRZI Data Encoding
`Figure 7-23. Illustration of Extra Bit PrecedingEOP125
`Figure 7-24. Flow Diagram for BitStuffing 125
`Figure 7-25. Sync Pattern
`Figure 7—26. Data JitterTaxonomy 127
`Figure 7-27. SEO for EOP WidthTiming 123
`Figure 7—28. Hub Propagation Delay of Full—speed Differential Signalsllg
`Figure 7-29. Full-speed CableDelay 132
`Figure 7-30. Low-speed Cable Delay
`Figure 7—31. Worst-case End to End Signal DelayModel]34
`Figure 7-32. Compound Bus-poweredHub 135
`Figure 7—33. Compound Self—poweredHub136
`Figure 7-34. Low-power Bus-poweredFunction 13?
`Figure 7-35. High-power Bus—powered Function137
`Figure "(336. Self-powered Iunetion138
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`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1
`Figure 7-37. Worst-case Voltage Drop Topology (Steady State}
`l 38
`Figure ?-38. Typical Suspend Current Averaging Profile139
`Figure 7-39. Differential DataJitterlfil
`Figure 7-40. Differential—to-EOP Transition Skew and EOP Width
`1 5]
`Figure 7-4]. Receiver JitterTolerancel‘il
`Figure '1-42. Hub Differential Delay, Differential Jitter, and SOP Distortion -152
`Figure 7-43. Hub EOP Delay and EOPSkew153
`Figure 8-1. PIDFormat] 55
`Figure 8-2. ADDR Field157
`Figure 8-3. EndpointField
`Figure 8-4. Data Field Fonnat
`Figure 3-5. TokenFormat 1 59
`Figure 8-6. 801-"Packct159
`Figure 8-7. Data PacketFormat 160
`Figure 8-8. Handshake Packet
`Figure 8-9. Bulk TransactionFormat [63
`Figure 8-10. 13qu Reads andWnte5164
`Figure 8—11. Control SETUP Transaction
`l 64
`Figure 8-12. Control Read and Write Sequences ............................................................................................... 165
`Figure 8-13. Interrupt Transaction Format
`Figure 8-14. Isochronous TransactionFormat 168
`Figure 8-15. SETUP Initialization169
`Figure 8-16. ConsecutiveTransactions 169
`Figure 8-17. NAKed Transaction withRetry 1 7'0
`Figure 8-18. Corrupted ACK Handshake with Retry
`l 70
`Figure 8-19. Low-speed Transaction171
`Figure 8-20. Bus Tum-around TimerUsage 173
`Figure 9-1. Device State Diagram
`Figure 9—2. wlndex Format when Specifying an Endpoin1184
`Figure 9-3. wlndex Format when Specifying an Interface184
`Figure 9-4. Information Returned by a GetStatusO Request to a Device
`Figure 9-5.
`Information Returned by a GetStatusO Request to a interface
`Figure 9-6. Information Returned by a GetStatusO Request to an Endpomt192
`Figure 10-1. Interlayer CommunicationsMode1207
`Figure 10-2. Host Communication5208
`Figure 10-3. FrameCreation212
`Figure 10-4. Configuration Interactions215
`Figure 10-5. Universal Serial Bus DriverStructure219
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`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1
`Figure 11-]. HuhArchlteeture230
`Figure 11-2. Hub SignalingConneetlvny231
`Figure [1-3. ResumeConnecilwty232
`Figure 11—4. E01: Timing Points234
`Figure 1 l-fi. Internal Port StateMaehme237
`Figure 1 LG. Downstream Hub Port StateMaehrne239
`Figure 11-7. Upstream Port Receiver StateMachine
`Figure 11—8. Upstream Hub Port Transmitter State Machine
`Figure 11-9. Hub Repeater StateMach1ne249
`Figure 1 1—10. Example Remote—Wakeup Resume Signaling2‘34
`Figure 11-11. Example Hub Controller Organization257
`Figure 1 1-12. Relationship ofStatus, Status Change, and Control Information to Device States.....................258
`Figure 11-13. Port Status HandlingMethod259
`Figure 11-14. Hub and Port Status ChangeBltmap260
`Figure 11-15. Example Hub and Port Change Bit Samplmg260
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`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.]
`Table 5-1. Full-speed Control Transfer Limits39
`Table 5-2. Low-speed Control Transfer Limits40
`Table 5-4. Full-speed Interrupt Transaction Limits..............
`Table 5-5. Low—speed Interrupt Transaction Limits
`Table 5-3. Isochronous Transaction Limits
`Table 5-6. Bulk Transaction Limlts
`Table 5-7. Synchronization Characteristics .........................................................................................................62
`Table 5-8. Connection Requirements68
`Table 6—1. USB Connector TerminationAssagnmentSZ
`Table 6-2. PowerPair9l
`Table 6-3. Signal Pair9|
`Table 6-4. Drain Wire Signal Pair92
`Table 6—5. Nominal CableD1arneter93
`Table 6-6. ConductorReSIstance93
`Table 6-7. USB Electrical, Mechnaical and Environmental Compliance Standards94
`Table 7-] . SignalingLevels l 16
`Table 7-2. Full-speed JitterBudget [31
`Table 7-3. Low—speed JitterBudget [31
`Table 7-4. Signal Attenuation
`Table 7—5. DC Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................................................ 142
`Table 7—6. Full-speed Source Electrical Characteristics
`Table 7-7. Low—speed Source Electrical Characteristics
`Table 7-8. Hubeepeater Electrical Charactertsttcslitfi
`Table 7-9. Cable Characteristics (Note14) | 4'?
`Table 7-10. Hub Event Timings148
`Table 7—1]. Device Event Timings
`Table 8-]. PH)Typeslsfi
`Table 3—2. Function Responses to TN Transactions
`Table 8-3. Host Responses to [NTransactions 162
`Table 8-4. Function Responses to OUT Transactions in Order ofPrecedence.............‘....................................]62
`Table 8—5. Status StageResponseslfifi
`Table 8-6. Packet Error Types172
`Table 9—]. Visible DeviceStatesl‘r'T
`Table 9-2. Format of Setup Data183
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`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1
`Table 9-3. Standard DeviceRequests
`Table 9-4. Standard RequestCodes
`Table 9-5. DescriptorTypes
`Table 9-6. Standard FeatureSelectors
`Table 9-7. Standard DeviceDescriptor
`Table 9-3. Standard ConfigurationDescriptor
`Table 9-9. Standard InterfaceDesertptor
`Table 9-10.
`Table 9-11.
`Table 942.
`Table 11-].
`Table 11—2.
`Table 11-3.
`Table 11—4.
`Table 11—5.
`Table 1 1-6.
`Table 1 1-7.
`Table 11-8.
`Table 11-9.
`Table 11-10.
`Table 11—11.
`Table 11-12.
`Table 1 1-13.
`Table 1 1-14.
`Table 1 1-15.
`Table 1 1-16.
`Standard Endpoint Descriptor
`Codes Representing Languages Supported by the Device
`UNICODE StringDescriptor
`Hub and Host EOF TimingPomts
`Internal Port SignalH'Event Definitions
`Downstream Hub Port SignallEventDefinitions
`Upstream Hub Port Receiver Signal/Event Definitions
`Upstream Hub Port Transmit SignallEvent Definitions
`1111b Repeater Signali’Event Definitions
`Hub Power Operating ModeSummary
`Hub Responses to Standard Device Requests
`Huh ClassRequests
`Hub Class RequestCodes
`Hub Class FeatureSelectors
`l'Iub Status Field,wflubfimms
`Hub Change Field,wHubChz-mge
`Port Status Field,wPorhStamS
`Port Change Field,wPortChange
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`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.]
`Chapter 1
`1.1 Motivation
`The motivation for the Universal Serial Bus (USB) comes from three interrelated considerations:
`- Connection of the PC to the telephone
`11 is well understood that the merge of computing and communication will be the basis for the next
`generation of productivity applications. The movement of machine-oriented and human-oriented data
`types from one location or environment to another depends on ubiquitous and cheap connectivity.
`Unfortunately, the computing and communication industries have evolved independently. The USE!
`provides a ubiquitous link that can be used across a wide range ofPC-to-telephone interconnects.
`The lack of flexibility in reconfiguring the PC has been acknowledged as the Achilles‘ heel to its
`former deployment- The combination of user-friendly graphical interfaces and the hardware and
`software mechanisms associated with new-generation bus architectures have made computers less
`confrontational and easier to reconfigure. However, from the end user's point of view, the PC‘s 110
`interfaces, such as serialiparallel ports, keyboardi'mousefjoystick interfaces, etc., do not have the
`attributes ofplug-and-play.
`Port expansion
`The addition of external peripherals continues to be constrained by port availability. The lack ofa bi-
`directional, low—cosL low-to-mid speed peripheral bus has held back the creative proliferation of
`peripherals such as telephoneifaxfmodem adapters, answering machines, scanners, PDA‘s, keyboards,
`mice, etc. Existing interconnects are optimized for one or two point products. As each new function
`or capability is added to the PC. a new interface has been defined to address this need.
`It is a fast, bi-directional, isochronous,
`The USB is the answer to connectivity for the PC architecture.
`low-cost, dynamically attachable serial interface that is consistent with the requirements ofthc PC
`platform of today and tomorrow.
`1.2 Objective of the Specification
`This document defines an industry-standard USB. The specification describes the bus attributes, the
`protocol definition, types of transactions, bus management, and the programming interface required to
`design and build systems and peripherals that are compliant with this standard.
`The goal is to enable such devices from different vendors to interoperate in an open architecture. The
`specification is intended as an enhancement to the PC architecture, spanning portable, business desktop,
`and home environments.
`It is intended that the specification allow system DBMS and peripheral developers
`adequate room for product versatility and market differentiation without the burden of carrying obsolete
`interfaces or losing compatibility.
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`Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1
`1.3 Scope of the Document
`Target audience
`The specification is primarily targeted to peripheral developers and system OEMs, but provides
`valuable information for platform operating system! BIOS! device driver, adapter ll-stlSVs. and
`platformiadapter controller vendors.
`This version ofthe USB Specification can be used for planning new products, engineering an early
`prototype, and preliminary software development. All final products are required to be compliant with
`the USB Specification 1.1.
`1.4 Document Organization
`Chapters 1 through 5 pro

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