The diameter of the common femoral
`artery in healthy human: Influence of sex,
`age, and body size
`Thomas Sandgren, MD, Björn Sonesson, MD, PhD, Åsa Rydén Ahlgren,
`MD, and Toste Länne, MD, PhD, Malmö, Sweden
`Purpose: To determine the relevance of dilatations of the common femoral artery (CFA),
`knowledge of the normal CFA diameter is essential. The diameter of the CFA in healthy
`male and female subjects of different ages was investigated.
`Methods: The diameter of the CFA was measured in 122 healthy volunteers (59 male, 63
`female; 8 to 81 years of age) with echo-tracking B-mode ultrasound scan. The influence
`of age, sex, height, weight, body surface area (BSA), and systolic blood pressure was ana-
`lyzed by means of a multiple regression model.
`Results: The CFA increased steadily in diameter throughout life. From 25 years onwards,
`the diameter was larger in men than in women. Significant correlations were found
`between the CFA diameter and weight (r = 0.58 and r = 0.57 in male and female sub-
`jects, respectively; P < .0001), height (r = 0.49 and r = 0.54 in male and female subjects,
`respectively; P < .0001), and BSA (r = 0.60 and r = 0.62 in male and female subjects,
`respectively; P < .0001). Age and BSA were used to create a model for prediction of the
`CFA diameter (r = 0.71 and r = 0.77 in male and female subjects, respectively; P <
`Conclusion: The diameter of the CFA increases with age, initially during growth but also
`in adults. This is related to age, body size, and sex—male subjects have larger arteries
`than female subjects. It is now possible to predict the normal CFA diameter, and nomo-
`grams that may be used in the study of aneurysmal disease are presented. (J Vasc Surg
`The common femoral artery (CFA) is, after the
`popliteal artery, the most common peripheral site of
`general dilatation or aneurysmal formation, with a
`frequency of 1/10 of the aorta. Femoral aneurysms
`are often bilateral, and there is a relation between
`aneurysms in the femoral artery and aneurysms in
`other sites of the arterial system. Recently, an
`increasing diameter was found in the abdominal
`aorta and the popliteal artery with age in healthy
`volunteers. Further, the diameter also was shown to
`From the Departments of Surgery (Dr Sandgren), Vascular and
`Renal Diseases (Drs Sonesson and Länne), and Clinical
`Physiology (Dr Ahlgren), Lund University, Malmö University
`This study was supported by the Swedish Medical Research
`Council (no. 12661), the Medical Faculty, Lund University,
`Lund, and the Funds of Malmö University Hospital.
`Reprint requests: Thomas Sandgren, MD, Lund University,
`Department of Surgery, Malmö University Hospital, S-205 02
`Malmö, Sweden.
`Copyright © 1999 by the Society for Vascular Surgery and
`International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, North
`American Chapter.
`0741-5214/99/$8.00 + 0 24/1/95431
`be affected by body size and sex.1-3 Studies regard-
`ing the diameter of the CFA are sparse, without any
`reliable data that concern the factors influencing the
`diameter.4-6 This knowledge, however, is of funda-
`mental importance in the study of aneurysmal dis-
`ease. The aim of this study was first to evaluate the
`size of the CFA in a normal healthy population in
`relation to age, body size, sex, and blood pressure.
`The second aim was to create nomograms concern-
`ing the diameter of the CFA to be able to define a
`pathologic dilatation.
`The investigation was performed on 122 healthy
`male (n = 59) and female (n = 63) white volunteers
`(age range, 8 to 81 years). None had a history of
`cardiopulmonary or renal disease, diabetes, obesity
`(body mass index, >40), or smoking, and none were
`undergoing regular treatment with pharmacologic
`substances. No volunteers had near relatives with
`aneurysmal disease. The ratio between ankle and
`brachial blood pressure was more than 1 in all the
`subjects, which indicated the absence of obliterative
`IPR of Patent No. 6,821,297


`504 Sandgren et al
`March 1999
`Table I. Weight, height, body surface area, systolic blood pressure, and common femoral artery diameter
`in 122 healthy male and female subjects from 8 to 81 years of age
`Age (years) value
`Sex No. diameter(mm) value
`Systolic BP
`(mm Hg) P value
`12.7 ± 2.9
`10.8 ± 2.5
`25.4 ± 3.3
`24.0 ± 3.8
`39.8 ± 5.9
`42.5 ± 4.9
`66.8 ± 7.0
`67.9 ± 8.5
`M 6
`7.8 ± 1.7
`M 10
`6.2 ± 1.2
`9.0 ± 0.8
`M 19
`7.5 ± 0.7
`10.0 ± 1.0
`M 24
`8.2 ± 0.6
`10.4 ± 1.1
`9.2 ± 0.9
`163 ± 23
`140 ± 13
`180 ± 6
`171 ± 4
`179 ± 5
`168 ± 5
`179 ± 6
`165 ± 6
`53 ± 16
`34 ± 11
`83 ± 11
`61 ± 5
`81 ± 11
`67 ± 10
`83 ± 9
`67 ± 13
`1.6 ± 0.4
`1.2 ± 0.2
`2.0 ± 0.1
`1.7 ± 0.1
`2.0 ± 0.1
`1.8 ± 0.1
`2.0 ± 0.1
`1.7 ± 0.2
`115 ± 13
`97 ± 10
`123 ± 12
`110 ± 9
`124 ± 12
`122 ± 13
`142 ± 22
`136 ± 18
`BSA, Body surface area; BP, blood pressure.
`Results are expressed as mean ± SD.
`atherosclerotic lesions in the arteries of the lower
`limb. Weight, height, and blood pressure were
`recorded. Each subject, and the parents of the
`younger subjects, gave informed consent to the
`study. The study was approved by the Ethics
`Committee at Lund University in Sweden.
`The ultrasound scan was performed in the vascu-
`lar laboratory by specially trained ultrasound scan
`technicians with a B-mode real-time ultrasound scan-
`ner (EUB-240, Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan) fitted with a
`5-MHz linear array transducer. The real-time scanner
`was equipped with an electronic phase-locked, echo-
`tracking instrument (Diamove, Teltec AB, Lund,
`Sweden). The advantage of this ultrasound device is
`that the measurement of the diameter can be done in
`a reproducible manner because it is fitted with a pair
`of electronic markers (phase-locked echo-trackers)
`that, when correctly positioned, automatically lock to
`the anterior and posterior inner surface of the vessel
`perpendicular to the longitudinal axis.7,8 If the trans-
`ducer is tilted or the echo of the interface between
`blood stream and inner vessel lumen is indistinct, the
`markers will not lock and no measurement ensues.
`This ensures that the maximum anterioposterior
`diameter at the chosen site is measured with distinct
`definition of the inner luminal surface. This ultra-
`sound technique has a high accuracy and a variability
`in diameter measurements of 5%.9,10
`To sample the vessel diameters obtained, a data
`acquisition system that consisted of a personal com-
`puter (Express, Tokyo, Japan) and a 12-bit analogue
`to digital converter (Analogue Devices, Norwood,
`Mass) was used. After the subject had about 15
`minutes of rest in the supine position, the ultra-
`sound investigation was performed. The measuring
`site was at the inguinal fossa, with the hip joint as a
`landmark. The internal anteroposterior CFA diame-
`ter at the chosen site was measured three times in
`each individual on the same occasion, and the mean
`value was calculated. Arterial blood pressure was
`measured manually in the right upper arm with a
`sphygmomanometer before every measurement of
`the CFA diameter, and the mean value of the three
`blood pressure measurements was calculated.
`The results are expressed as the mean ± SD.
`Correlation was sought between the diameter and
`weight, height, and body surface area (BSA) accord-
`ing to Du Bois´s formula (BSA cm2 = weight0.425kg ·
`height0.725cm · 71.84) with linear regression analysis
`by the method of least squares. To evaluate the influ-
`ence of age, sex, BSA, and systolic blood pressure on
`the femoral artery diameter, a multiple stepwise linear
`regression model was used. Furthermore, body mass
`index was calculated according to the formula
`weight/height2 and compared with BSA in the pre-
`diction of the vessel diameter. Differences between
`age groups and sexes were assessed with the Mann-
`Whitney test at the level of significance P less than
`.05. To evaluate the normal distribution of the data,
`mean and median values were compared. Further, the
`Shapiro-Wilks equation was used. Male and female
`subjects were analyzed separately.
`The mean and median diameters for the CFA
`were 9.8 mm and 9.7 mm in male subjects and 8.2
`mm and 8.2 mm in female subjects (ie, without sig-
`nificant differences). The Shapiro-Wilks formula
`IPR of Patent No. 6,821,297


`Volume 29, Number 3
`Sandgren et al 505
`gave a value of 0.97 in males and 0.98 in females,
`which is close to one, indicating normal distribution.
`Calculations of mean/median for height and weight
`(male subjects, 179/179 cm and 82/81 kg; female
`subjects, 167/167 cm and 66/65 kg) showed
`almost complete equality. For both male and female
`subjects, BSA (male, r = 0.60; female, r = 0.62; P <
`.0001) had a stronger correlation to the CFA diam-
`eter than body mass index (male, r = 0.49; female, r
`= 0.45; P < .01). Weight, height, and, consequently,
`BSA increased with age with no significant differ-
`ences between sexes until termination of growth.
`However, from around the age of 25 years and
`onwards, the male subjects had significantly larger
`BSA than the female subjects (P < .001). There were
`only slight differences in BSA between 25 and 70
`years of age in the studied population. Data for the
`CFA diameter, weight, height, BSA, and blood pres-
`sure in different age groups are compiled in Table I.
`Fig 1 shows that the diameter of the CFA
`increased with age irrespective of sex until the ter-
`mination of growth. In the adults, however, there
`was a further increase in diameter in both sexes with
`significantly larger diameters in male subjects.
`Between the ages of 25 and 67 years, the diameter
`increased 12% and 21% in men and women, respec-
`tively (P < .005, for both).
`Fig 2 shows schematically the age-related
`changes in the CFA diameter and BSA in male sub-
`jects and female subjects. In both sexes, the diame-
`ter of the CFA increased in parallel with BSA during
`growth, and, in adults, despite an almost constant
`BSA, the CFA dilates further.
`The variables correlated to the CFA diameter
`were analyzed with a multiple stepwise linear regres-
`sion model. Here age, height, weight, BSA, and sys-
`tolic blood pressure were included. Male and female
`subjects were analyzed separately. Significant corre-
`lations were found between the CFA diameter and
`weight (r = 0.58 and r = 0.57 in male and female
`subjects, respectively; P < .0001), height (r = 0.49
`and r = 0.54 in male and female subjects, respective-
`ly; P < .0001), BSA (r = 0.60 and r = 0.62 in male
`and female subjects, respectively; P < .0001), and
`systolic blood pressure (r = 0.33 and r = 0.52 in male
`and female subjects, respectively; P <0.005 and P <
`.0001). If systolic blood pressure was adjusted for
`age, the significant correlation disappeared. Age and
`BSA were equally important and showed the
`strongest correlation of the factors influencing the
`CFA diameter in male subjects (r = 0.60). Age was
`most important followed by BSA in female subjects
`(r = 0.73 and r = 0.62, respectively). Age and BSA
`were used in creating a model for prediction of the
`CFA diameter (r = 0.71 and r = 0.77 in male and
`female subjects, respectively; P < .0001).
`Fig 3 shows the predicted mean diameter of CFA
`for male and female subjects, with increasing age and
`BSA, the femoral artery increases in both sexes.
`Tables II and III show nomograms for male and
`female subjects.
`This study shows that the CFA diameter increas-
`es in size with age, not only during growth but also
`significantly in adults. Further, the size is related to
`BSA and sex. With the aid of these parameters, a pre-
`diction of the normal CFA diameter is possible, and
`nomograms are presented that may be used in the
`study of aneurysmal disease.
`The CFA is, after the popliteal artery, the most
`common peripheral site of general dilatation or
`aneurysmal formation, with a frequency of 1/10 of
`the aorta. Femoral artery aneurysms are classified after
`their localization. Forty-four percent are located in the
`CFA (type 1), 56% involve the bifurcation (type 2),
`and less than 1% are located in the profunda or super-
`ficial femoral artery.11-13 About 50% of the aneurysms
`in the femoral artery are associated with aneurysm in
`the abdominal aorta, and about 30% are associated
`with aneurysms in the popliteal artery. Patients with
`abdominal aortic aneurysms have an increased inci-
`dence rate of femoral aneurysms (2% to 7%), and
`femoral aneurysms are predominantly found in elderly
`men and are bilateral in 18% to 72% of the cases.14-18
`One of the basic problems encountered is to know
`the cut-off value between normal and abnormal size
`of the CFA. This makes it impossible to follow the
`advice of the Society of Vascular Surgery and the
`International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery to
`define an aneurysm as a 50% dilatation of a normal
`Thus, it is clear that to evaluate whether a dilata-
`tion is of pathologic value the normal diameter must
`be known. This investigation reveals an increasing
`diameter of the CFA during growth in parallel with
`the increase in body size, and, at termination of
`growth, male sujects have larger diameters than
`female subjects. As in earlier studies on the aorta and
`the popliteal artery, there is a substantial increase in
`diameter after termination of growth in both male
`and female subjects at a time when there are no
`changes in BSA in the studied population (Figs 1
`and 2). The possibility that only a few in the popu-
`lation increase in diameter yet others do not seems
`to be refuted by the normal distribution of the data.
`IPR of Patent No. 6,821,297


`506 Sandgren et al
`March 1999
`Fig 1. Mean diameter of common femoral artery in relation to age in healthy male (———)
`and female (----) subjects.
`CFA, Common femoral artery; BSA, body surface area.
`Table II. Predicted diameter of the common femoral artery in healthy male subjects (mm)
`BSA (m2)
`Age (years)
`(6.7 to 10.1) (6.9 to 10.4) (7.2 to 10.7)
`(6.8 to 10.2) (7.0 to 10.5) (7.3 to 10.9)
`(6.9 to 10.4) (7.1 to 10.7) (7.4 to 11.1)
`(6.9 to 10.5) (7.2 to 10.9) (7.5 to 11.2)
`(7.0 to 10.7) (7.3 to 11.1) (7.6 to 11.4)
`(7.1 to 10.9) (7.4 to 11.2) (7.7 to 11.6)
`(7.2 to 11.1) (7.2 to 11.4) (7.8 to 11.8)
`(7.3 to 11.2) (7.6 to 11.6) (7.9 to 12.0)
`(7.5 to 11.1)
`(7.6 to 11.3)
`(7.7 to 11.4)
`(7.8 to 11.6)
`(7.9 to 11.8)
`(8.0 to 12.0)
`(8.1 to 12.2)
`(8.2 to 12.4)
`(7.8 to 11.5)
`(7.9 to 11.7)
`(8.0 to 11.8)
`(8.1 to 12.0)
`(8.2 to 12.2)
`(8.3 to 12.4)
`(8.4 to 12.6)
`(8.5 to 12.8)
`(8.0 to 11.9)
`(8.2 to 12.1)
`(8.3 to 12.3)
`(8.4 to 12.5)
`(8.5 to 12.6)
`(8.6 to 12.8)
`(8.7 to 13.0)
`(8.8 to 13.2)
`(8.3 to 12.4)
`(8.4 to 12.5)
`(8.6 to 12.7)
`(8.7 to 12.9)
`(8.8 to 13.1)
`(8.9 to 13.3)
`(9.1 to 13.5)
`(9.2 to 13.7)
`(8.6 to 12.8)
`(8.7 to 13.0)
`(8.9 to 13.2)
`(9.0 to 13.4)
`(9.1 to 13.6)
`(9.3 to 13.8)
`(9.4 to 14.0)
`(9.5 to 14.2)
`BSA, Body surface area.
`Data are expressed as mean and range, with a 95% confidence interval.
`IPR of Patent No. 6,821,297


`Volume 29, Number 3
`Sandgren et al 507
`Fig 2. Common femoral artery diameter (———) and body surface area (----) in male (A)
`and female subjects (B). Notice continued increase in diameter from age 25 years and onwards
`in contrast to almost constant body surface area in both male and female subjects.
`CFA, Common femoral artery; BSA, body surface area.
`The diameter increase without a corresponding
`enlargement of body size might indicate that the
`dilatation during adult age is not simply a shear-
`related adaptation of the vessel to increased demands
`of the supplied tissue. Thus, a tentative explanation
`for the dilatation of the femoral artery at adult age is
`that there is a degeneration and subsequent remod-
`eling of the arterial wall.20 One possible factor that
`might influence the dilatation is the distending force
`acting on the arterial wall—the blood pressure. A
`positive correlation between abdominal aortic
`aneurysm expansion rate and blood pressure has
`been shown,21 and it is a well known fact that blood
`pressure increases with age (Table I). In our study,
`we found a correlation between systolic blood pres-
`sure and CFA diameter. However, when multiple
`regression analysis was performed with adjustment
`for age, this relation disappeared.
`IPR of Patent No. 6,821,297


`508 Sandgren et al
`March 1999
`Fig 3. Predicted diameter of common femoral artery in male (A) and female subjects (B).
`Select appropriate curve for age marked on right and follow curve to appropriate body surface
`area on horizontal axis. Predicted diameter is shown on vertical axis.
`CFA, Common femoral artery; BSA, body surface area.
`Earlier studies on the size of CFA are sparse.
`Davies et al,4 in 1977, found no diameter difference
`between young and old individuals, but the investi-
`gated number was small with mixed male and female
`subjects (n = 15). In 1987, Kawasaki et al6 found an
`increasing CFA diameter with age; however, they
`did not separate the sexes. Lewis et al,5 in 1986,
`studied a larger number (79 femoral arteries in 51
`patients) and separated sex but did not relate the
`CFA diameters to age. However, the CFA diameter
`was larger in male than in female subjects (10 mm
`and 7.8 mm, respectively). In other more thorough-
`ly studied arterial regions, such as the abdominal
`aorta, popliteal artery, and the common carotid
`artery, there has been shown a difference in size
`between the sexes, with a larger diameter in male
`IPR of Patent No. 6,821,297


`Volume 29, Number 3
`Sandgren et al 509
`Table III. Predicted diameter of the common femoral artery in healthy female subjects (mm)
`BSA (m2)
`Age (years)
`(6.4 to 9.4)
`(6.2 to 9.1)
`(6.0 to 8.9)
`(6.5 to 9.6)
`(6.3 to 9.3)
`(6.1 to 9.1)
`(6.6 to 9.8)
`(6.4 to 9.5)
`(6.2 to 9.3)
`(6.7 to 10.0)
`(6.5 to 9.7)
`(6.3 to 9.4)
`(6.9 to 10.2)
`(6.7 to 9.9)
`(6.4 to 9.6)
`(6.8 to 10.1) (7.0 to 10.4)
`(6.6 to 9.8)
`(6.7 to 10.0) (6.9 to 10.3) (7.1 to 10.6)
`(6.8 to 10.2) (7.0 to 10.5) (7.2 to 10.8)
`(6.6 to 9.7)
`(6.7 to 9.8)
`(6.8 to 10.0)
`(7.0 to 10.2)
`(7.1 to 10.4)
`(7.2 to 10.7)
`(7.3 to 10.9)
`(7.4 to 11.1)
`(6.8 to 9.9)
`(6.9 to 10.1)
`(7.0 to 10.3)
`(7.2 to 10.5)
`(7.3 to 10.7)
`(7.4 to 11.0)
`(7.6 to 11.2)
`(7.7 to 11.4)
`(7.0 to 10.2)
`(7.1 to 10.4)
`(7.2 to 10.6)
`(7.4 to 10.8)
`(7.5 to 11.1)
`(7.6 to 11.3)
`(7.8 to 11.5)
`(7.9 to 11.7)
`(7.2 to 10.6)
`(7.3 to 10.8)
`(7.4 to 11.0)
`(7.6 to 11.2)
`(7.7 to 11.4)
`(7.9 to 11.6)
`(8.0 to 11.8)
`(8.1 to 12.0)
`(7.4 to 10.9)
`(7.5 to 11.1)
`(7.6 to 11.3)
`(7.8 to 11.5)
`(7.9 to 11.7)
`(8.1 to 12.0)
`(8.2 to 12.2)
`(8.3 to 12.4)
`BSA, Body surface area.
`Data are expressed as mean and range, with a 95% confidence interval.
`subjects than in female subjects, and an increase in
`size with age.22,23 Further, the diameter is also
`affected by body size.1-3 In our study of the CFA
`diameter, we found a correlation to age, sex, and
`BSA in accordance with earlier findings on the
`abdominal aorta1 and the popliteal artery.2 The
`coefficient of correlation between BSA and the CFA
`diameter was lower (r = 0.72) than in the abdominal
`aorta (r = 0.83)1 but higher than in the popliteal
`artery (r = 0.64).2 The reason might be that the
`abdominal aorta provides the blood supply for the
`whole lower half of the body, whereas the CFA only
`provides for the leg, which thus makes the relation
`to the BSA more uncertain. It is possible that the
`correlation would have improved if the size of the
`leg had been used instead. The diameter of the CFA
`increases with age, initially during growth, but also
`in adults. It is now possible to predict the normal
`CFA diameter, if age, sex, and body size are known
`(Fig 3,) and nomograms are presented that may be
`used in the study of aneurysmal arterial disease
`(Tables II and III).
`In conclusion, the diameter of the CFA increas-
`es with age, both during growth and in adults. The
`diameter is related not only to age but also to BSA
`and sex, with male subjects having larger arteries
`than female subjects. It is now possible to predict
`the normal CFA diameter if age, body size, and sex
`are known, and nomograms are presented that may
`be used in the study of aneurysmal disease.
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`eter change and elastic properties in human arteries: a
`methodological study. Clin Physiol 1993;13:631-43.
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`22. Hansen F, Mangell P, Sonesson B, Länne T. Diameter and
`compliance in the human common carotid artery—variations
`with age and sex. Ultrasound Med Biol 1995;21:1-9.
`23. Pedersen OM, Alasken A, Vik-Mo H. Ultrasound measure-
`ment of the luminal diameter of the abdominal aorta and iliac
`arteries in patients without vascular disease. J Vasc Surg
`Submitted Jul 20, 1998; accepted Sep 29, 1998.
`IPR of Patent No. 6,821,297

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